COUNCIL REPORT Executive Committee Report No. PDS 096-2018 Date: August 21, 2018 File No: 3100-05 PRJ17-154 To: Mayor and Council From: James Bryndza, Planner Subject: Agricultural Land Commission application for the property located at 85 Winson Road, to allow an expansion of an existing processing facility as a non-farm use in the Agricultural Land Reserve (Owner: Fraser Valley Gleaners Society; Directors: B. Doerksen, J. Friesen, M. Hardy, E. Klassen, D. Staley, W. Trimble, A. Vandermeulen, M. Vriend and V. Willms) RECOMMENDATION THAT, at the next Regular Meeting of Council, Council consider forwarding application 3100- 05/PRJ17-154, to permit an addition to an existing building for a produce processing use totaling approximately 2,103m 2 (22,630ft 2 ) in size as a non-farm use on a portion of the property located at 85 Winson Road, to the Agricultural Land Commission with support. REPORT CONCURRENCE General Manager The Acting General Manager concurs with the recommendation of this report. City Manager The City Manager concurs with the recommendation of this report. PURPOSE To forward an application for non-farm use in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) to the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) to permit an addition to an existing building, which operates as a produce processing facility for the property located at 85 Winson Road, to a total floor space of approximately 2,103m 2 (22,630ft 2 ). SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE An Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) application for a non-farm use in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) has been received for the property located at 85 Winson Road to permit an addition to the existing main building, which currently contains their produce processing facility, to make dry soup mix for humanitarian aid. The produce processing facility, located in the south- west portion of the subject property, is operated by the Fraser Valley Gleaners Society, a non- profit organization. This organization receives produce donations from growers and other processing plants for conversion to dried soup mix and apple snacks, which are then distributed

Attachment B - ALC Decision Letter

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Page 1: Attachment B - ALC Decision Letter


Executive Committee Report No. PDS 096-2018 Date: August 21, 2018 File No: 3100-05 PRJ17-154 To: Mayor and Council From: James Bryndza, Planner Subject: Agricultural Land Commission application for the property located at 85 Winson

Road, to allow an expansion of an existing processing facility as a non-farm use in the Agricultural Land Reserve (Owner: Fraser Valley Gleaners Society; Directors: B. Doerksen, J. Friesen, M. Hardy, E. Klassen, D. Staley, W. Trimble, A. Vandermeulen, M. Vriend and V. Willms)

RECOMMENDATION THAT, at the next Regular Meeting of Council, Council consider forwarding application 3100-05/PRJ17-154, to permit an addition to an existing building for a produce processing use totaling approximately 2,103m2 (22,630ft2) in size as a non-farm use on a portion of the property located at 85 Winson Road, to the Agricultural Land Commission with support.


General Manager

The Acting General Manager concurs with the

recommendation of this report.

City Manager

The City Manager concurs with the

recommendation of this report.

PURPOSE To forward an application for non-farm use in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) to the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) to permit an addition to an existing building, which operates as a produce processing facility for the property located at 85 Winson Road, to a total floor space of approximately 2,103m2 (22,630ft2). SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE An Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) application for a non-farm use in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) has been received for the property located at 85 Winson Road to permit an addition to the existing main building, which currently contains their produce processing facility, to make dry soup mix for humanitarian aid. The produce processing facility, located in the south-west portion of the subject property, is operated by the Fraser Valley Gleaners Society, a non-profit organization. This organization receives produce donations from growers and other processing plants for conversion to dried soup mix and apple snacks, which are then distributed

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oversees. A separate non-farm use in the ALR application (PRJ17-132), to permit a supportive recovery use in the south-east portion of the property, has been submitted for the same subject property, (see Figures 1-5 and Attachment A – applicant’s letter of intent). The existing operations total approximately 1,977m2 (21,279ft2), which exceeds the area previously approved by the ALC by 444m2 (4,779ft2) – the previously approved floor area is 1,533m2 (16,500ft2). The area exceeding what was previously approved by the ALC was approved by the City of Abbotsford through 3 separate Building Permits between 2014 and 2017 (see chart below in paragraph 2 of this report). With the newly proposed addition of 125.5m2 (1,350ft2), the total combined building area of the produce processing buildings would be 2,102.5m2 (22,629ft2) (see Figure 5). Council must determine whether or not the application should be allowed to proceed forward to the ALC; and if forwarded, whether to provide additional comment. BACKGROUND Owners: Fraser Valley Gleaners Society (Directors: B. Doerksen, J. Friesen, M.

