THE TEESDALE MERCURY—WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1915. Wedding and Birthday Presents In Grsat Varlo.y at • KENNEDYS, 27, GALOATE The Noted Waddisjr Ring Shop. a. I'rexuot witii every »ur «• WaMiws, Clocks, and Jewellery Repaired. Antique Silver, Uutius, QWM , eta* purchase tol Cub. 0 ureal*, ting; Ubra'.-;. Agent for t-.e celebrated Ittgeraoli Watehee frem 5/-. lost ana JounH, L OST, Three Sootch Ewes, R D. on horn, A uu ueu aide, and Two Half-bred Lambs. —W. AUiodon, Prospect Cottage, Romaldkirk. L OST, near Middleton, Two Blankets^ Finder kindly rotate to Watson, Aukside, Middletuc-in-Teeeaeie. T OST, on Saturday night last, Bold Carb -Li Brecon.—Finder rewarded on taking it to the " Teesdalo Mercnty " Office. T AKEN DP, Blaek-faeed Ewe, uaolipped. Owner can have same by giving descrip- tion and paying expenses.—Apply, Siewart, OiilBeld, Romaldkirk. £ituatic-<: tlHaiuefc ant Uacartt J ANTED, Cook General.-Apply to Mrs SnmmeiKJa.F&irfio'd. Barnard Caaile. 5L W ANTED, Smart; Youth a* Apprentice to the General Drapery.—Apply, T. Garbntt, Com:a?,rco Houae, Bernard Castle. ANTED, General Set rant.—Apply, S2ia Garbntt, Commerce House, awusts w Castle W ANTED, Good, Plain Cook, for Beotoc, near Newoasfele-on-Tyne, family small, li maids, wages, £20.—Write to Mrs Tonnnnt, Woden Croft, Cotherstone. %mtUwtovai OUttta Sain, Etc, Y OUNG MAN in delicate health (Pathisis case), requires board lodgings wich homely people for a long period in the country.—Write, Btatiog terms, age, to T.G., 12, Oawy-slreot, Whitby. F OR SALE, Humber, 1 seater, in going order, 6 So 8 borse power, must sell, owuer gone to front: £20 or tissr offer: Birgaia.—Apply, J. Mihoi 5, Yarm Road, Darlington. F OR SALE, Automatic Knitting Machine, quite new, cost £7 10a„ splendid bargain; also Welbank's Oval Boiierette, nearly new - Apply, Parkin, 6, WiUou-terrace, Barnard Castle. %H :ffgttg, jgtc , Co l.t< or far aaig. ^ODR-ROOMED COi'XAGE TOTET, Reu; -L is. clear.--Apply, 6, The Bank, Barnard Castle. "7 | 6ALGATE.—To Let, immediate possession, 4 1, Home with Front E n d Back Garden, lately occupied by Mrs Dodds.—Apply, Mr Hanby Holmes, Solicitor, Barnard Castle. rho LET, - tha Old- established HoteLkno M X as the Four Alls' Hotel, Ovington, Darling- ton, Fur&ished thronghont. There are 13 acres of good Land V.'vshed to the placo. Present occupiers beeu there 40 years. Leaving through death.—Apply to occupier. Staindrop, rpo UP, a L.soUiag-. : i:jU6t, containing (> JL Bed'oonis, Bath-room and conveniences, Gardes, ete. Orervtly reduced rent, by agrctioivi.i. Apply, Dr. Welford, Borcsrci Castle. isUIujioug Announcement*. -fETALXj - STREET CONGREGATION/*! O. OBDROH, Barnard Castlo.-Sucday, August 29ih, 1915 - Morning, 10-30 ; Bivenirig, 6-80; preacher, Mi- W. Wake, Prea.or-.era' Hostel, .London. Subjects: Morning, "tie Abundant Life"; Evo.iiag, "The Call of Josus." F 'RBE CHRISTIAN (UNITARIAN) CHURCH, Nervate. BuBtti Oaatl^.--Sunday, Aug ltltw—MatcJBg, 10-45 , Evening, 6-30 ; preacUe Rev. 1. B. EbBinagp. All t.r : weloom*. T>BIM1TIYB MRTHOD1S1 3HUBOH, New- 3. gate. 3a»a»T-i Oaatle. Kiiaday, Augus* 20th, 1915.— ?i<;i\ >r^ ,C "(; ; Svealng, »-S0 ; preacher, Mr W. NeUvc, Cambridgv-terrace, Barnard Castle. Wf ES£;EYAK CHURGl:, Barnarc: Casila,- V7 : a«d»}. August 29th, 1915.—Moraine, 10-30; Bvoalcg, 6-30; preacher, Rav. F. G. Gacoaouse. 1 JI MAY DIXON, A.R.C.M., TWshet of - iano- . • force and Siogiag. Next ierm cooimeacss September 27tb.—8, Bedc-sorwc^, Bs'aard Castle. Wetthoim College, Ethirley lane, Bishop Auckland. M RS and tha MISSES UUiLEii. ..suisted by an ef&oient staff of resident and visit- ing teaoh rs and professors, receive a limited number t Boarders and Day Pupils. Bo.-.o under niae received. Preparation for Cam- bridge l.joal and Associated Board Examina- tions. Tonnis Courts, Basket-bail. High School for Cirls, Betie Terrace, Barnard Battle. 6rfct *at toaiitttt. B OWE«! MUSEUM Relrasbrac^t-Roota now Ooou, PartifcH catered for. M R ERNEST BANOROFr,Opuciac,Special- ist on Eyestrain attends at Hia MECHANICS' INSTITUTION as usual TO-DAY. Barnard Castta Urban District Council. War Emergency Committee. 'PUIS Committee requests that ail persons L haviug relatives or fcieads, who are Barnard Castle m?.u, ucw on 6Ct3ve psrvieo abroad, will send the cxmes and i«nk of ihv same to the undersignod ss loao as • ••S'0"\ in order that ^rra.ugements may be made to provide each man with a parcel on an early d-,te. J, INGRAM DAWSON, Hoc. Secretary, B»rn»rd Castle. Startforth Hcav;- Horse Society. A MEETINa wiii held at tha KING'S HK.VD HOTEL, on WBDNB3DAY, SECTEMBKR 1ST, 1915, at 3 o'clock, when ali vico fets siiuuld THOS. IRELAND, Sooiftta??. WITH AM HALL, BARNARD CASTLE. Principal - - Mias Eglinton. Pcptia p-ap^red tor Uauibridge. Local and .Soya: Aeademy of Music Examinations. Oataide i'upHe are adudtted to inatruetion in McKio, »i*o ti. the Art Class (Drawiag,Pa:i',tiug, Df*U.ning, etc;, hold oa Wednes^^y Aftersvx'us. School Re-opena on 15th Heptembsr, Principal at home on aad after tbe 8th September. Prospeotus oa »pplloation, Apply, 5, Beue Terrace. (3- "Eb CONCERT Uader distinguished patronage, by the following CELEBRATED EElCiAN ARTISTES will bo given in t?i* »b:iva hall, on Tuesday, September 7th, 1915, la aid of the Aoglo-Balgisn, Red Cross Society. ARTISTES: The Celebrated Belgian Baritone Monsieur AUGUSTE BOUILLIEZ, Principal Baritoc:?, of Le Tbo»t-o do la afoonatoi Braesels, acd l Coven* Gardoc Opera; Madame YVONNE COURSO. Prir.cipal Contralto, nf the Gfsr .i Oper», P&ri3 ; Monsieur Constantin Stroesco, Principal Tonor, ?t i'Opera Comlqao, Psria; Monsieur MAURICE DAMBOIS, The Getabratod Btwita Violoaceiliat; Monsieur MANLIO Di VEROLI, PIANIST. Firs* Prizs a t the R<yal Academy of Mnste, Rome. Ali the Artiatea piva iiiiair sorviui-.a L'ae and pay theiu owa traveling oxr.oc isi, ao that fan "*hula pi the proceeda go tu ;i».s dcaorvicg c!.i«?ity; WSON & REAT, The Up-to-date Drapers, TEESDALB HOUSE, BARNARD CASTLE. SPECIAL SHOW THIS WEEK OF rillSMAlE COATS IN Coverts & Gabs FOB AUTUMN WEAR. C0CKFIELQ AND DISTRICT Agricultural Show, SATURDAY, AUGUST 28th, 1915. 