assessment of Doses From Ingested Radionuclides

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  • 8/20/2019 assessment of Doses From Ingested Radionuclides


  • 8/20/2019 assessment of Doses From Ingested Radionuclides




  • 8/20/2019 assessment of Doses From Ingested Radionuclides


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    The Agency’s Statute was approved on 23 October 1956 by the Conference on the Statute of theIAEA held at United Nations Headquarters, New York; it entered into force on 29 July 1957. TheHeadquarters of the Agency are situated in Vienna. Its principal objective is “to accelerate and enlarge thecontribution of atomic energy to peace, health and prosperity throughout the world’’.

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    June 1999STI/PUB/1067

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  • 8/20/2019 assessment of Doses From Ingested Radionuclides


    VIC Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

    Assessment of doses to the public from ingested radionuclides.— Vienna :International Atomic Energy Agency, 1999.

    p. ; 24 cm. — (Safety reports series, ISSN 1020–6450 ; no. 14 )STI/PUB/1067ISBN 92–0–100899–6Includes bibliographical references.

    1. Radioactive contamination of food. 2. Radiation dosimetry.I. International Atomic Energy Agency. II. Series.

    VICL 99–00216

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    The use of radioactive material that is not under proper control carries with itthe risk of accidents, with consequences for public health. Accidents that haveoccurred range from the loss or dispersion of medical and industrial sources to thereentry into the Earth's atmosphere of satellites carrying radioactive material, inaddition to the major accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986. TheChernobyl accident led to the exposure of populations across national boundaries, inmany instances leading to inconsistent national responses. It became evident thatclarification of the criteria for intervention was necessary, and new recommendationswere developed by several international organizations. Following this, a Safety Guide

    entitled ‘Intervention Criteria in a Nuclear or Radiation Emergency’, Safety SeriesNo. 109, was published by the IAEA in 1994.

    It is essential to know the values of doses per unit intake for those radionuclideswhich in the event of an accident involving radioactive material, might be transferredfrom environmental media into foodstuffs and thus ingested by members of thepublic. These values, together with knowledge of the kinds of food consumed, theannual consumption rates and the costs of various countermeasures, form the basis forestablishing appropriate action and intervention levels, and operational levels. ThisSafety Report provides practical information as a basis for radiation protection for the

    public in the event of accidental releases of radionuclides to the environment.The International Basic Safety Standards for Protection against Ionizing

    Radiation and for the Safety of Radiation Sources (BSS), jointly sponsored by theFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the IAEA, the InternationalLabour Organisation, the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, the Pan American HealthOrganization and the World Health Organization, list committed effective doses perunit intake of radionuclides via ingestion. This Safety Report offers the scientificbasis for these values and their application, providing the information necessary to

    assess the radiological implications, in terms of doses to population groups, of themeasured concentrations of radionuclides in foodstuffs independent of the source of exposure.

    The first draft of this Safety Report was produced at a Technical Committeemeeting in 1990. It was further developed by an Advisory Group and completed,following the publication of the BSS in 1996, by a group of consultants. The IAEAgratefully acknowledges the assistance of all contributors.

    The IAEA officer responsible for the preparation of this report wasM. Gustafsson of the Division of Radiation and Waste Safety, Department of Nuclear


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     Although great care has been taken to maintain the accuracy of information contained 

    in this publication, neither the IAEA nor its Member States assume any responsibility for 

    consequences which may arise from its use.

    The use of particular designations of countries or territories does not imply any

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     Reference to standards of other organizations is not to be construed as an endorsement 

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    1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

    1.1. Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.2. Objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.3. Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.4. Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2


    2.1. Potential sources of exposure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32.2. Transfer of radionuclides into foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    3. FOOD CONSUMPTION AND DOSE ASSESSMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    3.1. Assessment of food consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63.2. Variation between world regions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    3.3. Variation within world regions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73.4. Variation within countries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83.5. Dependence on age and sex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83.6. Sampling of food for activity measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103.7. Dose assessments from measurements in foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10


    4.1. Biokinetic and dosimetric models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124.2. Biokinetic models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184.3. Uncertainties and variability in dose estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354.4. Doses to the embryo/foetus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

    5. DOSE ASSESSMENT FROM MEASUREMENTSON INDIVIDUALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

    5.1. General situations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405.2. Specific situations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

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    REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45




    CONTRIBUTORS TO DRAFTING AND REVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

    RELATED IAEA PUBLICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

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    In 1985, the IAEA published Safety Series No.72 providing guidance on theprinciples for establishing intervention levels of dose for the protection of the publicin the event of a nuclear accident or radiological emergency [1]. The accident at theChernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986 demonstrated an urgent need for internationalagreement in the establishment of practical quantities that could be readily comparedwith the results of measurements made on environmental materials and foodstuffs,so called derived intervention levels (DILs). Shortly after the accident, these were

    provided in an IAEA Safety Series publication [2]. In 1989, a supporting report waspublished on the measurement of radionuclides in food and the environment [3].

    In 1994, Safety Series No. 72 was superseded by a Safety Guide on interventioncriteria in a nuclear or radiation emergency [4]. While giving recommendations ongeneric action levels for foodstuffs, this guide also states that the final selection of action levels must take due account of other factors such as national laws and publicconfidence. For assessment of doses from the intake of radionuclides, the newinternational Basic Safety Standards (BSS) [5] list committed effective doses per unitintake via ingestion based on the publications of the International Commission on

    Radiological Protection (ICRP) [6–8]. This Safety Report provides the background tothe origin of these values and their application.

    Values of doses per unit intake (dose coefficients) for those radionuclides whichin the event of an accident involving radioactive material might be transferred fromthe environment into foodstuffs and thus ingested by members of the public, are animportant component in the control of contaminated foodstuffs. Together withinformation on the kinds of foods, consumption rates and the costs of availablecountermeasures, these values are input for establishing appropriate action and

    intervention levels, and operational quantities. This report was therefore initiated withthe aim of providing practical information for the radiation protection of members of the public in the event of accidental releases of radionuclides to the environment, butit may also be useful in estimating the radiological impact of routine discharges andwaste repositories.

    1.2. OBJECTIVE

    The purpose of this Safety Report is to provide the information necessary toassess the implications of concentrations of radionuclides in food in terms of doses topopulation groups. The interpretation of measurements on individuals is also

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    considered, because although it is recognized that only a small number of people canbe monitored, the information obtained provides valuable input to dose assessmentsfor population groups.

    1.3. SCOPE

    This report summarizes information on the entry of radionuclides into the foodchain and food consumption rates. Dose coefficients for the ingestion of radionuclides by infants (3 months), children (1, 5, 10 and 15 years) and adults arepresented. They are based on the biokinetic and dosimetric models developed by the

    ICRP and are in all cases consistent with the ICRP’s publications and the BSS [5].The derivation of committed equivalent doses to body tissues and committed effectivedose is explained. Biokinetic data for 29 elements are included. The use of the dataand practical problems are discussed. Uncertainties in dose estimates are addressed togive the user an understanding of the accuracy to be expected. The estimation of dosesto the developing embryo/foetus after intakes during pregnancy or prior to conceptionis also considered. Procedures for estimating doses from body or excretionmeasurements are explained for the radionuclides 3H, 90Sr, 131I, 134Cs, 137Cs and239Pu. The report is intended largely for regulators, administrators and health

    physicists performing measurements and interpreting data in the event of aradiological accident. The scientific background to the information given is thereforepresented in sufficient detail for this purpose.

