ATTENTION I SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS Do You CARE 1955/1955 vol... · ATTENTION I SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS Would you be Jntc st«< WC're some orw to ol'fcr >'OU a thantt on $3.000

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Page 1: ATTENTION I SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS Do You CARE 1955/1955 vol... · ATTENTION I SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS Would you be Jntc st«< WC're some orw to ol'fcr >'OU a thantt on $3.000
Page 2: ATTENTION I SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS Do You CARE 1955/1955 vol... · ATTENTION I SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS Would you be Jntc st«< WC're some orw to ol'fcr >'OU a thantt on $3.000



Would you be Jntc�st«< WC're some­orw to ol'fcr >'OU a thantt on $3.000 00

at no nnancial nsk on your �rr• It you tan ft'M't't �rtaln �uu·tnM"nlS W�U.brator Corpont1on 11 UIC'nd· tnl that opportwuty to you In Ow form of a f� �uallon to Purdue Unn ,rr•ltY or Unn·enlt)' of Notrt [Umt' 1boJco IDt.ernlcd lft thotw td\ol• anh1ps mu�>l ••ke appllntlen �1 Januarr I, ltH.

Jo!Mt of )'0\1 art! f amiliar wllh the pr(IVIMORJ of the M:hOia�tUI)f a1 Ofll malty M't up, but may not be> av. art or t·trtaln chonges m1lodt' t'Gtly thl� year The,. c-hana:;es "''�'� madC' in ordt'r to aurMI mo,._- appliC'anu to takto ad· v»ntalt' of tl'll.l pnmco oppor tu.ruty to a111n a ftnt tdun�uon at no flnanctal outla)· on W1r parL Followtnl � the bl� h�ralu.lnt: chana�

1 Any daU&hter I k1;ally ttdopt� or t<·p daucht.f"r tndudedJ or an em·

pto)� or any female c-mplo)·� of the ComJ)lllnY Is no,,,. t'h&lble to apply fOf' tht \'N·ne E. .;\1inkh �rounder·· Sc-hol· ar<ihlp at Purdue Un•\·('nlty, pro\'ld· lnJ th<' apphunt m('C!U th� at<' and ('ducauonal requ·��nu ot tho Plan.

2 Th<' !enttth of a.trVLt'«' r,pqutrf!· ment for both th� V..rne F ... lUink'h

Founder� Scholauhap at Purdue UnntrsltV and the Ouo A. PhU Scholantup at the Umn•I"Jtty ot Sotre Darn. 1.1 tfliiX'C'd from th"" fSt yHts to tharty I:MH da� abo •ub�t to tM �nt ace and «<\K'at.onal rfqu•re­nw-nt:

J Ttw- amount or the annual Jl'llnU tO khOIIBhlp ""'LnM:rshiS �n l'IIIIC'd from SMO 00 to S7� 00

In \'tf!W M these chanJH In tho rul� ��ond re1ulatlont h Is hoped by t� Whecolabrator Scholan.hlp Com· mlttre that a con"derably 1reatt'r num�r of youna �n and wo�n will apPly ror a �holarsh1p We ... -ould ad\·t� that those ant.-""t«< contact our r.rwon�l � 111 tM �r future II"" you n'IIIYPK'k upyourapplte"ahon fornw and J.-t tnformalion on Othtr detail• of the Plan.

On The Cover Thl' d\lllltC'ters:S•m and Tim (twins)

and Cynd�. childr.-n of Uob Gay, Ma· chlfte Shop. and w1f.-. The piKe� Rob-­ertton"s Dtpartment Storr Th� tl� A few 'Ill �'ks �fore Chrl•Lmu. � pu�- To do a hule advai'K'e tcOUl· u'IJ Mf«l' s•tllft& down to wrate lette-rt to Santa ClaUL

Christmas Here and There

Masuchu�tU Ptlv:rlms.n 1659 made it a c:rtml' to oblol!rn• " any tueh day as Chr�ttm.as elttwr by 1 for­Marlng of labor or b)' ff'a.:ottnl 1n any '111-ay .. Hardly tftmS bt'lll"'·ablr dOl'S lt. com:ldennc .. hat Chra.t's btrthdaY has meant to so many do"'·" thi"OUJ}t tM '""'rs t.ulft' th..t day'" nw �ty for bft'&k'nl Uta. lai'lll .... fhl' atull· •n.&L Thou&h tM art 'flU repnlt'd 2% ll'&rs tater, Chra.tma• ..... n.ot a lt>Ltal holiday in Mauac:hult'\11 unttl tht> 19th century

llerl' 1n tht! Unztl'd States ChnstmllJ tradLizon• prf'K"nt an odd mtxturc of many cuatonu. bc1ng reltbrat�d an numt�rOul and pl<"tUttiQUC' ways Down 1n San Antonio, T.-xu.. 10� propll' of Spantoh dti<'C'nt annually prod� LOS PASTORES. an ancK"nt Spanllh·lnd1an play oraaznalll· antro­d� 11110 Muaco by Sp��nWi monkiL w,thout fanfafl' or stap proptrt�e��-. the ac-ton,. all amat�"'- ptwatl'l)' re­enaC1 tn �-• bM:kyard thlll)"'''''· bulle d111m11 of lhto manJtor K'C'IW'-

Ain(lft& Amc'fl(an lnda11ns thl'rf' is 1 1e1.-nd that Qn Chnatmal Eve the d�r knN.-1 dov.-n to the Crett Spztlt. In Bo&:ton the ,potll&ht (111111 on the t'&r· oll'rs of the rlly'• old On<'On Hall diS­triCt. In New OrJ.-ana tt'• a t111dzuon .,nth ROrMn CathOliC'S to attt'nd tlw rolorful midnl&ht m;��utndllntfkodold St. Lowa Cathl'dral In t.o. Anreles tht bJ.J Chrtstm• feeturf' ta the Jl)' p�or11oM- down Uolly'lllood Boule"-ard

• \\�t u: thit «rHI fn.ll\-.1 hlu• U'l the ('ILY of Chrzn"a b1rth'" In Bl'thll'­hem thl' p e o p l e ttltbrate threl' Chruotrnall'l - on Df'«omMr 25th for Prote5tant1 and Roman CathQ\Jes; January lith for Grtek Orthodox, Syrians ond Aby.,ln\aru; JanuAry 18th for the A.rmenlant who edhl're to the old atyle Juhan nlll'ndar After the lont- tlow colorful Chrastmu £,•e pro­�tOI'L throuah thec:lt)',tht-Pf'OPieftk' Into the c., .• or the Natwlly. pas� the tlh�r Jtar anlald In thto �k to m­dic:ate w� Chrut "���'U born. put the

rach hanalnJ•· Jewels and mouan Even the> A�bl py h�onnblt' tnbutt" for Chru.t to lhrm il • prophet M'('06CI only to M�mmtd Cb.rtstn\M b m­elt"«� f•r all of m

Do You CARE a ll's Worth? l.itllf' 1:1-yur-old Marla, undtf'•

nourl�htd. 111-c:lad and d«peUtt. Is kft'PU\1 h<"r fanuly toecther in Italy thf'O\Ilh couraae at�.d lo•·e alont ll•r fattwr as rn11mcod b) poho------MrmothH", bl'dndck-n "'''h htoart troub�r two t•ny be'ot�rw.. hu:ni"Y and helpleo!il. 1ft all 6t-Ptn<k'nt on Mana and the-rncMWY he c-an kUIM toceth« frorn odd toM

� an a .. htll' he-r brothers cet • m.al at a ..oup knchcn -Maria and her parenb ('II 'lllhatl''l-�r thear k1nd �a&hbor. un lipart'

Marta •nd hc>r family can be ht'lptd If you and I raft' enough The U- S Go1·ernnwnt hu rtleU<t'd 1o CARE thl' dairy producll from its $7 b-Illion .. -orth of fl.urplu• food now In J1MIIf' n.. food Is .nl'n to CARE f"", but 'lll"t' can help b)' donaunc $1 to n)\·er lhto eo�t of J)IC'Iuna: ll'ld lhtpp•na: a ZO povnd pkkaa:e ,_ parcels,.,Jitof\· ,.,, of buttu. pcnl'dn-«1 nulk, rhHM and othn foods Juch an prot�n 1 alut, and '111"111 be the rnot.t appr«aattd a•ft J)f'rhap• that Maria or hundr.-d• of thou,ondt llkl' hcrha\"ee,·er reftll'(!d

Many folks •n planu and officu •rt •c-ndma CARE pM:kates thl' ytar In­stead or wa,tlna th"' money fooh•hly Some employee• or companies are tonducuna nMtt to ra•Sol" moft4'y for thu pul"pOIII' $onwbtll("J w pt�rnl• are ll'flt 11'1 tht- nanw of the ind!vtdual. or a&t.ll'l thf)' bear the company nlnW' Many dubs, aroups, orp.nuallons. thureh aoen, ne•l!hbors and 0\hen ha1� banded tocti.Mr. pooltfll tM•r lft'llll rhanal' to makl' up dollars. The unportant thana is that your dollar wtll do • nne ttunc for .orne unfo,-tu­ralc fDm�ly. Wtuat do )'OU ha1·e to do? Sampl)' M'lld your contribution to CAIU:, Chtcaao, llhnois.

