Atlas Role Generation & User-provisioning System User Guide

At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

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AAttllaass RRoollee GGeenneerraattiioonn && UUsseerr--pprroovviissiioonniinngg SSyysstteemm

User Guide

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Document Title ARGUS User Guide

Purpose of the Document This document is for the users of ARGUS, Atlas User Provisioning System and serves as a user guide for them in working with ARGUS. This document when used while working with ARGUS will provide more value and helps in understanding the details. In addition to being a typical user guide this document also provides some insights into Atlas application security.

File Name ARGUS_User_Guide_v3.1

Original Author(s) Krishna Vasireddy

Effective Date October 2009

Mandatory Review 12 months

Current Version 3.1

Current Revision Author(s)

Prudhvi Raju Pericharla Jayababu Bobba

File Type Microsoft Word 2007 - Guidelines

Change Record

Date Author Version Change Reference

05/20/2005 Krishna Vasireddy 0.0 Original Draft created

06/20/2005 Krishna Vasireddy 1.0 Modified after discussion and Design changes

06/26/2005 Krishna Vasireddy 1.1 Modified with new additions

08/04/2005 Krishna Vasireddy Abhinesh Gurudu 2.1 Modifications with new screens and new text

09/10/2007 Sreenivasa Madineni Jayababu Bobba 2.2

Modifications with HR UNV changes, Alternate Requestor/Approver, Purge Requests

12/18/2008 Prudhvi Raju 3.0

Modifications with new screenshots and Argus redesign changes.

09/30/2009 Prudhvi Raju 3.1 CISO, CTO review


Copy No. Name Position Remarks

1 ARGUS Site All ARGUS users Provided as a link on the ARGUS pages

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Compliance with ICT Policies and Guidelines

Policies, Standards, Work Instructions, Checklists - Compliance is mandatory.

Guidelines, Best Practices, White Papers - Compliance is not mandatory. Any deviation

from guidelines, best practices, and white papers usually implies potential risks for which

users are required to take mitigating measures.

Policies – Formal, brief, and high-level statements that embrace UNDP’s ICT goals, objectives, and

acceptable procedures. Compliance is mandatory and failure to comply may result in administrative action. Waivers to the policy must be requested in writing to and approved by the Chief Information

Security Officer (CISO).

Standards – Written to directly support a policy and provides more detailed guidance in specific

areas (e.g. security requirements for system acquisition and development). Compliance is mandatory

and failure to comply may result in administrative action. Waivers to standards must be requested in

writing to and approved by the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO).

Work Instructions and Checklists – Written to provide detailed instructions on the execution of a

specific security task (e.g. checklist for generating a digital certificate for encryption and digital

signing). Compliance is mandatory and failure to comply may result in disciplinary action. Waivers to

standards must be requested in writing to and approved by the Chief Information Security Officer


Guidelines and Best Practices – Provide a framework within which to implement

procedures. Guidelines, guides, procedures, and best practices are not mandatory, but are rather

recommendations. Any deviation from guidelines or best practices usually implies potential risks for

which users are required to take mitigating measures.

White Papers – Authoritative reports or briefs that often address issues and how to solve them. White papers are used to educate readers and help people make decisions. White papers carry no compliance

component, but are rather informative bulletins or reports.

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Table of Contents

1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 5

What is ARGUS? ................................................................................................................................. 5

Objectives of ARGUS........................................................................................................................... 5 2 System Overview .......................................................................................................................... 6

2.1 Description ................................................................................................................................ 6 3 Using this Guide ........................................................................................................................... 7

3.1 Document Conventions ............................................................................................................. 8

3.2 Terminology ............................................................................................................................. 8

3.3 How to get Help? ...................................................................................................................... 8 4 System Process Flow ..................................................................................................................... 9 5 Working with ARGUS ................................................................................................................ 10

5.1 HQ- New User Creation: ......................................................................................................... 10

5.2 CO - New User Creation:......................................................................................................... 36

5.3 Modify HQ User: .................................................................................................................... 58

5.4 Modify CO User:..................................................................................................................... 81

5.5 Rework HQ User Profile (HQ)............................................................................................... 103

5.6 Rework CO User profile: ....................................................................................................... 123

5.7 Delete HQ (or) CO User: ....................................................................................................... 142

5.8 Approving a Request (New, Modify, Delete): ........................................................................ 144

5.9 Rejecting a Request (New user, Modify User, Delete user): .................................................... 146

5.10 Purge Request: ...................................................................................................................... 148

5.11 Alternate Requestor Setup: .................................................................................................... 149

5.12 Revoke Alternate Requestor Access: ...................................................................................... 150

5.13 Alternate Approver Setup: ..................................................................................................... 151

5.14 Revoke Alternate Approver Access: ...................................................................................... 153 6 Atlas Profiles and Roles ............................................................................................................ 154 7 ARGUS REPORTS ................................................................................................................... 155 8 Troubleshooting Tips ................................................................................................................ 191 9 FAQ.......................................................................................................................................... 191 10 Appendix .................................................................................................................................. 191

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1 Introduction Atlas is the Partner Agencies’ ERP System, which is currently a suite of PeopleSoft (Oracle) Applications. This suite consists of – Finance/SCM; HCM; Enterprise Portal & CRM applications. Atlas went live on January 1, 2004 across all Partner agencies HQs and in around 130 COs of them. The Atlas user base as of July 2005 is around 12,000 users. The process of granting access and managing the same in the ever-changing scenario of Partner agencies is a complex intriguing process with larger cycle time. Go-live and subsequent access management was managed centrally through SecurityWeb2.0 and various interfaces and load utilities. The underlying process cycle involved manual interventions at different points in the cycle leaving scope for errors and misuse. More so, the process was cumbersome and complex making it a mundane labor intensive exercise. This process cycle is represented by the illustration in Appendix 1. To facilitate a better and streamlined Atlas access along with reduced cycle time, Atlas Security Team, had designed and developed ARGUS.

What is ARGUS? ARGUS – Atlas Role Generation & User-provisioning System - derives its name from the Arcadian hero – ARGUS All-Seeing – known for his unorthodox number of eyes that made him a perfect security guard. ARGUS is a fully custom developed system across all the Atlas applications to provide for a decentralized model of user access management to Atlas based on pre-defined procedures, standards and processes. One of the basic foundations was the Internal Control Framework of the respective Partner agencies.

Objectives of ARGUS ARGUS, the PeopleSoft-based solution has the following objectives -

faster turnaround time for security access tasks (from days to minutes); simplified user-driven interface that enables staff to manage access changes

without a total reliance on the Help Desk or Security Team; improved information for business unit managers about which of their users have

access to what functionalities in Atlas; provision of audit trails that document each account from initial creation to

closure, reducing the risk of abuse or fraud; reduce manual intensity in supporting security operations.

This system delivers to a CO the following:

an ability to analyze and report on the user profiles integrate the command and control of the user provisioning through a single user

interface down streaming the access control with fast-tracking of the process to make

changes/modifications/additions The revised process cycle, which is shorter, is depicted by the illustration in Appendix 2.

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2 System Overview ARGUS is a sub-system of Atlas, the Partner agencies’ main ERP system. The main purpose of ARGUS is to facilitate the decentralized model of managing Atlas access for a wide range of users. This is a totally PeopleSoft based solution and it is scalable and robust.

2.1 Description The Architecture of ARGUS is illustrated in the following figure. This architecture represents the key elements of the system in addition to the tools/technologies used. This system heavily relies on base level authorized sources of data like HR Job Data/Person Data and Vendor Data for validating the user’s authenticity and uses tools like Application Messaging and Business Interlinks to communicate between the Atlas Applications and third-party systems like LDAP.

