Journal of Automatic Chemistry, Vol. 13, No. 6 (November-December 1991), pp. 289-294 New products Laptop batteries Gates Energy Products has a com- plete range of rechargeable nickel- cadmium batteries for portable computers. The Gates Valumax C system is a standard battery that provides a 25% capacity increase over previous standard products used in the laptop market. This translates into 3 to 4 h of runtime for users. The Valumax system features the proven Gates rechargeable nickel-cadmium technology in a standard C size with 2500 mAh capacity rating. Typical capacities obtained with this new cell in laptop applications have been at 2800 mAh. Graftool. The VALUMAX line also includes other cell sizes of interest to.designers of portable computers. The Valumax Cs (1600) mAh) and the Valumax 4/ 5 Cs (1200 mAh) are smaller and lighter in weight than the C cell, allowing designers to create a more compact and portable battery pack. The Valumax 650 mAh is a good choice for portable printers and other products with lower runtime requirements. Full information from Gates Energy Products, Dukes Court, Duke Street, Wok- ing, Surrey G U21 5BH, UK. Tel.: 0483 740208. Technical graphics program Graftool is an intuitive package, with context-sensitve pop-up prompts, window-like dialogue boxes and simple mouse-button or menu selec- tion. It offers full visual data analysis, so users can manipulate and process information and present it in a var- iety of ways. Unlike most standard graphics software, it has all the capability needed to handle the large and complex data sets generated in scientific and technical applications. It is a fully integrated 2D and 3D package, with a range of .technical graphing functions from bar and pie charts to polar plots, scatter plots, vector plots and 3D surface plots. 3D to 2D data projection, contouring, surface gridding, cross-sectioning, point decomposition and colour mapping are all easily performed. Graftool allows full user control of graph format, including the scaling and positioning of axes, text and annotation, arrows, frames and graphs. It provides zooming and panning at up to 15 orders of magni- tude in dynamic range. Graphs can be rotated and resized, and colour- coded to aid assessment and analysis. Details from Adept Scientific Micro Systems Ltd, 6 Business Centre West, Avenue One, Letchworth, Hertfordshire SG6 2HB, UK. Kjeldahl automation The Kjeltec Auto Sampler System provides a high degree of automation whilst retaining flexibility. Up to 3 x 20 tubes can be loaded in the sampler for walk-away operation, while mul- titasking processors allow simul- taneous analysis and further sample registration or result reporting. User definable programs allow the opera- tor to select the degree of automation. For instance, sample weights can be entered directly from a balance, manually via the keyboard or run at constant weight. The sampler allows up to 4 h of unattended operation, but also ac- commodates express samples. 289

Automatic New productsdownloads.hindawi.com/journals/jamc/1991/282385.pdf · 2019-08-01 · replicating tool produces high density blots for DNAscreening. It precisely positions up

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Page 1: Automatic New productsdownloads.hindawi.com/journals/jamc/1991/282385.pdf · 2019-08-01 · replicating tool produces high density blots for DNAscreening. It precisely positions up

Journal of Automatic Chemistry, Vol. 13, No. 6 (November-December 1991), pp. 289-294

New products

Laptop batteries

Gates Energy Products has a com-plete range of rechargeable nickel-cadmium batteries for portablecomputers. The Gates Valumax Csystem is a standard battery thatprovides a 25% capacity increaseover previous standard productsused in the laptop market. Thistranslates into 3 to 4 h of runtime forusers. The Valumax system featuresthe proven Gates rechargeablenickel-cadmium technology in astandard C size with 2500 mAhcapacity rating. Typical capacitiesobtained with this new cell in laptopapplications have been at 2800 mAh.


The VALUMAX line also includesother cell sizes ofinterest to.designersof portable computers. The ValumaxCs (1600) mAh) and the Valumax 4/5 Cs (1200 mAh) are smaller andlighter in weight than the C cell,allowing designers to create a morecompact and portable battery pack.The Valumax 650 mAh is a goodchoice for portable printers and otherproducts with lower runtimerequirements.

Full information from Gates EnergyProducts, Dukes Court, Duke Street, Wok-ing, Surrey GU21 5BH, UK. Tel.: 0483740208.

