j Ktbllhed July 2, 1850. VOL. XXII.. MO. 4123. HONOLULU, IIJVWAIIAST ISLANDS, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, lb95. PRICE: 5 CENTS. Business arbs. luisbusg CarOs. Business (arbs. TO ENLARGE THE HARBOR THEY STRUCK AN EL DORADO h. i msm. d. d.s. will be worth to the Government at least double the cost of excavating. In dredging out 70,000 cnbio yards of mud, there would be sufficient ma- terial to cover, probably, six acres of mud :! us and make the land valuable to the Government for almost any pur- pose, and if the Oahu Railway Com- pany could be induced to exchange seven or eight acres of their land near- est Kiug street and accept in return the same number of acres of reclaimed land the Government would have a basin that would give it upwards of 1900 lineal feet of wharfage. There would be sufficient material excava- ted from the basin land to cover at least sixty acres on the Iwilei side of the city. Deduct from this, seven acres to be exchanged with the Oahu Railway Company and the Govern- ment will have acquired fifty-thre- e acres of land at an approximate cost of $1S6,000, which may be valued, by comparison with lands sold in the vicinity, at 5318,000. The value of the new wharves may be estimated at $100,000 which can be added to the amount mentioned above. By adopt- ing the plan suggested in this article the Government would add to its holdings property having a net value of $418,000. The laud thus made by depositing the matter taken from the basin would be nearer the citv and conse- - : Dentist -:- - 98 HOTEL ST., HONOLULU. Ofil-- e Hour. f a. ni. to 4 p. m. LEWIS & CO., Whoiesa 0 KG 01 Groce 111 PORT STREET. Telephone MO. P. o. ox . ATLAS ASSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON. ASSETS - - - $10,000,000. H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS, Agents for the Hawaiian Inlands. H. MAY & CO., Wholesale and nil Grocers. :s FORT STREET. Telephone 33. p. O. Box 470. J. T. LUND, 128 and 130 Fort St., opp. Clnb Stuhlcs, Practical Gun and Locksmith. Repairing of All Descriptions. Browning. Blueing and Restocking Guns and Bicycle Repairing a Specialty. !!( Y( LE8 FOIt SAI.K. Tel. OT PACIFIC TRADING COMPANY, Successors to Itohan, I mMrtrH irnl 1ohItm in jQPQnese Provisions. Dry Goods. Etc.. 204.-20- 6 FORT ST., HONOLULU. HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., Steam Engines, I$oIlr-- . Mill-- . Cooler-.- , Brass nni Lead Catlngas And Machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ships' blacksmithing. lob work executed on the shortest notice. LEWERS & COOKE, Successors to Lewers & Dickson, Importers and Dealers in Lumber And All Kinds of Building Material, N.O. FORT STREET, HOWOLTTLU. H. JAOUEN, Practical -:- - Gunmaker, Will do any kind of repairing to Firearms, also Browning and Blueing and Restock- ing equal to factorv work. Satisfaction guaranteed. Union Street, with C. Sterling. Painter. flmprirnn I iuprv nnrt Rnn fiiinn Mm fllllOII UUII LI I LI J UiiU uuuiumy uiuwiuu, Cor. Merchant and Richards Sts. LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES Ca-riag- es, Surreys and Hacks at all heurs. TELEPHONE MM. MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, Cor. Kln;r jiiuI Niiuuiui streets. Just Received by the Australia a Fresh Invoice of Enterprise Beer and Oysters BOB OCKTAILS. Telephone S05. KAHULUI HOTEL, Kahili 1, Maui. SAM SKSG - Proprietor. Special Attention to tic Traveling Public. MEALS AT ALL HOURS, "HALF AND HALF" Is a Great Appetizer. Makes the weak stout and purities the blood. SOLD AT THE EMPIRE SALOON. Two for 85 "nt. BEAVER SALOON, Tort Street, opposite "Wilder fc Co.'a II. J. NOLTE. Proprietor. first-Clas- s Lucches Served With Tea. Coffee. Soia Water. Ginger Ale or Milk. Open from 3 a. m. till 10 p. m. Smoker Requisites a Specialty. LORn ! N A.THURSTON Attorney at Law, 113 Kaahnmann Sr., ITonolaln, If. I. EDMUND P. DOLE, Attorney at Law, 3IS FORT STREET. Telephone Ji . WILLIAM C. PARKE, Attorney at Law AND Afpen! i Take Acknowledgments, Office, 1 1 Kaahumanu St.. Honolulu. LYLE A DICKEY, Attorney at Law, 11 KAAHUMANU STREET. Telephone 345. GILBERT F. LITTLE, Attorney at Law, HILO. HAWAII. DR. J. UCHIDA, Physician and Surgeon, - Kl Kl I LANE. Office Hours, 8 to 12 a. m. and 7. to 8 p. m. Mutual Tel. r,:',-- . DR. R. H. REID, Physician and Surgeon. Office Hours, 1 : jo to 4. p. m. A imnclntetl with Dr. Day, Beretanla DR. E. C. SURMANN Has Removed to Gardes Lane. -:- - TELEPHONE 181. & CO., Wholesale Grocers and Wine Merchants, l'." Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I. C. J. WHITNEY, Teacher of Elocution and Dramatic Art, HONOLULU. H. I. M. W. McCEESNEY & SONS, Wholesale Grocers And Dealers in LEATHER AND SHOE FHDIII6S Agents Honolulu Soap Works Company and Honolulu Tannerv. HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO., HARDWARE, Cutlery and Glassware :U7 KOKT STBRET. H. HACKFELD & CO.. M (Mil floenls, Cor. Fort aiul tu-'t- i rt- - t -- . Honolulu. He Is T'rei. Feed Him Our Oats. A. L. MORRIS A t., Telcphouo 422. ."1 Fort street. H C. BREWER & CO.. LIMITED.. Queen Street. Honolulu. H. I. AGENTS FOR Hawaiian Agricultural Comp.my, Onomea Omrxin v. Honomu Suzar Onnrany, 'atfufcu Sugar ximpanv. Waihee Sir lakx Ranch Com pan v. Kapapala Ranch. Planter' Line San Francisco Packets, Cfcas. Brewer & Co. s Line of Boston Packets. Agents Boston Board of Underwriters. Agents Philadelphia Board of Under-nrrfter- s. List Of Officer'.. P. n Inne. nri-irW- it! f leo. H. Robert- - i, Man.ieer; E. r". Bishop, Treasurer and retary; CoL W. P. Alleti, Auditor; C. (H,kf, H. Waternouse, A. w. t-- arter, ors. i CASTLE & COOKE, Ld, Life and Fire insurance Ag'ts. AGENTS FOR New England Mutual LIFE MM COMPANY Of Boston. ill Fire innce tt Of Hartford. CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO.. BANKERS, Honolulu, II. I., teua Sight and Time Bills of Exchange, fee Commercial and Travelers' Letters of Oedit on the principal parts of the world. Purchase approved Bills. ft&E LOANS ON ACCEPTABLE SECURITY. Receive deposits on open account and flow interest on term deposits. Attend promptly to collections. 4 General Banting Business Transacted. HONOLULU MM IN! Mff. W. W. WRIGHT, Proprietor. CARRIAGE BUILDER AND REPAIRER. All orders from the other islands in the Carriage Building, Trimming and Painting Line will meet with prompt attention. P. O. Box 81. 128 and 130 FORT STREET. IB GUIDE THROUGH HAWAII EL M. Whitney, Publisher. toly Complete Guide Peblisbed. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. PRICE 75c. Sale by Hawaiian flews Co., Bswitn Ln Lands-- HATIM in ROMS i Queen Street. U BETW1 i N ALAKEA AND RICHARDS STS. BRONZE, BRASS -:- - AND -:- - Iron Castings Houscwoiii a Specialty. IRON D00RS,SHUTTERS.Etc. ParticuLir attention paid to Ships1 Black-smithin- g. JOHRINi. l'i::MI'!.V ATTESTED TO, F. E. LYNN, Proprietor. The Hawaiian Gazette Comfaky manufacture rnbber stamps of all descriptions. I Something for the Government to Consider When Examining Plans. ADDIHOXAL LVMI AJjl) WHAKVI8. A Plan Wheivby the Ooveriititent May Keclalm Ld1 Worth S318.00O at an Eiprni of 9186,000 A Good Scheme for the Government. The matter of enlarging Honolulu harbor i3 engaging the attention of the Government as well as those persons interested in shipping. The fact of a lack of proper wharfage in Honolulu has grown more apparent as the busi- ness cf the country has advanced and with that increased maritime trade which must follow the completion of the Nicaragua canal it is necessary that the matter of enlarging the har- bor should be taken in hand promptly. Just now the only place that might be acquired at a reasonable cost, at the same time being a profitable in- vestment to the Government, is in the neighborhood of the land reclaimed by the Oahu Railway Company, near their King street station. This would be a convenient location and a safe one for vessels arriving from any port; but, as it would necessitate the rail- road company releasing some of its most valuable city land, there may be a doubt about the matter being con-sumat- ed. For instance, the Government might dredge out a basin on the northwest side of the harbor, say seven hundred feet wide by one thous- and feet long, in the direction of King street bridge which, allowing for the slope of a bank all around the space dredged, would require an excavation of about twelve and one-hal- f acres, twenty-on- e feet deep which is ample for all vessels entering the harbor;, necessitating the removal, of ap- proximately 420,000 cubic yards of what may be safely as- sumed is mud. This material can be dredged out at a much less expense than the average work done heretofore by the dredger, for the rea- son that in the previous work the shovels have frequently fctruck coral and boulders and the pipes have ofteDer discharged water than solid matter. Work has been done in places where the locality has contained mat- ter similar in character to that in this basin at a cost of 20 cents per cubic yard, and, in the event that it does not contain only mud atjd soft gravel, the greatest cost would not exceed 30 cents i er cubic yard. This price is the estimate of a mau thoroughly compe- tent to judge. If the measurement 420, Ooo ieet is correct, the cost of ex- cavation at the maximum figure would be about $126,000. If this material should be pumped into the eea the total cost of the work would fail upon the Government in its Harbor Improvement fund ; but it can be placed in a locality where it Old Fishmarket Transformed Into a Gold Mine. I'KEdOl !j COIN OF THK RIALH Keal Gold Ferer Struck the Native IMckaxeg and 9hovel I'nearth Wealth from Five Dollars to Fire Cents The Man Didn't put Candle tindera Bushel Although the island of Oahu did originate from volcanic sources her capital city can boast of a gold mine which, peculiarly enough, contains silver as well. The old fishmarket did not stand for noth- ing. A native walking recently over the ground where the shanty, dignified with the name of fish- market, used to stand came upon a twenty-five-cen- t piece buried in the hard earth. As is usual upon such occasions, a kind of faver seized hold of him and he thought to himself if the surface contained money already made what multi- tudes of untold wealth the place must contain. He thought of a bagful of gold and silver coins, and built for himself castles in the air which were unfortunately destined to remain in the same hazy state. Losing himself in a paroxysm of joy he sat down upon a coral rock and surveyed the fields of " vast wealth." " But, then, a beginning must be made," thought the man, and drop- ping upon his hands and knees be began to pick away at the dirt with a blunt iron bar which he found in the vicinity. Had he waited until the dead of night and then gone forth with a candle under a bushel he might have kept the secret to himself. But as it was out in the light of day, the wrapt expression of the native's face attracted others of his kin, first by curiosity and then by the fever which he himself had developed. One by one, and then two by two, and then in squads of tens, came men, women and chil- dren, each carrying a receptacle which could have easily held thou- sands of dollars and armed with shovels, picks, knives and other instruments calculated to be of us--i- mining operations. When the place was visited yes terday morning these people were at work digging earnestly at the hard earth, ever and anon giving vent to an expression of joy at find- ing various pieces of money from ii nickel to a $5 piece. As soon as a coin was unearthed by some one the other miners would work with increased energy. It was very amusing to watch these toilers out in the hot sun, with the perspiration flowing from their faces and waddling along to unexplored spots like so many geese. When asked what they were doing, they gave the answer " Gula." This was evidently adopted by all the toilers, for they invariably gave the same answer. It was short, concise, and calcu- lated to put a stop to all further interrogation. A Portuguese with flowing beard and dilapidated appearance came along, but was immediately made to feel very uncomfortable by the cutting remarks of the natives. After finding a few pieces of scrap iron he sought other fields, followed by the most aggravating taunts, such as natives alone know how to offer. None but natives are sup- posed to belong to the Fishmarket miners. It is safe to say that the site of the old fishmarket will be occupied by " squatters " and others for many weeks to come since there are among the natives, as among other nation- alities, a few who are never satisfied with the work of others, and will, consequently, want to go over the ground already dug up. It has been offered as a suggestion that the men now hunting for coins be given work at levelling off the ground. It is thought they will be willing to work for small wages The Bennington is ex" ct?d from Hilo in a day or so. v2 quently more valuable. It would vastly improve that portion of Iwilei lying nearest the railway property on the east. The illustration given above shows the twelve and one half acres of land to be excavated and the location of the wharves suggested. . Rather Top Heavy, A gentleman passing out on King street near Robello lane yes- terday afternoon witnessed a queer sight. A watering cart in the mid- dle of the street had been filled too full of water. In consequence of this fact it had tipped backward, and the poor horse attached to the cart was dangling in the air, mak- ing vigorous efforts to touch the ground. The driver was in sore straits as to the best mode of pro- cedure in the emergency. At last a brilliant thought struck him and with beaming countenance he let the water run out of the cart. Slowly the horee descended to earth amidst mud puddles of vari- ous shapes and descriptions. A moment afterward the driver wa3 in his place sprinkling the already too well moistened places on his way to dryer spots. The Brown Case. John Brown, the man who shot "Scotty" Brown, was sentenced to two years' imprisonment, with a fine of $200 and costs, in the Dis- trict Court yesterday. The case was begun in the morning and finished In the afternoon. Brown defended himself. T. B. Murray, his employer, with a view to hav ing the case appealed, became re sponsible for Brown's appearance when wanted and the prisoner was j . released. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report I

Attorney...CASTLE & COOKE, Ld, Life and Fire insurance Ag'ts. AGENTS FOR New England Mutual LIFE MM COMPANY Of Boston. ill Fire innce tt Of Hartford. CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO.. BANKERS,

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Page 1: Attorney...CASTLE & COOKE, Ld, Life and Fire insurance Ag'ts. AGENTS FOR New England Mutual LIFE MM COMPANY Of Boston. ill Fire innce tt Of Hartford. CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO.. BANKERS,


Ktbllhed July 2, 1850.


Business arbs. luisbusg CarOs. Business (arbs. TO ENLARGE THE HARBOR THEY STRUCK AN EL DORADO

h. i msm. d. d.s.

will be worth to the Government atleast double the cost of excavating.

In dredging out 70,000 cnbio yardsof mud, there would be sufficient ma-terial to cover, probably, six acres ofmud :! us and make the land valuableto the Government for almost any pur-pose, and if the Oahu Railway Com-pany could be induced to exchangeseven or eight acres of their land near-est Kiug street and accept in returnthe same number of acres of reclaimedland the Government would have abasin that would give it upwards of1900 lineal feet of wharfage. Therewould be sufficient material excava-ted from the basin land to cover atleast sixty acres on the Iwilei side ofthe city. Deduct from this, sevenacres to be exchanged with the OahuRailway Company and the Govern-ment will have acquired fifty-thre- e

acres of land at an approximate costof $1S6,000, which may be valued, bycomparison with lands sold in thevicinity, at 5318,000. The value of thenew wharves may be estimated at$100,000 which can be added to theamount mentioned above. By adopt-ing the plan suggested in this articlethe Government would add to itsholdings property having a net valueof $418,000.

The laud thus made by depositingthe matter taken from the basinwould be nearer the citv and conse- -

: Dentist -:--


Ofil-- e Hour. f a. ni. to 4 p. m.


Whoiesa 0 KG 01 Groce

111 PORT STREET.Telephone MO. P. o. ox .


OF LONDON.ASSETS - - - $10,000,000.

H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS,Agents for the Hawaiian Inlands.

H. MAY & CO.,

Wholesale and nil Grocers.

:s FORT STREET.Telephone 33. p. O. Box 470.

J. T. LUND,128 and 130 Fort St., opp. Clnb Stuhlcs,

Practical Gun and Locksmith.Repairing of All Descriptions.

Browning. Blueing and Restocking Guns andBicycle Repairing a Specialty.

!!( Y( LE8 FOIt SAI.K. Tel. OT


I mMrtrH irnl 1ohItm in

jQPQnese Provisions. Dry Goods. Etc..

204.-20- 6 FORT ST., HONOLULU.


Steam Engines,I$oIlr-- . Mill-- . Cooler-.- , Brass

nni Lead CatlngasAnd Machinery of every description madeto order. Particular attention paid toships' blacksmithing. lob work executedon the shortest notice.

LEWERS & COOKE,Successors to Lewers & Dickson,

Importers and Dealers in Lumber

And All Kinds of Building Material,N.O. FORT STREET, HOWOLTTLU.