Fig.: ARGUS Architecture

Inbuilt workflows, notifications and robust processing rules based engine, will enable the users of the system to process requests for access and approve them with ease. A basic and a valuable benefit is the ability to generate the reports on the fly for any CO or a BU.

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3 Using this Guide Welcome to the world of ARGUS!!!! In order to work with ARGUS every CO or a HQ department needs a requestor and approver setup. That is the basic requirement to get started with ARGUS. ARGUS is the system that lets these CO and HQ Departments to manage the access to Atlas for their respective users. As a user of ARGUS, the Requestors and Approvers as in ARGUS shall be using this guide to understand how ARGUS works and use the system effectively for their needs. This guide is organized as follows:

Introduction Introduces the System and explains the salient featured of ARGUS

System Overview Presents the ARGUS Architecture for an

understanding on the features of the system

Using this Guide Provides an overview of the guide, describes

documentation conventions, introduces terminology and suggests how to get help

System Process Flow Explains the Argus Process Flow

Working with ARGUS Provides all the information and steps that are needed to effectively work with ARGUS

Atlas Profiles and Roles Provides an insight into the definitions of various

profiles and describes how they relate to roles within the applications

ARGUS Reports Provides explanation as to what each ARGUS report means

Troubleshooting Tips Describes various handy tips for the users to carry out basic troubleshooting at their end before escalating the issue

FAQ’s FAQ’s will be added throughout the guide, as the

system becomes widely used

Appendix All the documents that are referred within this user

guide and also those have a relevance to this user guide are attached

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3.1 Document Conventions The following document conventions are used throughout this guide:

Bold Type Style The names of ARGUS objects like menus, pages,

fields etc. are set in bold type TIP Provides extra information and a particular feature of

the system and provides an input how to effectively use the option

NOTE Draws the attention of users to important information

3.2 Terminology This section introduces terms that are used in ARGUS and referred to in the context of working with ARGUS. The list below is not an all inclusive list, but captures the most important terms.

ARGUS Requestor A user of a CO or HQ department who can process

requests related to Atlas access for a new user, modify an existing user or delete an existing user

3.3 How to get Help? This ARGUS user Guide basically details all the aspects related to working with ARGUS. However, there would be issues that one may encounter in course of their usage. Atlas Security is available to troubleshoot any issues related to this and you can send email to: [email protected] detailing the issue and if possible the relevant error messages, point where you are stuck and the appropriate screen shots. In addition to the user guide and email to the group email ID mentioned above, the MSC is always available to provide any support or accept CRM requests for expediting the issues associated with ARGUS.

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4 System Process Flow The following illustration depicts the current lifecycle of a user profile request – new user/ modifies/ delete:

The proposed change with ARGUS is show cased in the following illustration:

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5 Working with ARGUS This sections details different aspects of working with ARGUS. Separate sections are defined for each and every underlying function(s) & process.

5.1 HQ- New User Creation:

1. Go to - Menu> ARGUS > Requestor > New User Link

2. Validate New User Identity page: Agency, Location, Business Unit (B.U) & Department

(except for Multiple Dept setup) Information is defaulted for all HQ Requestors. Select the Agency, Location, Business Unit and Department from the prompts if the information is not defaulted.

3. Enter Users *Email Address: (First name / Last name)

4. Click the Look Up button to see a list of the valid user email Address. Alternatively, you can enter the value directly into the field

5. Lookup displays a list of valid email addresses:

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6. Select correct Email address.


8. Enter Users *Contract Type:

9. Click the Look Up button to see a list of the valid *Contract Types. Alternatively,

you can enter the value directly into the field. e.g. "1HL".

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11. Search User profile

12. A list of search results meeting the search criteria is returned. Search Result displays

user(s) present in FIN, HR. E.g.: - HR Lookup result.

13. Click the appropriate search result –

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14. Click the Create User profile Button:


New User Request Page: Based on the New User Validation Information, the New User Request page will

default some fields like Agency, BU, Location etc.

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16. In the DUTY_STATION: field, enter the information if known/ available.


Enter the Job Function: information into the field. If known / available.

18. Select the appropriate Title: from list of valid values.

19. Enter the Work Phone, Mobile Phone, and Home Phone: information into the

respective fields If known / available.

20. If you want to go back to the original page, click:

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You will be taken back to:


When you have finished entering all the information, click the “Atlas Profile” tab.


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Since it’s a HQ New user creation Finance HQ is already selected.

NOTE: The Finance CO option is meant for a CO user and for HQ users that shall

remain invisible and vice-versa.

Profiles and Functions are displayed with a checkbox corresponding to them. Select

the checkbox of the profiles and the functions, which are to be assigned to the user.

24. If you have checked “Senior Manager” profile then:

Select Treasury userProject Mananger if applicable.

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Select Corporate Card Holder, SSend to KK, GL JE Approver, Vendor Approver, and Retire Assets, Override Match Exceptions and Fund Manager checkboxes

whichever is applicable.


Select appropriate FIN Department Approval Rights from the options listed.

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Click Add Selection button

NOTE: You can remove any Department Routings by clicking the Button on the


27. Select appropriate FIN Project Approval Rights from the options listed.

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28. Click Add Selection button

NOTE: You can remove any Department Routings by clicking the Button on the


29. If you have checked “Manager Level 2”/ “Manager Level 1” profile then:

Select Treasury UserProject Manager if applicable

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For Manager Lvl-1, Select Send To KK, Retire Assets, Override match exceptions or Fund manager or Corporate Card Holder checkbox if applicable

For Manager Lvl-2, Select Send To KK or Corporate Card Holder, GLJE Approver

and Fund Manager checkboxes if applicable

Go to Step 25 & 26.

30. If you have checked “Finance User” profile then:

Select the Treasury User if applicable

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Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK, Vendor Approver and Fund Manager

checkboxes if applicable.

31. If you have checked “Treasury User” profile then: Select Senior Manager, Manager

level 2, Manager Level 1, Finance User, Buyer, and General User whichever is


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Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK and Fund Manager checkbox if applicable

32. If you have checked “Buyer” profile then: Select Treasury User if applicable.

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Select Corporate Card Holder and Send To KK checkbox if applicable

33. If you have checked “General User” profile then: Select Treasury user and Project

Manager if applicable.

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Select Corporate Card Holder and Send To KK checkbox if applicable.


If you have checked “Project Manager” profile then: Select Buyer if applicable.

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Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK and Fund Manager checkbox if applicable.


Select appropriate FIN Project Approval Rights from the options listed.

36. Click Add Selection button

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NOTE: You can remove any Department Routings by clicking the Button on the Grid.


Uncheck the Finance HQ check box if the user is not a finance user.

38. After you have selected Finance HQ profile, select HQ Bonn Volunteer User

Only checkbox, if the User is administering Bonn HQ UN Volunteers. Otherwise

select Human Resources profile if required or SAS HQ User only if the user is

SAS HQ user.

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Select any of the Profiles and the HR-Administer data.

39. If you have checked “HR Manager” profile then make sure you also select data

permission needed:

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HR – Administer Data: Select either any one Agency or all Agencies.

Additionally you should select Either Staff, UNV or SCT. Selecting All indicates the

user administering Staff, UNV and SCT.

40. Select Appropriate HR Route Controls from the options listed.

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Click Add Selection button

NOTE: You can remove any Department Routings by clicking the Button on the



If you have checked “HR Administrator ” profile then:

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HR – Administer Data: you should select either any one Agency or all Agencies.

