Do you know atp? Become her contact Who is on Multiply? Find your friends Want to learn more? Take the Tour Already a Member? Sign In "atpcorporation" Website: GODSEND Products- Fulvic Acid ("Miracle Molecule") & Natural ZEOLITES , * * * " F R E E " in the P H I L I P P I N E S ! ! ! . With ORGANIC GERMANIUM" - SYNTHESIZED BY ATP WITH the DIVINE PROVIDENCE of our CREATOR * * * * . Home Notes Blog Photos Video Music CalendarReviews Links Soil Theory & ATP's Fulvic Acid (Soil Based Matters); Source: www.cellsalt.net; Maintains that GERMS, FUNGII and PARASITES only thrive in a toxic body - and the root cause of all disease is CELLULAR TOXEMIA.! Aug 13, '08 7:59 AM for everyone ATP –Series 008 Dated : June 8, 2008 Subject : "SOIL THEORY" Discussion : "Nourish the body and it will thrive for a time, Nourish the genes and it may thrive for multiples of that time". . . . Dear GUEST / SPONSORS/ DONORS… atpcoop View Conta cts (827) View Group s (39) Photo s of atp Perso nal Messa ge RSS Feed [?] Report Abuse

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ATP Blog11 - Soil Theory. You may want to print the various FULVIC - Humic Acid Report and other educational documents that we have and give it them to your doctor. Your doctor may very well be grateful that you did......

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"atpcorporation" Website: GODSEND Products- Fulvic Acid ("Miracle Molecule") & Natural ZEOLITES , * * * " F R E E " in the P H I L I P P I N E S ! ! ! . With ORGANIC GERMANIUM" - SYNTHESIZED BY ATP WITH the DIVINE PROVIDENCE of our CREATOR * * * *


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Soil Theory & ATP's Fulvic Acid (Soil Based Matters); Source: www.cellsalt.net; Maintains that GERMS, FUNGII and PARASITES only thrive in a toxic body - and the root cause of all disease is CELLULAR TOXEMIA.!

Aug 13, '08 7:59



ATP –Series 008Dated : June 8, 2008Subject : "SOIL THEORY"Discussion : "Nourish the body and it will thrive for a time, Nourish the genes and it may thrive for multiples of that time". . . . Dear GUEST / SPONSORS/ DONORS…


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The undersigned would like to quote materials from :

Source: www.cellsalt.net

which highlights &

maintains that GERMS, FUNGII and

PARASITES only thrive in a toxic body - and the root cause of all disease


Page 3: ATP Blog11 - Soil Theory

The Video Testimonials of ATP patients regarding the use of ATP Products Bio Minerals and Bio Energizers (whose formulation is composed of ZEOLITES & FULVIC ACID) also highlights the effects of Fulvic Acid in the body's bio chemical reactions and its effects on the body's electrical potential

At present Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Corporation is distributing ATP Products (Zeolites & Fulvic Acid) for FREE to the following recipients: 1. Daily patient/recipients at ATP Global Foundation- located at Bohol Mansion Office, 43 E.Lopez Ave., corner Sgt. Esguerra St., Quezon City, Philippines; and 2. Weekly patients of ATP/Salamat Dok –TV program of ABS CBN network, every Saturday 6-7 AM and Sunday 7-8 AM; venue –ABS CBN compound. (This weekly Medical Mission started last March 17, 2007 and continuing up to present)

Please be guided accordingly.

/Print this document ! (For educational purposes)

Note : The information

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contained herein is for informational purposes only.You may want to print ATP MEDICAL LITERATURE and other educational documents that we have and give it them to your doctor.Your doctor may very well be grateful that you did.


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The germs of life | 150 years of hidden knowledge | Related links |

Soil Theory vs Germ TheorySoil theory maintains that GERMS, FUNGII

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and PARASITES only thrive in a toxic body - and the root cause of all disease is CELLULAR TOXEMIA. "The germ theory proposes you

get rid of the flies, while it makes more sense to clean up the garbage attracting them."

--Bill Nelson, developer of the QXCI machine

"If I could live my life over again, I would devote it to proving that germs seek their natural habitat, diseased

tissue - rather than being the cause of the diseased tissue." -- Rudolph

Virchow (1821-1902)

"Bernard was right, the germ is

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nothing--the milieu [the environment within] is

everything." - Louis Pasteur (on his

deathbed) "Many forms of diagnosis are dependent upon what germ life exists, and its existence in the

body usually indicates a bad state of deterioration. Disease germs are nature's undertakers"

- -- Bernard Jenson, The Science and Practise of Iridology

"... depending on its inner state, germs arose within the body itself that, in Rife’s opinion, were not the cause but the result of disease states."

