arXiv:1303.1094v2 [astro-ph.EP] 31 May 2013 Draft version September 9, 2018 Preprint typeset using L A T E X style emulateapj v. 5/2/11 GROUND-BASED TRANSIT SPECTROSCOPY OF THE HOT-JUPITER WASP-19B IN THE NEAR-INFRARED Jacob L. Bean 1,7 , Jean-Michel D´ esert 2,8 , Andreas Seifahrt 1 , Nikku Madhusudhan 3 , Igor Chilingarian 4,5 , Derek Homeier 6 , & Andrew Szentgyorgyi 4 Draft version September 9, 2018 ABSTRACT We present ground-based measurements of the transmission and emission spectra of the hot-Jupiter WASP-19b in nine spectroscopic channels from 1.25 to 2.35 μm. The measurements are based on the combined analysis of time-series spectroscopy obtained during two complete transits and two complete secondary eclipses of the planet. The observations were performed with the MMIRS instrument on the Magellan II telescope using the technique of multi-object spectroscopy with wide slits. We compare the transmission and emission data to theoretical models to constrain the composition and thermal structure of the planet’s atmosphere. Our measured transmission spectrum exhibits a scatter that corresponds to 1.3 scale heights of the planet’s atmosphere, which is consistent with the size of spectral features predicted by theoretical models for a clear atmosphere. We detected the secondary eclipses of the planet at significances ranging from 2.2 to 14.4σ. The secondary eclipse depths, and the significances of the detections increase towards longer wavelengths. Our measured emission spectrum is consistent with a 2250 K effectively isothermal 1-D model for the planet’s dayside atmosphere. This model also matches previously published photometric measurements from the Spitzer Space Telescope and ground-based telescopes. These results demonstrate the important role that ground- based observations using multi-object spectroscopy can play in constraining the properties of exoplanet atmospheres, and they also emphasize the need for high-precision measurements based on observations of multiple transits and eclipses. Subject headings: planets and satellites: atmospheres — planets and satellites: individual: WASP-19b — techniques: photometric 1. INTRODUCTION Ground-based observations using transit techniques have been playing an increasingly important role in the study of exoplanetary atmospheres over the last few years. It wasn’t that long ago that the first ground- based detections of the transmission (Redfield et al. 2008; Snellen et al. 2008) and thermal emission (de Mooij & Snellen 2009; Sing & L´ opez-Morales 2009; Gillon et al. 2009) of exoplanets were obtained. Yet today, ground-based transit measurements us- ing photometric techniques are now standard. The photometric technique has seen its widest appli- cation to measurements of thermal emission from hot-Jupiters (Rogers et al. 2009; Croll et al. 2010a,b; Anderson et al. 2010; Gibson et al. 2010; Alonso et al. 2010; opez-Morales et al. 2010; Croll et al. 2011b; de Mooij et al. 2011; Smith et al. 2011; Burton et al. E-mail: [email protected] 1 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Chicago, 5640 S. Ellis Ave, Chicago, IL 60637, USA 2 Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, MC 170-25 1200, E. California Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91125, USA 3 Department of Physics & Department of Astronomy, Yale University, P.O. Box 208120, New Haven, CT 06520, USA 4 Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA 5 Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow State University, 13 Universitetsky prospect, 119992 Moscow, Russia 6 Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon, UMR 5574, CNRS, Universit´ e de Lyon, ´ Ecole Normale Sup´ erieure de Lyon, 46 All´ ee d’Italie, F-69364 Lyon Cedex 07, France 7 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow 8 Sagan Fellow 2012; Zhao et al. 2012b; Crossfield et al. 2012a; Zhao et al. 2012a; Deming et al. 2012; Lendl et al. 2013), but it has also been used for measurements of transmission spectrum of a cool super-Earth (Croll et al. 2011a; de Mooij et al. 2012; Murgas et al. 2012; Narita et al. 2012). While photometry is useful, high-precision spec- troscopy over wide bandpasses is ultimately needed to significantly improve our understanding of exoplanet at- mospheres. Only these kind of data can unambiguously reveal atmospheric properties by resolving spectral fea- tures and distinguishing the overlapping lines from dif- ferent chemical species. Interpreting sparse photometry requires heavy reliance on theoretical models that have to make assumptions about many of the fundamental prop- erties of the planets that we ultimately want to determine observationally. Furthermore, spectroscopy opens up the possibility of discovering unanticipated phenomena much more so than photometry. The development of ground-based transit spectroscopy of exoplanet atmospheres has not enjoyed parallel matu- ration with the photometric technique, and such mea- surements are still very rare. There are two reasons for this. One reason is that ground-based observa- tions using photometric techniques can acquire simul- taneous observations of reference stars to enable high- precision relative corrections for variations in Earth’s at- mospheric transparency, while this is not possible with single-object spectrographs. The second reason is that spectrographs typically have input feeds, either slits or fibers, that do not encircle all the light from a source. This introduces random variations in the light measured

ATEX style emulateapj v. 5/2/11 - arXiv · 2018-10-01 · arXiv:1303.1094v2 [astro-ph.EP] 31 May 2013 Draft version September 9, 2018 Preprint typeset using LATEX style emulateapj

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Page 1: ATEX style emulateapj v. 5/2/11 - arXiv · 2018-10-01 · arXiv:1303.1094v2 [astro-ph.EP] 31 May 2013 Draft version September 9, 2018 Preprint typeset using LATEX style emulateapj





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3Draft version September 9, 2018Preprint typeset using LATEX style emulateapj v. 5/2/11


Jacob L. Bean1,7, Jean-Michel Desert2,8, Andreas Seifahrt1, Nikku Madhusudhan3, Igor Chilingarian4,5, DerekHomeier6, & Andrew Szentgyorgyi4

Draft version September 9, 2018


We present ground-based measurements of the transmission and emission spectra of the hot-JupiterWASP-19b in nine spectroscopic channels from 1.25 to 2.35µm. The measurements are based on thecombined analysis of time-series spectroscopy obtained during two complete transits and two completesecondary eclipses of the planet. The observations were performed with the MMIRS instrument on theMagellan II telescope using the technique of multi-object spectroscopy with wide slits. We comparethe transmission and emission data to theoretical models to constrain the composition and thermalstructure of the planet’s atmosphere. Our measured transmission spectrum exhibits a scatter thatcorresponds to 1.3 scale heights of the planet’s atmosphere, which is consistent with the size of spectralfeatures predicted by theoretical models for a clear atmosphere. We detected the secondary eclipsesof the planet at significances ranging from 2.2 to 14.4σ. The secondary eclipse depths, and thesignificances of the detections increase towards longer wavelengths. Our measured emission spectrumis consistent with a 2250K effectively isothermal 1-D model for the planet’s dayside atmosphere.This model also matches previously published photometric measurements from the Spitzer SpaceTelescope and ground-based telescopes. These results demonstrate the important role that ground-based observations using multi-object spectroscopy can play in constraining the properties of exoplanetatmospheres, and they also emphasize the need for high-precision measurements based on observationsof multiple transits and eclipses.Subject headings: planets and satellites: atmospheres — planets and satellites: individual: WASP-19b