H. JAOUEN,Practical -:- - Gunmaker,Will do any kind of repairing to Firearms,also Browning and Blueing and Restock-ing equal to factorv work. Satisfactionguaranteed.

Union Street, with C. Sterling. Painter.

flmprirnn I iuprv nnrt Rnn fiiinn MmfllllOII UUII LI I LI J UiiU uuuiumy uiuwiuu,

Cor. Merchant and Richards Sts.

LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLESCa-riag- es, Surreys and Hacks at all


MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE,Cor. Kln;r jiiuI Niiuuiui streets.

Just Received by the Australia a FreshInvoice of

Enterprise Beer and OystersBOB OCKTAILS.

Telephone S05.

KAHULUI HOTEL,Kahili 1, Maui.

SAM SKSG - Proprietor.

Special Attention to tic Traveling Public.


"HALF AND HALF"Is a Great Appetizer.

Makes the weak stout and purities theblood.


BEAVER SALOON,Tort Street, opposite "Wilder fc Co.'a

II. J. NOLTE. Proprietor.first-Clas- s Lucches Served With Tea. Coffee.

Soia Water. Ginger Ale or Milk.Open from 3 a. m. till 10 p. m.

Smoker Requisites a Specialty.


Attorney at Law,113 Kaahnmann Sr., ITonolaln, If. I.


Attorney at Law,3IS FORT STREET.

Telephone Ji .

WILLIAM C. PARKE,Attorney at Law

ANDAfpen! i Take Acknowledgments,

Office, 1 1 Kaahumanu St.. Honolulu.


Attorney at Law,11 KAAHUMANU STREET.

Telephone 345.


Attorney at Law,HILO. HAWAII.

DR. J. UCHIDA,Physician and Surgeon,

- Kl Kl I LANE.

Office Hours, 8 to 12 a. m. and 7. to 8 p. m.Mutual Tel. r,:',-- .

DR. R. H. REID,Physician and Surgeon.

Office Hours, 1 : jo to 4. p. m.

A imnclntetl with Dr. Day, Beretanla


Has Removed to Gardes Lane.

-:- - TELEPHONE 181.

& CO.,Wholesale Grocers and Wine

Merchants,l'." Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I.

C. J. WHITNEY,Teacher of Elocution and

Dramatic Art,HONOLULU. H. I.


Wholesale GrocersAnd Dealers in


Agents Honolulu Soap Works Companyand Honolulu Tannerv.


Cutlery and Glassware:U7 KOKT STBRET.


M (Mil floenls,

Cor. Fort aiul tu-'t- i rt- - t -- .


He Is T'rei. Feed Him Our Oats.A. L. MORRIS A t.,

Telcphouo 422. ."1 Fort street.



Queen Street. Honolulu. H. I.

AGENTS FORHawaiian Agricultural Comp.my, Onomea

Omrxin v. Honomu Suzar Onnrany,'atfufcu Sugar ximpanv. Waihee Sirlakx Ranch Com pan v. Kapapala Ranch.Planter' Line San Francisco Packets,

Cfcas. Brewer & Co. s Line of BostonPackets.

Agents Boston Board of Underwriters.Agents Philadelphia Board of Under-nrrfter- s.

List Of Officer'..P. n Inne. nri-irW- it! f leo. H. Robert- -

i, Man.ieer; E. r". Bishop, Treasurer andretary; CoL W. P. Alleti, Auditor; C.(H,kf, H. Waternouse, A. w. t--



CASTLE & COOKE, Ld,Life and Fire

insurance Ag'ts.AGENTS FOR

New England Mutual


Of Boston.

ill Fire innce ttOf Hartford.


BANKERS,Honolulu, II. I.,

teua Sight and Time Bills of Exchange,fee Commercial and Travelers' Letters of

Oedit on the principal parts of the world.Purchase approved Bills.


Receive deposits on open account andflow interest on term deposits.

Attend promptly to collections.

4 General Banting Business Transacted.


MM IN! Mff.

W. W. WRIGHT, Proprietor.


All orders from the other islands in theCarriage Building, Trimming and PaintingLine will meet with prompt attention.

P. O. Box 81.

128 and 130 FORT STREET.


HAWAIIEL M. Whitney, Publisher.

toly Complete Guide Peblisbed.


PRICE 75c.Sale by Hawaiian flews Co.,

Bswitn Ln Lands--


BRONZE, BRASS-:- - AND -:- -

Iron CastingsHouscwoiii a Specialty.

IRON D00RS,SHUTTERS.Etc.ParticuLir attention paid to Ships1 Black-smithin- g.


F. E. LYNN,Proprietor.

The Hawaiian Gazette Comfakymanufacture rnbber stamps of alldescriptions.

I Something for the Government toConsider When Examining Plans.


A Plan Wheivby the Ooveriititent MayKeclalm Ld1 Worth S318.00O atan Eiprni of 9186,000 A GoodScheme for the Government.

The matter of enlarging Honoluluharbor i3 engaging the attention of theGovernment as well as those personsinterested in shipping. The fact of alack of proper wharfage in Honoluluhas grown more apparent as the busi-ness cf the country has advanced andwith that increased maritime trade

which must follow the completion ofthe Nicaragua canal it is necessarythat the matter of enlarging the har-bor should be taken in hand promptly.

Just now the only place that mightbe acquired at a reasonable cost, atthe same time being a profitable in-

vestment to the Government, is in theneighborhood of the land reclaimedby the Oahu Railway Company, neartheir King street station. This wouldbe a convenient location and a safeone for vessels arriving from any port;but, as it would necessitate the rail-road company releasing some of itsmost valuable city land, there may bea doubt about the matter being con-sumat- ed.

For instance, the Governmentmight dredge out a basin on thenorthwest side of the harbor, sayseven hundred feet wide by one thous-and feet long, in the direction of Kingstreet bridge which, allowing for theslope of a bank all around the spacedredged, would require an excavationof about twelve and one-hal- f acres,twenty-on- e feet deep which is amplefor all vessels entering the harbor;,necessitating the removal, of ap-proximately 420,000 cubic yardsof what may be safely as-

sumed is mud. This materialcan be dredged out at a much lessexpense than the average work doneheretofore by the dredger, for the rea-son that in the previous work theshovels have frequently fctruck coraland boulders and the pipes haveofteDer discharged water than solidmatter. Work has been done in placeswhere the locality has contained mat-ter similar in character to that in thisbasin at a cost of 20 cents per cubicyard, and, in the event that it doesnot contain only mud atjd soft gravel,the greatest cost would not exceed 30cents i er cubic yard. This price is theestimate of a mau thoroughly compe-tent to judge. If the measurement420, Ooo ieet is correct, the cost of ex-

cavation at the maximum figure wouldbe about $126,000.

If this material should be pumpedinto the eea the total cost of the workwould fail upon the Government inits Harbor Improvement fund ; but itcan be placed in a locality where it

Old Fishmarket Transformed Into aGold Mine.


Keal Gold Ferer Struck the NativeIMckaxeg and 9hovel I'nearth Wealthfrom Five Dollars to Fire Cents TheMan Didn't put Candle tindera Bushel

Although the island of Oahu didoriginate from volcanic sources hercapital city can boast of a goldmine which, peculiarly enough,contains silver as well. The oldfishmarket did not stand for noth-ing. A native walking recentlyover the ground where the shanty,dignified with the name of fish-

market, used to stand came upona twenty-five-cen- t piece buried inthe hard earth. As is usual uponsuch occasions, a kind of faverseized hold of him and he thoughtto himself if the surface containedmoney already made what multi-tudes of untold wealth the placemust contain. He thought of abagful of gold and silver coins, andbuilt for himself castles in the airwhich were unfortunately destinedto remain in the same hazy state.Losing himself in a paroxysm ofjoy he sat down upon a coral rockand surveyed the fields of " vastwealth."

" But, then, a beginning must bemade," thought the man, and drop-ping upon his hands and knees bebegan to pick away at the dirt witha blunt iron bar which he found inthe vicinity. Had he waited untilthe dead of night and then goneforth with a candle under a bushelhe might have kept the secret tohimself. But as it was out in thelight of day, the wrapt expressionof the native's face attracted othersof his kin, first by curiosity andthen by the fever which he himselfhad developed. One by one, andthen two by two, and then in squadsof tens, came men, women and chil-dren, each carrying a receptaclewhich could have easily held thou-sands of dollars and armed withshovels, picks, knives and otherinstruments calculated to be of us--i-

mining operations.When the place was visited yes

terday morning these people wereat work digging earnestly at thehard earth, ever and anon givingvent to an expression of joy at find-ing various pieces of money from ii

nickel to a $5 piece. As soon as acoin was unearthed by some onethe other miners would work withincreased energy.

It was very amusing to watchthese toilers out in the hot sun,with the perspiration flowing fromtheir faces and waddling along tounexplored spots like so manygeese. When asked what theywere doing, they gave the answer" Gula." This was evidentlyadopted by all the toilers, for theyinvariably gave the same answer.It was short, concise, and calcu-lated to put a stop to all furtherinterrogation.

A Portuguese with flowing beardand dilapidated appearance camealong, but was immediately madeto feel very uncomfortable by thecutting remarks of the natives.After finding a few pieces of scrapiron he sought other fields, followedby the most aggravating taunts,such as natives alone know how tooffer. None but natives are sup-posed to belong to the Fishmarketminers.

It is safe to say that the site of theold fishmarket will be occupied by" squatters " and others for manyweeks to come since there are amongthe natives, as among other nation-alities, a few who are never satisfiedwith the work of others, and will,consequently, want to go over theground already dug up. It hasbeen offered as a suggestion thatthe men now hunting for coins begiven work at levelling off theground. It is thought they will bewilling to work for small wages

The Bennington is ex" ct?d fromHilo in a day or so.


quently more valuable. It wouldvastly improve that portion of Iwileilying nearest the railway property onthe east.

The illustration given above showsthe twelve and one half acres of landto be excavated and the location ofthe wharves suggested.

.Rather Top Heavy,

A gentleman passing out onKing street near Robello lane yes-

terday afternoon witnessed a queersight. A watering cart in the mid-

dle of the street had been filled toofull of water. In consequence ofthis fact it had tipped backward,and the poor horse attached to thecart was dangling in the air, mak-ing vigorous efforts to touch theground. The driver was in sorestraits as to the best mode of pro-cedure in the emergency. At lasta brilliant thought struck him andwith beaming countenance he letthe water run out of the cart.Slowly the horee descended toearth amidst mud puddles of vari-ous shapes and descriptions. Amoment afterward the driver wa3in his place sprinkling the alreadytoo well moistened places on hisway to dryer spots.

The Brown Case.John Brown, the man who shot

"Scotty" Brown, was sentenced totwo years' imprisonment, with afine of $200 and costs, in the Dis-

trict Court yesterday. The casewas begun in the morning andfinished In the afternoon. Browndefended himself. T. B. Murray,his employer, with a view to having the case appealed, became responsible for Brown's appearancewhen wanted and the prisoner was j

. released.

Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report


Page 2: Attorney...CASTLE & COOKE, Ld, Life and Fire insurance Ag'ts. AGENTS FOR New England Mutual LIFE MM COMPANY Of Boston. ill Fire innce tt Of Hartford. CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO.. BANKERS,






General Staple

1 I n

rI .

K k kCO t0 Q


Tract !

next week in consequence of thepromotion of Lieutenant Kenaketo the post of Adjutant of firt bat-talion.

The candidate most mentionedto succeed Lieutenant Kenake isSecond Lieutenant Jacob?en. First.Sergeant Gile ia a candidate forJacoben'H place against Dr. J. T.W'ayson. Friends of the differentcandidates are doing considerablework among the members in orderto elect their favorites.




TT R E0 O VTASFancy Dry Goods. o

Groceries dm il House Fuii Goods






A Chinamin s Hand in a Can The

Marder Theory Dispelled.

The Chinese have a very revolt-

ing custom of saving, for futurereference, all parts of their bodieswhich have become detached inany manner. About a year and ahalf ago a Chinaman at Ewa plan-

tation had hie left hand so badlyinjured in an accident that it be-

came necessary to have the mem-

ber amputated. He came to Hono-

lulu and had the operation per-

formed.Upon returning to Ewa he took

his amputated hand to a cousinwho then kept a poi shop in one ofJohn Colburn's houses on Mauna-ke- a

street. It had been placed ina new tin pail and hermeticallysealed to keep out the germ3 of de-

composition. Ah Wa, the faithfulcousin, took hi3 relation's hand,-- hook it and put it away in a safecorner, there to remain until calledfor. Then the one-hande- d China-man went back to Ewa feeling cer-

tain that he had succeeded in find-ing a safe resting-plac- e for hi3hand until such a time as he



And Investment CompanySTOCKS HAVE BEGUN TO MOVE!

The favorable weather during the pastsummer Rives promise of a large crop for189fJ, and with an estimated shortage of theworld's production of One Million Tons ofSugar, higher prices are looked for.

ersons alive to the situation are begin-ning to purchase now. During the presentmonth we have made more .sales of FirstClass Stocks than for the past twelvemonths.

We are now buying and M '.ling the fol-lowing:

Hawaiian Sugar Com pan y Stock,Ewa Plantation Company Stock.Haiku Sugar Company Stock.Honomu Sugar Company Stock,Hawaiian Agricultural Company Stock,l'aia Plantation Company Stock,"Mutual Telephone Stock,Hawaiian Electric Company Stock.Also Hawaiian Government Bonds, and

Plantation fir.--t Mortgage Bonds.W have some very secure boxes in the

Safe Depo-i- t aults to let by the month orby the y-a- r at very reasonable rates.

New Goods Constantly Arriving.

QUEEN gTREET toresNew Prints, Ginghams, Ducks, Denims, TowelsNapkin. Marseilles Quilts, Navy Hhic Scrj-es- .

Navy and White Sweaters, Ladies' Cloth,Gents' Kangaroo Gloves, Pearl Buttons in great variety

flew Stock of GroceriesSalmon in Barrels and 1- -2 Barrels.FULL LINE OF CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE.Shell Hardware. Enamel and Granite Ware.Pure Prepared Paints in leading Colors, Prtncess Metalic Paint.Oils, Turpentine, California Lime, lite, Etc.

Building lots in that beautiful tract of laud directly oppositoPunahou College, facing Punahou and Makiki Streets, and WildeAvenue are now offered for sale.

The location is one of the choicest in Honolulu for Homcscckcrs. We claim every advantage for these lots High and Dry, awayfrom the noise of the city. On the street car line (5 cent fare).City Water, Electric Lights. The pleasautest drive on macadamizedstreets the entire distance from the city. The night bloomingCereus is in constant view. Luxuriant shade tress line the strectvThis is one of the most select and retired districts of Honolulu.

The elevation is sufficient to give you a magnificent panoramicview of the city and surroundings, and the location is far enoughfrom the business center to reduce to a minimum the danger of con- -

tracting the contagious diseases peculiar to the low lands of thecity. A cool and invigorating breeze is constantly wafted down!from the valleys.


For parti;i.,:rs ap:!y to


ti J Investment Company,

408 Fort Street, Honolulu.



By purchasing a lot from us in our PUNAHOUTRACT we will build you a house thereon according toThe Newest ! The Latest ! The Best ! COLLEGE

your own)to suiftplans and specifications, payable in monthly installments


br 12th. and continuing for 3 davs. I For further information and particulars apply to,.M SI OPENED AND READY FOR INSPECTION AT Till.

FORT STREET STOREPHRCALES.in great variety, new tvle FLUTTLR and COTTON DL'CKS.SCOTCH QlNOH A.ws.and Seersuckers. Zephyrs in stripes and checks.CRERE Orenadines.ReaLMaltese, Platte and Valenciennes Laces, Ladies' Swede. Kid, Lisle andTaffeta Gloves and Gauntlets, silks and surahs. Black, Plain, stripesand inured. White SWrSS MUSLINS, Black.White and Creum PASSEMENTRIE, LACKBeading. Silk Gimps. Ladies' .nd Gents' cotton and Lisle Hose, Sweaters forBovs and Men in Navv Blue and White, SILK BOLTINGS.

will inaugurate my fall opening of Milli-nery, consisting of Pattern Hats. Ribbon sIM Novelties, Wines. Feathers, Birds, etc.The goods are the very latest styles, directfrom New York for

MISS C AH ILL.Arlington Block, Hotel Street.



BRUCE WARING & CO.,503 FORT STREET, near King Street.

Price of the above Lots is $500 each.No Charge for Making Deeds


should see fit to accompany it backto the land of his birth.

A short time ago Ah Wa movedhis place of taro pounding and for-

got to take with him the hand ofhis relation. He had put the tinpail containing it into an iron potused for cooking and had left thisin a dark corner, evidently expect-ing to carry it away.

Yesterday morning an old native,employed by John Colburn, wasset to work cleaning the recent poishop in preparation for the arrivalof a new tenant. He came uponthe pail, and thinking it mightcontain something of value, pulledoff the top. What he found was ashrivelled hand, from which eman-ated a very sickening odor. It hadbeen cut off two or three inchesabove the wrist, and was bentaround to fit the pail.

