* - •'iss ; ltl M i&R m ; is8 K-' m 'SI i Fro The Hon* HartSctaffneip'Mol Good CI ugauuaaniuuntuBaB irrnmr—"""" 1 ! r 1 $4% Kk' > l 'K •?3\«5v OU can't find any better news in this paper | than you'll find right here; because good; clothes are of a good deal of interest to most men, and this is good clothes news. Hart Shaff- ner & Marx new Fall models are here; "just in, the new faprics, the new colorings and patterns, the, new designs and shapes. Ifj'sf Come in and enjoy looking them over with us; you needn't wait until you're ready to buy; come in just to look. Pick out the one or two suits you're going to have, and the overcoat and rain- coat you want; we'll lay them aside for you if you want us to; \? and in that way you'll have your pick of the whole stock. «- New grays and browns, and some very fetching blue-grays are the prevailing shades. The Shape-maker model for young men; the Varsity, you ought to see them. y ^ Suits and Overcoats $20.00 and up. a © t D.COTTON BXIRA, IOWA A 1 John McAnulty and family of 'JRandolpb, Neb. has been visiting ^relatives here this week. •f A fine little girl baby was born -to Mr. and Mrs. Niels Nielsen, laBt tA OUUiUlO. illtm H ''.J^'UTueaday, September 36th. *>€ Finest line of penny postal *>)'•**> at P. M. Christensen's. cards r? 4; 1 I- J. E. LewiB, one of our fine stock V '.. tnen of Brayton has sold Male hogs "to Will Davis, Nie J. Miller and one a $ to TbomaB Jones. The little grandson of Mr. William Binter, one of Mr. Noel's ohildrem whose mother died a few days ago ''"has been very sick but i8 some bet- Ifeas^ter at this writing. Mrs. Austin Guernsey and sons J 'returned to their home in Chicago i-irlBBt week after a pleasant visit with relatives in Audubon and Exira. - She was accompanied as far aa At- lantic by her father, A. Seibert. Needles and shuttlea for all makes jst of Sewing Machines at P. M. Chria- ''"'Hjtensen'a. Our Boosters with loads of men, IT'shovels, spades, axes and naile :pasBed over the River to River Road ' both ways from town yesterday re- Wpairingaoy bad place that may ' Jiave appeared during the rains the <fHaat few days. They are getting so iaccuatomed to doing this that it has become a habit. > I My- Si!".' f 1 Miss Gleola Lair is helping Mrs. Fred Cotton with her household duties thia week. Mrs. Fred Cotton will entertain the .Treble Clef Club this evening in honor of Mrs. Hopley. Mr. and Mrs. PhillipB ot Griswold arrived here today on a viait to their daughter, Mrs. W. F. Hopley. The Aid Society of the Audubon Township Christian Church will met at Mrs. Chria Wolfe'a October 12th. Get an Anti-Rheumatic Ring at P. M. Christensen's. Mrs. Dr. Jaoobaen went to Cedar Rapids Monday on a few days viait with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. Humelaon and two children of that place will accompany her home for a few daya visit. Scott Herrick planted nearly six acreB of potatoes this year, from which be expects to realize one thousand bushels. Mr. Herrick iB one of our beBt farmers and very thorough in bis work. The heavy travel over all our bridges during the excessive heat the past summer has put the older one to a severe test. In fact, aome of them abould be out of commie- sion for they are certainly danger- ous. Some oue, whose business it is, to look after the welfare of the peeple should examine them. Sewing Machines repaired right at P. M. Christensen's. _ County Auditor Witthauer is on the alck liat thia week with a very bad cold. Bud Heath of Brayton was in the city laat week on buBinesB and to visit friends. Mr. Perry Hansen of Lake View came down Saturday for a visit with relatives and friends. Mias Amber Kelsey had a cave constructed laat week, Jefferson Lewie doing the work. A bushel or two of line large wal- nuts were taken from the tree be- longing to Miss Kelsey near the Photographic Gallery. Two Davis boys, two McLaughlin boys and two Puck boys, all bach- elors, are farming and batching in the north part of the county. Wm. Diest and wife of Cameron townahip passed through town to and from a visit with their old friends, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Shelley at Stuart, Iowa. Editor McClure, wife and daugh- ter, Mrs. O. J. Keamerer of Fontan- elle were in Adair Wednesday, hav- ing come over in their new Maxwell touring car.