    1.4. STRUCTURE

    Section 2 provides a brief description of the entry of radionuclides into the foodchain, followed in Section 3 by a summary of data on food consumption, supportedby tabulated data in Annex I on consumption rates in different countries. The mainpart of the text, in Section 4, is a description of the ICRP’s biokinetic and dosimetricmodels and specific data for individual elements. Values of committed effective doseare also given in Section 4, with tables of committed equivalent doses to individualtissues for adults in Annex II. In addition, Section 4 gives a summary of the approachbeing used to estimate doses to the foetus from intakes of radionuclides by the motherand examples of uncertainty and variability in dose estimates. Section 5 outlines the

    use of body and excretion measurements to estimate doses; supporting data for theinterpretation of measurements for situations of acute and chronic intake are given inAnnex III.


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    The most significant potential source of internal exposure of humanpopulations to radionuclides, in addition to background radiation and apart from thepossible use of nuclear weapons and the use of radionuclides in nuclear medicine, isaccidental releases from nuclear facilities.

    Predictive studies [9–11] and the evidence available from accidents which haveoccurred, including those at Windscale in the United Kingdom in 1957, Three Mile

    Island in the United States of America in 1979 and Chernobyl in the former USSR in1986 [12], have shown which radionuclides are likely to be important with regard tothe contamination of foodstuffs. In the short term, isotopes of iodine, particularly 131I,are of primary importance. In the longer term, 134Cs and 137Cs make majorcontributions to individual and collective doses via terrestrial food chain pathways.For such accidents there may also be subsidiary contributions from 89Sr, 90Sr, 95Zr,103Ru, 106Ru, 110Agm, 125Sb, 132Te, 140Ba, 144Ce and the actinides. In the case of potential accidental releases at reprocessing plants, the spectrum of radionuclides tobe considered will be shifted to long lived ones owing to the storage of the fuel

    elements at the nuclear power plant before transport and reprocessing. In the accidentat Khyshtym in the southern Urals in 1957, the dominant radionuclide giving internaldoses was 90Sr. The other radionuclides recorded were 95Zr, 95Nb, 106Ru, 106Rh,137Cs, 144Ce, 144Pr and trace amounts of 147Pm, 155Eu and 239/240Pu [13, 14].

    Exposure may also occur as a result of routine discharges from all stages of thenuclear fuel cycle. This includes uranium mines, fuel fabrication facilities, reactors,reprocessing plants and low, intermediate and high level radioactive waste repositorysites [15–19]. Each of these releases involves mainly fission and neutron activation

    products as well as actinides. Uranium mining and fuel fabrication will also involvenatural radionuclides of U, Th and their daughters. Another source of human exposureto radionuclides is nuclear weapons testing, which contributes fission and activationproducts and actinides.


    Radionuclides released to the environment from different sources may enter theatmosphere, surface water or groundwater. After release to the atmosphere, which is


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    the most likely occurrence following an accident at a nuclear installation, deposedradionuclides may contaminate soil, agricultural crops and other plants, surface waterand urban areas. The levels of contamination may vary greatly from one area to

    another. After the Chernobyl accident, deposition in terms of activity per unit surfacearea varied by a factor of 10 to 100 within the same village [12].Following their initial deposition, intakes of radionuclides by humans may

    include the consumption of vegetables, meat or milk from animals from contaminatedareas and fish from contaminated rivers, lakes or seas. The importance of food chainpathways depends in each case on several factors. The fraction of the depositedradionuclides that will be incorporated into plants depends on the time of year whenthe deposition occurs and whether wet or dry deposition is involved, as well as thephysicochemical form and chemical nature of the radionuclide. The incorporation of 

    radionuclides into plant tissues from the surface of vegetation is often the dominantprocess shortly after deposition, provided that it takes place during the growthseason.

    The importance of root uptake relative to direct deposition onto the plantsurface increases with time in most cases. If the deposition occurs on fallow land,contamination of plants can only occur by root uptake and soil contamination afterthe crop is sown, and the resulting contamination will generally be significantlylower, particularly for short lived radionuclides. If the deposition occurs on snowcovered land, the transport of short lived radionuclides to terrestrial and aquatic food

    chains is decreased.The transfer to animals will depend on the intake of the animal and the

    metabolism of the various radionuclides by the animal. Radionuclides depositeddirectly onto plants or in soil associated with the plant are often bound to insolubleparticles and are less available for intestinal absorption than radionuclidesincorporated into the feedstuffs. There may be considerable variation in changes inradionuclide concentrations with time, depending on various factors, including theseason of the year and resulting agricultural practices, and the types of soil and

    vegetation. Certain areas such as alpine pastures, forests and upland areas may showlonger retention in soils than agricultural areas, and high levels of transfer toparticular foods, e.g. berries and mushrooms in forests, may give rise to criticalgroups in the population.

    For a detailed account of the different factors involved in food chain transfer,including the physicochemical form of the soil and the radionuclide, reference ismade to the reviews of Coughtrey and Thorne [20] and the IAEA [21].

    The deposition of radionuclides directly onto surface waters or their transportby runoff from the drainage area will result in the contamination of fish and aquatic

    plants. In this case the long lived radionuclides are the most important and thecontamination level depends on the fish species and the properties (size, watervolume and nutritional state) of the lake [22].


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    The transfer of radionuclides from the environment to humans has been studiedextensively and a number of comprehensive models have been developed by differentauthors [23–27]. These models consider the time dependency of the transfer

    processes and take account of growing cycles of crops and feeding practices indifferent seasons of the year. Furthermore, the models have to be flexible enough topermit the simulation of the specific regional situation in the case of an emergencyand the effect of taking countermeasures. An exact simulation usually will not bepossible, so models may rather be used as an adjunct to measurements, useful for theprediction of likely changes in concentrations with time, particularly over long time-scales, or for the assessment of the effects of planned countermeasures.

    Following the accident at Chernobyl, models were used to predict transferthrough the food chain. The large number of measurements of radionuclide

    concentrations in air, soil, foodstuffs, etc., made in different countries after theaccident have been used to test the reliability of the models [28–32]. Twointernational model validation studies, BIOMOVS [33] and VAMP [34, 35], havebeen undertaken; these have included the testing of terrestrial and aquatic food chainmodels. These studies have shown that the assumptions made in many models arerobust and their applicability to site specific situations has been established. Areas forpotential improvement have been identified.


    To estimate radiation doses to the population from measurements of radionuclide concentrations in food, food consumption data are needed. Annex Icontains tables summarizing data on the consumption rates of 7 food categories for8 regional and 140 national and area diets taken from guidelines published by the

    World Health Organization (WHO) in 1988 [36]. In general, these values are basedon data for 1979–1981 published in 1984 [37]. Annual average consumption rates forthe eight regional diet types (the European diet type also includes Australia, Canada,New Zealand and the USA) are presented in Table I, with the values rounded to twosignificant digits. This table is intended to give a general idea of the variation betweencountries, and the values in the annex may be used when no other data are available.It should be borne in mind that the food categories in these tables include food itemsof different composition. The foodstuffs that comprise a particular category may havesignificantly different radionuclide concentrations. For example, pork, beef and

    poultry probably will be affected very differently in an accident, but are all includedas ‘meat’. The food consumption data in the tables do not give information ondifferences in consumption rates for different age groups (see Section 3.5). The


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    consumption of contaminated drinking water should also be taken into account,especially when surface or rain water is used for drinking.


    The most commonly used method to obtain quantitative estimates of annualconsumption rates for various categories of food is the ‘food balance sheet’ (FBS)method as described by FAO [38]. Other methods, such as the ‘householdexpenditure’ (HE) method, can often provide more precise information, but may notbe representative of the whole population.

    Food balance sheets are established at the national level. Using statistical dataon food production, imports and exports and stock variations, the amount availablefor human consumption for the entire population can be calculated. Data refer to theraw unprepared product and calculated amounts per person usually overestimateactual consumption because losses during food distribution and preparation are nottaken into account. Consumption values apply to average individuals, taking noaccount of age or sex.

