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Assignment 1 CSCI 1226: Introduction to Computer Science ...cs.smu.ca/~tami/downloads/csci1226/Assignments/Assignment1.pdf · Assignment 1 CSCI 1226: Introduction to Computer Science

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Page 1: Assignment 1 CSCI 1226: Introduction to Computer Science ...cs.smu.ca/~tami/downloads/csci1226/Assignments/Assignment1.pdf · Assignment 1 CSCI 1226: Introduction to Computer Science

Assignment 1 CSCI 1226: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Dr. Tami Meredith, Spring 2013

A. Pre-activity preparation: Create a new folder called CSCI1226 on the J: drive (This drive is your personal network folder at SMU), and in this new folder create another folder (i.e., a sub-folder) called Assign1. You should download today's file(s) into this folder. Similarly, for each recitation, create the respective folders (Assign2, Assign3, etc.) and save all the files used for that lab in that folder. Please note that the terms "folder" and "directory" are synonymous and can be used interchangeably.

B. Before you leave today: 1: Download the file myhello.java, compile, and execute it. This file is located on the course web page. 2: Demonstrate to your lab instructor that you are able to compile and execute this program. We need to know that you have an account, that you can access it (i.e., log on), and that you can execute a basic Java program.

C: To complete the assignment: This part should (preferably) be shown to the lab instructor before you leave. However, if circumstances prevent you from finishing it, you may demonstrate your solution to the instructor at the beginning of the next recitation. 1. Open and modify (i.e., edit) the code so that it prints: Hello Yasushi! My name is Tami and I am in CSCI 1226. where Tami should be replaced with your own name and Yasushi should be replaced with Upal if he is your lab instructor.

Notes: 1. Any changes you make in the source code won't be reflected in the output until you recompile the code. 2. There is nothing to submit. You must demonstrate your working solution to the lab instructor to receive a grade. Your lab instructor may ask to see your source code as well as the output. 3. Formatting and code appearance matters. Your code must have a comment that indicates it was written by you. Proper indentation must be used. 4. A tab is not the same as a sequence of blank spaces! Different computers use tabs differently. Learn the difference and avoid using tabs. Explore the Options menus, and specifically, the Editor and Java sub-menus. You can ask to have each part of your assignment graded ONCE only. This limitation is to force you to evaluate your own work rather developing a reliance on the lab instructor to find all the faults for you.