—Adair News. Mr. McClure will be remembered as one of the editors of the Audu- bon Republican. Mens' Oxforda E. D. Cotton'a. at a discount at E. D. Powell returned to hia home in Kansas last week. Mrs. M. C. Gill has been on the sick last the past week. Boy Barhan arrived here yeater- day on a viait to relatives. Miaa Zola McClain went to Omaha Tueaday to attend the Ak-Sar-Ben. Mtb. Metz went to Wiota Monday on a visit to her aon, Mike Metz and family. Mr. and Mrs. Hadden entertained a few of their friends at their home, last evening. Mr. Mike O'Day of Atlantic spent Monday in Exira, the guest of his friend, George Mintier. Mrs. John Kaus returned to her home in Templeton after a pleasant visit here with relatives. Chaa. Hawks and wife have been entertaining a daughter and her husband of near Greenfield, Iowa. They are shipping ten oars of Ben J)a via and ten cars of Jobna- tban apples a day from Glenwood, Iowa. A dance was given in the K. P. hall last Friday night, A large crowd was present and a fine time was reported by all. Mrs. Geo. Stephenaen was buried a„t Rorbeck last Sabbath. Mr. Ste- phensen will be remembered in Ex- ira as the uncle of Mrs. Scott Her- rick. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Alsup, aon Er- nest and daughter, Florence return- ed home yeBterday from a week's visit in Kansas City with, relatives _ _ . . WBjS ''oW .•/ and friends, ®gl <• i- ' H/ i * . Henry Vermule, the poor cripple boy of Templeton iB having a good trade in selling Jewelry and repair watches. He is skillful and as hon- est as the day ia long. M i'B. E. B. HolmeB had the misfor- tune to cut one of her hands quite bad, while cleaning a lamp chim- ney, it breaking to pieces during the process of washing. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Martin and children returned to their home Bt Nickeraon, Kansas Monday, after a weeks visit here with their relatives at the Hi Heath home. Doug Hamlin returned to Omaha a few daya ago after a short viait herewith relatives and friends. Lester Peterman is building a house for Frank Bartlett on the old Henry Welle farm north of Exira. We have a heavy crop of apples this year, the moat and beat quality there has been in thia aection for Bix years. Mre. E. B. Holmes of Exira spent the latter part of last week at the home of her daughter, Mre. George Knox.—Adair News. Mrs. Perry Parrott is reported to be very low at her home in the north part of town, Her daughter, Mrs. Leigan of near Audubon came Fri- day to help care for her. Fay Gransbury atd wife of Mon- tana and Sydney Hopkins and wife of Adair visited from Wednesday until Thursday with relatives at the Heath and Gransbury homes/ , Wm. Delahoyde and wife of Avo- ca are trying to rent or Bell their property on South Street. Anyone desiring good property at conserva- tive figures ought to look this over. A very pleasant house warming occureti at the new house recently built by Hi Hill, last night. A large number of frieads and relatives took charge of things and lined up house and furniture ready for occupancy. Word reached here that MiBB Ethel Smith and Mr. A. M. McDon- ald were united in marriage in Den- ver, Col. Miaa Ethel ia a grand- daughter of J. B. Connrardy and wife and is well known in tbia vi- cinity. We extend congratulations. Ed Cotton of the big atore return- ed from a goods buying trip from the important markets of the coun- try, and in a few days will be ready to show all the latest Btyles in fa- brics, and shadings and styles of dry goods and millinery. Call in and look all the up to date t^ingB over "/ > , , t/i Charley Kommes ia having his barn re-arranged and enlarged. When painted it will add much to the value of the property. Lawrence Peteraen, that prosper oua youngDane, north and east of town is building to his dwelling, and will aoon have a commodious house. John Rendleman ia renovating bis farm house Bouth of towp. which make it a desirable place in which to live. Lona Houston ia looking after the improvement. When in need of Sale BillB re member there ia no place in thia world