?fti C'let, iooo, Suwit'rpt Indian Cilt ' 50 do Aulrew Crocket, 400 Jim'S Crocks:, 20O3 WMtt C121.eS, "100, Likmg William Clules, 850, Sift:'. 'Janes Dofvtlle, 1O72 3- -4 ThonafPian'ciSy 500, Summerjet. JamtSjy Fox i6QOr$1att. Reuben Garnet .1700,-V- r Goiimgs h'irs, looo, ISickftg . I fijcevb, 500, Hinkftan. Ssijuef A Ca KentucKy. Giorge Maon, 400, Summerjet. John M K'tmy 500, R 4 river. William M Kee, 53S. M t x i'iv Rjj ttf'i'h 10000, R. d river Jcje.h Suidit,e. 3o- - Licking, John C Tulp Co?-- , 2100, Ua.e. George Undetwonci, 304.', L J!,S I953.rf. Richard Webb, 200D, wscrr.fc; 2000, rfa, Airon Bled-lo- t, ,03, Mudlick, Simuel Eving, 1500, LicMnff. Nathaniel Roihejler, 1672 Mil--lcr- s creek. Daniel Boone, 1 $00 Red river j 5000, luad of KeiiUcky. Ben amm Bibb, j 1 50, W river T"'96 rtiw, icjoo, Sl(Vilj 590, iWiM IfcA. James Alrgan,i$0 Slate creek. James'Reatty, j50'j. 'Cntifiophtr Cninn, ;50, LJbul-grti- i. G'Qrge and AbrahvA George, iooo. JDimil Smith, 70 Wtlliim Hall 150, Hry illerr, 200. JoA'J Gipfen, 10000, S.jtf treei. WUliam B C inn 100. i vul fartMVi, 3000. Anirew Kmcaid, 20Q, William L'wi, 1000. ym Mtntgomery, 5000 toctf'ij. J"'"' Douglas, 300. rfo. EvviCriddock 37S . kepi amm Dick-er- , 450, i" rfitfcw Iiand.cy, aooo Thomts M'Conncl s heirs, 4000, jL'cdog d Tnompio'i, 641 2, ? Corne ins Wmcoop. jooo i. 7rsw' Ifotirfe, 5000. Sonis' Robert Gawett, 183s. Kentucky. Richird Livory, 1000, Sanm'rjet Jo'n R'ed, 500 J' As Cm?, 270. , 'Jo ty Auftvi, 1 oo3, tucvyj 1000, S'rf nw ; 1000, do. Ben.-Ivm- r. 0 tver, 3000, Red river. John G-- jooo wmtw, 500 Kentucky. Dmiel Henry, 2228 2, Li:t v,i,.. Cttrft Slin? hter. co Kentucky. KW 5600-4- . ;rn- - William Mrbit 4.745.' '"! " Jars JSoo, HnKlhn. Thomas Hol:s, 5000, ; ao?oSa; 2000 ants iooo, tlo. ro-in- f 2?o, Gr'QytK?k. George Gra-in-.- IOOO, ivjw 0' " yjon- Cat-- fl Grayhaa 950, Summe'Jet,. The f.ile will commence ai 1 o'clock P M and cont'inoe by adjournment, until all is sold, or the taxes paid-T- itles to purchasers will be made as the law ai efts. . , Robtrt Hiiginsjoff. Clarke. July 6th, 198- - . .. , 'y- - LIS r of delinquents returned A from the Aqditor of Public ac- counts, to tlie fhenif of Hardin coun- ty, to be sold tor the tac:s due there- - on : 4i . .- - - blizjbeth Mcody, 2oqo acres, waters of jreen river. Anthony W. White, Jooo, Rough creek. Robert Cobb, (50,322 Ohio. Kiunian Jones 118,822, Panther creek" ; 400oditLo; 5000 O-li- io , 10,000 do. ; 10,506 Cauej creek ; 3,547 dear creek; 7,933 PJeafant cr. 4000 Ohio ; iooo Little Clit'tyj 4 tri Roun 1 bottom; 2000 Otter ci eek ; 000 Clovei creek ; 2000 Nolin ; 400 W)lt creek i 10,006 do. ; 2,600 Pau-th- ei creek; 20.000 do. , 400 Nolin,; looosovtrn's Valley; 600 Rough cr. 6qo do. ; 600 Otter creek , 4oosfoik Ottpr creek ; 500 Sinking creek ; 6000 Pulgjus grove ; 200 , 1,40012000 Clo- ver cfeek ', iooo Laurel cierk, iooo, 4,500 Wliijnluddy ; 800 Nlin ilaci-b- n , 7oOLfog creek; aooo Reck cree; ; 8.728 Cariey creek, iooo do. ; 1,500 "Koagh creek I iooo Sovcrtss valley; iooo Billeys creek ; iooo Molio creek j coo Sulnhur creek: 5ooadieininE Re- - nlch ', sod Roundllone cieek ; 14,200 Big Reedy ; 2,450 LancycieeK ; 7,200 tanther creek; iooo Bear creek ; 140 ditto. James Brown iooo Rough cr. Howel Lewis 16.000 P?nther creek Nicholas Broyle 1300 Middle cteek. JNancy Caty and Kebeqca M'Dopald J200 Rough creek. Robert Buckner Sooo Lawrence Griihani 2$. - Eli-- , jha Freeman 400 Nolin. Jacob Short 400 do.' John Barnet's heirs 400. Harri'fun 3000 Rough creek. Ro-,3,.,- -r fohilfton 5?7do. i472Clfcy. Mair iooo Green liver, James Sti'odf S50 Wilium Witherly 2,60a Nolin. "mo.cs White oo in the Bar- rens. Thomas BuJI'j Soiling fork ; 400 do. William Blackburn 200 do. TdfepTt Harnett dec. 30,000 Rough cr. Charlock Comtney 123 Nolm. Sam- uel Cample 1,004, Valley. Samuel, Culberfon 3? L'ttle CHfty- - Sa,"uel Evans 10,000 B"ear creek. Aaron Gra- ham lio Rough creek. John Hand-le- y 7 500' GreSnriver; 10,054- - do., o 704 do. 4100 do. 400 Ao.