Publa.hed for F.mpiOYft'l of

WhHiabrator Cor-portll!OR

Mithawalut, Indiana

Vol 14, No 11-0ecftnbt'r. ''"

J .... ph n«Y. EdJtor

Page 3: ATTENTION I SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS Do You CARE 1955/1955 vol... · ATTENTION I SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS Would you be Jntc st«< WC're some orw to ol'fcr >'OU a thantt on $3.000

Presenting the

Fletcher Family W• IM'\ " r M't'nt to run lhort of

th em We ar� rt'ferr1n1 to rannly croup• a t Wht'f'labutor, of c-oune Tbey k('(-p popp1n1 up an \'&nOUS com­binations and In all des-rtznl'nu 'lluJi lt lht' tiOry of t� nf'tC'ht'n and the Jh:p-fatht'r <Jf tv.·o of thrm, Joe llen­drlo!'k'"lll. Joe w&J "un;wa•lablc(' ror a plt·turt", for whkh 'At' arc- aorry, bu t most of you know tum ., he- ccts •· round a lot

Georrh11nna Klrhardion c-amt' to �·ork M� In Ortober, 1944 She u: a n ata\'(' of Cha<t�JO, bot mov� h('rt' "'ht-n n\·f' )'H,. of atf' She &radu.llted fr o m Ma•hawaka llllh Sc-hool and 11oorkC'd dunn1 ttw foUO\It.'lnJ sa.uruner

an pl.l;nround acn' 111ft for tM cny parll'"'- G�rte ftrst ,.-orkf'd 111 our Ad­vert'''"' [)(opartr!W'flt. ""'' bite-r traru­fl'f"nl'd to Payroll -.·he.-. ahto bas re-­maant'd IIRC'f' In May, ltS:S, she ma.rrl('d ll.arold l"letda•r .,-ho .. -u abo WOC"kJnj: Mre at tM tune We asked Gt!OtCC' wtult lwr 1pare UrM- KliVIIIH •� an d •he repHC'd.. '1'elt','mon and our �ltll'l«('lle' dot ..

llarold f'lttther hh bt-1- n with the COmJ)IIn)' lin«> September, IH9 He had, however, been he� earlier, from Jun�. IHII, tO AuiUJt, 11HD Harold bf'(lan workln• In the Stationary Room, later he workN:I In the Mad noom. Payroll, Ordu Entry and ,..b­ula!LnJ •·ht� M lt at pl'fttnL HIS work u lar&ely on lnvo•cma: and K· counlt n!C.'I'IYabk &for. c:omrn1 With \\'hftolabnttor, llarold v;orkt'd for the Plllac:e l1\8t«, Empire Box Company and Roath·Appleton. lie •·as an A1r

'I Don't Know What We Would Have Done'

Tht abovt It part or a convtorsation w e had rec::ently whh Cl)'de Me.d.

Stockroom. The words were used by Clyde In exprC'Ninl Jutt how much Blu e Crou·IJlut·Shleld had me.rtnt to the family In tht extended lllneu or htt httle 1lrl, Sandra. aced II -wuh· out this lnsura�." I&YI Clyde, "I JUSt don't know- b«au,... of n, our ch•ld 1\.u rert1vtd � bttt of nre.�

In MarTh, Jtst, the Mt"ad famtly wu MddflM'd when Sandra contrattM �matK' ··�"tr Sn- IMI h�, t� riuld hal � conftrM!d tn the t.o.. p.t.al f« ••aht �thl.. and has � bedfa11, with the exc::epllon of two monlhJ. dunn1 that �nod In Mvc::h of lh1s )'Mr W docton pronounctd Mr ,. elL 10 &he .... relea� to ,..,_

Ra1d Warden dur�na World War II, and lat· er belonat'd 10C1vll Air Patrol ll arold 11 a nu•mbtr of t'raternal Order of &.cia Ar1e 2013 Il l• hobby I• b-.alld•na model Jtt air·

craft, and he It mter­t'!lttd .n m0111 1portl. tspc!t'l•lly ba•k�tball llarold I• a nauve of South Bend

�larvln •·retf'her. brothtor to Harold, hot aho been W i t h the Company tw.c. I t t worked in the Machuw Shop Tool Cr1b from &-ptcm­bft' to Dft.tmbn, lt$3.. bttor. bt1n1 latd on &for. ('Omlll.l bldt M"' '" Oc::1ober of thR )"Nr, ht- wu v.-nh Oln� Corpor-atton In �Sate. & SH· \"Itt' Oepar tmt'n t Marvin's dutlt'S ht-no al't' dn·ldt'd btt,..tc'n the Station· ary and M11l Room1 lie Jpc>nt t•·o yean 1n m1htary llt'tVI� ¥11th the 45th Infan try Du·••lon, M edical Corp.., l7tlh Rec•mcnl. Onot year of th1s ... ·as in Korea Marvin IJi a member of the YMCA. South lknd lie Is a fol· lower of all II)OtlJ;, and Is �rtlcu\ar­ly intc�tted In JWimmina

Jot: lludrldlliOn, ltt"P·father of lluold and Marvin, wu employ� by tht' Company tn July, IIHO, at 1 car­P"ftl«'r and atc•m lhter Joe had pr+­v..u�oly opented a tra1k'r court in El Monte, C.hromu. In IM4 he •·u rn.dt' Jo'Oftman of Outs•d«o .Ma!nte­na�. a Job he still hoi� It v.-u d1f-

tum to &C"hool It toOn bft-ame ap­pa�nt.. ho'At\-�r. thatlhe wat not en·

lieu It to (Ot"Mf" JOif in order 10 aatMr a httle blck-round malft'lal foe- lhu story, but I dMI man&JC' 10 PK'k up • f•w potnb by ccu•r�.� h1m ont o the subJ«t of �II. a !opt 1n •·hw.-h he- iS--. only •nwrwteoct and \'� but "'JAtunttotd"

JOC' ,. . ., qu1tt1 a bill playt'r hhnwlf 1n the .. old dl)'t.. .. lie plly� ht BISt' and Outl"lt'ld for MWnt of the d.U..Idt semi-pro team• In the country, In· chHhna thOM" of "Pop" )'r•nkcl. Jot< al!iO was wllh the South Be-nd team or the Centr•J Lt-11� when that or­ganlzat•Orl wa• the provlna Jtm.�ndll for youn11ters who ltntr made th e bia leaaut&. It isn't hkt'ly th•t con­\-'enatJCn wm draa when you tllk to J�. btlt If It tho�.!\d -)1.1--01 aet around to bbebaiL •net you'll be In f o t plenty or lntt,....tana talts.

We JAlut• this fam1l7 IHm and re· aret thAt Jor wa.n't •round to mAke It four lft 11M pktUA!

lll't'ly •·ell. 10 the ttlul'tW'd tO the hol-­plt.a1 whe� 5ht' iJ at Uus •·rulftj

Tbt' �ure here •·u taken • hen '"'t' c::lll� to -�Sindy" at W North· em lnd•ana Chtkiren'l Hospt\.11. � 1t improvtna 10 that 1he c•n be 1n a •·h�l ehan for t wo houn el('h day. The JMOtlent wu frjcndly and eoo�ra­tivl', and •e chill� about H:veral thin«•· lncludlna Khool "Sandy" JAYS she has mlued I bout • )'tar ot �oehool at Twm Drlnc:h. bu t hu n ot fallen br· hind as she hu bHn tutol'td prtv•tely at tht ho.-p1tal.

1"he chUd's stdtntM kat bHn a blo"'· 10 lM M� fam1l7. but th ey ha\--e fatth that w1th proper trntment San­dra Wlll 1n tune be w•ll- � parenu feel that wtthout a»utanc. from BJIH'

Croq.-81111' Shtt� the outlook would I» 1Soom.1 i.ndt'fd. To datt. Blue CroN hat t.a);en ('art of tMIIs tn W total of S:.OOO. wb1lt Blue Shlt'ld has con· tnbuted more than $$00.

Page 4: ATTENTION I SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS Do You CARE 1955/1955 vol... · ATTENTION I SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS Would you be Jntc st«< WC're some orw to ol'fcr >'OU a thantt on $3.000

U. F. Drive Goes ''Over the Top11------......

Tht: r�n t Unnt-"Ct F'und drh·� a­mong Wh�labntor employees was a su.� both fr01n the standpoint of the dlsp."ltch w1th wh1c:h 11 was c:srru�d out, 11nd the total amount of the pledges. The tQopt'ratlon of t� fund solltitora and the employa-a was on thc: whale excellent. Tht­flgure� hert> will beor tha ovt,

._, u 7011r lit�o .. llbrator Cha�o, v1.th w ax:pnou � a!ne.r. •waeht.1-tot.t-.o .. -cocoaV.tbv:t.edthe1t'&.ntrolllal!ppOI"t., &Mupee1al}T to thOt:a. , o a r e aa our eontinuiziC pl..al:l.

