Auidence feedback evaluation

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Page 2: Auidence feedback evaluation


As my target audience is females (and some males) aged between 13 – 30 I

have asked people with in this category to write a few comments down on what

they thought about my product. I got some really detailed feedback which was

greatly appreciated! I got someone outside of my target audience to take some

notes on my video, and this was just out of interest to me to see what some one

else thought. I took a few brief notes on each person including name, age,

gender and personality.

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Aged 17, Female. Student. Catherine is:

Girly, Kind and Bubbly. She normally listens to genres such as indie and likes music

that is uplifting and calm. She told me…

“I liked the fact the music video had a narrative and I think without it, it might have been boring and confusing. I think it was a good idea to 'follow' a character and I could really relate to her which I think is good. I liked the narrative and understood it - I think it is a very blunt and realistic view on people wanting to be something there not. Also, none of the shots were shaky and different shots were used which made it more interesting.”

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Age 17, Female. Student. Alice is:

Funny, Loud and Creative. Alice listens to different genres of music but mainly dance

music, however she also likes indie. She told me…

“The first thing I noticed about the video was that the lip sync was really well done and well timed. I thought that using the reverse at the end of the video was a good way to finish off the video and I thought it was a way to represent the unwinding of the American culture. I know that Harriet lost a lot of her footage but I think she did well considering the circumstances, but I would of loved to have seen the video if all the footage had been there!”

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Age 19. Male. Student. Chris is:

Laid back, ambitious and confident. Chris prefers music from genres such as rock

and electro and has quite unusual tastes in music and listens to things I have never

heard of before! Chris told me…

“I know that the video was aimed more at females but I think it was a well made video. I thought the lip sync was really great and thought that the damaged looking stair well suited the lyrics in the song about people living in rough areas. I liked the bright lighting as well because that can connote a movie set or something celebrity.”

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Age 22. Female. English Teacher (different school) Rebecca is…

Loud, Outgoing and Ambitious. She normally listens to pop music but is quite open

with her choice of music. She told me…

“I loved the video! I thought it was a really good way of representing Americanisation. I never realised what the lyrics were about when I listen to the song a while ago, but I think the video definitely represents the lyrics much better then the original video. The pajamas the girl in the video was really ironic and kept that idea of her being innocent and vulnerable and looked great when it was contrasted with the heavy make up and looked as if there was 2 sides to her.”

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Age 25. Female. Studying Music at University. Louise is…

Knowledgeable, Honest and Laidback. Louise likes lots of different types of music

and couldn’t give me one genre in particular that she enjoys the most. She did say

she liked the artist I have chosen. She told me…

“I liked the video and thought it was a really great idea to have a video that really bluntly represented the lyrics. It was interesting to watch and I didn't find it confusing and I understood the plot which I think is important in a music video!”

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WHAT HAVE I LEARNT?I think the main thing I have learnt from my audience feed back is that my product

mainly appeals to females, and that people are realizing the meaning of the video

and how it relates to the lyrics. I asked  a few different ages within my target audience

to see how it appeals to them. I have found that people have recognized the message

in the video and the older members of my audience have managed to interpret things

I have put in my video such as the Mise en scene. I decide to ask a male to see what

their reaction to my video would be. He was also able to interpret some things in the

video I have used to create certain effects. Overall from these comments I have found

that slightly older members of my audience have understood the video a bit more in


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I believe I have used some audience gratifications in my video and I think that any

video including my own is made more interesting to the audience as it can be related

to. McQuail (1983) proposed an idea on why people use the media in terms of

Entertainment, Personality and Identity, Social Integration and information…

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What do I follow?

Finding out about relevant events and conditions in immediate surroundings

society and the world

I believe my video follows this because I think it can be very personal and make

people ask questions about themselves and their own and other cultures.

Seeking advice on practical matter or opinion and decision choices

I think my video presents an opinion and people could use this to either support or contrast their own. I believe my video could be liked if it shares the opinion of an individual and also go the other way, of someone disliking my video if it doesn’t share their view.

Learning; self education

The video could be used to gain opinions and help people make decisions on a matter.

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Finding reinforcement for personal values

I think the video could be used to help someone find support for a personal opinion and also be reassured by the video.

Identifying with valued others in the media (in this case a music artist)

I think it can be reassuring to an audience to know that they share opinions and values of an iconic person. I think this could make my video popular amongst those who agree with the opinion of the video.

Gaining insight into oneself

I think the video could be used for reflective purposes and help someone gain insight.

I think the topic of my video is not one that is widely discussed and it could be used

for a member of the audience to gain personal views and change things about


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Relaxing and filling time

I think no matter what a music video is about people will first watch them for the

entertainment and then people begin to interpret and analyse them.

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Identifying with others and gaining a sense of belonging

I think my video can be used for gaining belonging in terms of opinions and if someone finds that people around them don’t share their view, the video can be used to find someone else that shares there opinions.

Finding a basis for conversation and social interaction

I think that the topic my video denotes is something that can be discussed amongst a group and this therefore can be used for social interaction

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I think the main stereotype I have used is the Americanized female in my video. I had

aspects such as heavy makeup and curled hair as they contribute to a certain

‘perfection’ that is associated with American women. However, I combined this with

the sheep covered pajamas to create a sense of innocence and childlike features.

Also, I thought it could add to the feeling of having 2 sides to a person, for my

character it was an average and innocent person at home, then someone fake and

plastic looking to everyone else outside the home.