- - 200: panther creek; l,;oodo 5oorf-Roug- h lick Creek ; oh creek ; 5o'oo Long Valley.creeki iooo Siiilurfg 9rcek 4ooNol!n: Tooo Green liver; Jjo JW!n', iooo Gr rircr. MfesTut Ji.,wi1gi.UUuuv.MiK. uu tte'2 OWuie suu ,r, .,... y 0 "OLl-- t to take notice, thatpnrftiant toen do. LharlwS Illciuaan looo Clovei jJctn J 2000 V3V 8"g" "? J0"" 1 o der of the couit oi vurtet feliions lot? creek; 500 Hardias creek : I65 CIo- - Blantonit Salt river ana HartOds creek ; Mellon countvdnetting tl.e"dcpofitions of cer- - ver creek. Samuel con Halls t. ni,. c do. ozuo Bin Rjcdv I taih witiislles to n taken, in a suit now de- - creek. Times Nourfe Hoo Bonds . . , . ..;.., ,!l . fiM KouencreeK . pentfing lfi the said court wherein Elizabeth cieek; 1,995 ROughcieck, "6 No-,- a o 0. 3,. 4g9; , ; .gr Ba-o- y lin ,20oo Cedauc4eek ; 75" do.-r- r J30 itioJaidiis c"tc&. Anmnaid Rcyigh creek , looo do. jooodo.'i r.jo; Crawford 200 nattrs of Green riv-- r IVU-10- 00 Nolinj 400 do. 788 Salt-lic- k liam' a rndlln lv$u ,wt(,rj of Ohio. Ig creek; Green iSoo Sear op river; w p 9 GfKll rIver; I000 creek; iooo creek s mo No- - rf A frt 50 Jrf,afi cawp. l.n , 2000 Rough creek ; . 100 Otter Hir, 7oftafl 3 o0 A,01lf j. sly ceek. George Pa.fley aoo Middle sc 40a rf. f Ja iU.r- - ' creek. Lnos Randolph 124 Rollmg 40" Greyi tnr. Hewy Havf ri'i 12,000 fork. Ifliam Talbot 2940 bale river. Joseph Vanmater 20 Nolin Nicho- - V ?";; fcf 4ar J""'"' 4J. las Welch, 1 3o Rough ceek. R.ch- - do. H'M virf aid I. Waters aooo Cl.fty. s .Walter ?.Afc0r.U 3"o - Birbtur ' ,3'48a ' 77' C' "' Baker's heirs lopo Green river, (ohn I ilh o"v tne t the sin the al5. the with appointed Cong's heirs 200 Rough and Sinkiim 7 ? ". 4J"U- - ty ot .onday the Creek. .Thomas Heys Dovets & Morris 75,00 Hough 5200 2oth day of ngu(t next, is JaJr, is Joseph Graves; Caney riv;- - j5.oo wotm of Rolling the fair cjay, at the houle 1 f cieek. David Leitqh Molin. fj.rk ? fiver. , Samuel Shenviii's j.. stockdon; proceed from Benjamin Pope, in the of Ed- - heirs xQnoOhh; iopo wolf creek. Fran- - thence to take the n i.f li.n- - ward Goodin 406 Rolling fodc.i-Wil- - cis Epp's heirs 3uco O.10. Alexcmacr dry.wifnefles, conctrning an ei try jf liart Weathers 560 .Ohio, mo. S. It. Stottfivood 2000 South branch of Rough acres, of land whereon Silas 500 adjoining the above. Thomas cYeek. Parker Buffalo cree:. Samuel , Which wi'l commence oh the iian,e of Benjamin Jtobcrts, the Pearman 800 Rolling foik. Richard ith day of August 1798. ad adjourn 26th pr i7th of May. do T" - n .1 1. A r- 1 1. .:llll,ml,,,l. 1 T 1 .1 . I .,-.- " - -. - iooo ticcx., firm- - iroui uayiouaj n " "'""v uc.iuiu. men 11 ay ue ltea Cliuiclnl 250 Valley crsicl: ; "joo do 'Robert Jolinfton ,800 Bartons ; 7S9Rock-licl- i creek ; 1472 Big CJifty. joleph Allen looo Hardins creek, iooo do. rrancis Blunt joo Nolin. - rho Austin tooo. Johri Fowler 8o,ooo( on river. Smith paynce 2146 Little yellovV bank creek Ridcely dec. 1500 Nolm ; joo Mill ...... SHr. H. c" . apply cy to Letmston, hall old tor ah fcjen agreeable to h, land a tae neU off bu!: riven at to ; 200 Salt Iooo Nolin ; of said river and brakes creek. 20a Cane tin George , ANDRbW M'FAUUIN. Slaughter Rlaickford! creek, t.ne ( th,' I7q8 - Thomas looo Rough . - . John 4924. Mori is L anlnn 11 , iNOiiLh.. 30o cieek. John n r'HAT application will be made mo do. Isaac Hire' od 6 to county court Hafijins creek 500 Clover at their Septenber court 3'2) creek,- - io$a Hardins creek fRough Jeave to eftablilh a creek , ai 8 o Miot-pouc- li creek, lands oh iniigirons -- roiK. or uicKing George 5 500 Helm's to. k, Bear creek, acJJie eveek. Jonathan Swift 34m In lian of Milleiiourg camp creek ; Weld's creek , 568 waters do. Simon I iooo Lynn ca-n- creek, ofeyh Butler iuo do. Robeit 30718 Rough creek. William Pollaid cieek. Sariil. Payne 704 lost run b tlen jatmn Toler 180? 6: 3 8 alf r of Lew ie Mnirrnrf., Knv Artn R fti- - , bilip flullmg ?"" "f'"f ACAl-WS- ..