    Household expenditure studies are undertaken in a number of countries,estimating food consumption in large population groups (several thousand

    households). The quantities recorded refer to the products as purchased and usuallytake account of consumption away from home. Some surveys present information onthe influence of factors such as social class, geographical area, season and level of 



    CerealsRoots and

    Vegetables Fruit Meat Fish MilkDiet type(kg)

    tubers(kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg)


    African 130 130 26 45 17 15 29Central American 110 46 39 99 42 19 82Chinese 170 86 85 5.5 15 8.9 1.9Eastern Mediterranean 190 19 92 100 30 8.4 74European 120 73 87 81 75 20 150Far Eastern 210 28 54 48 22 24 34North African 160 20 63 64 24 7.3 77South American 130 68 34 83 48 14 71

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    self-support. Information on food products consumed is more detailed than for foodbalance sheets.

    Food consumption research is also undertaken on small groups defined by age,

    sex and possibly other factors. Generally, the number of participants is small andextrapolation of results to the entire population may be unreliable.Examination of Tables I–1 to I–11 in Annex I suggests that the FBS method in

    many cases tends to overestimate the average food consumption in comparison withthe HE method. The possible conservatism of the FBS method should be borne inmind when estimating potential average intakes and resulting doses to a population.It should also be noted that individual consumption patterns may differ by a factor of two or more for some food groups. In some special diet groups a certain food categorymay even be totally missing and may be replaced by increased consumption of some

    other food categories. In cases of the radioactive contamination of certain foodstuffs,people may also voluntarily avoid or reduce consumption of these foodstuffs, leadingto overestimation of the consumption rates of radionuclide intake.

    Total production data for foodstuffs from the affected area may be used toestimate the upper levels of collective radiation doses. Taking into account exportsand real food losses (i.e. losses that are not recycled into the food chain), a roughestimate of the total radionuclide intake by the population can be obtained.


    Table I lists annual average consumption rates for seven food categories in eightworld regions identified by dietary habits. The variation of annual per capitaconsumption of individual food categories between regions is greatest for milk. Thistype of information may be used to identify those food categories of particularimportance for intake assessments in each region. For example, the annual per capita

    consumption of milk in China (in kg/a) represents less than 1% of the total Chinesediet, while the corresponding value for Europe is considerably greater.


    Tables I–1 to I–11 in Annex I illustrate the variations in the intake of individualfood categories within each of the eight identified global regions. Such regional

    consumption data may be used for assessing regional average doses, but mayconsiderably overestimate or underestimate average doses for a particular countrywithin that region.


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    Data published by the European Commission [39] and FAO [38] identify and

    quantify the magnitude of variations in food consumption rates.The use of food consumption data as presented for a given country in Annex Imay not be applicable to identifiable subpopulations with significantly differentdietary habits. Examples of such subpopulations are farmers, fishermen, caribouhunters and reindeer herders. In addition, separate consideration should be given toother individuals or subpopulations who gather and consume products such as lakefish, game meat, mushrooms and wild berries. Other examples are vegetarians andreligious and ethnic groups with dietary habits that differ from the national average.In assessing doses to such groups, specific food consumption data should be used,

    rather than those obtained for average consumption within a country. In order toestimate doses to such groups, the groups should be identified and their consumptionpattern and amounts determined.

    The variation of radionuclide intake is also affected by the transport of foodstuffs produced in an area with low deposition to an area with high depositionand vice versa. This tends to make variations in radionuclide intake smaller thanwould be expected by considering deposition values, although considerable variationsin intake do nevertheless occur [40, 41].


    Factors such as social class and sex have a small effect on consumption rateswith differences from the average of less than about 30%. Adult female consumption



    Age (years)Foods

    1–2 5 10 18+

    Cereals 0.33 0.49 0.68 1Meat 0.22 0.40 0.63 1Fruit 0.33 0.49 0.69 1Potatoes 0.29 0.45 0.66 1Vegetables 0.49 0.61 0.76 1Milka 1.30 0.56 0.73 1

    Total diet b 0.53 0.64 0.77 1a According to Austrian average consumption.b Including milk consumption in countries of the European Union.

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    rates have been shown to be about 0.8 of those for adult males. The differencebetween sexes is smaller in children [39].

    Relative consumption rates for children of different ages in the European Union

    countries are summarized in Table II. More detailed data for Germany are given inTable III. The data show age dependence in the consumption of each food type. Thespecific data on milk consumption is taken from Austrian data [42]. For three monthold infants a daily intake of 700 g of milk can be assumed. Generally this will be



    Consumption rates (g/d)

    Foodstuff Age group (years)

    1 5 10 15 Adults

    Spring wheat, whole grain 0.7 1.4 1.8 2 2.6Spring wheat, flour 3.9 8.1 10 12 15Winter wheat, whole grain 6 13 16 18 23Winter flour 35 73 91 100 130Rye, whole grain 2.2 4.8 6 6.9 8.7

    Rye, flour 9.3 19 24 28 35Oats 2.9 3.1 3.9 4.4 5.6Potatoes 45 35 60 83 160Leafy vegetables 58 74 79 86 94Root vegetables 21 24 29 33 33Fruit vegetables 12 36 41 46 47Fruit 150 72 91 100 120Berries 0 10 12 14 14Milk 560 140 180 210 230Condensed milk 0 11 14 16 18Cream 0 9.6 13 14 16Butter 0 6.1 9.5 12 18Cheese (rennet) 0 10 14 19 26Cheese (acid) 0 6.6 8.9 12 17Beef (cow) 1.5 18 19 23 27Beef (cattle) 3 35 38 46 55Veal 0.2 1.4 1.5 1.8 2.2Pork 3.9 72 78 90 108Chicken 1.5 11 12 14 17

    Roe deer 0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.7Eggs 5 18 25 36 43Beer 0 0 12 130 610

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    breast milk, milk formula or, in some cases, diluted cow’s milk. Radionuclideconcentration levels will generally be lower in mother’s milk than in cow’s milk [43].


    In estimating doses from intakes of radionuclides in food, it is clearly necessaryto consider all food types. If direct measurement of all food items is not possible,weighting over the various food items comprising the respective categories will benecessary. Information on the relative contributions of these food items should be asdetailed as possible and may be found in FAO FBSs or in local nutritional statistics.

    In general, the measurement of the concentration of radioactive material

    associated with food should be performed as closely as possible to the consumptionstage. Thus, flour shows decreases in radionuclide concentration by 20–70% ascompared with cereal grain according to the fineness of grinding [39]. Processing of vegetables may decrease the concentration of radionuclides associated with plantsurfaces. On the other hand, some processes may increase the concentration of radionuclides in food but decrease the mass of the food consumed.

    Concentrations of radionuclides in milk and other foods may vary significantlywith time. Measurements should be planned to ensure that a representative averageconcentration over a sampling period can be achieved. Special care is necessary in the

    case of short lived radionuclides in food items that are stored for periods longer thana few half-lives before consumption. For example, it should be noted that in theWHO/FAO tables the value for “milk” includes condensed milk, dried milk, cheese,etc., in addition to milk for drinking. For short lived radionuclides such as 131I, theusual storage time for such products is sufficient for essentially complete radioactivedecay.

    Attention should be given to obtaining unbiased food samples. Bias may ariseif samples are collected only from areas with suspected contamination. If 

    concentration measurements are made on food obtained and sampled from near fieldlocations and then applied to general or average food consumption rates for a largepopulation, the potential intakes of radionuclides by these populations would beoverestimated.