— techniques: photometric


Ground-based observations using transit techniqueshave been playing an increasingly important role in thestudy of exoplanetary atmospheres over the last fewyears. It wasn’t that long ago that the first ground-based detections of the transmission (Redfield et al.2008; Snellen et al. 2008) and thermal emission(de Mooij & Snellen 2009; Sing & Lopez-Morales2009; Gillon et al. 2009) of exoplanets were obtained.Yet today, ground-based transit measurements us-ing photometric techniques are now standard. Thephotometric technique has seen its widest appli-cation to measurements of thermal emission fromhot-Jupiters (Rogers et al. 2009; Croll et al. 2010a,b;Anderson et al. 2010; Gibson et al. 2010; Alonso et al.2010; Lopez-Morales et al. 2010; Croll et al. 2011b;de Mooij et al. 2011; Smith et al. 2011; Burton et al.

E-mail: [email protected] Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of

Chicago, 5640 S. Ellis Ave, Chicago, IL 60637, USA2 Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California

Institute of Technology, MC 170-25 1200, E. California Blvd.,Pasadena, CA 91125, USA

3 Department of Physics & Department of Astronomy, YaleUniversity, P.O. Box 208120, New Haven, CT 06520, USA

4 Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, 60 Garden Street,Cambridge, MA 02138, USA

5 Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow State University,13 Universitetsky prospect, 119992 Moscow, Russia

6 Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon, UMR 5574,

CNRS, Universite de Lyon, Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon,46 Allee d’Italie, F-69364 Lyon Cedex 07, France

7 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow8 Sagan Fellow

2012; Zhao et al. 2012b; Crossfield et al. 2012a;Zhao et al. 2012a; Deming et al. 2012; Lendl et al.2013), but it has also been used for measurementsof transmission spectrum of a cool super-Earth(Croll et al. 2011a; de Mooij et al. 2012; Murgas et al.2012; Narita et al. 2012).While photometry is useful, high-precision spec-

troscopy over wide bandpasses is ultimately needed tosignificantly improve our understanding of exoplanet at-mospheres. Only these kind of data can unambiguouslyreveal atmospheric properties by resolving spectral fea-tures and distinguishing the overlapping lines from dif-ferent chemical species. Interpreting sparse photometryrequires heavy reliance on theoretical models that have tomake assumptions about many of the fundamental prop-erties of the planets that we ultimately want to determineobservationally. Furthermore, spectroscopy opens up thepossibility of discovering unanticipated phenomena muchmore so than photometry.The development of ground-based transit spectroscopy

of exoplanet atmospheres has not enjoyed parallel matu-ration with the photometric technique, and such mea-surements are still very rare. There are two reasonsfor this. One reason is that ground-based observa-tions using photometric techniques can acquire simul-taneous observations of reference stars to enable high-precision relative corrections for variations in Earth’s at-mospheric transparency, while this is not possible withsingle-object spectrographs. The second reason is thatspectrographs typically have input feeds, either slits orfibers, that do not encircle all the light from a source.This introduces random variations in the light measured

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2 Bean et al.

TABLE 1Observing Log

UT Date Event Exposures Airmass Seeing ConditionsTime (s) #

2012 Mar 11 00:18 → 2012 Mar 11 06:44 Eclipse 40 422 1.29 → 1.04 → 1.37 0.7′′ clear2012 Mar 13 00:01 → 2012 Mar 13 03:55 Transit 40, 30 304 1.32 → 1.04 → 1.06 0.5′′ clear2012 Apr 04 00:42 → 2012 Apr 04 06:47 Transit 40 408 1.07 → 1.04 → 2.00 0.8′′ occasional thin cirrus2012 Apr 05 23:23 → 2012 Apr 06 05:49 Eclipse 40 430 1.17 → 1.04 → 1.60 0.7′′ mostly clear, passing

cirrus for 15min

at the detector due to variations in seeing and imper-fect guiding. While there has been some developmentof post-processing algorithms to correct single-object,narrow-slit transit spectroscopy for variations in atmo-spheric transparency and slit losses (Swain et al. 2010;Crossfield et al. 2011, 2012b; Waldmann et al. 2012), thetechnique has not been widely adopted.We have recently developed a technique for ground-

based transit spectroscopy of exoplanet atmospheres thatovercomes the limitations of single-object, narrow-slit ob-servations. The idea is to use multi-object slit spectro-graphs to obtain simultaneous observations of a targetand reference stars so that differential spectroscopy anal-ogous to differential photometry can be performed. Lightlosses in the image plane are eliminated by using wideslits (> 10′′ is recommended). We have previously usedthis new technique to place constraints on the transmis-sion spectrum of the super-Earth GJ 1214b in the opticaland near-infrared (Bean et al. 2010, 2011). Gibson et al.(2013) have also recently used this technique to study theoptical transmission spectrum of the hot-Jupiter WASP-29.We present in this paper transit and secondary eclipse

observations of the ultra short-period (P =0.8 d) hot-Jupiter WASP-19b (Hebb et al. 2010). As a low-densityhot-Jupiter (Rp = 1.31RJup, Mp = 1.15MJup) or-biting very close to a star slightly cooler and smallerthan the Sun (R⋆ = 0.94R⊙), WASP-19b is expectedto have some of the largest spectral features in transmis-sion and emission among the known transiting exoplan-ets. WASP-19 itself is also is an intermediate-brightness(H =10.6) transiting planet host star. This means thatthere are numerous similar brightness reference stars inthe roughly 5′ field-of-view typical of multi-object slitspectrographs.Observations of the transmission and emission spec-

trum of WASP-19b have the potential to address nu-merous questions that have arisen concerning the natureof hot-Jupiter atmospheres. Our motivation was to ob-tain data that could be used to determine the compo-sition and temperature structure of the planet’s atmo-sphere. Such information would, for example, be usefulfor constraining theories about the origin of thermal in-versions (e.g., Hubeny et al. 2003; Burrows et al. 2007;Fortney et al. 2008; Knutson et al. 2010), the statisticsof albedo and heat redistribution (e.g., Burrows et al.2008; Budaj 2011; Cowan & Agol 2011), and the possi-bility of high carbon-to-oxygen abundance ratios (C/O)in hot-Jupiter atmospheres (e.g., Madhusudhan 2012).The paper is laid out as follows. We present the new

data we have obtained for WASP-19b in §2. We de-scribe the analysis of the transit and eclipse light curves

to determine the transmission and emission spectrum ofthe planet in §3. The implications of these data for theproperties of WASP-19b’s atmosphere are considered in§4. We conclude in §5 with a discussion of the results.