-- .. , creek. Edward Ireland 4000 Nolin and Rolling foikv jefle Hollindf-wort- h 2000 waters Greea river. Satnp-fo- n Matthews 4670-- 2 Canpy and Bear creek 1500 Clover creek. John Bro vn loooClitty. Thomas do. 'Jolin WatRins 25110 Grern river, llicliarcf Hort 17772 Grew waters Panther crjeei Thomas ; 11, . I near the ill a ro-i- n order Matthew buttuk tlie cieek flPrirp Joo creck I exceutor do. t'err Valley Jarkit July J'feph Npurfe July 1798. hereby eftablilh lvinon BigBauen appraised river; Wa'kirts Philips anchor Bourbon Rx'gej liplett pireys'e UiitmgJ-- 1 GreenA 'NOTICE application h. JOHN di798. 3m hibicribe. liv-- 1 on the CI, rke horle, ten old, bran- - led c 1 tnJttoek W and on the near Ray fn",r p.aiicdto James 1777?: November Jafne'l upby RAYED orflolen from the SI fbrlber, Mann's lick, between fourteen fifteen sir,all loiehead, long 763 waters fotI1P. iierniac cut, brand rivr 1335-- 4 perceivable. Any person 65t 23 formation the mare, fiord uieen rivei l.i; '.:i. Vi' .ii resvara. John Hord waters Green tiver; Wm. ISrocham. 777 2'3 kreen river 335-- 2 Tvlann's treek .Adrian 17081 Valch Oliio. EliOia Leak Alexander .heir's. 2925 watcis river. William 400 SOLD HIGHEST BIDDER JVof cieek, Ohio j'i .Greenyg .00. I..'1"" Midifon NfrRtr. rivei-- r illiam Jo- - m,mbcrofl Kith- - fllfeiuloti 5p9?&3 Uougner. nrod, eftabbOied at'join Wllltail Jtnt the Ohio; The known Thomas Bonrnk Ralph Hum adn'rs t'eek. John Smith Roughcrick. ohn Swan Mill creek Barrens. David Ratifey f 2500 V LfW'S Wtt'd Round fim'c. Wilkmfon thxr 5779 vfiicrs Kmgh( cneK. John iiouitsn 860 640 head Steel Green and IVllliam Urd re creek. rivfrj Walter 2416 creek. Ric-ar- Geo, r , , .- -. county, hih, C911- - ; my 105 v MILLER. KBN Indian creek, fourteen o in a ,irx A i M . hmf noil r; ;..i . ...., VVW V....w , ...... ; 620 ilo the Wpter fbrrel liands high, near I, at nia-c- . .,!. a in tail, no(j 1 dec. no oft in- - ; deliv- - jj id 2-- 3 eious 721-- 2 i & ther 666 & 2-- 3 do. tuy tat 40,10 TO near. 1 iopo sown place coun-o- o jvdl 500 iooo 5oo tooo - 325 below- Silt aooo 1600 400 smith 3200 r , 3r GfoRGE ..' V" n,e L 4 the on on the of be on J in da f of ao Jio ff it. '3 '. Madison) July, 179S. February tertoi, 798. AGAINST Tones Defendants. V.itJtllUUAl it, .1 entered ules hair, dourt, and it fatis- - &CO i"ntn Ohio. John Webb Roush, 2a6z the door ?9jS Samuel tft, 400 KnUtchj. TB Dav pLintiil. jnd Da.5. ihall attend on the 2r-t- of Aug-il- t next, houle Iti'tnrd. l.i count,-i- Virginia, betftn hours o'tlctk in-t- le ijoiwfi fi-- s o'clock evening, tak,p the deu fitionsk Win. SUvtlter Hal!',' V Guodwui be read in aioriiiid iuit. ' Your hjmb. fervt 4t tUvIJ. I, yill, attend th,e the cdun 93 "wc C0Ult on crttK; 3200 not next 2000 Creen antl name i.coo Jnhrifton 1798. t.iade in tlie iooo falc on i7co, and r.uuuci otlier mings Wallh 2000 rv and to law. ir, now t3t S that mall ,J fiK.bN.-u- luoicriocr county court of Fette wh te Irorle, fteen hand, -- ears 'Auo-ul-t next, to on c on and i31 Ohio, 1500 the of yiunty I79g. fhx place known of and hall creek, Johnson. Htely Hclir horn's Gfeen .onrt-houf- 509 Qeiree Bourne Isaac Dila- - July agreeable appearing cdurt'houfe. BtiirJfoTf, itfjaie, M'Gradv Rough ntu,j,E depofitu iy(lice.pr lhcs,). a&reeablv MELCH1A ot'plain, rHAMnJnv mrptino-honi- NOTiCE, Limeftoae. JoH'i TAKtN up by the fubfciiber, livi- ng Claike county upjer creek, one brown mare, 1I0 about or old, ahout fouiteen hands higtl, appraifetl I2l, '500 npxt May town on nrh. town 1,00 pwl't JAMES U0T1CE. Ivy the name pIER-- will count1., dark about county counfty, for town eHablifhed Doughty the October court, 1798. STATE OF KENTUCKY, Frai.kltn DtRiift, toivlt. term, 4 do ?rpfhiu hi, sorehead, bell on, Keller tto,r Cn. IJ, Tlift. RrnifPn au- - i,.i, ial. JUaJifon and Ro Gains 29, 1797- - a.forrel l i . . 1 li?AOHAW. made tneihut lands 1798 Saunders THE James having appearnnce agreeablj court, Ul6U,UUUUL .C..W, fadlo,y COUrt, tlljtr. n h,,,nh, .U.o z ., j a l j her 0f ; , giving do of said j motion mplainant, erii.p Caot, lamesA.Stur- - ,,(.P,n.lt.rr,U --, "... ..'