Additionally you should select Either Staff, UNV, SCT or All indicating the user

administering Staff, UNV, SCT or all.

Go to Step 40 & 41.


If you have checked “GP Administrator ” profile then:

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HR – Administer Data: you should select either any one Agency or all Agencies. Additionally you should select Either Staff, UNV or Both indicating the user

administering Staff, UNV or Both.

Go to Step 40 & 41.


If you have checked “Position Admin ” profile then:

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HR – Administer Data: you should select either any one Agency or all Agencies.

Additionally you should select Either Staff, UNV or SCT. All indicating the user administering Staff, UNV or Both.

Go to Step 40 & 41.

45. If you have checked “Absence Processor ” profile then:

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HR – Administer Data: you should select either any one Agency or all Agencies. Additionally you should select Either Staff, UNV or SCT All indicating the user

administering Staff, UNV SCT or all three.

Go to Step 40 & 41.


After selecting Atlas profile click the “Additional Special Request” tab for adding

any additional remarks or special instructions for Security Team.

NOTE: You can use this section to write down any specific special instructions to be

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taken care of while creating the user that you are adding or modifying. An example is, if you need additional workflow departments that are needed over and above the

normally allowed one for your office, add them here. On the approval of this request,

a notification is sent to the Atlas Security for appropriate action to be taken.

47. Enter comments to approver if you would like to pass on some information to



Press to complete the transaction.


Additional Confirmation page is displayed. Select “OK” to continue or “Cancel” to

go back to the Request page.


Once OK is selected the New User Creation request is complete.


Errors & Tips:


When a required field (Agency) not entered.

53. User Already Exist in Atlas.

54. No Finance HQ User profile selected.

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55. No Finance Dept Route Control profile selected.

56. No Finance Project Route Control profile selected.

57. No HR User profile selected.

58. No HR Administer agency selected.

59. NO HR Route Controls Selected

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60. NO Employee type(staff, UNV or both) Selected

61. No Additional Special Request Entered.

5.2 CO - New User Creation:

1. Go to - Menu> ARGUS > Requestor > New User Link

2. Validate New User Identity page: Agency, Location, Business Unit (B.U) & Department (except for Multiple Dept setup) Information is defaulted for all CO Requestors. Select the Agency, Location, Business Unit and Department from the

prompts if the information is not defaulted.

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3. Enter Users *Email Address: (First name / Last name)

4. Click the Look Up button to see a list of the valid user email Address. Alternatively, you can enter the value directly into the field.

5. Lookup displays a list of valid email addresses:

6. Select correct Email address.

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8. Enter Users *Contract Type:

9. Click the Look Up button to see a list of the valid *Contract Types. Alternatively,

you can enter the value directly into the field. e.g. "SSA".

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Search User profile


A list of search results meeting the search criteria is returned. Search Result

displays user(s) present in FIN and HR. E.g.: - HR Lookup result.


Click the appropriate search result –


Click the Create User profile Button:


New User Request Page:

Based on the New User Validation Information, the New User Request page will

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default some fields like Agency, BU, Location etc.

16. In the DUTY_STATION: field, enter the information if known/ available.

17. Enter the Job Function: information into the field. If known / available.

18. Select the appropriate Title: from list of valid values.

19. Enter the Work Phone, Mobile Phone, and Home Phone: information into the respective fields If known / available.

20. If you want to go back to the original page, click:

You will be taken back to:

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21. When you have finished entering all the information, click the “Select Atlas

Profile” tab.


23. Since it’s a Country Office New user creation Finance CO is already selected

NOTE: The Finance HQ option is meant for a HQ user and for CO users that shall

be hidden.

24. If you have checked “Senior Manager” profile then:

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Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK, GL JE Approver and Vendor Approver checkboxes whichever is applicable.


Select Appropriate Finance Department Approval Rights from the options listed.

26. Click Add Selection button

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NOTE: You can remove any Department Routings by clicking the Button on the Grid.

27. Select appropriate FIN Project Approval Rights from the options listed.

28. Click Add Selection button

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NOTE: You can remove any Department Routings by clicking the Button on

the Grid.

29. If you have checked “Manager Level 2”/ “Manager Level 1”profile then:


For Manager Lvl-2, Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK, GLJE Approver checkbox if applicable

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For Manager Lvl-2, Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK checkbox if applicable.

Go to Step 25& 26.

30. If you have checked “Treasury/Fin User” profile then:

Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK, Vendor Approver checkbox if applicable

31. If you have checked “Buyer User” profile then:

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Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK checkbox if applicable

32. If you have checked “General User” profile then:

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Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK checkbox if applicable

33. If you have checked “ Project Manager” profile then:

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Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK, Vendor Approver checkbox if applicable


Select appropriate FIN Project Approval Rights from the options listed.

35. Click Add Selection button

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NOTE: You can remove any Department Routings by clicking the Button on

the Grid.


After you have selected Finance CO profile, select Human Resources if necessary.


If the “HR Manager” is selected, select the HR-Administer data permission needed:

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HR – Administer Data: Select either any one Agency or all Agencies. Additionally you should select Either Staff, UNV, SCT or all three indicating the

user administering Staff, UNV or Both.


Select Appropriate HR Department Notifications from the options listed.

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39. Click Add Selection button

NOTE: You can remove any Department Routings by clicking the Button on

the Grid

40. If “HR Administrator ” is checked, select data permission needed:

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HR – Administer Data: Select either one Agency or all Agencies.

Additionally select either Staff, UNV, SCT or all three indicating the user administering Staff, UNV or Both.

Go to Step 38 & 39.

41. If you have checked “GP Administrator ” profile then:

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HR – Administer Data: Select either one Agency or all Agencies.

Additionally select either Staff, UNV, SCT or all three indicating the user

administering Staff, UNV, SCT or all three.

Go to Step 38 & 39.

42. If you have checked “Position Admin ” profile then:

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HR – Administer Data: Select either any one Agency or all Agencies.

Additionally select either Staff, UNV, SCT or all three indicating the user

administering Staff, UNV, SCT or all.

Go to Step 38 &39.

43. If you have checked “Absence Processor ” profile then:

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HR – Administer Data: Select either one Agency or all Agencies. Additionally select either Staff, UNV, SCT or all three indicating the user

administering Staff, UNV, SCT or all these three.

Go to Step 38 & 39.

44. After selecting Atlas profile click the “Additional Special Request” tab for adding

any additional remarks or special instructions for Security Team.

NOTE: You can use this section to write down any specific special instructions to

be taken care of while creating the user that you are adding or modifying. An example is, if you need additional workflow departments that are needed over and

above the normally allowed one for your office, add them here. On the approval of

this request, a notification is sent to the Atlas Security for appropriate action to be taken.


Enter comments to approver if you would like to pass on some information to


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46. Press to complete the transaction.

47. Additional Confirmation page is displayed. Select “OK” to continue or “Cancel” to

go back to the Delete User Page.

48. Once OK is selected the New User Creation request is complete.

49. Errors & Tips:

50. When a required field (email & Contract type) not entered.

51. User Already Exist in Atlas.

52. No Finance CO User profile selected.

53. No Finance Dept Route Control profile selected.

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54. No HR User profile selected.