This was more than the nativecould stand, and, in a very excitedstate, he ran to the police station,where he told his story.

Captain Scott was dispatched tothe scene to investigate the matter.Ah Wa, the last occupant of thebuilding, was arrested and held forinvestigation. His cousin will beup from Ewa today to identify pro-perty, at which time Ah Wa will,probably, have all suspicion re-moved from him and walk aboutagain with head erect.


to the Ladies of Honolulu THE WOVEN WIRE MAN "BAILEY"that she has opened the BON TON PAR-LOKS- ,

formerly conducted by Mrs.MANUFACTURES AND SELLS -- o-


Strain All work guaranteedMRS. NOTT,

Corner Fort and Beretania streets.4d53-3- m


ran iMm in Which WillNot Rust;

woven 8V V Vi r, II VII ISUUli -:- - J OIU,

Consolidated Soda Water WorksHENSMOUK TYPEWRITER IN PER- -

Dry Earth Closets, Automatic; Cord Hammocks, Hand-ma- dKoa Ends; Woven Wire Chairs, Oak Drawers, Woven WireLounges, Cool and Comfortable; Hospital and Army

Cots, Everlasting; Iron Fencing, Etc., Etc.One of Honolulu's Industries. Help it by buying its manufactures.

U feet condition. Apply at office ofijri'ce Waring & co., COMPANY.Fort Street.4119-l- w

NOTICE. J. E. BAILEY, Queen St., Next Door to L. B. Kerr's. by themAll fountains in City suppliedare filled with water which has beenMISS RICHARDS HAS CHANGED

location of her vocal studio to BYAUTHORITY.Room No. 2, Y. M. C. A. Building.4120-t- f


PUBIFIED II. HYATT PROCESSFinance Department. BCBKAUBicycle for Sale. OFl

, 1895. J OComoro,HoKOltUltU, H. I., October 11th



BY MANY.Importers, in making entry at the Customfor sale cheap. App'v at this office.

4117-t- f House, will positively identify each casewith its contents. Ample time is here al

Boat House and Tea Beautiful PleasureBoats Complete.

In lirst-clas- s condition. Also ONEPLEASURE YACHT, cat rigged. This isjust the business for an energetic youngman. Apply to

0- -Horse for Sale. lowed for notification of this necessity to allforeign consignors, and failure to comply

Nuaana Stream,Natives are at work digging a

ditch and constructing a retainingwall on the mauka side of Kingstreet, on the Ewa side of the wash-house- s.

The discharge pipe from thebay extends under the car-lin-e to apoint just alongside the wash-hous- e,

and it is through this that the mudwill be carried from the bay to thelow lands opposite.

The odor from the mud is becom-ing offensive to passers by even atthis early stage of the work. Atthe present rate, it will be com-pleted in about eight months.

It is understood that some of thephysicians in the Board of Healthobject to this plan as being unsani-tary, preference being given to asuggestion to fill the land in withdry earth brought in from

Teleplioxie71 71after the date above named will inevitablycause increased delay and expense beforedelivery of the good. From ami after the


1120-t-f Next to Postotlice.board, we will sell on TUESDAY,'ctober 29th, 195, at Public Auc same date, the reduction of Foreign curtion, at the Auction rooms of rencies in Customs entries will be resumed THE STANDARD STALLIONJames F. Morgan, in Honolulu, one Bay ANNUAL MEETING.bv the Customs.Mare. CLUB STABLES COM PAKY.

Honolulu. September 27. lM-- 5 411 9-l- m

JAS. B. CASTLE,Collector-Gener- al of Customs.MILL : ENGINE CREOLEApproved :


Minister ot Finance.4121 KJ93-3- t Record, 2:15.

Champion Hawaiian Record, 2:21 1-- 2.

Horizontal Slide Value Engine

Made bv Honolulu Iron Works ComTenders for Mating Uniforms for

pany iu I8fc5.

ANNUAL MEETING OF THETHE of the Onomea Sugar Com-pany will be held at the office of C. Brewer& Co. (Limited), in Honolulu, on TUES-DAY, October 22d. 1895. at 10 o'clock a. m .

Dated at Honolulu, October 8, 1895.E. F. BISHOP.

4118-t- d Secretary.


Bore of Cylinder 13 inches. Length of

the National Guard of Hawaii.

Qvaktkrmahtbr's Department,October 11, 189o.

Sealed tenders will be received by the

Stroke 40 inches, Crank on left ofCt Under, Hand Reversing Gear. Dia BLUE BULL Pmdn'i.meter of Fly Wheel 14 feet. Size of En-gine Bed 3 feet wide b 20 feet long. BLCK BULL 75

Sire of UoTrfctowB:16a :undersigned until 12 o'clock noon of WED-NESDAY, October 16, 1895. for supplying Zoe B, 2:17H; Bessie 2:17; (.QUKKlf.

For further p.irticulare, apply to ana oo oners aetilaes. iiree of 6U and 48 dama of 70FFOMPTfR 2305 4the National Guard of Hawaii, with one

2:30 performersWAILUKU SUGAR COMPANY. FLAXTAIL 8IS1...Sire of 2 in list andhundred and fiftv (more or less) BineTheo. U. Paries & Co., L'd.

Flannel Blouses, and one hundred and of 9 trotters and 2 pacera

Bire of Creole. 2:15; Eagie.2:19; Api, 2:96; Transit,2 . 2H; Walker. 2 : 23;Wale. 2:-C- . Chioo, 2:24;and of the dams of Brilliaa-tina- .

2:17: Vigor, 2:28

PRAIHiK BIRD, 2:28 1-- 44jU-1- w 1872-t- f fifty (more or less) White Duck Pants. uam oi fiient. 2:29; damMEETING OF THETHE ANNUAL of Fleet, 2:184; Sid Fleet,Blouses to be well sewed with silk thread. tockholders of 'he Wailuku Sugar Com




326 KS I rASHIONDam of

2:2aPrairie Bira,The material for all garments to be well

shrunk, cut and made to measure, to theentire satisfaction of the undersigned.

I I !

Ill f IOWA CHfBF 528.Sire of 6 in 2:30 list

pany will be held at the otlice of O. Brewer& Co. (Lim ted), in Honolulu, on MON-DAY. October 2lst. 1S95. at 10 o'clock a. m.

Dated Honolulu, October 8, 195.E. F. BISHOP.

4118-t- d Secretary.


Flannel, duck, trimmings and pattern as r, i t r. r r iCOAO

per samples at Headquarters. MAID.,Sire of Bulwer, 2 : 26;

I Flight, 2:29; Shamrock (2), I. fflNSLET2:25; and dams f MonroeI Friuce, Falroso, 2:1;

J Fron Frou (1), 2:i ; Rose- -

Tenders to be marked "Bids for Clothing and addressed to captain W . U.Ashley, Quartermaster, Headquarters Na Creole, lr

OK ACEDam of

Eagle, 2:19FLAXTAIL 8132...

Sire of Dan. 2:i0:l dale (1), 2:22; Golita, 2:24:

Hibibi. 2:21; Santa Rita,I 2:24; hid J: leet, 2 :26;I Ileet, 2:18

tional Guard of Hawaii. HaLEAKALA RANCH COMPANY press, 2;29a; and dama ofThe undersigned reserves the right to

A Distinction With a Difference.Evidently Chinamen appreciate

the truth aa well as individualsof other nationalities. Lastnight three Mongolians were seenstanding outside the police station :

they said they were waiting forome of their comrades who were

putting up bail in the police sta-tion office for violating the lawsby conducting a game of che fa.One of the men was asked if hehad not been in some manner con-nected with the game. Promptlycame the reply, "Me no jjot money.No money, no pilikia. Chinameninside he got money. You see? bimpilikia.

A Bg Stock.The old established house of J.

T. Waterhouge calls attention inanother column to a large and ad-

mirably selected stock of goodssuited to the tastes of the people.The reputation this firm has forlow prices is known everywhere,and to this, coupled with the factthat the goods are of a superiorquality, makes the establishmentthe headquarters for people insearch of up-to-da- te articles indress goods.

Company B.

The members of the swell com-

pany, N. G. H.t will hold an elec-

tion for first and second lieutenant

reject any or all bids. IMARY, 2:42(trial 2:25)

Dam of Apex, 2:26; Ster-ling, sire of 5 in 2:30; Ltty,dam of 3 in 2 : "0; Uraoe,dam of Creole, 2:16

G. ASHLEY,Qaartermai-te- r 1st Regiment , Na-

tional Guard of Hawaii. DAUGHTER

BUSINESS COLLEGE,ii. lVit Strot, - - San Francisco.


This college instructs in Shorthand, Type-- -p.g. Bookkeeping. Telegraphy, Pen

manship.Drawing, all the English branchesand everything pertaining to business fofull six months. We have 1 6 teachers andgive individual instruction to all our pupils,

A Dep&rimtDt of Electrical EngiaeeriagHas been established under a thoroughlyqualified instructor. The course Is thor-oughly practical. Send for circular.

C. S. HAl HY. 'cretary.

Mules 36 MulesFOR SALE.

Parties desiring Mules wili makemoney buying of me, as I raise all mystock in Californi and can sell cheaper

Approved :

rpHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THEstockholders of the Haleakala Ranch

Company will be held at the otlice of C.Brewer vfc Co. (Limited), in Honolulu, onMONDAY. October 28th. 1895, at 10o'clock A. M.

Dated Honolulu, October 8, 1895.E. F. BISHOP.

tll-t- d Secretary.


F. M. Hatch,Minister of Foreign Affairs.

1121-t- d

DESCRIPTION AND TERMS:the pameet, fastest and best bred etallion that has everCbeolr is

imported intoPetaluma, Cal.

the Hawaiian Islands. He reduced his record of 2:20 to 2:18 i, August 24, 1894, distancing his whole field in the firHt heat; thsiBoard.

PA UK A A SUGAR COMPANYOA Kb A F 5 PER WEEK PRI--B vate family 84 Be retania street.

4H4-- tf

again to 2:15 in Stockton, Cal., September 23, 184, winning the first heat in 2:15f ,fourth heat in 2:15, and fifth heat in 2:19J, proving that he is a remakably game awell as a speedy race horse. ("Creole by Prompter out oi Grace by Buccaneer sbotMthat he is capable of getting a mark of 2:10 and is one of the gamest stallions smmthis year, and beeides being game, is one of the best formed, and remarkablyintelligent." Breeder and Sportsman, Sept. 25, 1894.) He is hands higkand of powerlul build throughout. His color is gloss? black with one white hiadlfoot. His disposition is all that could be desired, and his action superb. He is asure foal getter.

Terms, (50, with usual return privilege. Will make the season at the

ANNUAL MEETING OF THE; than those who buy io Fell Mv Males THE ot the Pankaa Sueir Comare from 4 to 6 Years old, and weigh from1000 to 1250 pounds

Call or address


envelopes are often valuable.Examine old leiters. Good prices paid fora ch stamps sent me. also for current usedpostage stamps in quantity. Collectionsbought Stamps for sale H. A. SMED-BBK- G,

Station S, New York. U. 8. A.4118 lot

pany will be held at the office of C. Brewerfc Co. ( L mitei). in Honolulu, on WED-NESDAY, October 23d, 1895, at 10o'clock A. X.

Dated Honolulu, October 8, 1895.B. F. BISHOP.

4118-t- d Secretary.


CLUB STABLES CO.4110-- 1 Arlington Hotel.

Page 3: Attorney...CASTLE & COOKE, Ld, Life and Fire insurance Ag'ts. AGENTS FOR New England Mutual LIFE MM COMPANY Of Boston. ill Fire innce tt Of Hartford. CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO.. BANKERS,



- w s


AndWa ists SoAreTill: Hi KE OP MARLBOROUGH.

TI ft in-- ; luk .t Maribot "i-li-. Uf tr tTfling in Aim ri'-- r.iulor the MUM" ' i ' 24 yean i i nJ la the ninf b dukr to beat lii titlf. He w a

Meead the ken of M" ImumImm aad will probably w-- l a wellkiK-u- .m: A ii.-- j i- in We!B. F. Ehlers & Co.

Your Stock The 19th Century Idea !


How an ex-Cnsto- CollectorGained Li Hong's Good GracesA. W. Baali, ex-Colle- ctor of Cus-

toms for the Puget Hound District, ar Will do better onFIRST-CLAS- S FEED.

1. 1 1m 14 Hey wood

is in it."IBf lay special stress onRll the excellence of ourSV r goods, always keeping" T v the quality up to the

highest point, mad whilemaintaining our reputation in thisrespcwl, vrego to the other extremein keeping prices down to the low-est point. We know of nothingthat huikls up business like theselling of first-clas- s goods. Wesell them and don't self anvthingelse.

rived in thiHi ity recently from China,ways a late Seattle dispatch, and atonce left for New York, where he ex-pects to raise money with which tobuild a line of railroads in variousparts of China.

Bash confirms a story told of himn- - to how h rame to get franchisesfrom the Chinese Government, worth,according to Americans who are ac-quainted with them, many thousandsof dollars. When Rash arrived inChina several months ago, he met ex-Kecre- tary

of the Treasury Foster, whowas there representing China in hersettlement with Japan. Hash is anintimate friend of Foster, and it was



Is the very be-.- t at theVERY LOWEST PRICES.

Offer to the Public Their EntireStock at a

Reduction of40 Per Cent.


THthrough him that he met Li Hung

Manufacturers Shoe Co.hang, the great C hinese statesman.The latter was at once impressed atwith the fact that Hash was the exact

image of ex-Presid- ent Grant, who, asis well known, was regarded by Li as

$ 15.00tl8.00$22. 50



PANTSNuuana acd Qoeen Streets. WE PROMISEat $6.50TELEPHONE 121.

New Goods! New Goods! TO PAYAT THE I lr isjw M (Mr!

Our name is sufficient guaran-

tee for good workmanship.

1Y F1IE IRECor. Fort and Beretania Sts.

the greatest statesman the I nitedHtates ever contained. From the dayRash and Li Hung Chang met theformer was the greatest American inChina, and the statesman could notdo too much for bim.

At tbe first meeting the more LiHung Chang looked at him the morehe became convinced that Rash wasthe born image of Grant. ReforeFoster and Mr. Rash left the palacethat day it was arranged they shoulddine with Li Hung Chang the nextday. At the appointed hour Mr..Foster and Mr. Rash put in an ap-pearance, and Li Hung Chang, wearing bis purple robes, came into therich dining-roo-m, aud had Bash oc-cupy tbe same seat where Grant badsat on the occasion of tbe bird's-ne- st

banquets. After that Rash dined sev-eral times with Li Hung Chang andtbey became very good friends.

When Rash mentioned the fact thathe was in China for the purpose ofgetting railroad franchises the states-man gladly consented to give him alift, and as a result the governmentlooked with favor on Rash, and he re-ceived franchises and other conces-sions which will undoubtedly makehim a wealthy man.

You the same attentionwhen you buy a Chair

as if you were buying a

house full of goods.

It matters not whatthe article is, how ex-

pensive or low-price- d, we

have it in greater variety

than elsewhere.

Among the GOODS JUST RECEIVEDex Schr. "ALOHA," and Bk.

"ALBERT," can be foundan assortment of

Reed FurnitureRugs. Mats. Table Covers,

Easels. Parlor Rockers.

Dining Room Chairs,WATCH THIS SPACE




Undertaker and Emtalmer.We have 1)2 packages of these Mills

on the bark ''Albert." now discharg-

ing and will tell you all about them J. HOPP & CO.,Cor. of King and Bethel Streetssoon.


CHLORODYNE.Original an J Oily Genuine.


o- -

New Goods New Goods,E. O. HALL & SOX,QOLDS,



New Goods, New Goods,

The Dignity of Advertising,Within a quarter of a century ad-

vertising has developed from the tinwhistle and bilious pill type to one ofdignity and solid commercial enter-prise. We refer especially to adver-tising designed for mediums of generalcirculation. No branch of businesshas made greater strides; no branchhas risen more rapidly from obscurityto a commanding position. Its pro-gress has been on right lines. Theadvertiser the representative adver-tiser is no longer the novelty fakir,but the manufacturer, the merchant,the publisher, the financier, the edu-cator. And all this has come aboutwithin a generation almost within adecade raising advertising to such apoint of importance that no man, wish-ing to bring his business to the atten-tion of the people, can longer ignoreit. There are brains in advertising to-day. It commands tbe brightestminds, the most subtle pens. It is ascience, an art, an argument.