    Doses from intakes of radionuclides in foods by population groups can be

    calculated from measurements of the concentrations of radionuclides in foods, dailyconsumption rates and dose coefficients. This can be described by the followingequation:


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    where E A is the committed effective dose (Sv) for age group A,T  is the total time (d) considered during which contaminated food is

    consumed,C  fj(t ) is the average concentration (Bq/kg) of radionuclide  j on or within

    food item f at time t , M  f A(t ) is the mass (kg/d) of food item f consumed per day by age group A at

    time t ,

    h jA is the ingestion dose coefficient (Sv/Bq) of radionuclide  j for agegroup A (see Table VI in Section 4).

    This expression assumes that the time of integration is much shorter than theintervals used to specify the different age groups. If the time of integration iscomparable with or longer than an age interval, then the estimation of committed dosewill generally be conservative because in most cases the dose coefficients decreasewith increasing age. The derivation of values of committed equivalent dose andcommitted effective dose for the ingestion of important radionuclides is explained in

    the next section.Two special cases of the above formula can be distinguished. If the average

    activity concentration and the mass of food consumed per day is constant within thetime T , which may be approximately valid for 137Cs in many foodstuffs, then Eq. (1)is reduced to


    In the case of radionuclides with short physical half-lives, e.g. 131I with a half-life of about 8 d, Eq. (1) can be expressed as


    where λ J is the radioactive decay constant (d–1) of the radionuclide j.This expression assumes a single contamination event at time zero. The actual

    sequence of food contamination may be a more complex function of time.

    C e M h



    T  f j

     f  j


    A A A= − ⋅ ⋅− ⋅

    ∑∑  ( )

    ( )0



     E C M T h fj f  j

     f jA A A= ⋅ ⋅ ⋅∑∑

     E C t M t dt h fj f j

     f  j

    A   A   A= ⋅ ⋅z ∑∑   ( ) ( )0


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    Furthermore, the loss of radioactive material from food may be hastened by otherprocesses such as wash-off, plant growth and translocation to other plant parts (seeSection 2).

    In an accident involving significant releases, it is likely that dose assessmentsbased on measurements of radionuclide concentrations in food would besupplemented by measurements on individuals. Section 5 outlines the approach takento the interpretation of whole body and bioassay measurements.



    To calculate doses to body organs and tissues from incorporated radionuclides,information is needed on physical and biological parameters. In this section, thegeneral approach to calculating dose coefficients is explained, biokinetic data for thebehaviour of elements with the most important radioisotopes are summarized andestimates of doses are given for infants, children and adults (Table VI). Theinformation included is based on biokinetic and dosimetric models developed inICRP Publications 56 [6], 67 [7] and 69 [8], and is in all cases consistent with ICRPpublications and the BSS [5]. Uncertainty and variability in doses are considered for

    the examples of 137I, 137Cs and 239Pu. The estimation of doses to the embryo andfoetus following intakes by pregnant women or prior to conception are also discussed.


    Biokinetic models which describe the behaviour of radionuclides in the bodymay be constructed as simple compartment models with retention half-times and

    uptake fractions. In more complex models, there may be chains of compartments, andrecirculation between compartments may also be involved. These models are used todetermine the distribution of cumulated radionuclides, radioactive materials withinthe body, taking account of physical half-life; that is, to calculate the number of decays in different regions of the body. Doses are commonly integrated over a 50 yearperiod for adults and to age 70 for children. For single intakes of nuclides with shortphysical or biological half-lives, such as 131I, dose is delivered over a period of daysor weeks. However, for nuclides such as 239Pu, with long physical and biological half-lives, dose is delivered over the lifetime of the individual.

    It should be noted that the biological parameters included in models oftencannot be observed or measured directly. Human data are used whenever available, asis the case for important nuclides such as 131I and 137Cs, but for other nuclides it is


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    often necessary to rely on animal data from studies in which the distribution, retentionand excretion of radionuclides have been measured, or on knowledge of the behaviourof chemically similar elements.

    4.1.1. Gastrointestinal doses and absorption

    For ingested radionuclides, the first consideration is doses to and absorptionfrom the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, described by a specific compartment model [44].In this model the GI tract has four compartments: the stomach, small intestine, upperlarge intestine and lower large intestine. Material is transferred successively betweenthe four compartments of the model in an exponential manner, with half-times takento be 0.69, 2.8, 9.2 and 17 h (transfer rates of 24, 6, 1.8 and 1 d–1), respectively

    (Fig. 1); immediate mixing within the contents of the different compartments isassumed and doses are calculated separately for the mucosal wall of eachcompartment. Specific information on the age dependence of the half-time in thedifferent compartments is not available and these data are therefore taken to apply to


    FIG. 1. Compartment model for the GI tract.



    24 d-1

    Small intestine

    6 d-1

    Upper large intestine

    1.8 d-1

    Lower large intestine

    1 d-1 Faecal excretion


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    all ages. Since the total transit time in children is shorter than in adults [45], this maylead to some overestimation of the dose to the GI tract in children. The absorption of radionuclides into the blood from the GI tract (fractional absorption is referred to as

     f 1, also known as the gut transfer factor) is assumed to occur instantaneously, and onlyfrom the small intestine. The equivalent dose to the upper and lower large intestinesincludes that arising from radionuclides entering the GI tract from systemiccirculation. Except where otherwise indicated, it is assumed that radionuclides lost inthe faeces from systemic circulation are secreted into the upper large intestine.

    The incorporation of radionuclides into foods may in general lead to greateravailability for absorption from the GI tract. An Expert Group of the OECD NuclearEnergy Agency (OECD/NEA) [46] reviewed available data and proposed f 1 values forradiologically significant nuclides. These were adopted in most cases in ICRP

    Publications 56 [6], 67 [7] and 69 [8]. In accident situations, particularly in the shortterm, it is possible that a proportion of ingested radioactive material may be in aninsoluble particulate form, for example on the surface of plants, and absorption maybe lower than the recommended values. Where specific information is available onthe physicochemical form of a radionuclide and its likely absorption, this should beused instead of the standard values. There is also evidence that the absorption of radionuclides tends to be greater in newborns, although animal studies suggest thatthe enhancement of gut transfer progressively decreases with increasing age,usually reaching adult values by about the time of weaning. The f 1 values for adults

    are therefore taken to apply in most cases to children of one year of age and older.The OECD/NEA Expert Group [46] recommended a general approach forestimating f 1 values for infants in the first year of life. For  f 1 values between 0.01and 0.5 in adults, an increase by a factor of two is assumed for the first year of life,but for elements with a fractional absorption in the adult of 0.001 or less, a valueten times the adult value is assumed. This approach was generally adopted by theICRP [6–8], with the higher f 1 values used for calculating dose coefficients for thethree month old infant. The f 1 values used by the ICRP and in the BSS [5] are shown

    in Table IV.

    4.1.2. Distribution to tissues and excretion

    Radionuclides absorbed from the GI tract into body fluids and circulated inblood are transferred to body tissues depending on their chemical nature. While thisprocess is taking place, the radionuclides are regarded as being in the ‘transfercompartment’ and are assumed to be distributed uniformly throughout the wholebody. Distribution and retention in body tissues may be age dependent, and in general

    retention half-times tend to be shorter at younger ages. For those radionuclides wheresufficient data are available, this age dependence has been taken into account. If insufficient age specific data are available, adult biokinetic parameters are adopted for


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    all ages. The age groups considered are 3 month old infants, 1 year, 5 year, 10 year

    and 15 year old children and adults (these age groups are given as ≤ 1 year, 1–2 years,2–7 years, 7–12 years and 12–17 years old in the BSS).