2.1. Observations

We obtained time-series spectroscopy during two tran-sits and two secondary eclipses of the planet WASP-19busing the MMIRS instrument (McLeod et al. 2012) onthe Magellan II (Clay) telescope at Las Campanas Ob-servatory in March and April 2012. A log of the obser-vations is given in Table 1. We used the multi-objectmode of MMIRS with a slit mask that allowed us togather spectra simultaneously for WASP-19 and threeother stars. As for our previous observations using thistechnique (Bean et al. 2010, 2011), the slit widths were12′′ to avoid slit losses. The slit lengths were 30′′, whichprovided significant coverage of the sky background. Weused an HK grism as the dispersive element and an HKfilter to isolate the first order spectra. Spectra from 1.22to 2.36µm with a dispersion of 6.6 A pixel−1 were ob-tained for all the objects.Complete transits and eclipses were observed without

interruption, and a minimum of 30 minutes of data wereobtained in each case both before ingress and after egress.All data were obtained at airmasses less than 2.0, withmost obtained at airmasses less than 1.5. The expo-sure times used were 30 and 40 s, and the overhead wastypically 14 s including the time to read and reset thedetector and write the data to disk. The off-axis guidecamera and wavefront sensor associated with the instru-ment were used to maintain stable pointing and the cor-rect shape of the primary mirror continuously during theobservations.Although the wavelength range we observed in con-

tains many narrow sky emission lines, we did not nodthe telescope during the observations to enable pairwiseimage subtraction for removing the background. Thisstaring approach is justified because the edges of the slitsin the mask are likely reasonably parallel, and thus thesky lines have the same instrumental profile in the spa-tial direction. Furthermore, the sky emission dominatesthe background over the telescope emission at these near-infrared wavelengths, and thus the spatial variability cannot be removed any better by nodding than simply in-terpolating over the spatially resolved background spec-tra obtained in each exposure. The staring approach isadvantageous for high-precision time-series spectroscopynot only because it saves overhead associated with peri-odically moving the telescope, but also because it keepsthe data on the same pixels throughout, and therefore

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minimizes the influence of imperfect flat fielding.The observations were obtained in generally clear con-

ditions. There were occasional thin cirrus clouds for twoof the nights, and drops in the fluxes can be seen inthe raw spectrophotometry corresponding to the pass-ing clouds. However, these drops in fluxes are similarfor all the stars, and the WASP-19 light curves are well-corrected for this effect using the reference star data.

2.2. Data reduction

We reduced the data using a similar approach as for ourprevious MMIRS observations (Bean et al. 2011) withtwo deviations. The steps in the process included col-lapsing the sample-up-the-ramp data cubes in to a singleframe of total counts for the individual exposures, ap-plying flat field corrections based on spectroscopic flatstaken with an internal calibration lamp, subtraction ofthe background on a wavelength-by-wavelength basis foreach spectrum, extraction of the spectra, and determi-nation of the wavelength solution based on an arc lampexposure taken using a mask having 0.5′′ wide slits. Thedeviations from our previously used data reduction algo-rithm are (1) ignoring the first non-destructive read inthe up-the-ramp samples, and (2) testing the applicationof non-linearity corrections. We discuss these two issuesin the following.

2.2.1. Fitting the up-the-ramp samples

The data were obtained in the “up-the-ramp” sam-pling mode with 5 s per read. In this mode, which isonly possible for hybrid CMOS arrays, the detector isread out non-destructively multiple times during an ex-posure. The MMIRS system saves these images to disk,and so each exposure involves a sequence of full frameimages. This sampling technique yields measurements ofthe flux as it accumulates in the pixels before they are re-set to begin another exposure. In the limit of a constantillumination and a linear pixel response, the flux valuesfor a pixel will exhibit a constant rise with time over thecourse of an exposure. The advantage of this techniqueis that it can reduce the per-exposure read noise, and itenables checks for detector systematics.The first step in our data reduction is to collapse the

corresponding data cubes of non-destructive reads to asingle frame with the total counts per pixel for the expo-sure. This is done by fitting a linear trend to the rampsamples as a function of elapsed time on a pixel-by-pixelbasis, and then calculating the total counts recorded forthe pixels by multiplying the slope of this trend by theexposure time.During the analysis of the data, we noticed that the

first read, which corresponds to a zero second integra-tion, always has a significantly lower bias level than thesubsequent reads in a given exposure. Figure 1 showsthe difference between the first two 5 s non-destructivereads in a dark image that illustrates this effect. Dif-ferences of up to and beyond 350DN are observed, andthe magnitude of the difference smoothly increases to-wards the ends of the readout channels. The dark currentfor the MMIRS detector system is estimated to be ap-proximately 0.01DN s−1 pixel−1, and is a negligible con-tributor to the observed difference between the first tworamp samples. This “bias drift” after reseting the de-tector is also exhibited by the HAWAII-2RG chip in the

Fig. 1.— Image of the difference between the first and secondnon-destructive reads in a dark exposure.

similar MOSFIRE instrument (McLean et al. 2010), al-though the magnitude of the effect seems to be signifi-cantly larger in the MMIRS detector (Kulas et al. 2012).The HAWAII-2 chip used in MMIRS does not have

light-insensitive reference pixels like the later generationHAWAII-2RG chips (the “R” in the RG stands for refer-ence pixels). Therefore, there is no straightforward wayto calibrate the MMIRS data for this effect using exter-nal information. By examining dark frames, we noticedthat the bias drift is only significant between the firstand second non-destructive reads in dark frames, andthe bias level is constant within the expected noise levelfor subsequent reads. Under the assumption that what-ever process in the detector electronics is causing thiseffect settles after < 5 s, we elected to ignore the firstnon-destructive read when fitting the up-the-ramp sam-ples. There is enough information with the other six oreight non-destructive reads per 30 or 40 s exposure, re-spectively, to simultaneously fit for an offset correspond-ing to the bias level and a slope corresponding to thecount rate. Therefore, the final total counts recordedfor a pixel is still the slope of the fit as a function ofread time multiplied by the exposure time, but the zeropoint of the fit is not fixed to a known bias level like itotherwise could be.In our previous analysis of MMIRS data (Bean et al.

2011), we noticed a systematic noise pattern in the up-the-ramp samples in one of our data sets. The effect wassevere enough to prompt us to consider those particulardata unreliable, and to ignore them in our analysis. Wenote that we did not observe this same effect in the cur-rent data sets. All the obtained data are included in ouranalysis.

2.2.2. Detector non-linearity

Another deviation from our previous analysis ofMMIRS time-series spectroscopy was to consider the in-fluence of the non-linear response of the detector. Westudied the non-linear behavior of the MMIRS detec-tor by examining a series of flat-field exposures takenwith the instrument in imaging mode using the inter-nal calibration lamp and an H filter. As is typical ofnear-infrared detectors, the MMIRS chip displays signif-

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4 Bean et al.