Technical graphics programGraftool is an intuitive package, withcontext-sensitve pop-up prompts,window-like dialogue boxes andsimple mouse-button or menu selec-tion. It offers full visual data analysis,so users can manipulate and processinformation and present it in a var-

iety of ways. Unlike most standardgraphics software, it has all thecapability needed to handle the largeand complex data sets generated inscientific and technical applications.It is a fully integrated 2D and 3Dpackage, with a range of .technicalgraphing functions from bar and piecharts to polar plots, scatter plots,vector plots and 3D surface plots. 3Dto 2D data projection, contouring,surface gridding, cross-sectioning,point decomposition and colourmapping are all easily performed.

Graftool allows full user control ofgraph format, including the scalingand positioning of axes, text andannotation, arrows, frames andgraphs. It provides zooming andpanning at up to 15 orders of magni-tude in dynamic range. Graphs canbe rotated and resized, and colour-coded to aid assessment and analysis.

Details from Adept Scientific MicroSystems Ltd, 6 Business Centre West,Avenue One, Letchworth, HertfordshireSG6 2HB, UK.

Kjeldahl automation

The Kjeltec Auto Sampler Systemprovides a high degree of automationwhilst retaining flexibility. Up to 3 x20 tubes can be loaded in the samplerfor walk-away operation, while mul-titasking processors allow simul-taneous analysis and further sampleregistration or result reporting. Userdefinable programs allow the opera-tor to select the degree ofautomation.For instance, sample weights can beentered directly from a balance,manually via the keyboard or run atconstant weight.

The sampler allows up to 4 h ofunattended operation, but also ac-commodates express samples.


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New products

unit amenable to remote operation inany environment.

The units are normally suppliedready for use on either 110 V AC 60Hz or 220-240 V AC 50 Hz, butOEM versions can also be suppliedwithout an outer case and/or powersupply, and with motor driven rotaryvalve or solenoid operated valve.

Details from Hook and Tucker Instru-ments, Vulcan Way, New Addington,Croydon CRO 9UG, UK. Tel.: 0689843345.

Zymark has developed a dual workstation approach to automating tablet assay and contentuniformity samples. The Tablet Processing Workstation, a general-purpose weighing andtablet dissolving workstation, automates the front end’ of the tablet assay and contentuniformity procedure. This is complemented by the BenchMate Workstation which wraps upthe ’back end’ of the procedure by completely automating sample filtration, dilution, andautosampling into a UV/ Vis spectrophotometer or HPLC. The unique approach providesflexibility and the ability to handle multiple products and doses back-to-back within a singleunattended run. Details from Sharon Correia, Zymark Corporation, Zymark Center,Hopkinton, Massachusetts 01748, USA.

Remote PC control options anddump program assures flexible con-nection to LIMS-systems.

Detailsfrom Tecator AB, Box 70, 263 21Hifgana’s, Sweden. Tel.: 46 36 15 00.

Diluter/dispenser familyHook and Tucker have introducednew liquid diluter/dispensers andcan now offer models to cater for allliquid handling procedures. Firstly,there is the Compudil DR- a twin-syringe diluter/dispenser of similarspecifications to the original ModelD, but with the additional benefit ofan RS232 interface for total computerhandling applications, in addition tofootswitch or handset operation atthe laboratory bench.

With both the D and the DR version,there are 10 different syringes avail-able to enable dispensing of anysample volume from 2-5000tl, andany diluent volume between 50 gland 25 gl. Three interchangeablevalue blocks cover all options ofsyringe or tubing sizes.

Dispensing accuracy and precisionare excellent. Actual volumes de-livered are within 0’5% of desired


volumes and typical performancegives CV better than 0" 1%.

Volume selection is by a four-digitthumbwheel switch. Sample volumescan be selected in 1 steps, whilstdiluent volumes are in 10 xl steps;and there are nine different operationspeeds. Alternatively with the DR, analmost infinite range of operatingprocedures can be programmed via aPC.

The budget-priced Compudil DS is asingle syringe version of the Compu-dil D with a similar technical specifi-cation and operating features. Itoffers dilution ratios of up to 250.

Lastly, and intended for routinelaboratory situations which requireaccurate and precise liquid handlingon-line, there is the new CompudilSR. This is a compact, single syringeinstrument that is supplied with achoice of nine interchangeablesyringes between 50 gl and 25 tl togive a wide choice of volumes andrations. It is driven by either a simpleset ofcommands, via a RS232C seriallink, or one of nine user-definedprograms. Coupled with its inertfluid lines, these features make the


The 0"25 m Czerny-Turner Mono-chromator is now available as aseparate item for general appli-cations. The optical design is basedon a 0"25 m Czerny-Turner Mono-chromator with a 1200 per mmgrating blazed at 300 nm; giving a

reciprocal dispersion of 3 nm/mm.

