CALLING ASTANA A WEEKLY ONLINE PUBLICATION / WWW.MFA.GOV.KZ ISSUE NO. 373 / FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2014 FM Visits New York, Participates in 69th UN General Assembly Planning for World Religious Congress Continues in Astana Also In The News Korean Reunification Bicycle Tour Passes through Kazakhstan

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FM Visits New York, Participates in 69th UN General Assembly

Planning for World Religious Congress Continues in Astana

Also In The News

Korean Reunification Bicycle Tour Passes through Kazakhstan

Page 2: Astana calling no 373

FM Visits New York, Participates in 69th UN General Assembly

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Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Erlan Idrissov paid a working visit to New York from Sept. 22-27, during which he participated in the 69th UN General Assembly and met with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and other international officials.

On Sept. 24, the delegation from Kazakhstan participated in the 69th session’s opening, which included remarks by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, U.S. President Barack Obama and others. The delegation also participated in a UN Security Council meeting chaired by the United States titled, “Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts.” Kazakhstan was among the authors of the council’s unanimously adopted resolution regarding harsh measures against participants in extremist organisations.

Idrissov also met with representatives of American companies, including Boeing, Sikorsky Aircraft, Citigroup and Chevron, among others, discussing questions related to doing business in Kazakhstan in light of the new terms for foreign investors announced this year. The businessmen welcomed the introduction of a visa-free regime for citizens of the U.S. and nine other countries and American companies expressed a desire to expand operations in Kazakhstan, particularly in the nonprimary sector.

Idrissov also held bilateral meetings with his counterparts, including with Foreign Minister of Algiers Ramtane Lamamra and Foreign Minister of Costa Rica Manuel A. González-Sanz. During these meetings, the sides discussed bilateral relations, international issues and methods to enhance cooperation within international organisations.

Idrissov also meet with Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Secretary General Lamberto Zannier, as well as foreign ministers Mohlabi Tsekoa of Lesotho, Natalia Gherman of Moldova, Muhammed Bazum of Niger, Ali Karty of Sudan and Luis Almagro of Uruguay.

During a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, Idrissov outlined Kazakhstan’s prospects within the framework of the Kazakhstan 2050 Strategy, stressing that the goal of the strategy is to join the 30 most-developed countries by 2050. The strategy provides great opportunities for cooperation with the U.S. and other foreign

Foreign Minister of Kazakhstan Erlan Idrissov (second from right) at the recent Expanding Economic Connectivity in Greater Central Asia meeting

partners, the foreign minister said. Idrissov and Kerry also stressed the importance of an early conclusion of negotiations on Kazakhstan’s accession to the World Trade Organisation (WTO).Idrissov repeated Astana’s strong support for a peaceful resolution to the Ukraine crisis in accordance with the agreements reached at the summit in Minsk this August.

Kerry praised Kazakhstan’s contributions to regional security, including helping to stabilise Afghanistan, as well as Kazakhstan’s balanced foreign policy. Kerry confirmed the United States’ interest in strengthening political and economic cooperation.

Idrissov also officially invited Kerry and Americans in general to participate in EXPO 2017.

Idrissov also participated during his visit in the UN Climate Summit 2014, where he explained Kazakhstan’s position and efforts regarding global climate change.

Idrissov emphasised that climate change is an international threat. “That is why mitigation and adaptation [to climate change] should not be limited to the needs of one country or region, but should cover the entire international community,” he stressed.

He further briefed the participants of the summit on policies and measures undertaken in Kazakhstan. “Growth of the green economy, efficiency of the renewable energy sector have a paramount priority on the path towards achieving this goal [of joining the 30 most-developed countries]. Undoubtedly, Kazakhstan is one of the largest producers of traditional energy sources, but we strive to reduce the energy intensity of our gross domestic product and carbon emissions in the energy sector. To date, we have adopted laws and regulations that form the legal basis for the conduct of such policies and measures that will achieve our ambitious targets for the green economy,” Idrissov said.

Idrissov and the delegation from Kazakhstan also participated in the Asian Cooperation Dialogue (ACD), where they exchanged views with the heads of delegations of the Association of Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN) and discussed issues of interaction between the ACD and the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA).