.,;, .. , Lu' Susatu"5 P'acc, hnfvve,-th- e i , . Pan- - , S iopo. ' I " Goodwin THE of Whitley of fepll ng fned Withitf perijianrnt ikooGreennver. fi'soc&ii'atcrsGretntiici JjhnH'wellisi Rpughtretkt jSilvitian 285 . .. . rr (1 P in ; n i H.2. ...- - 1 b 1 a w Richmond, ill Alerter , 1 " i A 1, appearance la,w the 1 of ! Rotighcrbek; fifrtrjr TTtg Winc, S 1 ' is coiiilniilioncis in ti cf -- fid in I TH7 ret CO(JCIIAN. (la- - a a , eiglif.years i to tie court 01 Wan en a to on ,lrt wil h thn ftudasils at CI1ANCERT. ' not his to ami tl'e ule tllis and fim-- 1.- -.. rt.. k. liailU- - UVCUi to tllfc .( ..'o iiiuuuiiuii or .. !,e 1A Ul JA1V. UJ T I 111 o t iir j it f J. uii ui the the of t dfrndiiir ampr 1 prf nn tLp licr to to .,1 .1... ,! . ., Ar.Sl ..i au "y '" '"c 'lUiui ana ," T. V ' man receive b,ll of the ccll-- r an...... M jft " ' BE TO iooo foo do. seat said made do. soo the ; t 30 do. river do. creek 'ni tne ond be 2am the and n.t.1 ..' i' tirlt riflV tfmPTTI "pr ,t It '& lt, foi do tv the do do ft. his h oF do. A Blui at ol to of and to by jt the as mas mj in dark to 105. be 6s evil, Liuq tcrm d.'t In of !.!!. of tne lat the do ..r.u itriu co,ln of amant ; and that a copy of ordei be forth- with inserted in the cl.y Gaz-ctp- e, for Tuccemvely, ac the of Hickman's Uiertinrr-houi- e immediately aster divine rc vice, and. at the fioht door of the State-houf- c, 111 the toyvn of A copy, tcft. Wnns Le"e,c f.d. Twenty-si- x Doll at s Rcuard. ITf'St-RTi- . D, from on, of 12th it ft Jan es M'Gonagle ami Rliflia C: chill, fol-tjis- rs of the 4th States regi- ment JU'Gouage an Iiinian birth, about twenty-on- e yeai s ot age, feet inches daik complex long black hair, blatk eyes by trade a coopei he formei iv lived I IV illiats,' Fttiterttn 5000 Daniel Broa lheail, Irvine, Sc Marj land and Delaware , .md proba- - .30,0)00 . m Voltii. lei Heedy Gaifis IlLM, given, Warren V9lf sub- - ,,r00f . . . . County ftUiant, . door Ssmilfel Richard Waters. "y maj iceer mac way l.entuc- - born, aboit twen- - ',Hb defendant not having ty-on- e years ot ne five in , lieteh), dies to aid this to the finitli, K.nr, onHowaids the twd . by in oi to f Cachtll is feet fair coiiiplrxin, l?ck eves, by tnde a a cad in his lest eve, v h.ch. "S -- VJ 34 . 1 V' " '"" f,fl n n t IP rnlirt 1 i.K 1,. ic nn S.i ?c Tl. Tl Wilnam Gait I06Qi paters uver hakharu of this comn.oavjealth.-- on company, utid took the,, ,outher 1 100 creek . Fctir tUp ni0ton of the C05npIainal)C by.hl, doathinc with then Ft is - 1 Defargu; 00 do. Adam H ojs ,800 colhftl , it jg 0, itred tha"r th-- e fae. tbat j v ill forc Lffe ,n L dian-cam- p creek. Ijta'i Smith iooo branch fPndatit appear here on thi? firjlcfey difcharae for themfelve. 'ileaho- - Rough creek James Dickey, Robert John bf our term, and anfwerfth reward vill bt paid for aprl-endin- g fttn and James Buckhannon 5900 lyaters complainant's bill; and that a copy them, or on .'el-veun- Nolin. Dickey and Biickhauuon 261 1 0; order be forthwith infei ted in them to any officer in the United hjo, mouth Docs run. John Fitch 500 the Kentucky Gazette, fortwo States.ortbittrcndolla.sf.-reitl.fr- , waters Rough creek W. Hunt fu'cceiTively, published at Cane run and reasonable expenccs is brouchc - v . . I500Grfii riyfr. Arthur Camtbe I fundnv immedi- - V iooo waters ately aster fervite, and also, at creek. Isaac WinIon this Terrell 5co O b; 600 copyj Bear ttftk', 99 rff. Work C. d.c.m.c,o,.s. FaUlitF, Steal, Sir, EL17A6ETH com' Wallace. brands, ftven; Samuel April defendant Madison entered Iipi aDPearin, tounUl it ordered mrfitris Frankfort, oirrifon, night fie United U eight hijih, country Kichard. age, high, nKPoUlo remeirol Jacob G011-j- le fecurii of.thvs months Ralph diviae to this place bert laW iicm, this this five ion, has next and arid B. Lo'nniyfj 4'h T 3. Fort Butler, July, 1 73. y brown. black- - Green June Capt regt. 13th