Fig. 2.— Top Counts in DN for non-destructive reads in a flatfield image taken to investigate the non-linear behavior of the de-tector. The different point styles represent examples from the dif-ferent quadrants of the detector. The four examples have differentslopes (count rates) because there is a strong instrumental through-put gradient across the field of view. The lines are fits to the datausing a quadratic polynomial as a function of time (Eq. 1). Thesolid lines are the fits over the ranges where this functional formprovides a good description of the data. The upper limits of theseranges correspond to the maximum values that can be correctedto high accuracy based these low-order fits. The data points areblack in the well-fit regime, and grey outside. The dashed linesshow the extrapolation of the fits. Bottom Residuals from the fitin terms of percentage of the data values. The point styles are thesame as for the top panel.

icant non-linear response well before the full-well depthof the pixels is reached. The full-well is approximately45,000DN (for a gain of 5 e− DN−1), and only 61% ofthe pixels are linear within 1% up to 16,000DN. Fur-thermore, each of the four quadrants in the detector ex-hibits different behavior. Two quadrants even display afaster, rather than the expected slower, than linear risein counts before turning over to plateau near saturation.The pixel-to-pixel variations in the non-linear behaviorwithin a quadrant are also significant.We were aware of the approximately 16,000DN transi-

tion to non-linearity based on our previous observations,and so the exposure times of the WASP-19 data weretuned to keep the peak counts approximately at or be-low this level. Nevertheless, a significant number of pixelsexhibit > 1% non-linearity even below this limit, and afew pixels near the peak in flux for the H-band regionof the spectra reach upwards of 20,000DN in some ex-posures that were taken during periods of better thanaverage seeing and low airmass. This motivated us toderive non-linearity corrections and apply them to thedata to test the influence of this effect on our results.We determined non-linearity corrections based on a

quadratic polynomial function. Coefficients for the cor-rections were derived by fitting the flux as a function oftime for the non-destructive reads in flat field frames ob-tained using a total exposure time of 50 s with 1 s up-the-ramp samples. This was done for each pixel separately.The fitted function was

F = a+ bt+ ct2, (1)

where F are the fluxes of the non-destructive reads, tare the corresponding elapsed times, and a, b, and c arethe parameters in the fit. The formula for correcting themeasured fluxes is then

F ′ =−b2 + b2

1− 4c(a−F )b2

2c, (2)

where F ′ is the corrected flux.The coefficients were determined by fitting the data af-

ter subtracting the first non-destructive read to approxi-mately remove the bias. This was done because the non-linearity is related to the process of electron creation inthe photosensitive layer, and this isn’t influenced by thebias level, which arises during the reset of the detector.In determining the coefficients, the first non-destructiveread wasn’t fit just as for the science data, and the inter-cept term of the quadratic polynomial was left as a freeparameter.We iteratively fit the data considering a range of pos-

sible upper limits in count levels to determine the rangeover which the corrections were accurate using our low-order functional form. The median value for the upperlimits across the detector is 32,000DN. However, a smallfraction of pixels are not well-described by a quadraticpolynomial much beyond their 1% linearity ranges. Ex-amples of the non-linearity fits to some of the data areshown in Figure 2. The determined polynomial coeffi-cients were consistent for 50 separate exposures. Theaverages of the determined coefficients among these 50frames were adopted as the final correction coefficients.We applied the non-linearity corrections to the values

for the non-destructive reads in each exposure before fit-ting for the count rate. The first non-destructive readwas subtracted before applying the corrections to be con-sistent with the convention for the determination of thecoefficients. This read was then ignored in the fit of thelinear trend to determine the non-linear-corrected countrate.The results for the final light curves (derived tran-

sit parameters and model fit residuals) are not signif-icantly different (≪ 1σ) when using or not using thenon-linearity corrections. This is because most of thepixels in the WASP-19 data sets had counts below the1% non-linearity level. For the results presented here,we did not apply the non-linearity corrections in order toavoid unnecessary processing steps that could add noise.The corrections would in principle yield more accurateresults for more heavily exposed data, and thus could beof use to the wider community. Tables of the coefficientsneeded to apply Equation2 and the applicable ranges ofthe corrections are available from us upon request.

2.3. Creation of the light curves

An example extracted spectrum for WASP-19 from a40 s exposure is shown in Figure 3. This spectrum has asignal-to-noise ratio of 200 pixel−1 at the peak of the fluxat 1.6µm. We created spectrophotometric light curvesfor WASP-19 and the reference stars by summing theextracted spectra over wavelength. We created one, four,and four channels of light curves from the spectra in theJ-, H-, and K-band atmospheric windows, respectively.The limits of the bandpasses in each of the atmosphericwindows are illustrated in Figure 3.

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Fig. 3.— An example spectrum extracted from the MMIRS datafor WASP-19.

We divided the time-series spectrophotometric lightcurves for WASP-19 by the sum of reference star data tocorrect for the variability of Earth’s atmospheric trans-parency during the observations. The choice of whichreference stars to use for this correction was guided bywhich combination gave the smallest residuals in the finallight curve fits. We found that only using the referencestar closest on the sky to WASP-19 yielded the smallestmodel fit residuals for the J- and H-band data, while thesum of all three observed reference stars gave the best re-sults for the K-band data. This same result was obtainedfor each of the four nights of data independently.The light curves for WASP-19 after correction with

the reference star data exhibit a slow, smooth trendwith time similar to trends that are common in ground-based near-infrared transit photometry (e.g., Croll et al.2010a,b, 2011a,b; Sada et al. 2010). We modeled thistrend as a second order polynomial simultaneously withthe light curve fitting (see § 3). The derived trend withtime was not the same for the different spectral channelsfor a given event.We searched for additional and alternative decorrela-

tion functions with respect to airmass and pixel position,but we did not detect statistically significant correlationswith these parameters. This is in contrast to our previ-ous analysis of MMIRS transit spectroscopy (Bean et al.2011). The lack of a strong correlation with airmasscould be explained by the more similar color of WASP-19 with the reference stars compared to the target of ourprevious study, the mid-M dwarf GJ 1214, and its cor-responding reference stars. The stability of the spectralpositions was slightly better for the current data sets, butnot significantly so. Therefore, this likely is not the rea-son for the lack of a correlation with spatial pixel positioncompared to the previous study. One possible explana-tion for the difference is that the seeing was typicallyworse by factors of two to three for the WASP-19 datacompared to the previously analyzed data. This meansthat the WASP-19 data were spread over more pixels(spatial profile FWHMs of 6 to 10 pixels compared to3 pixels), and this could have mitigated the influence ofpixel-to-pixel sensitivity variations not corrected by theflat fielding.Because the light curves do not require decorrelation

against instrument-related variables, there is little gainin considering data obtained significantly before or after

TABLE 2Transit Parameters

Parameter Value

i (◦) 78.73 ± 0.20b 0.681 ± 0.008P (d) 0.78883910 ± 0.00000011Tc1 (BJDTBD) 2455512.90256 ± 0.00007

TABLE 3Event Times

Mid-Event Time (BJDTDB)a O - C (s)