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Planning for World Religious Congress Continues in Astana

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A meeting of the Working Group of the Congress Secretariat and the 13th meeting of the Secretariat of the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions took place on Sept. 18 in Astana, where participants discussed organisational issues related to the upcoming fifth congress, which will be held on June 10-11, 2015.

Head of the Secretariat of the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions and Chairman of Kazakhstan’s Senate Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev noted that the meeting of the secretariat and the preparation for the fifth congress were being held at a moment of international tension. Not only political issues, but also questions of intra-and inter-religious conflicts came up in the discussion. Referring to the spiritual goals of the forum, the head of the secretariat said that “the task of the upcoming congress is candid and effective discussion of the problems facing humanity, which is why the congress invited religious leaders and politicians to discuss the issues of dialogue.”

Addressing the participants of the meeting, Tokayev added, “As confessional guides, you are the keepers of moral and ethical values, influencing the minds and feelings of individuals and the society as a whole. You can inspire good deeds and accomplishments and help overcome the barriers of ignorance, fear and misunderstanding. In turn, policymakers are able both to implement the dreams and aspirations of the people to live in peace and realise the idea of the congress to promote mutual understanding, accord and cooperation among people of different confessions and nationalities. Together we can do much more than one at a time.” Following the official opening of the secretariat meeting, Tokayev had a number of bilateral meetings with congress representatives.

Initiated by President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, the first Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions was held Sept. 23-24, 2003, in Astana and attracted 17 delegations from 13 countries. The fourth congress, the most recent, was attended by more than 80 delegations from 50 countries. According to President Nazarbayev, “The congress in no small measure contributed to the fact that the world has not fallen into the abyss of the ‘clash of civilizations’.”

Building on the successes of the previous congresses, at the plenary session of the fourth congress, Nazarbayev proposed creating an online resource dedicated to the formation and strengthening of global tolerance and trust, which could become part of the common electronic portal, G-Global.

A working group meeting in Astana for the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions

The goals and objectives of the congress are the promotion of a global dialogue between religions and cultures as well as deepening and strengthening of mutual understanding and respect between religious communities. The congress aims to foster a culture of tolerance and mutual respect, as opposed to the ideology of hatred and extremism. As such, the congress seeks cooperation and collaboration with all international organisations and institutions aimed at promoting dialogue among religions, cultures and civilisations.

“As confessional guides, you are the keepers of moral and ethical values, influencing the

minds and feelings of individuals and the society as a whole. You can inspire good deeds and

accomplishments and help overcome the barriers of ignorance, fear and misunderstanding. In

turn, policymakers are able both to implement the dreams and aspirations of the people to live

in peace and realise the idea of the congress to promote mutual understanding, accord

and cooperation among people of different confessions and nationalities. Together we can

do much more than one at a time.”-Chairman of Kazakhstan’s Senate Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev

The main theme of the fifth congress will be “Dialogue of religious leaders and politicians in the name of peace and development.” Participants of the secretariat meeting unanimously designated focus areas of the breakout sessions for the upcoming congress, which include “Religious and political leaders: the responsibility to humanity;” “The influence of religion on young people: education, science, culture and the media;” “Religion and politics: new trends and prospects” and “Dialogue based on mutual respect and understanding between the leaders and followers of world and traditional religions for the sake of peace, security and harmony.”

In accordance with tradition, the main actors the fifth congress will bring together are representatives of Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Taoism, Shintoism, Hinduism and Zoroastrianism, as well as senior representatives of influential international organisations, including the United Nations, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, UNESCO, the World Islamic League, the Alliance of Civilisations, Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and others.

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Korean Reunification Bicycle Tour Passes through Kazakhstan

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Professional and amateur cyclists from Kazakhstan joined the “One Korea New-Eurasia” international bicycle tour to promote North and South Korean reunification as it passed through Astana on Sept. 25.

“This event not only promotes the unification of North and South Korea but also serves as an example of how it is necessary for people all over the world to live together and be united. By this bike ride, we want to convey this idea,” said the head of the Korean delegation before the Astana ride.

