A response to Dear Pro-Vaxxer; this is what I want you to know. This is a response to Dear Pro-Vaxxer;this is what I want you to know . Okay, I have no problem with hearing you out. After all, if I know only my own case then I know little of that. I must be able to hear arguments from the other side from people who believe them in order to have any grounds for preferring either position. I don’t think you’re crazy or uneducated. You can have half a point for stupidity because I think you’re ignorant on this subject. But here’s the thing; there’s loads of subjects where I’m the ignorant one. Ignorance is an entirely natural default human state and one that is entirely fixable. I think you’re irrational but that’s not the same thing as crazy. I think you’re unreasonable but again, that’s not the same as crazy either. And no, I don’t think questioning vaccine safety is akin to believing in conspiracy theories. Why exactly should I have reservations about the CDC vaccine schedule? It can’t be too many, too soon. And actually, no, if you have reservations, ask your doctor. There’s nothing wrong with asking questions, the problem is when you throw a tantrum because you don’t like the answer.

autisticagainstantivaxxers.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewA response to Dear Pro-Vaxxer; this is what I want you to know.This is a response to Dear Pro-Vaxxer;this is what I want

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A response to Dear Pro-Vaxxer; this is what I want you to know.

This is a response to Dear Pro-Vaxxer;this is what I want you to know.

Okay, I have no problem with hearing you out. After all, if I know only my own case then I

know little of that. I must be able to hear arguments from the other side from people who

believe them in order to have any grounds for preferring either position.

I don’t think you’re crazy or uneducated. You can have half a point for stupidity because I

think you’re ignorant on this subject. But here’s the thing; there’s loads of subjects where

I’m the ignorant one. Ignorance is an entirely natural default human state and one that is

entirely fixable. I think you’re irrational but that’s not the same thing as crazy. I think

you’re unreasonable but again, that’s not the same as crazy either.

And no, I don’t think questioning vaccine safety is akin to believing in conspiracy theories.

“ I know you are angered to think that there are people putting children in harm’s way because of the increasing rate of vaccine refusal.”

Well, it’s not like this is equal in terms of evidence, is it?

Why exactly should I have reservations about the CDC vaccine schedule?   It can’t be too many, too soon.   And actually, no, if you have reservations, ask your doctor. There’s nothing wrong with asking questions, the problem is when you throw a tantrum because you don’t like the answer.

“I understand that.”

Well, no, that’s the thing. You understand only your own case and therefore you understand little of that. John Stuart Mill, would you like to say a few words?

“I know you believe in the benevolence and good will of those in the medical profession. I know you believe that the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risk of harm. I know you believe that vaccines save lives, and that with them we have eradicated horrible diseases and made the world a safer place, for everyone.”

Not quite my position. This is based on evidence and not mere belief. As for the benevolence and good will of those in the medical profession….as a resident of one of the green countries; I don’t need to believe that.

As a resident of one of the green countries; all I need to know is that it would be an extraordinarily dumb economic policy to firstly pay to buy vaccines from corrupt pharmaceutical companies and then pay to distribute them and then pay again to fix their population’s health issues. All I need to believe is that medical professionals aren’t too dumb to realise that this would be an utterly stupid waste of time and resources and that they’re smart enough to act accordingly.

I don’t know; nobody’s challenged them yet; just made a bunch of bare assertions. But here’s the thing; I often beg for evidence and never get any. Or….I get nonsense like chronic vs acute failures. Or….the study actually ends by disagreeing with the person who cited it in support of their position.

“I get it. No really, I do.”

You don’t get it. No really, you don’t.

As for your daily research, perhaps you would care to explain this?

Can you please show me the evidence for the causative link to the neurodevelopmental issues and cognitive delays and the allergies and autoimmune issues? I am sure that you of all people are not foolish enough to fall for a post hoc ergo propter hoc logical fallacy.

So since you have dug and found it and want us all to hear you out, you will do us the courtesy of letting us know where it can be found….right…..right….right? I do hope so. I doubt that you will but … well…you asked me to hear you out so I can give you the benefit of the doubt until I reach the end of this letter. What do I need to search for?

Instead of reminding you that the dose makes the poison…I will simply ask you three questions: 1)At what dose are the substances in vaccines toxic and 2)What are the dosages of the substances in the vaccines themselves and 3)Which number is bigger?

Can you please show me this unbiased research? I will point out this particular study at this point. Also, can you give me some parameters on how to tell whether or not a study is unbiased? What was your child’s vaccine injury and how did you establish a causative link between the injury and the vaccine? What is the VAERs Number? How did your case fare in the NVICP?

“What I am hoping for is that you might just heed our warning and make an effort to dive deep into the research on this subject.”

What you are hoping for is that I will back up your claims that you made yourself even though another of your claims it that one needs to know what to look for.

That sounds an awful lot like you admitting that you can’t meet your burden of proof and you want me to do it for you even though you claim I can’t because I don’t know what to look for. Still, I’m writing this blind so maybe you will have some citations at the end or something?

“What if doctors never actually learn about vaccines, their ingredients, or adverse events in medical school?”

That doesn’t actually stop me from learning about vaccines, their ingredients or adverse

events. By the way, I know the difference between adverse events and adverse reactions; do


“What if the medical textbooks are written with an enormous amount of funding from the pharmaceutical industry? What if the CDC owns patents on vaccines? What if the pharmaceutical industry is corrupt and funds studies which conveniently stop monitoring test subjects before adverse effects begin to manifest? What if vaccines contain toxic substances at levels which can cause chronic illness when children are repeatedly injected with them? What if we are trading temporary illness for the development of autoimmune and neurological disease later in life? What if the threat and danger of these “preventable” diseases has been inflated to push more vaccines? What if these vaccines are not even truly effective as we have been led to believe and we will always need more booster shots to try to make up for that fact? What if there is evidence for all of the above, you just haven’t seen it yet?”

1)Do you have evidence for this claim about medical textbooks? Be sure to account for other countries in your answer.2)They do have patents on vaccine components; this is to stop any random shmuck from getting a hold of say the polio virus for funsies - it’s an ordinary precaution to prevent some light dabbling in bioterroism for shits and giggles. Be sure to account for other countries in your response.3)As for the pharmaceutical industry being corrupt? Look, nobody trusts Pharma companies any farther than they can throw them; that’s why they’re regulated up the wazoo to keep them broadly in line. Though as for conveniently stopped just before….what do you think post-marketing survelliance is for? That is precisely one of the issues it could catch. But…I think other countries might notice – particularly the green countries I mentioned earlier.4)As for toxic substances at levels in vaccines then show me evidence. And you can explain what the hell the green countries are playing at while you’re about it.

5)I’d like to see the evidence for this threat and danger being overinflated6)Come on now; surely you know that claims (even in question-format) are worthless without evidence.7)I’ve been begging to see this evidence for more than five bloody years. I think I would have seen it by now. But maybe…you will be the one to succeed where everyone else has failed in 5 years, 4 months and 19 days. That is, after all, why I’m hearing you out.

Here’s the thing; being open-minded is merely the willingness to consider evidnce; it’s not the willingness to accept claims without any. And as soon as you provide me some evidence or at least tell me what to look for, I will consider it. But until you can do that, you aren’t merely asking me to be open-minded but rather, you are asking me to open my mind so wide that my brain falls out.

But…maybe I’m wrong and you’ve just forgotten to post the evidence. Consider this a reminder to that effect.