The quota for Wh�labrator em· piO)'e4!S WllJ ICI at $12,000.00. Tht-Y oversubscribed thb wtt h a ftgut<! of $12.600.00. or IOYf of th� quota. Thts w�o�s 18.3'l- abo"'fl" thto amount rai.st'd l:.st ytar. or our 905 c-mployt>H. 831 or 92';f partle1pated in the nmp��lg:n Thc- avc:raa:c a:•ft JM!T employee- was Sl'-22.

OW' thenD, &llo co t<1 tM O'r.1oc. COIZ!ttn, Supu't'iJion, cut �lleitara tar Wir !1ne eo-opentlooo

20 WHEELS ON DUTY Not onco, but four, of our �hlnet

are �r forminA: \"aluD.ble serv1ce for Re-public S teel Corporation. Massillon. Ohio. Th•s: company ha:s in use two •­Wheel and two6-WhH:ICablnN&. T\..•o of thc Wh�labrators art! wed on their hot rolled st�l Jines 01nd two on their se-ml-nnilih� steel hne��.

Clcanlns is donc after annealm& to prepare the stnp fur cold rollins. The other opcret10n Is on stnu,ht chrome c.nd chrome-nickel ste.mleu- st�el which hu already �n partu11l)' cold rolled Smce 11 h.a.$ �n work-hard­e-n«'. It must be softe-ned down for furthe-r ('())d rollmg so it JJ anne•led Aftt'r annc-alln1, the s1r1p Is cleaned preparatory to this add1t1onal cold rolhnt.

The a.bruivl!! use-d in the first ap­ph('ation Is S-170 whili!! for the latte-r S· 70 Wheelabrator Steel Shot I.! used E�h w heel In the machlni!! throws abOut 1,000 pounds of abrasive per minute. The width of strip cleaned vanl'l from II" IO 60-.

Republic rrport! a gr ... atl)' Improved product and eonsidl!!rably reduecd dcanms time JIR(.-t- the lns.-ll•t lon or this equipment.

t.f1 (I!U-•10\dol�wt.....l WhHJ..b<•IOf Oft .... H.....,..,._

!oh-<1 "'"' n..., �lef1 f•ol...d-­dl- oftowW. ol•of' ..C.MI'Ig

,... ...,..�>P'•r

Page 5: ATTENTION I SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS Do You CARE 1955/1955 vol... · ATTENTION I SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS Would you be Jntc st«< WC're some orw to ol'fcr >'OU a thantt on $3.000


'llK're are min)' thinas tn our datly hvH ,.-htch we d<m't like. We don't belielfe In tome or the �rlktle8 and pollde• of our aovt"rniTH'nl. We so�­tlmM r�l that our future Is hopt'�ss. Our Job. leave a lot to be des-lrN BUT tompart Ill thtl to •·hP.t our exhtei'K't' •·ould be hke under lheo rule or Uw Communlfta who )'Hrt aro had a procnm all k"l up f6r United Sov�t StatH or ttw """"''"'" RepubiM"

Followtq 11 what was plan.rwod tor us., an:ordtftC to lM booll, -roward a Sov� AIJ'If'nr&. .. by Wtlllam f"O$u,r, hNd of OW AmertC'an eommuntsts 'nlll book •·as publuhcod bllc:k tn 1131.

Wutul\lton. bfotna In almo&t u bad odor u Hollywood, tn many mutds. will be MmohllH!d, and ttw npttal of tlw M"W demorrM')' wtll be Ch!Cap, Drtrott. or 110me othfor lar.cto mdwtnal �nter The Red Army wtll support the aonrnm('nl The r�dden<-y and the Cabinet, both bnnchet of Con­&rns and the Supreme Court will !)(' 1bolished. A Ctnt,..l •;x�utlve Com· min� will take O\'f'' all tne functions or IOVernm('nt.

All .OC:Ill OfllRIUIIGnl Will � &• bohlhed. rarnu will be �a:anaud into •••nt coll«tlvn t._rmer� wall be told what \My may naw, and �· m�.�th. and wt..t portiOn ttM!y m.roy call th�lr o..,.,.. Clllt�nshap will be ft'· strat'tH to '"u•t"ful work�rf'" Rall­roech.. 11\chutns of all ku�t -fartor· -. mlnet. po...,-r pl•nu.. te� nc ho stations wall bt> taktn 0\·t'r and operated by lht- Jtat� Conwqut"nlly, lhll'n!' wall be- no nHd for labor uniOnS. F..llcb worktr will be told what M must do. and w�l't', and ho.., muc::h

Wom�n a t Jail w11l be liberated rrom "te• •Javll'ry." "t'rfocodom or Rx life" w1ll be I!Yery whcrt' e�rased !khOOI ... collt'ICH and Un1Yt'nUIIe5 y,.jiJ bt undrr the rulr of the �;:ovcrnmenL Tht' run•cula will be 10nc over whh a line tooth comb to ellmu'late capatal­lstic fallac::ld- Churthet Will be setud by ttM> f(>vt'rn�nl poa1bly tolrntt'd 1M a shor1 hme undc!r poltc"e super­VIIIM unul thll'tr .. t'ntlaved" nM>mb('n snHfu•ll)' ''" th��lvn from '"de· JI1Mh,_. ft'hiiOUJ IUpt'rSlltiOn " 'JbC' P"Mo the JIACt' and mot1on pM"tures Will be IAkt'n OVt'f by the! JOVt'mmotnL U'..dnon.. ..,e su•p«t. Will bot' deported to the "'d� f�" '" Sabc-r•a...)

Could you tab all lhll. cw w11t you wule for ..,-hat you at .... ady t..ve!

lndign ManuFacturer Visits Us Mr V S Kudva of Mancal ort',

lnd1a, Vl!.ltrd (M,Ir plant Ck'tober 2'7, whde on a tour of llnru m.ronufktur-11\J automooVf' ptrU and equ1prnent for that 1nd�."tr)' Mr Kud\ .. '1 tnp m tht' Un1tf'd Stat� was undH" tht' rtud­.,_. of thfo lnt�tmanonal CooPf'f'"&Uon Adnun11tntlon of tht' Orpartnwnt of Com� 'n\C' tour 1ncluded stopt&n most of th.! 1mportant manuf&c'tunnr «"nt�tN from t"'l!lo"l to �st blttw�n hll •rr•val &n Nf'w Vorl!. on October 3 and dt"partul't' from Los AnJtC'IH on Novcmbt•r II

Mr Kudv1 It MIIIRAIIftC D1r«tor of thlt Can1ra Work�hops l�lmit«<, Man-

r•�. Jrwha Ttut: tOmpany fftWitly pun:hasc<l • Whtot'lebrttor for peen�llf: $81 spr&np. CaM.n Worbhopt ll'f' thfo only rn.anuf.attuttf' of lprift&l lft lnch.a .-ho .,.. .,..paoytnc &hot Ptfll· ,,..._ and tbfoy .,.., tMt't'fou-, able to olf�r the lnchen market hic�t pos • 11ble qW!hty tn their p.-och.c-11.

Mr Xudva 11 the fat� of Sr1n1va1 Kudva who worl!.� ht'no for a lhon penod �raJ montN aco. end who �s now att�nd.na �hiah Unlvusity 1n post JfRd Jillldi('S.

In the picture Mr Kudva 11 Ren conferrmc with John Straub, llr-ad of Res('arch LaborAtory




Oct. 31 Cumulation $296,402 Through

Oct. 31


Page 6: ATTENTION I SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS Do You CARE 1955/1955 vol... · ATTENTION I SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS Would you be Jntc st«< WC're some orw to ol'fcr >'OU a thantt on $3.000

� �---30 m II& LAST rays of sunlight played for :. moment

on t.he tall spires of St Paul's before spread· 1ng like a blanket across the roof covered with clean. frE$h snow. John Brand, fmm the

curb across the street, stood m silence as the bustlmg Christmas shoppers hurried on their various ways. The great golden CrOSii atop the old church. tmd the glistening diamonds of snow held his gaze. How could it be, he WOildcred. that this gripped h im so strongly-John Brand who had seen the far corners of the earth- he who had gathered to himself real diamonds nnd gold?