2alcs fcg Puritan. CLASSKS FOR Cattle, Sheep, Dairy and Garden Produce. Trotting and Pony Scamper. SIM HBSCOP, Secretary, Cocsfiald. THE HIGH F0H£E & H0LWICK Agricultural Show "Will bi held iu tho H O L M E , On Saturday, September 25th, 1915. Particulars Inter. Reserved Seats, 3,-; S&cond Seats, 2,•; Adm:ti8ioi!, I -, ConC6rt at 8 : Q^rAn? *r, at 10 p.m. B«ata may oo.jk. • at tint "Teeadale Mercaiy " Ollice, where a plao may ba saea. KARDA BELL-IRVING, Secretary, BOW.KIS MUSiUM. CONCERTS WILL BE GIVEN BY THE CELEBRATED TO ML R'SIXE, aecretary. W ALTER SdOTT AND CO., 9ate*head teve published a little back fur Wedding Anciveraaries, entitlecl '• Wedding Chimes aod Timae," < xqu'<»i;oi.v bouud in whiSo find Sold, pic. 5/6, eontatnieg suifsb'o quolatioaa from tho popta, amo-;g whom nre ArnoM. Dr. Arne, Byron, Burns, Bwker, H. Hsaaford Bel!, Clifton Biagham, E. Cook, Oowper, Crashaw, Campbell, Dinte, Drydep, Emeraoc, Palcor.er, Kaber, Qoldpmitb, J. A. Osliaoo, ?Jr» Hemaoa, F. E. Hm , J O. Hgllund, Kuod, Wttshicgtou Irving, Sheridan Knowleg, Landon, Loogfellow, Lytiieton, Owen kfereditb, Maotey, Moultrie, Mra OagooiJ, A. A . Prootar. E. Allao Poe, Ppesmore. Praed, Rslei* 1 *, Sh:"r)oy, Shelley, Sijslreepear*, gc.ntt, Soatbey, Hbenatose, Tenoysjn, Wordawoifch, V7><a : oe, Willis, Wbittier, snd E. W. WHeox. TO BE HAD AT THE "Teesd&ie Mercury " Office, Barnard Csstle. IN THE MUSEUM PARK, ON Thursday, august 26th, 1915 AT 2-30 AND 6-30 P.M. Shay ADMISSION FREE A UK V uu wiUinK to f»J 4a. in the ,t iutcrost for J3 uiouths't Wo ilo uot advertise to luud at Is. or 2s. iu tlio £t which nicciiis from ouc moutti to two moutha. V Our Terms are in Plain English. i.10 will cost you Jt2 tor 12 mouths. .1:50 will cost you JLIO •or 12 months. Other amounts iu proportion. We arc the Actual XiCniicrs, aud uiafce no charges of any deseriptiou unless cash actually iidvancetl.—Apply iu conhuonce. L. AMD K. ELNKLESTONE, 42, l'lLGBIM STREET, NBWOASTLB-ON- 1VN£. NOTICE. J OHN I. ADDISON will still ooutihue the Bu:jiiesa lately carried on by MESSRS ADDISON AND FOOTT, and ao lor>g aod ouccee-.- iully c adaoted by the late Mr T. Cleasby. By atri.-.o attention to business he hepes to merit a fair share of patronage ao long accorded to the above. Batimates given free. N.B.—A Collection will be made a each Concert in aid of the Fund for providing SANDBACS for our Troops. B1DDALL/S encu WILL POSITIVELY VISIT mum* rial, U%UHQ CMTLE, ON FEIDAY & SATURD iY, AUCUST 27th & 28th, 1915 WOOL. A LL w.'olloii 3?*:clas <i;»vo sharply cdvincd in price, i-ail aro ?ikely t*> go Jurther. It is n disiicc'i eeoootay to feave odd lots of wool, either flesc;i or broker, msde up for family acd hootoho'.c! nae, as our price" *or this ywik ere nocbanged durins the laat '10 yeRrs. Wo can puppiy auy article m«dn from wri>5, :;nd patterns of ladioa' ar.fi gei.t .'a twe»dj<, rugs, blanket!, ktitMag vrc 's. •••to., are rent or; reqaesr, togeiher witK ac»le of qu -,3tities of wo^l required, and charges tov tiiancfaoturieg. Establisbed in 1821 0;ccrburn MiU, Limited, Woollen Manufacturers, OttorMrn, H.O., Nor'.:»)nmber!i«id. Wei 1 tj Wo;dburc Btation. DISTRICT AGENTS: MID0LET0N-IN-TEESSALE : Mr J. Kaine, Market P?ac8. BARNARD GASTLE: Mr H. W. Sell, Coachbuiidor, Caigate, Is aSBvi op.n ia Buy Fatten Wool and Sheep Doddings from era ; ST. JOHN'S CHAPEL : Mr Ceo. Lowes, Croc.r. R00KH0PE: Mr Wm. Bell, Boltsburn. FOK NEW AND RELIABLE SEEDS FOR FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN, ALSO SEED POTATOES, TRY ORAM), CALCAT£, BARNAR9 GASTLE. MONSTER PKO.iRAMME, INCLUDIN& BRONCHO HARRY Laureite and Stock Whip King. Post-card Mar<5, ehowing oaek 'i'beatra t f Wat In •detail, Id. c cb, ko bo haa at the Teesdalo Mercury Oiflce, Barnard Oaatle. ALBERT FOOTT, Tees Mill Carriage Works, Barnard Castie, H AVING accraired the Bnaiceas and Prctais^s i>i Mr R. P. Thompson. Coach- bnllder, bopea by strict attention ro bnaioften ami mcHi»i(at«> eitarjtta to modi a a'rare of the patronage of -thw •?!;••>•»';«*. Up-to-date Maehioejy, .-id sii the «.-*•*>. imprcvemeata iu sppiiutices employes. Motor-Oar iienovatiug a rSpeciality. Ketirjatca gjveo trcn. Zemoline 8!tir Ointment "m the Oiotmoct with alOy.Rfs '-rioa -fai'ur;; r&putation.l/ljper jar, from M».sa ; r s Drug Store*, fcho Zcmoline Depot, Barnard Oastie. BARNAJID C'ASTLB & TKKSDALM FARMERS' AUCTION MART C O . , L T D . lout; UAINBRIDOR, Kirkby ^tepLen; acd 8H3RG& TARN BAINBRIDOM & SON, IHril-.gtcr, Aaouoneers. WEUNBSDAY, AUdUST 25TH, 1915. Th« U 8 U«FORTNH;HTLY 8ALH will be hold, when t'ueroSfcill be forward thenanal supplies of DAIRY COWS »nd L'EIFERS, F A T an5 STORE CAITLB and SHEEP. 1 Pork Pig, Mr T. Bell. Bale in both Rings at 10-30 a.m. JOBN E. THOMPSON, Secretary. 70, Victoria EsigaDkintnt, Darlington. < PARKINSON & SON, AUCTIONEERS AND VALUBBS, Oentral Sale Roomtt, i^iablishod 1876. THOMAS ADDISON, Auctioneer and Vainer. »!»ies of all Description*. Vaiuatlon)i i'or Probate and Legaoy Dutiea Pr(«upt Settlanu nta. Pae&are Enc 1 ., Bowes, WM. TARN, Auctioae^r &ud \ a,iuer. 5<*ie« of aii deacrlptiou*. audortakeo. Prompt oettlemeiiM. Uanderthwaite, Romaldkirk. ALBERT WINPENNY, AUCTIONEER AND VALUBB. OFFICE : DORSE MARKET, BARNARD CASTLE. W. P. WALLIS, AUCTIONEER, VALUER. ESTATE A ND INSURANCiS AUENT, MARKET PLACE, BARNAitD CASTLE. TOM HARRISON, Auctioneer and Valuer, MiddletOD-in-Teesdale. AUCTIONEER. VALUER. ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT. R. T. HANDLEY, VAX, POST OFFICE CHAMBERS. NORTHGATE, D A R L I N G > ON Tel. 2,190. BARNARD CASTLE ALTERNATE WEDNESDAYS. ALBERT J. WILKINSON, AUCTIONEER, VALUER, ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT. Valuations for Probate, Mortgage, Land, Lioenaed Victuallers, Stock*, and Fittings. I bay all kinds of Stocks, Fittings, Furniture aioo Goods Sold on Commission. OFFIOBS : HALL STREET, Barnard Castle ; and Victoria Street, Bishop Auckland Established 21 yuars. Tel: 126, Bp. Auckland IMPORTANT BOON TO LADIES. N O Pi)f» tir Unifr* nsod ia this treatment! mj nnver-faiM )•/, »'.'u>edy, and 1 gaarftut-t to cure \*\ (cmtie ailmentx. I iiwiie na c *H6s tb-.- have taiiuu e!aowhere. Stamp, free advice.—NURSE Ross, Laboratory. 96, Windsor Road, Torquay. Aliens Restriction (Amendment) Order, 13th April, 1915. R EGISTERS of Aliens (for tm in Boieta, Ianr, L; Jgit g-!:-. usta, etc..) Form A.R.— f: and Form A.R.- E cau bo had at the •' Teesdaie Meroury " Office, Barnard Castle. WRITING PADS 44d. and 6Ad. each. A LARGE STOCK 10 CHOOSE FROM. Teesdaie Mercury " Office, Barnard Castle She Geesdale (Dcucuutj BARNARTTCASTLE,TAUGUST 25TH, 19157" BLAGR0VES AND PURITANISM. As we have already pointed out the texts and mottoes found in the ancient hostelry of BlagrtTves. which Lord Barnard has, we rejoice to say, taken into his own hands for preservation, as a landmark of first-rate importance iu English history, point to the Puritanical era in which the Lord Protector flourished. The annals of the Common- wealth are intensely interesting at all times, and the heroic son of the H^mtingdc*i brewer was not, after all, quite so stern as he has been painted. As the years passed and Cromwell's power became more firmly consolidated, the attempts to prevent all observance of Christmas became less harsh. The churches remained rigidly closed, but the general refusal to open shops and conduct ordinary business was winked at. Old-iashioned folk could eat their roast meat and their Christmas pic, and spoon their Christmas porridge, and, for the matter oi that, play the old pastimes in a quiet way, if they did so in the privacy of-their own homes. On Boxing Day, 1856, Evelyn ventured to invite some of his neighbours and tenants, " according to costome, and to preserve hospitality and charity." Cromwell's own instincts were all in lavour of toleration. Iu 1G.J7, when he was asked to suppress some congregations who met on Christmas Day, he at first refused, saying it was against that liberty of conscience which he claimed for himself. But the letter of the law recognised no such liberty, and he was obliged to send soldiers to suppress these meetings. At one such illegal gathering, held at Exeter Chapel in Loudon, Evelyn happened to be present. The chapel was surrounded with soldiers, and all the worshippers within were taken prisoners. The confinement, however; was very slight. Evelyn was allowed tu dine with his friends, and on the following day was released and permitted to return home. With the Restoration, a year or two later, came, of course, the re-instatement of Christmas in its old position, both social and ecclesiastical. A few determined adherents of the Commonwealth, chiefly Quakers, tried to keep their shops open ou Christmas Day, but met with no encouragement. Some of them were abused and pelted with dirt by the mob, while others, suffering persecution in their turn at the hands of their old enemies now again in the possession of power, were arrested, imprisoned, and fined, for thus doing what a few years before they had been ordered to do. But the day when the question ot the observance or the non-observance of the Christmas festival could arouse party passions, or embitter sectarian feeling, has happily long passed away. In whatever degree we may differ one with another as to the ecclesiastical impor- tance of the feast, we are at least all united in defence oi its social observance. And long may such union continue ! afooey Hack Cora Cure (registered), fchi. Greatest: Cure for GovttH aod Wa?ta, ever inverted. Ask for your mtiijoy back if no bei.efit is obtaiDec. Of all Chemists acd Store*, or post free, Is. l £d», from Money Back Curt Core Company (lUsley, Chemist), Barnard Castle. A good a took cf all tho most not id S ee,> Dips alwtjs oa na id, at the lowost prices, from G. Clazkson llarker, Chemist (opposite. Ga 'gato entrance to AuotLon Mart), Barnard Castle. Paint Sticks, Ru3, Tar, and Cooper Kemp's Sheep Marker. THE HERBALIST OF OLD. FIFTY years ago and more herbs of virtue were keenly sought by gentle and simple, and there were then persons resident in Teesdaie who fully believed in the potency of so many plants as the cure for all the diseases to which flesh is heir. The recipes were handed down with unfailing regularity, and even to-day herbs are used medicinally in an unprofessional, unconventional, yet persistent manner. Attention has often been called to the subject, and writers have strongly emphasised the fact that j many of the ingredients used in ancient * medicine would scarcely recommend themselves to a modern practitioner, for they appear to have owed whatever efficacy they possessed solety to the abhorrence caused by their extreme nastiness. For some centuries, however, the