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Automation of Shopping Mall

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Zkas prehmdt jmgfs watk tkm trgosgdtaeo dratmrag ec tkm TKE\\AOB

IGFF. TKE\\AOB IGFFasg pfgdm wkmrm tkm dusteimr deims cer 

 purdkgsaob tkm jgafy usmj atmis goj spmdagf atmis tee. Zkm iejmro Tkeppaob

igff dei`aoms tkm iuftapfm skeps atmis aote g saobfm skep. Zkm gai as te

guteigtm ats mxastaob igougf systmi `y tkm kmfp ec deiputmrazmj mquapimots

goj cuff-cfmjbmj deiputmr sectwgrm cufcaffaob tkmar rmquarmimots se tkgt tkmar 

!gfug`fm jgtg"aocerigtaeo dgo `m stermj cer g feobmr pmraej watk mgsy gddmssaob

goj igoapufgtaeo ec tkm sgim.

#gsadgffy tkm prehmdt jmsdra`ms kew te igogbm sgfm purdkgsm sted$ 

goj `affaob mtd.

%er mgsy goj deo!moamot predmssaob wm ommj te jm!mfep sectwgrm wkadk

wer$s gs pmr eur rmquarmimots.

Guteigtaeo ec skeppaob igff &

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E`hmdtavms ec tkm \rehmdt


Zkm gai as te guteigtm ats mxastaob igougf systmi `y tkm kmfp ec 

deiputmrazmj mquapimots goj cuff-cfmjbmj deiputmr sectwgrm cufcaffaob tkmar 

rmquarmimots se tkgt tkmar !gfug`fm jgtg"aocerigtaeo dgo `m stermj cer g

feobmr pmraej watk mgsy gddmssaob goj igoapufgtaeo ec tkm sgim.

Zkm igao e`hmdtavms `mkaoj tkm jmvmfepimot ec tkas prehmdt grm gs


• Ze igaotgao prejudt rmbastmr.

• Ze igogbm sgfms rmbastmr.

• Ze gddmss aocerigtaeo ec g pgrtadufgr prejudt.

• Ze cgdafatgtm erjmr ig$aob.

• Ze bmomrgtm rgtm fast.

• Ze bmomrgtm rmpert cer igogbmimot.

• Ze igaotgao dusteimr fast

• Ze igaotgao sted$ rmbastmr 

•  Zkm systmi bmomrgtms g oui`mr ec typms ec rmperts tkgt dgo `m tkmo usmj

cer !graeus purpesms.

Guteigtaeo ec skeppaob igff '

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\rehmdt dgtmbery

Zkm prehmdt fams uojmr ()#*T dgtmbery. Gs tkmrm as ommj te sterm

igoapufgtm goj rmtram!m tkm kub gieuot ec jgtg rmfgtmj te mipfeymm

dusteimr prejudt sgfms purdkgsm goj sted$. ()#*T systmi as dgpg`fm ec 

straob goj igoapufgtaob gff tkmsm aocerigtaeo.

Guteigtaeo ec skeppaob igff +

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Aoput te tkm \rehmdt

 Zkm systmi bmomrgtms g prmjmtmriaomj eutput eo kg!aob tkm rmfgtmj aoput .eo

tkm `gsas ec eutput tkm rmquarms aoputs grm tkeubkt .,e systmi dgo prejudm

eutput watkeut kg!aob tkm rmquarm aoput. Zkm Tkeppaob igff Guteigtaeo

Tystmi tg$ms ats !graeus aoputs tkreubk ats otry ceris. Zkm systmi tg$ms

aocerigtaeo g`eut g pgrtadufgr Tuppfamr tkreubk tkm iejufm Gjj ,mw

Tuppfamr goj usms seim ec tkas aocerigtaeo ao moquary goj sgfm iejufm. Zkm

systmi tg$ms aocerigtaeo g`eut tmi tkreubk tkm iejufm ,mw tmi wkadk

$mmps aocerigtaeo g`eut omw tmi. Zkas aocerigtaeo as gfse usmj ao moquary

goj pgyimot stgtmimot. Tystmi tg$ms aocerigtaeo g`eut sted$ goj tkmar

jmtgafs. Zkm systmi gfse bmts tkm jmtgafs ec sted$.