Aug-il- Salt-lic- k frt j.nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt78gt5fc108/data/1868.pdf · ?fti C'let, iooo, Suwit'rpt Indian Cilt ' 50 do Aulrew Crocket, 400 Jim'S Crocks:, 20O3 WMtt C121.eS, "100,

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  • ?fti C'let, iooo, Suwit'rpt IndianCilt ' 50 do Aulrew Crocket, 400Jim'S Crocks:, 20O3 WMtt C121.eS,"100, Likmg William Clules, 850,Sift:'. 'Janes Dofvtlle, 1O72 3- -4ThonafPian'ciSy 500, Summerjet. JamtSjyFox i6QOr$1att. Reuben Garnet .1700,-V- r

    Goiimgs h'irs, looo, ISickftg. I fijcevb, 500, Hinkftan. Ssijuef

    A C a KentucKy. Giorge Maon,

    400, Summerjet. John M K'tmy 500,R 4 river. William M Kee, 53S. M tx i'iv Rjj ttf'i'h 10000, R. d river Jcje.hSuidit,e. 3o- - Licking, John C TulpCo?-- , 2100, Ua.e. George Undetwonci,

    304.', L J!,S I953.rf. Richard Webb,200D, wscrr.fc; 2000, rfa, Airon Bled-lo- t,

    ,03, Mudlick, Simuel Eving, 1500,LicMnff. Nathaniel Roihejler, 1672

    Mil--lcr- s

    creek. Daniel Boone, 1 $00 Red river j

    5000, luad of KeiiUcky. Ben amm Bibb,

    j 1 50, W river T"'96 rtiw, icjoo,Sl(Vilj 590, iWiM IfcA. JamesAlrgan,i$0 Slate creek. James'Reatty,j50'j. 'Cntifiophtr Cninn, ;50,

    LJbul-grti- i.

    G'Qrge and AbrahvA George, iooo.JDimil Smith, 70 Wtlliim Hall 150,

    Hry illerr, 200. JoA'J Gipfen, 10000,S.jtf treei. WUliam B C inn 100. ivul fartMVi, 3000. Anirew Kmcaid, 20Q,William L'wi, 1000. ym Mtntgomery,5000 toctf'ij. J"'"' Douglas, 300.


    EvviCriddock 37S . kepi amm Dick-er-,

    450, i" rfitfcw Iiand.cy, aoooThomts M'Conncl s heirs, 4000,

    jL'cdog d Tnompio'i, 641 2, ?Corne ins Wmcoop. jooo i. 7rsw'Ifotirfe, 5000. Sonis' Robert Gawett,

    183s. Kentucky. Richird Livory, 1000,Sanm'rjet Jo'n R'ed, 500 J'As Cm?, 270. , 'Jo ty Auftvi, 1 oo3,tucvyj 1000, S'rf nw ; 1000, do. Ben.-Ivm- r.

    0 tver, 3000, Red river. JohnG-- jooo wmtw, 500Kentucky. Dmiel Henry, 2228 2, Li:tv,i,.. Cttrft Slin? hter. co Kentucky.

    KW 5600-4- . ;rn- - WilliamMrbit 4.745.' '"! " JarsJSoo, HnKlhn. Thomas Hol:s, 5000,

    ; ao?oSa; 2000 ants iooo,tlo. ro-in- f 2?o, Gr'QytK?k.George Gra-in-.- IOOO, ivjw 0' "yjon- Cat-- fl Grayhaa 950, Summe'Jet,.

    The f.ile will commence ai 1 o'clockP M and cont'inoe by adjournment,until all is sold, or the taxes paid-T- itles

    to purchasers will be made asthe law ai efts.

    . , Robtrt Hiiginsjoff. Clarke.July 6th, 198- - . .. , 'y--

    LIS r of delinquents returnedA from the Aqditor of Public ac-counts, to tlie fhenif of Hardin coun-ty, to be sold tor the tac:s due there- -on : 4i . .-- -blizjbeth Mcody, 2oqo acres, watersof jreen river. Anthony W. White,Jooo, Rough creek. Robert Cobb,(50,322 Ohio. Kiunian Jones 118,822,Panther creek" ; 400oditLo; 5000 O-li- io

    , 10,000 do. ; 10,506 Cauej creek ;3,547 dear creek; 7,933 PJeafant cr.4000 Ohio ; iooo Little Clit'tyj 4 triRoun 1 bottom; 2000 Otter ci eek ;

    000 Clovei creek ; 2000 Nolin ; 400W)lt creek i 10,006 do. ; 2,600 Pau-th- ei

    creek; 20.000 do. , 400 Nolin,;looosovtrn's Valley; 600 Rough cr.6qo do. ; 600 Otter creek , 4oosfoikOttpr creek ; 500 Sinking creek ; 6000Pulgjus grove ; 200 , 1,40012000 Clo-ver cfeek ', iooo Laurel cierk, iooo,4,500 Wliijnluddy ; 800 Nlin ilaci-b- n

    , 7oOLfog creek; aooo Reck cree; ;8.728 Cariey creek, iooo do. ; 1,500

    "Koagh creek I iooo Sovcrtss valley;iooo Billeys creek ; iooo Molio creek jcoo Sulnhur creek: 5ooadieininE Re- -nlch ', sod Roundllone cieek ; 14,200Big Reedy ; 2,450 LancycieeK ; 7,200tanther creek; iooo Bear creek ; 140ditto. James Brown iooo Rough cr.Howel Lewis 16.000 P?nther creekNicholas Broyle 1300 Middle cteek.JNancy Caty and Kebeqca M'DopaldJ200 Rough creek. Robert BucknerSooo Lawrence Griihani 2$. - Eli-- ,jha Freeman 400 Nolin. Jacob Short400 do.' John Barnet's heirs 400.