--150 Years of Suppression, by Christopher Bird 1991

"Rife showed that by altering the environment and food supply, friendly bacteria such as colon bacillus, could be converted into the 'pathogenic' bacteria known as typhoid. "Rife was able to observe that the viral agent associated with certain forms of cancer could in time be modified into

harmless bacillus coli, and

the process reversed. Rife stated that it was the unbalanced cell metabolism of the human body that in actuality

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produced the disease. He believed that if the human body

was perfectly balanced, it was susceptible to no disease.

"Virulence is an ecological problem -- that is, a problem of the state of internal cleanliness.


Germs - the CAUSE or RESULT of disease?

Yes, germs are contagious.

Some germs favour different genetics

Some germs are more virulent than others.

Medical science has successfully treated many diseases, particularly those of a contagious nature spread by germs. But cures for many diseases remain elusive --

asthma, housedust allergies, hayfever, rheumatism, gout, arthritis, diabetes and dementia. There is some evidence that allopathic medicine

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has got it all wrong. Over-reliance on antibiotics, vaccinations and drugs create a fools paradise where symptoms are suppressed, toxins are held within the body and eventually leading to more insidious diseases. "The nutritive medium on which the germs thrive determines the type of development they will

undergo." -- Saul Pressman

Antibiotic resistant bacteria are common knowledge. Scientists often make comments to the effect that bacteria swap DNA very quickly between themselves making it very

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difficult to create effective treatments because of the germs keep mutating. The following article talks about the 'germs of life' and basically contends that germs mutate to become more virulent or benign in a direct response to their environment.

Cellular Toxemia and 'Germs of Life' by Saul Pressman

"The so-called 'bad' bacteria and viruses that modern medicine fights with its huge arsenal of

pharmaceutical drugs are in reality the germs of life. These germs of life live in symbiosis with the nutritive medium that constitutes our body, allowing it to be built up and later decomposed, to be metamorphosed and recreated. These germs are pleomorphic shapeshifters who are controlled by the medium in which they live.

"Germs are not something separate, isolated, unfriendly and coming from

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without, but are rather the foundation for all life. Without germs, there is no life.

Their number is infinite. Their function is varied. Germs can change shape, join together, separate again and return to their primordial condition. Viruses, bacteria and fungii are various developmental forms of germs. The nutritive medium on which the germs thrive determines the type of development they will undergo.

"Early in this century, Dr. Carl Edward Rosenow of the Mayo Biological Laboratories began a

series of experiments in which he took distinctive bacterial strains from a number of disease sources and placed them in one culture of uniform media. In time, the

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distinctive strains all changed and became one uniform class.

By repeatedly changing cultures, he could individually modify bacterial strains, making

harmless ones 'pathogenic,' and in turn reverse the process. He concluded that the critical factor controlling the nature of the bacteria was the food and environment they lived on.

These discoveries were first published in 1914 in the Journal of

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Infectious Diseases. "Rosenow's work was corroborated and expanded upon about two decades later by Royal R. Rife, developer of the Universal Microscope, with a resolution of 150,000 power. This precision instrument made live bacteria and viruses visible. "Rife showed that by altering the environment and food supply, friendly bacteria, such as colon bacillus, could be converted into the 'pathogenic' bacteria known as typhoid.

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Rife was able to observe that the viral agent associated with certain forms of cancer could in time be modified into harmless bacillus coli, and the process reversed.

Rife stated that it was the unbalanced cell metabolism of the human body that in actuality produced the disease.

He believed that if the human

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body was perfectly balanced, it was susceptible to no disease. "Virulence is an ecological problem -- that is, a problem of the state of internal cleanliness.

Immunity and Vaccinations "It is known that children who cannot produce antibodies in their blood (agammaglobulinemia) nevertheless recover from diseases such as measles and still have long-term immunity.

People with no antibodies have been

found who are extremely resistant to diseases,

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while other people have developed diseases to

which they already had high levels of antibodies. "Official U.S. military records show that highly immunised personnel manifest a mortality rate from diptheria four times higher than of unvaccinated civilians.

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"It is now clear that the body needs no 'help' of the sort provided by immunisation; that antibodies in the blood stream are not required to protect the body; and that immunisation can cause immune suppression,

permanent nervous system damage and growth stunting.

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There is also strong evidence that immunisation can actually cause the diseases it was meant to prevent.

This view has gained support from the writing of a report commissioned by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) from Dr. Raymond Obomsawin in 1992.