Kmodm tkm igher aoputs te prehmdt grm…

tmi/s jmtgafs

<gyimot/s jmtgafs

)mtgafs ec suppfamrs

Tted$ jmtgafs

<urdkgsm tmis

Guteigtaeo ec skeppaob igff

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Eutput ec tkm \rehmdt

Zkm sectwgrm systmi grm prepesm te bmomrgtm seim spmdacad eutput cer tkm

Tpmdacad erbgoazgtaeo .Zkm systmi Tkeppaob igff Guteigtaeo Tystmi as

jmsabo te smr!m tkm spmdacad purpesm ec Tkeppaob igff. o !graeus iejufms

tkm eutput ec eom iejufm `mdeim aoput te goetkmr iejufm .Zkm eutput as

bmomrgtmj ao tkm ceri tg`ufgr rmpert cer tkm igogbmimot purpesm. Zkm `aff ec 

 pgtamot as bmomrgtmj crei jasdkgrbm iejufm. Goetkmr rmpert as bmomrgtmj

crei tkm sgfm tg`fm. Zkas gfse tg`ufgr rmpert te smm stgtus ec <gyimot pgaj

mipfeymm ao tkm Tkeppaob igff. Goetkmr rmpert as bmomrgtmj crei tkm tg`fm

gfse usm tkm fast !amw cmgturm ec !asugf `gsad te jaspfgy tkm aocerigtaeo

rmfgtmj tg`fm ao g pgrtadufgr iejufm .0ast !amw as g brgpkadgf deotref wkadk

as usmj te prepgbgtmj aocerigtaeo crei g tg`fm jmsarmj qumry crei tkm

jaspfgy tkmi ao tg`ufgr ceri .

Zkm igher eutputs ec prehmdt grm…

Tted$/s moquary

tmi/s moquary

Tgfm/s `aff

Tuppfamr `aff

Tted$ rmpert

Guteigtaeo ec skeppaob igff 4

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< mvmf !"!

Guteigtaeo ec skeppaob igff :





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Guteigtaeo ec skeppaob igff 7D

















#usaomss 3eusm


Tkeppaob #ud$mt







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"eri (mfgtaeoskap

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&mrvadm !mcguft Aigbm































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,ejufm goj !msdraptaeo

)7 ebao ,ejufm


Zkas iejufm as usmj te pre!ajm smduraty te sectwgrm

systmi. Zkas iejufm gddmpts g usmr-aj goj pgsswerj ac tkas as !gfaj tkmo g

usmr dgo feb aote tkm systmi. G usmr cgafs te motmr derrmdt 0ebao aocerigtaeo

dgo oet febbmj aote systmi.

07$mw Atmi 'otry ,ejufm


Zkas iejufm as usmj te cmmj aocerigtaeo g`eut g pgrtadufgr 

atmi. Zkm iejufm dgo gfse upjgtm goj jmfmtm atmi rmderjs tkreubk usmr 

sdrmmo. Zkas as g igstmr motry iejufm wkadk $mmp trgd$ ec gff tkm atmis

wkadk tkm skep kgs.

47Atmi mo:uary ,ejufm


Zkas iejufm as usmj cer dusteimr te smm jmtgafs ec !graeus

g!gafg`fm atmis aote skep. Zkm iejufm pre!ajms smgrdkaob eo tkm `gsas ec 

atmi-typm goj atmi-dejm.

Guteigtaeo ec skeppaob igff 7&

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=7&ted3 ,gstmr ,ejufm

  Zkas iejufm as usmj te upjgtm tkm qugfaty ec g pgrtadufgr 

atmi gt g pgrtadufgr jgtm. tmi qugfaty aodrmgsms ac go atmi as purdkgsmj `y tkm

skep. tmi qugfaty as jmdrmgsms ac go atmi as sefj `y tkm skep.

27\urdkgsm ,ejufm

  Zkas iejufm as usmj te purdkgsm atmis crei suppfamrs. Zkm

iejufm ig$ms motry ec g pgrtadufgr atmi tkgt as purdkgsmj `y skep. Zkm aoput

ec tkas iejufm smr!ms cer tkm purpesm ec rmpert te igogbmimot.

;7&gfm ,ejufm

  Zkas iejufm as usmj te sgfm g pgrtadufgr atmi. Zkas iejufm

 pre!ajms cgdafaty te ig$m erjmr ec atmis goj bmomrgtm `aff. Zkm iejufm

 pre!ajms tkm jmtgafs ec sgfm goj aodeim rmpert bmomrgtaeo. Gctmr sgfm tkm sted$ 

igstmr tg`fm as upjgtmj.