2455999.616301± 7.0E-5 1.8± 6.0b

2456021.703740± 8.5E-5 -3.0± 7.3b

Eclipses2455997.6440± 1.0E-3 -28± 86 c

2456023.6763± 1.0E-3 +21± 89 c

a BJDTDB is the Barycentric Julian Datein the Barycentric Dynamical Time standard(Eastman et al. 2010).b Residuals from the ephemeris given in Table 2.c Residuals from the prediction of when the or-bital phase is 0.5 assuming a circular orbit andthe ephemeris given in Table 2, and including thelight travel time effect.

the transits and eclipses. Indeed, the longer the extentof the time-series, the more likely it is that the atmo-spheric effect leading to the slow, smooth trend withtime will not be well-described by a low-order polyno-mial. Therefore, we limited our analyses to the datataken within three hours of mid-transit/eclipse. Thetrimmed data still encompass more than two hours out-of-transit/eclipse data before and after in the cases thatthe observations spanned this length of time.Raw light curves for the April 5/6 secondary eclipse

data set are shown in Figure 4. The data for WASP-19 are shown in this figure along with the correspond-ing correction functions. The correction functions are acombination of the reference star data, which capturesthe dominant variability, and the decorrelation againsttime. An example of the effect of passing cirrus can beseen by the short drop in flux about 1.5 hours after mid-eclipse that is common between WASP-19 and the refer-ence stars.

2.4. Properties of the light curves

The residuals from the model fits to the light curveswhen each of the two transit and secondary eclipse time-series are binned together at a sampling of one minutehave rms values ranging from 650 to 1608ppm. Mostof the combined light curves have residuals smaller than1000ppm. The residuals are 2.0 to 3.1 times the ex-pected level given the uncertainties estimated during thereduction process (including the noise contribution fromthe reference star division). In our previous analysis ofMMIRS data, we noted that the H-band data had signif-icantly larger resdiuals than expected relative to the J-and K-band data. We do not find such an effect in thecurrent data. Instead, the different spectrophotometricchannels all have a similar level of noise relative to what

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6 Bean et al.

Fig. 4.— Raw spectrophotometric light curves of WASP-19 (circles) and the corresponding correction functions (red lines) for thesecondary eclipse observations obtained on UT 2012 April 5/6. The grey shaded region indicates the time where the planet is occulted(first to fourth contact).

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is expected.


We fitted the spectrophotometric light curves forWASP-19 with transit and eclipse models multiplied bynormalization and decorrelation (the quadratic functionof time described in § 2.3) functions. We used the exactanalytic formulae given by Mandel & Agol (2002) for thetransit and eclipse models. The parameterizations forthese models are described in the subsections below. Weassumed the planet is in a circular orbit, which is sup-ported by the existing radial velocity data and secondaryeclipse times (Anderson et al. 2010; Gibson et al. 2010;Hellier et al. 2011; Burton et al. 2012; Anderson et al.2013). The orbital period of the planet (P) was fixedto the value determined from the transit times as de-scribed below. The normalization and decorrelationfunctions added an additional three parameters for eachlight curve.We identified the best-fit models and corresponding

parameters for the analyses described below using anon-linear least squares algorithm (Markwardt 2009).We determined the confidence intervals on the best-fit parameters using a residual permutation bootstrap(“prayer bead”) algorithm. The uncertainties in the lightcurve points estimated during the reduction process werescaled to give a reduced χ2 =1 for the best-fit model. Thescaling factors range from 2.0 to 2.9. The uncertaintiesderived from the residual permutation bootstrap rangefrom 1.0 to 2.5 times larger than the errors derived froma Markov Chain Monte Carlo technique, which suggeststhat correlated noise is the limiting factor for the obser-vations.

3.1. Transits

3.1.1. Model parameterization

We parameterized the model for the transits using thesquare of the planet-to-star radius ratio ((Rp/R⋆)

2), theorbital inclination of the planet (i), the impact parameter(b≡ a /R⋆ cos i), quadratic limb darkening coefficients(γ1 and γ2), and the central transit times (Tc1). Weused the same values for i and b for all the light curves.We assumed that the transit times were the same for allthe spectrophotometric channels for a given event. The(Rp/R⋆)

2 values were determined for each spectrophoto-metric channel, and were assumed to be same for a givenwavelength for both transit data sets when the two datasets were analyzed together.

3.1.2. Limb darkening

Determined transit depths from light curve fitting arestrongly correlated with the adopted limb darkening de-scription even at the near-infrared wavelengths consid-ered in the current study. To bring additional constraintson the light curve fits and potentially increase the sen-sitivity of our analysis to the transmission spectrum ofthe planet’s atmosphere, we estimated quadratic limbdarkening coefficients using model atmospheres com-puted with the PHOENIX code (Hauschildt et al. 1999)for the stellar parameters (Teff =5500K, log g=4.5,and [M/H]=0.0) estimated by Hebb et al. (2010), whichare consistent with the results from Doyle et al. (2013).However, the light curve fits were significantly worse

when using these coefficients as compared to when us-ing a single linear coefficient determined solely from thedata themselves. For example, the models predict γ1values ranging from 0.3 to 0.4 when γ2 is set to zero,while the best-fit values with no constraints are below0.2 except in the bluest channel (see Table 4). The dis-agreement between the theoretical and empirical esti-mates was not ameliorated when using model stellar at-mospheres with the WASP-19’s nominal Teff increasedor decreased by 150K. This is not an unusual situ-ation when modeling high-precision light curves (e.g.,Knutson et al. 2007), and likely stems from the inade-quacy of 1D hydrostatic models to accurately representstellar atmospheres (Hayek et al. 2012). For all analy-ses presented in this paper we allow γ1 to vary with nooutside constraints, and we fix γ2 =0 because our testsindicated that the data do not warrant an additional pa-rameter.

3.1.3. Determining the transit parameters

The first step in our analysis of the transit light curveswas to estimate improved parameters for the system be-cause the MMIRS data are significantly more precisethan existing data. We began by fitting the two tran-sit events separately with all the parameters free. Thedetermined parameters were consistent between the twodata sets. We then performed a combined analysis ofthe data sets requiring the parameters to be consistentfor the events as described above. The determined phys-ical values for the transit in this case were also consistentwith the most recently reported values in the literature(Anderson et al. 2013). To take advantage of the con-straints offered by the previously obtained data, we in-cluded priors for our final fit on i (79.42◦± 0.39◦) andb (0.656± 0.015) based on the determined parameters inAnderson et al. (2013).The individual transit times determined by fitting the

MMIRS data are given in Table 3. The determined tran-sit parameters, and a new ephemeris based on fitting thenew transit times along with the previously publishedtimes from Hebb et al. (2010) and Hellier et al. (2011)are given in Table 2. Note that we do not use the ad-ditional transit time for WASP-19b available in the lit-erature given by Dragomir et al. (2011) for determiningthe revised ephemeris because it has a relatively low pre-cision (51 s). None of the four considered transit timesdeviates from the new ephemeris by more than 1σ. Theaverage determined (Rp/R⋆)

2 =0.0207 for the MMIRSdata.