stock-in-trade of the apothecary was chiefly derived from the woodland glades and from the hedgerows, or from the river banks and marshes in his neigh- bourhood. Every leafy nook was ransacked for wild plants by the villa, leech, or by the wise woman 2 concocted petions from roots and lcav>' and obtained a not undeserved repim^ ior uncauniness by the readiness JJ3 which she supplied lo^-lorn maid ^T with , philtres to win me heart o: wayward swain, or brewed sleepiu* draughts for darker purposes. He»»»J powers were frequently ascribed 2 certain plants because oi some real \ fancied likeness to a particular pan fche body. Thus the leaves of the Yvhj. meadow saxifrage are covered 2 peculiar spots fjbaring a vague rest, blance to the well-known "mottM appearance ol the lungs. A decoct of these leaves, therefore, was cohsid^* most beneficial in cases of pulmoni- disease, and the fleshy excrescence, 1 the roots of the plants were thought I be equally good for human swellings j all kinds. An old writer says, "<W plants as are insipid to taste and snit have generally little virtue. Those 3 the most fragrant smell and sharpt, taste have the greatest virtue t whatsoever kind." The wild vervj; was highly esteemed by professors ol-j healing, as well as oi the once closd; allied black arts. T h e D r u i d s believt, that the plant bestowed the gilt jj prophecy, and Sir Walter Scott pli^ it among the four magical herbs:— •• TrcloiU Vervain, John'a Wort. DU1 Hinder witches of their wiU." Ben Jousou gives a more sacred charae* to it in the lines— " Brinir your garlands, aud with revenue: puw Tha Vervain ou the altar." The rue occupied a prominent place 1 the mediaval pharmacopoeia, as, whe combined with wormwood, it was as an antidote against the plague, was equally esteemed by the ancient and, in the time of Aristotle, i t was.w;r. about the neck as an amc* against witchcraft. It is referred to j the pathetic garden scene Shakespeare's " Richard II." :— *' Here did she fall a tear; her*, iu this ptaea, I'll set a bank of rue. *oar herb of grace : Hue. even for ruth, here ilijrtly shall be saea. In the remembrance of a weeping queen." LOCAL AND OTHBB NOTES. CIUT?!I .vardoni ;if .-jt. Hi- The Vioar an. ; Bariaaasl C i a t l c that die laio Ml-;* Uuore, uf Mt,held Viii*> Supsrisitorjder t nf t'jo GirU' 8o:;d»7 8caoo!i eaaaMajtlea wits pariah for ratrsy J>H-I, Irft the sum of £150 towarda the food f«t octet-inn "? a iv>w vssiry, or I'M o-iUr^-ui of the present -me. —-—o Mr T .iTi 8. lro'.aod.s^cind s.aof ti-i '.'iv-.: esteemed p^takeeper :vt H'ffh FV.rca,hMj;ial tho R -val Eigia^ers, a.»d h»« loft (or M.\ Ball, Yorkshire. o Thb doacoos o* the Cuicregatioaa' CJM at Biroard 0«j*!e b-,ve reoomrnecded , » ecarch mo<co- n the appjiatment for OM.W] if Mr W. Wake, cf London as psetor. M- J. G Caspian and party sk. f .irkiate Mojrs, Bicu>.0 3r..U 'idCr .iM FeS McntiJ x::u Tu '-J»y wsi.k, » a l t » t vj^pa^ Bpor;.. Hl«;,ty of birda were aeon, i par^y iutoad ahouaag hereagaib o a MfJ aod 30;h ioatant. 1»— Dr. Duthi:-, who has been o- h ,liu-.;ij J'. 'ir»e8, mo'cr id f-ora L'.<ndon to N.sirn. twm fov miles ftuin Abordeen, in throe dayg. o—— Bee ind-LinT'i '-ant C. E. N. L.y;\f, uf tit'.| Leicatec Re;:i<n<iur, h*« b3«si w^uaded. o Mr Harri* a&d party shot civsr Moor B .-, leak aiid h»d (frji ap-jr;. • txo.n-i.li b.^ga b^iug icxde. '•Wasted junta bricga raifal sga, cii»r*c.cr is -J imtaortal as Gsd «• 8iw a chjrs.oter, and you reap a destiny, W. W«ke oa Baoday ntKbt. u Lientenaot R itne and Lientenaot Dertfi if the 10 h t.iiicaster Rsgimeoi, who «M< bovd tho ill -fat^ri Riyal Riward, are r«p* *•• be t.,te, ore i ffiser buing at A.sheai »<d (.ther at Alcxsndris. I.i.'Uepr .?,3t -Cui..Qel U. H. H. Morant, ol 1 10ta Dttftaa* Light Iofanti,', hat Thcro h»»« been large nnmbera of vu*3 i I i hs Bpper parts of the dale, and rajro cjao if :uc/ cjuld fi id aeejmaiodatioa. T, -raorrow afternoon «ad nigh; t'M Dfko Mit !s Bar.d v.iil play io the ' Museum Park. o 8?vpra! artists are at wjrk ia the ino* dio'rict. CapMe R. H Lisar'd, ol the 2,-id BatrfJ Durb-ou Light lniatiCry, has beoo k.ll*] CtiOtl. o— Mr T. H Staoioo, HOB ot Mrs 8»o'f. BtasMi li..j «.t, and U r Jaek Baekhoaia •:• . Ratter, grttadsots of Mrs S -,ac. L, a:- - ' M»j :su's overseas' forooe. o Tho "Lyudon Gazette'' says: service: Ssh Yorkshire Regiment: Tec?* Secund-Lieuteoant Roj B. rlelmer tra to tffi} geaeral l'st with the Genera! fi' 1 . Cjmpmny Royal Eugineers, from August 1" Hiaa Taatebor, al Btraard OMtl* ouriounly interealiug parehaisat docaoa*] her poeaession relatiug t > her great gr*°™ who was certified fur the Royal Navy WiliiaJS Charlton, at Shielda ; on tho *y May, 1803, nice years before N»r°| celebrated yet disastrous march oi" Alpc o LUatoBMi Alfred Blenklaaopp, «J° ' J i ^n biooRiast^, fidward-terraos, C<istl., cf tbe »<»h Battalion Light Tatantry, retained from sorvico oa short leave of absence. o A parcel : c ch? i this town one week s-.c? i: es.. d to a tradcaman at ' Caetle." o It hf.s been, estimated that recoo iij a thousand visitors at Barnaro Ccptaia Martia h?.« r"j iued tbe I''" ^ Light I if an try, the gallant bfiioer, oi pr jfcrir;?: ao.'.tei service in the war '^'.g aCgiaatsI ta w.iica he was seieeted ** r .8 bet thus deatined. o- Lisutcn&ot Stapheo B. i .i3U »i .D5:;i o.°fue-j a. ''ipsr, Tjwry Piper, la'e solicitor, Barnard ^ tbe Sherwood '•' .rtsters, has baeo » with the Expeditionary Votoe. o— Yeaterd?y afcarRoon abou- l , ^ wounde.i 6oid?2' - s from L»dy -!*', Horns were c l o y e d to Barnard { j * K '^' tea at the King's Head Hotel, » J ,.^i»| delightlal evearlag at the ** rl 1