that can 'give you the reaults that the Good Old Journal can give you. It goes into every peaceful farmer's homes And talk matters over with them. OPERA HOU^f OCTOBER 14th ALL MONEY A PIANO THE SCHOOL As we have no instrument in school that is suitable for marching and use in the High School, we take this means of giving all an oppor- tunity to enjoy an evening and help financially. High School MiBB Barbara Kurtenbach viaited over Monday night with her par- enta near Wiota. Miaa Irene Porter is assisting with the household duties at the Connrardy home this week. H. C. Bruner and wife of Sheltsn, Neb. came here Tuesday and is via-' iting at the Wm. Fowler home. Myrtle Knox returned to her home in Adair Monday, after a viait here with her Grandma, Mre. Holmes. V. B. Hellyer went to Omaha Fri- day to attend the opening of the Ak-Sar-Ben and to viait relativeB. The McNutt girls, daughters of Arthur McNutt of Rosj visited thtlr grandparents, L. Bradley and wife, a few daya. Mr. and Mrs. Will Varney depart- ed yesterday for Cedar Rapid*, where they will visit hia parents for several days. Charley Jenkins of Brayton ac- companied Nick Thielen and Tony Kommes to Canada, starting Tuea- day morning, Laurida Hansen is moving from the Spoo property ia the aouth pari of town to the Patty residence up in the Heights. 'v > Mr. Duff Varney, of South Dako- ta arrived here Saturday to visit relatives. He expects to, return home tomorrow. A very Bad accident befell the aon of Mr. and Mrs. Sandrock of Templeton. He stumbled while climbing up a straw stack, piercing his lunga with a pitchfork. A phy- sician was immediately called and after dressing the wound indicated that the boy had a good chance for recovery. Mrs. Anna Jensen, daughter and little son of Cotesfield,Nebraska ar rived here yesterday to> viait her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johnaon in WeBt Exira until Monday. Her husband accompanied her as far as Atlantic but returned to Omaha to attend the Ak-8ar-Ben. He will ar- rive today. firom Lake View Resort. The Lake View Fish Company made a haul in the west part of the Lake last Saturday, capturing about a ton and a half of fish, most- ly carp. They threw back more than a ton of catfieh and aome piokerel Charles W. Bpencer hooked the scalea into the dip net with one cat- fish in it that pulled down 27 lbs. A chort haul was made yeBterday near Lakewood and a ton of buffalo and carp was caught. We still have a lot of Ladies' and Children's Oxfords at a discount, tf > . - E. D. Cotton. Mra. Spoo and daughter, Mrs. Lester Peterman and Mre. Walter Hocken berry attended the«. r ^k i »Sarr Ben'in Oouitta4t»la'AM*lici John Mertes and wife and daug ter, Maggie and son, Nick all lief J Tueaday to attend Ak-Sar-Ben which ia now inita glory in Omaha. The Danish Lutheran congrega- tion of tbie place will hold a three days, Friday, Saturday and Sunday meeting this week. They have made preparations to feed all who may come in a large tent erected near the Church. > I will be in Exira Friday evening and Saturday, October 6th and 7th. Anyone wanting Spirella Corsets, call on or phone me'at Mrs. E. B. Holmes Mrs. Geo. Knox The beet rain since Decoration day commenced falling here Satur- day evening and by Tuesday morn- ing a little over 4 inches of water fell. The good old Davii'e Creek that bad ceased to flow altogether for several weeks again began to weep big teara in Mother Botna's lap and that old dignitary too flop- ped all over John I. Hensley's low land. 'Twaa a lovely soaking we received and cauaed much rejoicing. Buy your batteries, automobile gas engine and machine oil of tf John Nelsen. dives Aid To Strikers Sometimes liver, kidneys and bowels seem to go on a strike and refuse to work right. Then you need those pleasant lit- tle strike-breakers—Dr. King's New Life Pills—to give them natural aid and gently compel proper action. Excellent health soon follows. Try them. 25c at Winfrey & Chantry. And Horse Supplies of All Kinds. Bring in your Repairs. Oiling $2 for 3 sets. J. W. ALSUP - ( I A- wmm lite "1 * M|p r 0 f * ,4«. N - , /V; 2 ' Phone 161 s Exira, Iowa f XV . ."K . v 'I -4, . iTj '• i .1 k " "V* Kt t I I . mm