55. No HR Administer agency selected.

56. NO HR Route Controls Selected

57. NO HR employee type(staff, UNV,SCT or all these three) is Selected

58. No Additional Special Request Entered.

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5.3 Modify HQ User:

1. Go to - Menu> ARGUS > Requestor > Modify User Link

2. Validate New User Identity page: Agency, Location, Business Unit (B.U) &

Department (except for Multiple Dept setup) Information is defaulted for any HQ Requestor. Select the Agency, Location, Business Unit and Department from the

prompts if the information is not defaulted.

3. Enter Users First Name:

4. Enter Users Last Name:

5. Enter Users *Contract Type:

6. Click the Look Up button to see a list of the valid *Contract Types. Alternatively, you can enter the value directly into the field. e.g. "1HL".

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9. Select Search Users in All Units check box

10. Search User profile

11. A list of search results meeting the search criteria is returned. Search Result displays user(s) present in ARGUS.

Page 60: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

12. Select the appropriate search result –

13. Click the Modify User profile Button:

14. Modify User Data Page:

Based on the Validate Modify User Identity, the Modify User Data page will default some fields like Agency, BU, Location etc.

15. In the DUTY_STATION: field, enter the information if known/ available.

16. Enter the Job Function: information into the field. If known / available.

17. Select a different Contract type from the prompt, if contract type needs to be changed for the user.

Page 61: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

* EXCEPTION : Non-staff users will not have access to approval rights profiles and

functions.( For Contract type SCT, SSA and UNV, profiles Senior Manager,

Manager Level2, Manager Level1 and functions GK JE Approver, Vendor Approver are not accessible).

18. Select the appropriate Title: from list of valid values.

19. Enter the Work Phone, Mobile Phone, and Home Phone: information into the respective fields If known / available.

20. If you want to go back to the original page, click:

You will be taken back to Validate Modify User Identity page.

Page 62: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

Enter the data

21. When you have finished entering all the information, click the “Select Atlas Profile”



* EXCEPTION: Users are loaded Into ARGUS Tables from the Data Cleanup

Process. Please Unselect and Reselect any of the checkboxes available for profile validation to take place.

* EXCEPTION : Non-staff users will not have access to approval rights profiles and functions.( For Contract type SCT, SSA and UNV, profiles Senior Manager,

Manager Level2, Manager Level1 and functions GK JE Approver, Vendor Approver

are not accessible).

Page 63: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

23. Since it’s a HQ user Profile Modification, unselect & reselect Finance HQ.

24. If you have checked “Senior Manager” profile then:

Page 64: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK, GL JE Approver, Vendor Approver and Fund Manager checkboxes whichever is applicable


Select Appropriate Finance Dept Approval Rights from the options listed. For all

modification requests there might be existing Route Control Depts. You can add or

delete new/existing Route Control Depts.

Page 65: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

26. Click Add Selection button

NOTE: You can remove any Department Routings by clicking the Button on the


27. Select appropriate FIN Project Approval Rights from the options listed.

28. Click Add Selection button

Page 66: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

NOTE: You can remove any Department Routings by clicking the Button on the Grid.

29. If you have checked “Manager Level 2” / “Manager Level 1” profile then:


For Manager Lvl-2, Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK, GL JE Approver ,

Page 67: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

GLJE Approver and Fund Manager checkboxes whichever is applicable

For Manager Lvl-1, Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK checkboxes

whichever is applicable

Go to Step 26 & 27.

30. If you have checked “Finance User” profile then:

For Finance User, Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK, Vendor Approver and Fund Manager checkboxes whichever is applicable

31. If you have checked “Treasury User” profile then:

Page 68: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK and Fund Manager checkbox if applicable

32. If you have checked “Buyer User” profile then:

Page 69: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

Select Corporate Card Holder and Send To KK checkbox if applicable

33. If you have checked “General User” profile then:

Page 70: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK checkboxes if applicable

34. If you have checked “ Project Manager” profile then:

Page 71: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK and Fund Manager checkboxes if applicable


Select appropriate FIN Project Approval Rights from the options listed.

36. Click Add Selection button

Page 72: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

NOTE: You can remove any Department Routings by clicking the Button on the


62. After you have selected Finance HQ profile, select HQ Bonn Volunteer User Only

checkbox if the User is administering Bonn HQ UN Volunteers. Otherwise select Human Resources profile if required or SAS HQ User only if the user is SAS HQ


Page 73: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

37. If you have checked “HR Manager” profile then make sure you also select the

profiles and HR-Administer data needed:

Page 74: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

HR – Administer Data: you should select either any one Agency or all Agencies.

Additionally you should select Either Staff, UNV or SCT. Selecting All indicates the

user administering Staff, UNV and SCT.


Select Appropriate HR Department Notifications from the options listed. For all

modification requests there might be existing Route Control Depts. You can add or

delete new/existing Route Control Depts.

Page 75: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

39. Click Add Selection button

NOTE: You can remove any Department Routings by clicking the Button on the



If you have checked “HR Administrator ” profile then:

Page 76: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

HR – Administer Data: you should select either any one Agency or all Agencies.

Additionally you should select Either Staff, UNV, SCT or All indicating the user

administering Staff, UNV, SCT or all.

Go to Step 38 & 39.


If you have checked “GP Administrator ” profile then:

Page 77: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

HR – Administer Data: you should select either any one Agency or all Agencies. Additionally you should select Either Staff, UNV or Both indicating the user

administering Staff, UNV or Both.

Go to Step 38 & 39.

42. If you have checked “Position Admin ” profile then:

Page 78: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

HR – Administer Data: you should select either any one Agency or all Agencies.

Additionally you should select Either Staff, UNV or SCT. All indicating the user administering Staff, UNV or Both.

Go to Step 38 & 39.

43. If you have checked “Absence Processor ” profile then:

Page 79: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

HR – Administer Data: you should select either any one Agency or all Agencies.

Additionally you should select Either Staff, UNV or SCT All indicating the user

administering Staff, UNV SCT or all three.

Go to Step 38 & 39.


After selecting Atlas profile click the “Additional Special Request” tab for adding

any additional remarks or special instructions for Security Team.

NOTE: You can use this section to write down any specific special instructions to be

taken care of while creating the user that you are adding or modifying. An example

is, if you need additional workflow departments that are needed over and above the normally allowed one for your office, add them here. On the approval of this request,

a notification is sent to the Atlas Security for appropriate action to be taken.


Enter comments to approver if you would like to pass on some information to approver.

46. Press to complete the transaction.


Additional Confirmation page is displayed. Select “OK” to continue or “Cancel” to go back to the Modify User Page.

48. Once OK is selected the Modify User profile request is complete.

49. Errors & Tips:

50. When a required field Last Name not entered.

Page 80: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

51. Error when trying to modify a user profile that does not exist in Atlas.

52. No Finance HQ User profile selected.

53. No Finance Dept Route Control profile selected.

54. No Finance Project Route Control profile selected.

55. No HR User profile selected.

Page 81: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

56. No HR Administer agency selected.

57. No HR employee type (staff, UNV or SCT) is selected.

58. NO HR Route Controls Selected

59. No Additional Special Request Entered.

5.4 Modify CO User:

1. Go to - Menu> ARGUS > Requestor > Modify User Link

Page 82: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

2. Validate New User Identity page: Agency, Location, Business Unit (B.U) & Department (except for Multiple Dept setup) Information is defaulted for all CO

Requestors. Select the Agency, Location, Business Unit and Department from the prompts if the information is not defaulted.

3. Enter Users First Name:

4. Enter Users Last Name:

5. Enter Users *Contract Type:

6. Click the Look Up button to see a list of the valid *Contract Types. Alternatively, you can enter the value directly into the field. e.g. "1HL".

