31/07/2015 1 Atlas of Living Scotland Stakeholder Partnership mee8ng Ed Mackey, Jo Muse, John Sawyer, Rachel Stroud CEO NBN Trust, [email protected] Scotland’s Environment Web (LIFE) Project and European LIFE funding programme Governance representation Scottish Biodiversity Information Forum And significant support from JNCC Purpose of this presenta8on Background to how we got here What is the Atlas of Living Scotland? Why build it, why now? What does it mean for you and how can you get involved? UK has a complex technical data infrastructure The aggregation of more than 100 million biological records on the NBN Gateway is an extraordinary achievement Our existing data infrastructure is not fit for future purpose There is strong support for collaboration to improve the data infrastructure and share biological data Conclusions…

Atlas&of&Living&Scotland& Stakeholder&Partnership& mee8ng&...31/07/2015(3(Options! 1. Invest in the NBN Gateway" 2. Start from scratch" 3. Use an existing system from another part

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Page 1: Atlas&of&Living&Scotland& Stakeholder&Partnership& mee8ng&...31/07/2015(3(Options! 1. Invest in the NBN Gateway" 2. Start from scratch" 3. Use an existing system from another part





Ed(Mackey,(Jo(Muse,(John(Sawyer,(Rachel(Stroud(CEO(NBN(Trust,([email protected](

Scotland’s Environment Web (LIFE) Project and European LIFE funding programme!

Governance representation!

Scottish Biodiversity Information Forum! And significant !

support from !JNCC!

Purpose&of&this&presenta8on&&•  Background to how we got here"

•  What is the Atlas of Living Scotland?"

•  Why build it, why now?"

•  What does it mean for you and how can you get involved?"

UK has a complex technical data infrastructure The aggregation of more than 100 million biological records on the NBN Gateway is an extraordinary achievement Our existing data infrastructure is not fit for future purpose There is strong support for collaboration to improve the data infrastructure and share biological data"


Page 2: Atlas&of&Living&Scotland& Stakeholder&Partnership& mee8ng&...31/07/2015(3(Options! 1. Invest in the NBN Gateway" 2. Start from scratch" 3. Use an existing system from another part




Scotland’s Environment

Scotland’s Soils

Scotland’s Aquaculture Biodiveristy

Connected web of information and datafocussed/specialist

Others…. e.g. Climate


Partner and other


A daughter site for Scotland’s Environment Web

“Biological data collected and shared openly by the

Network are central to the UK’s learning and understanding of its biodiversity and are

critical to all decision-making about nature and

the environment” ""

NBN Vision and strategy!

Five Strategic Aims!

1. Record, collect, diversify, enhance and mobilise data"2. Make data and info available"3. Captivate and engage people about wildlife"4. Provide the best infrastructure"5. Support the NBN and its members""

✖ ! ✖ ! ✖ !


30,0000+ records

each day (but

taxonomic and

geographic gaps in our collection)"

Vast expertise

across Network members

(but limited resources)"

Success in national and

regional aggregation –

110 million records on

NBN Gateway"Data has


Some data used in

some ways"Data use

limited for a wide array

of purposes"

Some good tools."

Analysis restricted to

atlases, research and a few emerging



knowledge and

expertise across

Network"Reliance on

volunteer experts"

“Our biological records are not working as hard as they could.

We will turn the UK’s biodiversity databases into a treasure trove

rather than a hoard”

NBN Strategy 2015-2020"

Our objectives!•  To provide:"–  A trusted, national portal for Scottish biodiversity data"–  Access to raw biodiversity data and information

products"–  Data mapping, analysis and visualisation tools"–  Access to data collection, management and research


•  To educate:"–  People about Scotland’s biodiversity""

•  To promote:"–  The value of our collective biodiversity data "–  Improved decision-making about the environment"–  All partners involved in collecting and curating

biodiversity data in Scotland"(

Page 3: Atlas&of&Living&Scotland& Stakeholder&Partnership& mee8ng&...31/07/2015(3(Options! 1. Invest in the NBN Gateway" 2. Start from scratch" 3. Use an existing system from another part




1.  Invest in the NBN Gateway"

2.  Start from scratch"

3.  Use an existing system from another part of the world"


£25 million investment since 2009"

6 billion downloads "since 2009!"

Open Source!"

The off-the-shelf Atlas system provides 150% of what is being asked for by Network members across the


If I’d asked people what they wanted, they would have asked

for “Faster horses”!!

Henry Ford??"

Page 4: Atlas&of&Living&Scotland& Stakeholder&Partnership& mee8ng&...31/07/2015(3(Options! 1. Invest in the NBN Gateway" 2. Start from scratch" 3. Use an existing system from another part



Atlas of Living Scotland!

Lead Australian developer based in UK this year! !

Demo already built and working atlas to be completed by Christmas!

Proposed functionality of a Scottish Atlas (1/2)!

