Auschwitz By Kim Conners and Cari Codino Shoes that were taken off the dead body’s Bunks were prisoners slept http://z.about.com/d/history1900s/ 1/0/-/B/auschwitz19.jpg http://www.annefrankguide.com/en- GB/content/gevangenen- auschwitz.jpg

Auschwitz By Kim Conners and Cari Codino Shoes that were taken off the dead body’s Bunks were prisoners slept /B/auschwitz19.jpg

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Page 1: Auschwitz By Kim Conners and Cari Codino Shoes that were taken off the dead body’s Bunks were prisoners slept  /B/auschwitz19.jpg


By Kim Conners and Cari Codino

Shoes that were taken off the dead body’s

Bunks were prisoners slept



Page 2: Auschwitz By Kim Conners and Cari Codino Shoes that were taken off the dead body’s Bunks were prisoners slept  /B/auschwitz19.jpg

When, Where, Who

• March 1942, trains carried Jews by the thousands

• Oswiecim, Poland

• SS officers also known as Nazis

• Jews, Poles, Soviet prisoners, Jehovah Witnesses, homosexuals, Sinti Roma, later the gypsies


Page 3: Auschwitz By Kim Conners and Cari Codino Shoes that were taken off the dead body’s Bunks were prisoners slept  /B/auschwitz19.jpg

What Happened?

• Between 1.3 and 1.5 million people murdered in gas chambers

• Over 90% were Jews

• Other 10% were made up of Poles, Soviet prisoners of war, Sinti Roma, Jehovah Witnesses, homosexuals and others


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• Split up into three major complexes

• Auschwitz I, main Camp or Stammlager

• Auschwitz II, or Brikenau

• Established on October 8, 1941

• Was the extermination complex

• Auschwitz III, or Monowitz, established on May 31, 1942 as a work camp


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• Camp population 10,900

• Developed reputation- torture and mass shooting

• February 1943 section was established for Gypsies

• Capacity of Crematoria was 4,420 people


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• Mass graves at Auschwitz

• Prisoners at forced labor in the Siemens factory. Auschwitz camp, Poland, 1940-1944.



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Prisoners at Auschwitz

• A picture taken just after the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau by the Soviet army in January 1945, shows a group of children wearing concentration camp uniforms behind barbed wire fencing at the camp.


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“Holocaust Survivors and Remembrance project.”Web.3 Dec 2009.

<http://isurvived .org/AUSCHWITZ Thecamp.html>.

The forgotten camps,. “Auschwitz-Birkenau.”Jewish virtual library. The american –israeli cooperateive enterprise,web.3 Dec 2009.

Zimmeram, John C. "Body Disposal at Auschwitz." Auschwitz the Death Camp. 15/10/1999. Webmaster @ Holocaust.Hist.org, Web. 8 Dec 2009. <http://www.holocaust-history.org/auschwitz/body-disposal>.