August 6, 2017: Feast of the Transfiguration Cover illustration. The illustration this week is a mosaic found in the Capella di Palatina in Palermo, Italy. A mosaic is a piece of art which uses a collection of small pieces of coloured glass, stone, or other material pieced together to create a larger image. This mosaic, dating from the mid-12th Century, depicts the Transfiguration of Jesus and done in the orthodox tradition of icon writing. Baptismal Welcome. At our Mass in Spanish on Saturday August 5, we welcomed Nicholas Daniel Tovar Guevara into the household of God through the sacrament of Baptism. Civic Holiday closure. Please note that the office will be closed on Monday August 7 for the civic holiday. Fr Greg away. Fr Greg will be on vacation from Sunday August 13 – Tuesday August 29 inclusive. Services of Holy Eucharist will be celebrated by Fr Eric Howes on August 20 & 27. The Rev. Pamela Prideaux will be on call during this time in case of pastoral emergency. To reach Rev Pam, please contact one the Wardens via their number located on the reverse side of the announcements and they will contact her. Thanks to Anne Stanojev. As Mary prepares to return to work following her hip replacement, Fr Greg and the Corporation would like to express our sincere thanks to Anne for the work she did in the office during Mary’s convalescence. Mass in Spanish. Our next celebration will be on Saturday September 2 at 6 pm in the Church. Refreshments will be served after the service in the Britton Room. Misa en español. La próxima misa celebraremos el 2 de Septiembre a las 6 pm en la iglesia. Tendremos los refrescos después la misa en el salón Britton. Summer Food Bank drive. We continue to look for ways to stay within a strict budget and serve those who are in need. Over the coming weeks we would like to ask for particular hygiene items we do not normally purchase: toothbrushes and paste, female sanitary napkins (pads not tampons), razors, deodorant, shampoo, and conditioner. Automatic Door into Church. We are anticipating the arrival of the automatic door unit in the coming week. More information to follow. Fiery Furnace Campaign. Although we have reached our goal, we would like to remind all who offered deferred gifts that we are still relying on your gift to make this happen. We anticipate the delivery of the new boiler this week. We will keep you up to date on further progress. Euchre and Bridge. There will be a few players who will continue on through the summer and we will resume our regular playing on Tuesday September 12. Summer Office Hours. During the month of August the office will be open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. On Fridays, Martha Baquero will continue to cover the office work. Prayer Shawls. There is a good supply of yarn, but we are in need of people to knit or crochet prayer shawls. If you can assist, please contact Karen Ball through the church office. Yarn and instructions on the pattern will be provided as needed. Reel Faith 2017/18. Our next season of Reel Faith will focus on films with strong female lead characters. Please pick up a brochure after the service. The first film is Out of Africa on Saturday September 23 at 3:30pm. Bible Buddies Sunday School. Education for younger members of the parish is now on its break for the summer. Classes will resume after Labour Day in September. For more information, please contact Monique Hodge through the office. Coffee Hour Volunteers. If you would like to assist with the coffee hour on Sundays after the 10:30 service, please see Phyllis Dennis and put your name on the sign-up sheet at the back of the Church. Holy Eucharist at 8:00 a.m. Service begins on page 67 of the Book of Common Prayer. Morning Prayer (said) at 9:45am at the Lady Altar Holy Eucharist at 10:30 am We provide all the text for worship in the leaflet. This service includes portions in Spanish; the second language of the parish. The words of the hymns can be found in blue hymn book (Common Praise), located in the pew racks. If you require a gluten free option at Communion, please indicate this to Fr Greg at the altar rail when you come to receive the Sacrament. Welcome to any visitors who are worshipping with us today. We customarily take time during our service to receive an offering from those present for the life and work of the parish. While always welcomed, your visit to us is a gift in itself. Coffee Hour. A time of refreshment and conversation is held after the 10:30 service each week at the back of the Church (or on the front porch during the summer). All are welcome. Readings for Today Daniel 7: 9-10, 13-14; Psalm 99; 2 Peter 1: 16-19; Luke 9: 28-36 Readings for Next Sunday: Tenth Sunday after Pentecost Genesis 37: 1-4, 12-28; Psalm 105:1-6, 16-22, 45 Romans 10: 5-15; Matthew 14: 22-33 Weekly Prayers Cycles Anglican Cycle of Prayer: Diocese of Puerto Rico, USA. Canadian Cycle of Prayer: Bishop Robert Hardwick, clergy, and people of the Diocese of Qu’Appelle. Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: York Mills Deanery. Evangelical Lutheran Church of Canada: The Dean, Council and congregations of the Northern Conference of the Synod of Alberta and the Territories.