Then the hut .segment of the b1g, red sphere d1pped beneath the horizon and St. Paul's stood sombre. yet with a cloak of friendliness, Cor any who wished to enter, John Brand had crossed the strt'<'t now, ignoring the blaring and tooting of auto horns. and paused only when he reached the w1de, worn steps or the church-the church he had ruled out of his life thirty years before "because there was no future In it for a man of the world." Now he felt an invisible, chill hand steal along his spine m spite of the warm, woolen clothing he wore, and he knew it was the cold of his own greedy heart which taunted h1m-the man who had gained more than his share of the world's goods, only to ha\'e kept on feverishly s�klng the "future" whtch always evaded tum.

Haltingly at first, thf'n ev('r faster. his fcet car­ried him up the stone steps and into the subdued light of the church. He seemed incapable of stopping unt1l he was well down the aule where he crouched into a pew which lay m deep shadow. Here he sat, his ('yes gradually following tm arc. He saw the pic­tures of Jesus. Mary and Jo.�ph-just as they had appeared to him as a young man many years before.

Now his eyes moved on to the nave at one side of the church where SC\·er:ll v1gil hght.s burned.

The ''ig•l lights-they had intrigued and rascm· ated h•m as a small boy, With the1r fnendly wmkmg and bhnkmJ.t, but now they stabbed at him accusing· ly like �rcen and red da�n�n;. An l'Cho---lik� \·oice beat upon his ears and his tempi� pounded as if they would burst.

"You have betr.aycd your Christ, John Brand. You w('re one or His ch•ldrcn, but His way came to mtcrfcre wuh what you wanted of life - power. money and your own method of domg things. It was th1s sclfishn�::ss which kepl you from marrying and sharing w1th a wife and children the wealth you g:tolnt'd ... from sharmg with anyone the blessings which God sent your way • • , 111 spite or your mean, wathereod henrL Wtmt seek you here, Betrayer?"

Words bcg;m to form deep mside John Brand. but they died before readnng his parched thrt>aL It was then that he heard llOunds m the rear of the church -the closing of the heavy door, (()llowed by light foot!>teps coming cl�er down the side a•slc t\s he turned slightly in his seat, he saw a small form hesitate before the few burning vigil lights. It was u boy. perhiips :1bout mnc or ten, and even in the growing darkness. the man noticed that the other wore no hea,•y t'OOl o\·er his thin trousers and jacket.

The boy took a step forward and held h1s hand&: close to the flame; of thl" burning candles. Then. arter a minute. he enc1rclcd one of the glass con· tainers with both of his small. glo,·elcss hands. and the mnn could almost feel the warmth in his own

cold heart as he looked on in silence. After another brief lapse of time the lttd stepped back from the lights and fished deep into a pocket of his trousers,

Page 7: ATTENTION I SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS Do You CARE 1955/1955 vol... · ATTENTION I SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS Would you be Jntc st«< WC're some orw to ol'fcr >'OU a thantt on $3.000

totally unnwan.- of the mterested w1tness close nt hond. Br1ng1ng out some coins he stood before the re· wpto.de which wps for cosh offerings, and bc,q:m to drop them In xlowly.

Onc···lWO···thrce···four···flve-. Only �nnl�. thou"ht John. but were they not a fittmg gift for the b1rthday of the boy's Christ wh1ch would come on the morrow! As the coms dropped !ilowly, and the t1nkle played upon hts: heanng. John thought of Judas and the terrtble thtrty p1eces of SJh•cr. Slx­K\'Cn-t'J,qht-mne-.tcn-. He �ailed that 30 had alwa�·· �n h1s .. lu('ky number," and st11l he had sold out God for 30 pu.•ccs-30 years he had not entered any ktnd of churt'h- was this boy dcpo1.111ng 30 plect'iof-..

Elc\·('n···twelvc···thlrteen···fourteen···flftecn - The numbcrt burned into the st�l linmg of John Brand's soul. and he fell upon his kn�s and cried out unashamed The boy turned. dropping a few colnt upon the floor In ht» surpnsc that he was not olone. lie retrieved them ond after a bit of hesitatiOn. cn­U.':rcd the pew where the man knelt. lie moved m close

"Arc you 1n trouble, M�ter�" hi' whisJ)('�. "If you arc. Cod's th.- fellow who c.an get you out of it­I know from 'speru�n�."

The mnn turned, and after he had wiped the stinRinJt te�rt from hi1 eyes.. he saw on the face or the other M>methang wh1c:h he had ne\·cr �n �fore

-the calm and pea� wh1ch was supposed to come from faath and prayer. A mere trace or 11 t.mlle r� Jaxcd the hardened fa� or John as he thought or the boy's n:oferenre to �·spericnce .


Wtthout reahzmg u. he was squ�nc the lad'a arm and uy•nJ:, "Maybe we both got trouble, k•d, but. aJo you N)', maybe we both know the fellow who

can show us the way out." The boy uw the othf'r ttra1ghten on his knet>s and look toward thl' btg cru· c1fix abo\-e the altar. Thl' lad knl'lt bts1de ham. and 1n this position they learned soml'th1n1 or each othcn past.

Peter Fnend wa.s poor and ll\'t'd with se\leral brothers and sisters. along with thelt Chrlstaan moth4.'r, 10 the poorest sect1on of town. He had come to church today, not to ask any favor for himself, but to ask God to let has father come home from prison on Christmas d3y-and to come home for good whe-n he had been pumshcd enough for the wron,R he had once done ... and if at wasn't asking too much. would Cod liCe that his younger brothers and sisters had a few mce thmgs for Chrtstmas?

Peter paused, and John rcmamed silent. The boy wh1spered, ··r might get what I want too, because I can't "'m.-mber a time 1n my hfe when He dadn't hear me -that IS. 1f I wanted 10meth1ng bad enough and talked right ro H1m."

John Brand nodded agreement. and then bo"'•ed h._ head low It\ brae( prayer_ HI' &tOR abruptly and led the boy from the pew "'Don't bt afraid. Peter. I'm gomg to lake you home to your folks. but first we\·c got business to .allt!nd to."

They .stopped bcfon.- th� \'it;JI hghts. and the man took out his waUet. "Pt'lrr, d1d you C\'l'r see all the lights burmng at one ttmc' No? I did·-a long, long t1me ago. Here, you be�in lightmg the candles while I fold these b11ls so they'll tlt mto the cash box."

With all the candles now buming the two knelt to repeat a prayer together. As they stood to leave, John .a.skcd. "\Viii you go along to hl'lp wath some shoppmg. Pl'ter? You'll know what the others will hke, and l'\'e got a big car acroa: the Jtrfft to haul a lot of thmgs. I ha\'en't Chrasunas.-ahopped for thtrty years. but 111 bet the next thirty m1nutes �nil make up for 1t. Come on."

At thl' 1'('2;r of the church they both stopped to t\A\·e a last look at the tiny c-andles ROW dancmg In a blate of glory. John Brand looked from the l'n· thralted face of the chald to the candles o� more. and knew they no longer attu&t'd h1m as they had when he first came into thto pew lte could hardly wait to begrn thl' "futur•" which had eluded his gra�op for th1rty drab. empty years.

Page 8: ATTENTION I SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS Do You CARE 1955/1955 vol... · ATTENTION I SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS Would you be Jntc st«< WC're some orw to ol'fcr >'OU a thantt on $3.000

1 �he Passing Parade 1 Mon11 rreeman has the diatlMtion

of bf,ana the only t:lrl ln the M�ha. ni· eal Drawln1 eta• of Wuhlnaton-Ciay Hllh School where the 11 a Sophomo�. Mona It the dau"hter of Ardu •·ree· man, Supervltlnc En1lneer. After 1raduatlon Jhe pl ant to attend Purdue University and INIJOr In Aeronautacal Encineern'l .. Mona nnU 14th In a croup ot 110 w1th an averace '" all IUbJe<:U Of 8:1.

We luo\'e ..;me· M.; facet tft lM Ste-el Shop. OM f"MM«< bemc Uu.t some of CNt old racn ha, .. co-w to work in Pl•.ru No.. 2. ($teet S"'-J

SbortJ R7-"aa � ,Ou �nleKanc fromhit�tlll� tSt...c-.J

Our deepe;t tfmp�thy to llaul l'rH.nun, South Stuppin& ()ftl«o, on the dNth of Mr father

�--�-�-.Stoc:-J AI. of this �rit;n&, • Rkbard Love,

Shakeout 2nd triCk, II IIIII on the !lick li&L Dlc:k It reported to be hnina trouble .,.,.lth hit tplne. Dkk Is really havlnathe bumja early In life. as you

.nM WMiff. s-1 Shp, ...... ........ � ........ ...,_,,", ........... ... .... ........,... ............... ,.,__._ ........_ ,.. ... _........,..._,.. ,..._ ........ _ w. _.._ -.............. _...... ........ . _ ,_..w -- 1M .....,. __._. tv .... ,...... .. Yole.,..io• ......... O.dl .. o..l. .............