    Estimates of the overall proportions of urinary and faecal excretion are alsogiven in the ICRP models for members of the public for most elements [6–8]. Thisratio is not intended for the interpretation of bioassay measurements (see Section 5),but is necessary for dose calculations because the cancer risks from irradiation of theurinary bladder and the colon are considered explicitly in the new ICRPrecommendations [47] (see Section 4.1.4). Age specific parameters for urine flow

    rates and the size of the bladder are used to calculate doses [7]. The fraction excretedin the faeces is assumed to pass through the large intestine. In practice these modelsare used to interpret bioassay measurements where no better information is available.For the alkaline earths and actinide elements, however, dynamic models have beenintroduced (see Section 4.1.3) which consider the time course of urinary and faecalexcretion.

    If a radionuclide has radioactive decay products, the contribution to dose fromtheir buildup in the body is included. However, specific biokinetic data are given forthese only when experimental evidence is available on their biological behaviour (e.g.

    iodine daughters of tellurium and the daughters of Pb, Ra, Th and U). In all othercases the biokinetic behaviour of the radioactive decay products is assumed to be thesame as that of the parent radionuclide taken into the body.



    Element Adult Infant

    H, C, I, Cs, S, Mo 1 1Se 0.8 1Zn, Tc, Po 0.5 1Te, Srb 0.3 0.6Bab, Rab, Pbb 0.2 0.6Cob, Feb 0.1 0.6Sb 0.1 0.2Ru, Ni, Ag 0.05 0.1U 0.02 0.04Zr, Nb 0.01 0.02

    Ce, Th, Np, Pu, Am 0.0005 0.005a f 1 is the fraction of the total activity of the radionuclide ingested that is absorbed to blood.b Intermediate values for 1, 5, 10 and 15 year old children: Sr, Pb, 0.4; Co, Ra, Ba, 0.3; Fe,


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    4.1.3. Bone models

    Calculating doses within the skeleton requires special attention because bone is

    a highly complex and heterogeneous tissue with cellular and mineral components.The absorbed dose from alpha and beta radiation will vary widely within the skeleton,depending on the site of deposition and the microscopic structure of the bone tissueat that point. The radiation sensitive parts of the skeleton are taken to be the red bonemarrow and a layer of cells in the inner bone surface (endosteal cells) [44, 48, 49]. Inadults, red bone marrow is contained exclusively in the trabecular or ‘spongy’ bonewhich constitutes, for example, the vertebrae and the ends of the long bones. Corticalor compact bone, which comprises the shafts of the long bones, contains only inactivefatty marrow in adults. The dosimetric model for the skeleton estimates doses to red

    bone marrow and endosteal surfaces, and also takes into account the different patternsof distribution of radionuclides in bone. Radionuclides are classified as bone surfaceor bone volume seekers according to their propensity to remain on endosteal surfacesor become distributed uniformly throughout bone mineral. Clearly, this will affect thedoses received by the two target tissues from alpha and beta irradiation.

    The assumptions of either surface or volume distribution of radionuclides inbone take no account of their movement between different skeletal components as aresult of bone turnover and growth. In addition, the distribution of red marrow in bonechanges with age, completely filling marrow spaces in young children and

    subsequently being progressively lost from cortical regions. Dynamic models for theskeleton developed by Leggett and his colleagues [50–53] have been adopted by theICRP [6–8] for the main groups of bone seeking radionuclides, those of the alkalineearth elements (Ba, Ra and Sr) and the actinides (Pu,Am, Np, Th and U). The alkalineearth model is also used for lead. These models take into account the burial of surfacedeposits, transfer of radionuclides to marrow and recycling to the circulation andbetween organs.

    4.1.4. Equivalent and effective dose

    When the distribution of radionuclides in different body regions is known, theresulting distribution of the absorbed energy and absorbed dose, defined as absorbedenergy per unit mass, can be calculated. For non-penetrating radiation, energy will inmost cases be absorbed largely in the region in which the radionuclide is deposited.For penetrating radiation, however, it is necessary to take account of the cross-firebetween tissues. This is done using a ‘mathematical phantom’ which describes thegeometrical relationship between the different tissues and organs of the body (i.e. a

    phantom which can be described with simple mathematical equations). Suchphantoms have been developed for persons of different ages [54]. Differentmathematical methods, including Monte Carlo techniques, may then be used to


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    calculate the absorbed dose in a given organ from decays taking place in the same oranother organ, making the assumption that the radionuclides in the source regions arehomogeneously distributed. The values obtained are referred to as specific effective

    energy (SEE(T ← S )) for a particular radionuclide expressing the energy absorbed inthe tissue T per transformation in the source organ S .To provide a tool for the interpretation of absorbed dose in different organs in

    terms of the total risk of cancer and hereditary effects, the ICRP uses the concepts of ‘equivalent dose’ and ‘effective dose’ [47, 49]. Radiation weighting factors take intoaccount the relative biological effectiveness of different radiation types in causingmalignancy or genetic damage. Thus, the absorbed dose in gray (Gy) (joules·kg-1) ismultiplied by a radiation weighting factor of 20 for alpha irradiation and 1 for betaand gamma irradiation to give the equivalent dose in sieverts. As discussed above,

    tissue doses are commonly integrated over a 50 year period for adults or to age70 years for children, and the resulting values are referred to as ‘committed equivalentdoses’. Tissue weighting factors are attributed to different tissues and organs, takinginto account the incidence of fatal cancer and hereditary effects, weighted for theincidence of non-fatal disease and years of life lost [47]. The committed effectivedose is then the sum of all committed equivalent doses multiplied by the appropriatetissue weighting factors. The committed effective dose can be interpreted in terms of risk estimates for whole body exposure. It is applicable to workers and members of the public, including children.

    The tissue weighting factors (wT ) specified by the ICRP in their 1990recommendations [47] are given in Table V. These are rounded values, corresponding



    Organ/tissue Publication 60 [47] Publication 26 [49]

    Skin 0.01Bone surfaces 0.01 0.03Thyroid 0.05 0.03Liver 0.05Oesophagus 0.05Breast 0.05 0.15Bladder 0.05Remainder 0.05 0.3Lung 0.12 0.12Red bone marrow 0.12 0.12Stomach 0.12

    Colon 0.12Gonads 0.2 0.25Total 1 1

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    to overall estimates of the risk of fatal cancer in the population of 0.05 Sv –1 and anestimate of total aggregated detriment of about 0.07 Sv–1. It should be noted that theoesophagus and colon are assigned weighting factors, although the current dosimetric

    model for the GI tract does not include doses to these regions. As an approximation,therefore, doses to the oesophagus are taken to be the same as those to the thymus,and the colon is taken to be equivalent to the mass weighted average of doses to theupper and lower large intestine as defined in the dosimetric model of the GI tract.Also shown in Table V are the weighting factors used previously by the ICRPin 1977 [49], when cancer risk estimates were available for fewer organs, with nonespecified for regions of the GI tract. The earlier weighting factors corresponded to anestimated total risk of fatal cancer or serious hereditary disease in the first twogenerations of 0.0165 Sv–1.


    The biokinetic data and models summarized below and the resulting dosecoefficients (Table VI) are in all cases consistent with ICRP publications [6–8] andthe BSS [5].

    4.2.1. Hydrogen

    Tritiated water and organically bound tritium (OBT) are considered separately.It is assumed that ingested tritiated water is instantaneously distributed uniformlythroughout all body tissues and no allowance is made for delay in the GI tract [6, 44].For OBT, as for other radionuclides, the ICRP model of the GI tract is used [44].Complete absorption from the small intestine ( f 1 = 1) is assumed.

    For 3H entering body fluids as tritiated water, doses to tissues are calculated

    assuming that 97% equilibrates with body water and is retained with a half-time of 10 d in adults (range 4–18 d). On the basis of animal data, the remaining 3% isassumed to be incorporated into organic molecules and retained with a half-time of 40 d. For 3H absorbed following ingestion of OBT, the assumption made, based onthe available animal data, is that 50% will be readily exchangeable with hydrogenfrom the body water pool and will therefore be retained with a half-time of 10 d inthe adult. A half-time of 40 d is applied to the remaining 50%. On the basis of theseassumptions and uniform distribution of retained 3H, the equivalent dose to all bodytissues from absorbed 3H is the same and is about 2.5 times greater for OBT than

    HTO. The concentration of tritiated water in urine is assumed to be the same as intotal body water, and urinary excretion is not assumed to result in a significantadditional dose to the bladder wall.