3.1.4. Determining the transmission spectrum

When assessing a planet’s transmission spectrum fromtransit light curves, the relative depths are typically thekey parameters to determine rather than the absolutedepths because the pressure level probed by the datais often unknown, and thus comparison of the data totheoretical models for the planet’s atmosphere must nec-essarily include a free offset in the overall level. We re-fitthe MMIRS transit light curves after refining the transitparameters with i and b fixed to precisely estimate con-fidence intervals on the relative transit depths. We alsofixed the transit times to the prediction of the ephemerisgiven in Table 2 because there is no evidence of transittiming variations in this system. The determined transit

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8 Bean et al.

Fig. 5.— Left Transit light curves (circles) and best-fit models (lines) for the WASP-19b MMIRS data. The data for the two transitshave been combined and binned to a sampling of one minute. Right Residuals from the best-fit models.

TABLE 4Transit Depths and Limb Darkening Coefficients

Wavelength (µm) (Rp/R⋆)2a γ1a

1.25 – 1.33 0.02060 ± 2.8e-04 0.28 ± 0.061.40 – 1.50 0.02117 ± 3.1e-04 0.15 ± 0.071.50 – 1.60 0.02106 ± 1.5e-04 0.15 ± 0.051.60 – 1.70 0.02056 ± 3.0e-04 0.14 ± 0.051.70 – 1.80 0.02030 ± 1.6e-04 0.12 ± 0.051.95 – 2.05 0.02060 ± 3.1e-04 0.11 ± 0.072.05 – 2.15 0.02089 ± 1.0e-04 0.16 ± 0.032.15 – 2.25 0.02070 ± 1.8e-04 0.09 ± 0.042.25 – 2.35 0.02048 ± 4.7e-04 0.07 ± 0.09

a From an analysis with i, b, and γ2 fixed to 78.73◦, 0.681,and 0.0, respectively

depths and limb darkening coefficients from this anal-ysis are given in Table 4. The resulting normalized anddecorrelated transit light curves with best-fit models andresiduals are shown in Figure 5.

3.2. Secondary eclipses

The free parameters for the secondary eclipse modelswere the planet-to-star flux ratios (Fp/F⋆) and centraleclipse times (Tc2). We assumed the planet is a uniformdisk. We used the values for i and b (see Table 2) andthe average value for the (Rp/R⋆)

2 values (0.0207) deter-mined from the transit modeling. The eclipse times werethe same for all the spectrophotometric channels for agiven event. The Fp/F⋆ values were determined for eachspectrophotometric channel.We first fit the light curves for the two secondary

eclipses separately to check for systematic errors. The de-termined Fp/F⋆ values for the spectrophotometric chan-nels were consistent between the different events. Wethen performed a combined analysis of the two data sets

with common Fp/F⋆ values. The Fp/F⋆ values deter-mined from this analysis are given in Table 5, and thedetermined eclipse times are given in Table 3. The result-ing normalized and decorrelated secondary eclipse lightcurves with best-fit models and residuals are shown inFigure 6.

3.3. Possible influence of stellar activity

The star WASP-19 is known to be active (Hebb et al.2010), and this could potentially influence our measure-ments. Tregloan-Reed et al. (2013) have recently re-ported the detection of star spot crossings in transitsof WASP-19b that were observed in 2010. We do notsee evidence for spot crossing in our transit light curves.However, the presence of spots on the host star couldresult in different transit and eclipse depths measuredat different epochs even when they are unocculted be-cause the average brightness of the stellar disk might bechanging.We performed some calculations to determine if our

measurements could be significantly influenced by unoc-culted spots. Hebb et al. (2010) reported photometricvariability of up to 0.8% over the presumable 10.5 d ro-tation period of the star from the WASP-South discov-ery data (effective central wavelength of approximately550nm, Pollacco et al. 2006). To estimate the maximumlikely effect, we consider the case that the spots leadingto the photometric variability observed by Hebb et al.(2010) are on the Earth-facing side of the star for one ofthe observations, and either not present or on the oppo-site side of the star at the other epoch. Applying the for-malism from Desert et al. (2011) (Eq. 8 from Berta et al.2011), and assuming the spot and star radiate like black-bodies with a temperature difference of 300K and thatthe surface area fraction covered by spots is 4%, we find

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Fig. 6.— Left Secondary eclipse light curves (circles) and best-fit models (lines) for the WASP-19b MMIRS data. The data for the twoeclipses have been combined and binned to a sampling of one minute. Right Residuals from the best-fit models.

TABLE 5Secondary Eclipse Depths

Wavelength (µm) Fp/F⋆

1.25 – 1.33 0.00083 ± 3.9E-041.40 – 1.50 0.00208 ± 4.5E-041.50 – 1.60 0.00180 ± 1.7E-041.60 – 1.70 0.00200 ± 3.6E-041.70 – 1.80 0.00188 ± 3.8E-041.95 – 2.05 0.00238 ± 3.0E-042.05 – 2.15 0.00227 ± 1.6E-042.15 – 2.25 0.00242 ± 3.1E-042.25 – 2.35 0.00312 ± 9.1E-04

that this situation would result in a 1 x 10−4 change inthe transit depth at 1.5µm. The same situation wouldresult in a change of 1 x 10−5 in the eclipse depths. Thesevalues are less than our measurement precisions. There-fore, we conclude that stellar variability likely has notinfluenced our measurements, and that we can combineour secondary eclipse data with previous data to put jointconstraints on the properties of the planet’s atmosphere.


4.1. Transmission Spectrum

The transit depths with relative errors (i.e. assumingfixed i and b, see §3.1.4 ) determined from the analyses ofeach transit separately and in combination are shown inFigure 7. The depths from the two transit observationsall agree within 2.6σ, and six of the nine values agreewithin 1.1σ.The transit depths for the combined analysis relative

to the average value and in terms of the estimated scaleheight (H) of the atmosphere (546 km) are shown in Fig-ure 8. Two things can be seen from the data withoutcomparison to models. First, the data rule out variations

from the mean transmission spectrum of much more thana few scale heights at this resolution. The standard devi-ation is 1.3H, and the maximum spread between points is3.9H. This suggests that low-resolution near-infrared ob-servations of planets like WASP-19b must achieve spec-trophotometric precisions on order of one atmosphericscale height or better to confidently detect molecular fea-tures.The second thing that can be seen from the data alone

is that a flat line is a poor fit to the measurements. Thebest-fit flat line gives χ2 =16.8 for 8 degrees of freedom,which has a 3% probability to happen by chance. TheK-band region is featureless within the limits of the pre-cision of the data. This is to be expected given that CH4

is the main opacity source at these wavelengths and thismolecule is not expected to be present in the atmosphereof such a hot planet like WASP-19b assuming chemicalequilibrium holds. However, the H-band region of thespectrum exhibits variation.Theoretical models for WASP-19b’s transmis-

sion spectrum calculated using the methods ofMadhusudhan & Seager (2009) are shown comparedto the data in Figure 8. We considered two differentsolar metallicity models for comparison with the data:one with a roughly solar carbon-to-oxygen ratio of 0.5(Asplund et al. 2009), and one with a carbon-to-oxygenabundance ratio of 1.0 that was motivated by therecent idea that some hot-Jupiters might have suchan abundance pattern (Madhusudhan et al. 2011b;Madhusudhan 2012).The theoretical models are consistent with the data in

the sense that variations of only a few scale heights areexpected at this resolution. The solar composition modelis actually a worse match to the data than the flat line.After adjusting the model by subtracting a fitted offset

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10 Bean et al.