Hardy, E. Klassen, D. Staley, W. Trimble, A. Vandermeulen, M. Vriend, V. Willms)

Applicant: Fraser Valley Gleaners Society (Ben Doerksen) OCP Designation: Agricultural Existing Zoning: Agriculture One Zone (A1) & Produce Processing Zone (A4) Site Area: 3.84 ha (9.49 ac) Legal Description: Lot “A” Section 3 Township 16 Plan NWD 3606 Current Uses: Produce Processing & Supportive Recovery Surrounding Uses: N: Agriculture (Grain & Forage zoned A1); S: International Boundary and United States of American beyond; E: Agriculture (Grain & Forage zoned A1); and W: Winson Road and Agriculture & Produce Processing beyond

(zoned A1) Soil Capability: Type 9 – Till and Type 8 – Gravel & Sand DISCUSSION Context 1. The applicant is requesting approval from the ALC to permit a 125.5m2 (1,350ft2)

addition to the existing main building (at the south-west portion of the property), that currently contains their produce processing facility to make dry soup mix for humanitarian aid (see Figures 1-5 and Attachment A). The subject property does not have farm status. The remainder of the property accommodates two dwellings, one of

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which, along with its two accessory buildings, is the subject of a separate non-farm use in the ALR application (PRJ17-132 – see Figure 5).

2. ALC correspondence confirms that a non-farm produce processing use and an

expansion were previously approved by the ALC. ALC correspondence dated November 3, 2005 (see Attachment B) identifies an approval in the year 2000 for a 929m2 (10,000ft2) processing building on the property subject to registration of a restrictive covenant limiting the use of the facility to the processing of fresh produce. The ALC correspondence also identifies that in 2005, the ALC approved a 604m2 (6,500ft2) addition to the produce processing building, for a total building area of 1,533m2 (16,500ft2).

The existing operations exceed the area previously approved by the ALC. As mentioned above, the ALC has approved a total building area of 1,533m2 (16,500ft2); however, based on the supporting material that the applicant has submitted and the City’s Building Permit records, the existing operations total approximately 1,977m2 (21,279ft2), a difference of approximately 444m2 (4,779M2) (see Figure 5). Additional Building Permits were likely approved by the City without the required ALC non-farm use application because the permits are consistent with the City’s A4 Zone, with the exception of building #4, which is within the A1 Zone (see paragraph #8 in this report for details)). With the newly proposed addition of 125.5m2 (1,350ft2), under the current application, the total combined building area of the produce processing buildings would be 2,102.5m2 (22,629ft2) (see Figure 5 and Sequence of Floor Space Approval chart, below).

Sequence of Floor Space Approvals:

Building # as per Council

Report Fig. 5 Year

Floor Space Increase

ALC Approval City Building Permit (BP)

1 & portion of 2 2000 929m2 (10,000ft

2) Yes, Application #33532-0 BP #01193174

Portion of 2 & 3 2005 604m2 (6,500ft


Yes, Application # MM – 36250 – Resolution # 577/2005

BP #06114410

4 2014 313m2 (3,369ft

2) No BP #14129888

5 2015 312m2 (3,360ft

2) No BP #15112560

6 2017 134m2 (1,440ft

2) No BP #17106370

7 (proposed) 2018 125m2 (1,350ft

2) To Be Determined (TBD) TBD

Note: the built floor space in the years 2000 and 2005 was actually less than the ALC approved floor space i.e., 1,533m

2 (16,500ft

2) (approved by ALC) versus 1,218m

2 (13,110ft

2) (actually built); therefore

the built floor space of the existing processing operation is less than the total of the “Floor Space Increase”, as detailed in the chart above.

3. A second dwelling (labeled 8 on Figure 5), located south of the processing facility, will be

reviewed in the context of the concurrent non-farm use application (PRJ17-132) to determine if this dwelling is permitted as a principal dwelling on the site with the supportive recovery use as an “additional dwelling”.

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Official Community Plan and Policy Context 4. The property is located within the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) and is designated

‘Agricultural’ in the Official Community Plan (OCP) (see Figure 3). The ‘Agricultural’ designation of the OCP means “land that is reserved for farming and for agri-industrial uses that serve and support agriculture.” The OCP does not presently contain any policy regarding the maximum size of a produce processing facility considered appropriate in an agricultural setting.

5. In 2011, Council approved the Agriculture Strategy which aims to enhance the health and viability of the agricultural economy through seven key objectives. One of these objectives includes fostering agriculture-friendly regulations and enhancing opportunities for agricultural enterprise.

