JULY· AUGUST 1989 CINEMA CAN A D A At home with Richard Condie AN INTERVIEW BY GREG KL YMKIW I t' s a Sunday afternoon . It's very hot , and I could bes itting in an air -conditioned movie theatre watching Hulk Hogan's s il ver screen debut in No Holds Barred . Instead, I'm supposed to trot over to Richard Condie's house. I thi nk I'm probably going to have a better time wi th Richard. "NO RING. NO REF. NO RULES , " proclaims the Hulk H ogan ad copy . I'm not swayed. Condie is a Winnipeg-based animator whose work has d elighted audi ences (inclu ding myself) all over the world. His last fi lm , The Big Snit, was nominated foran Academy Award and copped a Genie Award for B est Animated film. I'd be a fool to blow my deadline for 90 minutes of Hulk Hogan kicking ass. So I drive over to Richard's house. Richard cracks open some Perrier and we go up to his study to pass the time of day . I'm sure he has better things to do. U nfortunately, I don't, so I'm thankful for this brief vacation from th e emptiness of my existence . And so it goes , as Kurt Vonnegut would say. Cinema Canada : Where were YOII bam 1 Richard Condie : Vancouver. Cinema Canada: How 10ll gh oue YOII bem i ll Wi nnipeg 1 Richard Condie: I d on 't know. You mean the total amount of time 7 Cinema Canada : Y m h. Richard Condie: I don 't k now. I guess I li v ed in Van couver for a to t al of s ix or se v en y ears. I' ve been in Winni p eg m os t of the time. Cinema Canada: Where did 11011 do 1II0si of YO llr sch ool 1 In Wi n llipeg 1 Richard Condie: Yeah . Cinema Canada : Whal high schaal did YOII go 10 1 Richard Condie: The one just do wn th e stree t. Kel v in High. Cinema Canada: D id YOII go 10 Ihe Unil'milll of Ma /li l oba 1 . . Richard Condie: Y eah . Cinema Canada : Whal did YOII s llldlllhere 1 Richard Condie : Eve ry t hi ng. Cinema Canada: El'erylhing) Richard Condie : Yea h. We ll , back t hen \'ou could take anyt hmg. It was a di fferent 51's t em. You didn't ha ve to s pecialize. 50 I took' e veryth ing. You kno\\' , from atomic ph\'sics to Engl i sh . You knoll', it was just a general Liberal Arts. Greg Kh/lllkiil' is Ci nema Canada 's Prnir ie Pliise coilllllilist . CINEMA CANADA Cinema Canada: 50 YOII didn 'l g el involl'ed w ilh Ihose Fille Arls people Ihallllllch 1 Richard Condie: No, it was a different kind of educa tion , a different k ind of art. A lthough I wis h I had. Cinema Canada : Why did YOII , IIh , lUere YOII .. Richard Condie: No. Cinema Canada: No 1 Richard Condie: No. Cinema Canada: N o, Okny . Why , II h .. Richard Condie: No. Cinema Canada : Why , lilt .. Richard Condie: Where' s my Perrier water) Cinema Canada: Ope l' tile re . Wh y' d YOlisoy Y OII wis hedIhere lUns somelh illg likea Firle A rl sp rog rnm 1 Richard Condie: T here was. Cinema Canada: Oh, t lte rewa s. B llt YOII did ll 'l bo t her wi tlt it 1 Richard Condie: No, a nd I ca n't remember wh\" although .. . I don't know, I don 't remember. ' 1. uh , no. I don' t remember. I'M INN OCEN T. Cinema Canada: Wh ell YOII wer ea kid, did YOII mr figllre 1 101t'd be Oi l a ll ililato r 1 Richard Condie: No . Cinema Canada : D id YOII wa lch cnrtoolls 1 Richard Condie: I ima gi ne I did , yeah. I don 't remember w at chi ng them con stantl y, but I did draw ca rt oons constantl \'. Cinema Canada: of slllff did 1{01l draw) Richard Co ndi e: Same st uff. H as n't cha nged. ha v en't improved . Cinema Canada: How old ilre 11011 1 Richard Condie: No , I'm no t. . Cinema Canada: YOII ' re 1101 gOlllla tellille 1 Richard Condie: Yeah, I'm gonna tell OU. I' m -16. . Cin ema Cana da : Old 11011 ii'lllclt il ll1ll1lLll'ies whell 1{01i Wei'< il kid 1 \ 1 07Ii1IIl;ol' ies did YOII'llke) Ri ch ard Condie: I mu st hal'e watched mOl'ies . Cinema Ca nada : 00 11011 relllelllber allY 1 Ri cha rd Condie: Th e \Vi:ilrd oro:. I still like th at. . PAGE 7

