Attacchi informatici: Strategie e tecniche per capire, prevenire e proteggersi dagli attacchi della rete Analisi degli attacchi DDOS e delle contromisure Alessandro Tagliarino 06 Novembre 2017

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Attacchi informatici:Strategie e tecniche per capire, prevenire e proteggersi dagli attacchi della rete

Analisi degli attacchi DDOS e delle contromisure

Alessandro Tagliarino

06 Novembre 2017

Page 2: Attacchi informatici: Strategie e tecniche per capire ... · Attacchi informatici: Strategie e tecniche per capire, prevenire e proteggersi dagli attacchi della rete Analisi degli

6 Novembre 2017

Alessandro Tagliarino – Presales Team Leader

pag. 2




25% AmountofglobaltrafficmonitoredbytheATLAS securityintelligenceinitiativerightnow!





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6 Novembre 2017

Alessandro Tagliarino – Presales Team Leader

pag. 3

This presentation provides a summary of the results of ArborNetworks’ 12th annual Worldwide Infrastructure Security Report(WISR)

The WISR documents the collective experiences, observations andconcerns of the operational security community in 2016 plusforecasts for the coming year

The WISR has changed immeasurably in terms of its scope andscale over 12 years, but the core goal is still to provide real insightinto infrastructure security from an operational perspective


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6 Novembre 2017

Alessandro Tagliarino – Presales Team Leader

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• SPrespondents:51%Tier2/3operators&25%Tier1• EGErespondent:61%enterprise,35%education&14%government

• Enterprise:32%banking/financeupfrom18%lastyear.• Technology,automotive/transportationandmanufacturingarealsowellrepresented,

roundingoutthetop4• GeographicSplit:32%NorthAmerica,28%Europe,23%APAC,10%MiddleEast/Africa&7%LATAM

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Alessandro Tagliarino – Presales Team Leader

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• ItsneverbeeneasiertolaunchaDDoSattack.

• DDoSattacksareincreasinginsize,frequencyandcomplexity.

• DDoSattacksareusedassmokescreensorformsofdiversionduringadvancedthreatcampaigns2.

• OneOftheTop3causesofunplannedoutages,DDoSattacks


DidYouKnow?For$5/hr anyone canlaunch







74% …involvedDDOSasadiversion2




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Alessandro Tagliarino – Presales Team Leader

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• Largestattackreportedwas800Gbps withotherrespondentsreportingattacksof600Gbps,550Gbps,and500Gbps

• Onethirdofrespondentsreportpeakattacksover100Gbps

• 41%ofEGErespondentsand61%ofdata-centeroperatorsreportedattacksexceedingtheirtotalInternetcapacity

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Alessandro Tagliarino – Presales Team Leader

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• Peakmonitoredattackof579Gbps,73%growthfrom2015

• 558attacksover100Gbps,87over200Gbps

– Comparedto223and16in2015• 20%ofattacksover1Gbps,as

opposedto16%in2015• Averageattackssizenow931Mbps,


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Alessandro Tagliarino – Presales Team Leader

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TheResult• Firsthigh-profileattackusingIoT devicesChristmas2013,usingCPEandwebcams• In2016BotnetownersstartedtorecruitIoT devicesen mass• Attacksof540GbpsagainsttheOlympics,620GbpsagainstKrebs,Dyn etc..

TheProblem• Almosteverypieceoftechnologywebuyis

‘connected’• Devicesaredesignedtobeeasytodeploy


• Softwareisveryrarelyupgraded.Somemanufacturersdon’tprovideupdates,ortheabilitytoinstallupdates

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Alessandro Tagliarino – Presales Team Leader

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• BillionsofIoT devicesconnectedtotheInternet

– Estimatesvary,5B+,withmillionsaddedeveryday

• ArborhoneypotdeviceslookforexploitactivityonTelnet/SSHports

• 1Mloginattemptsfrom11/29to12/12from92KuniqueIPaddresses

• Morethan1attemptperminuteinsomeregions

Mirai isdesignedtoinfectandcontrolIoT devicesandcontainsthecodenecessarytomanageandbuildlarge-scalebotnets

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Alessandro Tagliarino – Presales Team Leader

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Scale:Driving Factors,ReflectionAmplification

• ReflectionAmplificationattackscontinue,buttherehasbeensomecyclicchangeintheprotocolsfavoredbyattackers.