6. The proposal is supportive of the OCP in that it serves and supports agriculture and

enhances opportunities for agricultural enterprise.

Zoning 7. The subject property is split zoned as Agricultural and Produce Processing Zone (A4)

and Agricultural One Zone (A1) (see Figure 4). There is no maximum density or maximum floor area requirement for produce processing facilities in the A4 Zone; however, the A4 Zone does limit the lot coverage of a produce processing facility to 8,000m2 (86,111ft2), including any non-agricultural uses accessory thereto.

8. One of the buildings used in association with the A4 produce processing use is located on the A1 portion of the site and is part of the area that exceeds the area previously approved by the ALC for non-farm produce processing (see Building 4 in Figure 5). The purpose of this building as described in the Building Permit application was likely interpreted as an accessory residential use, which is permitted in the A1 Zone, thus the building permit was issued. However, the building is currently being used as part of the non-farm processing operation, which is not permitted in the A1 Zone. The produce processing use in the A1 zoned portion of the subject property will need to be reconciled through a potential future City of Abbotsford development application. While a site specific A1 zoning amendment is not an ideal solution, given the historic nature and associated produce processing storage/logistic functions of this building, it may be a suitable solution to reconcile the non-compliance in this instance.

9. The proposal is consistent with the Zoning Bylaw with the exception of the one processing building that is located on the A1 portion of the site. This inconsistency will need to be addressed through a future Zoning Bylaw amendment if the non-farm use application is forwarded to and approved by the ALC.

ALC 50% Rule

10. According to the Agricultural Land Commission’s (ALC) Use, Subdivision and Procedure

Regulation (BC Reg. 171/2002), the storage, packing, product preparation and processing of farm products are permitted farm uses within the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR), provided a minimum of 50% of the product being processed originates from that particular farm operation. As outlined previously, none of the finished product is

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produced using on-farm inputs and thus a non-farm use in the ALR application is required for the operation.


11. Planning staff are currently undertaking a comprehensive planning process called

AgRefresh. This initiative will review and update municipal agricultural policies, bylaws and regulations, and also establish a framework for on-going bylaw compliance for land within the ALR. Through the background research, one of the key topics identified is the increased demand for on-farm processing activity in Abbotsford. The consolidation of farms is now leading to greater demand for larger on-farm processing facilities to handle the total production of the farm operation. An increase in the variety and intensity of food processing over the years has resulted in proposals to expand processing size limitations, hence the need to review these regulations.

12. The scale of the overall processing proposal is in general keeping with that of on-farm food processing facilities permitted in agricultural areas (approximately 21,525ft2 (2,000m2)) as analyzed through AgRefresh discussions to-date, however, it deviates in that it is not associated with farm commodity production (not meeting the 50% farm product requirement).

13. AgRefresh has recently completed a Stage 2 New Directions Report, which addresses a number of land use topics important for ALR Lands in Abbotsford. On April 12, 2017, staff presented a draft of the Stage 2 New Directions Report to ADDIAC for feedback; subsequently the final Stage 2 report was received by Council on July 31, 2017. The AgRefresh project is now in Stage 3, preparing more detailed policies and regulation based on the Stage 2 New Directions Report. Notwithstanding the progress on the AgRefresh project, and in consideration of the recently initiated Provincial ALC/ALR review, Council has directed staff to pause the AgRefresh planning process until early 2019, allowing coordination with the outcomes of the Provincial review.

Servicing & Building Code Requirements

14. No major servicing requirements were identified through the application referral process. The Engineering and Regional Utilities Department indicated that a cul-de-sac will be required at the end of the constructed portion of Winson Road, which would be further reviewed through a potential future City of Abbotsford development application if this non-farm use application is forwarded and approved by the ALC. Consultation with provincial environmental agencies and Fraser Health may be needed along with additional works and services requirements if the application is forwarded to and approved by the ALC.

15. The applicant’s Architect or Engineer will be required to provide sealed Code Compliance drawings and a Building Code analysis for the existing associated buildings and structures to ensure compliance with appropriate standards. Septic approval from Fraser Health will be required.