At home with Richard Condie

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At home with Richard Condie AN INTERVIEW BY GREG KL YMKIW

It's a Sunday afternoon. It's very hot , and I could be sitting in an air-conditioned movie theatre watching Hulk Hogan's silver screen debut in No Holds Barred. Instead, I'm supposed to trot over to Richard Condie's house. I think I'm probably going to have a better time with Richard. "NO RING. NO REF. NO RULES, " proclaims the Hulk Hogan ad copy. I'm not swayed. Condie is a Winnipeg-based animator whose work has

delighted audiences (including myself) all over the world. His last fi lm , The Big Snit, was nominated foran Academy Award and copped a Genie Award for Best Animated film. I'd be a fool to blow my deadline for 90 minutes of Hulk Hogan kicking ass. So I drive over to Richard's house.

Richard cracks open some Perrier and we go up to his study to pass the time of day . I'm sure he has better things to do. Unfortunately, I don't, so I'm thankful for this brief vacation from the emptiness of my existence.

And so it goes, as Kurt Vonnegut would say.

Cinema Canada : Where were YOII bam 1

Richard Condie : Vancouver.

Cinema Canada: How 10llg houe YO II bem ill Winnipeg 1

Richard Condie: I don't know. You mean the total amount of time 7

Cinema Canada : Y mh.

Richard Condie: I don't know. I guess I lived in Vancouver for a total of six or seven years. I' ve been in Winnipeg most of the time.

Cinema Canada: Where did 11011 do 1II0si of YO llr school 1 In Winllipeg 1

Richard Condie: Yeah.

Cinema Canada : Whal high schaal did YOII go 10 1

Richard Condie: The one just down the street. Kelvin High.

Cinema Canada: Did YOII go 10 Ihe Unil'milll of Ma /li loba 1 . .

Richard Condie: Yeah.

Cinema Canada : Whal did YO II sllldlllhere 1

Richard Condie : Everything.

Cinema Canada: El'erylhing)

Richard Condie : Yeah. Well, back then \'ou could take anythmg. It was a different 51's tem. You didn't have to specialize. 50 I took' everything. You kno\\', from atomic ph\'sics to English. You knoll', it was just a general Liberal Arts.

Greg Kh/lllkiil' is Cinema Canada 's Prnirie Pliise coilllllilist .


Cinema Canada: 50 YOII didn 'l gel involl'ed wilh Ihose Fille Arls people Ihallllllch 1

Richard Condie: No, it was a different kind of education, a different kind of art. Although I wish I had.

Cinema Canada : Why did YOII , IIh , lUere YOII ..

Richard Condie: No.

Cinema Canada: No 1

Richard Condie: No.

Cinema Canada: No, Okny. Why , IIh ..

Richard Condie: No.

Cinema Canada : Why, lilt ..

Richard Condie: Where's my Perrier water)

Cinema Canada: Opel' tilere. Why'd YOlisoy YOII

wished Ihere lUns somelhillg likea Firle Arls progrnm 1

Richard Condie: There was.

Cinema Canada: Oh, tltere was. Bllt YOII did ll 'l bother witlt it 1

Richard Condie: No, and I can't remember wh\" although .. . I don't know, I don't remember. '1. uh, no. I don' t remember. I'M INNOCENT.

Cinema Canada: Whell YOII werea kid, did YOII mr figllre 1101t'd be Oil all ililator 1

Richard Condie: No.

Cinema Canada : Did YOII walch cnrtoolls 1

Richard Condie: I imagine I did, yeah. I don't remember watching them constantly, but I did draw cartoons constantl \'.

Cinema Canada: \~qlill5t1rt of slllff did 1{01l draw)

Richard Condie: Same stuff. Hasn't changed. haven't improved.

Cinema Canada: How old ilre 11011 1

Richard Condie: No, I'm not. .

Cinema Canada: YOII 're 1101 gOlllla tellille 1

Richard Condie: Yeah, I'm gonna tell I·OU. I'm -16. .

Cinema Canada : Old 11011 ii'lllclt il ll1ll1lLll'ies whell 1{01i Wei'< il kid 1 \ 107Ii1IIl;ol' ies did YOII'llke)

Richard Condie: I must hal'e watched mOl'ies .