    Harri'fun 3000 Rough creek. Ro-,3,.,- -rfohilfton 5?7do. i472Clfcy.

    Mair iooo Green liver, JamesSti'odf S50 Wilium Witherly 2,60aNolin. "mo.cs White oo in the Bar-

    rens. Thomas BuJI'j Soiling fork ;400 do. William Blackburn 200 do.TdfepTt Harnett dec. 30,000 Rough cr.Charlock Comtney 123 Nolm. Sam-uel Cample 1,004, Valley. Samuel,

    Culberfon 3? L'ttle CHfty- - Sa,"uelEvans 10,000 B"ear creek. Aaron Gra-

    ham lio Rough creek. John Hand-le- y7 500' GreSnriver; 10,054-

    - do.,

    o 704 do. 4100 do. 400 Ao.- - 200:panther creek; l,;oodo 5oorf-Roug- h

    lick Creek ; ohcreek ; 5o'oo LongValley.creeki iooo Siiilurfg 9rcek

    4ooNol!n: Tooo Green liver; Jjo JW!n', iooo Gr rircr. MfesTutJi.,wi1gi.UUuuv.MiK. uu tte'2 OWuie suu ,r, .,... y 0 "OLl-- t to take notice, thatpnrftiant toendo. LharlwS Illciuaan looo Clovei jJctn J 2000 V3V 8"g" "? J0"" 1 o der of the couit oi vurtet feliions lot?creek; 500 Hardias creek : I65 CIo- - Blantonit Salt river ana HartOds creek ; Mellon countvdnetting tl.e"dcpofitions of cer--ver creek. Samuel con Halls t. ni,. c do. ozuo Bin Rjcdv I taih witiislles to n taken, in a suit now de- -creek. Times Nourfe Hoo Bonds . . , . ..;.., ,!l . fiM KouencreeK . pentfing lfi the said court wherein Elizabethcieek; 1,995 ROughcieck, "6 No-,- a o 0. 3,. 4g9; , ; .gr Ba-o- ylin ,20oo Cedauc4eek ; 75" do.-r- r J30 itioJaidiis c"tc&. AnmnaidRcyigh creek , looo do. jooodo.'i r.jo; Crawford 200 nattrs of Green riv-- r IVU-10- 00Nolinj 400 do. 788 Salt-lic- k liam' a rndlln lv$u ,wt(,rj of Ohio. Igcreek; Green iSoo Searop river; w p 9 GfKll rIver; I000creek; iooo creek s mo No-- rf A frt 50 Jrf,afi cawp.l.n , 2000 Rough creek ; . 100 Otter Hir,7oftafl 3 o0 A,01lf j. slyceek. George Pa.fley aoo Middle sc 40a rf. f Ja iU.r- -'creek. Lnos Randolph 124 Rollmg 40" Greyi tnr. Hewy Havfri'i 12,000fork. Ifliam Talbot 2940 bale river.Joseph Vanmater 20 Nolin Nicho- - V ?";; fcf 4ar J""'"' 4J.las Welch, 1 3o Rough ceek. R.ch- - do. H'M virfaid I. Waters aooo Cl.fty. s .Walter ?.Afc0r.U 3"o -

    Birbtur ' ,3'48a ' 77' C' "'Baker's heirs lopo Green river, (ohn

    Iilh o"v

    tnet the


    al5. the


    Cong's heirs 200 Rough and Sinkiim 7 ? ". 4J"U- - ty ot .onday theCreek. .Thomas Heys Dovets & Morris 75,00 Hough 5200 2oth day of ngu(t next, is JaJr, isJoseph Graves; Caney riv;- - j5.oo wotm of Rolling the fair cjay, at the houle 1 f

    cieek. David Leitqh Molin. fj.rk ? fiver. , Samuel Shenviii's j.. stockdon; proceed fromBenjamin Pope, in the of Ed- - heirs xQnoOhh; iopo wolf creek. Fran- - thence to take the n i.f li.n- -ward Goodin 406 Rolling fodc.i-Wil- - cis Epp's heirs 3uco O.10. Alexcmacr dry.wifnefles, conctrning an ei try jfliart Weathers 560 .Ohio, mo. S. It. Stottfivood 2000 South branch of Rough acres, of land whereon Silas500 adjoining the above. Thomas cYeek.Parker Buffalo cree:. Samuel , Which wi'l commence oh the iian,e of Benjamin Jtobcrts, thePearman 800 Rolling foik. Richard ith day of August 1798. ad adjourn 26th pr i7th of May. doT" - n .1 1. A r- 1 1. .:llll,ml,,,l. 1 T 1 .1 . I .,-.- " - -. -iooo ticcx., firm- - iroui uayiouaj n " "'""v uc.iuiu. men 11 ay ueltea Cliuiclnl 250 Valley crsicl: ; "joodo 'Robert Jolinfton ,800 Bartons ;7S9Rock-licl- i creek ; 1472 Big CJifty.joleph Allen looo Hardins creek, iooodo. rrancis Blunt joo Nolin. - rho

    Austin tooo. Johri Fowler 8o,ooo(on river. Smith paynce 2146Little yellovV bank creekRidcely dec. 1500 Nolm ; joo Mill


    SHr. H. c"


    apply cyto Letmston,

    hall oldtor ah fcjenagreeable to h, landa tae neU off bu!:

    riven at to; 200 Salt Iooo Nolin ; of said river and brakes creek.