'AIAOf IUOI1lfl oru���:r-""" Of;,j;!,..,::f.'."r,."' M<K'IIIII•J'IIop Slocii;I(OQM llll.Nnlll:lo,louoll.UII '""""' Kl:lf)IYII-$1-.1 $110,0 loiiLIU. (:t.JIU'D S!NIIUol P••e s .. NAKIII<I't't

Will rK'811 he WN <'01\tlnUAII)' bro.k• •na OW bond en hu lees dunnt hiS h•P Khool fOO\IMII days. We hope hu luck wdl C'hai\CC .o he an ,e-t bad£. to wo.-k .on. ,,.....UWI

Rob l'IHtlmer and wife reC'e 1ve d lhear Chrittmu &eft a few monthi early th1t nar It wu a blby c•rl DeboraJ'I, on Oct�r :ZI Con(.r1tula· teont. folkt. (.S!HIS/IOtPiPJ)

New��ra to Plant No 2 are Rob l'lortlm«:r, Tllomll..'l Monroe and nt.nry S('.hmldt. Uob and Tom •re mau�rial handlers and llenr y linu the el�trK' furn.&(fl wilh briC":k. f.tlfotl.t'Jioc Ple1dJ

By the tu1-. this appean Nt.lson Turllt.r, Stoc"k Chuer, and hu; wde w11l be out tn the 14.1nny1tatc of Cahfomta. Beft of L.uc::k and aood health to you bolh. Nelson. We Will 1'1'\JIS you a· roundhere. ,..,_._,_ sr-1

� WIMCb. Stoc'kTOOm. •-as lucky '" the Juhanl\a Club ram.. He won W stHm 1ron. llow don 11 f�l to be lucky, Bob? ,.,_..,s-..-St«�l

Our bHt wiahes for a Jpeed.Y re· CO\'t'r)' to llt.nry Van Waeyt.nbera:he who hu bc!en ofT work -11\C':e October 22, Too much bowline. Hank' l�u�e··�loop J'lllo<"luOOMJ

"Love your enemiet for th�y tell you your faulu," -BeN F'ltASitU�


JN.n Genrd, Purthas1n1. left tht' Company- Oe-to�r 21, and t.he 1•ri.J 1.0 the dowNU•n oi'I1C'e took her out to lunch It the 1... II Inn. JC*n will be m1.-d by all Mr co-workel"f,.

0 !� hflt----.1 Marlan JehiUOI'. Pfononnel. a� hH'

husband. Don. love llalkr•o�ten parlM'S .o mU(:h that t� -.·�t all the way to Skokte, llhnou.. to attend � All the olher 1u"t.J ahowed up In costu.met.

but M aoan and Don •t'nt u \b(om· ��rh·e.a. Ut't tht'y •-on a pr•u-

o }0�• £�..-n••} Tht' rt"Cent rain)' wtathe r C'erta•n·

ly brousht out a lot of or•amahty In head 1e.ar f'or inti:O�. the otht>r noon Marie Le-hman and JeJn Spur, both of Pun:ha1ma. thov.f:d up wt'ar1n1 b • it brown mllnlla en\•elopt'l for hats �1r e11planlillon they wanted tO k e ep tht'�r hair dr y And he re I thou&ht )'OU Wt'r"t' IUppo!lt'd tO tnall dunas 1n en"�rlopn.

. :o'?• c� .. , L��eiUe Slmt6x, at one llmt'" Sette·

ury to Ken llarat's, t-k OaraUty Sduidc.r".- pia« in the! Lobby •lu� Dorothy wa1 on vat'at•on Dorothy spent Mr \'IIC&tJon mo'Ylftl

fOf't'H-«"..--.. J Don 1>e Me;_., o'f o;wruta1ts Ena:1·

nec'rlftlo was marr1ed Ottobr:r :t, lO Carolyn Bidlack Carolyn's fatht'r works In the Stet>l Shop

fO/Iftn• ,..,,.......-t.,.l Julhu Yander ouru'Jihen, Down·

JUIIMI EnalneNinr, h rt'eupeutina from an opc>ratlon Itt' 11 at the St. JOM"ph lloapltal In Mu.hawaka.

10� ... 1"-.f_.......,J Rill Sfllllh.; Wt;t' h� a bllby &irl

on Octotwr 2S and Bell JOl a new car Ol:tober 21 'nw!y t'all t.he new baby Roxan.w Je&ft and the! MW ear Plym­outh. 811l ··orlu IR Cc.t [)e.pattmt'ftL

, !Ofk;'•�1 � ,.oron\7 tht�t Bf-Uy l.o. llart

be�• to .old t"hal'ltft on a $100.00 btlt Marcaret RiM', Cost Depart�nent. won t.bt' hundl'('(l dollan. Betty Lou � one ol our t�lephonc operators.

, fO"'":• c ........... � Durlnl tht' latt •'t:ek of October

wa! f"reddle Ul,;hop'• berthday - �7 )'t!lits old Jlt!lated "llappy Barthday," ,..�. from all the c•na' c,. ........ ,,

Donald Cl�rk,' t"u;nke Operator, returnt'd to work t�fter bt'ina out ot a('t•on for St'Vt'r•l mon1ht with • brokt'n k>a. wh'C'h he &cQu.rt'd whilt' try•na to ao from Plymouth to Muh· awak• "'" the rlillro.cl tracks on a moton::yt'lt' I'"*'"''

Wtth all the �fu;_, nuscd by the cha.n�ver an t1me torally, � the little bit abOut Jobn Payldt.aer. F�mfll\ 11\ tht' t�oundry. tnd tnc':k. nte way -.e lt'll.he 1tory 11 that John forlot lO ��rt the d«k bkk the re·

Page 9: ATTENTION I SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS Do You CARE 1955/1955 vol... · ATTENTION I SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS Would you be Jntc st«< WC're some orw to ol'fcr >'OU a thantt on $3.000

1u.H<I$ MAU., 1-.t "'-f>, ....... � .. ...... .. .......... lUI ..,_. ... .. ..... .......... ., .... ...,. t­..... ... ..... .,.._ ... _ _ ... -. ...... ..... ....... .. �.�. ,.. ..... � - -"" "" """"" ...... MOow.,t. ..... _.,...., ........., .......,. _. ....... .....,._ .. .... .... - ..... . .. ,., _ ......... ..... Hoo loo _... _. ... _ _. .,... ..... .,. .. .. ...,., ..-.Wrr ......... .... ... ..... .. .... w....w..- w.,...

qu�«-d hour 110 C'llme bouncmg mto �·ork shortly after th'' day 111ng had t\nlshcd their lurl<"htt NC«<Iest to�ay, CliCr)'Ont wu nr•lnlnl to look at the c:l()(:k, thm)IIMI II WUlln'leiOftO hOmc.

1,_ ... ,} A nt'-'C:Omtr to tM roundry <>fl'ltt

at Paul lllll�ltnnd. Paul formerly drove thco R , , .• , Valley but from Otc.-Nl.l to Mt��ha•aka, and a� doln& a cood Job nhPVIIlC YrHdk Bbhap of 10mc of has �ny �u� 11-.-y1

nor..Me OuMan, P\JI'('h.uan&. ••u ek<ck!d Juhanna Club Board M�mber to rc-pla("e Mary M1nnu who has �ft u .. Wto'I'C! lUre nort'nct' Will be C"a�­blt! ln th1t c:apkll)'

10�• .. __ """j Sevtoral ,...,.,,.'k, a�o tha� reponer waa

requl� to trantfer Into the t'oundry OM\ce to tlll·ln for Fr«ddJe Uhhop who wOos aihnl from. toMt- unknown cause, but thouaht to k the .. n u " Pulhn(t out the dr•wer of h\1 de•k 1 wa. ;;a$-10\.lndcd to ftnd enouah medlcnw LO nan a •mail drua •torco• We'rt' not •urt' how much of that mecll('lf"le ll lk'­t�lly take'S to llHp '"Old t'redche" a­lOin c. but he was rt"ally m1 .. e11 nun.c• a� badt 1ft llfldr qaan, llOW" thattwhu�t�rm:cs iO

.Yootk.. l,. .... �t

Uud ll�nd�,...... Payroll, ia \'ft'Y proud of twr rww <:Mvrolet �l-Air She took her dnvtn• tC"Jt. and ia now lecally IK-erued to drwe 1n lnJ'fie. �

nrt'ful of the ('()O'Ier by WhffJabntor. llatel IOIIIitn .. _....,.,.,..,

�lulh K��p. Ad\�r1a.m1 • .-�nt a monlh 1n t'londa Stw has a brotlwr lherto • hom i&hto and h« blbt.nd V1S• I ted Shit' altOc•Uedon PNrl and K�r:n­ny S•ll. f«mt'f'ly o1 Whftlabntor and "'"ho now ,.,.,de In �Arco Martha and Ed c-nJO)"fl! lbhma on bt-aut,ful lndtan Rt n�r TlM'y nuaht toe\"C'ntl Iundt of tb.h ""'"«' r'IC'\"fl" �\en �rd ot. al\d also c-nJO)"t'd the �OC'r')'.