*at toaiitttt. WSON & REAT,teesdalemercuryarchive.org/pdf/1915/August-25/... · School Re-opena on 15th Heptembsr, Principal at home on aad after tbe 8th September. Prospeotus oa

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Page 1: *at toaiitttt. WSON & REAT,teesdalemercuryarchive.org/pdf/1915/August-25/... · School Re-opena on 15th Heptembsr, Principal at home on aad after tbe 8th September. Prospeotus oa

T H E T E E S D A L E M E R C U R Y — W E D N E S D A Y , A U G U S T 2 5 , 1 9 1 5 .

Wedding and Birthday Presents In Grsat Varlo.y at •

K E N N E D Y S , 27, G A L O A T E

The Noted Waddisjr Ring Shop.

a. I'rexuot witi i every »ur «•

WaMiws, Clocks, and Jewellery Repaired.

Antique Silver, Uutius, Q W M , eta* purchase tol Cub .

0 ureal*, ting; Ubra'.-;.

Agent for t-.e celebrated Ittgeraoli Watehee frem 5/-.

l o s t ana JounH,

LOST, Three Sootch Ewes, R D. on horn, A uu u e u aide, and Two Half-bred Lambs.

—W. AUiodon, Prospect Cottage, Romaldkirk.

LOST, near Middleton, Two Blankets^ Finder kindly rotate to Watson, Aukside,

Middletuc-in-Teeeaeie. T OST, on Saturday night last, Bold Carb

- L i Brecon.—Finder rewarded on taking i t to the " Teesdalo Mercnty " Office.

TAKEN DP, Blaek-faeed Ewe, uaolipped. Owner can have same by giving descrip­

tion and paying expenses.—Apply, Siewart, OiilBeld, Romaldkirk.

£ituatic-<: tlHaiuefc ant Uacartt J ANTED, Cook General.-Apply to Mrs

SnmmeiKJa.F&irfio'd. Barnard Caaile. 5L WANTED, Smart; Youth a* Apprentice to

the General Drapery.—Apply, T. Garbntt, Com:a?,rco Houae, Bernard Castle.

ANTED, General Set rant.—Apply, S 2 i a Garbntt, Commerce House, awusts w


WANTED, Good, Plain Cook, for Beotoc, near Newoasfele-on-Tyne, family small,

li maids, wages, £20.—Write to Mrs Tonnnnt, Woden Croft, Cotherstone.

%mtUwtovai OUttta Sain, Etc, YOUNG MAN in delicate health (Pathisis

case), requires board lodgings wich homely people for a long period in the country.—Write, Btatiog terms, age, to T.G., 12, Oawy-slreot, Whitby.

FOR SALE, Humber, 1 seater, in going order, 6 So 8 borse power, must sell, owuer gone

to f ront : £20 or tissr offer: Birgaia.—Apply, J. Mihoi 5, Yarm Road, Darlington.

FOR SALE, Automatic Knit t ing Machine, quite new, cost £7 10a„ splendid bargain;

also Welbank's Oval Boiierette, nearly new -Apply, Parkin, 6, WiUou-terrace, Barnard Castle.

%H : f fg t tg , jgtc , Co l.t< or far aaig. ^ODR-ROOMED COi'XAGE TOTET, Reu; - L is . clear.--Apply, 6, The Bank, Barnard Castle. "7 | 6ALGATE.—To Let, immediate possession, 4 1, Home wi th Front E n d Back Garden,

lately occupied by Mrs Dodds.—Apply, Mr Hanby Holmes, Solicitor, Barnard Castle. rho LET, - tha Old- established HoteLkno M X as the Four Alls ' Hotel, Ovington, Darling­

ton, Fur&ished thronghont. There are 13 acres of good Land V.'vshed to the placo. Present occupiers beeu there 40 years. Leaving through death.—Apply to occupier.


rpo U P , a L.soUiag-. :i:jU6t, containing (> JL Bed'oonis, Bath-room and conveniences,

Gardes, ete. Orervtly reduced rent, by agrctioivi.i. Apply, Dr. Welford, Borcsrci Castle.

isUIujioug Announcement*. -fETALXj - STREET CONGREGATION/*! O . OBDROH, Barnard Castlo.-Sucday,

August 29ih, 1915 - Morning, 10-30 ; Bivenirig, 6-80; preacher, Mi- W. Wake, Prea.or-.era' Hostel, .London. Subjects: Morning, " t i e Abundant L i f e " ; Evo.iiag, "The Call of Josus."

F'RBE CHRISTIAN (UNITARIAN) CHURCH, Nervate . B u B t t i Oaatl^.--Sunday, Aug

ltltw—MatcJBg, 10-45 , Evening, 6-30 ; preacUe Rev. 1. B. EbBinagp. A l l t.r:


T > B I M 1 T I Y B MRTHOD1S1 3HUBOH, New-3. gate. 3a»a»T- i Oaatle. Kiiaday, Augus* 20th, 1915.— ? i<; i \ >r^ ,C "(; ; Svealng, »-S0 ; preacher, Mr W. NeUvc, Cambridgv-terrace, Barnard Castle.

Wf ES£;EYAK CHURGl:, Barnarc: Casila,-V 7 : a « d » } . August 29th, 1915.—Moraine,

10-30; Bvoalcg, 6-30; preacher, Rav. F. G. Gacoaouse.

1JI MAY DIXON, A.R.C.M., TWshet of - iano-. • force and Siogiag. Next ierm cooimeacss

September 27tb.—8, Bedc-sorwc^, Bs'aard Castle.

Wetthoim College, Ethirley lane, Bishop Auckland.

MRS and tha MISSES U U i L E i i . ..suisted by an ef&oient staff of resident and visit­

ing teaoh rs and professors, receive a limited number t Boarders and Day Pupils. Bo.-.o under niae received. Preparation for Cam­bridge l . joal and Associated Board Examina­tions. Tonnis Courts, Basket-bail.

High School for Cirls, Betie Terrace, Barnard Battle.

6rfct*at toaiitttt.

B OWE«! M U S E U M Relrasbrac^t-Roota now Ooou, PartifcH catered for.

MR ERNEST BANOROFr,Opuciac,Special­ist on Eyestrain attends at Hia M E C H A N I C S '

I N S T I T U T I O N as usual T O - D A Y .

Barnard Castta Urban District Council.

War Emergency Committee. ' P U I S Committee requests that ai l persons

L haviug relatives or fcieads, who are Barnard Castle m?.u, ucw on 6Ct3ve psrvieo abroad, w i l l send the cxmes and i«nk of ihv same to the undersignod ss loao as • • • S ' 0 " \ in order that ^rra.ugements may be made to provide each man wi th a parcel on an early d-,te.

J, INGRAM DAWSON, Hoc. Secretary, B»rn»rd Castle.

Startforth Hcav;- Horse Society.

AMEETINa wi i i b» held at tha K I N G ' S HK.VD H O T E L , on W B D N B 3 D A Y , S E C T E M B K R 1ST,

1915, at 3 o'clock, when ali vico fets siiuuld

THOS. IRELAND, Sooiftta??.


Principal - - Mias Eglinton. Pcptia p-ap^red tor Uauibridge. Local and

.Soya: Aeademy of Music Examinations. Oataide i'upHe are adudtted to inatruetion in McKio, »i*o t i . the Ar t Class (Drawiag,Pa:i',tiug,

Df*U.ning, etc; , hold oa Wednes^^y Aftersvx'us.

School Re-opena on 15th Heptembsr, Principal at home on aad after tbe

8th September. Prospeotus oa »pplloation, Apply, 5, Beue Terrace.

J± (3- "Eb

C O N C E R T Uader distinguished patronage, by the


CELEBRATED EElCiAN ARTISTES w i l l bo given in t?i* »b:iva hall, on

Tuesday, September 7th, 1915, l a aid of the Aoglo-Balgisn,

Red Cross Society.

ARTISTES: T h e Ce lebra ted B e l g i a n B a r i t o n e

M o n s i e u r A U G U S T E B O U I L L I E Z , Principal Baritoc:?, of Le Tbo»t-o do la afoonatoi Braesels, acd l Coven* Gardoc

Opera; M a d a m e Y V O N N E C O U R S O .