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    3 monthsa

    1 yeara

    5 yearsa

    10 yearsa

    15 yearsa


    3H trit. 6.4 × 10-11 4.8 × 10-11 3.1 × 10-11 2.3 × 10-11 1.8 × 10-11 1.8 × 10-11

    3H org. 1.2 × 10-10 1.2 × 10-10 7.3 × 10-11 5.7 × 10-11 4.2 × 10-11 4.2 × 10-11

    14C 1.4 × 10-09 1.6 × 10-09 9.9 × 10-10 8.0 × 10-10 5.7 × 10-10 5.8 × 10-10

    35S inorg. 1.3 × 10-09 8.7 × 10-10 4.4 × 10-10 2.7 × 10-10 1.6 × 10-10 1.3 × 10-1035S org. 7.6 × 10-00 5.3 × 10-09 2.7 × 10-09 1.6 × 10-09 9.5 × 10-10 7.8 × 10-10

    55Fe 7.6 × 10-09 2.4 × 10-09 1.7 × 10-09 1.1 × 10-09 7.7 × 10-10 3.3 × 10-1059

    Fe 3.9 × 10


    1.3 × 10


    7.5 × 10


    4.7 × 10


    3.1 × 10


    1.8 × 10


    57Co 2.9 × 10-09 1.6 × 10-09 8.9 × 10-10 5.8 × 10-10 3.7 × 10-10 2.1 × 10-1058Co 7.3 × 10-09 4.4 × 10-09 2.6 × 10-09 1.7 × 10-09 1.1 × 10-09 7.4 × 10-1060Co 5.4 × 10-08 2.7 × 10-08 1.7 × 10-08 1.1 × 10-08 7.9 × 10-09 3.4 × 10-09

    59Ni 6.4 × 10-10 3.4 × 10-10 1.9 × 10-10 1.1 × 10-10 7.3 × 10-11 6.3 × 10-1163Ni 1.6 × 10-09 8.4 × 10-10 4.6 × 10-10 2.8 × 10-10 1.8 × 10-10 1.5 × 10-10

    65Zn 3.6 × 10-08 1.6 × 10-08 9.7 × 10-09 6.4 × 10-09 4.5 × 10-09 3.9 × 10-09

    75Se 2.0 × 10-08 1.3 × 10-08 8.3 × 10-09 6.0 × 10-09 3.1 × 10-09 2.6 × 10-0979Se 4.1 × 10-08 2.8 × 10-08 1.9 × 10-08 1.4 × 10-08 4.1 × 10-09 2.9 × 10-09

    89Sr 3.6 × 10-08 1.8 × 10-08 8.9 × 10-09 5.8 × 10-09 4.0 × 10-09 2.6 × 10-0990Sr 2.3 × 10-07 7.3 × 10-08 4.7 × 10-08 6.0 × 10-08 8.0 × 10-08 2.8 × 10-08

    95Zr 8.5 × 10-09 5.6 × 10-09 3.0 × 10-09 1.9 × 10-09 1.2 × 10-09 9.5 × 10-10

    95Nb 4.6 × 10-09 3.2 × 10-09 1.8 × 10-09 1.1 × 10-09 7.4 × 10-10 5.8 × 10-10

    99Mo 5.5 × 10-09 3.5 × 10-09 1.8 × 10-09 1.1 × 10-09 7.6 × 10-10 6.0 × 10-10

    99Tcm 2.0 × 10-10 1.3 × 10-10 7.2 × 10-11 4.3 × 10-11 2.8 × 10-11 2.2 × 10-1199Tc 1.0 × 10-08 4.8 × 10-09 2.3 × 10-09 1.3 × 10-09 8.2 × 10-10 6.4 × 10-10

    103Ru 7.1 × 10-09 4.6 × 10-09 2.4 × 10-09 1.5 × 10-09 9.2 × 10-10 7.3 × 10-10106Ru 8.4 × 10-08 4.9 × 10-08 2.5 × 10-08 1.5 × 10-08 8.6 × 10-09 7.0 × 10-09

    108Agm 2.1 × 10-08 1.1 × 10-08 6.5 × 10-09 4.3 × 10-09 2.8 × 10-09 2.3 × 10-09110Agm 2.4 × 10-08 1.4 × 10-08 7.8 × 10-09 5.2 × 10-09 3.4 × 10-09 2.8 × 10-09

    124Sb 2.5 × 10-08 1.6 × 10-08 8.4 × 10-09 5.2 × 10-09 3.2 × 10-09 2.5 × 10-09125Sb 1.1 × 10-08 6.1 × 10-09 3.4 × 10-09 2.1 × 10-09 1.4 × 10-09 1.1 × 10-09126Sb 2.0 × 10-08 1.4 × 10-08 7.6 × 10-09 4.9 × 10-09 3.1 × 10-09 2.4 × 10-09

    127Tem 4.1 × 10-08 1.8 × 10-08 9.5 × 10-09 5.2 × 10-09 3.0 × 10-09 2.3 × 10-09129Tem 4.4 × 10-08 2.4 × 10-08 1.2 × 10-08 6.6 × 10-09 3.9 × 10-09 3.0 × 10-09131Tem 2.0 × 10-08 1.4 × 10-08 7.8 × 10-09 4.3 × 10-09 2.7 × 10-09 1.9 × 10-09132Te 4.8 × 10-08 3.0 × 10-08 1.6 × 10-08 8.3 × 10-09 5.3 × 10-09 3.8 × 10-09

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    3 monthsa

    1 yeara

    5 yearsa

    10 yearsa

    15 yearsa


    125I 5.2 × 10-08 5.7 × 10-08 4.1 × 10-08 3.1 × 10-08 2.2 × 10-08 1.5 × 10-08129I 1.8 × 10-07 2.2 × 10-07 1.7 × 10-07 1.9 × 10-07 1.4 × 10-07 1.1 × 10-07131I 1.8 × 10-07 1.8 × 10-07 1.0 × 10-07 5.2 × 10-08 3.4 × 10-08 2.2 × 10-08132I 3.0 × 10-09 2.4 × 10-09 1.3 × 10-09 6.2 × 10-10 4.1 × 10-10 2.9 × 10-10

    134Cs 2.6 × 10-08 1.6 × 10-08 1.3 × 10-08 1.4 × 10-08 1.9 × 10-08 1.9 × 10-08136Cs 1.5 × 10-08 9.5 × 10-09 6.1 × 10-09 4.4 × 10-09 3.4 × 10-09 3.0 × 10-09137Cs 2.1 × 10-08 1.2 × 10-08 9.6 × 10-09 1.0 × 10-08 1.3 × 10-08 1.3 × 10-08

    133Ba 2.2 × 10-08 6.2 × 10-09 3.9 × 10-09 4.6 × 10-09 7.3 × 10-09 1.5 × 10-09140Ba 3.2 × 10-08 1.8 × 10-08 9.2 × 10-09 5.8 × 10-09 3.7 × 10-09 2.6 × 10-09

    141Ce 8.1 × 10-09 5.1 × 10-09 2.6 × 10-09 1.5 × 10-09 8.8 × 10-10 7.1 × 10-10144Ce 6.6 × 10-08 3.9 × 10-08 1.9 × 10-08 1.1 × 10-08 6.5 × 10-09 5.2 × 10-09

