ASSIGNMENT ON Terrorism in Pakistan and coverage of Pakistani Media Subject: Community Journalism Submitted To: Most Respected Sir Faisal Jahaan Sb. Submitted By: Muhammad Sharif Muhammad Zaman Masood Azhar Shafqat Rehman Communication Studies BAHAUDDIN ZAKARIYA UNIVERSITY MULTAN

Assignment on Terrorism

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Assignment on Terrorism.

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ASSIGNMENTON Terrorism in Pakistan and coverage of Pakistani MediaSubject:Community JournalismSubmitted To:Most Respected Sir Faisal Jahaan Sb.Submitted By:Muhammad SharifMuhammad ZamanMasood AzharShafqat Rehman


Beyond the doubt, the existing era is the era of the media. Media is considered the fourh pillar of the state. The state of the mind of the people can be changed through media. At present the Pakistani nation is on the front line of terrorism and the role of the media during the ongoing prevailing situation is very crucial. The need of the hour to develop consensus in the nation in every sensitive issue so that we may become united and our media do this very affectionately. In Pakistan media has liberated a few years ago, therefore, media needs proper trainings for coverage of the issues. Pakistani media is covering the sensitive matters of without any proper guidelines and unnecessary discussions on these matters especially in the talk shows arraned by the media and also ignoring the national interests of the country, whereas these matters demand careful and mature attitude. Hence, the present degenerated security situation can not be considerate due to medias careless and irresponsible behaviour. It is proved that from the several terrorist attacks such as Mehraan Base, GHQ,Rawalpindi, Karachi Airport, ISI Centre, Multan and the Peshawar incident as well If we talk about the Mehran Base attack where the media covered the attacks so awkwardly. Consequently, the terrorists who were inside the Mehraan Base were fully aware of the tactical movements and strategy of the forces. Ultimately, media was pushed back from the scene. Therefore, media will have to get special training to cover and print as well as to show the maturity. We should have to clear our position to the world community on all the terrorist incidents especially on the Mehraan Base, Karachi Airport, ISI Centre, GHQ, and including the Peshawar incident in a better way through the media and can respond various queries of western media which they raised against our forces as defence capability. But due to our media, Pakistan instead of avoiding from isolation in world community the security forces of Pakistan are now standing in the railing of criminals, whereas on the incidents of 9/11 and Mumbai attacks the American and the Indian media defended their security forces. On the other hand, instead of going into details of the facts from our defence forces as well as ISI and cross questioning them authenticated the designs of the adversaries. Instead criticising own forces. Americans and Indians should be question that inspite of having sophisticated and the latest technology why they were failed to avert themselves from the tragic incident like 9/11 and Mumbai attacks. Though Pakistani forces are not fully equipped with the sophisticated and latest technology as compared to American forces yet the Pakistani forces get marvellous victories in different areas of Pakistan especially in the Swat operation and while America including the NATO forces are still from the victory in Iraq and Afghanistan. Medias should not only keep themselves from the malicious designs of the world antagonists but they should also acquaints the public that actually the adversaries are targetting nuclear capibility after weakening our security forces i.e ISI. These are the powers that murdered the journalist Saleem Shehzad and blamed on the ISI to create dissension between the security forces and the media. Our media without any detailed investigation blamed ISI for the murder of the journalist Saleem Shehzad. Hence, conspiracies are being made against the armed forces as well as ISI to demoralise and weaken both pillars of the state. At present, uniformity and unimity is a dire need of the antagonists may be unsuccessful. In this regard , media can play a major role. Media can create cosciouness and vigilence among the masses through their progrmmes and in present prevailing situation of the country. The media can boost the morale of the masses and may ready them mentally to face the disrupted situations. The media should refrain from biased criticism and analysis and they should inform the public about the position of Pakistan. / In case of Pakistan, it is stated that terrorists are not invincible and that they can be eliminated through power of the state, coupled with collective efforts of various entities of the country. For the purpose contents of media reports must be properly monitored and strongly cesored prior to broadcast. Media must follow code of conduct and journalistic ethics, as envisaged by the profession of journalism and in accordance with the national interests. The official or self-control mechanism, related to the war against terrorism is essential for the Pakistani media, particularly for the TV channels. Media must project that state is more powerful than the misled bands of terrorists outfits. In this regard, the electronic media should not buy the panic-ridden ,messages of the militants, portraying them as the most dangerous and powerful elements who will play havoc with the targeted victims. Rather, the media should indicate that terrorists are weak akd fragile, therefore, they undertake heinous missions stealthily. Media must exploit their vulnerabilities by projecting their true worth. Especially, our media must be fully controlled in order to conduct successful counter-terror operations, and should be used as the support element of the state. It should not be allowed to conduct selective coverage of events such as showing mutilated bodies, severely injured, destruction