Guteigtaeo ec skeppaob igff 7'

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!gtg &trudturms


Zkas &ectwgrm aodfujms tkm ceffewaob Zg`fms…

7. <rejudt*gstmr  

&. Tted$*gstmr  

'. Tgfm

+. Tuppfamrocerigtaeo

. 8usteimrocerigtaeo

4. <urdkgsm

:. 2pmrgterocerigtaeo

Guteigtaeo ec skeppaob igff 7+

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"amfj7ogim !gtg typm !msdraptaeo

<dejm ,ui`mr <raigry $my

<ogim Lgrdkgr ,gim ec atmi

<*(< ,ui`mr *gr$mt pradm

<urdkgsmprazm ,ui`mr <urdkgsm pradm

<typm Lgrdkgr Zypm ec atmi


"amfj7ogim !gtg typm !msdraptaeo

<rejudtdejm ,ui`mr <raigry 5my

6tyaokgoj ,ui`mr 6ugotaty ao kgoj

1pjgtm ,ui`mr )gtm ec upjgtaob


"amfj7ogim !gtg typm !msdraptaeo

2rjmroe. ,ui`mr 2rjmr-oui`mr  

<rejudtdejm Lgrdkgr tmi dejm

Guteigtaeo ec skeppaob igff 7

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6ugotaty ,ui`mr 6ugotaty sefj

Tpradm ,ui`mr Tefj pradm

Zetgf ,ui`mr Zetgf gieuot

2rjmrjgtm ,ui`mr 2rjmr jgtm


"amfj7ogim !gtg typm !msdraptaeo

Taj ,ui`mr <raigry $my

Togim Lgrdkgr Tuppfamr ogimTgjjrmss Lgrdkgr Tuppfamr gjjrmss

Tdaty Lgrdkgr Tuppfamr daty

<aodejm Lgrdkgr <ao dejm

<keomoe. ,ui`mr <keom oui`mr  

igafaj ,ui`mr m-igaf aj

Guteigtaeo ec skeppaob igff 74

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"amfj7ogim !gtg typm !msdraptaeo

8aj ,ui`mr <raigry $my

8ogim Lgrdkgr 8usteimr ogim

8gjjrmss Lgrdkgr 8usteimr gjjrmss

8daty Lgrdkgr 8usteimrdaty

<aodejm ,ui`mr <ao dejm

<keomoe. ,ui`mr <keom oui`mr  

igafaj Lgrdkgr m-igaf aj

Guteigtaeo ec skeppaob igff 7:

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"amfj7ogim !gtg typm !msdraptaeo

Tmragfoe. ,ui`mr Tmragf oui`mrJ<raigry


Taj ,ui`mr Tuppfamr aj

tmidejm Lgrdkgr tmi dejm

6ty ,ui`mr 6ugotaty<radm ,ui`mr <radm

Zetgf ,ui`mr Zetgf gieuot

<jgtm ,ui`mr <urdkgsm )gtm

Guteigtaeo ec skeppaob igff 7?

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Epmrgter Aocerigtaeo

"amfj7ogim !gtg typm !msdraptaeo

2aj ,ui`mr 2pmrgter aj J<raigry $myM

2)mpt Lgrdkgr 2pmrgter )mpt

2Tgfgry ,ui`mr Tgfgry

2ogim Lgrdkgr 2pmrgter ogim

Ceaojgtm ,ui`mr Ceao )gtm

Guteigtaeo ec skeppaob igff 7@

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\redmss ebad

$mw Atmi 'otry

7M Ttgrt

&M =mt atmi jmtgafs

'M 8eoomdt te jgtg`gsm

+M Lgfajgtm aocerigtaeo

M osmrt jmtgaf aote jgtg`gsm

4M 8fesm deoomdtaeo

:M step

$mw &uppfamr 'otry

7M Ttgrt

&M =mt suppfamr jmtgafs

'M 8eoomdt te jgtg`gsm

+M Lgfajgtm aocerigtaeo

M osmrt jmtgaf aote jgtg`gsm

4M 8fesm deoomdtaeo

:M Ttep

Guteigtaeo ec skeppaob igff &D

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7M Ttgrt

&M =mt purdkgsm prejudt jmtgafs gfeob watk qugotaty pradm.

'M =mt jmtgafs ec suppfamr

'M 8eoomdt te jgtg`gsm

+M Lgfajgtm aocerigtaeo

M osmrt jmtgaf aote purdkgsm tg`fm

4M 1pjgtm sted$ 

:M 1pjgtm suppfamr `gfgodm

?M Ttep


7M Ttgrt

&M =mt erjmr oui`mr 

'M =mt prejudt jmsdraptaeo eom `y eom

+M 8gfdufgtm `aff

M 1pjgtm sted$ 

4M 8effmdt gieuot

:M 1pjgtm sgfm tg`fm

?M <raot dgsk imie

@M Ttep

Guteigtaeo ec skeppaob igff &7

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(mpert +momrgtaeo

Zkm systmi bmomrgtms tkm ceffewaob rmperts…

7M (mpert ec g!gafg`fm sted$.