Ministry of Agriculture Review

16. Ministry of Agriculture staff reviewed the proposal and provided the following feedback:

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“I am cognizant of the important charitable work by the Fraser Valley Gleaners Society (FVG) at the site. At the same time, priority use of land in the ALR remains agricultural and non-farm uses should stay exceptional. Generally, as non-farm assets on farmland grow in size and value, the likelihood diminishes that the infrastructure, and sometimes the entire parcel it is located on, will ever return to agricultural production when the non-farm use ceases. I expect, therefore, reasonable efforts to be made by applicants to minimize the footprint of all non-farm uses. FVG has hitherto been successfully operating in the existing building which contains office space, lunchroom and washrooms already. However, I could not find any compelling reason in the application why additional space is needed and why existing rooms cannot be altered to accommodate the proposed non-farm uses. I also understand from the drawing attached to your email dated November 03, 2017, that the current building footprint on the subject parcel already exceeds the expansion approved by the ALC in 2005. However, it appears that FVG is not applying for non-farm use for that area but for a non-farm use for only the addition to the existing main building. I would therefore recommend that the applicant (a) seeks (retrospective) approval from the ALC for the area that exceeds the area approved in 2005 first before the subject non-farm use application is forwarded to the ALC (b) provides a rationale why the intended uses of the expansion cannot be accommodated within the current building footprint.”

International Considerations

17. As the lands directly abut the Canada/US border, a 3.0 metre right-of-way directly adjacent to the Canada/US border in favour of the City of Abbotsford will be required at a future City development application stage to prohibit any work (defined in accordance with the International Boundary Commission Act as any ditch, earthwork, building or structure of any description or any lines of telephone, telegraph or power, including posts, piers or abutments for sustaining or protecting the wires or cables of those lines) within this area without first obtaining written approval from the International Boundary Commission and providing a copy to the City of Abbotsford. This will be addressed in conjunction with the future City development application if this ALC application is forwarded to and approved by the ALC.

Rational to Support the Application 18. This application was presented to the City’s Agriculture, Drainage, Dyking and Irrigation

Advisory Committee (ADDIAC) on February 14, 2018. The Committee unanimously recommended that the application be supported, subject to no further additions beyond the proposed addition with the subject application.

19. Staff is of the opinion that the non-farm use represents a valuable charitable service and the scale of the operation is in general keeping with that of on-farm food processing

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facilities permitted in agricultural areas. The City’s A4 Zone does not limit density or the maximum floor area for produce processing facilities (except that lot coverage is limited to 8,000m2). Thus, the proposal is consistent with the Zoning Bylaw with the exception of the one processing building that is located on the A1 portion of the site. This inconsistency will need to be addressed through a future Zoning Bylaw amendment if the non-farm use application is forwarded to and approved by the ALC.

20. Based on the above, staff recommends that this non-farm use in the ALR be forwarded to the ALC with support to permit both the proposed addition to the produce processing use and for retroactive approval of the area that exceeds the area previously approved by the ALC for non-farm produce processing.

Communication Plan Should Council decide to forward this application to the ALC, and it receives approval from the ALC, the applicant will be notified of the decision by letter. Non-farm use applications do not require advertisements in the City Page of the local newspaper nor mail-outs to adjacent properties. Future rezoning application(s) will follow standard notification procedure. FINANCIAL PLAN IMPLICATION No financial plan implications are anticipated. Rajat Sharma General Manager, Finance and Corporate Services Signed 8/9/2018 4:22 PM

IMPACTS ON COUNCIL POLICIES, STRATEGIC PLAN AND/OR COUNCIL DIRECTION No strategic plan implications are anticipated. SUBSTANTIATION OF RECOMMENDATION An ALC application for a non-farm use in the ALR has been received to permit an expansion to an existing produce processing facility on the subject property. Staff also recommends that this application be forwarded to the ALC for consideration of retroactive approval of the area that exceeds what was previously approved by the ALC for non-farm produce processing. Council must determine whether or not the application should be allowed to proceed forward to the ALC; and if forwarded, whether to provide additional comment. Staff recommends that Council forward this non-farm use application to the ALC with support for the following reasons:

it has received the support of ADDIAC;

it offers a valuable charitable service and the scale of the operation is in general keeping with that of on-farm food processing facilities permitted in agricultural areas;

it is consistent with the OCP in that it offers an agri-industrial use that serves and supports agriculture and enhances the health and viability of the agricultural economy by enhancing opportunities for agricultural enterprise; and

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the proposal is consistent with the Zoning Bylaw with the exception of the one processing building that is located on the A1 portion of the site. This inconsistency will need to be addressed through a future Zoning Bylaw amendment if the application is forwarded to and approved by the ALC.