    210Pb 8.4 × 10-06 3.6 × 10-06 2.2 × 10-06 1.9 × 10-06 1.9 × 10-06 6.9 × 10-07

    210Po 2.6 × 10-05 8.8 × 10-06 4.4 × 10-06 2.6 × 10-06 1.6 × 10-06 1.2 × 10-06

    224Ra 2.7 × 10-06 6.6 × 10-07 3.5 × 10-07 2.6 × 10-07 2.0 × 10-07 6.5 × 10-08226Ra 4.7 × 10-06 9.6 × 10-07 6.2 × 10-07 8.0 × 10-07 1.5 × 10-06 2.8 × 10-07228Ra 3.0 × 10-05 5.7 × 10-06 3.4 × 10-06 3.9 × 10-06 5.3 × 10-06 6.9 × 10-07

    228Th 3.7 × 10-06 3.7 × 10-07 2.2 × 10-07 1.5 × 10-07 9.4 × 10-08 7.2 × 10-08230Th 4.1 × 10-06 4.1 × 10-07 3.1 × 10-07 2.4 × 10-07 2.2 × 10-07 2.1 × 10-07232Th 4.6 × 10-06 4.5 × 10-07 3.5 × 10-07 2.9 × 10-07 2.5 × 10-07 2.3 × 10-07234Th 4.0 × 10-08 2.5 × 10-08 1.3 × 10-08 7.4 × 10-09 4.2 × 10-09 3.4 × 10-09

    232U 2.5 × 10-06 8.2 × 10-07 5.8 × 10-07 5.7 × 10-07 6.4 × 10-07 3.3 × 10-07233U 3.8 × 10-07 1.4 × 10-07 9.2 × 10-08 7.8 × 10-08 7.8 × 10-08 5.1 × 10-08234U 3.7 × 10-07 1.3 × 10-07 8.8 × 10-08 7.4 × 10-08 7.4 × 10-08 4.9 × 10-08235U 3.5 × 10-07 1.3 × 10-07 8.5 × 10-08 7.1 × 10-08 7.0 × 10-08 4.7 × 10-08236U 3.5 × 10-07 1.3 × 10-07 8.4 × 10-08 7.0 × 10-08 7.0 × 10-08 4.7 × 10-08

    238U 3.4 × 10-07 1.2 × 10-07 8.0 × 10-08 6.8 × 10-08 6.7 × 10-08 4.5 × 10-08237Np 2.0 × 10-06 2.1 × 10-07 1.4 × 10-07 1.1 × 10-07 1.1 × 10-07 1.1 × 10-07239Np 8.9 × 10-09 5.7 × 10-09 2.9 × 10-09 1.7 × 10-09 1.0 × 10-09 8.0 × 10-10

    238Pu 4.0 × 10-06 4.0 × 10-07 3.1 × 10-07 2.4 × 10-07 2.2 × 10-07 2.3 × 10-07239Pu 4.2 × 10-06 4.2 × 10-07 3.3 × 10-07 2.7 × 10-07 2.4 × 10-07 2.5 × 10-07240Pu 4.2 × 10-06 4.2 × 10-07 3.3 × 10-07 2.7 × 10-07 2.4 × 10-07 2.5 × 10-07241Pu 5.6 × 10-08 5.7 × 10-09 5.5 × 10-09 5.1 × 10-09 4.8 × 10-09 4.8 × 10-09

    241Am 3.7 × 10-06 3.7 × 10-07 2.7 × 10-07 2.2 × 10-07 2.0 × 10-07 2.0 × 10-07

    a The corresponding age intervals in the BSS are: ≤1 year, 1–2 years, 2–7 years, 7–12 years and12–17 years old, respectively.

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    For children, half-times of retention lower than in adults have been calculatedwhich take into account their smaller mass of total body water, together with valuesfor the daily water balance based on their energy expenditure and, for the organically

    bound component, of carbon content and balance. For example, for a three month oldinfant, half-times of 3 and 8 d are applied to the same fractions as for adults. Despitethe more rapid loss of 3H from the body of children, doses are greater than for adultsbecause the effect of smaller body mass dominates. For example, the committedeffective dose to a one year old child from the ingestion of HTO is estimated to beabout three times greater than the value for adults.

    4.2.2. Carbon

    For the ingestion of 14C in foodstuffs by the public, organic forms are the mostimportant. For all 14C labelled organic compounds, including proteins, carbohydrates,fat and nucleic acids, the f 1 value is taken to be 1 for all ages.

    There are indications of an increased rate of incorporation of 14C into nucleicacids in metabolically active body tissues. However, it is not possible at present totake into account variations in the turnover of 14C in different body tissues, soabsorbed 14C is assumed to be distributed uniformly throughout all tissues. Theretention of 14C is described by a single exponential function. The biological half-times are derived using values for the body content and daily balance of carbon, taken

    from ICRP Publication 23 [55]. The biological half-times used by the ICRP [6]increase with age from 8 d for a three month old infant to 40 d in adults.

    Urinary excretion of 14C is assumed not to result in a significant additional doseto the bladder wall and upper and lower large intestine wall. Because of this and theuniform distribution of carbon throughout all tissues, the equivalent doses forabsorbed 14C are the same for all organs and tissues. Committed effective doses areabout four times greater in infants than in adults.

    4.2.3. Sulphur

    Human and animal data show almost complete absorption of 35S ingested asamino acids or other organic compounds and this is taken to apply generally to 35Sincorporated in foodstuffs. A fractional absorption ( f 1) of 1 is assumed for all ages.

    In ICRP Publication 30 [56], it was assumed that of the sulphur reaching thecirculation, a fraction of 0.8 is promptly excreted with a half-time of 0.25 d, andfractions of 0.15 and 0.05 are distributed uniformly within all organs and tissues andretained there with biological half-times of 20 d and 2000 d, respectively. In the

    absence of specific information on the biokinetics of the sulphur in children, theseassumptions have been applied to all age groups [7]. For sulphur incorporated intoamino acids and other organic forms of sulphur, rapid urinary excretion of a major

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    fraction of sulphur from blood would not be expected. For these compounds auniform distribution throughout all organs and tissues with a retention half-timeof 140 d is assumed. A urinary to faecal excretion ratio for sulphur of 9:1 is

    assumed [7].Because of the uniform distribution of 35S throughout the body, equivalentdoses to most tissues are the same. The main exceptions are doses to the bladder andcolon due to excretion. For example, the dose to the bladder in the adult is three timesthe dose to other tissues for intakes of inorganic forms of 35S, but only 10% greaterfor intakes of organic forms. Committed effective doses for intakes of organic formsare about six times greater than those for inorganic forms. Values for three month oldinfants are about ten times greater than adult values in both cases.

    4.2.4. Iron

    An f 1 value of 0.1 is used for dietary intakes of iron in adults, recognizing thatgreater values may apply under particular circumstances, e.g. during pregnancy andiron deficient diets. Values for children are generally higher than those for adults,attributable in part to the relatively greater requirements for iron during growth anddevelopment. An  f 1 value of 0.6 is assumed for three month old infants and 0.2 forchildren from 1 to 15 years of age.

    After entering the circulation, most iron is transported to the red bone marrow,

    incorporated into haemoglobin in newly formed erythrocytes and rereleased to thecirculation. Smaller amounts of iron are stored in other tissues, principally the liver.Iron from senescent red blood cells is transferred mainly to the red bone marrow, liverand spleen. Losses of iron from the body are largely due to exfoliation of cells fromthe skin and the GI tract, with smaller amounts in sweat, bile and urine. A model forthe age dependent behaviour of iron in the body has been developed [8].

    The greatest equivalent doses to tissues after ingestion of 55Fe are to the spleen,liver, red bone marrow and bone surfaces. The committed effective dose for the three

    month old infant is about 20 times the value for adults.