Audubon County journal. (Exira, Iowa), 1911-10-05, [p ]

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Page 1: Audubon County journal. (Exira, Iowa), 1911-10-05, [p ]



•'iss ;ltl M i&R

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Fro The Hon*

HartSctaffneip'Mol Good CI

ugauuaaniuuntuBaB irrnmr—""""

1 ! r1


Kk' > l 'K •?3\«5v

OU can't find any better news in this paper | than you'll find right here; because good;

clothes are of a good deal of interest to most men, and this is good clothes news. Hart Shaff-ner & Marx new Fall models are here; "just in, the new faprics, the new colorings and patterns, the,

new designs and shapes.


Come in and enjoy looking them over with us; you needn't wait until you're ready to buy; come in just to look. Pick out the one or two suits you're going to have, and the overcoat and rain­coat you want; we'll lay them aside for you if you want us to;

\? and in that way you'll have your pick of the whole stock. « -

New grays and browns, and some very fetching blue-grays are the prevailing shades. The Shape-maker model for young men;

the Varsity, you ought to see them. y ^

Suits and Overcoats $20.00 and up.


© t


A1 John McAnulty and family of 'JRandolpb, Neb. has been visiting

^relatives here this week.

•f A fine little girl baby was born -to Mr. and Mrs. Niels Nielsen, laBt tA • OUUiUlO. illtm H

' '.J^'UTueaday, September 36th.

*>€ Finest line of penny postal *>)'•**> at P. M. Christensen's.


r? 4;

1 I-

J. E. LewiB, one of our fine stock V '.. tnen of Brayton has sold Male hogs

"to Will Davis, Nie J. Miller and one

a $

to TbomaB Jones.

The little grandson of Mr. William Binter, one of Mr. Noel's ohildrem whose mother died a few days ago

''"has been very sick but i8 some bet-• Ifeas^ter at this writing.

Mrs. Austin Guernsey and sons J 'returned to their home in Chicago

i-irlBBt week after a pleasant visit with • relatives in Audubon and Exira.

- She was accompanied as far aa At­lantic by her father, A. Seibert.

Needles and shuttlea for all makes jst of Sewing Machines at P. M. Chria-


Our Boosters with loads of men, IT'shovels, spades, axes and naile :pasBed over the River to River Road

' both ways from town yesterday re-Wpairingaoy bad place that may ' Jiave appeared during the rains the

<fHaat few days. They are getting so iaccuatomed to doing this that it has become a habit. >



Si!".' f 1

Miss Gleola Lair is helping Mrs. Fred Cotton with her household duties thia week.

Mrs. Fred Cotton will entertain the .Treble Clef Club this evening in honor of Mrs. Hopley.

Mr. and Mrs. PhillipB ot Griswold arrived here today on a viait to their daughter, Mrs. W. F. Hopley.

The Aid Society of the Audubon Township Christian Church will met at Mrs. Chria Wolfe'a October 12th.

Get an Anti-Rheumatic Ring at P. M. Christensen's.

Mrs. Dr. Jaoobaen went to Cedar Rapids Monday on a few days viait with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. Humelaon and two children of that place will accompany her home for a few daya visit.

Scott Herrick planted nearly six acreB of potatoes this year, from which be expects to realize one thousand bushels. Mr. Herrick iB one of our beBt farmers and very thorough in bis work.

The heavy travel over all our bridges during the excessive heat the past summer has put the older one to a severe test. In fact, aome of them abould be out of commie-sion for they are certainly danger­ous. Some oue, whose business it is, to look after the welfare of the peeple should examine them.

Sewing Machines repaired right at P. M. Christensen's. _

County Auditor Witthauer is on the alck liat thia week with a very bad cold.

Bud Heath of Brayton was in the city laat week on buBinesB and to visit friends.

Mr. Perry Hansen of Lake View came down Saturday for a visit with relatives and friends.

Mias Amber Kelsey had a cave constructed laat week, Jefferson Lewie doing the work.

A bushel or two of line large wal­nuts were taken from the tree be­longing to Miss Kelsey near the Photographic Gallery.

Two Davis boys, two McLaughlin boys and two Puck boys, all bach­elors, are farming and batching in the north part of the county.