Page 83: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr



9. Select Search Users in All Units check box

Page 84: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr


11. Search User profile

12. A list of search results meeting the search criteria is returned. Search Result displays user(s) present in ARGUS.

13. Select the appropriate search result –

14. Click the Modify User profile Button:

Page 85: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

15. Modify User Data Page:

Based on the Validate Modify User Identity, the Modify User Data page will

default some fields like Agency, BU, Location etc.

16. In the DUTY_STATION: field, enter the information if known/ available.

17. Enter the Job Function: information into the field. If known / available.

18. If the user contract type is changed, change the contract type to any value from the prompt.

* EXCEPTION : Non-staff users will not have access to approval rights profiles

and functions.( For Contract type SCT, SSA and UNV, profiles Senior Manager, Manager Level2, Manager Level1 and functions GK JE Approver, Vendor

Approver are not accessible).

19. Select the appropriate Title: from list of valid values.

20. Enter the Work Phone, Mobile Phone, and Home Phone: information into the

respective fields If known / available.

Page 86: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

21. If you want to go back to the original page, click:

You will be taken back to:


When you have finished entering all the information, click the “Atlas Profile” tab.


Page 87: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

*EXCEPTION: Users are loaded Into ARGUS Tables from the Data Cleanup

Process. Please Unselect and Reselect any of the checkboxes available for profile

validation to take place.

* EXCEPTION : Non-staff users will not have access to approval rights profiles

and functions.( For Contract type SCT, SSA and UNV, profiles Senior Manager, Manager Level2, Manager Level1 and functions GK JE Approver, Vendor

Approver are not accessible).

24. Since it’s a Country Office New user creation select Finance CO.

25. If you have checked “Senior Manager” profile then:

Page 88: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK, GL JE Approver and Vendor Approver checkboxes whichever is applicable


Select appropriate FIN Department Approval Rights from the options listed.

27. Click Add Selection button

Page 89: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

NOTE: You can remove any Department Routings by clicking the Button on

the Grid.


Select appropriate FIN Project Approval Rights from the options listed.

29. Click Add Selection button

Page 90: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

NOTE: You can remove any Department Routings by clicking the Button on

the Grid.

30. If you have checked “Manager Level 2”/ “Manager Level 1”profile then:


For Manager Lvl-2, Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK, and GLJE

Page 91: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

Approver checkbox if applicable. For Manager Lvl-2, Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK checkbox if applicable.

Go to Step 26& 27.

31. If you have checked “Treasury/Fin User” profile then:

Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK, and Vendor Approver checkbox if applicable.

32. If you have checked “Buyer User” profile then:

Page 92: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK checkbox if applicable

33. If you have checked “General User” profile then:

Page 93: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK checkbox if applicable

34. If you have checked “ Project Manager” profile then:

Page 94: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK, Vendor Approver checkbox if applicable


Select appropriate FIN Project Approval Rights from the options listed.

36. Click Add Selection button

Page 95: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

NOTE: You can remove any Department Routings by clicking the Button on

the Grid.

37. After you have selected Finance CO profile, Since this is a Country Office select Human Resources if necessary.


If you have checked “HR Manager” profile then make sure you also select data

permission needed:

Page 96: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

HR – Administer Data: you should select either any one Agency or all Agencies. Additionally you should select Either Staff, UNV, SCT or all three indicating the

user administering Staff, UNV or Both.

39. Select Appropriate HR Department Notifications from the options listed.

Page 97: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

40. Click Add Selection button

NOTE: You can remove any Department Routings by clicking the Button on

the Grid

41. If you have checked “HR Administrator ” profile then:

42. If you have checked “HR Administrator ” profile then make sure you also select

data permission needed:

Page 98: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

HR – Administer Data: you should select either any one Agency or all Agencies.

Additionally you should select Either Staff, UNV, SCT or all three indicating the user administering Staff, UNV or Both.

Go to Step 39 & 40.

43. If you have checked “GP Administrator ” profile then:

Page 99: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

HR – Administer Data: you should select either any one Agency or all Agencies.

Additionally you should select Either Staff, UNV, SCT or all three indicating the

user administering Staff, UNV, SCT or all three.

Go to Step 39 & 40.

44. If you have checked “Position Admin ” profile then:

Page 100: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

HR – Administer Data: you should select either any one Agency or all Agencies. Additionally you should select Either Staff, UNV, SCT or all three indicating the

user administering Staff, UNV, SCT or all.

Go to Step 39 & 40.


If you have checked “Absence Processor ” profile then:

HR – Administer Data: you should select either any one Agency or all Agencies.

Additionally you should select Either Staff, UNV or Both indicating the user administering Staff, UNV or Both.

Go to Step 39 & 40.

46. After selecting Atlas profile click the “Additional Special Request” tab for adding

any additional remarks or special instructions for Security Team.

Page 101: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

NOTE: You can use this section to write down any specific special instructions to

be taken care of while creating the user that you are adding or modifying. An example is, if you need additional workflow departments that are needed over and

above the normally allowed one for your office, add them here. On the approval of

this request, a notification is sent to the Atlas Security for appropriate action to be taken.

47. Enter comments to approver if you would like to pass on some information to


48. Press to complete the transaction.

49. Additional Confirmation page is displayed. Select “OK” to continue or “Cancel” to

go back to the Modify User Page.

50. Once OK is selected the Modify user profile request is complete.

51. Errors & Tips:

52. When a required field Last Name not entered.

53. No Finance CO User profile selected.

Page 102: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

54. No Finance Dept Route Control profile selected.

55. No Finance Project Route Control profile selected.

56. Error when trying to modify a user profiles that does not exist in Atlas.

57. No HR User profile selected.

58. No HR Administer agency selected.

Page 103: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

59. NO Employee type(staff, UNV or SCT) Selected

60. NO HR Route Controls Selected

61. No Additional Special Request Entered.

5.5 Rework HQ User Profile (HQ)

1. Go to - Menu > ATLAS User Provisioning System > Requestor > Rework List


2. List of Rework Items page: Any New, Modify, Delete request rejected by an approver appears in a Requestors rework list.

Page 104: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

3. Select the request type (New, Modify, and Delete).

E.g.: - Request Type selected – NEW

4. Rework User Data Page.

5. In the DUTY_STATION: field, enter the information if known/ available.

6. Enter the Job Function: information into the field. If known / available.

Page 105: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

7. Select the appropriate Title: from list of valid values.

8. Enter the Work Phone, Mobile Phone, and Home Phone: information into the

respective fields If known / available.

At the bottom of the page, Reason entered by Approver for rejecting the request is displayed. This is for informational purpose to Requestor.

9. If you want to go back to the original page, click:

You will be taken back to List of Rework items page.

10. When you have finished entering all the information, click the “Atlas Profile” tab.

Page 106: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr


12. Since it’s a HQ Office Rework item Finance HQ is already selected.

13. If you have checked “Senior Manager” profile then:

Page 107: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK, GL JE Approver, Vendor Approver and Fund Manager checkboxes whichever is applicable


Select Appropriate Finance Department Approval rights from the options listed.

For all modification requests there might be existing Route Control Depts. You can add or delete new/existing Route Control Depts.

15. Click Add Selection button

Page 108: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

* Note: You can remove any Department Routings by clicking the Button on

the Grid.

16. Select appropriate FIN Project Approval Rights from the options listed.

17. Click Add Selection button

Page 109: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

NOTE: You can remove any Department Routings by clicking the Button on

the Grid.