Cinema Canada : 00 11011 relllelllber allY 1

Richard Condie: The \Vi:ilrd oro:. I still like that. .


Page 2: At home with Richard Condie

Cinema Canada: How many times have you seen ill

Richard Condie: Eight or nine times.

Cinema Canada: Ami movies back then , other Ihan The Wizard Of Oz, tilat sort of made your life I

Richard Condie : What age are we talking about?

Cinema Canada : Anywhere between six to 12.

Richard Condie: I can't remember any. There must have been some Disney things I liked. I could make some up.

Cinema Canada: Nair.

Richard Condie : The Magnificent Fence.

Cinema Canada: Which film I

Richard Condie : No, I made that up.

Cinema Canada: What were YOllr fal'Orite TV shows)

Richard Condie : When)

Cinema Canada : When YOClwere watching the movies YOIl don't remember watchil1g.

Richard Condie: I'd like to say serv, but that wasn't on then.

Cinema Canada: Did yOCi ever watch Forest Rangers?

Richard Condie: No. Never heard of it.

Cinema Canada: That was a great series. It had Gordon Pinsent prancing arollnd ill an ReMP ClllIform.

Richard Condie : No, I don't remember it.

Cinema Canada: II was n great Canadian TV series.

Richard Condie : I have no knowledge of Forest Rangers.

Cinema Canada : Leave It To Beaver?

Richard Condfe:Oh sure, I saw that. .. Wally ... the Beaver. I don't remember anything.

Cinema Canada: Thai 's too bad.

Richard Condie: I don't know.

Cinema Canada: I'm trying to delve into YOCirdeep, dark past. To create a pictllre for ollr readers.

Richard Condie: It won't be very interesting.

Cinema Canada: I could make something Clp.

Richard Condie: Sure. I'm just trying to think of something interesting.

Cinema Canada: We/!, ul1, how aboClt ..

Richard Condie: I was raised by squirrels. They found me floating down the Assiniboine River in a basket. Then I went to university right after that.

Cinema Canada: That's illcredible.

Richard Condie: Are you recording this?



Cinema Canada: Yeah.

Richard Condie: Verbatim?

Cinema Canada: Every word of it. lileludillg my own Slupidities.

Richard Condie: Oh great.

Cinema Canada: Now, whellyollwerea kid .. I'm sornl about ailihis kid slllff, bul I'm Irying ..

Richard Condie: I'm being a kid constantly, anyway. So, take me back.

Cinema Canada: What did you like to do I

Richard Condie: Nothing abnormal.

Cinema Canada: What were Ihe normal things ?

Richard Condie : Nothing seems that much different. I now have the knowledge of an adult, or some of it.

Cinema Canada: But you were drawing pictures and Sluff like that?

Richard Condie: And just generally acting like a kid.

Cinema Canada: Did YOII ever ...

Richard Condie: ... throw bricks through windows? No, I didn't do that. Now I do, but not then . .. why only yesterday ...

Cinema Canada: Do you ever remember sitting in school while the teacher lectured about the square root of something and you were reprimanded for doodling away)

Richard Condie : Sometimes. I hated school.

Cinema Canada : Did you hate ulliversity)

Richard Condie: I wasn't wild about it.

Frames from Richard Condie's film The

Cinema Canada: Would you recommend itto anyone)

Richard Condie: No. Go to air conditioning and refrigeration school, stay away from university. No, of course I'd recommend it to anyone who wants to go.

Cinema Canada: What was the first time anyone cu t you a cheque for doing something creatively.

Richard Condie: I did some Sesame Street stuff. I also did a K-TEL commercial, but nobody really wants to admit to that.

Cinema Canada : Why)

Richard Condie: It was awful.

Cinema Canada: Really)

Richard Condie: Yeah.

Cinema Canada : Was it ftill to do)

Richard Condie: No.

Cinema Canada: Really)

Richard Condie: Weil, one was kind of interesting. It was with the serrated knife, where some guy was demonstrating how sharp the knife was. He was cutting all kinds of things, induding a shoe, and while he was cutting the shoe, he almost cut his thumb off. I got c10eseups of that.

Cinema Canada: Was there a lot of blood?

Richard Condie: In the closeup, yeah. He was then supposed to cut a piece of meat in 'Y­amount of seconds, so we continued with the commercial while the guy wore this flesh-colored thing over the wound. Then we were all immediately rushed to the hospital.


