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  • 7/27/2019 Astrophyllite.doc



    Key words: Self-knowledge, realization of multidimensional self,

    self-acceptance, forgiveness, infusion of oneself with Light

    Element: Storm

    Chakras: All

    The Oracle at Delphi instructed, Know thyself, and this is the essential

    message of Astrophyllite. I refer to the Book of Stones by Robert

    Simmons and Naisha Ahsian for most of the following information, and

    encourage anyone interested to read the full passage on Astrophyllite.

    [Astrophyllite] can reveal the hidden pattern of ones divine blueprint, or

    life purpose, if one is willing to work with it awhile in meditation.

    Another way to achieve this is to simply wear or carry the stone, then

    learn to pay close attention to the synchronicities in ones everyday life.

    Following the pattern of such random events, one can discern the

    outline of what the Universe wants from us and for us. Astrophyllite is

    both a magnet for these synchronicities and an aid to being more aware of

    their occurence and meaning.

    Being out of alignment with ones inner purpose can cause all sorts of

    symptoms, such as boredom, depression, overeating, addictions, and so

    forth. Astrophyllite can aid one in shedding such states, not as a direct

    remedy, but as an amplifier of ones latent interest in the deeper and more

    significant purpose of ones life. The complex [crystalline] structures

    and flashing reflections of Astrophyllite resonate with its deeper meaning

    to shine a light on the mirror of consciousness, to illuminate the true


    [It is] a powerful Storm element stone that activates the chakra column

    to become a channel for high-frequency Light energy. It activates and

    connects the Soul Star chakra above the head and the Earthstar chakra

    below the feet. In the connection of these two powerful etheric centers,

    all other chakras in the body are activated, charged and aligned.

    Astrophyllite enables one to resonate with and radiate the full spectrum

    of electromagnetic energy that is the Light. From the highest-frequency,M1,M1
  • 7/27/2019 Astrophyllite.doc


    energy to the lowest, Astrophyllite reminds us that the entire spectrum of

    Light is necessary to our health and our spiritual growth.

    Astrophyllite has the ability to direct Light into the darkest recesses of

    ones being and experience. It can help one perceive and understandones most buried and unacknowledged thoughts and feelings. By

    bringing these shadow aspects of the self to conscious awareness,

    wholeness, self-acceptance and self-forgiveness can be achieved.

    Astrophyllite is excellent for those who believe they are beyond

    redemption or salvation due to their ego investment in the shadow self. It

    can help these individuals to perceive their inherent divinity, fully

    accepting and loving themselves, deciding to live their full potential.

    Astrophyllite strengthens the energy field, acting as a natural protection

    against negative or harmful vibrations. [It] can mediate the effects of

    electromagnetic pollution such as that produced by electronics, radio

    transmitters or cell towers even as it assists the body in processing a

    broader range of electromagnetic energy. It acts as a natural protection

    against radioactivity as well.

    Astrophyllite can help one accept ones shadow self and feel more

    whole and accepting of oneself. It can give hope to those who fear the

    judgment of others or the Divine. It assists one in finding Light in the

    darkest corners and in deciding to express ones full Light in the world.

    Astrophyllite allows one to face ones darkest fears and reclaim ones

    full power.

    Astrophyllite is useful in supporting detoxification on an energetic or

    spiritual level.


    Astrophyllite has always been one of my favorite pocket stones

    probably because the piece I have is a rounded square: perfect for turning

    over in my hands, and unintrusive in the back pocket of my jeans. I

    experienced the power of this stone recently while working to identify the

    many roles I play in life. There were roles affecting almost all of my

    chakras from the Satisfier in my root up to the Protector in my third

    eye. I needed to accept these roles and release them even the new role

  • 7/27/2019 Astrophyllite.doc


    of Wife I had just taken on! Only my crown chakra wasnt holding any

    roles I had a reluctance towards divine connection, and, by the end of

    the session, I could feel the Light and energy of a Divine Presence

    flowing through me.In my day-to-day life, I had just been informed that all the bureaucratic

    hoops had been jumped through, and I was officially a full-time,

    permanent employee, per the United States Government (I had been

    operating under a contract as a graduate student for the last year in the

    library). I was debating if I should commit myself to three years in

    exchange for student loan repayment a deal I was not particularly keen

    on, but hesitant to dismiss. Within a few days of my transition going

    through, a friend told me he was interested in helping me set up my

    business as a dowser and healer. That same day despite prior approval

    and activation my government transition came tumbling down like a

    house of cards. My contract ended in a few days, and it would be weeks

    before they could post a vacancy and rehire me. It seems the Universe

    didnt want me to get too comfortable. I was researching Astrophyllite as

    this comedy of errors played out, and, much to my co-workers surprise, I

    didnt get upset or start to freak out about how I would survive until the

    paychecks started coming again. It might sound strange, but this

    unexpected time seems like a gift. I now have an opportunity to knock

    out a lot of business and finance-related details I hadnt had time to think

    about before. I enjoy my day job, however, I have wanted to expand

    beyond the 9 to 5 grind for awhile now, but had yet to take any sort of

    leap towards doing so. By looking at the synchronicities of several

    unrelated events in my life, I recognize the opportunity the Universe

    presented. I now have the chance (and time) to create the foundation formy future endeavors long after this current governmental mess is resolved

    and I return to the library. Astrophyllite helped me to see the lemonade I

    could easily make out of the lemons I was given!