The international tour began on Aug. 13 in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Germany and will continue for 100 days and 15,000 kilometres through Poland, three Baltic states, Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China before ending in Seoul, South Korea. The Brandenburg Gate was chosen as the starting point for the expedition because it symbolises the union of East and West Germany in 1989.

The Astana leg of the ride began at the Square of State symbols. Eight riders from Kazakhstan pledged to continue through Astana to Pavlodar and then to Russia. The event was attended by Ambassador of Korea Baek Ju-hyeon, Press Secretary of the Foreign Ministry of Kazakhstan Nurzhan Aitmakhanov, representatives of Astana’s city administration, members of Astana’s professional cycling team and supporters.

The tour was organised by the Chosunilbo Media Group with the support of the Korean Foreign Ministry and the Ministry for Culture, Sports and Tourism. Chosunilbo owns Korea’s largest newspaper with a 1.77 million circulation, several magazines and has book publishing and television divisions.

This year, the media group published a series titled, “Unification is the Future” and launched the “Peace Bicycle Expedition,” which is part of “One Korea New-Eurasia.”

“We received more than 5,300 applications [for the tour]. The secretariats were surprised and excited by this great interest. In addition, each of the applicants had strong training and experience, which made the choice of candidates complicated. We hope that this journey with beads of sweat on the foreheads of our members will be an opportunity to share our true wishes and hopes for peace in Eurasia,” said a Chosunilbo Media representative.

Astana residents and participants of the “One Korea New-Eurasia” international bike tour during a recent tour event in Astana

“The Eurasian continent represents peace, prosperity and integration, and develops a new frontier in the 21st century. The ‘Peace Bicycle Expedition’ on the road with ‘New Eurasia’ will create the opportunity to meet new people, build interesting dialogue and exchange experiences,” the representative added.

Press Secretary Aitmakhanov thanked the Korean organisers for including Kazakhstan on the tour’s route. “It is a great honour for us that Kazakhstan was included on the international bicycle tour. I see that our professional and amateur cyclists from Astana also joined the event. Today’s gathering shows us how the people of Kazakhstan support physical culture and the sports programme of Kazakhstan for 2011-2015,” said Aitmakhanov.

The press secretary also noted that cycling is a popular form of transportation among diplomats in Astana and that last year Foreign Minister of Kazakhstan Erlan Idrissov installed bicycle parking at the ministry.

“It is great that cycling is becoming more and more popular in our country because the bicycle is still one of the most environmentally healthy forms of transportation,” said Aitmakhanov. “Today in Astana, you can find a lot of bike parking and bikes for rent, which is very convenient for busy and active people.”

Aitmakhanov also thanked the Korean side for supporting Kazakhstan’s initiatives, including its successful bid to host the international exhibition EXPO 2017.

The Astana ride was supported by the Embassy of Korea in Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan and the Astana city administration.

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Also In The News... • Kazakhstan delegation participates in 58th IAEA General

ConferenceThe 58th session of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) General Conference began on Sept. 22 in Vienna and ran until Sept. 26. The annual meeting of delegations from 162 member states considers the IAEA Annual Report, which covers the agency’s activities in various fields of peaceful nuclear energy use, ensuring nuclear safety, nuclear safeguards and the nuclear nonproliferation regime. Delegates this year discussed the IAEA’s programme and budget and the staffing of the secretariat. Kazakhstan’s delegation was headed by Minister of Energy Vladimir Shkolnik and included senior officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Kazatomprom nuclear energy company, the National Nuclear Centre of Kazakhstan and other entities. Kazakhstan’s statement reflected on the country’s achievements in nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation, effective cooperation between Kazakhstan and the IAEA in the field of peaceful nuclear energy use, nuclear medicine and the rehabilitation of contaminated lands, among other issues, and announced the country’s intention to construct its first nuclear power plant. Attention was drawn to The ATOM Project and other initiatives of President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev in nuclear nonproliferation. (mfa.gov.kz)

