Australian Pain Society 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting Prof Allan Basbaum is Chair of Anatomy at the University of California, San Francisco. He has published 300+ papers on his research into the transmission and control of pain messages and molecular mechanisms underlying persist- ent pain onset after tissue or nerve injury. Dr Basbaum is Editor-in-Chief of Pain, the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) Journal. Prof Celeste Johnston from McGill University, Montreal, Canada, specialises in researching infant pain and has published 100+ articles and contributed to 12+ book chapters. She won the 2007 Canadian Pain Society Distinguished Career Award, is a member the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) Council and served as President of the Canadian Pain Society 2000 - 2003. Dr Nadine Attal heads the Clinical Pain Center at Ambroise Pare Hospital, Boulogne France. Her research focuses on neuropathic pain and she is a member of the U 987 INSERM Pain Research Unit. (dir D.Bouhassira) Dr Attal has authored 75+ journal articles, 50+ book chapters and belongs to the Society for Neuro- science, the IASP, American Pain Society, French Society on Pain and French Society of Neurology. Integrated Perspectives of Pain: People, Policies, Science, Education Topical Sessions 1 Aug 2011 Free Papers and Posters 31 Oct 2011 Early Bird Registration 1 Feb 2012 1-4 April 2012 Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Vic, Australia For Sponsorship and Exhibition opportunities, please contact the Conference Secretariat The Preliminary Program is available online at www.dcconferences.com.au/aps2012 Expressions of Interest online at www.apsoc.org.au or www.dcconferences.com.au/aps2012 or for more information contact the APS Secretariat: DC Conferences Pty Ltd P 61 2 9954 4400 | F 61 2 9954 0666 | E [email protected] CONTACT INFORMATION SUBMISSION DEADLINES Neuropathic Pain Paediatric Pain, including Neonatal Pain Measurement in Multidisciplinary Pain Management Opioid Benefits & Risks Pain Issues at the End of Life Emerging Issues in Neurology Education in Pain Pain Collaborations, Coalitions and Beyond Physiology of Physiotherapy Motivational Interviewing in Pain Practice Information Technology and Pain Management TOPICS TO BE COVERED INTERNATIONAL KEYNOTE SPEAKERS

Australian Pain Society - DC Conferences · P 61 2 9954 4400 | F 61 2 9954 0666 | E [email protected] CONTACT! INFORMATION S U B M I S S I O N D E A D L I N E S! Neuropathic

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Page 1: Australian Pain Society - DC Conferences · P 61 2 9954 4400 | F 61 2 9954 0666 | E aps2012@dcconferences.com.au CONTACT! INFORMATION S U B M I S S I O N D E A D L I N E S! Neuropathic

Australian Pain Society 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting

Prof Allan Basbaumis Chair of Anatomy at the University of California, SanFrancisco. He has published300+ papers on his research intothe transmission and control ofpain messages and molecularmechanisms underlying persist-ent pain onset after tissue ornerve injury. Dr Basbaum is Editor-in-Chief of Pain, the International Association for theStudy of Pain (IASP) Journal.

Prof Celeste Johnstonfrom McGill University, Montreal,Canada, specialises in researchinginfant pain and has published100+ articles and contributedto 12+ book chapters. She wonthe 2007 Canadian Pain SocietyDistinguished Career Award, isa member the International Association for the Study ofPain (IASP) Council and servedas President of the CanadianPain Society 2000 - 2003.

Dr Nadine Attalheads the Clinical Pain Center atAmbroise Pare Hospital, BoulogneFrance. Her research focuses onneuropathic pain and she is amember of the U 987 INSERM PainResearch Unit. (dir D.Bouhassira)Dr Attal has authored 75+ journalarticles, 50+ book chapters andbelongs to the Society for Neuro-science, the IASP, American PainSociety, French Society on Painand French Society of Neurology.

Integrated Perspectives of Pain: People, Policies, Science, Education

Topical Sessions

1 Aug 2011

Free Papers and Posters

31 Oct 2011

Early Bird Registration

1 Feb 2012

1-4 April 2012 Melbourne

Convention and

Exhibition Centre,

Vic, Australia

For Sponsorship and Exhibition opportunities, please contact the Conference Secretariat

The Preliminary Program is available online at www.dcconferences.com.au/aps2012

Expressions of Interest online at www.apsoc.org.au or www.dcconferences.com.au/aps2012

or for more information contact the APS Secretariat: DC Conferences Pty Ltd

P 61 2 9954 4400 | F 61 2 9954 0666 | E [email protected]











! Neuropathic Pain

! Paediatric Pain,including Neonatal Pain

! Measurement in Multidisciplinary Pain Management

! Opioid Benefits & Risks

! Pain Issues at the End of Life

! Emerging Issues in Neurology

! Education in Pain

! Pain Collaborations, Coalitions and Beyond

! Physiology of Physiotherapy

! Motivational Interviewing in Pain Practice

! Information Technology and Pain Management