    20a Cane tin George , ANDRbW M'FAUUIN.Slaughter Rlaickford! creek, t.ne


    th,' I7q8 -Thomas looo Rough . - .John 4924. Mori is L anlnn 11 , iNOiiLh..30o cieek. John n r'HAT application will be made

    mo do. Isaac Hire' od 6 to county courtHafijins creek 500 Clover at their Septenber court 3'2)creek,- - io$a Hardins creek fRough Jeave to eftablilh acreek , ai 8 o Miot-pouc- li creek, lands oh iniigirons -- roiK. or uicKingGeorge 5 500 Helm's to. k, Bear creek, acJJieeveek. Jonathan Swift 34m In lian of Milleiiourgcamp creek ; Weld's creek ,568 waters do. Simon I ioooLynn ca-n- creek, ofeyh Butler iuodo. Robeit 30718 Rough creek.William Pollaid cieek.Sariil. Payne 704 lost run b tlenjatmn Toler 180? 6: 3 8 alf r of Lewie Mnirrnrf., Knv Artn R fti-- ,

    bilip flullmg ?"" "f'"fACAl-WS-..-- .. ,

    creek. Edward Ireland 4000 Nolinand Rolling foikv jefle Hollindf-wort- h

    2000 waters Greea river. Satnp-fo- nMatthews 4670-- 2 Canpy and Bear

    creek 1500 Clover creek. JohnBro vn loooClitty. Thomas

    do. 'Jolin WatRins 25110 Grernriver, llicliarcf Hort

    17772 Grewwaters Panther crjeeiThomas




    I nearthe ill a ro-i- n

    orderMatthew buttuk

    tliecieek flPrirpJoo








    J'feph Npurfe

    July 1798.



    lvinon BigBauen appraisedriver;






    UiitmgJ-- 1




    JOHNdi798. 3m

    hibicribe. liv-- 1on the CI, rke

    horle, tenold, bran- -

    led c 1 tnJttoek W and on the near

    Ray fn",r

    p.aiicdto James





    RAYED orflolen from theSIfbrlber, Mann's lick,between fourteen fifteen

    sir,all loiehead, long763 waters fotI1P. iierniac cut, brand

    rivr 1335-- 4 perceivable. Any person65t 23 formation the mare,

    fiord uieen riveil.i; '.:i. Vi'.ii resvara.

    John Hord waters Green tiver; Wm. ISrocham.777 2'3 kreen river 335-- 2 Tvlann's

    treek .Adrian 17081Valch Oliio. EliOia LeakAlexander .heir's. 2925 watcis

    river. William 400 SOLD HIGHEST BIDDERJVof cieek, Ohio j'i

    .Greenyg.00. I..'1"" Midifon NfrRtr.rivei-- r illiam Jo- - m,mbcrofl Kith- -

    fllfeiuloti 5p9?&3 Uougner. nrod, eftabbOied at'joinWllltail Jtnt the Ohio;

    The known

    Thomas Bonrnk Ralph Humadn'rs t'eek. John

    Smith Roughcrick. ohn SwanMill creek Barrens.

    David Ratifey f2500 VLfW'S Wtt'd Round fim'c.Wilkmfon thxr 5779vfiicrs Kmgh( cneK. John iiouitsn860 640

    head SteelGreen and IVllliam

    Urd recreek.

    rivfrj Walter2416 creek. Ric-ar-





    .- -.


    C911- -






    KBNIndian creek,


    o in a,irx A i M . hmf noilr; ;..i ....., VVW V....w , ......





    fbrrelliands high,

    near I,




    a in tail, no(j1 dec. no oft

    in- -

    ; deliv- - jj id2-- 3

    eious721-- 2

    i &ther 666 & 2-- 3 do. tuy tat



    near. 1 iopo


    coun-o- o



    5oo tooo


    325below- Silt









    n,e L4 the onon the of

    be on




    ao Jio


    it. '3 '.

    Madison) July, 179S.

    February tertoi, 798.


    Tones Defendants.



    .1 enteredules hair,

    dourt, and it fatis- -

    &CO i"ntn

    Ohio. John Webb Roush,2a6z the door

    ?9jS Samuel tft,400

    KnUtchj. TB

    Dav pLintiil. jnd Da.5. ihallattend on the 2r-t- ofAug-il- t next, houle Iti'tnrd.

    l.i count,-i- Virginia, betftnhours o'tlctk in-t- le ijoiwfi fi-- so'clock evening, tak,p the deu fitionsk

    Win. SUvtlter Hal!',' V Guodwuibe read in aioriiiid iuit.

    'Your hjmb. fervt

    4t tUvIJ.

    I, yill, attend th,ethe cdun

    93 "wc C0Ult oncrttK;3200

    not next2000 Creen antl




    t.iade in tlieiooo falc on

    i7co, andr.uuuci otlier mings



    rv and to law.




    S that mall ,J fiK.bN.-u- luoicriocrcounty court of Fette wh te Irorle,

    fteen hand, --ears'Auo-ul-t next, toon con and



    the ofyiunty I79g.


    place known


    and hall







    509Qeiree Bourne

    Isaac Dila- -




    BtiirJfoTf, itfjaie,














    TAKtN up by the fubfciiber, livi-ng Claike county upjer creek,one brown mare, 1I0 aboutor old, ahout fouiteen hands higtl,appraifetl I2l,

    '500 npxt Maytown on






    U0T1CE.Ivy the name pIER-- will

    count1., dark about

    countycounfty, for town eHablifhed

    Doughtythe October court, 1798.