A Great Steel Bridge.Niagara Falls (N. Y.), Sept. 19.Tbe first step in the construction of

the largest steel bridge in the world ofa single arch plan was taken today,when the contract was let for thebuilding of the foundation for themammoth arch, which will be over850 feet across, besides the shore-lin- eparts. The bridge is to be constructedfrom the plans of Engineer C. C. Ruck,who is the engineer of the new EastRiver bridge, New York. The con-tract for the foundations was awardedto R. P. Smith, of Rochester. Workis to commence immediately, and thestone structure work will be completedby winter. This will be left standingto see what etlect the rise and fall ofthe river and the ice jams will haveupon it. The contracts for the ironand steel work will be let this winter,and the superstructure completedready to put up early in the spring.


frive us Another Shot at YouNew GoodsNew Goods,

Dr. J. Collls Browne's Chlorodyne.Vice-Chancell- or SIR W. PAGE WOODstated Publicly in court that Dr. J. COLLISBROWNE was undoubtedly the INVEN-TOR of CHLORODYNE, that the wholestory of the defendant Ereeman was de-liberately untrue, and he regretted to say ithad been sworn to. See The Times, Julyi?, 1864.Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyneis a liquid medicine which assuages PAINof EVERY KIND, affords a calm, refresh-ing sleep WITHOUT HEADACHE, andINVIGORATES the nerv ous svstem whenexhausted. Is the Great Specific forCholera, D sentry. Diarrhoea.

Tbe General Board of Health, London,report that it ACTS as a CHARM, onedose generally sufficient.

Dr. Gibbon, Armv Medical Staff, Cal-cutta, states : M Two doses completelycured me of diarrhcea."




Every one who saw oar "NO. 2 BULLET" wu more than pleaded with thework done by them The only fault we had to find was that we did not haveenough of them to satisfy the demand. Come acd look at the

Pocket Kodak $5.50.Loaded for 12 Picturee. ,

Makes pictures large enough to be good for contact printing and go'vi enough EVERYBODY KNOWSto enlarge to anv reasonable sv.e. "One button does it. You press it." Weighsonly 5 ounces. HERE ! (ANOTHER

Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodvneis the TRUE PALLIATIVE in

Neuralgia, Gout, Cancer,Toothache, Rheumatism.

Dr. J. Collis Browne's ChlorodyneRapidlv cuts short all attacks of

Epilepsy, Spasms, Colic,Palpitation. Hysteria.

Important Caution. The ImmenseSale of this Remedy has given rise to manyUnscrupulous Imitations.

N. B. Everv Bottle of Genuine Chloro-dyne bears on the Government Stamp thename of the inventor. Dr. J. CollisBrowne. S-M- in bottles i&d.. 2s. 9.and 4s. 6d., by all chemists.

Sole Manufacturer.J. T. DAVLNPORT,

38 Great Russell street, London, W. C.

BostonLine of Packetskombi ! kombi i kombi ilGeo. W. LincolnSHIPPERS will Please 'Like V

th.it the Loaded for Twenty-fiv-e pictures

little camera can be carried in the pocket. Nothing is left undone to makeBark HGl.l.I3VOODWill Leave New York for this port on or

about EP T EMBER 30th.For further information applv to Chas.

Brewer & Co., 27 Kilby street, Bost m.Mass.. or to

C. BREWER & CO., I TI ..Honolulu. Aent.

it a perfect little gem of a camera. Can be u-re- as a snap shot or tim? exposure. Sosimple that a boy or a girl can use it. Twenty-fiv-e perfect exposures one loading.Everv KOMBI guaranteed

Both of these camerts can be loaded or film (hanged in daylight. We have onexhibition an assortment of pictures taken with these cameras'which are perfect inevery detail.

hollisteeTmug company.

Is building a fine building calledthe Von Holt Block.

Watch Progress of the new homeof this paper.Advertise your wants in the ADVzr.- -

TI62B. at Cazette Ufflcf .

Page 4: Attorney...CASTLE & COOKE, Ld, Life and Fire insurance Ag'ts. AGENTS FOR New England Mutual LIFE MM COMPANY Of Boston. ill Fire innce tt Of Hartford. CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO.. BANKERS,


The Pociiic GMmereioi Mm. Timely Topics BRUCE CARTWRIGHT LADIES ATTENTIONwheat growing. So it will in manyother branched of labor.

Some of our planters maycover that they have not a grip on

ExcettEvery Worn inf. - i

ly. ty the o- -October 2, 2Sgj.UiuiK-m- i ft9PttP rniflPJinv ! the subject y-- ' and are quite tou


INSURANCE.muclr disposed to hold that they KERRL. B.I m UttWHAYI 9TBKBT.

Below is a list of goods'know all about it," just a3 the

railroad managers have done aboutelectricity, until their dividendshave b-e- n cut into rather badly.

Farrington. Editor.WallaceHE.-DA-Y OCTOREK 13. 103.


Has just opened


most completewhich arrived ex Australia

up oue of theassortment ofTHOSE YOKOHAMA MAILS.Woi-ldn'- t it be well for the

evening papers to stop fighting for The failure of the China to bring

Especial facilities for handling Estates,Trusts. Guardianships and Private Busi-ness. Moneys carefully invested. Loansnegotiated. Rents. Dividends and InterestscoHected. Property sold or leased for asmall commission.

General Manager for the HawaiianIslands for the following Insurance Com-panies:Equitable Lire Assurance Society of ttte

United Star-- .. . 5sets$185,t4,310 eCommercial Union Assurance Co.. Ltd.,

of London, assets 5IG..S17,7S6 M

c 2DREwhile and give the public a differ-

ent class of reading matter? Itdoes not take the public long todecide which one give3 the mostnews. As for the deadly parallel ;

when a paper constantly trims itsFails to fit the wind of transientopinion, what more can you expect?


During the whole of this mouth he will continue to sell atj Imperial Insurance Company, Limited, of

London, assets V.32,20 OUin Fre Insurance Company, Limited, ofLondon, assets $,125,000 OU

The Board of Underwriters of New Yorit.1 he National Board of .Vlarme Under-

writers of New York.

and will be kept on the

Oceanic wharf for shipment

to the other islands. Every

thing in the list can be ship-

ped without Board of Health

permits and the attention of

buyers is called to the assort-

ment :

reduced prices Black and Colored Cashmeres, Nuns Veilings,Serges, Ginghams, India Linens, Nainsooks, Dimities, VictoriaLawns, Lace Stripes, Sateens.

Straw Hats thousands to select from. Feathers, Ribbons,FOR LEASE.

mails from Yokohama has led theJapanese citizens to make a bigrumpus over a very small matter,and one that cannot be remediedby any amount of legislation anddeclaration on the part of the Ha-

waiian Government. So long asthe Oriental steamship companiesare not under contract to carrymails to and from this country thepeople are subject to the will of thecompany, or, a3 was the case withthe Oceanic and Canadian steam-ship corapar;ie?, of the captain ofthe steamer. It would be quite a3sensible for the people of Honoluluto Derate the Government for theaction of the captains of the Ala-

meda, Monowai, Miowera and War-rimo- o.

Steamship agents, the peo-

ple and the Hawaiian Governmentare practically at the mercy of the

Flowers, etc., etc.Call early and get first choice.NO. 5. THAT DESIRABLE LOT ON

the West sid- - of J add street. n the Waiki-k- i

side of the residence of C. Bolte, Esq.This atlords one of the finest building sitesin the city. A long lease on moderateterms to a desirable tenant.

NO. 6. 30 ACRES OF LAND (MOREor less) convenient to Honolulu: suitablefor rice plantation. A long lease and easyterms will be made with party sinking anartesian well on same.

L. H. KERR Wholesale and Retail ImporterQUEEN STREET.

The plan given in another col-

umn for enlarging the har-

bor and increasing the wharfageaccommodations has the advantageof being the least expensive of anythus far promulgated. With theincreasing traffic of the Pacific itwill )e only a matter of a few yearswhen there will be a crying needfor such extension and even at thepresent day very little of the extnnpace would go to waste. The ex-

tension in the vicinity of the PacificMail dock will cost more and withthe exception of work already laidout, can well be deferred to a laterday.


captain, who acts on strict instruc-tions given by the officials at theheadquarters of the company. Ifsteamship companies prefer to carryfreight to San Francisco or finally

Plated Ware,

Water Closets,

Paint Burners,

Hendry's Mixed Paints,

Hose in all sizes and qual- -

NO. 2. FOR SALE OK LEASE VAant lot on Young street, near Thomas

"'juare. Desirable location near the reiJence of L. Dee. Trice $2200.

NO. 6. LAND AT KUMTJELI, KAMA!, Molokai. I'rice $27.". One half expense


all in taro, located at Kamakela; waterright goes with the land. Last year's tarocrop sold for over $300. Price $1300. Onehalf expense of deeds.


l'alama. 50x15 teet, on Aala lane. I'rice$1400. One-ha- lf expense of deeds.

NO. 10. 2 LOTS, EACH WITH TWO-stor- y

house, at Aala, l'alama. Price together $li"0, or singly $1000 and $750. One-hal- f

expense of deeds.NO. 11. LOT WITH COTTAGES ON

Punchbowl street, below Queen street, near

LITTL E JOKER TOBACCOrefuse to take it from Orientalports at all rather than undergoquarantine at this port, it is a mat-ter which this Government cannotwell rectify so long a3 cholera con-

tinues its present ravages in theEast. In the matter of mails, theJapanese have fared far better thanthe majority of the population.The " foreigners" have -- had the

For Pipes and Cigarettes.

A Fresh Lot of This Well-know- n Brand Just to Hand.

It will be interesting to know onwhat principle the effort to bringabout the release of the remainingpolitical prisoners, on Thanksgivingday is based. The misguided na-

tives and the youthful element ofthe January insurgents have beengiven their freedom and now wecome down to those who did thedamning work among the nativesand were in fact directly responsi-ble for the unfortunate action ofthe ignorant individuals who werenot aware of the enormity of thecrime committed. Xo doubt theRepublic is just as safe with theseleaders out and about as it is withthem behind prison walls. Butwas it fear for the safety of the Re-

public that brought about theirsentence to prison? This is notthe impression gained from theminutes of the military commis- -

For Sale by all Dealers

water front, will ultimately become tinebusiness property. Price $3500. One-ha- lf

expense of deeds.NO. 13. 328 ACRES OK A ZING, COF

fee and feed land at Honokua, SouthKona, Hawaii.

NO. 14. LAND AT PUIWA. NUUANUvalley, uiauka oi Hanai a Kamalama."Queen Emma's old residence; area 3 77-1- 00

acres. Planted to strawberries and taro.Price $500.

NO. 16. HOUSE AND PREMISES ONthe west corner of Hotel and Kekaulikestreets. Area 1425 square feet. House hasrecently been repaired and shingled. Arare business opportunity. Deed, stampsand acknowledgments at expense of purchaser. Price $1200.

NO. 17. THOSE EXTREMELY D ESI li-able premises centrally and conveniently,nearly opposite Emma Square, Honolulu,next "door and mauka of the residence ofJ. M. Oat, Esq. Certainly a bargain. Forparticulars apply to the undersigned.


Ideal Coffee Pots,


Bicycle Lamps,

Metallic Paint in Oil,

Tanks, 3000 to 5000 gals.,

Steel Wire Cloth,

Shooting Coats,


pleasure of watching no less thanfour steamers pass this port with-

out taking mails. The only redressis to tell the captain how unjustwe consider his action, and hopefor better luck next time. Japan-ese citizens ought to recognize thatquarantine regulations which re-

sult in delaying goods, and there-by cut off a source of Govern-ment revenue, are not imposed for

HYMAN BROSWholesale Importers of General Merchandise.


Besides the above I have other desirablaproperty for sale and lease. Fw Informa-tion call at the office,

Cartwright Block. Merchant St.


sion. ii it is true tnat tne commis-sion was called to sentence thesemen to prison for a few days, untilthe Republic got an opportunity tolook around and see how it stood,the best thing that can be done isto release all political prisoners astoon as possible, admit that wewere frightened, and make the bestof it. If, as we believe, there was aprinciple involved, then let us ad-

here to the principle.

Importers and Dealers in

Groceries, Provisions and Feed.

the fun of the thing. Followingout the arguments submitted toprove discrimination against theJapanese merchants, it might alsobe said that the Governmentplaced restrictions on freight goingto the other i3lands in order to in-

jure the merchants of Honolulu.When the Japanese have stoppedto think twice, they must neces-

sarily come to the conclusion thatthey have suffered from circum-stances over which governmentshave no control until the choleraepidemic in the East abates. Pub-lic health must be protected at allcosts.

iNew and Fresh ( ( J received by every packet from California, Eastern Statest and European Markets.

Flour Sifters,

Blacksmiths' Bellows,

Wire Mats,

Cutlery, .

Feather Dusters,

Hoe Handles,

California Lawn Sprinklers,



Standard Grades of Canned Vegetables, Fruits and Fish.Goods delivered to anv part of the city. Satisfaction guaranteed.Island trade solicited.

P. O. BOX 145. TELEPHONE NO. 92- -


Administrator's Sale ROMPING CHILDRENinn rlid--p J JOF

DENTIST'S OUTFIT.By order of J. K. KAULIA, Essi.. Admin-

istrator of the Estate of K. K. Wright,deceased, 1 will sell at Public

Auction at my Salesroom.

On Wednesday, October 16thAT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.,


DRESS UP.Appearances more often than not

determines a man's standing. If youwill come to ue for j our clothes wewill wi-- e to it that you leave with ay.ood vipnearan' e an1 it won't costi on much Latest, fashions now in.

.Ores up and makk as imprkssiow.Crystal haehion .Plates display the


MEDEt ROS & CO.,S. Dr-cker- , Manager.

Hotel street, opposite King Bros.

Rice Flows,


Will be parading our streets on Monday toschool. Clothes that were good enough lastyear have been worn out during the long vaca-tion. Every mother's heart beats with pleasurewhen her children leave for school clad fromhead to foot in a good, clean, substantial outfit.This fitting out for the school children will haveour special attention for the next wek. Do youwant to be one of the many parents to be able tosay that your children look as nice as so andso's ? Let me assist you.

New stock of Blankets, Quilts, Bedspreads--Mosquito Nets? Towels, Sheetings, Shoes, etc.,DRESS GOODS, t titttt

W. W. Heads,f

It is well known that some ofour sugar planters are firm be-

lievers in the proposition thatsugar-producin- g here can be suc-cessfully carried on only by "cheaplabor," and that no attention shouldbe paid to those wild erratics, theLabor Commissioners, who dare tointimate that brains have muchmore to do with productive man-ual labor than the experiencedplanters will admit.

In a recent review of cane culti-vation in the Straits Settlement,where manual labor is much cheap-er than it is here, the LouisianaPlanter, usually regarded as anable journal, eays. regarJing thelabor of that settlement and thelabor of Louisiana : u The notablelifference is that our work can bedone much more cheaply by meansof our agricultural implements thanthey can do theirs with the largeimount of hand labor that they arecompelled to employ." The Louis- -


ist Tools and Appliances

Dentist's Chairs, Sets of Drawers.Bonn, Screen, Etc.. Etc. Paint Brushes,

fork Speaks Plainer Than TalkIAS. F. MORliAN,1123-2- 1 AUCTIONEER. Bath Tub Enamel.

Varnishes, ill. . JjUVI,DRESSDRESS


Hokolulc, H. I., July 20, 1895.TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN":

This is to certify that C. Afcima hasmado several fruits of clothes for me andthe workmanship has been of the best.

' I take pleasure in recommending himand rrr work to ?.ny and all.

FORT STREET.Assorted Hardware.

Assignee's IS aleBy order of IfB. GEO. ROEDICK, Assignee

of the Bankrupt Estate of L.D.Tim-mon- s,

Esq., I will sell at Tub-li- e

Auction, at my Sales-room, i2ueen street.



I )isston's Xo. CaneKpboeetfullv Voire,


Company of New YortKnives, Drawing and Painting Lessons.

THELife Insurance


Assets DecemberA Good Record tn

A McCURDY, President.The Entire Estate com- - Mill Saw Files.Stock of saidpriing


his classes in Drawintr and31, 1894, $204,638,783.9

Best Guarantee for the Future.GENTS' UEAUY

MADE CLOTHING, Sole Leather.

.ana planters pay ouu per cent,more for labor than the planters ofthe Settlement, and can competeso far as labor is concerned, al-

though the disadvantages of climatemay offset all tfcis. Americanwheat is now competing with Rus-

sian wheat, raised with the aid oflabor which costs ouly 10 cents perday.

The farmer says he can't com-

pete with Asiatic labor at 10 centsper day, while, at the same mo-

ment, he is competing with Rus-

sian labor at the same price. Ma-

chinery takes the place of labor in

Painting. Special attention will be givento object drawing and still life painting.Out-doo- r and figure sketching classes willbe organised. Studio and classroomscorner Fort and Hotel streets, entrance onHotel, next door to Tregloan's. 4118-l- w


Collars and Cnffs,Underclothing,

Hats, EtcS. B. ROSE,

General Agent for the Hawaiian latanfeEtc,

c CSme Hi Me Go., im.

Opposite Sprocket Baak,Jas. F. Morgan,307 FORT Daily Advertiser, 75 Cents per Month4123-2-1 AUCTIONEER. At Hawaiian Gazette Office.