James Bryndza Planner Signed 8/9/2018 10:22 AM

Darren Braun Director, Development Planning Signed 8/9/2018 4:14 PM

Darren Braun Director, Development Planning Signed 8/9/2018 4:27 PM


Council Report Figures 0 to 5 Attachment A - Applicant's Letter of Intent Attachment B - ALC Decision Letter

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City Context Plan File: PRJ17-154 Location: 85 Winson Road


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Subject Property

Figure 1 - Location PlanFile No.: PRJ17-154

±50 1500


85 Winson RoadDate1/9/2018±

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Figure 2 - Context PlanFile No.: PRJ17-154

50 1500


Urban Development BoundaryCreeks and StreamsMarshRight of WayAgricultural Land Reserve

Subject Property

±85 Winson Road



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Urban Development BoundaryGeneral industrialHigh Impact industrialInstitutionalAgriculture

Subject PropertyAgriculture

Figure 3 - Official Community PlanFile No.: PRJ17-154


50 1500

Meters ±85 Winson Road

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Subject PropertyExisting Zone = A1

Figure 4 - Existing ZoningFile No.: PRJ17-154

50 1500

Meters ±85 Winson Road





Subject PropertyExisting Zone = A4

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((!2 ((!3 ((!5



Figure 5 - Proposed Site PlanFile No.: PRJ17-154

±85 Winson Road


Protion of propertyzoned A4

PRJ17-132: Area underseparate non-farm useapplication proposingsupportive recovery uses

Existing Non-Farm Use 1,977 sqm (Approx. 21,279 sq.ft)Proposed additon to Non-Farm Use 125.5 sqm (approx. 1,350 sq.ft)

1. Kitchnen, Lunchroom, Washrooms, & Office2. Processing Plant3. Food Preparation Area4. Barrel Storage & Shipping5. Cold Storage Building6. Shop & Extra Storage7. Proposed addition to Kitchen, Lunchroom, Washrooms, & Office8. Cottage

Page 15: Attachment B - ALC Decision Letter

85 Winson Road, Abbotsford, BC V2S 8£8 Phone (604) 870-9272 · Toll-free 1-866-772-7070 Fax (604) 870-9273 E-mail [email protected] · Web www.fvgleaners.org

October 4, 2017

City of Abbotsford Planning & Development Services 32315 South Fraser Way Abbotsford, BC V2T 1 W7

Dear Sir or Madam:

This Letter of Intent is to ask for permission to build an addition to our existing main building at Fraser Valley Gleaners Society, 85 Winson Road, Abbotsford, 8.C.

V2S 8E8.

We are a Non-for-Profit Organization which makes a Nutritious Soup Mix Product for Humanitarian Aid overseas. We work 55+ volunteers who come and work here at our plant together to make this project happen. Most of our volunteers are seniors, students and service groups from the Fraser Valley.

Our addition would include upgrading our washrooms to meet Health Inspector Standards and adding office space and coffee room for our volunteers.

Thank you for considering this application.

Yours truly,

Ben Doerksen Director and Agent for Fraser Valley Gleaners

Page 16: Attachment B - ALC Decision Letter

November 3, 2005

Mennonite Central Committee Attention: Laura Loewen PO Box 2038, 31414 Marshall Road Abbotsford, BC - V2T 3T8

Dear Ms. Loewen:

Re: Application# MM-36250 PIO: 010-942-190

Agricultural Land Commission 133-4940 Canada Way Burnaby, British Columbia V5G 4K6 Tel: 604-660-7000 Fax: 604-660-7033 www.alc.gov.bc.ca

Reply to the attention of Gordon Bednard

Lot A, Section 3, 1Township 16, New Westminster District, Plan 3606, EXCEPT Part of SE 1/4

The Provincial Agricultural Land Commission (the "Commission") has now concluded its review of your application to expand the existing 10,000 square foot food processing facility by 6300 square feet. This addition would include: a 900 sq.ft canopy in the receiving area, 3500 sq ft building addition for dehydrators and storage, and a 1800 sq ft addition to the west end of the present building for warehousing. The application was submitted pursuant to section 20(3) of the Agricultural Land Commission Act (the "ALCA").

The Commission wishes to thank Jake Redekop and other representatives of the MCC for taking the time to meet with its representatives on October 18, 2005 at the property. The Commission found the meeting and site visit informative.

The Commission writes to advise that it approved your application subject to:

• the use being restricted to the area identified on the attached plan. • compliance with applicable Acts, regulations, bylaws of the local government, and

decisions and orders of any person or body having jurisdiction over the land under an enactment. The Commission suggests you contact the City of Abbotsford at your earliest convenience.

