Assignment_Parable of Sadhu

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  • 8/2/2019 Assignment_Parable of Sadhu


    An Assignement on

    Business & Managerial Ethics

    Application of Theory of constraintsOn Parable of Sadhu case

    By Prashant Prakash (75)

    Ramchandra Chikhalagi (83)Sudhir Kumar (101)Balu Sukate (103)

    Sunit Mhasade (105)Mrunal Hadke (123)

  • 8/2/2019 Assignment_Parable of Sadhu


    ContentsThe Case in brief Evaporating Cloud Tree (ECT)Un-Desirable Effects (UDE) ListCurrent Reality Tree (CRT)Future Reality Logic Tree (FRT)Basic QuestionsConclusion

  • 8/2/2019 Assignment_Parable of Sadhu


    Case FactsBased on a real life incident that happened withBowen H. McCoy, MD of Morgan Stanley Participated in the sabbatical program of

    six monthsOn a trip to Himalaya for 60 daysMet with people from other countries

  • 8/2/2019 Assignment_Parable of Sadhu


    Encounter with SadhuOne of the New Zealander found an Indian SaThe Sadhu was shivering & suffering fromHypothermia

    Everybody has contributed in reviving the SadHowever, nobody took complete responsibilitythe Sadhus well being

  • 8/2/2019 Assignment_Parable of Sadhu


    Stephens ArgumentsEach did their bit as long as it was convenient, thpassed on the buck to others.

    Ponders about how different the action would have been- Had the person been a well dressed Asian or aWoman

  • 8/2/2019 Assignment_Parable of Sadhu


    McCoys Views At first, McCoy was defensive to Stephens argument

    Things like Stress, Once in a lifetime opportunity wehis excuses

    But later on, he realized how they had walked by anethical dilemma without appropriate action

  • 8/2/2019 Assignment_Parable of Sadhu


    Ethical DilemmaIndividual Ethics Vs Group Ethics Applicability of Rule based Ethical Theory Implementing Ethics in Corporate World

  • 8/2/2019 Assignment_Parable of Sadhu


    Individual Vs GroupEvery person did their bit for the SadhuHowever, no one ensured the ultimate well being the Sadhu Where does the ethical responsibility of an indiviendIs there something called collective or institutionresponsibility?

  • 8/2/2019 Assignment_Parable of Sadhu


    Ethics in WorkplaceHow to ensure collaborative effort towards end goSynchronizing individual efforts with collective vReaching consensus and selecting a leader in crusituationHow to ensure groups support?

  • 8/2/2019 Assignment_Parable of Sadhu


    Evaporating Cloud Tree (ECT)

    Provide pto


    Take Sadhu 1000 ft below forrehabilitation and come


    Cross valley before sunrise

    Reach to peak of Mountain

    (D) Pre(B) Requirements

    (A) Objectives


    Conflicts(C) (D)

    No health deterioration after 2000

    expedition Have adequate resources

  • 8/2/2019 Assignment_Parable of Sadhu


    Un-Desirable Effects (UDE) Lis1. Privatization of self achievements2. Strong Morale Dilemma3. Lack of Leadership4. Lack of vision5. Lack of shouldering responsibility 6. Delayed realization (Regret)7. Cultural difference

    8. Lack of unity 9. Option to pass the buck10. Lack of support from peers/colleagues11. Absence of intra team work12. Absence of planning13. No immediate response to situation

    14. No intra team nconsensus

  • 8/2/2019 Assignment_Parable of Sadhu


    Current Reality Tree (CRT)

    1. Privatization of self achievements

    8. Lack of Unity

    2. Strong Moraledilemma

    9. Option to pass thebuck

    3. Lack of leadership


    4. Lack of vision1

    5. Lack of shoulderingresponsibility

    12. Absence of planning

    6. Delayed Realization

    13. No immediateresponse to situation

    14. No intra teamconsensus

  • 8/2/2019 Assignment_Parable of Sadhu


    Future Reality Logic Tree (FRT)Reach a common consensus


    Amicable relations

    Regain of lost trust

    People would appraise othersself esteem

    Strong team and reducedfrictions among overall teams

    No common consensusPersonal Interest Lack o

  • 8/2/2019 Assignment_Parable of Sadhu


    Basic Questions

    What to changeIndividual goalsPrioritization of self interest

    What to change to

    Ethical goalsHow to change

    Building a strong team attitudeRealization of self esteem among team

  • 8/2/2019 Assignment_Parable of Sadhu


    ConclusionThe case is not between actions that are right and those that are wrbetween actions that are merely okay and those that are excellentThe Sadhu parable brings into relief our notions, about the differecharacters of persons, rather than our justifications of the moral actions.In a complex business situation, the individual requires & de

    support of the groupIf such support is provided, a person has a stake in the success of t

    It will also direct & focus each member of the team & benefit the whole.

  • 8/2/2019 Assignment_Parable of Sadhu


    Thank Y