Page 5: Attorney...CASTLE & COOKE, Ld, Life and Fire insurance Ag'ts. AGENTS FOR New England Mutual LIFE MM COMPANY Of Boston. ill Fire innce tt Of Hartford. CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO.. BANKERS,




Output This Year Estimate! atNearly Half Million.

While it ia almost an impoaei-iit- y

to give anything like a cor-

rect riatement of what the outputof bicycles will be this year, it isby common consent epoken of asletween 400,000 and 500,0XJ wheels.A majority of clo.-'-- observers in the:raoV would doobtlesa fix the fig-

ures at 550,000. -- uch a largenumber of wheels represents anenormous outlay, particularly whenit is calculated that each wheel-- ells for an average price of

.not less

m n

A laree InvoiceFROM THE- -





(From i:.-;..r'- - t WVather Service.)Kiev.

tetatiwu-- . Feet. Inches.

HawaiiWuiakeu 50 19.57Hilo town.1'epeekeo 100 19.77Honomu .; mi 20.27Honomu 950 23.66Hakalau 20 1 7. - JHonohina l'i.77I.aunahoehoe lo.aupahoehoe 900

Ookala 400Kukaiau 250 6.52Paauilo 750 6.70J'aauhau MOO

Paauhau 120OHonokaa. MO 1.02Kukuihaele 700 4.81Niulii 2H 3.67Kohala 350 4.10Kohala Mission 5SM 3.70Waimea 2730 '.L'7Puukapu 9025Kailua. 5A2I.anihau 1540 ".7Kealakekua 1580

IkSX Hi 660 L43Hoiiiiujki 15Hilea 310Pali-il- a 11UO l.loOlaa 'Mason 1650 23.09Waiakaheula ..... 7"oKapoho 50Pobolld lo

Ma liKola 4000I'uuouialei loo 7.80ifakakala Ranch... joooJ'aia ISOHana 200 3.91Hana 1800 M.32Olowalu 15 0.0OKaanapali 15

Mo I.OKA iMapulehu 70 t.l

IjA.naiKoele 1000

OaiiuPunahou 60 3.34King St. 'Kewalo) 15 2. siKapiolani Park lo LOOManoa 100 H.&4

Pauoa 50 r).6.3

Insane Asylum 80 5.19Xuuanu (Bchool st.) 50 5.77Nuuauu (Wyllie 2-5- 0 W.27Nuuanu (Klec. Stn) 405 11.96Nuuanu (H'f-wa- y H) 730 15 25Xuuanu, Luakaha.. S50 23.59Maunawili 300 9.45Waimanalo 25 4.2SAhuimanu 350Kahuku 25 4.87Waianae 15 1.1SKwa Plantation 60 5.80



Alakea and Richards Streets, near Queen. Honototu, H. I.



Prompt attention to all orders.

200 2.38800 4.29Jt h 2.88326 0.31

10 12.50

..... 421

YOKOHAMA BAZARCor. Nuuanu and Hotel Streets.

Hi id. dim m Japanese Fancy M.Crepes, Silk Goods and Kimonos, Handkerchiefs, Screens,

Furnishing Goods, Bamboo, China and PorcelainWare and Japanese Drugs.

all Goods at bedrock prices.

PLANING MILL,& CO., Proprietors




ED 3? 33 5' X

?. K K jr CD a. mmmm' v--. Pa o J. OS

I ZD -


. if.rCO

f "Z

5 S f-0

5 a




D--t uCD

P. O. Box 269.




I In Vmry Latest Styles of 6-in- ch

wide Mouldings.

Picked and Shipped to any Ad-

dress on tbe Islands.

For tli Extremely$10 Low Price cf $10Call and Se: Samples at




Is only "case deep." It is mucheasier to make a handsome case thanit is to put music into it. A tolerablemechanic can do the one the otherrequires the best thought of a musicalartist. The

Kroeger PianosAll have handsome, tasteful, durablecases, but in their factory constant,careful, studious attention is given tothe production of a perfect and lastingtone. The beauty and honesty of aKroeger begins with the vatnish onthe case and goes straight through tothe iron plate that holds the strings.We'd like to show you the inside of aKroeger.


Old Instruments Taken in Part Payment.

Tuning and Repairing a Specialty.

J. W. BERGSTR0M,Office. Thrum s Book Store.




V " nmVnmOSSn

TEL. 668.

I can fit as well as the best and betterthan some who claim to be first-clas- s

tailors. All clothes guaranteed to be thebest of workmanship.

All Tim does not represent me, and afterthis date. August oth, I will do my owndelivering and collecting.

If you cannot spare the time to call ringup 668 and 1 will call and see you.

W. W. AHANA,Hrrehjint Tailor. :12: Nuuanu Street.

H. G. BI ART,.jeweler and Watchmaker,


Hawaiian and Gold Wire JewelryA SPLC1ALTY.

Souvenir Spoons at Very Low Prices.



Orders on Telerhone S72 will receiveprompt attention.

Fresh Pies Every Day on Sale at Nolte'sBeaver Saloon.


Cheap fr Cm! Canh : ! Cash ! 1 1

Kvery Day ! Why ?

Because the demand is so great we cando no:hii:ir else.


Agents for Popeltons Home-ma- de

Bread frerh every morning. Promptdelivrv.

Telephone 680. P. O. Box 331.

VOELLER & CO.,Waring EIock,Fort andBeretanii streets.

Jian At this rate tne sumproduced is $29,2-50,000- .

This has been the most phenomnal season the bicycle trade hasver known. In many oases the

manufacturers have been unable,ven though running their facto-

ries night and day. to keep abreastwith the demand. There are about250 large and -- mall concerns inthis country engaged in turningjut or parts of this interesting vehicle, but next year thisnumber should be slightly in-

creased, judging from the talk onehears among the trade. New YorkTimes.

The Da'aan Explains.A little time ago on one of the

Cunard boats one of the crew(while the passengers were at din-ner) picked up a menu and, seeingon the top. "Table d'hote," in-

quired of one of his mates themeaning of it.

"What does this 'ere mean,joe r

Joe, taking the menu, gazed onit with a puzzled air, scratched bishead, and said :

ul can't make nothing of it.Let's go to old Catlin ; he's a schol-ar- d,

and sure to know.On giving the menu to the boat-wai- n,

he thoughtfully stroked hischin and said :

"Well, look ere, mates ; it'3 likechi-- j ere : Them swells down in:he saloon have's some soup, a bitof fish, a bit of this, a bit of that,ind a bit of summat else, and calls.t table dottie. We have table dot-ti- e,

only we mixes it altogetherand calls it Irish stew." Ex.

His Son's Identity.Aaugh-waug- h !"

It was the baby. He had re-

peated the remark 6ixty times inthe last hour.

Mr. Newleigh's hair, such as itwas, stood on end.

"Gwow ahwb wowbdgow til-wa- ugh

!" added the baby, whilepeople living across the street gotup and closed their windows.

Mr. Newleigh ground his teeth.To think," he groaned, burying

his face io the pillows, "that Ishould grow up to become therather of a railway porter n Tid-bit.

He Knew Better."You needn't tell me that women

have no sense of humor,'' saidRicketts to Fosdick.

Well?"I overheard a stuttering man

propose once. He said : 'I-I- -I lovey-y-y- ou m-m--



y-y-y- ou m-m-ma- rry m-m-m- e?'

And after the delivery of this de-claration on the installment planthe minx had the audacity to say,'Oh, lieorge, this is so sudden.' "Town Topics.

No Hope of Relief.How much will you take for

that infernal accordion?" demand-ed the red faced citizen who hadthrust his head out of the second-stor- y

window."It wouldn't do you any good to

buy it, mister," answered the de-

fected musician on the sidewalk.' I've six more of Tem at home."

And he went on playing the"" Honeymoon March." ChicagoTribune.

In Length."Oh, yes," rejoined the (lirarTe,

blushing at the compliment, "Iknow I have a great deal of taste.1 am built that way, don't youknow ! Yes."

She explained in illustration,that it took the ice cream soda shevas eating something like twenty-iv- e

seconds to reach its destination,md her relish was consequentlyindeed extensive. Detroit Tri-bune.

--- - - . . - .. ,

At Gnxettc Ot&ce

The Hawaiian Gazette is issuedon Tuesdays and Fridays.


T T a 3? 33 3? 3S 3?

B S D CD 0 nO 3" S o at ? co 5 33CD cr ps

CD frro cd03 2 S P P5 a. Ong 5 ft 9?-

O Sac-- -. -CDa t. ? 3 2L o a

3 1 80 . O" CDo

S" c ea c X Cen. c -

S 2 Sss m pa j. ?. EL2 ss 3' 9 33 2. cr

g 3 CP

9 3 oBoxOCP




TEL. 560. K.




Furniture Upholstery




TELEPHONES: Office 179, Kks. 827.

C. E. Williams. Ed. A. Williams.

THE PRESIDENTof the Spanih-Amcrica- n Newspaper Co.New York, writes as Jollou -- :

"Without solicitation, I am pleased tooffer you the following:

'Over a year ago I was suffering withwhich had settled on my bronchia)

tubes and lungs to such an extent that thecongestion caused constant coughing, andfor over six months I suffered untold misery.I was during this time being treated by themost successful pulmonary specialists in thcity of New York, but found no relief untilI commenced taking Angier' I'etroleun:Emulsion, by which I was quickly and per-

manently cured. Very truly yours," E. C. White. '

There has never, up to this time, beenfound a remedy that will so quickly, pleas-

antly and surely relieve and cure Pnnchitirand build up the general health as willANGIER'S PETROLEUM EMULSION;the Food-Medicin- e, pleasant to take.

60 cts. and $1.00. Of druggists.



'ireat strikes as a rule entail muchhard-hi- p and loss to both Mdes.Blacksmiths are always striking:they also niploy triker. We dont hrar ot many strikes in Hono-lulu, bnt one oecured here the otherlay the clocks in Brown & Kubey's

store struck because the knives andncissors made some cutting andsarcastic remarks about Brown'sstamps beinsr "stuck up" thingsCome and see our stock and pricesbefore buying elsewhere.

BRO WN KUBEY,Hotel street. Arlington Block.

Mules for Sale,HEAD OK


Weighing from lOOO to 1 iOO lb..From 5 to 6 years old, all thoroughlybroken, a e offered for sale.

Can be seen at IndependencePark.



KauaiJA hue,Grove Farm..Jjihue cMolokoa:H anamauluKilaueaHanaleiWaiawaMakawHi

C J. Lyons,In charge Weather Bureau.


Dr. Brewn, of Darid City. Neb.,Finds a Medicine cf Rare


He Firt ur Himeir AVitli It. ulThen PvMrrlbes It for IIU I'atientw

with Snttbftai iMiHkI From the Lincoln, AVI... Call.)

Dr. HamncI L. Hmwd is a pioaaer reidtntwf Dtv.d i'wy. baviajj lived tbere for twentyycr. tie is well kaown all over BqImtCoudiv. h.tvir.0 prHOtioed xuedicii.e id evsrypart. It i Lis nt-over-

y from a very Mnotudiaene tbnt :s looked upon ait a miraole.When i.'el by "ll reporter Dr. Browngladly ret tted the history of bi wolmessaod hie tlnet core.

fwM will be my first step into the fieldof a personal interview, bat 1 am so enthosiaxtiu over my discovery that I feol like eoncaeutic a reenlar experreuce meeting.

"Six ir tin etrn j.rtial paralysisset in npou my left side, and I noon becameaffected by kindred ailments. The pensionboard foood my trouble to be "partial paral-ysis of left side. vancc-- e veins of both legs,sad left varicocele." I wss also troubledwith Diabetes. I became nnsbie to performmanual labor, having to give np the largsr

of my practice. I could hobble aroundEsrtthe use of crotches and cane. I triedevery ruedieine that I ever beard of in en-deavoring to relieve mv suffering.

"About a year ago I resd of a medicinscalled Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, that seemedto fit my oas, so I sent for samples. I wssso well satisfied with the samples that I seatlot more, as Ihsy acted directly in harmonywith nature, lhose srs the things I lookfor in tresting diseases. I nsed a cumberof boxes of the pills, and I am now entirelyrelieved of sll my several ailments, and amsble to move about once more, without beiagbsmpered with crippling diseases. In mypractical slwsys use ir ink Pills where thediagnosis of the case favors them.

"1 now have a remarkable case at Brain-erd- .Augustas Talbot, the postmsstsr, wss

suffering from diabete and insipidness, andwas in ths firt stages of Bngbl's dissase.The doctors had failed to give him any re-lief. All hopes of bis recovery had beengiven np when I was called in and tookcharge of the case, lie is nov on the roadto complete recovery. 1 be ttright's diseasewas hsaded off and the other ailments over-whelmed. A happier family cannot be fosndthan that of Postmsstsr Talbot, of Brain-erd.- "

Sworn and subscribed to before me thisseventh day of September. A. D. 1SU3. atDavid City. Neb. E. S. Kunyon.

Signed) Ifotmrff PtMic.An impoverished condition of tbe blood,

or a disordered condition of the nerve-- .

the fruitful source of most ills that aff- - ctmankind, and to any thus affected Dr. Witliuis' Pink s offer a speedy and certainO'jri. No other remedy Las ever met withsuch grest and contiuued success, ubicb isone of tb Wrongest proofs that Dr. Williams'Pink Pills All that la claimed fortbem. '1 hey are an unfailing enre for loco-motor Stagsia, partisl paralysis, St. Vitus'danes, scisrica, neura'gia. rheumatism, uervjus beadaobe, palpitation of tbe heart ner-vous prostraf.ou, diseases depending uponvitiateu blood such as scrofn!'. chronic

as. etc. I hey are also a f:-oit- ic fortrouble- - peculiar to females, curing all foriutot weakness, lu tuen they effect a rauic-t- l

core in all case arising from mental worry,overwors. or excesses of any nature.

1 bese pills are manufactured bv the Dr.Williams Medicine Co.. Br c' '.:!. Canadaand 4i Holb rn Viaduct, London. Eng.

1 hey are put up in round glat bottles, thswrapper covering which bears the full trademark, 'Xr. WiUimmt' Pink PBh for PalePeople." As there are imitations of thiswouderfnl remedy, see that tbe above trademars is oa every packsge yoa purchase, audpromptly refuse all imitations and substi-tutes.

Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills are sold by TheHollister Drag Co.. HonVnlu, wholesaleagent.-- , and all dealers in medicine

411 KING STREET, NEXT DOOR CASTLE & COOKE'S,Formerly Occupied bv Nan Yu Shosha, Honolulu, H. I.

Fine Japanese Goods,Crepes, Dress ( ioods, Silk Handkerchiefs. Cotton Crepes, bilk Shirts and Neckties.Cotton Shirts, Silk and Cotton Pajamas, Straw Hats and Cloth Capes, Umbrellasand ail kinds of Purses, Toilet Soap, Japanese Canned joods and Soy, Porcelain andCurios and Fancy Articles, Japanese Bamboo Screens.

. . . VERY LOWEST . . OF . . PRICES. . . .






Telephones 88.

Page 6: Attorney...CASTLE & COOKE, Ld, Life and Fire insurance Ag'ts. AGENTS FOR New England Mutual LIFE MM COMPANY Of Boston. ill Fire innce tt Of Hartford. CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO.. BANKERS,




Visit of King cf Greec? to One ofAmerican Ship3

The 1'aris correspondent of " Vari-ety'" MOdfl an interesting account ofHi- - viit of King (Jeorge ol (Jreere totbe cruiser San Francisco. The Kingi- -:i ino-- t a rniaMe and courteous gentle-man of fifty year?, and bis democraticmanners have made it agreeableand eay for him to come in contactwith and learn many things that arenot generally included in the reper-toire of a royal education. Of course,


Orders Regarding Schools Rescinded.Seamen Restrictions to be Modified.

A ebort cession of the loarl ofHealth wa.-- held yesterday after-noon at 3 o'clock. Six memberswere pre-en- t.

On motion of Dr. Emerson theregulation of the Hoard, forbiddingchildren from the infected districtsattending the city schools was res-

cindedPresident Smith read a supple-

mentary report from the committeeon contaminated water and soil, inwhich they stated having finishedthe work assigned to them and







We wish to call your attention to a 1mof Goods just received from

England, such as


Picnic and School Baskets

Soiled Clothes Baskets,

Longand Short Handled Feather Dusters,

Hair Floor Brooms,

Whisk Brooms.Shoe Brushes,

Pope's Head Brushes,

Scrubbing Brushes,

Hor&e Brushes,


Bird Cages, Bag Twine,

Ball Twine, Etc., Etc., Etc.


Hardware ad General Merchandise


Two Higb Grade Bicycles


23 pounds, latest improve-ments, Morgan fc WrightTires. Price $IOO.oo.

BARNES SPECIAL.V.) pounds, nicklcd fitting.-- .wood rims and M. v J. Tir- -

Price $IOO.OOEnquire

WILLARD E. BROWN,4108 This Office.