August 6, 2017: Feast of the Transfiguration Cover ... · August 6, 2017: Feast of the Transfiguration in the Capella di Palatina Cover illustration. The illustration this week is

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August 6, 2017: Feast of the Transfiguration




























Genesis37:1-4,12-28;Psalm 105:1-6,16-22,45 Romans10:5-15;Matthew14:22-33

WeeklyPrayersCyclesAnglicanCycleofPrayer:Dioceseof PuertoRico,USA.




Loving God, we uphold those who are ill or in hospital: Kamal, Reta, Neil, Mark, Marguerite Wheeler, Betty Grace, Nancy, Dick & Simone, Cecilia, Robert, Mayfield, Colin Cox, Pat, Bryan, Jacqueline, Kayla, Rosetta, Sylvia, Hazel, Tia, Dick, Gregorio Rodriguez, Marguerite S, William Caraballo, Loretta, Stephen, Mary Wilcox, Pat, Ronnie, Roslyn Campbell, Joyce Bielaske.

God of Love, we uphold our shut-ins, our homebound and nursing home parishioners: Jean, Lorna, Harold, Balwant & Shanta, Etta, Maria, Anna, Arlene, Sarah.

Loving God, we uphold before you those with chronic or long-term illnesses: Elsa, Theresa, Lynette, Geri, Dwayne, Shirley, Emily, Ron McCorry, Sybil, Joe, Becky, Marie, Carter Family, Robert, Marvyn, Rick, Doritt, Shanela, White family, Irene & Family, Jennifer, Elma, Felix, Rickie, Yeison, Andrew, Ryan, Sam, Grace Hyacinth, Kathy, Delfina, The Feeria Family.

We remember those who are in need: Alex, Amanda & Tyler, Sean, William, Gina, Martha, Victor, Cassandra, Oscar, Raif, Nivéa, Brandy, Camilla, Isaiah, Rosa, Estevan, Lina and family, Ana & Jeremy, Aiden.

We remember those who have died:


Incumbent The Rev. Gregory Carpenter 416-317-2851 Honorary Assistants The Rev. Eric Howes,

The Rev Canon Francis Xavier Churchwardens Kathryn Ellett 416-445-5891 Elizabeth Farquharson 416-449-8071 Wilson Rincon 647-344-6693 Parish Secretary Mary Wilcox Choir Director & Organist Senan Whelan Sextons David Lopez, Cesar Amaya

Parish Ministries ~ Please call the office for contact information Advisory Board Walter Jones (chair) Altar Guild Betty Lamb Anglican Church Women Betsy Worthington Booking of Church Facilities Parish Office Cemetery Board David Smith (chair) Cemetery Administrator Judy Boundy Choir (Thurs. 7:30 p.m.) Madeleine Ironside Christian Education – Adult Fr. Greg Christian Education – Children Monique Hodge Coffee Hour on Sunday Phyllis Dennis Envelope Secretary Martha Baquero Fellowship Club David & Deirdre Barker Food Bank Coordinator Martha Baquero Gardening Committee John Small Lay Administrators Karen Ball Lay Member of Synod Judy Boundy, Dennis Timbrell

Ken Drope (alternative) Newsletter Mary Wilcox Outreach Committee Monique Hodge Property Committee Nicolas Castañeda Readers Guild Karen Ball Servers Guild Monique Hodge Treasurer Kevin Steffler Welcome Committee (formerly Sidespersons, Greeters and Sound team)

Mike Wilcox

Alcoholics Anonymous

Friday at 7:30 pm.

Beavers – Tuesday evening Judi Baker Brownies – Monday evening Michele Fryer

Church of St. Jude, ( W e x f o r d ) Congregation formed in 1848

10 Howarth Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M1R 1H4 Phone 416-755-5872 Fax 416-755-8068


We welcome you to this vibrant Anglican parish community that has served this part of

Toronto since 1848. We hope you will find our parish to be an open and welcoming faith


We are fully Hearing assist devices wheelchair accessible. available upon request.