7/29/2019 attitude is everthing http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/attitude-is-everthing 1/15  UNITY IS STRENGTH. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING. 

attitude is everthing

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A predisposition or a tendency torespond positively or negativelytowards a certain

idea, object, persons, or situation.Attitude influences an individual'schoice of action, and responses to

challenges, incentives,and rewards (togethercalled stimuli).

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Your attitude is your state of mind – 

your thoughts, and to be able tocontrol and choose how you are goingto think and behave in challenging

times requires great discipline andfocus. It requires a positive andconfident outlook and in look – a

constant awareness of theconsequences and results of theattitude you embrace.

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(1) Affective: emotions orfeelings.

(2) Cognitive: inclination foraction.

(3) Evaluative: positive ornegative response to stimuli.

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Attitude is important—itaffects:

How successful you are inachieving your academic and

personal goals. How you feel, mentally and

physically. How you look, what you say

and what you do.

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Do you have a positive


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Are you willing to learn, no matter how

difficult it is? Do you do your best when studying,

and try to improve how you do your

work? Do you demonstrate enthusiasm in

whatever you say and do?

Do you welcome challenges,experiment, try new ideas?

Do you have a sense of humor by not

taking yourself too seriously?

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7 Easy Ways to Develop a

Positive Attitude:

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Be confident

Be positive Be punctual

Be patient: some things just take time

to do Believe in yourself: you are unique in

this world, and so are your talents

Set goals for yourself: then WORKhard to achieve them

 Get fun out of life: don’t take yourself 

too seriously

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Positive thinking

Planning ahead

Willingness to learn


Knowing your goals



Negative thinking







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 ―Everything can be taken from aman but one thing: the last of

the human freedoms –tochoose one’s attitude in any

given set of circumstances, to

choose one’s own way.‖ ViktorFrankl

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William James, the founder ofAmerican psychology, said:

―The one thing that willguarantee the successful

conclusion of a doubtfulundertaking is faith in thebeginning that you can do it.‖ 

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It is not what we eatBut what we digest

That makes us strong;Not what we gainBut what we save

That makes us rich;Not what we readbut what we rememberthat makes us learned;and not what we professbut what we practicethat gives us integrity


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