"In his detailed report, Dr. Obomsawin found that the idea of induced immunity was an illusion founded on:

Discredited scientific theories,

The refusal to examine

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contrary data,

The lack of proper follow-up assessment of immunised children,

Poor statistical methods."The positive impact of immunisation on public health has never, repeat NEVER, been

substantiated in any unbiased study. Immunised people have repeatedly fallen ill to the disease they were supposedly vaccinated against and epidemics are statistically MORE numerous in more widely vaccinated

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groups (studies in Gambia, Brazil and Taiwan). "Estimates by 'experts' on the degree and severity of adverse reactions have been woefully

wrong and serious damage and even fatalities have gone unreported, preventing a true assessment of the value of immunisation. "Repeatedly, statistics and reports have been manipulated in an attempt to show the

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effectiveness of vaccination.

The best known case involves the famous Salk polio vaccine.

This massive program is held up as a shining example of the effectiveness of vaccination, yet the statistical evidence shows that polio was on its natural cyclic downturn at the time of introduction of the

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vaccine in 1956. In one of the rare double blind tests ever done on a vaccine, the group receiving it had 200 cases of polio reported, while the control group had none.

Polio disappeared in Europe in the mid-50s about the same time as in America, yet there was no program of mass-

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vaccination there. "Some scientists are now postulating that full vaccination irreparably weakens the child's immune system. These same scientists theorise that mass inoculation is responsible for the widespread escalation of auto-immune, degenerative and allergic conditions

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amongst those subjected to vaccination as children.

A further disturbing trend is the increasing coercion placed upon parents to force them to have their children subjected to this massive invasion of their bodies. The weight of state sanctions against parents is unconscionable, especially when the true dangers of immunisation have now been laid bare in this report.

"Now that we know that vaccination offers no protection against disease we are left with the question of what is disease, how to present it and how to treat it.


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Dr Enderlein's discoverieshttp://www.soilandhealth.org/02/0201hyglibcat/020122horne.21stcentury/020122ch5.html

Dr Enderlein's sixty years of research using more refined equipment achieved discoveries which precisely duplicated those of Bechamp and confirmed Bechamp's views. Enderlein found that::

1. The cell does not represent the primary living unit of the body. Instead the primary units were tiny biological units which he called protits which live within the cells.

2. The blood is not sterile, but contains micro-organisms capable of causing mischief given the proper milieu.

3. Certain micro-organisms undergo an exact, scientifically verifiable growth cycle.

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TO BE OR NOT TO BE? 150 Years of Hidden Knowledgeby Christopher Bird 1991 (Nexus Magazine April 1992)http://www.whale.to/p/bird.html

Trail blazers: Wilhelm Reich (bions), Royal Raymond Rife, Ernst Bernhard Almquist, Gaston Naessens (somatids), Antionne Bechamp and Guenther Enderlein)

Dr C (mycrozymas)Dr Dennis Myers (protit)

The mystery of pleomorphic microbial organisms "At the heart of science lies discovery which involves a change in worldview. Discovery in science is possible

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only in societies which accord their citizens the freedom to pursue the truth where it may lead and which therefore have respect for different paths to that truth,"

-- John Polanyi, Canadian Nobel Laureate (Chemistry); commencement address, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, June 1990

What follows is an attempt to provide a brief overview of astounding findings made by a band of intrepid and heretical searchers in a field of knowledge that deals with the very smallest forms of life.

Hard as it is to believe, these findings, made over more than a century ago, have been consistently ignored, censored by silence, or suppressed throughout all of that time by ruling "opinion-makers", orthodox (R1) thinkers in mainstream microbiology.

Instead of being welcomed with excitement and open arms, as one would a friend or lover, the amazing discoveries have been received with a hostility unusually only meted out to trespassers or impostors.

To try to present the vastness of a multi-dimensional panorama, is a little like trying to inscribe the contents of thick manuscript onto a postage stamp, or reduce the production of an hour-long drama into a few minutes of stage time.

Involved on the one hand is not only the sheer volume of material, but with books on the subject being hard to obtain, it is also not easily accessible and is sparsely referenced in ordinary bibliographical sources.

On the other hand, the protagonists in what amounts to a gripping saga were, more often than not, completely isolated from one another in space, time or both. They, and their parallel work and research, were consequently often unknown to their potential colleagues and natural allies. It was as if they were adventurers who, thinking themselves to be the sole explorers in

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virgin territory, were actually all opening up various parts of the same terra incognita.