18. If you have checked “Manager Level 2” / “Manager Level 1” profile then:


Page 110: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

For Manager Lvl-2, Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK, GL JE Approver, GLJE Approver and Fund Manager checkboxes whichever is applicable. For

Manager Lvl-1, Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK checkboxes whichever is applicable

Go to Step 14 & 15.

19. If you have checked “Finance User” profile then:

For Finance User, Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK, Vendor Approver and Fund Manager checkboxes whichever is applicable

20. If you have checked “Treasury User” profile then:

Page 111: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK and Fund Manager checkbox if applicable

21. If you have checked “Buyer User” profile then:

Page 112: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

Select Corporate Card Holder and Send To KK checkbox if applicable

22. If you have checked “General User” profile then:

Page 113: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK checkboxes if applicable

23. If you have checked “ Project Manager” profile then:

Page 114: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK and Fund Manager checkboxes if applicable

24. Select appropriate FIN Project Approval Rights from the options listed.


Click Add Selection button

Page 115: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

NOTE: You can remove any Department Routings by clicking the Button on

the Grid.

26. After you have selected Finance HQ profile, select HQ Bonn Volunteer User

Only checkbox if the User is administering Bonn HQ UN Volunteers. Otherwise

select Human Resources profile if required or SAS HQ User only if the user is SAS HQ user.

Page 116: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr


If you have checked “HR Manager” profile then make sure you also select data

permission needed:

Page 117: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

HR – Administer Data: you should select either any one Agency or all Agencies. Additionally you should select Either Staff, UNV or SCT. Selecting All indicates

the user administering Staff, UNV and SCT.


Select Appropriate HR Department Notifications from the options listed. For all modification requests there might be existing Route Control Depts. You can add or

delete new/existing Route Control Depts.

Page 118: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

29. Click Add Selection button

* Note: You can remove any Department Routings by clicking the Button on

the Grid.

30. If you have checked “HR Administrator ” profile then:


Page 119: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

HR – Administer Data: you should select either any one Agency or all Agencies.

Additionally you should select Either Staff, UNV, SCT or All indicating the user

administering Staff, UNV, SCT or all.

Go to Step 28 & 29.

32. If you have checked “GP Administrator ” profile then:

Page 120: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

HR – Administer Data: you should select either any one Agency or all Agencies.

Additionally you should select Either Staff, UNV or Both indicating the user administering Staff, UNV or Both.

Go to Step 28 & 29.

33. If you have checked “Position Admin ” profile then:

HR – Administer Data: you should select either any one Agency or all Agencies.

Additionally you should select Either Staff, UNV, SCT or all three indicating the user administering Staff, UNV, SCT or all.

Go to Step 28 & 29.

34. If you have checked “Absence Processor ” profile then:

Page 121: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

HR – Administer Data: you should select either any one Agency or all Agencies.

Additionally you should select Either Staff, UNV, SCT or all three indicating the user administering Staff, UNV, SCT or all these three.

Go to Step 28 & 29.


After selecting Atlas profile click the “Additional Special Request” tab for adding any additional remarks or special instructions for Security Team.

* Enter special instructions for Security group.


Enter comments to approver if you would like to pass on some information to


37. Press to complete the transaction.

38. Additional Confirmation page is displayed. Select “OK” to continue or “Cancel” to

go back to the Rework request page.

Page 122: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

39. Once OK is selected the Rework User profile request is complete.

40. Errors & Tips:

41. No Finance HQ User profile selected.

42. No Finance Dept Route Control profile selected.

43. No Finance Project Route Control profile selected.

44. No HR User profile selected.

45. No HR Administer agency selected.

Page 123: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

46. No HR employee type (staff, UNV or SCT) is selected.

47. NO HR Route Controls Selected

48. No Additional Special Request Entered.

5.6 Rework CO User profile:

1. Go to - Menu > ARGUS > Requestor > Rework List Link

2. List of Rework Items page: Any New, Modify, Delete request rejected by an approver appears in a Requestors rework list.

Page 124: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

3. Select the request type (New, Modify, and Delete).

E.g.: - Request Type selected – MOD (Modify).

4. Rework User Data Page.

5. In the DUTY_STATION: field, enter the information if known/ available.

6. Enter the Job Function: information into the field. If known / available.

Page 125: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

7. Select the appropriate Title: from list of valid values.

8. Enter the Work Phone, Mobile Phone, and Home Phone: information into the respective fields If known / available.

At the bottom of the page, Reason entered by Approver for rejecting the request is

displayed. This is for informational purpose to Requestor.

9. If you want to go back to the original page, click:

You will be taken back to:

10. When you have finished entering all the information, click the “Select Atlas

Profile” tab.

Page 126: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr



Since it’s a Country Office Rework item Finance CO is already selected.

13. If you have checked “Senior Manager” profile then:

Page 127: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK, GL JE Approver and Vendor Approver checkboxes whichever is applicable


Select Appropriate Finance Route Controls from the options listed.

15. Click Add Selection button

Page 128: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

* Note: You can remove any Department Routings by clicking the Button on the Grid.


Select appropriate FIN Project Approval Rights from the options listed.

17. Click Add Selection button

Page 129: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

NOTE: You can remove any Department Routings by clicking the Button on

the Grid.

18. If you have checked “Manager Level 2”/ Manager Level 1” profile then:


For Manager Lvl-2, Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK, GLJE Approver checkbox if applicable

Page 130: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

For Manager Lvl-2, Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK checkbox if applicable.

Go to Step 14& 15.

19. If you have checked “Treasury/Fin User” profile then:

Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK, and Vendor Approver checkbox if


20. If you have checked “Buyer User” profile then:

Page 131: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK checkbox if applicable

21. If you have checked “General User” profile then:

Page 132: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK checkbox if applicable


If you have checked “ Project Manager” profile then:

Page 133: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

Select Corporate Card Holder, Send To KK, Vendor Approver checkbox if applicable


Select appropriate FIN Project Approval Rights from the options listed.


Click Add Selection button

Page 134: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

NOTE: You can remove any Department Routings by clicking the Button on

the Grid.


After you have selected Finance CO profile, Since this is a Country Office select Human Resources if needed.


If you have checked “HR Manager” profile then:

Page 135: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

HR – Administer Data: you should select either any one Agency or all Agencies. Additionally you should select Either Staff, UNV, SCT or all three indicating the

user administering Staff, UNV or Both.


Select Appropriate HR department Notifications from the options listed.

Page 136: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

28. Click Add Selection button

* Note: You can remove any Department Routings by clicking the Button on

the Grid.

29. If you have checked “HR Administrator ” profile then:


Page 137: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

HR – Administer Data: you should select either any one Agency or all Agencies.

Additionally you should select Either Staff, UNV, SCT or all three indicating the

user administering Staff, UNV or Both.

Go to Step 27 & 28.


If you have checked “GP Administrator ” profile then:

Page 138: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

HR – Administer Data: you should select either any one Agency or all Agencies.

Additionally you should select Either Staff, UNV or Both indicating the user administering Staff, UNV or Both.

Go to Step 27 & 28.

32. If you have checked “Position Admin ” profile then:

Page 139: At tll aass GRR oollee sGeenneerratiionn && UUsserr

HR – Administer Data: you should select either any one Agency or all Agencies.

Additionally you should select Either Staff, UNV or Both indicating the user

administering Staff, UNV or Both.

Go to Step 27 & 28.


If you have checked “Absence Processor ” profile then:

HR – Administer Data: you should select either any one Agency or all Agencies. Additionally you should select Either Staff, UNV, SCT or all three indicating the

user administering Staff, UNV SCT.