N-stl- e's Milk Frwxi for infants has, ddni.g 25 '!years, grown in favor with lih doctors and j

mothers throughout the world, and is now un- - Iquestionably not only the best substitute f r I

mothers' milk, but the food which agrees withthe largest percentage of infants. It givestrength and stamina to resist the weakening H

effects of hot weather, and has saved the lives of It

thousands of iafu:its. To any mother s:iiu'..;her address, and mentioning this paper, we w...'

send samples and description of Neatus'a Food.T.'ios. Lfming Co., Solo Ag'ts, 29 Murray St., K V

ifjh w v am. w n aw mwm mm mBmmwmmmmmmmmmmuww r x m


The Agency for


Hollister Drag Company, Limited

523 Fort Street, Honolulu, H. I.

X. L. Corner is our Stand

245 ia oar telephone..ARSON'S EXPRESS ia our name.

We move furniture by the job or $2to $0 by the load according to qualityor distance and we guarantee all wortdone by ue.

Intending passengers on island orforeign steamers will find us prompt andup to all de-ail- s in handling, markingand checking Baggage.

All work superintended by competentmen.

WIVI. LARSEN,Proprietor Larsen's Express.


Invite YouTo call and sw my new importation of

III DRESS WWhich have jat been received.Connoisseurs will greatly admirethese goods. They are beauties.No duplicates.

It ShowsThat every item of my advertise-ment is read by men and women.My Silk counters have been areal beehive.

Aside from this 1 received alarge consignment of

Gents' Fancy Shirts,Gents Full Dress Shirts.

Gents' Plain Shirts,

UNDERWEARIn Cotton. Balbriggan, Flexible Seams

and Silk.



Wide Brim Straw Hats, 75c each.Don't Overlook Me In the Rush.


Robinson Elock, Hotel Street.

We PreferPeople who demand the best thatcan be bad for money. The se

lection of our goods is under thesupervision of experienced buyerswho have made it their study.

Fancy Decorated Screens, 4 and op.

Silk Dress Goods,

New Pattern Crepes.

Ladies' Furnishings.Gent's Furnishings,Men's Straw Hat

We guarantee our prices to beas low, if not lower than others.

S. OZAKI,313 King Street, Corner Smith Street.


Hotel Street, Arlington Block.

Keep constantly receivingvia every steamer fromJapan, freshest and new-est of Dress Goods.

Full stock of everythingJapanese.





If a new broom sweeps

clean, a well oiled piece of

machinery ought to runsmooth. There is a saving of

150 per cent, to those who useVACUUM OIL. An engineerof one of the prircipal plan-

tations says of 600 Cylinder Oil

"That one barrel is as good

and goes as far as threebarrels of other kinds."Those who are agents for

other oils are forced to getvacuum OIL to send to theirown mills.

Hundreds of competitivetests have been made with the600 W Cylinder Oil againstother grades, and it has de-

monstrated its value for eco-

nomy and utility beyond allquestion.

We also handle this oil in

three other grades known asVacuoline Engine, Arctic Engine and the Heavy Dark Lubricating Oil.

It is about time to think of

placing your orders for pictureframes for the holidays. Wehave the finest assortment of

new and unique designs eversent to the Islands. Spare usa few minutes of your timeand we will showT you thesamples. They are BEAUTIES.



SLKBecause it is Silk Pure

Silk no cotton threads orback.

35c. a Yard.35c a Yard.

Ladies' wide - brim lowcrown Straw Hats, BambooBalcony Screens, 8x10, 9x10and 10x10. Bamboo Por-

tieres, Lunch and TravelingBaskets.

IWAKAM1,Hotel Street, Kobinson Slocbt

HAWAIIAN-:- - -:- -


Lime l Stone Quarriers

Offer for sale the best quality of Lime atthe ruling market rate. This Lime is thegenuine article, pure and simple. Noforeign substances used.

Ring up 247 and leavt- - your order?.

Hawaiian Lime & Stone Company.410S-- tf

HUSTACE & CO.,Dealers in


Which we will sell at the very lowest marketrates.

Telephone No. 414- -

warship naturally constitute one ofthe object lessons a King must per-force learn, and so it was not glaring-ly out of the ordinary that KingGeorge should have the curiosityto look upon tbe latent productionin this field from the latest nation toenter it, but the manner of his acquir-ing the lesson constituted its interesting feature. When Admiral Kirklandcalled to pay his respects tbe Kingsaid to bim that he and the Queen badread of the cruiser and were desirousof seeing it: so, of course, tbe Admiralinvited him aboard and included alltbe royal household in the invitation.And they all accepted. On tbe dayset for tiie visit tbe vessel was decor-ated in tbe most profuse style, flagswere strung from every point thatcould support a flag from keel to truckanil from stem to stern, the flag ofGreece being principally in evidence;brasswork was burnished to a condi-tion of brilliancy that would have dis-couraged a silver advocate, and tbevery best clothes of officers and menwere worn. A line of marineswas drawn up from tbe gangway tothe cabin, and as the king passedthrough it be bowed right and left tooflicers and sailors, as did also Queen

I Olga, who followed directly behindmm: nut tiie two princesses weremore reserved and disposed to show acertain degree of hauteur. They werePrincess Sophie, wife of the CrownPrince and sister of Kmperor Williamand Princes Alexandrine, daughterof King fieorge. The royal party re-mained aboard the cruiser for twohours, examined it thoroughly, goingeven into engine room and magazine,and expressing the greatest admira-tion for tbe many modern appliances.A toothsome lunch was spread andthe party was exceedingly gay duringthe entire visit.

AwardedHighest Honors World's Fair.

Gold Medal Midwinter Fair.




MOST PERFECT MADE.A pure Crane Cream of Tartar Powder. FreeVom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant.

In all the great Hotels, the leadingClubs and the homes. Dr. Price's Creao .

Baking Powder holds its supremacy- -

40 Years the Standard.LEWIS dr CO.,

Agents, Honolulu, H. f.


Uhambrais our latest. It liascome so popular at oursoda fountain we havedecided to bottle it forhome use. A smallquantity of the Alham-br- a

added to a glass ofice water makes a fresh,delightful drink. Nosugar is required. Iti nonalcohoiii and isa wholesome beveragethat delights the old andyoung alifae. It has a ogenuine fruit tJavor thatyou will enjoy. Bertry a bottle.

aQuart bottles 50c. of


Tbe Gazette issued every Tneedayand Friday.

Llllim May Eentley

Born a GeniusDisease Threatens to Cut

Short a Noble CareerBut Hood's Sarsaparllla Restores

Cood Health.Llllle May Iientley Is an accompnshed eloco-Oonl- it

and natural born speaker of only 12 yearsof age. She Is the only child temperance IecWorer before the public. Her genius, howeTer,did not exempt her from an attack of a diseaseof the blood. Her own words best tell the story :

" C. L Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. :

" I heartily Join with the many thousands thatare recommending Hood's Sarsaparllla. I hadbeen troubled from infancy with gatherings inthe head. 1 was compelled to leave school uponthe doctor's advice, lie thought it was the onlything to save my life, but I

Continued to Crow Worse.I was persuaded finally by a friend to try Hood'sBarsaparilla. The use of one bottle acted ef--

Hood's'CuresfecUvely upon the blood and I began to lmproro.Alter the use of three bottles the gatheringceased and I am cured of my former trouble. Iowe my life and will always remain a true friendto Hood's Sarsaparllla." Li.lx.jb Mat Bett-x.x- t,

Shelbyville, Indiana. Get HOOD'S.

Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly andefficiently, on the liver and bowels. 20o.

HOBKON DRUG COM PA NY, s.Wholesale Agents.



Ebony aoi Silver

TOILET WAREConsisting of every useful article in

that line La


We Lave a full stock ol" tbe popular bead-

ed and rococo border patterns tban whicb

tbere is notbing more desirable or in keep-

ing with tbe prevailing styles.

Tbe most desirable, however, has been

and always will be tbe plain ebony backwith handsome raised silver monogram.

These we make up in a variety of styles,

to suit each individual taste.

Prices on these goods will be found lowerthan similar goods in the United States,being direct importations from Europe,

whereby we save the high tariff on suehgoods into America.


4t U V TO

dat; " Bicyc e PlD


o O Cents,a a gem. You should have one.


$50 PKIZE.The Joint Committee appointed to report

upon designs tor a Seal ami DepartmentSeals, invites suggestions for a design for a


and oiler a prize ot Fifty Dollars to be paidto the person whose design is accepted bythe Legislature.

1 1 is the opinion of the Committee that theseal should be about three inches 111 diameterand that the present motto, " I'a mau ke ea

ka aina i ka pono," be retained. Compe-titors are requested to sign a noiu de plumeto their designs, and write their real nameson a separate paper, enclosing the whole in

sealed envelope addressed to the Secretarythe Committee and marked "Design

lor Creat Seal." The competition will closeon the 1st day of DECEMBER, 1S95.

Further information may be had of theSecretary.

A. G. If. ROBERTSON,Set rotary ol the Committee on Seals.

4119-l- w

recommended that they be dis-

charged. No definite action svastaken regarding the matter.

It was voted that certain China-men at the quarantine station beallowed to go by the Kilauea Houduring the afternoon to their re-

spective plantations on Maui andHawaii.

The matter of lifting the quaran-tine placed on the crews of the va-

rious island steamers was broughtup for discussion. President Smithsaid a great deal of dissatisfactionhad been manifested by some of theemployees of the steamship com-panies, ft seemed to them thatthere no longer existed any dangerof contamination and under thosecircumstances they should be al-

lowed to come ashore. PresidentSmith recommended that in caseno new case of cholera should makeits appearance by Saturday night,the quarantine be lifted and themen be allowed to come ashore,but that none of them be allowedto go ashore at any other port.This was put in the form of a mo-tion and carried unanimously.

Several other matters werebrought up, but nothing definitewas done regarding them. At 4p. m. the Board went into execu-tive session.

A Family Row.Kahelemauna and hi.-- brother-in-la- w

Kalua, who live in the samehouse at Leleo, became involved ina little difficulty early last evening.Kahelemauna, who is a hack-drive- r,

went home about 6 :30 o'clock toput up his carriage and feed hishorse. Kalua and the other occu-pants of the house were indulgingin their evening repast. Kahele-mauna went to his room and foundthat r 11 th hftHr.lnthpq Vrl In mm

. . I

taken iromnis Dec! and put on thatui jx.iiua. i (its uui uwt ncasc uiiji

. every mucn, as be was tired andworn out from the Liy'.-- work andintended to retire as soon as possi-ble. Approaching Kalua, he remon-strated with him for the liberty hehad taken. Kalua, who had partakena little too freely of alcoholic stim-ulants began to argue the case withhim, saying to Kahelemauna thathe ought to be glad such an im-portant personage M hirmelf hadeven deigned to take his bedclothes.Kahelemauna did not see things inthe same light as Kalua aud a tus-sle was tbe result. Kahelemaunablew a whistle which he happenedto have about him a:d a mountedpatrolman appeared on the scene.Both men were escorted to thepolice station where thev weregiven a good lecture on the evils offamily fights and allowed to returnhome.

Japan se Warship omiugTbe Japanese of the city are very

much elated over the fact that aman-of-wa- r from their country willsoon be at this port. Most of thetalk of the Japanese quarter isbased on that subject. In conver-sation with a prominent Japanesemerchant of the city yesterday thatgentleman was found to be of theopinion that a man-of-w- ar shouldbe at this port permanently. Peo-ple from his country, who were wellrepresented at the islands, wouldfeel more security with the bigguns of a warship at their elbow,and, it may be added, if the man-of-wa- r

should be here, every time asteamship arrived from the Orientwithout a mail the guns would beturned on it and the captain forcedto apologize for not doing what hisagents considered wise to leave un-done.

Evening Classes.The V. M. C. A. evening educa-

tional classes began last night withtypewriting. Bookkeeping classwill take up work at 7 o'clock to-

night. The physic il classes werealso opened last night under thedirectorship of D. V. Corbett, agraduate of the Springfield, Mass ,

Training School. It is the aim ofthe physical department to giveeach member a thorough physicaleducation in order that he may al-

ways be able to do tha't simple physical exercise which is so necessary 4

to keep up the muscular tone andvigorous bodily health. 1

Page 7: Attorney...CASTLE & COOKE, Ld, Life and Fire insurance Ag'ts. AGENTS FOR New England Mutual LIFE MM COMPANY Of Boston. ill Fire innce tt Of Hartford. CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO.. BANKERS,


For a Family of Ten. Price $io.LOCAL BREVITIES. SPECIALTIES: c. & c.An adjourned quarterly meetingof the trustees of the Queen's Hos-pital will be held tomorrow at 10a. m.

Annual meeting of PrincevillePlantation Company this morningat 10 o'clock at the office of Messrs.Wm. Irwin & Co., Ld.

The Hawaiian Safe Deposit andInvestment Co., offer for sale giltedge sugar stocks as well as bondsand stock of various corporations.

A complete outfit of dental toolsand appliances belonging to theestate of E. K. Wright, deceased,will be sold by James F. MorganOctober 16.

There were only three personspresent at cricket practice Satur-day afternoon. It just happenedthat several of the most enthusiasticmembers had engagements whichcould not be laid aside.

A half-cast- e leper woman fromHawaii gave premature birth to achild at the Kalihi experimentalstation yesterday. The foetus will

Jam J I". Morgan has a notice ofan auction sale of bankrupt etockin this issue.

Captain T. B. Murray's com-

pany, N. G. II., had its regularvlrill last night.

Ceo. Roedick, assignee in bank-ruptcy of L. D. Timmons has anotice in this issue.

Pacific Ixxlge A. F. v A. M. helda regular convocation at the Ma-oni- c

Temple last night.A quarterly dividend will be due

and payable to the stockholders ofthe Wilder S. S. Co. today.

Small boys in gymnasium suit3were numerous in the new Y. M. C.A. gymnasium yesterday after-noon.

Quarantine having been raisedfrom schools in all districts theKauluwela school will open thismorning.

John Toms, manager of the K'a-na- a

store of the Makee .Sugar Com-pany, is in town on a two weeks'vacation.

George Sea, night clerk at thetolice station, was on duty againiast night after an illness of two orhree days.

A special meeting of the Hawai-i- n

Lodge A. F. and A. M. is call-ed for this evening. Work in sec-ond degree.

Members of the Y. H. 1. are get- -

ing into trim for their anniversaryconcert, at which are to be sung oldHawaiian airs.

Woven Wire Bailey" is manu-facturing and selling very cool andcomfortable chairs and loungesmade of woven wire.

There will be an auction sale ofedibles and lumber at the rooms ofthe Hawaiian Relief Association at10 o'clock this morning.

Tomorrow is ladies' day at thecourts of the Pacific Tennis Club.Lady friends are welcome at anytime throughout the day.

Ladies of the Hawaiian ReliefSociety were busy at the centraldepot yesterday straightening upthe affairs of that organization.

C. S. Bradford of the Advkrtiseris taking a vacation of a few weeks.During his absence J. T. Stackerwill have charge of the city work.

Adjutant Egner interviewed ahackman last night in consequenceof the jehu having interfered ineome of the good work of the adju-tant.

Officers of the U. S. S. Olympiawere out calling yesterday after-noon. Several of the number havevisited this port before on othermen-of-wa- r.

Charles Weatherwax and JackLucas are in quarantine ; the for-

mer is making pictures and thelatter acknowledging contracts ofthe laborers.

Elaborate arrangements are be-

ing made for the Lei Ilima danceat Independence Park pavilion Fri-day night. Every one seems to an-ticipate a jolly time.

Children from infected districtswill be allowed to attend schoolfrom now on. This will swell theattendance greatly at the variouseducational institutions.

When the furnishings and sup-plies at the cholera hospital havebeen removed the buildings willprobably be completely whitewash-ed as a precautionary measure.

James Bolster, who was forced togive up his position on the Star onaccount of illness, is rusticating inPalolo valley. His health is verymuch improved in consequence ofthe change.

Kmma square was crowded lastnight by persons anxious to hearfor the first time by the HawaiianBand, the New York World's songkThe Band Played On." The

niece met with a hearty encore.Punahou College football men

will seek to organize a team withwhich to ik buck the center " of theEL A. A. C. team. Football gamesare looked forward to with a greatleal of interest by the lovers of theeport.

Strenuous efforts are being madeby the friends of the long term po-litical prisoners to secure their par-don on Thanksgiving day. It isunderstood that in the event ofJohn Bowler being pardoned hewill leave the country.

Captain Parker and the squad ofpolice sent out to the quarantinehospital Sunday night returned tothe city yesterday afternoon. Dr.J. T. Wayson and one or two civili-ans went over with the police squadand remained on guard during thenight.

The merry-go-roun- d was takendown yesterday. It will be storedaway perhaps never again to re-

volve for the pleasure of the giddy T1native girls and their food lovers.

A building is to be erected on thesite lately occupied by the

SODAThat cools and quenches

Jthe thirst is our hot-weath- er

merchandise.Fine Soda is drank for

ts fineness, not for cold-

ness alone.Friit flavors; the juice

of fresh ripe fruit, no sub-

stitute;v kept without acid

1 or anything eise. This is

the Soda that flows fromour foufvtain.