IO!'<'r• .c • .,.,.rllltll

Mar1 Golba: Otillnl: had thil! honor on Sunday, Oc.-tobl!r 2. to represent the J)al"t'nl� of the t're�hman Class In aiv· m(l: a talk at the- PIN!nll' Oily prOKram 11 t'n>nklln Coll�&t', Yranklln, Jndi· ana. whtrc her dau�thtl'r, Janet. for­�riJ of 81\IU\1, 11 now attt'ndlft& Mary talked on �what We ExP«t Franltlan Collen To Do For Our O.u,:bter We a•k«< Mary •hat he-r rt'KhOf1S •·con- 1n mak1n1 the �h �forto ao many P"IS)SC!, and .the .Rtld ttult Janet had ''''fl' Mr full IMlt\lc-­IJOnS 50 atw wun"t a bn Mn-ous. Any­body nftd • 6pH!kt't'•

ro,.,.. c ...,_, .. , ClAir llolf,.;an, ·Du�; lc Yumc, re­

co�ntl,- pro,·ed to • fatr one that "'Chwalf')' II Not DNd " nus lady "'-'It about to a�t mto her car at noon tO take on for luMh when a ftat stared hl'r in tht' flk-e She ju•t Stood �'"""I bkk at 11, and Citltr • .eeina her con­fUSIOn. pi'OC't'«<td to t>hanae tlwl de­n:.tecl tl�. t'tllowf.. lt't that be a les­IOn to you Perhapc th11 sp1rlt of co­opt"ratlon had IOIToC!Ihlnl to do wtth hi� bcmc made Chairman of the com-

mlttce In t'hlkl".lt' of ndN at dw Hal· lo"'-et:R party put on by the> Mash­at��·ak• Jay�. We !oindt'n-tand he d1d a 1ood Job on that too

10 ..... �......,.,., .. } Ja.nd .\IMt. •Du.t • • \Ifni'. �rpnM"d

1B aU l"ft'ftttl)" b)' dforKhftl: tO bec:omt' Mrs. John Knox IOikft « ... -"' .. 1

DuMan ,\l��111la.-. •Sal-. won the ponablto mut�r ntmed off by the Juh· anna Club. tO�• �r.,.. ............ ,

IU:ary ,. ... u .. ;, �ia11 Room. and Sue ISot-.hnldn, Cost DcJ)trtment, tapt11ned the sureeuful tard party held 1n the 8-K llail, Wednor'ldliy, NO\'tmbt'r 2. The commlu�,. �-ue �·til pltkcd •nd did a a:ood JOb I� r�m 1n mold.t. C\lJ)Cake• and coHet> w•re t�rvt>d nurty prttct ..,.,. awl'n to the w1n· M'� LIIIU.n tlmm«rma.n. Sa Let., ha• • lot of fntoncb; """' tht- �tty. You Jeoe, they all •·ant 10 know jlbl bow you h.:a\·4' to II\ to ln onkr «> wallt oft" wlth lhrM pri1.n. "Lutky" �·on the ra& for the mGflt'y ll'f't', I door pt'IM and I tabko pnzco ht>nly lllfla htolf)t(l wn·� and "'all on tab ln. A portiOn ot the pntt\ls from the piMY "'Ill be ll\'t'ft 10 ParkvtcW Dt'tcnhon Home for Jm­Pf'O\"t'fnt'nU. Con,ntulauoru to J.,_ b.a.nn.J. Wil'.ndd�o on he-r ftNt ''enturt' as Club �dtnt. 10�• c..,. ...... ...,,

�l.a�tecl �.,.;ul�tk>ns and apoi­OIIes to N"ani:'J Crio;sler, Tabulatina Somellmt'tl thl• old tdltor can't keep up with the diamond dOII\Ill of the younasters. We miUC!d the one on 8Qb Snver prncntn"IJ 1 diamond ""I to Nancy several WHitt •co Sorry, kid.s. that 111·e nqlected you

B e l a t e d U n i f o r m s

You .. .., pte:turt'tl of t.bHto V.'hel'labratoc- C.ltl• an kiiOn In the November PAu.DL Sane. then they ha\·e r'fftwcd thetr bowhn1 un1fomu 50 � ., • look at the attradavco QUtntt't. n.t- u.mforms tll't'f'@ wkw � bJ a M1:1.hav.·U.a lady. a.nd v.·e th1nk the> Jirb ha\·e IOft'ICtbmc .. on the belr t'\'C!n be-fore tht'y •tan a Jlmt' Br1n1 a 10ft bhW·tl"ftn the-y ane rather CQY on th• eyes. Standan& (left to na:hO at't' AIM.rU. Kautma.- and lllldnoth Boehnkln. SHied In the uma ordcor an Oorle!.n• Olllltt'llh, �lark- Clu,-s and Johl.naa Wle&dd$.

Page 10: ATTENTION I SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS Do You CARE 1955/1955 vol... · ATTENTION I SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS Would you be Jntc st«< WC're some orw to ol'fcr >'OU a thantt on $3.000

D u s tu b e C o l lect ors S a l vage t 4 S, O O O In Starch

l.IAn thon Corporation. one or tM .. fJHl papn' �ftl plants IR the ('OUR\ty, local� at Mt"nhh•, WlK'Ofl­r.in, 11 coJil"C'lU\1 "dwt .. at 1M ntf! of almos;t $4.000 monthly wtlh thn:<e of our Dustube Coll�tor.. This dWit U m the form of ttarth which Is nec'ft· Nty in their dr)'IOI OJ)trii·UOM.

Marathon has sev•ral machme• Wh1eh an IUed for CGaliRI PI'Pft" •·•th .uiMl.allftS such u •·u and rubbr.r. or w1th adhesn-e rn.�nal foe iaMb and tht' hb � Pllpn' PI'_.. thrvuch a M"riel of rolls 1n lhu coaunc Opel"'l­tlon and at liM' end ION throufh a thamber w1th �·��h In 11 and a hu1e brush which rotat� with the motion o( the pflptr, thut. brushing the stock wilh the 6tarch Thlt naturally

N E W F A C E S D:avld lly!lln�:u. Enc.•necr1"1: AI·

fred Claeys, Sale• Demonuratlon: h.rome Cht.nry, Plant No. !: William Koonta, Plant No. 2; M.ua.arr:t Yoder, S•l�a; M:ul.an John-.on, Per:son�l. no-r Andnws. North Sh•ppanc: WII­ILam uo..u-d, Plant No 2: Jot.n Rr:l· t�r. Stockroom. Vkld f'nda, Pu�­'"1· \\'llll.am C.anu, Produt""tiOn; Da,·ld Rocers. En.gLnecnnJ. Anthony S:uce, Ena•n�r�na: �hnln Yletf:he.r, �bll· StaLionary Room, James Llc.nt-r., Jo'oundry Laboratory; flenry Sdlnlldl, Plant No. 2; Thomas �lonroe, Plant No 2; Charles Cornll, Maeh1ne Shop; J01otpb Ca3CteUo, P'-nt No.. 2; Robert


II\'" n.e to • Cfflll amount of Jt.ari:h whldl aa uh-.11:� by OW' J:ku,tube:L

� pnrnary l"flliin for uuulhnc tlw ftNt OustuM "'·as to do a bttu:r Job of �k�'"' houroe .. By tht' hme-. hO"'·e\·tr. that the ftr•t Oustube had been In Uk' thr� month&. 11 had paid for lt�lf In a&\'ln&t of m.atertal ,.,htch formerly WU \0 a Iff'&\ C'li\('R\ Wbted,.

Tht' ntat'h.al\f'S wh�h Art' \�nulatftl by our ectU•PfM'nl oa-rate on a 24 bout" • day baas. SuK'e tM tint Dwtu� ..... U\SUIIIed 10 Jt41 th«eo 1\u � hllle troub�. It 1s etunatftl that lift'• hapi a half do«n ftltt"r tub5 h.ve had to bt> n-placfll In lhr� m.ctunn now 1n u...e

llt're are two picture. ot OJMOrattons at Marathon CorporaU(m

Mortimer, Plant No 2. Rk-h.ard Mar� kee, Ef'«""tma StaJf. Joh• Alb.u,St�l .....

Oorll: Wll�ey, Tobulatlna ; Sh.a.ron l'lrk:t. Jo!nJimcenna: IU�h:ud llelrnllln. St�l Shop: lltrsthell Re�ll:lf', Plant No 2 RltJurd MtoCOftahay, Jo'oondry; JH fturc-. St�l Shop, Keith �lk!a· �r. St�l Shop MarYin Rorl•, Plant No 2, P:lul IIUie�d. ••ot.ltldr�r Jim Jrft'erld.. Plant No t; Gl�l'l Sbaftor. Plant No. !, John W.aloJI. Sttorl Shop; S'rl'""n Kinney, Plant No. Z� Robert Chr.nf'y, Plant No 2; Thwdorr D<llr.e­man, Stt"el Shop; Jamb New ton, Stcel Shop; Ralph Wl�man. St�tol Shop: Rh·hud O.:».ly, Steel Shop; Richard Kau/nun, Plant No. Z; FT:ank Bee· traft, Stockroom.