Prir.cipal Contralto, nf the G f s r . i Oper», P&ri3 ;

M o n s i e u r C o n s t a n t i n Stroesco, Principal Tonor, ?t i'Opera Comlqao, Psria; M o n s i e u r M A U R I C E D A M B O I S ,

The Getabratod Btwita Violoaceiliat; M o n s i e u r M A N L I O D i V E R O L I ,

PIANIST. Firs* Prizs a t the R<yal Academy of Mnste, Rome.

Al i the Artiatea piva iiiiair sorviui-.a L'ae and pay theiu owa t ravel ing oxr.oc i s i , ao that fan "*hula pi the proceeda go tu ;i».s dcaorvicg c!.i«?ity;

WSON & R E A T , The Up-to-date Drapers,

T E E S D A L B H O U S E ,

B A R N A R D C A S T L E .


r i l l S M A l E COATS I N

Coverts & Gabs F O B A U T U M N W E A R .


Agricul tural Show, SATURDAY, AUGUST 28th, 1915.

2alcs fcg P u r i t a n .


Cat t l e , Sheep, Dai ry and Garden P roduce .

T r o t t i n g and Pony S c a m p e r .

S I M HBSCOP, Secretary, Cocsfiald.


Agricul tural Show "Will b i held iu tho

H O L M E , On Saturday, September 25th, 1915.

Particulars Inter.

Reserved Seats, 3 , - ; S&cond Seats, 2 , • ; Adm:ti8ioi!, I - ,

ConC6rt at 8 : Q^rAn? *r, at 10 p.m.

B«ata may l© oo.jk. • at tint "Teeadale Mercaiy " Ollice, where a plao may ba saea.

K A R D A B E L L - I R V I N G , Secretary,

B O W . K I S M U S i U M .



TO ML R ' S I X E , aecretary.

WALTER SdOTT A N D CO., 9ate*head teve published a l i t t l e back fur Wedding

Anciveraaries, entitlecl '• Wedding Chimes aod Timae," < xqu'<»i;oi.v bouud in whiSo find Sold, p i c . 5/6, eontatnieg suifsb'o quolatioaa from tho popta, amo-;g whom nre ArnoM. Dr. Arne, Byron, Burns, Bwker, H. Hsaaford Bel!, Clifton Biagham, E. Cook, Oowper, Crashaw, Campbell, Dinte, Drydep, Emeraoc, Palcor.er, Kaber, Qoldpmitb, J. A. Osliaoo, ?Jr» Hemaoa, F. E. Hm , J O. Hgllund, Kuod, Wttshicgtou Irving, Sheridan Knowleg, Landon, Loogfellow, Lytiieton, Owen kfereditb, Maotey, Moultrie, Mra OagooiJ, A. A . Prootar. E . Allao Poe, Ppesmore. Praed, Rslei*1*, Sh:"r)oy, Shelley, Sijslreepear*, gc.ntt, Soatbey, Hbenatose, Tenoysjn, Wordawoifch, V7><a:oe, Willis, Wbittier, snd E. W. WHeox.

TO BE HAD AT THE "Teesd&ie Mercury " Office, Barnard Csstle.


M U S E U M P A R K , ON

Thursday, august 26th, 1915 AT 2-30 AND 6-30 P.M.


AUK V uu wiUinK to f»J 4a. in the , t iutcrost for J3 uiouths't Wo ilo uot advertise to luud at Is. or 2s. iu tlio £t which nicciiis from ouc moutti to two moutha.

V O u r T e r m s are i n Plain English. i.10 w i l l cost you Jt2 tor 12 mouths. .1:50 w i l l cost you JLIO

•or 12 months. Other amounts iu proportion. We arc the Actual XiCniicrs, aud uiafce no charges of any deseriptiou unless cash actually iidvancetl.—Apply iu conhuonce.


N O T I C E .

J OHN I. ADDISON w i l l s t i l l ooutihue the Bu:jiiesa lately carried on by MESSRS

ADDISON A N D FOOTT, and ao lor>g aod ouccee-.-iul ly c adaoted by the late Mr T. Cleasby. By atri.-.o attention to business he hepes to merit a fair share of patronage ao long accorded to the above. Batimates given free.

N . B . — A C o l l e c t i o n w i l l be made a each Conce r t i n a i d o f the F u n d for p r o v i d i n g SANDBACS for ou r T r o o p s .


e n c u WILL P O S I T I V E L Y V I S I T

mum* r ia l , U%UHQ CMTLE, ON

F E I D A Y & S A T U R D i Y , AUCUST 27th & 28th, 1915

W O O L . AL L w.'olloii 3?*:clas <i;»vo sharply c d v i n c d

in price, i-ail aro ?ikely t*> go Jurther. I t is n disiicc'i eeoootay to feave odd lots of wool, either flesc;i or broker, msde up for family acd hootoho'.c! nae, as our price" *or this ywik ere nocbanged durins the laat '10 yeRrs. Wo can puppiy auy article m«dn from wri>5, :;nd patterns of ladioa' ar.fi gei.t.'a twe»dj<, rugs, blanket!, k t i tMag vrc 's. •••to., are rent or; reqaesr, togeiher witK ac»le of qu - ,3t i t ies of wo^l required, and charges tov tiiancfaoturieg.

Establisbed in 1821 0;ccrburn MiU, Limited,

Woollen Manufacturers, Ot torMrn , H.O.,

Nor'.:»)nmber!i«id. Wei 1 t j Wo;dburc Btation.


Mr J . Kaine, Market P?ac8. BARNARD GASTLE:

Mr H. W. Sell, Coachbuiidor, Caigate, Is aSBvi op.n ia Buy Fatten Wool and Sheep

Doddings from e r a ; ST. JOHN'S CHAPEL :

Mr Ceo. Lowes, Croc.r. R00KH0PE:

Mr Wm. Bell, Boltsburn.





B R O N C H O H A R R Y Laureite and Stock Whip King.

Post-card Mar<5, ehowing oaek 'i'beatra t f Wat In •detail, Id . c cb, ko bo haa at the

Teesdalo Mercury Oiflce, Barnard Oaatle.

A L B E R T F O O T T , Tees Mil l Carr iage Works ,

B a r n a r d Castie ,

HAVING accraired the Bnaiceas and Prctais^s i>i Mr R. P. Thompson. Coach-

bnllder, bopea by strict attention ro bnaioften ami mcHi»i(at«> eitarjtta to modi a a'rare of the patronage of -thw •?!;••>•»';«*. Up-to-date Maehioejy, .-id s i i the «.-*•*>. imprcvemeata iu s p p i i u t i c e s employes.

Motor-Oar i ienovatiug a rSpeciality.

Ketirjatca gjveo trcn.

Zemoline 8!tir Ointment "m the Oiotmoct with alOy.Rfs '-rioa-fai 'ur;; r&putat ion. l / l jper jar, from M».sa ;rs Drug Store*, fcho Zcmoline Depot, Barnard Oastie.

B A R N A J I D C'ASTLB & T K K S D A L M F A R M E R S ' A U C T I O N M A R T CO., L T D .

lout; U A I N B R I D O R , Kirkby ^tepLen; acd 8H3RG& T A R N B A I N B R I D O M & SON, IHri l- .gtcr ,


W E U N B S D A Y , AUdUST 25TH, 1915.

Th« U 8 U « F O R T N H ; H T L Y 8ALH w i l l be hold, when t'ueroSfcill be forward thenanal supplies of D A I R Y COWS »nd L 'E IFERS, F A T an5 STORE C A I T L B and S H E E P .