Go to Step 27 & 28.

34. After selecting Atlas profile click the “Additional Special Request” tab for adding

any additional remarks or special instructions for Security Team.

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* Enter special instructions for Security group.


Enter comments to approver if you would like to pass on some information to approver.

36. Press to complete the transaction.


Additional Confirmation page is displayed. Select “OK” to continue or “Cancel” to go back to the Rework User Profile page.

38. Once OK is selected the Rework request is complete and user profile is not

available in List of Rework Items page.

39. Errors & Tips:

40. No Finance CO User profile selected.

41. No Finance Dept Route Control profile selected.

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42. No Finance Project Route Control profile selected.

43. No HR User profile selected.

44. No HR Administer agency selected.

45. NO Employee type(staff, UNV or both) Selected

46. NO HR Route Controls Selected

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47. No Additional Special Request Entered.

5.7 Delete HQ (or) CO User:

1. Go to - Menu > ARGUS > Requestor > Delete User Link

2. Delete User page:

Search user by UserID (if Known) or enter general search criteria (user first name or “%” to list values).

3. Enter Users UserID if known (First name or search for list of matching users with


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Click the Search button to see a list of users. Alternatively, you can enter the value

directly into the field.

5. Lookup displays a list of valid UserID matching the search criteria.


Select correct User ID.

E.g.:- aparna.das

7. Delete User Page:

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8. Select The Delete Account button to delete user from ATLAS.


Additional Confirmation page is displayed. Select “OK” to continue or “Cancel” to

go back to the Delete User Page.

10. Once OK is selected the Delete user request is complete.

5.8 Approving a Request (New, Modify, Delete):

1. Go to - Menu > ARGUS > Approver > Approvals Link

2. List of Approval Items page: Any New, Modify, Delete request raised by requestor appears in Approvers pending list.

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Click on the Approve Request button at the left side of the page to review and

approve a request.

4. Request full details will be displayed in next page.

Fill the approver comments

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5. Click on the Approve Button provided at the bottom of the page after reviewing all the details for correctness.

6. Additional Confirmation page is displayed. Select “OK” to continue or “Cancel” to

go back to the Approval Work list Page.

7. Once OK is selected the Request will be approved and following action will take place.

For NEW requests – Profile will be created

For MOD requests – Profile will be modified

For DEL requests – Profile will be locked

5.9 Rejecting a Request (New user, Modify User, Delete user):

8. Go to - Menu > ARGUS > Approver > Approvals Link

9. List of Approval Items page: Any New, Modify, Delete request raised by

requestor appears in an Approvers pending list.

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Click on the Approve Request button at the left side of the page to review and approve a request.

11. Request full details will be displayed in next page.

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12. If comments field has to be filled with reason for rejection.

13. Click on the Reject Button provided at the bottom of the page after filling the reason for rejection.


Additional Confirmation page is displayed. Select “OK” to continue or “Cancel” to

go back to the Approval Work list Page.

15. Once OK is selected the Request will be rejected and the request will go in to requestor rework list. Once a request is rejected following action takes place:

For NEW requests – request can be re-worked or purged

For MOD requests – request can be re-worked or purged

For DEL requests – request can be purged

5.10 Purge Request:

16. Go to - Menu > ARGUS > Requestor > Rework List Link

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17. List of Rework Items page: Any New, Modify, Delete request rejected by an approver appears in a Requestors rework list.


Click on the Purge Request button at the right side of the page to purge a request.


Additional Confirmation page is displayed. Select “OK” to continue or “Cancel” to

go back to the Rework User Page.

5.11 Alternate Requestor Setup:

20. Go to - Menu > ARGUS > Requestor > Alternate Requestor Setup Link

21. Alternate Requestor Setup page: To setup Alternate requestor who can raise requests on behalf of Requestor in his absence. This transfers all pending rework

requests to alternate requestor work list.

Note: Requestor has to open this page to setup alternate requestor.

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22. Check the checkbox provided on the page. Alternate requestor field is made visible for the requestor to setup Alternate requestor.

23. Enter Alternate requestor Id or select Alternate Requestor from the available values using the prompt.


Press to complete the transaction.

5.12 Revoke Alternate Requestor Access:

25. Go to - Menu > ARGUS > Requestor > Alternate Requestor Setup Link

26. Alternate Requestor Setup page: To revoke Alternate requestor access. This

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revokes access to Alternate Requestor for raising requests. This transfers all pending rework requests from alternate requestor work list to main requestor work


Note: Requestor has to open this page to setup alternate requestor.

27. Un-Check the checkbox provided on the page. Alternate requestor field is made invisible.


Press to complete the transaction.

5.13 Alternate Approver Setup:

29. Go to - Menu > ARGUS > Approver > Alternate Approver Setup Link

30. Alternate Requestor Setup page: To setup Alternate Approver who can approve requests on behalf of Approver in his absence. This transfers all pending approval

requests to alternate approver work list.

Note: Approver has to open this page to setup alternate Approver.

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31. Check the checkbox provided on the page. Alternate Approver field is made visible for the Approver to setup Alternate Approver.

32. Enter Alternate Approver Id or select Alternate Approver from the available values using the prompt.


Press to complete the transaction.

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5.14 Revoke Alternate Approver Access:

34. Go to - Menu > ARGUS > Approver > Alternate Approver Setup Link

35. Alternate Requestor Setup page: To revoke Alternate Approver access. This revokes access to Alternate Approver of approving requests. This transfers all pending approval requests from Alternate Approver work list to main Approver

work list.

Note: Approver has to open this page to setup alternate Approver.

36. Un-Check the checkbox provided on the page. Alternate Approver field is made invisible.


Press to complete the transaction.

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6 Atlas Profiles and Roles

Every Atlas user has a “Profile”. This profile is assigned to the user at the time of the user setup within Atlas. This is how the system views that person and what security “Roles” they have been given.

The overall strategy driving the user profiles is to keep the concept simple, yet at the same time to adhere to the Internal Control Framework. The concept is unique and not the standard PeopleSoft, the underlying ERP for Atlas, approach of defining User Profiles. At a detail or system level, there are many security roles (the add/update/display/correct permissions in PeopleSoft), but these are grouped into Profiles. A Profile may contain multiple PeopleSoft Roles and some roles may me assigned to different profiles.

For ease of operational use, we refer to Profiles as Atlas Profiles and Roles as PeopleSoft Roles, thus establishing a clear distinction between where they are defined. Profiles are the commonly used reference to what rights a user has in the system. However, what actually determines that is the underlying roles assigned to the profile.

There are several key influences on the structure of the profiles and their assignment to the users, which are basically derived from the Internal Control Framework v.2.

The separation of duties between creating and approving functions i.e. a user cannot raise a PO and make the approval of the payment

The separation of duties between Vendor Maintenance and payment approval The separation of duties between Buyer functions basically related to Vendors

(maintenance and update) and approval of Vendors The separation of duties between the HR functions and Position administrator


While working with ARGUS during the new user creation and modification of existing users, users shall notice the rules that enforce the adherence to Internal Control Framework v.2. In short a user can be assigned only one basic FIN profile. In HR there is a little difference in that you can select multiple profiles. However, HR Manager Profile selection will not allow you to select other profiles and vice-versa.

The latest mapping between the Atlas Profiles to PeopleSoft roles is given under Appendix. Please refer to this for more information on the access assigned to each profile. This mapping is continuously reviewed from different perspectives and updated. Every time an updated mapping is available, ARGUS uses that mapping and this User Guide would be appropriately updated.