• StronggrowthintheuseofDNS(again)through2016

• Largestmonitoredattackof498.3Gbs,a97%jumpfromlastyear

– DNSandNTPattacksover400Gbps,Chargen over200Gbps

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Alessandro Tagliarino – Presales Team Leader

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• VolumetricattacksstillrepresentthemajorityofactivityforbothSPandEGErespondents.• 95%ofSPreportapplicationslayerattacks,93%lastyear,90%in2014• 67%ofSPreportmulti-vectorattacks,56%lastyear,32%in2014

ServiceProviderAttackTypes EGEAttackTypes

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Alessandro Tagliarino – Presales Team Leader

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• DNSandHTTPthemostcommonservicestargetedbyapplicationlayerattacks• MajorityofSPandEGErespondentsalsoseeattackstargetingHTTPS• 57%ofEGErespondentsseeattackstargetingtheapplicationbehindHTTPS

– Muchhigherthanthe22%seenbySPs– Ciphersuitesthatpreventtrafficinspectionareakeyproblem



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Alessandro Tagliarino – Presales Team Leader

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• 53%ofSPsseemorethan51attackspermonth,upfrom44%• 21%ofdata-centersseemorethan50attackspermonth,upfrom8%• 45%ofEGEseemorethan10attackspermonth,upfrom28%• ATLASistracking135,000Volumetricattacksperweek.

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Alessandro Tagliarino – Presales Team Leader

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• SPsseeOnlineGamingandHackivism astopmotivations

• EGEseeIdeologicalHacktivismandExtortionastop

• 26%ofEGEseeDDoSfordistraction,upfrom12%

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Alessandro Tagliarino – Presales Team Leader

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• SPsseeGovernment,FinanceandHostingastoptargets

• SPsseeingattacksoncloudservicesdropsfromonethirdtoonequarter

• 42%ofEGErespondentsexperiencedanattack

– 63%offinance,upfrom45%

– 53%ofgovernment,upfrom43%

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Alessandro Tagliarino – Presales Team Leader

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• Nearlythreequartersofdatacenterrespondentssawbetween1and20attacksthatimpactedtheirservicein2016

• Operationalexpensesaretopbusinessimpact

• Significantincreaseinrevenueloss,upfrom33%to42%

• 23%estimatecostofasignificantattackover$100K,5%estimateover$1M

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Alessandro Tagliarino – Presales Team Leader

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• 83%ofSPsuseIDMStomitigateDDoSattacks– UseofIDMSandD/RTBHarebothincreasing

• 77%ofSPsmitigateattackinlessthan20minutes– 27%mitigateautomatically

• 78%ofSPsseemoredemandfromcustomers,up4percentoverlastyear– Government,Finance,eCommerce andHostingaredrivingdemand

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Alessandro Tagliarino – Presales Team Leader

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• 60%useIDMS• 40%usefirewalls

– downfrom71%

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• Firewalls,IPS/WAFandACLsmostcommon

• 35%usecloudDDoSmitigation– Upfrom28%

• 30%uselayeredDDoSmitigation– Upfrom23%

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Alessandro Tagliarino – Presales Team Leader

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• NearlyhalfofSPsnowimplementanti-spoofingfilters• RehearsingDDoSattackprocessesandproceduresiskey

• 10%increaseinSPsrunningsimulations,37%dothisquarterly• EGE55%nowrunsimulations,40%dothisquarterly

• DifficultyinhiringandretainingpersonnelremainsakeyissueforbothSPandEGErespondents

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Alessandro Tagliarino – Presales Team Leader

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