1 Pork Pig, Mr T . Bell. Bale in both Rings at 10-30 a.m.

JOBN E. THOMPSON, Secretary. 70, Victoria EsigaDkintnt, Darlington. <


Oentral Sale Roomtt,

i^iablishod 1876.

THOMAS A D D I S O N , Auctioneer and Vainer.

»!»ies of a l l Description*.

Vaiuatlon)i i'or Probate and Legaoy Dutiea

Pr(«upt Settlanu nta. Pae&are Enc1., Bowes,

W M . T A R N , Auctioae^r &ud \ a,iuer.

5<*ie« of aii deacrlptiou*. audortakeo. Prompt oettlemeiiM.

Uanderthwaite, Romaldkirk.






T O M H A R R I S O N , Auctioneer and Valuer,




N O R T H G A T E , D A R L I N G > O N Tel. 2,190.



A G E N T . Valuations for Probate, Mortgage, Land, Lioenaed Victuallers, Stock*, and Fittings.

I bay all kinds of Stocks, Fittings, Furniture aioo Goods Sold on Commission.

O F F I O B S : HALL STREET, Barnard Castle ; and Victoria Street, Bishop Auckland

Established 21 yuars. T e l : 126, Bp. Auckland


NO Pi)f» t ir Unif r* nsod ia this treatment! m j nnver-faiM )•/, »'.'u>edy, and 1 gaarftut-t

to cure \*\ (cmtie ailmentx. I i i w i i e na c*H6s tb-.- have t a i i u u e!aowhere. Stamp, free advice.—NURSE Ross, Laboratory. 96, Windsor Road, Torquay.

Aliens Restriction (Amendment) Order, 13th Apri l , 1915.

REGISTERS of Aliens (for tm in Boieta, Ianr, L ; Jgit g-!:-. usta, etc..) Form A.R.— f:

and Form A.R.- • E cau bo had at the •' Teesdaie Meroury " Office, Barnard Castle.



44d. and 6Ad. each.


Teesdaie Mercury "


Barnard Castle

She Geesdale (Dcucuutj B A R N A R T T C A S T L E , T A U G U S T 25TH, 19157"

BLAGR0VES AND PURITANISM. A s we have already po in ted ou t the

texts and mottoes found i n the ancient hoste l ry o f BlagrtTves. w h i c h L o r d Barnard has, we rejoice to say, taken i n t o his o w n hands for preservat ion, as a l andmark of first-rate impor tance i u E n g l i s h h is tory , p o i n t to the Pur i t an ica l era i n w h i c h the L o r d Protector flourished. T h e annals of the C o m m o n ­weal th are in tensely in te res t ing at a l l t imes, and the heroic son o f the H^mt ingdc*i brewer was not , after a l l , qui te so stern as he has been painted. A s the years passed and Cromwel l ' s power became more f i r m l y consolidated, the at tempts to prevent a l l observance o f Chris tmas became less harsh. T h e churches remained r i g i d l y closed, b u t the general refusal to open shops and conduct o r d i n a r y business was w i n k e d at. Old- iash ioned folk cou ld eat the i r roast meat and the i r Chr is tmas pic, and spoon the i r Chris tmas porr idge , and, for the mat te r o i that, play the o l d pastimes i n a quie t way, i f they d i d so in the pr ivacy of- their o w n homes. O n B o x i n g Day, 1856, E v e l y n v e n t u r e d to i nv i t e some o f h i s ne ighbours and tenants, " accord ing to costome, and to preserve hosp i t a l i t y and cha r i t y . " Cromwel l ' s o w n ins t inc ts were a l l i n lavour o f to le ra t ion . I u 1G.J7, when he was asked to suppress some congregat ions w h o met on Chr is tmas Day, he at first refused, say ing i t was against that l i be r ty o f conscience w h i c h he c la imed for himself . B u t the le t te r o f the law recognised no such l ibe r ty , and he was obl iged to send soldiers to suppress these meetings. A t one such i l l ega l ga ther ing , he ld at Exe t e r Chapel i n L o u d o n , E v e l y n happened to be present. T h e chapel was sur rounded w i t h soldiers, and a l l the worshippers w i t h i n were taken prisoners. T h e confinement, however; was ve ry s l igh t . E v e l y n was al lowed tu d ine w i t h his friends, and on the f o l l o w i n g day was released and pe rmi t t ed to r e t u r n home. W i t h the Restorat ion, a year or t w o later, came, o f course, the re- instatement o f Chr is tmas i n i ts o l d pos i t ion , bo th social and ecclesiastical. A few de te rmined adherents o f the C o m m o n w e a l t h , chief ly Quakers, t r i e d to keep the i r shops open ou Chris tmas Day, bu t met w i t h no encouragement. Some o f them were abused and pel ted w i t h d i r t by the mob, w h i l e others, suffering persecution i n the i r t u r n at the hands o f the i r o l d enemies n o w again i n the possession o f power, were arrested, impr isoned, and fined, for thus d o i n g wha t a few years before they had been ordered to do. B u t the day w h e n the quest ion ot the observance or the non-observance o f the Chr is tmas fest ival cou ld arouse pa r ty passions, or embi t te r sectarian feeling, has happ i ly l o n g passed away. I n whatever degree we may differ one w i t h another as to the ecclesiastical impor ­tance o f the feast, we are at least a l l u n i t e d i n defence o i i t s social observance. A n d long may such u n i o n cont inue !

afooey Hack Cora Cure (registered), fchi. Greatest: Cure for GovttH aod Wa?ta, ever inverted. Ask for your mtiijoy back i f no bei.efit i s o b t a i D e c . Of all Chemists acd Store*, or post free, Is. l£d», from Money Back Cur t Core Company (lUsley, Chemist), Barnard Castle.

A good a took c f a l l tho most not id S ee,> Dips a lwt js oa na id, at the lowost prices, f r o m G. Clazkson llarker, Chemist (opposite. Ga'gato entrance to AuotLon Mart), Barnard Castle. Paint Sticks, Ru3, Tar, and Cooper Kemp's Sheep Marker.

THE HERBALIST OF OLD. F I F T Y years ago and more herbs o f

v i r tue were keenly sought by gent le and simple, and there were then persons resident i n Teesdaie who f u l l y bel ieved i n the potency o f so many plants as the cure for a l l the diseases to w h i c h flesh is heir . T h e recipes were handed d o w n w i t h u n f a i l i n g regula r i ty , and even to-day herbs are used m e d i c i n a l l y i n an unprofessional, unconven t iona l , ye t persistent manner. A t t e n t i o n has often been cal led to the subject, and wr i te rs have s t rong ly emphasised the fact tha t

j many of the ingredients used in ancient * medic ine w o u l d scarcely recommend

themselves to a modern prac t i t ioner , for they appear to have owed whatever efficacy they possessed solety to the abhorrence caused by the i r ext reme nastiness. F o r some centuries, however, the s tock- in- t rade o f the apothecary was chiefly der ived f rom the wood land glades and from the hedgerows, or f rom the r ive r banks and marshes i n his n e i g h ­bourhood. E v e r y leafy nook was