Wm. Diest and wife of Cameron townahip passed through town to and from a visit with their old friends, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Shelley at Stuart, Iowa.

Editor McClure, wife and daugh­ter, Mrs. O. J. Keamerer of Fontan-elle were in Adair Wednesday, hav­ing come over in their new Maxwell touring car.—Adair News.

Mr. McClure will be remembered as one of the editors of the Audu­bon Republican.

Mens' Oxforda E. D. Cotton'a.

at a discount at

E. D. Powell returned to hia home in Kansas last week.

Mrs. M. C. Gill has been on the sick last the past week.

Boy Barhan arrived here yeater-day on a viait to relatives.

Miaa Zola McClain went to Omaha Tueaday to attend the Ak-Sar-Ben.

Mtb. Metz went to Wiota Monday on a visit to her aon, Mike Metz and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Hadden entertained a few of their friends at their home, last evening.

Mr. Mike O'Day of Atlantic spent Monday in Exira, the guest of his friend, George Mintier.

Mrs. John Kaus returned to her home in Templeton after a pleasant visit here with relatives.

Chaa. Hawks and wife have been entertaining a daughter and her husband of near Greenfield, Iowa.

They are shipping ten oars of Ben J)a via and ten cars of Jobna-tban apples a day from Glenwood, Iowa.

A dance was given in the K. P. hall last Friday night, A large crowd was present and a fine time was reported by all.

Mrs. Geo. Stephenaen was buried a„t Rorbeck last Sabbath. Mr. Ste-phensen will be remembered in Ex­ira as the uncle of Mrs. Scott Her­rick.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Alsup, aon Er­nest and daughter, Florence return­ed home yeBterday from a week's visit in Kansas City with, relatives _ _ . . WBjS ' 'oW .•/ and friends, ®gl


i- ' H/ i * .

Henry Vermule, the poor cripple boy of Templeton iB having a good trade in selling Jewelry and repair watches. He is skillful and as hon­est as the day ia long.

M i'B. E. B. HolmeB had the misfor­tune to cut one of her hands quite bad, while cleaning a lamp chim­ney, it breaking to pieces during the process of washing.

Mr. and Mrs. Ted Martin and children returned to their home Bt Nickeraon, Kansas Monday, after a weeks visit here with their relatives at the Hi Heath home.

Doug Hamlin returned to Omaha a few daya ago after a short viait herewith relatives and friends.

Lester Peterman is building a house for Frank Bartlett on the old Henry Welle farm north of Exira.

We have a heavy crop of apples this year, the moat and beat quality there has been in thia aection for Bix years.

Mre. E. B. Holmes of Exira spent the latter part of last week at the home of her daughter, Mre. George Knox.—Adair News.

Mrs. Perry Parrott is reported to be very low at her home in the north part of town, Her daughter, Mrs. Leigan of near Audubon came Fri­day to help care for her.

Fay Gransbury atd wife of Mon­tana and Sydney Hopkins and wife of Adair visited from Wednesday until Thursday with relatives at the Heath and Gransbury homes/ ,

Wm. Delahoyde and wife of Avo-ca are trying to rent or Bell their property on South Street. Anyone desiring good property at conserva­tive figures ought to look this over.

A very pleasant house warming occureti at the new house recently built by Hi Hill, last night. A large number of frieads and relatives took charge of things and lined up house and furniture ready for occupancy.

Word reached here that MiBB Ethel Smith and Mr. A. M. McDon­ald were united in marriage in Den-ver, Col. Miaa Ethel ia a grand­daughter of J. B. Connrardy and wife and is well known in tbia vi­cinity. We extend congratulations.

Ed Cotton of the big atore return­ed from a goods buying trip from the important markets of the coun­try, and in a few days will be ready to show all the latest Btyles in fa­brics, and shadings and styles of dry goods and millinery. Call in and look all the up to date t^ingB over "/ • > , , t/i

Charley Kommes ia having his barn re-arranged and enlarged. When painted it will add much to the value of the property.

Lawrence Peteraen, that prosper oua youngDane, north and east of town is building to his dwelling, and will aoon have a commodious house. John Rendleman ia renovating bis

farm house Bouth of towp. which make it a desirable place in which to live. Lona Houston ia looking after the improvement.