Wavelength selection is by means ofstepper motor scanning system,which can be controlled eitherthrough a keypad with digital indica-tion of wavelength, or through anIBM PC compatible computer, inwhich case the wavelength is shownon the computer screen. The mono-chromator housing is designed toaccommodate a photomultiplier,thereby minimising stray light prob-lems. The spectral range of thesystem is 186-930 nm and the aper-ture is fl 0.

Six slit positions between 0’025 mmand 1’0 mm are provided. The slitmechanism is driven by a secondstepping motor.

The Monochromator housing isprovided with nitrogen purge facili-ties to maximize operation in theultra-violet region.

More information from ChemTech Ana-lytical, 4 Railton Road, Wolseley BusinessPark, Kempston, Bedford MK42 7PN,UK. Tel.: 0234 843377.

DNA screeningBeckman’s HDR (High Density Rep-licating) system performs multipletransfer of 96 clones, genomic DNA,or amplified samples from 96-wellplates to blotting membranes.

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New products

The Kjeltec Auto Sampler System which handles up to 180 samples

Enhancing the applications of theBeckman Biomek 1000 to become a

highly versatile DNA workstation,the high density grid saves both timeand reagent cost when screeninglarge volumes of DNA samples, andidentifies the positive samples moreefficiently than can be achieved bymanual methods.

Utilizing stainless steel pins, thereplicating tool produces highdensity blots for DNA screening. Itprecisely positions up to 1536samples on a 7 11 cm membrane inapproximately 30 min. Automatedcleaning and sterilization of the tool

between each transfer is included inthis time cycle. As many as 96samples per plate, up to 3456samples using 36 plates, can be easilytransferred.

The system is easily installed, andincludes the HDR Tool with 0"015 in(0"381 ram) tip pins, bleach reser-voir, water/ethanol reservoirmodule, fan unit and operatingsystem. Pin kits are available withthe 0"015 in tips or with 0’060 in(1’524 ram) tips in quantities of 100.

Details from Beckman, Progress Road,Sands Industrial Estate, High Wycombe,Buckinghamshire, UK. Tel.: 0494441181.

Oxidative stability of fats and oils

The Metrohm 679 Rancimat willoxidize in air, at elevated tempera-tures, samples of edible oils or fats. Aconductivity measuring cell is usedfor the continuous detection of thevolatile carboxylic acids liberated.The 679 then prints out the experi-mental curves continuously, on up tosix samples at a time, using theinbuilt printer.

The Rancimat has a temperaturerange from 50 to 220 C, allowing thedetermination of both sensitive andvery stable oils.

In comparison with the traditionalAOM test, the Rancimat methodoffers considerable savings in time.The AOM test also calls for periodicsampling and titrations which alsooften require sample treatment and isexpensive.

Applications of the Rancimat are notonly restricted to the rancidity ofedible oils, but also to the processedand confectionery food industries, forexample baby food, chocolate, icecream etc.

For further information contact V. A.Howe & Co. Ltd. Tel." 0295 252 666,

Weighing and processingStevens Advanced WeighingSystems has restructured to concen-trate on its business in the chemical/pharmaceutical and allied industries.Stevens Chemical Division has beencreated to allow a closer partnershipbetween the Company and its cus-tomers because of the special needs ofthe chemical sector for systems cap-able of operation in aggressiveenvironments and hazardous areas.Working within this new structure,the company believes it can help toreduce waste, increase efficiency,yield and quality at every stage ofprocessing, from raw materials topackaged product.

A brochure explaining the changes isavailable from Bryan Wall, MarketingServices Manager, Stevens AdvancedWeighing Systems Ltd., Oak IndustrialPark, Chelmsford Road, Dunmow, EssexCM6 1XN, UK.

Mass spectrometerThe Sciex (R) Model API III, fromPerkin-Elmer, is a triple quadrupole


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New products

permits ions to be selected by the firstmass analyser, fragmented in thecollison cell and the pieces analysedby the second mass analyser.