ransacked for w i l d plants by the villa, leech, o r by the wise woman 2 concocted pet ions f rom roots and lcav>' and obta ined a n o t undeserved r e p i m ^ ior uncauniness by the readiness JJ3 w h i c h she suppl ied l o ^ - l o r n maid̂ T w i t h , ph i l t r e s to w i n m e heart o: wayward swain, o r brewed sleepiu* draughts for darker purposes. He»»»J powers were f requent ly ascribed 2 cer ta in plants because o i some real \ fancied likeness to a par t i cu la r pan fche body. T h u s the leaves o f the Yvhj. meadow saxifrage are covered 2 pecul iar spots fjbaring a vague rest, blance to the w e l l - k n o w n "mottM appearance o l the lungs . A decoct o f these leaves, therefore, was cohsid^* most beneficial i n cases o f pulmoni-disease, and the fleshy excrescence, 1 the roots o f the p lants were thought I be equal ly good for h u m a n swellings j al l k inds . A n o l d w r i t e r says, "<W plants as are i n s i p i d to taste and snit have general ly l i t t l e v i r t u e . Those 3 the most fragrant smel l and sharpt, taste have the greatest virtue t

whatsoever k i n d . " T h e w i l d vervj; was h i g h l y esteemed by professors ol-j hea l ing , as w e l l as o i the once closd; a l l i ed b lack arts. T h e D r u i d s believt, tha t the p l an t bestowed the gilt jj prophecy, and S i r W a l t e r Scott p l i ^ i t a m o n g the four magical herbs:—

•• TrcloiU Vervain, John'a Wort. DU1 Hinder witches of their wiU."

Ben Jousou gives a more sacred charae* to i t i n the l ines—

" Brinir your garlands, aud with revenue: puw Tha Vervain ou the altar."

T h e rue occupied a p r o m i n e n t place 1 the m e d i a v a l pharmacopoeia, as, whe combined w i t h w o r m w o o d , i t was as an ant idote against the plague, was equal ly esteemed by the ancient and, i n the t ime o f A r i s t o t l e , i t was.w;r. about the neck as an amc* against wi tchcra f t . I t is referred to j the pathet ic garden scene Shakespeare's " R i c h a r d I I . " :—

*' Here did she fall a tear; her*, iu this ptaea, I'll set a bank of rue. *oar herb of grace : Hue. even for ruth, here ilijrtly shall be saea. In the remembrance of a weeping queen."

L O C A L A N D O T H B B N O T E S .

C I U T ? ! I .vardoni ; i f .-jt. Hi-The Vioar an.;

Bariaaasl C ia t l c that die laio Ml-;* Uuore, uf Mt ,held Viii*> Supsrisitorjder t nf t'jo GirU' 8o:;d»7 8caoo!i eaaaMaj t lea wits pariah for r a t r sy J>H-I, I r f t the sum of £150 towarda the food f « t octet-inn "? a iv>w vssiry, or I ' M o-iUr^-ui of the present -me.

—-—o Mr T . i T i 8. lro'.aod.s^cind s.aof t i-i ' . ' iv-.:

esteemed p^takeeper :vt H'ffh FV.rca,hMj;ial tho R - v a l Eigia^ers, a.»d h»« loft (or M.\ Ball, Yorkshire.

o Thb doacoos o* the Cuicregatioaa' C J M

at Biroard 0«j*!e b-,ve reoomrnecded , » e c a r c h mo<co- n the appjiatment for OM.W] i f Mr W. Wake, cf London as psetor.

M - J. G Caspian and party sk. f . irkiate Mojrs, B i c u > . 0 3 r . . U ' i d C r . i M FeS McntiJ x::u Tu '-J»y wsi.k, »a l t » t vj^pa^ Bpor;.. Hl«;,ty of birda were aeon, i par^y iutoad ahouaag hereagaib o a MfJ aod 30;h ioatant.

1»— Dr. Duthi:-, who has been o- h ,liu-.;ij

J'. ' i r»e8 , m o ' c r id f-ora L'.<ndon to N.sirn. twm f o v miles ftuin Abordeen, in throe dayg.

o—— Bee ind-LinT'i '-ant C. E. N. L.y;\f, uf tit'.|

Leicatec Re;:i<n<iur, h*« b3«si w^uaded. o

Mr Harri* a&d party shot civsr Moor B .- , leak aiid h»d (frji ap-jr;. •

t xo .n - i . l i b.̂ ga b^iug icxde.

'•Wasted junta bricga ra i fa l sga, cii»r*c.cr is - J imtaortal as Gsd « • 8 i w a chjrs.oter, and you reap a destiny, W. W«ke oa Baoday ntKbt.

u Lientenaot R itne and Lientenaot Dertfi

i f the 10 h t.iiicaster Rsgimeoi, who «M< bovd tho i l l - fa t^r i R iya l Riward, are r«p* *•• be t.,te, ore i ffiser buing at A.sheai »<d (.ther at Alcxsndris.

I.i. 'Uepr.?,3t-Cui..Qel U. H. H. Morant, ol 1

10ta Dttftaa* Light Iofanti , ' , hat

Thcro h»»« been large nnmbera of vu*3 i I i hs Bpper parts of the dale, and rajro c j ao i f : u c / cjuld fi id aeejmaiodatioa.

T, -raorrow afternoon «ad nigh; t'M Dfko Mit !s Bar.d v . i i l play io the ' Museum Park.

o 8?vpra! artists are at wj rk ia the ino*

dio 'r ict . CapMe R. H Lisar'd, ol the 2,-id BatrfJ

Durb-ou Light lniatiCry, has beoo k.l l*] CtiOtl .

o — Mr T. H Staoioo, HOB ot Mrs 8 » o ' f .

BtasMi l i . . j« . t , and U r Jaek Baekhoaia •:• . Ratter, grttadsots of Mrs S -,ac. L , a:- - ' M»j :su's overseas' forooe.

o Tho "Lyudon Gazette'' says:

service: Ssh Yorkshire Regiment: Tec?* Secund-Lieuteoant Roj B. rlelmer tra to tffi} geaeral l'st with t h e Genera! f i ' 1 . Cjmpmny Royal Eugineers, from August 1 "

Hiaa Taatebor, al Btraard OMtl* ouriounly interealiug parehaisat docaoa*] her poeaession relatiug t > her great gr*°™ who was certified fur the Royal Navy WiliiaJS Charlton, at Shielda ; on tho *y May, 1803, n i c e years before N » r ° | celebrated yet disastrous march oi" Alpc

o LUatoBMi Alfred Blenklaaopp, «J° '

J i^n b i o o R i a s t ^ , fidward-terraos, C<istl., c f tbe »<»h Battalion Light Tatantry, retained from sorvico oa short leave of absence.

o A parcel : c ch? i this town one

week s-.c?i:es.. d to a tradcaman at ' Caetle."

o I t hf.s been, estimated that

recoo iij a thousand visitors at Barnaro

Ccptaia Martia h?.« r " j iued tbe I ' ' " ^ Light I i f an try, the gallant bfiioer, oi pr jfcrir;?: ao.'.tei s e r v i c e in the war ' ^ ' . g aCgiaatsI ta w.iica he was seieeted ** r . 8 bet thus deatined.

o-Lisutcn&ot Stapheo B. i . i 3 U » i . D 5 : ; i o.°fue-j a. ''ipsr,

T jwry Piper, la'e solicitor, Barnard ^ tbe Sherwood '•' .rtsters, has baeo » with the Expeditionary Votoe.

o — Yeaterd?y afcarRoon abou- l , ^

wounde.i 6oid?2' - s from L»dy -!*', Horns were c l o y e d to Barnard { j * K ' ^ ' tea at the King's Head Hotel, » J , .^i» | delightlal evearlag at the **

r l 1