Fig. 7.— Transit depths with relative errors (i.e. assuming fixedi, b, and γ2, see §3.1.4 ) determined from the analyses of eachtransit separately and in combination. The transit depths for theindividual transits are shown offset in wavelength for clarity.

to account for the unknown pressure level probed by theobservations, the solar abundance model gives χ2 =24.3for 8 degrees of freedom. This poor fit suggests that thedata are inconsistent with the solar abundance model at3.1σ confidence. This inference hinges critically on thepoints at 1.45 and 1.75µm. The main features in thesolar abundance model are due to H2O, and these twochannels should both show deeper transits compared tothe two channels between them if this molecule is presentin the planet’s atmosphere.The carbon-rich model, while matching the data bet-

ter than the solar abundance model, is only a marginallybetter fit than the flat line with χ2 =15.4 after deter-mining a best-fit offset. The main spectral features inthe carbon-rich model are due to HCN and H2O, thoughthe H2O abundance is lower in the C-rich model than inthe O-rich model by over a factor of 10. The moleculeHCN has not been detected in an exoplanet atmospherebefore, though several theoretical studies have predictedits existence in C-rich atmospheres (Madhusudhan et al.2011a; Kopparapu et al. 2012; Moses et al. 2013). Ourobservations favor the presence of this molecule, but thecarbon-rich model does not provide a good global fit.Furthermore, even if a model could be found that pro-vided a good fit to the data, there is only a 2.1σ confi-dence on the detection of spectral features.

4.2. Emission Spectrum

The secondary eclipse depths determined from theanalyses of each eclipse separately and in combinationare shown in Figure 9. The significance of the detectionsin the combined analysis range from 2.2σ (the J-bandpoint) to 14.4σ (the point at 2.1µm). The data showthe characteristic increase in the planet-to-star flux ratiowith wavelength that is expected for hot-Jupiter spectra(Burrows et al. 2005; Fortney et al. 2005; Seager et al.2005). The depths determined from analyzing the sec-ondary eclipse events separately don’t agree as well asthe depths determined from analyzing the two primarytransit events separately. This is likely due to the dif-ficulty of accurately estimating confidence intervals onlow signal-to-noise detections. The eclipse depths fromthe two different events do all agree within 2.9σ, and thecombined analysis is likely more robust than the analysesof the individual events.

The secondary eclipse depths from the combined anal-ysis of the two observed events are shown in Figure 10along with previously published data and example theo-retical models. Previous secondary eclipse measurementsof WASP-19b using photometric techniques have beenmade with with IRAC on Spitzer (Anderson et al. 2013),HAWKI on the VLT (Anderson et al. 2010; Gibson et al.2010; Lendl et al. 2013), ULTRACAM on the NTTBurton et al. (2012), EulerCam on the Euler-Swiss tele-scope (Lendl et al. 2013), and TRAPPIST (Lendl et al.2013). Our data overlap broad-band H and narrow-bandK measurements previously reported by Anderson et al.(2010) and Gibson et al. (2010), respectively. We per-formed an analysis of our data with the bandpasses setto closely match the wavelengths of those previous mea-surements to check for consistency. We find that theresults are consistent within 1.7 and 1.3σ for the H- andK-band points, respectively.The combined data set presented in Figure 10 provides

coverage of the planet’s spectral energy distribution from0.9 to 8.0µm that is matched only for a few other exo-planets. We performed a spectral retrieval analysis onthe combination of our data with the IRAC points usingthe methods of Madhusudhan & Seager (2009) to inves-tigate what constraints can be placed on the compositionand structure of the planet’s atmosphere.An acceptable fit to the data can be obtained assuming

an isothermal atmosphere with a temperature of about2250K (χ2 =19.2 for 12 degrees of freedom). While aperfectly isothermal atmosphere over the entire day-sideof the planet may be unrealistic, an effectively isothermal1-D temperature-pressure profile could arise if the planethas a thermal inversion where heating due to absorptionof incident radiation from the host star causes the tem-perature to increase at lower pressures instead of decrease(Hubeny et al. 2003; Burrows et al. 2007; Knutson et al.2008). The planet’s atmosphere could appear isother-mal because the heating yields only a modest change intemperature over the pressures probed by the observa-tions. In this case, there could be a large temperatureincrease at lower pressures that aren’t being probed giventhe resolution and precision of our data. An effectivelyisothermal atmosphere with a temperature of roughly3000K has also recently been suggested for the planetWASP-12b (Crossfield et al. 2012a). Higher resolutionand higher precision data are needed in both cases to de-tect spectral features and further constrain the planets’temperature-pressure profiles.The data for WASP-19b disfavor a thermal inversion

where there is a large temperature increase to lower pres-sures in the observed part of the atmosphere in bothoxygen-rich (C/O=0.5, see Figure 10) and carbon-rich(C/O=1.0) composition models. This is consistent withthe finding of Anderson et al. (2013). In the presence ofa strong inversion in the observable atmosphere, absorp-tion lines due to H2O and CO that are prominent in theIRAC bands would reverse to emission and yield a poorfit to the Spitzer data.We also explored models for the planet’s atmosphere

with no thermal inversions, i.e. where the tempera-ture decreases monotonically with pressure. Figure 10shows two example models with different chemical com-positions: one with an oxygen-rich solar composition(C/O=0.5) and another with a carbon-rich composi-

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Fig. 8.— The transmission spectrum of WASP-19b in terms of the relative transit depth (left axis) and scale height of the planet’satmosphere (right axis). The measurements are given as the black circles. Also shown are models (lines) for the planet’s transmissionspectrum calculated using the methods of Madhusudhan & Seager (2009). One model has a solar carbon-to-oxygen ratio (“O-rich”; solidred line) and the other model has a carbon-to-oxygen ratio of 1.0 (“C-rich”; dashed blue line). The colored points give the model valuesbinned over the bandpass of the observations. The models have been adjusted up and down to give the best-fit to the data.