, OF T H E

e M O N T H

11us Ia a nll:"l�i featUA' 1n PAU.IIl£.. From 11mt- to time Wt' Will ptl""k Wh.-.·l.llbrator pNpk at nnd<tm and au. Ow-m • q�Oon.. 1bfo •"•"' tors wdl M c-1f'Tlof'd u lii:IH:n The q�oiiOfl thj, mor\th Y�llls, �what w�rt' tht- nn:-um­•tant'\: v.h1t"h. Jead to �our oomma to v.ork Lilt Wh.e�labrator1" Followlnl ar(' tho>t" aruw cra for whk'h ""'" have """"

I f'oln'lf' from KM:n·lllfo. TetuM'S>ft", whfor. I workftl for a fnut commu .•

...., houw at iX an �,. nwon an­ot!MT t'VmpiUl.y p&6d nw Sl OS an hour 1.0 make- [)(ornpsVr Dumpt"tH pent... I �tart<l"d INIIRI hunary 110 M� I am �

-Jac:k Brogdon. YoN,.dr., In O.,.tobrr, !!HI, 1n l'•·ru, lnduma,

m)' humr tOwn, I met an old fnl•nd of m�nt', Charll� Burke, whom I hftd. not lft'R f(or a number of )'f'l,..._ llf' ''''" \JI"(otklnl at W�labntor at ti'M- u� and II ,.,. at hiS SUU:f'tllori that 1 � tK'rt' and appbed fur a Job 1M folto,.•nl •t't'k I -. .. h•red by thr: latt- Ntck Byers. Burkt!' le-h ttwo Com· pany wu·n or e•aht )"f'.trl ••� and 11 th•• Y�'r•una I am Ulirt!DJ m)' 15th )'t'�, ..

- l.OUU" DrCIIIIPig, Madmu:• Sl10p ,._, wu work•nt for .a me-at pack1n1

nwnpony 1n lndaanapolla but h� bi-en advtRd by (rl('nds to ��t a job •t Wht'<t"�bratur 8$ at "'" a 1ood p� to work It .,-asn"t too Nrd to -k� up my m•nd u I •·•• al�y IDlnJ WLih a '"'' up here (my "''fC' no,..) 10 I C'hantt'd .)Obi. I han· had a lot or ;ob!J. but this pta� JLUitt.od � and I hn« Jtay('(! on lOr\J(('r than un any othtr Job "

-OUaoP J',prr-eiJ, South Sluppn•g I IUt work•ng lll • So\lth Q.t'nd de­

j»rtlnC'nt •toroP_ 11M> waJ('"J ,..t-H" noot too h•ch. and .. ·nb bills mnununa up from klnl JIC"� 1n ttK' ramaly I hat<l"d my DJ�mco •·•lh an t"mp!O)'mt"nt •I<'I"K'Y I ,.·as sent ht'rt- 1nd Wt"Dt to work on ln•pt-et•on an Junt'. 1043 I 1m 'till utlsftcd with lhC' Nmt� Job." -Soph'a Burkhcm. lntJ)f'CIIon

' Jo'ou IC'VoPral ynn I w•• rmploycd by Schumathcr ConslnlcHon Com­JMny. I hMt -·orkt'"d in our plant 1m vanou� rt"p81f' and MW t'OnJtruct•Of'l jobL and noheed thrvu,h the- dl.ft'fl'ft\t ... (O('IIHOnl at ,..., a n•coP plare to -·urk So ahn f<Nm' thouJht oo thf> td�. I lf'ft my ,.-ork and raiTit" here as • rt"hrf 1\r('man. That waJ m<ore than tllht y<'lln 111go, and �n all JtnC't"tLty I find It a line plaC't" to work Maybe It was a et�•nc:•dcnc� or a•mply a lucky dtodiiOn wh.o knows.."

-CI#m rn .. a•o. MatAUIOLII��«

Page 11: ATTENTION I SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS Do You CARE 1955/1955 vol... · ATTENTION I SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS Would you be Jntc st«< WC're some orw to ol'fcr >'OU a thantt on $3.000

W h y D o n't I Get i n P AR A DE ? rn.m ,.,, to tun '' �- to our

atlt-t>h• n t t "''n'K' or ...ur folk� ft"t'l thllt tht·y an- '-'"'1 •ltahtl"d b) root b<lq 11\t"n f('l'!CJ11l1011 r.n PAIUDE- In all �I) •I Ul rwt 01.1r mt...·nt.Jon to play Ia\ I nlt't w1th """ •nd•,·ldu.al or d• �tlnwnt 'A 1th1n thf' Cumpan)' Tht·l"t' nt.�t) lOl" M'\t•r"J icllllllfYUI.I(' «'ll­•"ll" II\ h)' �>llt• � n:on Kll" a 11\f·n11un 1 r IH• ll..lt\ m 1'.\IIAin:, "'h1lt· ;mot�r dlll."11 11"1

C:t'lltrllll)' ��-.,k1n1. •.u• tr)· to nrry a pltiUtt• or Jh<trl llt·rn l>ll our J)'Kfpl� ''" Ill �iUI or •• ntunty 'AIIh the Com• pun)' M.anr llmM- hov.·l"vt'r. "'" c:an not adtu.·rc tr•<·tly to th'" pohc)' Sup.. 1-· 1m lmporl;lnt l'k"l••� tury � al•onc. arod th«' II'""'-'" C'Uhol>t·rned h»p­j.."'l "" tu hoa\t' ht't"n ""'1th thor CvmJMin)" onl) • •horttnn4" \\'t· t'an't u:n.on the """'' f•>f' tha,. no�-. .� It J�.al so Mpprrw. thlil ('0 rt.;tm .,._...ptf' bah· ap­loX"ltn-d mo ..... th;�n onct· 1n PunK b.,-... ra"""' the' arl" ... ,,, .. '" t� prt>,t<-c� •hiC'h ..... '" , ... ,_,,, .. �"'�"'·.nh)"

TIM. n "' ''""• • �r.on ft't"l• •hctu«t •f ht- tu- tlr"\n tw-no ,...,.,_...,.,., roonlh

V. Ltbf.ut ha\"iftl a pK"lUtf' in PAJtADL lit f••t. loJ fHh..r• th.aot V.ith (,IUf" �m­plroyme:nt at 1l11 h•&h ... u·l. we ha\� m.ny �hlN •botu.H· bft-n ht'�lbl"ft" or fuur )t"tUll ��>1thout hanna � lhlln"t-d In PAJI<\IIf

S<•ITK'hmn.. """ NM· �f our pt'I)Plc u: '"'·••h«l 1n an ukadt·nt ot 1\1•·• vall-It'. )·rt v.r nc•vcr hl.•ar t•f 11 1-1nul n a tn.o latco to Pvbii<'IU' l)o not he-au.ate to t"GII thc.t> lhiRII to our IIU�n\l(>n, and wcwlll try to lllkl't'arct uf•uchstotiC'"5 b.nd pu:tun'l.

W� 'II"IH' at all llmH to mamta1n a fair bllllan<t' b.-IWt't"n �m�nat<cmt'nl ood l'"mpiO)"l't" h•PK"I - Olio(.! Jlft foqU!tablt' amt•unl l•f n ....... , fr .. .nt all dcl)lllrtmt'nl$ So If )"t� doJ ft'\l thiolt ._f' a� pUf"J)Ok'· I)" poulllftl you up. thLS t-xplan.nion nM.)' .... lanf)' tiw· ••tu.au .. n

0.·1mn1fll "'llh th11 •lH" v.ro aR' run­rutl.l a dt" .... rlrn. nt . .SEVt' VACCS. U1 •tuch all tmpic•)<'t1 V.lll bC' ID\t'd as tlw-' bn•n ll·r\'K'I' •1th thC' C(>Q\pamy To all tho.• wht>m ""f' ty,,·eo md.M'd m tMpa•\. llllt' lll"M"t"fTI)' aPI•Iocllll'

Wheelabrator Exhibits at Metal Show

OI"K· t•f tht' m .. J(lr 1nd�,�.J.tnal shows 11 the• 1111nu<ll Nall••nal Mt'U.I EJCJ)OI.l· hun Th� )"Mt"• Jhow wa� lwld 1n

Muloodt l..,tll.il. ()(·u·bC'r li-21. attr..rt•nl

chv�ouand• of mdu11tr1al purt'ba.."OCn..