Please refer to the link on Atlas Profiles Capabilities on the ARGUS pages. Clicking on this link will open an Excel Spread sheet with various Atlas Profiles and their capabilities with respect to the Atlas access for every business process. Please note that certain of the profiles, which are specially designed to serve administration and configuration related tasks, listed here are not available for selection by the users on ARGUS.

A quick summary of each of the Atlas Profiles is provided under the tables

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1. Go to - Menu > ATLAS User Provisioning System > Reports > User Reports


2. Available Argus Reports.

3. Select User Profile by Business Unit Report.


5. Enter Agency: or Click the Look Up button to see a list of the valid Agencies.

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Alternatively, you can enter the value directly into the field. e.g. "UNDP1".

6. Enter Location: or Click the Look Up button to see a list of Countries.

Alternatively, you can enter the value directly into the field. e.g. "USA / PRY".

7. Enter B.U (Business Unit): or Click the Look Up button to see a list of B.U.

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Alternatively, you can enter the value directly into the field. e.g. "UNDP1/ PRY10".

* Based on the Agency and Location selected, the BU defaults to correct BU value.

8. Select the Get User List icon to display results.

9. Report results are displayed in a Grid.

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Click on to view General user information.

Back to Agency & Location List takes to the Report results listed before.

11. Back to Home page link when clicked takes back to ARGUS REPORTS HOME

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12. Select Approvers List by Agency/Location Report.



Enter Agency: or Click the Look Up button to see a list of the valid Agencies. Alternatively, you can enter the value directly into the field. e.g. "UNDP1".

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15. Enter Location: or Click the Look Up button to see a list of Countries.

Alternatively, you can enter the value directly into the field. e.g. "USA / PRY".

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16. Enter B.U (Business Unit) or Click the Look Up button to see a list of B.U.

Alternatively, you can enter the value directly into the field. e.g. "UNDP1/ PRY10".

* Based on the Agency and Location selected, the BU defaults to correct BU value.


Enter Dept (Department): or Click the Look Up button to see a list of Departments

displayed based on the BU selected. Alternatively, you can enter the value directly into the field. E.g. "UNDP1/ PRY10".


19. Select the Get User List icon to display results.

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Click on to view General user information.

Back To approver List returns to the users listed.

22. Back to Home page link when clicked takes back to ARGUS REPORTS HOME


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23. Select Audit/History Reports.



26. Enter Agency: or Click the Look Up button to see a list of the valid Agencies.

Alternatively, you can enter the value directly into the field. e.g. "UNDP1".

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Enter Location: or Click the Look Up button to see a list of Countries.

Alternatively, you can enter the value directly into the field. e.g. "USA / PRY".


Enter B.U (Business Unit) or Click the Look Up button to see a list of B.U.

Alternatively, you can enter the value directly into the field. e.g. "UNDP1/ PRY10".

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* Based on the Agency and Location selected, the BU defaults to correct BU value.


Enter Dept (Department): or Click the Look Up button to see a list of Departments

displayed based on the BU selected. Alternatively, you can enter the value directly

into the field. E.g. "UNDP1/ PRY10".


31. Select the Get User List icon to display results.

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33. Click on to view audit tracking of user selected.

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Back to the Audit History List takes back to the users listed.

34. Back to Home page link when clicked takes back to ARGUS REPORTS HOME


35. Select Approvers & Requestors List Report.


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38. Enter Agency: or Click the Look Up button to see a list of the valid Agencies.

Alternatively, you can enter the value directly into the field. e.g. "UNDP1".


Enter Location: or Click the Look Up button to see a list of Countries.

Alternatively, you can enter the value directly into the field. e.g. "USA / PRY".

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Enter B.U (Business Unit): or Click the Look Up button to see a list of B.U. Alternatively, you can enter the value directly into the field. e.g. "UNDP1/ PRY10".

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* Based on the Agency and Location selected, the BU defaults to correct BU value.


Enter Dept (Department): or Click the Look Up button to see a list of Departments

displayed based on the BU selected. Alternatively, you can enter the value directly

into the field. E.g. "UNDP1/ PRY10".

* This is an optional field.

42. Select the Get User List icon to display results.


44. Ledger:

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45. Back to Home page link when clicked takes back to ARGUS REPORTS HOME


46. Select User Related Report.


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49. Click on to view General user information.

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51. Back to Home page link when clicked takes back to ARGUS REPORTS HOME


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53. Select PO, Voucher Approver by Business Unit and Department Report.



56. Enter B.U (Business Unit): or Click the Look Up button to see a list of B.U.

Alternatively, you can enter the value directly into the field. e.g. "UNDP1/ PRY10".

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Enter Dept (Department): or Click the Look Up button to see a list of Departments

displayed based on the BU selected. Alternatively, you can enter the value directly into the field. E.g. "UNDP1/ PRY10".

* This is an optional field.

58. Select the Get Approver List icon to display results.


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60. Click on to view Approval Roles for the User selected.


62. Click on Back to Approvers Page to see list of approvers back again.

63. Click on Details to see other route controls assigned to the user in the selected role.

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65. Click on Cancel to go back to Approver Roles page

66. Back to Home page link when clicked takes back to ARGUS REPORTS HOME



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68. Select GLJE Approvers by Agency Report.



71. Enter Agency: or Click the Look Up button to see a list of the valid Agencies.

Alternatively, you can enter the value directly into the field. e.g. "UNDP1".

72. Select the Get User List icon to display results.

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74. Click on to view route control profiles for the User selected.

75. Click on Cancel to go back to GLJE Approver by Agency

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77. Back to Home page link when clicked takes back to ARGUS REPORTS HOME


78. Select Vendor Approvers by Business Unit Report.


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Enter B.U (Business Unit): or Click the Look Up button to see a list of B.U.

Alternatively, you can enter the value directly into the field. e.g. "UNDP1/ PRY10".

82. Select the Get Approver List icon to display results.

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84. Click on to view Route Control profile for the User selected.



Click on Cancel to see list of Vendor approvers back again.

87. Back to Home page link when clicked takes back to ARGUS REPORTS HOME


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Enter Agency: or Click the Look Up button to see a list of the valid Agencies.

Alternatively, you can enter the value directly into the field. e.g. "UNDP1".


Enter Location: or Click the Look Up button to see a list of Countries. Alternatively, you can enter the value directly into the field. e.g. "USA / PRY".

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92. Enter B.U (Business Unit): or Click the Look Up button to see a list of B.U.

Alternatively, you can enter the value directly into the field. e.g. "UNDP1/ PRY10".

* Based on the Agency and Location selected, the BU defaults to correct BU value.


Enter Dept (Department): or Click the Look Up button to see a list of Departments

displayed based on the BU selected. Alternatively, you can enter the value directly

into the field. E.g. "UNDP1/ PRY10".

* This is an optional field.

94. Select the Get User List icon to display results.

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96. Select the Additional Finance Rights to see Finance Additional roles assigned for a User

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98. Click on Cancel to go back to the Users Page

99. Select the Reduced Finance Rights to see Finance Missing rights of the User


101. Click on Cancel to go back to the Users Page

102. Select the Additional HR Rights to see HR Additional roles assigned for a User

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104. Click on Cancel to go back to the Users Page

105. Select the Reduced HR Rights to see HR missing roles assigned of the User


107. Click on Cancel to go back to the Users Page

108. Back to Home page link when clicked takes back to ARGUS REPORTS HOME


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109. Select Profile Monitor.


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8 Troubleshooting Tips


10 Appendix