The instrument is not limited to LC/MS or LC/MS/MS techniques, as

liquid or dissolved samples can beintroduced by a simple infusionpump, by flow injection analysis, or

by capillary zone electrophoresis(CZE.)

For further information contact Perkin-Elmer, Maxwell Road, Beaconsfield,Buckinghamshire HP9 1Q,A, UK. Tel.:0494 676161.

Rotor carrier for round-bottomtubes

Beckman Bulletin DS-787 describesa new 4 x 50 ml general-purposecarrier for the JS-7.5 swinging bucketcentrifuge rotor for use in the Beck-man J2-21 and J6 Series. The newcarrier requires no adapters andincreases productivity of the JS-7.5by accommodating sixteen 50-mlround-bottom sample tubes.

The bulletin includes a photographof the rotor with the new carriersinstalled, providing users with a totalrotor capacity of 800 ml. Alsoprovided are a table of performancespecifications and part numbers,simplifying product evaluation andorder placement.

Negretti Automation Ltd (manufacturer of the 2 personal air-sampler above), based inAylesbury, and OEH Scientific Ltd, based in Birmingham, havejoinedforces to provide a

full air-sampling service. Companies having to undertake regular monitoring to comply withhealth and safety legislation, such as COSHH, will now be able to use thewide range ofairsamplers for dusts, fumes and gases supplied by Negretti Automation and have analyticalwork carried out on samples by OEH Scientific. More detailsfrom OEH Scientific, AstonScience Park, Love Lane, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B7 4B21 UK. Tel.: 021 359 5361.

mass spectometer linked to a liquidchromatograph tbr separation. Ionsare created at atmospheric pressure,rather than inside the vacuumsystem, with little or no heating- a

technique known as AtmosphericPressure Ionization and applicable topolar, thermally labile molecules.

The ions produced are transferred tothe mass spectrometer, which ismaintained under high vacuum, bymeans of a specially-designed inter-

face. This permits the ions to pass,while excluding the bulk of thesample and avoids the need to pumplarge volumes of solvent.

The technique is particularly appro-priate to the analysis of pharma-ceutical products, surfactants andfine chemicals.

The API III incorporates two massanalysers with a collision cellbetween them. This arrangement

Reader enquiries to L. Croft, BeckmanInstruments, Inc., 1050 Page Mill Rd.,Palo Alto, California 94303-0803, USA.

RegulationTwo new data sheets from PhilipsAnalytical highlight instrumentationdesigned for Good Laboratory Prac-tice (GLP) compliance, together withthe broader issue of quality andaccreditation standards.

’The PU8730 Series UV/visible spec-trometer in the GLP environment’identifies features of the PU8730which will help laboratoriesespecially in pharmaceutical andallied industries to comply withGLP. Regulatory procedures areplaying an increasingly importantrole in the analytical laboratory, withGLP ensuring that laboratory work isplanned, performed, monitored,recorded and reported so that the


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integrity and validity of results isassured.

’Quality and accreditationstandards: a comparative review’assesses GLP against ISO 9000 (UKdesignation BS 5750) and NAMAS(National Measurement Accred-itation Service) for quality systemsand analytical data.

Analytical instrument manufacturersand testing facilites are increasinglyaware of the importance of recog-nized European accreditation inpreparation for the Single Market-Philips Analytical’s registration toISO 9001 (BS 5750 Part 1) parallelsthis process, encoding companyquality which is traceable to aninternationally recognised standard.


Application Black BoxProgram Semper

Framestore Camera

The Black Box Semper is a self-contained image processing system with simplecommunication handles to the outside world and is an innovation for the image processingOEM. Targeted at third party software developers, Black Box Semper provides asophisticated image processing server and multi-tasking system for a client application. Itoffers a complete development environment in which the image processing functions areindependent of the final product, allowing the developer to focus on his own application.As a first release, Black Box Semper is available on a PC running Windows 3.0 and willultimately be hardware independent, allowingfreedom ofchoice over host computer, displaydevice, framestore and camera. Thisjqexibility extends to the unlimited choice ofgraphicaluser interface which is used with the developers’ software, so that Black Box Semper remainshiddenfrom the user. An example graphical interface is provided by Synoptics on Windows3.0. The schematic illustration is ofa Black Box Semper; the second diagram is identical tothe first, but is superimposed against a text pattern.At the application program level, this product provides an idealprogramming and algorithmdevelopment environment. The communication protocol is established by the black box so thatthe developer can access its image processing functionality using simple ’C’ subroutines.Programs written in Semper can be accessed through control messages sent as ASCII strings.Black Box Semper runs the program andproduces a result which is then sent back to the hostprogram thus eliminating the need to write volumes of code in a low-level language.Details from Synoptics Ltd, 271 Cambridge Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge,CB4 4WE, UK. Tel.: 0223 423223.