&M (mpert ec suppfamr pgyimot.

'M (mpert ec sgfm eo g pgrtadufgr jgtm.

+M (mpert ec purdkgsmj atmis.

Guteigtaeo ec skeppaob igff &&

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aiatgtaeos ec tkm \rehmdt

Gftkeubk kg!m put iy `mst mccerts te ig$m tkm sectwgrm cfmxa`fm mgsy te

epmrgtm `ut faiatgtaeos dgooet `m rufmj eut m!mo `y im. Zkeubk tkm sectwgrm

 prmsmots g `regj rgobm ec eptaeos te ats usmrs seim aotradgtm eptaeos deufj

oet `m de!mrmj aote atB pgrtfy `mdgusm ec febastad goj pgrtfy jum te fgd$ ec 

sepkastadgtaeo. <gudaty ec taim wgs gfse igher deostrgaot tkus at wgs oet

 pessa`fm te ig$m tkm sectwgrm ceefpreec goj jyogiad. 0gd$ ec taim gfse

deipmffmj im te aboerm seim pgrt sudk gs steraob efj rmsuft ec tkm dgojajgtm


8eosajmrg`fm mccerts kg!m igjm tkm sectwgrm mgsy te epmrgtm m!mo cer tkm

 pmepfm oet rmfgtmj te tkm camfj ec deiputmrs `ut at as gd$oewfmjbmj tkgt g

fgyigo igy caoj at g `at pre`fmigtad gt tkm carst aostgodm. Zkm usmr as

 pre!ajmj kmfp gt mgdk stmp cer kas deo!moamodm ao wer$aob watk tkm sectwgrm.

Guteigtaeo ec skeppaob igff &'

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Zeefs\fgtceris> gobugbms smj

\fgtceri smj

-A$!E-& 6\

1gd37'oj Zeef

&9 &mrvmr 0<<<

"reot 'oj Zeef

/asugf 1gsad ;?<

(mgseos cer prepesaob tkm g`evm teefs

Gctmr fee$aob tkm g!gafg`fm teefs goj pfgtceri wm gogfyzmj tkgt Lasugf #gsad

4.D goj T60 T(L( &DDD weufj `m g `mttmr eptaeo te jm!mfep tkm

 prepesmj systmi. Gs Lasugf #gsad pre!ajms =1 aotmrcgdm at wgs g `mttmr 

eptaeo gs cgr gs fedgtaeo jmpmojmody mxdmptaeo kgojfaob goj omtwer$ trgccad

wgs deodmromj.

Guteigtaeo ec skeppaob igff &+

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Zkus at wgs mosurmj tkgt tkas prehmdt weufj `m tmdkoadgffy cmgsa`fm ao Lasugf

#gsad 4.D gs %reot oj goj T60 T(L( &DDD gs #gd$ oj pfgtceris.

T60 Tmr!mr pre!ajms go mgsy goj quad$ wgy te jmsabo goj kgojfm jgtg`gsm.

Te T60 Tmr!mr as dkesmo gs `gd$-moj te tkm prehmdt

>aojews K < as dgpg`fm ec ruooaob T60 Tmr!mr &DDD goj pre!ajms

dfamot"smr!mr mo!areoimot.

Kgrjwgrm (m:uarmimots

Zkm deiputmr kg!aob <motaui-+ g`e!m 7 =3z &4 *# ec (G* +D =#

3grj jasd 8efer ieoater 7 aodk )L) wratmr *eusm goj $my`egrj mtd.


Zkas prehmdt as oet cer goy dfamot?

Guteigtaeo ec skeppaob igff &

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"uturm &depm

Zkmrm grm igoy gjjataeogf cmgturms wkadk dgo `m pfgoomj te `m aoderpergtmj

juraob tkm cuturm mokgodmimots ec tkas prehmdt.

Zkm "uturm vmrsaeo ec &ystmi dgo kgojfm tkm gddeuotaob ao &keppaob


Zkm "uturm vmrsaeo dgo `m aiprevmj te prevajm cuodtaeogfaty ec wer3aob

gs ao g bmomrgf purpesm &keppaob igff tee?

Zkm cuturm vmrsaeo dgo ruo evmr omtwer3?