Cinema Canada: How long have you been smoking cigarettes)

Richard Condie: Since age two, and I hope to continue for another 80 years. I even smoke in my sleep.

Cinema Canada: How many packs a day?

Richard Condie : Just one pack.

Cinema Canada: Whal's your brand)

Richard Condie: Matinee Extra Mild.

Cinema Canada: You couldn't lwve always smoked Matinee Extra Mild I

Richard Condie: No, at age three, I changed brands.

Cinema Canada: Do you like American cigarettes)

Richard Condie : No.

Cinema Canada: Don't you like the smell)

Richard Condie: No, not really.

Cinema Canada: How about Camels, unfiltered)

Richard Condie: Any cigarette is good when you don't have any. I've got five-year-old Chinese cigarettes which I smoke occasionally.

Cinema Canada: Do you smoke when you work?

Richard Condie : Actuaily, I smoke when I fret. If I'm drawing, I'll have a few cigarettes before and after, but when I'm reail), getting into it, I don't. Sometimes I'll light one up and 1I00kover and there's just this long ash sitting there. When you're drawing, your concentration is fixed and there isn't anything else. You just get into that space and you don't care what cigarettes you put into your mouth.

Page 3: At home with Richard Condie

Cinema Canada: Do you have any other vices or happy habits 1

Richard Condie: I drink six or seven Cokes a day,

Cinema Canada: Diet Coke ?

Richard Condie : Oh no, I need that sugar and caffeine for my fuel.

Cinema Canada: Have you tried " Jolt Cola " ?

Richard Condie: That's too much, I like the taste of Coca-Cola,

Cinema Canada: Coke Classic ?

Richard Condie : Oh yeah, that new Coke is awful, I knew they'd take it off the shelves after six months, and I think they took it off after five ,

Cinema Canada: How about R, C. Cola ?

Richard Condie: No, I have brand-name loyalties,

Cinema Canada: What other brand names are you loyal to?

Richard Condie: Peanut butter.

Cinema Canada: Skippy?

Richard Condie: No, what kind is it?

Cinema Canada: The stuff with those two stupid bears? '

Richard Condie : Squirrel peanut butter,

Cinema Canada: What was your first contact with the National Film Board 1

Richard Condie: The mid-seventies,

Cinema Canada: Of all the films you've made, do you have any personal favorites)


• j~

Richard Condie: Not really , Although, I really like the stuff I did on that lMAX film, Heartland,

Cinema Canada : You used a whole bunch of multi-images and split screen for that, but YOIl olily filled the screetl once) Why)

Richard Condie: It was like playing the movie screen like a piano,

Cinema Canada: Do you ever imagine you'll make an [MAX film where YOIl do fill lip the screen with single images for the whole film?

Richard Condie: Oh yeah,

Cinema Canada: Are you going to be working on an [MAX film soon?

Richard Condie : Possibly,

Cinema Canada: Was it fim to do the [MAX?

Richard Condie: The sound mix was really fun, We had six channels and 30 tracks, It took us four hours to mix the first 14 seconds, It was really hard, but really exciting,

Cinema Canada: I guess it's really fim making cartoons?

Richard Condie: Parts olit are, There are parts I like and parts I hate, Some of the day to day diudgery is a real pain, though,

Cinema Canada: Do you ever want to do a live-action film?

Richard Condie: Yeah, maybe,

Cinema Canada: What stops you?

Richard Condie: The realization that I've never done it. Maybe it'll happen, maybe it won't. I've got a few more things to learn about it.

Cinema Canada: Would it be possible to transfer what YOIl do in animation to a live-action format)

Richard Condie: Yeah, There isn't any essential difference, It's all sound and picture, If I were doing a live-action, I'd still storyboard it.

Cinema Canada: Have you seen any films recently)

Richard Condie : Yeah, I just saw Field Of Dreams, That was really superb, a really transcendent film,

Cinema Canada : What else have you liked recently )

Richard Condie: Nothing, I don't have time to see movies,

Cinema Canada: You don't have time to see mvoies) What do you do ?

Richard Condie: What do I do? Other than work?

Cinema Canada : Yeah,

Richard Condie : Well, I like to stick as many pencils in my mouth as I possibly can, without swallowing, I stick the pencils in my mouth and I hum the Korean National Anthem, Other than that, I like to play music.

Cinema Canada: Oh yeah, you own a synthesizer,

Richard Condie: Well, it's actually a keyboard sampler, It's everything, It's the most important invention since the wheel.