Who� labraU>f" Coltf"I)(H'IIt.n had a n•ry l.fi1P�I�Pand C'VIftplottc: PXhlbil sho•·· '"� Whl'�labrator. L1quamatt._.. •1\d 0�1 Cullt"'"t"r rquopmc"fJ1 1n c.I)PnhOfl.

lllchhlht of uur t"xh1b11 .... , thco hua;i: M" Sv. '"' Table, fonn.ally on

tll,pla)· at a thou.· fetr thP 1\nt unw-. Ia vt"tu�tihty and cll'llnml t<ftklt'"n .... y .,,.. d('fll(>n•lr11h'd ()n a ""tcle rani(' of IIU"t; and t)'P" l>f mt-tal prodUCU.

In addiht•n t4 our uh1b11 cba'PLlli)', v11ual prt-�<t'ntauon• or our supply neomf; IUCh •• Wht-.... labrator St""l Shut. Slft'lC'tts. Lo-P·L),ft' Paru and XR� Bladl'S aurac:u•d a P"f'JII dftll or at­ltnll ... n

AltP+Vt WU.&.Ht \...t f .... l� .... .... .... - . Oo ........ I� H. ...., ,..._..,. ....U.. t. N.w T--'-.... ., Tri .,__,. ,..._ .. ... . , • ._. • ......, "' ......,. w..t. ... ""' _,. ...... TN" .. "'-' c...,.. .f .._..... . .. w .. w w.- It .. ..,. ,.. _ ... '" _..... . �_ ...._ -. - .... . _ .... ...-� ..... . ""'"' ...-� . .... , ..... ......... ........ .... ••oi••·TV ••�•" He lo • •••'-u •I ._ .....

I'm Jllft 111 whctl a "('('rma "''h�l, and you'rt' tht' t•aptam Betund mt" )"OU'I'f" thco lord ••Kt maatt'r of 11 mlr· aclt'. You can make- mc- takf" the kids to school Yw nn turn mt' do>wn Lht! sunny ra.d to.,.·ard town With me you ean IUidC' )"(oUt JCMKb to tht' nw�rkt-1 pi� You nn N6h t.M Slt-k to � huk-d - .)"01.1 c-an to Ln mmut"' to piiK'H mdf"t: a• a)· You �n do m.aa�

Y�. 1n lhco blink or an cv� . ..., the­IX'k of �our ... ate-h. I nn tUm deadly ktlk-r I can tnult out thfo lift' or a kid -rna) bt' YOUR KIO I t"an twbt a pn1� •nto tt'a" I nn """""k, crtpp!e and dntroy I t"an di:al out dt"ath hk• the pla&ut' I am no N'l"l)f'("tor of pr:r­IOnS. A child. • crandmothC'r, t"\'f"n you, my frtc:-nd, 1t'• all the •mt' to me

J'rn M>nJLti\"C I re��pond lnJtantly to thro hamh you JCIVt" mf". C1vco mt" calm hands. 1h'ady hontb, catt'ful hand• and )'UU're my fro�nd Uvtlh't" me un­llll:"llld.) h•ndll. funy-mtndt'd hands, rt'C:klf'll.� handfo-tht'n I'm your f"nemy, a menano to the liff'. the- happ1ncou. the fUIUf"C' or t'\"t'f)' pt'raOft, t'Vt'f.)' )"OUn«stt"r nd1n .. walk�na. play1n1

I -.u madco for plt'uure and uR­fulnf'U Kftp 1M' Lhat •·ay l"m tn YOUR hand1 I'm ju>ll a llt't'tlnl ..:he-co\. and you"R' my npg1n.. Betnnd me >OU.rt' tM lunl and mutt"r of a nur.-W-or a lf114N1)' h'• up to )"OU

-A""corta�• Otl C�p .. )l


Page 12: ATTENTION I SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS Do You CARE 1955/1955 vol... · ATTENTION I SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS Would you be Jntc st«< WC're some orw to ol'fcr >'OU a thantt on $3.000

MRV .. WllUAMS, '-I�� _ ._. "' �· ·•.st ......._. ., ... ..... ..... ...,...,... ..., .......... ... ... .......,._ . ........ .. ... .._. ... .. _.... _ _..,.. ._. .......... c.a.c- . .. . ---.. .... .... .... _. _ ... .., . ... .... . ... ..... ......

The Barrels and Drums Keep Rolling � NatiONIJ A.-oc-latlOn of Barrel

and Drum Recondtttonen held a ahow in th� New Yorkt'r Jlott'l, Nl!'w York Ctt)', November 3-� Our Company v.u �pl'ftentNI With an t-lilhibit, and a I «"at amount of tnter-Hl wu erN ted a�no,�n& vlltton from all SMrll of lM Untted Statrsa.nd C.n.da and lloll.and

From all mdtnuoru., tM �I and dn.tm �tJonu\1 bUSlnHI ll only In tU 1nfancy. and authortt!H m the t\eld a� prechctm,- a ti"C'mM\dous fu­ture It I• estimated that more than 51'1 million barrebi and druna were r«<nd!Uoned dunn& t� M'C'Ond qu.ar• ttr of U�$$, as •latnst but " m1lhon nflllr untU manufacturt'<l Thwoe tit� t«<nhl\l to tN Nat�l A..llt«tataon of 8a�l and Drum Rf'C'Uidii•OAHS.. a� hued only u� lhOM ('Oft'lpan>eS

Smiles Along The Way "So Cod hu ��entyou t�>oo� htlle

brothtn. Sally,'' lltd t� mlna�r to tht amaU d"'�tu of a fam1ly �nt+ ly bl� 'Wlth t•·1ns. "'1bat's rldlt. .. ..ad S.lly, -and two kno•,.. ju!lt .-� the money IS ('()lftJI'II from, too. I bt'trd Daddy say so."

who rt"ndtrt'd a repol"t Su t10hd and tu�fl.tl hu the growth of thtA busi• IIC'IIt btt'n lhat 10� barri"l and drum n\&IIUfllttUI"ff'l lllrt! plannln1 on enter­llll tM r�rxhtlomnc tlt'ld

What ll the- Sl&nlfica� of all lh11 as far as Wt" at Wbt't'labrator are ('(ll'ltti'Md• II sunply f'M'&M that our Company wtll bt'- an tmpcwlant pan of lhts ewpandt.nl markct. In flirt. Wt' W('� lht' ptOMen 11'1 buildtn1 �UIP• ml.'nt fu.r thlf type of ""·ork, the tiNt drum C'l<-llnmf! ma('hm� havu'IC bNn lhlpiJ'--d In 1937. Smc:e that tlrnt' our Company hAs bt-t'n awal't' of the po­lt'l'ltlal ln tha markt't and hu dH11ned and sold C"QUipmt'nt to t� ('hlt'f man­uf&C'tUft'" •nd rt'COI14tl!Ont'ra tn the I'OUntry, rnak1n1 \IS tht' nation's lt':ad· lnf: manufac:tu� of tins equ1pmt'nl.

and laylnc th('m down at niAht with· out worry_ On« a c[ua)uraced friend l&ld to htm, "W1II, 1f you had but 48 houn to lwe, how •-ould you s�nd ltwai"" 1lM' lndooutablt' ('()WJ)llntlw!r rTpllt'd

. '"Ont' at a lllnt'"'

A creat Pt'ni&n ulct: "To enter Par­adiR, take the tint 1tep with the s:ood thou&ht. the J«<nd with the cood won1 and the third wlth lhto cood deed. ..

Will RoJers pra('th�t'd what he preached, and found that C"'nlt'ntment and M.pp1ness •-e� to be attau't'd by cbn& each day's tbks wtth t'OI'lftdenn-,

"What do you thmk ot our httlt'coi­I('IC'l town!" a$ked the atudcmt. ��� certainly I• unique," a.uwe� the vllltor. "What do you mun by 'unique'?" asked tJu: fludt'nt. Replied the v1�1tor, Hit's from th.t' l.at1n ·unus' meanlnc Ont' and 'equu.11' meaninJ .....-

""'""···'· fo .. -r r- . e·':Y!"· ......... ..

-:.'!:'�::: ... - ... ........ __ ._ ..... __ -=--==-.:=-..::...-::.:-.:::::::;':.. ... .::..'"::::

�i§��::;� I '""�� .. ---- ----·---



I N BOW L I N G L EAGUE In bowbn,_ u tn many �r khvma.. the tndtvldual or

croup wh�eh keoe� pluumJ away aeu to the top. II you Will ('OmJ)Ilft' \he stand.tnp In the IUt PAJIADC Wllh thol:e below, you Will � that thtff hn� bt'otn � than&H. The Ma(:hu'le Shop h.u cur,ced to tht' top wtth IOmt' a�•t bowlinl m the put thn-to wrek., bump!� St�kroom from that spot,

Membtors of the Mathlnf" Shop ll!am 111ft': Jlltk Mettalf, 1\ndy Stueru_ �laU �lint, Joe Sl::lle.r and 1\r,.,le Meb:d. Utlow are the leq:�,te standmp u of No�mber I

- - - .. " S.�l-

" " ...... " "

" " ..,_.. " "