The decision noted above is recorded as Resolution# 577/2005.

Please quote your application number in any future correspondence.

Yours truly,


Erik K

cc: ord Attn: Melissa Price (#3040-20/AOS-004)

Page 17: Attachment B - ALC Decision Letter

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Provincial Agricultural Land Commission Application: MM-36250 Resolution # 577/2005

Approved site plan for 6500 square foot addition to existing food processing facility

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Page 18: Attachment B - ALC Decision Letter

Resolution # 577/2005 Application# MM- 36250


Minutes of a meeting held by the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission (the "Commission") on October 18, 2005 at Abbotsford, B.C.

PRESENT: Carol Paulson Walter Dyck

ABSENT: Peter Dhillon

Commissioner Commissioner

STAFF: Gordon Bednard, Regional Research Officer Tony Pellett, Planner

For Consideration

Gordon Bednard presented his staff report dated October 11, 2005 regarding application #MM- 36250.

Site Inspection

A site inspection was conducted on October 18, 2005. Those in attendance were: • Commissioners Paulson, & Dyck • Agricultural Land Commission Staff: Gordon Bednard, Regional Research Officer and

Tony Pellett, Planner • Jake Redekop representing the MCC.

The Commission was taken on a tour of the existing facility and was shown the area proposed for expansion.

Commission Discussion

The Commission considered that the proposed expansion would not negatively impact on adjacent farm operations.


Commissioner Dyck Commissioner Paulson

THAT the staff report be received and the application be approved as presented for a 6500 square foot addition in three phases: a 900 sq.ft canopy in the receiving area, 3500 sq ft building addition for dehydrators and storage, and 1800 sq ft addition to the west end of the present building for warehouse.

This approval is subject to compliance with any other enactment, legislation or decision of any agency having jurisdiction.


Page 19: Attachment B - ALC Decision Letter

Staff Report Application# MM - 36250

Applicant: Mennonite Central Committee (Laura Loewen)

DATE PREPARED: October 11, 2005

TO: Chair and Commissioners -South Coast Panel

FROM: Gordon Bednard, Regional Research Officer

PROPOSAL: To expand the existing 10,000 square foot food processing facility by 6300 square feet. This addition to include: 900 sq.ft canopy in the receiving area, 3500 sq ft building addition for dehydrators and storage, and 1800 sq ft addition to the west end of the present building for warehouse.

This application is made pursuant to section 20(3) of the Agricultural Land Commission Act.

The processed vegetables from this facility are shipped overseas and used for humanitarian assistance. There is an existing covenant on the property which allowed the construction of the building and restricts the use of the facility to the processing of vegetables.

Local Government:

City of Abbotsford

Legal Description of Property:

PID: 010-942-190 Lot A, Section 3, Township 16, New Westminster District, Plan 3606, EXCEPT Part of SE 1/4

Purchase Date (m/d/y):


Location of Property:

15 Winson Road, Abbotsford

Size of Property:

3.8 ha {The entire property is in the ALR).

Present use of the Property:

two residences, 10,000 sq ft food processing facility, forested and cleared land.

Page 20: Attachment B - ALC Decision Letter

Surrounding Land Uses:


raspberry farms in ALR border with USA raspberry farms in ALR cleared and active farm lands in ALR

Agricultural Capability: Data Source: Agricultural Capability Map # 92G/1 c The majority of the property is identified as having Prime Dominant ratings. (class 3 and 4)

Official Community Plan and Designation: Agricultural

Zoning Bylaw and Designation: Agriculture One Agriculture and Produce processing 8 ha MLS

Application #33532-0 Applicant: Mennonite Central Committee Decision Date: November 21, 2000 Proposal: Propose to construct a 10,000 sq ft building to enable the processing (cutting,

drying, bulk packaging and storage ) of fresh produce on the 3.8 ha property. Decision: Allowed subject to registration of a restrictive covenant limiting the use of the

proposed facility to the processing of fresh produce, and, rescinding the Commission's previous approval for construction of a third dwelling on the property to accommodate emotionally disturbed individuals.

Application #14199-0 Applicant: Mennonite Central Committee Decision Date: April 05, 1982 Proposal: Proposed to establish an additional mental health care facility on the 3.8 ha

property. Decision: Allowed. Rescinded with passing of approval for #33532 above

Forwarded with no comment

Agricultural Advisory Committee - supports the application

Staff recommends allowance of the application as presented with the condition that the existing covenant be amended to include the proposed additions.


Signature Date