More information from Paul Carter,Philips Analytical, York Street, Cam-bridge CB1 2PX, UK. Tel.: 0223358866.

Particle size

INSITEC’S EPCS particle analyserfits directly into the process streamvia flange connection (pipes 6 in orlarger). This rugged, real-time,instrument provides 100% represen-tational data for total quality controland product monitoring. Remoteoperation increases safety andreduces risk of product contamina-tion. This system measures size(general range to 1000 microns)and concentration (up to 1000 gm/m) ofirregular or spherically shapedpowders. It can operate at velocitiesfrom zero to supersonic. If particlesare within this size range and arepneumatically conveyed they cannow be measured in situ. A probeversion of this system has beendesigned for use as a source monitorfor stack emissions. Software recordsdata at user established intervals forquality verification and analysis.

Details from Janice Persons, INSITEC,Inc., 2110 Omega Road, Suite D, SanRamon, California 94583, USA. Tel.:415 837 1330.

Chromatography managerA colour brochure describes AxxiomChromatography’s PYRAMIDChromatography Manager, a user-configurable data acquisition and


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New products

Optical Activity Ltd’s new programmablePolarimeter: the PolAAr 21. The PolAAr21 offers built-in programming, sixmeasurement scales, wide operating rangeand interfaces to automatic data collectionsystems. Thesefeatures make it suitableforeither analytical or continuous processmonitoring work. Details from OpticalActivity Ltd, Bury Road Industiral Estate,Ramsey, Cambridgeshire PE17 1NA.Tel.: 0487 813913.

analysis system. The brochure listsPYRAMID’s features, includinggraphic programming and file edit-ing, full configurability of all displaysand reports, and direct control ofHPLC and GC instruments frommost manufacturers. It also listscomputer requirements for installingand running this PC-based,Windows 3.0 system. Both versionsof PYRAMID, for managing eitherone or two chromatographs, arereviewed. A brief section concerning

PYRAMID’s GLP Mode operationexplains features which provide total,automatic GLP/GMP compliance.

Copies from Axxiom Chromatography,Inc. 11988 Challenger Court, Moorpark,California 93021-7122, USA. Tel.: 805523 8888.

Flow-injection analyserBurkard Scientific have recentlylaunched a flexible system flow-injec-tion analyser. The FIA-FLO is anautomatic single or dual valve systemwhich provides total flexibility to theuser. It is recommended for use insuch areas as monitoring sea andriver water pollution, including testsfor aluminium, chemical or processplant monitoring; food processingand manufacture; pharmaceuticalquality control; and research.

The FIA-FLO includes a CFI-X orCFX-2 and CF1-UV ultra-violetdetector. The sample changer isavailable with a 40-place capacity orserpentine with up to 300 samplecups. An X-Y sampler option is alsooffered.

A data analyser is also availablewhich includes a 40 MByte hard diskand high resolution colour monitor,

and single or dual channel recorder.Features available include auto start-up and closedown. Results can bepresented in a variety of modes andcan be fed to spreadsheet or databasemanagement software.

More information from Mr B. G. Will,Burkard Scientific (Sales) Ltd, P.O. Box55, Trading Estate, Eskdale Road,Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 2RT, UK.Tel.: 0895 300056

DyeingThe Metrohm 665 Dosimat checksdye deliveries against a standard forcolour and strength, and the prep-aration of formulations for colours tobe produced by the bulk, dyeingprocess must be performed with a

high level of accuracy andreproducibility.

The 665 Dosimat offers a high degreeof accuracy, and a high speed ofoperation at a relatively low cost; inaddition, it requires little space andcan be placed in a laminar flowcabinet (COSHH requirements).The exchange unit system ensureseasy change of solvent/water supply.

For further information contact V. A.Howe & Co. Ltd, Beaumont Close,Banbury, Oxfordshire 0X16 7RG, UK.Tel.: 0295 252666.


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