Furthermore, as we have already said, the reports of the discovery of a whole "New World" by these many "Columbuses" were unwelcome, "Old World" cartographers had already made their maps and were satisfied with them.Therefore, since maps of this territory are sketchy at best, or nonexistent at worst, outsiders seeking to penetrate it should remember the Buddhist saying: "The only trails are those that are made by walking" And the ones upon which they set foot will be not so much selected by intention as stumbled upon by chance.

It is for such reasons that, when I thought about how I might approach this subject today, I decided to eschew the formality of any academic approach in favour of telling the tale of my own foray into the little known land of pleomorphic organisms as it actually unfolded.

Unlike other speakers at this symposium, I am neither a scientist, an academic or a health professional, but a writer who, for some

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20 years, has roved the "frontiers" of science.I am certain that if any of you have been propelled by some similarly strange twist of fate to go on the same quest, you have taken a different trail from nine.

Yet, as they say, "all roads finally lead to Rome."

First steps on the trail: Wilhelm Reich and the bions My first exposure to the world of pleomorphic organisms - though I did not recognise it at the time - came in 1969 when, after returning to the United States from a stint as a foreign

correspondent, I was asked by Peter Tompkins, an established author, to help him research a biography on the life and work of a "maverick" scientist,

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the late Wilhelm Reich M.D.If "maverickness" (R2) is a quality attributable to innovators unafraid of developing new ideas and inventions - and often unscorched by the brand of any formal education into the subjects of their research - then that term suits Reich to a "T’.

After first making his mark in psychoanalysis as Freud’s protégé and leading collaborator, he abruptly broke with the International Psychoanalytic Movement to take up an independent

career in an aspect of what today has come to be called biophysics. When he bolted the Freudian "herd" in the

mid-1930’s, most of his colleagues, became his bitter enemies.

Exiled from central Europe to Norway, he began working with an unusual microscope equipped with special lenses that could magnify living organisms to 2 -

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3000X their normal size, well over twice the magnification achievable with the ordinary

microscopes of his day.

Among his extraordinary discoveries were "vesicles", minuscule fluid-containing bladder-like sacs, that appeared in infusions of hay and other substances such as animal tissue, earth and coal.After much experimentation during which he noted a marked increase in the number of vesicles that could be cultured when the preparations containing them were boiled, he concluded that the strange forms he had discovered were "transitional", one lying midway between the realms of the animate and the inert.

To these heretofore unrecognised

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elementary stages of life, he gave the name: Bions.(1)Most microbiologists, not to speak of other life-scientists, undoubtedly looked upon Reich’s new creatures as if they had come straight out of Walt Disney’s old film, Fantasia. If so, they were in for an even ruder shock. For when Reich poured some of his boiled preparations onto

nutrient culture media, the cultures began to generate peculiar looking bacteria and amoebae, creating, as it were, well-known life-forms, at least forms akin

to them.

There was, of course, the possibility that the newly generated "animacules" - as Leuwenhock, inventor of the

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microscope called them when he first viewed them - could have invaded the cultures from the

ambient atmosphere or that they could have appeared because the culture media had been improperly sterilized. To rule these out, Reich

superheated his bion cultures to find that the ostensibly "dead" mixtures still gave rise to the higher microbic forms.This led to the further conclusion that bions, as preliminary stages of life, were embodiments of an indestructible life force that defied

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death. This life energy he called "Orgone."So apparently outlandish a discovery as that of a new "life energy" could not but rile biologists

who had long sought to dispose of "vitalistic theories" such as those of the French philosopher, Henri Bergson, who postulated an elan vital, or the German biologist, Hans Driesch, who, borrowing the term from Aristotle,

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referred to entelechy.

Biology was coming increasingly under the cold sway of a physics which adamantly rejected any "mystical" notions such as those of a "primal creator" or a "force of life", and therefore dutifully took its cue from the branch of science considered

"first among peers."

Were all his disclosures not already so heretical as to alarm orthodox or "correct opinion-

making" science, Reich next added - microbial bion structures could also be detected in and cultured from human blood - which then as now was,

and is, considered to be sterile, an unchanging doctrine still taught in medical schools.

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This, in turn, next led him to examine blood samples taken from persons suffering from cancer in which he saw extremely tiny bacterial forms that he connected to that lethal disease

process. He therefore labelled them T Prev: PROJECT TITLE: Multiplying the Miracle of Love Minerals (Fulvic Acid) Globalizing the Gift of Healthy Life.Next: HOW WE BECOME ACID? Source: www.cellsalt.net; Highlights The fact- That every disease begins, at a cellular level!

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