Cinema Canada: Why is that?

Richard Condie: I don't know,

Cinema Canada: Earlier today you showed me this noise YO Il created on that thing which sOllnds like Jimmy Stewart, What other noises have YOIl created on the keyboard sampler?



Richard Condie: Oh, I don't know, I've been doing it for years, Anything that can be created,

Cinema Canada: Do you ever use these noises you create in any of your films?

Richard Condie: Once in a while, I used some of the noises I created on Getting Started,

Cinema Canada: How long have you been working on your latest film, The Apprentice?

Richard Condie: I don't know,

Cinema Canada: What's it about )

Richard Condie: I don't know,

Cinema Canada: [just need a little high-concept here,

Richard Condie: Well, it involves two fools, and one is an apprentice to another one,

Cinema Canada: Because it takes so IDllg to grind out an animated film, do you filld you have a whole mess of films you want to make, but don 't have the time?

Richard Condie: Oh yeah, no sooner have I handed in a proposal before I just want to scrap it to get on to the next one,

Cinema Canada: Would you flIer want to make a featu re-length animated film)

Richard Condie: It's hard enough to do 10 minutes, But, sure, Why not? You never know,

Cinema Canada: What are your famrite Disney features ?

Richard Condie : Alice In WDllderlmld and Pinnochio,

Cinema Canada: Pinnochio makes sense, but what about Alice In Wonderland? For me it doesn't hal'f as much magic. It's kind o/dry for my liki/lg, whereas Pinnochio is incredibly terrin}ing mid mOlling, It seems more of a rllsh,

Richard Condie: Actually, I think they' re all wonderful. I don't know why I picked those two,

Cinema Canada : I glless when YO II ' re making films, YOII 're always creating other worlds ,

Richard Condie : Not necessarily, especially if you pattern your films after this world,

Cinema Canada : Are YOllr filmspl1 ttemed after th is world)

Richard Condie: Some of them, Especially Getting Started, And The Big Snit. If you look at those films, you realize thev' re not another planet. It's this world , '

Cinema Canada: vWmt do 1/011 tll ink nbollt Spielberg i '

Richard Condie : I don't think about him,

Cinema Canada : \V/mf1 WonlMt YOIl agree that he's the closest modem eqllil'nlent to Disney,


Page 4: At home with Richard Condie

Richard Condie: I guess so, E, T. has heart, but those Rtliders films have more action in them, They don 't really touch the heart ,

Cinema Canada: Although ill Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom, someolle gets their heart ripped alit ,

Richard Condie : Yeah, I know and I found that extremely touching,

Cinema Canada: YOllr films Iwve been See/I all over the lVorld alld ha1'ewol1 tons of awards, Does allY of that face yOIl at alii

Richard Condie: It doesn't have any effect, It's a momentary recognition of something that happened in the past. It's appreciated, but it doesn't have any effect on the present.

Cinema Canada : The Big Snit was nom ilia ted for !Ill Academy Award, That mllst iIm'e been filii 1

Richard Condie: Yeah, it was fun, The only strange thing was when they were driving me to the awards in a limo a[ld there was this TV in the limo, And on the TV, there were these people getting out of their limos 20 minutes ahead of me, That was really strange, It's like everybody says,

Cinema Canada: Have any of your films been self-financed 1

Richard Condie: No, I have no money, And I have no idea how to raise money, so if everyone would just send me a thousand dollars",

Cinema Canada: So you'd never like to get into that end of prodllcing a film 1

Richard Condie: No, I wouldn't know the first thing about it. I would never have the courage to knock on someone's door and ask them for money,

Cinema Canada: Whell you work throllgh the NFB, they're the prodllcer, Ha ue you euer worked with a producer outside of the NFB 1

Richard Condie: Yeah, Roman Kroitor. He produced the \MAX film, Heartlalld,

Cinema Canada: ("/hell vou're /IIaking a film throllgh the NFB , obviollsly there's a blldget. Are YOII aware of the ills-mid-ollts of that 1

Richard Condie: I know what I have to stay wi thin ,

Cinema Canada : So YOI! keep lrack of tlmt 1

Richard Condie: No,

Cinema Canada : IVillnipeg is 50 tilly, yet per-Cfll'ita, there seellls 10 be aile hell of a lot of great allililators ill this tOWII, For that !/latter, there seems to /lea III/geamolilit of fil lilmakillg, period, Giz'fII the size of Willnipeg , dOlr't YOli find thai odd)