of property and brutally smashed scenes of surroundings.Live coverage of operation should not be permitted. If it is allowed , it should be specifically authorised by the highest level of command or administration and should be used only, when it is beneficial to Pakistans national interests or positive projection of our own image. It is notable that in the recent past , the electronic media recklessly failed to demonstrate sense of cesor, showing maturity in live coverage of the Karachi Airport operation against the militant. In this context, certain information including move of own echelons, different steps or techniques, used by own forces, supervision of operation by a particular tier of command, arrival of higher officials and reports submitted to Armys high command etc. were required to be strongly cesored, as the same information was also made available to terrorists through live coverage. Live coverage of security personnel moving in a particular direction was utterly irresponsible, as such movements were part of the operation , the outcome of which was yet to be decided. The operation was to proceed in different phases to imbalance and eliminate the terrorists. Irresponsible media coverage creates misperceptions and demoralises own forces. This also entails conducting proper training of media reporters and anchors which must be ensured by media houses. Besides, in crisis situation, lives ate at risk. In this connection, media should not disclose names of victims, vital locations, forces, weapons, used and tactics adopted. It is also duty of media to create and maintain sense of hope among domestic audience, especially when the operation is still going on.The should be an effective media controlling body to monitor and direct the media to engage in media coverage of sensitive installations such as airports, air bases and other security outfits. Neverthless, it is better that during counter-terrorism operations, media must be fully controlled and kept out. This will help tier of command to maintain their effectiveness against the terrorists, and achieve their objectives. Simply speaking, if media is controlled, the terrorism can be easily eliminated. Every one knows that during this different war against terrorism, Pakistan is passing through a very crucial moment, in this context, besides other terror-attacks at various places of the country, massacre of the innocent Shia pilgrims in Balochistan, attack in Karachi Airport and Suicidal assault on the Security Forces at Boya, which occurred within 24 hours prove the fact that Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ), Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA), and other separatist and sectarian violece, as assisted by American CIA, Indian RAW and Israeli Mossad. These insurgent groups are responsible for human rights violations in Balochistan and other places of Pakistan. Undoubtedly, these internal banned outfits have a nexus with a single aim to destabilize Pakistan at foreign behest. Their foreign masters synchronized these cowardly acts in darkness to hurt Pakistan domestically, regionally and internationally. H ere the question arises, who are the real beneficiary---only those who move strings of traitors living in Pakistan. However, we must be united against our enemies who are underming our country. While claiming the responsibility for Karachi Airport by the TTP after recovery of Indian-made weapons, armament and chemical syringes from the militants clearly indicates that Indian RAW is directly involved in all terrorist activities in Pakistan. In this drastic development, should we always remain silent to keep the so-called Aman ki Aasha (Desire for peace) with New Delhi alive??? In fact, TTP which is fulfillilng the sinister designs of Pakistans external enemies was playing the double-game like its foreign masters. It orchestrated Jirgas of the tribesmen just to gain strengthen and time to resolve their own internal differences. At the same time, they conducted brutal attacks against Pakistans strategic installations and assests to obtain nefarious aims to malign us in international community and destabilize our commercial hub, Karachi. We must not tolerate this any longer. It is mentionable that the military operation, Zarb-e-Azb against the militants in North Waziristan Agaency (NWA) has rapidly been in making progress , as the jets of Pakistan Air Force have bombed militantshideouts, and Pak Army has been recapturing the areas, cotrolled by the TTP. So far, armed forces have killed several militants, destroyed their bomb-making factoriesand forced more than 40 insurgents to surrender before the Army. The operation is successfully achieving its objectives due to the fact that the entire Pakistani nation-civil society, political parties, media houses and opion builders fully supported military operation against terrorists and their bases in NWA. No doubt, the progress of the operation is very encouraging, showing sense of hope and optimism that a broad-based military operation will annihilate the terrorists, smashing their safe havens North Waziristan regions.But, despite this cooperation which shows national unity for the North Waziristan operation, our media needs responsibility for elimination of terrorism in the country. In this respect, official press briefings are earnestly essential, as their absence would add to chaos state of uncertainity, allowing media to act without any direction, and requsite restrain or responsibilitly. A mechanism must be prepared to control media affairs (especially when any operation is going on) through designated officials. Again, live coverage of an event should be sparingly done and efforts must be made to support the state organs-law enforcing agecies and the security fores. Media must not be allowed to glorify the terrorists through their irresponsible and careless reporting. Therefore, it is correct to construe that proper control over media which is the key to eliminate terrorism is need of the hour. Let us do it before it is too late.