    STATE OF KENTUCKY,Frai.kltn DtRiift, toivlt.

    term,4 do ?rpfhiu hi, sorehead, bell on, Kellertto,r Cn. IJ, Tlift. RrnifPn au- -

    i,.i, ial. JUaJifon and Ro


    29, 1797- -

    a.forrell i . . 1







    THE Jameshaving appearnnce


    Ul6U,UUUUL .C..W, fadlo,y COUrt, tlljtr.n h,,,nh, .U.o z .,j a l jher0f

    ;, giving

    do of saidj


    erii.p Caot, lamesA.Stur- -,,(.P,n.lt.rr,U --, "... ..'.,;, .., Lu' Susatu"5 P'acc, hnfvve,-th- ei ,


    Pan- -, S

    iopo. 'I "

    Goodwin THE

    ofWhitley of

    fepll ng fnedWithitf perijianrnt


    fi'soc&ii'atcrsGretntiiciJjhnH'wellisi Rpughtretkt




    .. .rr (1 P in;

    n i

    H.2. ...- -





    Richmond, ill

    Alerter ,1

    "iA 1,

    appearancela,w the 1 of



    fifrtrjr TTtg Winc,

    S 1'


    in ticf -- fid





    (la- -





    i to tie court 01 Wan ena toon

    ,lrt wil h thn


    CI1ANCERT.' not

    histo ami tl'e ule

    tllis and fim--1.- -.. rt.. k.liailU- - UVCUi to tllfc

    .( ..'oiiiuuuiiuii


    .. !,e

    1A Ul JA1V. UJ








    it fJ.uii ui

    the the oft

    dfrndiiir ampr 1 prf nn tLplicr to to .,1 .1... ,! .., Ar.Sl ..i au "y '" '"c 'lUiui ana

    ," T. V ' man receive b,ll of the ccll-- ran......M

    jft" '

    BE TO


    foo do.

    seat saidmade
















    ..' i'tirlt riflV tfmPTTI "pr,t

    It '& lt,

    foido tv the





    oFdo. A


    at ol

    toofand to







    to 105.









    of tnelat the

    do..r.u itriu



    amant ;and that a copy of ordei be forth-with inserted in the cl.y Gaz-ctp- e,

    for Tuccemvely, acthe of Hickman's Uiertinrr-houi- eimmediately aster divine rc vice, and.at the fioht door of the State-houf- c,111 the toyvn of

    A copy, tcft.Wnns Le"e,c f.d.

    Twenty-si- x Dollat s Rcuard.ITf'St-RTi- . D, from on,

    of 12th it ft Jan esM'Gonagle ami Rliflia C: chill, fol-tjis- rs

    of the 4th States regi-ment

    JU'Gouage an Iiinian birth,about twenty-on- e yeai s ot age,feet inches daik complex

    long black hair, blatk eyes bytrade a coopei he formei iv lived I

    IV illiats,' Fttiterttn 5000 Daniel Broa lheail, Irvine, Sc Marj land and Delaware , .md proba- -.30,0)00

    . mVoltii.






    sub- -


    . .






    SsmilfelRichard Waters. "y maj iceer mac way l.entuc- -

    born, aboit twen- -',Hb defendant not having ty-on- e years ot ne five in

    , lieteh), diesto aid this

    to the finitli,





    . by


    oi to fCachtll is

    feetfair coiiiplrxin,

    l?ck eves, by tnde aa cad in his lest eve, v h.ch.

    "S -- VJ 34 . 1 V' " '"" f,fl n n t IP rnlirt 1 i.K 1,. ic nn S.i ?c Tl. TlWilnam Gait I06Qi paters uver hakharu of this comn.oavjealth.-- on company, utid took the,,

    ,outher 1 100 creek . Fctir tUp ni0ton of the C05npIainal)C by.hl, doathinc with then Ft is - 1Defargu; 00 do. Adam H ojs ,800 colhftl , it jg 0, itred tha"r th-- e fae. tbat j v ill forc Lffe ,n Ldian-cam- p creek. Ijta'i Smith iooo branch fPndatit appear here on thi? firjlcfey difcharae for themfelve. 'ileaho- -Rough creek James Dickey, Robert John bf our term, and anfwerfth reward vill bt paid for aprl-endin- gfttn and James Buckhannon 5900 lyaters complainant's bill; and that a copy them, or on .'el-veun-Nolin. Dickey and Biickhauuon 261 1 0; order be forthwith infei ted in them to any officer in the Unitedhjo, mouth Docs run. John Fitch 500 the Kentucky Gazette, fortwo States.ortbittrcndolla.sf.-reitl.fr- ,waters Rough creek W. Hunt fu'cceiTively, published at Cane run and reasonable expenccs is brouchc-v . .I500Grfii riyfr. Arthur Camtbe I fundnv immedi- -

    V iooo waters ately aster fervite, and also, atcreek. Isaac WinIon this

    Terrell 5co O b; 600 copyjBear ttftk', 99 rff. Work C. d.c.m.c,o,.s.







    brands, ftven;



    defendant Madisonentered Iipi


    tounUlit ordered



    oirrifon,night fie



    eight hijih,

    countryKichard. age,



    G011-j- le



    diviaeto this place











    B. Lo'nniyfj4'h T 3.

    Fort Butler, July, 1 73.


    brown.black- -



    Capt regt.13th