• Chinese NPC Standing Committee Vice Chairman visitsKazakhstanVice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC) of China Zhang Baowen visited Kazakhstan from Sept. 21-23 at the invitation of the Parliament of Kazakhstan. During his visit, Zhang held talks with Speaker of the Mazhilis (lower house) Kabibulla Dzhakupov, Speaker of the Senate (upper house) Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and Prime Minister Karim Massimov. Zhang said that the China-Kazakhstan comprehensive strategic partnership has developed successfully and become a model of good-neighbourliness, friendship and mutual benefit and that the legislative bodies of the two countries are in regular contact. The Kazakh side expressed appreciation for the high level of development of relations between the countries and stressed that Kazakhstan attaches great importance to bilateral cooperation in all fields, adding that Kazakhstan intends to strengthen exchanges between the legislative bodies of the two countries to strengthen relations between the states. (xinhuanet.com)

• DayofKazakhstan’sEconomyheldinHamburgA Day of Kazakhstan’s Economy was held in Hamburg, Germany, on Sept. 22. The event, organised by the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Germany, the Honorary Consulate of Kazakhstan in Hamburg and the Association for Economic Cooperation with the Countries of Eastern Europe, was titled “Opportunities and prospects of Kazakh-German cooperation in the field of transport and logistics” and was attended by more than 150 representatives of German official, economic, business and expert circles. Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Germany Bolat Nusupov emphasised that Kazakhstan’s strategic location held great potential for transport and transit between East and West and North and South in his remarks at the event. A panel discussion with the participation of the leadership of German transport and logistics companies, including DeutscheBahn, Hafen-EntwicklungsgesellschaftRostock, BrockmüllerSpedition and Kühne + Nagel was also held. Representatives of Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Investment and Development and of the management of the Centre for the Development of Transport Logistics of the Kazakhstan Temir Zholy rail company also attended. (mfa.gov.kz)

• PersonalexhibitionofZadokBen-DavidOpensinAstanaOn Sept. 26, Astana’s National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan launched an exhibition of one of the most famous sculptors of our time, Zadok Ben-David, titled “The Other Side of Midnight.” This is the first time Ben-David’s works are being exhibited on a large scale in Central Asia. Minister of Culture and Sport Arystanbek Muhamediuly will take part in the opening ceremony. The exhibition, which consists of sculptures and three installations, will run until Dec. 5 in the museum’s Hall of Modern Art. The installations on display are the result of three years of work.

Over the past few years, Ben-David’s work has been shown in Italy, Germany, China, South Korea, the United States, Singapore and Ukraine. His works are in public and private collections in Europe, Asia, the U.S., Israel and Austria. (astanamuzei.kz)

• GlobeTheatretobringHamlettoAstanaTo celebrate the 20th anniversary of the British Council in Kazakhstan and the 450th anniversary of the birth of William Shakespeare, the British Council and partners Shell, Air Astana and Kazakhstan’s National University of the Arts are bringing to Astana a production of Hamlet by the world-renowned Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre. Performances will take place at the Shabyt Kazakh National University of the Arts on Sept. 27-28. (inform.kz)

• Book on Kazakhstan’s history by British author released inLondon“Vanished Khans and Empty Steppes: The history of Kazakhstan from antiquity to the present,” by Robert White, was recently released in London. The author spent more than three years working in the banking sector in Almaty, during which time he was struck by the history and culture of Kazakhstan. On his return to London, White decided to share his perspective on the history of what he believes is the most impressive and important country in Central Asia with British audiences. Inevitable historical processes have changed Kazakhstan from a nomadic society of clans and khans to a modern, outward-looking nation, the book claims. “Vanished Khans and Empty Steppes” shows how Kazakhstan has become one of the most successful post-communist countries in the world. (mfa.gov.kz)

• RunnerfromKazakhstanwinsMoscowAthleticsMarathonThe second Moscow Athletics Marathon was won by Irina Smolnikova of Kazakhstan on Sept. 21 who finished the 42-kilometre, 195-metre race in 2 hours, 40 minutes and 22 seconds. More than 12,000 people competed in the marathon. Smolnikova won 1.7 million roubles, (US$44,000) and a diamond watch. Kenyan Solomon Kibet Barngetuni won the men’s race with a time of 2:17.20. (metronews.ru)


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