Alhambra and


PHOSPHATE.They are the latest com-

binations of fruit flavors.Those who have triedthem say they are delicious.

rnn Hum fin jI nun uiuy ui.

E. VANDOORN & CO.,Dealers in

HflUfl ne Ciofl R.

We also carry a full line of Tobaccos,Pipes, etc.

Ice Cold Drinks a Specialty.Step in on your way to the city front

and get a cold drink and a good cigar.


FUEEKE JOYES T. v. simpso?;


Accountants and Commission Agents.


Genero Business m1Conveyancing and- - Legal documents drawnup. Drawing and tracings made. Trans-

lations in French, German, Spanish, Por-

tuguese, Dutch, Italian and Hawaiian.Bills collected and accounts adjusted.

Office: 308 Merchant St.

CRITERION SALOONFort. Near Hotel Street.

Have just received a consignment ofthe famous

Seattle Brewing and Malting Co.'s


Popular Brands of StraightGoods alwavs on hand.

CHAS. J. MCCARTHY, - Manager.3853

For Rent.

OFFICES, EN SUITE OK.single, on the ground floor ofthe premises fortnerlv occupied

by the Daily Bulletin Company, on Mer-chant street ; also the large ha.l on thesecond floor of the same building. Ap-p- lv

at the office ofWM. G. IRWIN & CO., (Limited).

4064-- tf

Notice to the Public.

SUBSCRIPTION LIST OF THETHE Belief Society is now openat the office of the Union Feed Company.Subsc-int'o- rs for any amount will begladly received.


4093-1- ? Subscription Committee.

To Musicians.

THE MISSES RICE, LATE OFhave located on

King etret-t- , Waikiai of J B. Atherton,and will take pupils for tuition inPianoforte and Singing. Telephone SS6.


LEARN TO READ MUSIC. PROF. E.will teach a class in vocal music

at the Y. M O. A. Hall, beeinning FRI-DAY EVENING, October ISth. and con-tinuing for twelve weeks. $2 for the course.Hand m yomr name at once to Mr. Corbett,r f Prf. Ck 4116-t- d


I vian find you a tenant or rent youu h.it von want.

Buying and SellingRESHKNCE l'ROPKKTY,

i;rii.uiN(. ixrrs.ACREAGE PROPERTY.

If you want to buy call on me. If youwant to sell list your property with me.

Notary Public,I.rokernfro, General Business Agent,Accident Insurance, Safes Safes.

C. D. CHASE,406 Fort Street. Tel. 184.

ISYOURSILVERWARESterling Silver or only marked so. Everyhousewife has heard of the Gorhams,Silversmiths. When they stamp anyarticle sterling silver you can rest assuredthat it is sterling silver.

We invite the public (tourits especially)to make a thorough examination of ourstock and prices in Sterling Silverware,Souvenir Spoons, Plated Ware, Watchesand Diamonds. Native Jewelry manu-factured i:i unique designs and to order.

Jacobson & Pfeiffer,FORT STREET.

Wenner A Co.'s Old Stand.

F. W. MAKINNEY,Searcher of Records,


Certificates . of Title.Having iiad fifteen vears' experience as

a Searcher 1 am prepared to do all work inm line reasonably and accurately.All Work Guaranteed to be Absolutely Correct.

Office: 318 Fort Street.(W. O. Smith's Office.)

W. J. STODDART,(Successor to Farrer & Co.)

Watchmaker and JewelerREPAIRS OP EVERY -:- - -

-:- - -:- - DESCRIPTION.Wire Jewelry made to order.Musical Boxes repaired

Clocks Called For And Delivered.Flrst-Clas- H Work, Moderate Prices.

HOTEL STREET,Opposite King Bros.' Art Store.

$ $ I $ $$ $ DO $ $

$ BUSINESS $In Real Estate, Negotiate Loans, Bity,

Rent or Lease Houses.


GEO. A. TURNER,Telephone 139. 308 Merchant gtrtag.

S. NISHIMU RA,Foster Block, - - Nuuanu -- trft.Ex Gaelic. NEW GOODS.

lamaanuMuuniawConsisting of


DRESS -. GOODS,Straw Hats. Scarfs, for Ladies and Gents.

Choice Japan Teas and Provisions atWholesale and Retail at lowest figures.

AX.Tj goods warranted.


ACRES ORANGE GROVE; ALL13 good bearing: one miie fromcenter of town and situated at corner ofMain street and Ontario Avenne Theabove is in a high state of cultivation,well watered, and in one of the mostbeautiful localities in California. Theparty owning the same is nowin these Islands, and needing readymoney, is willing to dispose of at a bargain for cash, or in exchange for cityproperty. Parties wisning to purchasewill be furnished with good references atRiverside. Full particulars will becbeerfullv given by calling or ad dressing

GEO. A. TURNER.Real Estate and General Business Agent,

308 Merchant street. 4069-t- f

Hand-mad- e and imported HarnessSaddles, Bridles and all Horaa ami Car-riage floods. Prices are right.


O. K. COLLINS,P. O. Box 496 . 337 King Street,

Near Nuuanu.4079

FLOu RHas sained the con-

fidence of all con-


Prices below aniother No. 1 Standard

Flour in the mar--




Theo! HL

Davies& Co.,

Side Agents.

Mutual Tel. 2(30. P. O. Box 158.

WING WO TAI & CO.,214 Nuuanu St., Honolulu, H. I.

commission Merchants,Importers and Dealers In

General Merchandise, Fine Manila Cigars,Chinese .md Japanese Crockeryvvare,Mattings, Vases of all kinds, Camphor-Woo- d

1 runks, Rattan Chairs. A FinAssortment of Dress Silks, ChoicestBrands of Chinese and Japanese Teas oflatest importations.

Inspection of New Goods respectfully solicited.

Commercial Saloon,Cor. Nuuanu and Beretania Sts.

T. KEVEN, Manager.

COOL FRESH BEEROn Draught and the Standard Brands

of Bottled Beer.Fine Whiskies, Brandies. Wines and French



COCKTAILS when you havea thirst on (Thurston).


Wm. G. Irwin - President and Manage?Claus SpreckeN - - - Vice-Preside- nt

VV. M. Giftard - Secretary and TreasurerTheo. C. Porter - -- Auditof



Oceanic Steamship Companyof San Francisco. Gal.


First-Clas- s Market in Every Respect.

Besides carrying a Full Line of Meatswe make a specialty of



WESTBR00K & GARES,Proprietors.


Old Stand, King StreetSANDERS' EXPRESS

Telephone S6.Pianos removed for $2. 50.Save money by calling on us, as we

quote the lowest prices on all kinds ofhauling. SANDERS' KXPRESS.

Telephone 86.

C. V. Stnrdevant, - Sole Agent,Warix. Block,

P. O. Box 402. Telephone 004.


Cook's Mnsic School.Prof. Cook, for fifteen years prin-

cipal of Cook's Musical Institute,Portland, Oregon, is prepared to givepiano, voice and harmony lessons.For terms, apply at the Studio, War-ing- 's

Building, Beretania street.

Reserved for Professor


Hawaiian Boat Honse,

Foot of Richards street,Have tine pleasure boats of all descriptions for rent by the hour or day.Moonlight Boating Parties.

City Carriage Companyhave removed to the corner of Fortand Merchant streets, Telephone No.113. First-cla- ss carriages at all hours.

John 8. Andbade.

t&TTo My Patrons and FriendsI have just opened at my office, 113

Bethel street, Honolulu, H. I., anArt Exhibition of the latest designsand novelties in Embroidery Work,Drawn Work, Rope Silk, KensingtonWork and Etchings. I would respectfully Invite you and your friendsto call and inspect these goods.

B. Beroersen.

Bedroom Sets, Wardrobes,Ice Boxes, Stoves, Hanging Lamps,Rugs, Bureaus, Chiffoniers, Steamerand Veranda Chairs, Bed Lounges,Sofas, Baby Cribs, Clothes Baskets,Sewing Machines, Whatnots, MeatSafes, Trunks, etc., sold at the lowestCash Prices at the I. X. L., corner ofNuuanu and King streets.

When you wish to discontinuehousekeeping let Chas. Hawkinsbid on your furniture in its entirety.It will avoid inconvenience of sellingin pieces or sale. King and Alakeastreets.

Chas. Hawkins make estimates on all classes of painting, wallpapering and upholstering. All workguaranteed. King and Alakea streets.

'New and second-han- d furniture, all kinds of second-han- d bocks,jewelry and diamonds bought andsold. Contracts for painting.

Chas. Hawkins.

If yon want to sell ontyour Furniture in its entirety, callat the I. X. L.

Beach Grove, Walkiki, nearBishop's Switch Bathing and PicnicResort. Reserves for families, ladiesand children. Terms reasonable.

Chas. F. Warren, Manager.

Patronize Ilaniwai Baths,Waikiki. Tramcars pass the door.

W. S. Bartlett, Proprietor.

For Bai gains in New andSecond-han- d Furniture, Lawn Mow-ers, Wicker Chairs, Garden Hose,etc., call at the I. X. L., corner ofNuuanu and King streets.

'G. K. Harrison, Practical Pianoand Organ Maker and Tuner, can furnish best factory references. Ordersleft at Hawaiian News Co. will receiveprompt attention. All work guaran-teed to be the same as done in factory.


not be responsible lor anydebts incurred in his name without writtenorder fiom him.

C A FTAHH 1. TAYLOR.October 12, 1896. l.ahaina. Maui.



NEW HAWAIIANcanoe. Applv to

J. If. MONSARRAT.4107--tf


A SMALL COTTAGE OK TWO ROOMS.Bath. etc.. centrally situated, suitable

for two ffentleraen. Applv toUK. JUH b. McGREW,

4120-t- f Hotel Street.

be preserved in alcohol for the purpose of microscopical examinationto determine whether there 13 inherited leprosy.

Persons in the vicinity of thePauoa road are wakened early inthe morning by the fascinatingmusic of tin cans, shotgun reportsand melodious Chinese voices inthe rice patches near by. Theyhave deducted from the.--e actionsthat the rice crop is ripening.

A prominent Chinaman of thecity called at this office yesterdayand stated that he had been givenpositive information that there wasopium among the Chinese immigrants at the quarantine station.He said that he had been told theopium was secreted in false bottomsof trunks. One man was said tohave 500 tins in his possession.

Annual Meeting.


mHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THEshareholders of Prinrrville Plantation

Company, will he held at the office of C.lTo wer x JO. , Limned, m Honolulu, onTUESDAY. October 15th, ls95. at 10 a. m.

Dated Honolulu, October 7th. 1895.K. F. BISHOP.

4117-t- d Secretary.

Hawaiian Lodge No 21, 4.F - AM.

THEKK WILL HE A SPECIALmeeting of Hawaiian Iodge No. 21,

& A. M.. at its Hall, Masonic- -

Temple, corner of Hotel and Alakeastreets. THIS (Tuesday) EVEN1NO,October 15th, at 7:30 o'clock, for

Work in Third Dk.rek.Members of Pacific Lodce, Lodge le Pro- -

gres ami all sojourning Brethren are fraternally invited to be present.

By order of the W.. M..T. E. WALL,

1123-I- t Secretary.

QUEEN'S HOSPITAL.N ADJOURNED QTJAKTERLY MEET- -ing ofl the Board of Trustees of the

tjueen's Hospital will be held at the lloom ofthe Unmmber Of Commerce on n hUh1A . the l.th inst., at 10:30 . M. A fullattendance is requested.

F. A. 8CHABFEB,H23--2t Secretary.

DIVIDEND NOTICE.ijt'AKTKKLY DIVIDEND WILL BEbe paid to the tn-kluI- l r- - of l

It r 1 Steamship Company, on TL'ESDAY,October Id, lfci..

C. L. WIGHT,4123-- 2t President1,

ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE.D. TIMMONS OF HoSOLCLUL. having been declared a bankrupt, all

persons having claims against said Estateare requested to band in the .same to theundersigned. Ail persons indebted to saidEstate, must make payment at once to theAssignee.

GEO. ROEDICK.41233t Assignee.


DABBBB SHOP ON HOTEL STREET,U in Arlington tflock. Good trade established. Al bargain.

4 120--1 w


Engineers, requiring positions onMisrar plantations, may register at theoffice of the Hawaiian ExperimentalMation, No. '. Nuuanu street.

O. BOLTE.41 22-- 3 1 Set 'y. P. L. 4k S. Co.


rvil DESIRABLE RESIDENCE oNI Beretania street. No. ?. at present oc

cupied bv A. M. Snroull. L.. and contain-ing 6 rooms, kitchen ami Dathhouse. besidesouthouses.

Usl-r- i H. W. SCHMIDT A SONS.


stret. Apply toM. D MONSARRAT.4111-t- f

Notice of Power of Attorney.


tnrnv bv m heretofore made ami (rivenotice that I Have urn any appointea j. a.King to act for me under full power ofattorney.

WM. SUMNER ELLIS.Honolulu, October bth. 1896. 41tf)-4- t

Page 8: Attorney...CASTLE & COOKE, Ld, Life and Fire insurance Ag'ts. AGENTS FOR New England Mutual LIFE MM COMPANY Of Boston. ill Fire innce tt Of Hartford. CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO.. BANKERS,



2 5--

1 i?m0 ; "isA.. r..

Lv. ilocolola. 6;4C 1: 8;loM Frl 17 'J.5i 1 m 5:5

10:1 J ' .

4. WUmm - 10--



HI 22A.M. r..

(.V. Ai.n' 6.44zw nn... 3:10 ." 1

Pearl CM j. . 7:) i- - in 4:23Ar. Honolulu... :o.jrj 3:11 4 3

On Saturday and Sunday nights, KwaMill Passenger Train will arrive in Hono-loi- a

at 5:56 instead of 148 p.m.Freight Trains will curry Second-Clas- s

Passenger accommodationO. P. Dkkisom, F. 0. Smith,

daper intenden t . Gen. Pass. Ac Tkt. Agt.


ftt ftMfll Aftver i ,

Issued Every Morningr. ExceptSunday, by trie

Hawaiian Gazette CompanyAT 318 MERCHANT STREET.

Subscription Batumi

The Daily Pacific Commercial Advertiser,Eight Pages.

Per month $ 73Btr 3 months if paid in advance - 2 00Per year in advance - 8 oaPer year, postpaid to United States

of America, Canada or Mexico - 1 1 00Per 1 year, postpaid other foreign 14 oq

Bavarian Gazrtte, Semi-Weekl- y, EighfcPages, Tuesdays and Fridays:

Per year, 104 numbers - - 00Per year, foreign countries - 6 00

Payaftte IsvariaWy in Advance.

Advertisements unaccompanied by specificrotruetrons inserted till ordered out.

Advertisements discontinued before ex-

piration of specified period will be chargedas if continued for full term.

Liberal allowance on yearly and halfiyearly contracts.

All persons desiring their advertisements,discoutinued must send a written order toOut effect.

Where cuts are inserted they must beAfUL METAL, not mounted oncfl)kerwie t assume no risk of theirpreservation. GEO. H. PARIS,

Business Manager.

TriIAY. OCTOBSB 1". 188ft.


October. 1 x .

-- u. Tn. w. Ta. Fr. d. t MOON'S PHAMCJI.

T 3 1 10 railOct

Moona6 B 9 10 11 12 Zf Lut Qn'r

Oct 11.13 14 IS" IS 17 H

New MoonOct 18'-

-'I 12 S3 34 if.

titii yu'rTi 11 39 .Ti) Oct 25.

battered generally With all ofhia misfortunes he 18 one of themost jovial men on the wharves atpresent.

The Marie Hackfeid will sail forSan Francisco in about a week ifshe succeeds in disposing of hercoal here. In case she does not, how-ever, she will take on sugar for theabove port, which will necessitateher remaining here for five or sixweeks.


Gigantic Jumps Taken by TheseMonsters oi tne leep

11 Speaking of jumping,'' said an oldseaman who had been watching someboys playing leapfrog on the sands," let me tell you of the greatest jumpever seen. It was many years ago,when I was little more than a lad, butI was bow oarsman on a whaleboatbelonging to the ship Henry Staples.We bad bad bad luck for severalweeks', when one day we sighted a bigwhale, aDd two boats set oil' in a raceto see who could get there first. Itwas fairly smooth, what the sailorscall a white-ca- p breeze, and our boatsfairly flew over the water. Finally,the whale rose not one hundred yardsaway, heading directly for us. Theharpooner stood with his iron all readyto throw, while we grasped our oarsnervously, prepared to jump at theword 4 stern all,' that nearly alwayscame when a whale was harpooned.Not a word was spoken, and suddenlya mountain of black appeared; itseemed to shut oil' the entire horizon.Up it went until I distinctly saw a-- eventy-foot whale over twenty feetin the air hovering over us.

"The mate was the first to regainhi3 senses, and gave the command,'stern all.' Just as we were ready tospring overboard the boat shot backseveral feet, and the next second thegigantic animal dived iuto the ocean,just grazing us, having completelypassed over the boat in the biggestleap I ever beard of."