Richard Condie : Maybe, but the NFB Prairie Office has really done a lot to encourage filmmakers in Winnipeg,




OhSure 1975

John Law and the Missis$ippi Bubble 1978

Getting Started . (Awards from Zagreb, Tamp!?re, Cracow .. Bljou Award - Cdn, Short FUm and Televisi1}n) 1979

Pig Bird 1981 (Award at Zagreb)

Thdig Bnit 1986 (19lntema~onal Awards including; Genie A~ardt Academy Award Nomination )

Heartland ( Animated sequences) 1988

'!'he Apprentire{ womng tilI~/in. progress)

Cinema Canada: Who are your favorite Calladian animators? Living or dead,

Richard Condie: There's just so many, a whole bunch of them, I don't really want to single one person out. They're all wonderful,

Cinema Canada: l"/ho do you make your films fori How aware are you of Ihe potential response of a filture audience 1

Richard Condie : I suppose at the early stages, when I'm thinking about the story, I am the audience, I get a lot of enjoyment out of developing the story, But then I actually have to make the film, and by that point, I'm making it for the audience, not for me, I actually have to

make the film and I usually don't want to because the themes that initially amused me are in the past and I want to move on to something else, But I can 't, I have.to make the movie, If it was possible to make one film a day, I would like that a whole lot better.

Cinema Canada: Wiwt find of car do you drive)

Richard Condie: A Honda,

Cinema Canada: What year 1

Richard Condie: 1985,

Cinema Canada: Have you ever driven a big boat 1

Richard Condie: You mean a car?

Cinema Canada: Yeah, a big gas guzzler,

Richard Condie: I' ve never owned one, but I' ve certainly driven one,

Cinema Canada: You like smaller cars?

Richard Condie: I guess so, yeah,

Cinema Canada: You've dOlle a lot of travelling, Where are your favorite places 1

Richard Condie: It all depends on what mood I'm in, It has more to do with my mind than the actual location, I like Vancouver a lot.

Cinema Canada: Do YOII actually like the pace of Vancouver?

Richard Condie: Oh yeah,

Cinema Canada: Do you like Winnipeg?

Richard Condie: Yeah, I love the prairie, especially thunderstorms, I chase thun­derstorms,

Cinema Canada: III YOllr car ?

Richard Condie: Yeah,

Cinema Canada: Wily 1

Richard Condie: Thunderstorms are beautiful. The more violent the better.

Cinema Canada: What find of music do YOlllike 1

Richard Condie: It depends on the mood I'm in, I like Ravel. I like country and western, Whatever I'm in the mood for,

Cinema Canada: What mllsic do you play when you're working?

Richard Condie: J don't always play music. I record thunderstorms, I have to have some sort of sepulchral atmosphere,

Cinema Canada: Who were some of the people at the NFB who encouraged YOII ?

Richard Condie : Michael Scott was quite encouraging, Some of the old philosopher kings like Colin Low, and more recently Roman Kroitor. I've had some really good influences and good teachers, Ches Yetman has also been very encouraging,

Cinema Canada: I gather it's a great working atmosphere at the NFB 1

Richard Condie: I work at horne mostly, You can't smoke at the NFB anymore,

Cinema Canada: Really 1 Haw does anYOlle get any work done there)

Richard Condie: I don't know, I dread the thought of not being able to smoke when I work,

Cinema Canada: Aside from the K-TEL commercials, have you euer done any others?

Richard Condie: I did one for the Manitoba Motor League, That was a pretty good one,

Cinema Canada: You dOIl't really /ikedoillg commercials 1

Richard Condie : I'd do one for a million dollars, Seriously, though, I'm not good at them, I'mno\ good at someone saying, " Here, do this, "

Cinema Canada : Wily dOll ' t you go 10 the people at Coke to do a commercial?

Richard Condie: I certainly like Coke,

Cinema Canada: Do you iwve allY retreat from YOllr /rome, a slimmer cottage or something like fhat 1,

Richard Condie: No, but there are a lot of ways to retreat. I like to go out into the prairies and listen to the quiet.

Cinema Canada: If you werell't clJIimatillg films , what would YOII be doillg 1

Richard Condie: J can't speculate on what I lVould do, I don't have any skills, I don't even have any animation skills, So I don't knolV what J'd do, J'd like to have a job moving OXO cubes from one part of the room to another. •