•  Taxon information for all Scottish species (maps, images, descriptions)"

•  Ecosystem information (EUNIS mapping etc)"•  Interactive mapping interface and integration

with:"– Habitat and ecosystem layers"– Environmental and abiotic spatial layers,

site boundaries etc"(

Proposed functionality of a Scottish Atlas (2/2)(

•  Site search for whole of Scotland"•  Biodiversity image library for Scotland"•  Biodiversity reference library for Scotland"•  Spatial portal for bioclimatic modelling and

analysis"•  Species alert system"•  Promotion of Data Partners"(


•  Scalable – data can be cut to view at any scale "

•  Can deliver multiple end uses from same infrastructure"

•  Webservices from other data providers""•  Global developer network using same


Open data licenses – allowing greater research use and

innovation!•  Four(opJons:(– Open(Government(License((OGL)(– CreaJve(Commons((CCO(–(Version(4.0)(– CreaJve(Commons(with(aYribuJon((CCZBY)(– CreaJve(Commons(nonZcommercial((CCZBYZNC)((If you are an NBN Data Partner please fill in questionnaire released on Wed 22 July!

UK-wide !Atlas!

Scottish Atlas!

Invasive species portal!

Outer Hebrides!

English Atlas!LERC Atlas!

Welsh Atlas!

Protected species portal!Northern

Ireland Atlas!


NBN data in!here!

Page 5: Atlas&of&Living&Scotland& Stakeholder&Partnership& mee8ng&...31/07/2015(3(Options! 1. Invest in the NBN Gateway" 2. Start from scratch" 3. Use an existing system from another part



Atlas of Living Scotland!Taxon !information!!•  Map!•  Images!•  Sound!•  Video!•  Names!•  Genetic sequencing!•  Reference library!•  Links to get involved"

Web service from other providers!

Atlas of Living Scotland!

Interactive mapping interface!

•  Polygon search!•  Data filters!•  Customise map!•  Data downloads – Excel and PDF!

Drawing tools" Multiple filters:"Recorder"Date"Taxon"Area"Record type"

Auto-summary! data for a site!

!Species list !



Propose to use !SNH sensitive! species list!

Page 6: Atlas&of&Living&Scotland& Stakeholder&Partnership& mee8ng&...31/07/2015(3(Options! 1. Invest in the NBN Gateway" 2. Start from scratch" 3. Use an existing system from another part



Creating Scotland’s largest !biodiversity image library !

Your images "here!!"

Spatial mapping and analysis enables:!

•  Integration of ecosystem, spatial layers and species data"

•  Bioclimatic modelling"•  Scatter plotting"•  Area reports"

All off the shelf with options for further innovation"

Spatial mapping and analysis! Barn owl in Scotland!

Add broad-leaved woodland! Create predictive model (all done in 3 minutes)"

Relatively strong !correlation between !barn owl and broadleaved woodland!

Page 7: Atlas&of&Living&Scotland& Stakeholder&Partnership& mee8ng&...31/07/2015(3(Options! 1. Invest in the NBN Gateway" 2. Start from scratch" 3. Use an existing system from another part



Receive species !alerts!!Record sightings!!Ask a question!!Download a !factsheet!!!

Additional links!

•  Provide summary statistics!•  Links to your own website!•  Your own page to do with as you please!

We will be in contact to ask if you want to" have your own space on the atlas!


Promoting !you as a !Data Partner !

Opportunities for involvement!1.  Do you want to collaborate with us as part of

the Atlas of Living Scotland (Data Partner etc)?"

2.  What should we call this atlas?"

3.  Can you help us with image libraries to illustrate taxon pages?"

4.  Write text about yourself as a Data Partner (Google form)"

Opportunities for involvement(1.  Review our sensitive species list"

2.  Help us test the atlas as it is developed"

3.  For NBN Data Partners – complete questionnaire sent out Wed 22 July (re licensing and data)"

4.  Give us your views in the workshops today"


•  What data products do you need access to?"– Spatial - point data "– Spatial – polygon data (GIS files) "– Location/site-based species/habitat lists "– Presence/absence data "– Distribution maps (national/ regional/

catchment etc)"

Question 3(•  What spatial resolution would you like

the data to be available in? !

– Highest available resolution/ collecting resolution - 62% of responses!

Page 8: Atlas&of&Living&Scotland& Stakeholder&Partnership& mee8ng&...31/07/2015(3(Options! 1. Invest in the NBN Gateway" 2. Start from scratch" 3. Use an existing system from another part



Question 4!•  To which elements of biodiversity data

do you require access?!– Species – general"– Protected species"– Habitats - general"– Community/ assemblage data (e.g.

EUNIS/ NVC, etc)"–  Invasive non-native species"– Citizen science biodiversity data"


• Workshop&1:&CriJcal(funcJonality(of(the(Atlas(

(• Workshop&2:&User(Interface(of(the(Atlas(