Fig. 9.— Secondary eclipse depths determined from the analysesof each eclipse separately and in combination. The depths for theindividual eclipses are shown offset in wavelength for clarity.

tion (C/O=1.0). The C-rich model provides a betterfit to the data (χ2 =15.9) compared to the O-rich model(χ2 =30.7), although the significance is low due to thelow number of degrees of freedom, which is only three(the models have 10 free parameters). The absorptionfeatures of H2O that are expected in the O-rich scenarioare not obvious in the MMIRS data, which is consis-tent with what is seen in the transmission spectrum. Onthe other hand, though the C-rich model provides anacceptable fit to the data, it is not much better than anisothermal model with any composition given the currentprecision of the data.The isothermal and carbon-rich non-inversion models

fitted to the IRAC and MMIRS data also provide a rea-sonable fit to the data at other wavelengths that were not

included in the fit. The z′-band points of Burton et al.(2012) and Lendl et al. (2013) are inconsistent with eachother at 2.4σ. The fitted models happen to go rightthrough the Lendl et al. (2013) point. The deeper eclipseobserved by Burton et al. (2012) suggests a higher tem-perature that is difficult to reconcile with our data.


We have presented the first near-infrared transmis-sion and emission spectroscopy measurements of a hot-Jupiter obtained using the technique of multi-objectspectroscopy with wide slits. The data do not yieldstrong detections of spectral features, yet they do providesome constraints on the physical properties of WASP-19b’s atmosphere. We rule out broad spectral featuresin the planet’s near-infrared transmission spectrum thatwould arise from probing more than a few scale heights inatmospheric pressure. The combination of our thermalemission measurements with extant Spitzer IRAC datasuggests that the planet does not have a thermal inver-sion yielding a large increase in temperature to lowerpressures in the observed part of its atmosphere. Theemission data are consistent with a model for the planet’satmosphere that is isothermal over the observed part ofthe atmosphere, and with a model that has decreasingtemperature with pressure and a C/O value that is sub-stantially larger than the solar value.A key question raised by our observations is why

isn’t the obtained precision higher than it is? The cur-rent data, and our previous near-infrared observations ofGJ 1214b (Bean et al. 2011), fall short of delivering lightcurve residuals better than a factor of two to three timesthe photon-limited expectations. Furthermore, corre-

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12 Bean et al.

Fig. 10.— The thermal emission spectrum of WASP-19b in terms of the planet-to-star flux ratio (secondary eclipse depth). Themeasurements presented in this paper are shown as the black circles. Previous reported measurements from Anderson et al. (2010),Gibson et al. (2010), Burton et al. (2012), Anderson et al. (2013), and Lendl et al. (2013) are also shown as the blue (Spitzer IRAC) andpurple (ground-based) circles. The green and red lines represent models without thermal inversions that were fit to our data and the SpitzerIRAC data using the methods of Madhusudhan & Seager (2009). The green line is a roughly solar composition model (C/O=0.5), andthe red line is a carbon-rich model (C/O=1.0). The grey line shows an example model with a thermal inversion and solar composition.The green, red, and grey points show the respective values of the models integrated over the bandpasses of the photometric points. Theintegrated model values for our spectroscopic data are not shown for clarity. The inset shows the corresponding temperature-pressureprofiles for the models. The dashed line is a model of the planet assuming it radiates as a blackbody with a temperature of 2250K. Thedotted lines are blackbody models for the planet with T=1800 (lower line) and 2900 (upper line) K.

lated noise in the light curves degrades the precision ofthe transit and eclipse depth measurements even more.This is in contrast with observations that we have doneat optical wavelengths where we have obtained residualsas small as a few hundred ppm per minute and that arewithin a few tens of percent of the photon-limited preci-sion (e.g., Bean et al. 2010). Our study of the MMIRSdetector non-linearity described in § 2.2.2 yielded surpris-ing results, and this leads us to believe that the qualityof near-infrared detectors could be responsible for thelower than expected precision being obtained at thesewavelengths. However, we can’t speculate as to what theunderlying physical reason might be. We do note thatif these observations represent the limit obtainable withground-based near-infrared spectroscopy, then roughlysix transits would have to be observed to detect spec-tral features in the transmission spectrum of a planetlike WASP-19b at better than 5σ confidence.The near-infrared is clearly an important wavelength

region for exoplanet atmosphere measurements because

of the presence of many different molecular bands. How-ever, ground-based near-infrared spectroscopy to mea-sure these molecules is challenging due to the presenceof water vapor in Earth’s atmosphere. Numerous andstrong telluric water lines sculpt the near-infrared spec-trum and limit observations to the canonical Y -, J-, H-,and K-bands. Observations at the wavelengths betweenthese bands are simply not possible from the groundbecause no light from astronomical sources reaches thetelescope. The presence of telluric water vapor furthercomplicates matters because it produces lines that evencontaminate the windows where light can get through.These lines are expected to be strongly variable overtimescales relevant for transit observations due to chang-ing conditions in the atmosphere above an observatory.This is borne out by our observations. We clearly seestronger variations in the atmospheric transparency asmeasured by the reference stars between the edges andcenters of the H- and K-bands (see Figure 4).Variable telluric water vapor has been identified as a

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possible reason for the strong feature seen in the emis-sion spectrum of the planet HD189733b that Swain et al.(2010) presented (Mandell et al. 2011). The techniqueof observing only the transiting planet system, whichSwain et al. (2010) use, requires correcting for telluricvariations using the data themselves. The Swain et al.(2010) approach is to filter out these variations based onthe assumption that they are correlated with wavelengthand time. In contrast, the multi-object technique we useenables corrections for variations in Earth’s atmospherictransparency at every wavelength for every exposure us-ing an external reference. Therefore, our data shouldbe insensitive to the problem of variability in water va-por lines assuming the variations are common mode forsources within a few arcminutes of each other on the sky.The measurements we have presented here represent

one of the few cases of ground-based exoplanet atmo-sphere observations with repeated observations. Themoderate level of disagreement seen between the resultsfrom the separate analyses of the different events illus-trates the potential pitfalls of making statements aboutthe nature of exoplanetary atmospheres at even a 3σ for-mal confidence level when the inference critically dependson one or two points that are derived from observations of

a single event. Our data require little systematic decor-relation and we used a well-regarded algorithm for esti-mating confidence intervals in the face of correlated noise(residual permutation bootstrap), but yet we still onlysee repeatability in our transit and eclipse depths at the2 – 3σ level. One strength of ground-based measurementsis that the observations are easier to repeat due to thegenerally lower time pressure on the telescopes comparedto space-based facilities. We want to encourage observerspursuing ground-based observations to take advantage ofthis opportunity, and we also want to encourage telescopetime allocation committees to look favorably on proposedrepeated observations not just because they would havea higher formal signal-to-noise, but also because the re-sults will likely be more robust.

J.L.B. acknowledges support from the Alfred P. SloanFoundation. J.-M.D. acknowledges funding from NASAthrough the Sagan Exoplanet Fellowship program ad-ministered by the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute(NExScI). The results presented are based on observa-tions made with the 6.5m Magellan telescopes locatedat Las Campanas Observatory.Facilities: Magellan:Clay (MMIRS)


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