Such gigantic jumps are rare. Asimilar one was recorded by Ir. Hall,who at the time w as a midshipmanon the ship JLeauder. They were ly-ing in the harbor of Bermuda, whenall hands were attracted by the ap-pearance of a very large whale thatsuddenly appeared in the harbor andseemed very much alarmed by theshallow water, floundering about vio-lently. The young midshipman join-ed a boat's crew that started in pur-suit, and just as they were about tostrike the whale disappeared, sinkingout of sight, leaviDg a deep whirlpool,around which the boat shot, tteforeit stopped up came the whale, havingin all probability struck the bottom,and went into the air like a rocket."So complete was this enormousleap," says Dr. Hall, ,4that for an in-stant we saw him fairly up in the air,in a horizontal position, at a distanceof at least twenty perpendicular feetover our beads. While in his progressupward there was in bis spring sometouch of the vivacity with which atrout or salmon shoots out of thewater, but he fell back again in thesea like a huge log thrown on itsbroadside, and with such a thunderingcrash as made all hands stare withastonishment, and the boldest heldhis breath for a time. Had the whaletaken his leap one minute sooner bewould have fallen plump on the boat."

Comparatively few people have seena large whale, but we can imaginewhat an object an animal seventy feetlong and weighing as many toDs wouldmake flying through the air.

Within a week of the writing cf thepresent article I was drifting alongthe shores of Santa Catalina Island,California, when a sixty-foo- t whalealmost cleared the water about atbousaud yards from the boat. I wasabout to ask the boatman what rockit was, when the great head descendedand the tail rose iuto the air as themonster dived.

Mr. Scorsby, the famous whaler,chronicles a number of instances ofjumping among whales, some leaviugthe water completely and rising twenty or more feet into the air.

Many of the inhabitants of the seaare good jumpers and some have be- -'onie famous. Among them shouldbe mentioned the tarpon or silverking, a huge fish with scales thatgleam like silver, which constitutesthe famous game hsh of Honda. Theleaps of this beautiful creature areoften astonishing. Several j'ears agoa steamer was rushing down the St.John's river. The captain was sittingon the fore deck, leaning against thepilot house, when suddenly there rosein the air a beautiful shining fish fourfeet in length. It came like an arrowand landed in the lap of the captainas neatly as though it had been placedthere.

In Pacific waters the tuna, an allyof the horse mackerel, is noted for itsleaps. Sometimes a school sweeps upthe coast, and the powerful fish, oftenweighing eight hundred pounds, areseen in the air in every direction.They are like an arrow, turn grace-fully five or six feet in the air andcome down, keeping the water foracres in a foam, and, if not the great-est jumpers, tbey are certainly themost graceful of the leapers of thesea. Philadelphia Times.


23 H B h2&' V

(From C S. Journal of Mcdiciiu.)Prof.W.n.Peeko.who makes specialty of F.r;'prav,h;is without iluu'ttrvated and cur- - dnt.. a . thananylivinc Physician ; hissoccessis astonishing. N ehave boanlof cases of 20ye.ir?Vt::r.din'4curi-- l byhim.iiepablihesavaluableworkonthisdi!--i !i. vhi h hewuilsi with a larse bottle of his absolute cure, free toany sufferer who may send their P.O.and Bzpmidress. We advi-- p anvone wishing a cure to addresslrof. W. II. l'EEKE, P. D., 4 Cedar Bt New York.

Evening Educational Classes




Bookkeepiu, Ty pew rltlug. Shorthand.Mechanical lraviug. Sinking.

KeadiiiK, Spelling. Writing,Arithmetic ana Grammar.

For terms etc.. apply at the office or '

ring op Telephone 309.u. w. WmsUi

ll21-3- t Oeneral ecretarv.

MI!: HAMMK.v.TM u; tfoei 110. include BO tow .

B B Olyinpiu, Keetl. l.ahaina.tier bk J C Cilade, Stege, Bremen.Am ship ti P Hitchcock, liates. ban Fran.Bk Andrtw Welch. Drew. Kan Francico.Bark Matilda. Swenson, Port Townsend.Bk C D Bryant. Jacobsen. Lay-a- n Inland,febip Marie Hackfeid, Walters, Liverpool.Bark Albert. Griffiths, fcan Franchco.

hi Bertie Minor. Haven, Eureka.

r(;XtEJG VKtSELS EXFICTKOVessels- - Where from. Dae.

Bark Amy Turner. .New York DueBark B P Ilithet S F DueBr bk A'den Grove.. Liverpool DueGer bk J C Pfluger. .Bremen DueGersh H Hackfeid. .New York DueP. M b b Mariposa. ..Colonies Oct 17OSS Australia 8 F t ct 21CAbb Miowera Colonies.. ...... Nov 1

(.'Abb Warrimoo . ..Colonies Nov 2O & O 8 8 Coptic ... China Nov bO ft O 8 8 City of Peking. China Iec i

fir. !';.! Liverpool . . . Dec

K i: I i -

Mondav. Oct. 14.fctm J A unimins Neilson, from abu


DIFAKTUKCb.Monday, Oct. 14.

btmr Mokolii. McGregor, for Kaunaka-kai- .Kamalo, Pukoo, Halawa, Wailau.

Pelekunu, Kalaupapa, Lahaina and Awa- -

lua. Lanai.btmr Ke Au Hon, Thompson, for Ha- -

nsmanln.btmr A Cummina, Neilson. for Oahu


btmr W G Hall, bimersou. for Lahaina.Maalaea, Kona and Kau at 10 a m.

Stinr Mikahala. Haglund, for Nawiliwili. Koloa, Kleele, Makaweli, Waimea andN iibau at 5 p 111.

btmr Kilauea Hou. Weir, for Olowalu,Mabuk!i;i. Laupahoehoe. Hakalau. Ho-noro- u

anl Kukaiau at 4 m. ( Hi! mailonlv ).

EM POB1 s.Per stm r J A Cummins 600 bags rice.



From Ualni ports, per stmr J A Cummins, Oct 12 Henry Macfarlane.

BORN.P.OOTH At l'auoa. Honolulu. October 14,

1Q5, to the wife of Chas. W. Booth, adaughter.

HENNING In this city, October 14, 1:5.to the wife of Wm. Henning, a daughter.

Diamond Head, Oct. 14. 10 p.m.Weather, hazy ; wind, calm.Th Maripoea is due from the

Colonies October 17th.The Marie Hackfeid discharged

the two boilers for Ewa plantationyesterday.

The W. (. Hall will sail todayat 10 a.m. for Lahaiua, Maalaea,Kona and Kau.

The Amy Turner and R. P.Kithet wili haul alongside the Irm-gar- d

wharf upon arrival.The Bertie Minor did not get

away yefcterday. She has been en-gaged to coal the Olympia.

The Kilauea Hou will sail at 4p.m. today for ports on Maui andHawaii. Mail for Hilo onlv willbe taken.

The bark Matilda wa3 taken offthe marine railway yesterday morn-ing after having undergone a thor-ough cleaning.

The Mokolii for Molokai, the KeAu Hou for Hanamaulu and the J.A. Cummins for Oahu ports, allsailed yesterday.

The J. A. Cummins came infrom ports on this island yesterdayand sailed again for the ameplaces during the afternoon.

The schooners Moi Wahine andLuka were kept busy transferringcoal from the Pacific Mail wharf tothe U. S. S. Olympia yesterday.

cuite a fleet of email craft hascollected about the Sumatra justo IT the old flshmarket and are usingher as a convenient place to makefast to.

The Pacific Mail wharf has been.t S 1 Icompletely ciearea 01 tne cargoes

left there by various vessels whicharrived while the place wag inquarantine.

The U. S. S. Olympia is takingon coal preparatory to departurefor China. Several of the officerscame ashore yesterday afternoon totake in the town.

The Mikahala vill sail at o p.m.today for Nawiliwili, Koloa, Eleele,Makaweli, Waimea and Niihau.She will take a number of Chinesenow in quarantine on the island.

The first mate of the MarieHackfeid is a man who has hadboth his legs broken and has been

Coid Water Paint Especially

Designed for nside Work on

Factories and Public


It is a drv powder which can be pre-

pared for use by simply stirring in COLDWATER, and .m be applied bv any oneand will always produce good work.

It is VERY WHITE, extremely reflec-

tive and hardens on a wall like stone andwill take any tint.

it will last for years and is unaffectedby gases.

One coat covers better than two coats ofoil paint or whitewash.

It can be used on any surface and forall classes of work, even for the finestdecorating.


This Is for Outside Work.

Such as Fences, Outbuildings and Labor-

ers' Quarters. It is a thick paste to bediluted with cold water; stands rain andexposure, as wrell as oil paint, and costsbut a fraction as much.

nn numiMB on airuULU ffniLn miLCUmHIL

Adapted for Dwellings. Offices and PublicDwellings, or any other place whereKALSOMINE is used. It will not rub,discolor or scale off.

LUCOL.A new Paint Oil. It comes raw and

boiled; is superior to linseed, and coverswith one-thir- d less lead and pigment to thegallon

P. and B. Compounds and Papers.


1. G. Ifi 1 00.. iiii.Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.




Housekeeping Goods,AND


Agate Ware, Rubber Hose,




S. KIMURA,1 Sfi Deoler in Jf e Wfte



NewGoods, New Goods: at :- -

GOO KIM'S, 411 Nuuanu Street,Importer and Dealer in


Dry and Fancy Goods.By the latest vessel we received a Full

Line of Gents' White and Brown PanamaHats and a Full Line Lawns, Ginghams,and Trimmed and Untrimmed Ladies' Hatsin Latest Patterns, etc., and a Full Line ofBest Black and Green Chinese Tea inpounds or boxes. Call on us for your fineSjitings. We guarantee a fct. Pricesmoderate. GOO KIM, Proprietor.

Steamship Line.

Steamers of the above line, panning in

connection with the CANADIAN PACIFICRailway Company between Vancouver,3. C, an J Sydney, N. S. W.. and callingat Victoria, B. C, Honolulu and Suva(Fiji),

jre Due at HonoluluUn or arxmt tne dates rxiow stated, via:

m sjdRj n Mi lor Viciefie

B. 8. WARK1MOO . ..November 2B. 8. 'MIOWERA". . . . . December 2

FfMftfeM YittW. B.C.. Of

SUVQ mmW ARRIMOO" November 24

s. MIOWERA December 24

Through tickets issued from Honoluluto Canada, United States and Europe.

For Freight and Passage and all generalinformation apply to

Theo. H. Davies & Co., Ltd.,GENERAX AGENTS.



nin Mi Service

For San Francisco:The New and Fine Ai Steel Steamship

"MARIPOSA"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu from San Francisco onor about

OCTOBER 17th,And will leave for the above port withMail ; and Passengers on or about that date.

For Sydney and Auckland:The New and Fine Ai Steel Steamship

"ALAMEDA."Of the Oceanic Steamship Company wiilbe due at Honolulu from Sydney and Auck-

land on or about

OCTOBER 24th,And will have prompt dispatch with Mailsand Passengers for the above ports.

The Undersigned Are Now Preparedto Issue

Through Tickets to All PointsIN THE UNITED STATES.

For further particulars regarding Freightor Passage apply to

1. G. Ill D.

(ixncral Agents





S.S.AUSTRALIAArrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu

from S. F. for S. F.September 30 October 2October 2 1 October 2iNovember 15 November '20

THROUGH LINEFrom S. F. for From Sydney for

Sydney. S. F.Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honolulu.

MONOWAI, Sept. 26 MARIPOSA, Oct. 17ALAMEDA. Oct. 24 MONOWAI, Nov. 14


Tiles for Floors and for Dec-orating Purposes.


-. Manila Cigars .-




W 1 Kid WD f!HAW X, P.Ow...vvv..2 NUVAXir PTREF.T


A Model Plant is not complete withoutElectric Power, thus dispensing withsmall engines.

Why not generate your power frwn oneCENTRAL IStation ? One generator canfurnish Power to your Pumps, Centri-fugals, Elevators. Plows. Railways andHosts: also furnish light and power foia radius of from 15 to 20 miles.

Electric Power being used saves thelabor of Itauling oal in your held, alsowater, and des away with high-price- d

engineers, and only have one engine tolook aftei in your mill.

Where water power is available it costsnothing to generate Electric Power.

The Hawaiian Electric companyis now ready to furnish Electric Plantsand Generators of all descriptions at shortnotice, ;ind also has on hand a large-stoc-

of Wire, Chandeliers and all Elec-trical Goods.

All orders will be given prompt atten-tion, and estimates furnished for Lightingand Power Plants; also attention is givento House and Marine Wiring.



nii HIImporter and Dealer la

Carriage MaterialsOf Every Description, including


Spokes, all sizes: Savern Wheels,Wood Hub Wheels, Sawed Felloes,

Bent Rims from 1 to t. inches.Dump-Car- t Shafts, Wagon Poles,

Double Trees, Single Trees,Wagon and Cart Hubs, all sizes.

And a Full Assortment of

Trimmers' Materials,Carriage Hardware. Norway Iron,

and Steel Tires.

Having a long experience in the car-riage business 1 am prepared to supplvcarriage builders, plantations, etc., withSirst-clas- s materials, personally selected, atthe very lowest cash prices.

All Island orders will receive promp!attention.

MASONIC BLOCK,Corner Alakea and Hotel Streets.

Telephone No. 350.

Sugar ! Sugar! Sugar !

If Sugar is wrhat you want use

FERTI LIZER.The Hawaiian Fertilizing Company haa

just received per " Helen Brewer '

50 Tons Soft Phosphate Florida,150 Tons Double Superphosphate,300 Tons Natural Plant Food,25 Tons Common Superphosphate

Also per " Martha Davis" aad othervessels,

Hitrate of Soda,Sulphate of Ammonia,

Sulphate of Potash,Muriate of Potash & Kaioit

High-Gra- de ManuresTo any analysts always on hand or

made to order.

A. F. COOKE, Ageit,


HORSESHOERS.Neat Work and Satisfaction Guar'

an teed.


QUEEN STREET,Three doors Waikiki of Richards Street

A Cholera Epidemic

Is 2 Sure Thing

Unless every precJuVion la takn toprevent the spread of the dread dis-

ease. Is your house and grounds ina jiood sanitary condition? If net,ring up telephone 44 and I "will puteverything in good condition atehcttest notice ar,d at lowest possi-ble prices for cash Give me a call,

get my prices auc be convinced.



roBiies IL 8SBVIOK.

8tenuuiips will leave for and arrivefrom ban Francisco, Vancouver andSydney on ir.e following dares, till theclose of 1695.

Ln. at BssraMTM LBAVS UOHOLCLUu. Hak jfBAWcrwo KoB 8 AIT FBAH CISCO03 Vajcodtvsb OR VAHCOtrVKB

'n A tout On or AboutAutralis Oct. 21 Mariposa. .Oct. 17War rim xi . .Oct. 24 i Anstnu a. . .Oct. 2B

lameca .Oct. 'J-- i Miowera . Nov. 1O 1 ..Jct S8 Coptic. . Nov. 6Aastr.t ..Nov. 15 MOO 'ai .Nov. 14Manp . . Nov. 21 : Australir . .Nov. -- '

f 10 era Not. 24 Warrimoo. . . Dec. 2Oootic Nov. 28 I City rekinc Dec. G

ITsrrizBoa. . .Dec. 24 J K96.Gity PeKing..Dec. 2s a Jan. 1

ttoroloscal Korl.ST rai rimusasn

AVBBV umnai1 - 3i M. a

B o oD 9h a c

' 3

San i 30.t" 29 97 71 S--i .00 M n--aMoil 7 2.CS 5J.0. 71 82 .00 69 mTue. 8:W.O9).0O 73 83 .07 66 KBWW 9 30.C5 29 97 2 83 .04 64 KBThu 10 30.04 29 97 73 8 .01 7 B KBFrl . llt--- 0629 9. 7 Sill .ON 61 KESat. 12 29 9S29.H9 64 S2i .13 M -

Karozoeter corrcJ for temperature nd eletion, bet aot for Utltade.

Tidee. Ban and Moon.a B

B a sJ a - QB r?2. a m a.-s

p.m. a. in p.m a.m.1 12.51 O..V2 7 B 6.2 . 5 M .17

Tc 1.40 1.3 8 0' 7.30 3.36 .19a m. p.m

ed.. 16 2.1.1 2.24! 8. .1 8.5. 6. .v; 4 22mora.. 17 J.C- 3. l! 8.59 9.17 5.5. 6.34 .S3

rld. 3 3S A 9.27 10. IS 5.K7 5. S t 6. O

Sat..... 4.22 1.11 9.5" 11.11, 5.C7 5.32, 6.47Ip.m.IS" . 4.4". 10.27 12.1 .J I S.'.-- i s : 7.H7

New moon onfthe 17th at 7h 3Sm. p. m

2 LkBi3

1 rm w

ul ftml eTSi el sht 1 Amm

Hawaiian Oaxetic Company.