When in need of Sale BillB re member there ia no place in thia world that can 'give you the reaults that the Good Old Journal can give you. It goes into every peaceful farmer's homes And talk matters over with them.



As we have no instrument in school that is suitable for marching and use in the High School, we take this means of giving all an oppor­tunity to enjoy an evening

and help financially.

High School MiBB Barbara Kurtenbach viaited

over Monday night with her par-enta near Wiota.

Miaa Irene Porter is assisting with the household duties at the Connrardy home this week. •

H. C. Bruner and wife of Sheltsn, Neb. came here Tuesday and is via-' iting at the Wm. Fowler home.

Myrtle Knox returned to her home in Adair Monday, after a viait here with her Grandma, Mre. Holmes.

V. B. Hellyer went to Omaha Fri­day to attend the opening of the Ak-Sar-Ben and to viait relativeB.

The McNutt girls, daughters of Arthur McNutt of Rosj visited thtlr grandparents, L. Bradley and wife, a few daya.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Varney depart­ed yesterday for Cedar Rapid*, where they will visit hia parents for several days.

Charley Jenkins of Brayton ac­companied Nick Thielen and Tony Kommes to Canada, starting Tuea­day morning,

Laurida Hansen is moving from the Spoo property ia the aouth pari of town to the Patty residence up in the Heights.

'v > Mr. Duff Varney, of South Dako­

ta arrived here Saturday to visit relatives. He expects to, return home tomorrow.

A very Bad accident befell the aon of Mr. and Mrs. Sandrock of Templeton. He stumbled while climbing up a straw stack, piercing his lunga with a pitchfork. A phy­sician was immediately called and after dressing the wound indicated that the boy had a good chance for recovery.

Mrs. Anna Jensen, daughter and little son of Cotesfield,Nebraska ar rived here yesterday to> viait her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johnaon in WeBt Exira until Monday. Her husband accompanied her as far as Atlantic but returned to Omaha to attend the Ak-8ar-Ben. He will ar­rive today.

firom Lake View Resort. The Lake View Fish Company

made a haul in the west part of the Lake last Saturday, capturing about a ton and a half of fish, most­ly carp. They threw back more than a ton of catfieh and aome piokerel

Charles W. Bpencer hooked the scalea into the dip net with one cat­fish in it that pulled down 27 lbs. A chort haul was made yeBterday near Lakewood and a ton of buffalo and carp was caught.

We still have a lot of Ladies' and Children's Oxfords at a discount,

tf > . - E. D. Cotton.

Mra. Spoo and daughter, Mrs. Lester Peterman and Mre. Walter Hocken berry attended the«.r^k i»Sarr Ben'in Oouitta4t»la'AM*lici

John Mertes and wife and daug ter, Maggie and son, Nick all lief J Tueaday to attend Ak-Sar-Ben which ia now inita glory in Omaha.

The Danish Lutheran congrega­tion of tbie place will hold a three days, Friday, Saturday and Sunday meeting this week. They have made preparations to feed all who may come in a large tent erected near the Church. >

I will be in Exira Friday evening and Saturday, October 6th and 7th. Anyone wanting Spirella Corsets, call on or phone me'at Mrs. E. B. Holmes

Mrs. Geo. Knox

The beet rain since Decoration day commenced falling here Satur­day evening and by Tuesday morn­ing a little over 4 inches of water fell. The good old Davii'e Creek that bad ceased to flow altogether for several weeks again began to weep big teara in Mother Botna's lap and that old dignitary too flop­ped all over John I. Hensley's low land. 'Twaa a lovely soaking we received and cauaed much rejoicing.

Buy your batteries, automobile gas engine and machine oil of

tf John Nelsen.

dives Aid To Strikers Sometimes liver, kidneys and bowels

seem to go on a strike and refuse to work right. Then you need those pleasant lit­tle strike-breakers—Dr. King's New Life Pills—to give them natural aid and gently compel proper action. Excellent health soon follows. Try them. 25c at Winfrey & Chantry.

And Horse Supplies of All Kinds.

Bring in your Repairs. Oiling $2 for 3 sets.


-( I

A-wmm lite

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Phone 161 s Exira, Iowa

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