    4.2.5. Cobalt

    An  f 1 value of 0.3 for intakes of cobalt by adults was recommended in ICRPPublication 30 [44] and by the OECD/NEA [46]. Because human studies suggest thatin most cases the fractional absorption of trace quantities of cobalt is less than 0.1, an f 1 of 0.1 has been recommended by the ICRP [7] for intakes of cobalt in foods byadults. For children from 1 to 15 years of age, an f 1 value of 0.3 was adopted, with a

    value of 0.6 for infants in the first year of life.Following the entry of cobalt into the blood, a large fraction is rapidly excreted.

    On the basis of two studies of retention in humans, the ICRP [44] recommended a


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    model in which 50% of cobalt reaching the circulation is rapidly excreted with ahalf-time of 0.5 d, 5% is taken up by the liver and 45% is uniformly distributed in allother tissues. Fractions of 0.6, 0.2 and 0.2 are assumed to be lost from the liver and

    other tissues with biological half-times of 6, 60 and 800 d, respectively. Limitedanimal data on the effect of age on cobalt distribution and retention, reviewed by theICRP [7], show no age dependence. The adult values have therefore been assumed tobe valid for all ages. A urinary to faecal excretion ratio of 6:1 is assumed for cobaltthat has entered the circulation.

    Because of low absorption from the GI tract and rapid excretion of a largeproportion after absorption, equivalent doses from ingested 60Co in adults are greatestfor the colon, resulting mostly from unabsorbed material. In children, because of greater absorption, doses to the colon are similar to doses to the liver. For the infant,

    the dose to the colon is less than the dose to the liver. The committed effective doseis about 16 times greater for the three month old infant than for adults.

    4.2.6. Nickel

    The ICRP [7, 57] recommended an f 1 value of 0.05 for nickel on the basis of human and animal data. An increase by a factor of two to 0.1 is recommended forinfants in the first year of life [7, 46].

    For nickel entering the circulation, it is assumed that a fraction of 0.68 is

    directly excreted with a half-time of 0.25 d, 0.02 is retained in the kidneys with abiological half-time of 0.2 d and 0.3 is distributed throughout all organs and tissues,including the kidneys, and retained with a half-time of 1200 d. In the absence of agedependent data, the same distribution and retention is assumed to apply to infants andchildren. A urinary to faecal excretion ratio of 20:1 is assumed for nickel that hasentered the circulation.

    Because of the largely uniform distribution of 63Ni throughout the body,equivalent doses to most tissues are the same. The main exceptions are doses to the

    bladder and colon, due to excretion. For example, the equivalent dose to the colon inadults is about seven times greater than that to other tissues. The committed effectivedose from ingestion of 63Ni by three month old infants is ten times greater than thecorresponding dose to adults.

    4.2.7. Zinc

    Human data on the gastrointestinal absorption of zinc indicate that dietaryfactors such as the presence of phytate or bran reduce uptake, while a beef diet

    increases uptake. On the basis of the available data, an  f 1 value of 0.5 is used. Inaccordance with the general OECD/NEA [46] approach and consistent with theavailable animal data, absorption is taken to be doubled in the first year of life.


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    On the basis of the available human and animal data, it is assumed that 20% of zinc reaching the circulation is taken up by the skeleton and retained with a biologicalhalf-time of 400 d (97.5%) and 10 000 d (2.5%), respectively. The remainder is

    assumed to be uniformly distributed throughout all other organs and tissues, with30% and 70% having biological half-times of 20 d and 400 d, respectively. It isassumed that, for calculating doses from 65Zn, the element is uniformly distributedthroughout the volume of mineral bone at all times after its deposition in the skeleton.For shorter lived isotopes of zinc it is assumed that they remain on bone surfaces. Thelimited available animal data reviewed by the ICRP [7] show no effect of age.Therefore these values have been assumed to be valid for all ages with the exceptionthat the long term component for retention in bone is taken to be related to the rate of bone remodelling and has shorter half-times in children (100 d for three month old

    infants and 1000 d for ten year old children).Equivalent doses to different tissues after ingestion of 65Zn are similar, varying

    by up to a factor of about two. The committed effective dose to the three month oldinfant is an order of magnitude greater than that for the adult. A urinary to faecalexcretion ratio of 1:4 is assumed for zinc that has entered the circulation [7].

    4.2.8. Selenium

    On the basis of the available animal data, an  f 1 value of 0.8 is assumed for

    dietary intakes of selenium by adults. This value is also used for intakes by childrenfrom 1 to 15 years of age. An f 1 value of 1 is assumed for the three month old infant.

    For selenium reaching the circulation, 25% is deposited in the liver, 10% in thekidneys, 1% in the spleen, 0.5% in the pancreas, 0.1% in testes and 0.02% in theovaries, with the rest distributed throughout other tissues. Retention in body tissues isdescribed by the sum of three components with half-times of 3 d (10%), 30 d (40%)and 200 d (50%).

    The greatest equivalent doses to tissues after ingestion of 75Se are to the kidneys

    and liver. The committed effective dose to the three month old infant is about eighttimes greater than the adult value.

    4.2.9. Strontium

    An f 1 value of 0.3 is assumed for strontium ingested in food by adults [6]. An f 1 value of 0.6, twice the adult value, is used for children in the first year of life,consistent with the OECD/NEA [46] approach and available data. For those aged1–15 years, an intermediate value of 0.4 is assumed.

    For strontium absorbed to body fluids, the age dependent model for alkalineearth elements developed by Leggett [53] has been adopted [7]. This model describesin detail the kinetics of alkaline earth elements in bone, which is the main site of 


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    deposition and retention, and also considers retention in soft tissues and routes of excretion. It takes account of initial uptake onto bone surfaces, transfer from surfaceto bone volume and recycling from bone and soft tissues to blood. Age dependent

    parameters take account of greater uptake and retention during periods of rapidskeletal growth.The committed effective dose for long lived strontium isotopes like 90Sr is

    dominated by the contributions from the equivalent doses to bone surfaces and redbone marrow. Doses are greatest for three month old infants (about eight times theadult value) and one year old children because of their lower skeletal mass and high90Sr uptake during rapid bone growth. Doses are lower in older children and adults,but a peak value at 15 years of age similar to the dose for a one year old childcorresponds to a renewal of rapid bone growth during adolescence. For 89Sr, because

    of its shorter half-life (50.5 d compared with 29 years for 90Sr) the committedeffective dose has a larger contribution from the equivalent dose to the colon and isrelatively insensitive to changes in bone remodelling rates.

    4.2.10. Zirconium

    An f 1 value of 0.01 is used for adults and for children of one year and older anda value of 0.02 for three month old infants [6].

    It is assumed that 50% of systemic zirconium is retained in the skeleton with a

    half-time in the adult of 10 000 d, and that the other 50% is distributed throughout allother tissues and is retained with a biological half-time of 7 d. Zirconium isconsidered to be distributed uniformly over bone surfaces. Retention in the skeletonis taken to be related to the rate of bone remodelling with shorter half-times inchildren (1000 d for 10 year olds, 100 d for three month old). A urinary to faecalexcretion ratio of 5 : 1 is assumed for systemic zirconium.

    Committed effective doses for ingestion of 95Zr are greatest for infants withvalues about nine times greater than in adults. Because of the low absorption of 

    ingested Zr, the greatest equivalent doses are to the colon from unabsorbed material.

    4.2.11. Niobium

    An f 1 value of 0.01 is assumed for the ingestion of niobium in food by adults.This value is also applied to children of one year and older, while for a three monthold infant, an f 1 value of 0.02 is adopted.

    On the basis of the available animal data, the deposition fractions for systemicniobium assumed for adults are 0.4 for mineral bone, 0.2 for the liver, 0.03 for

    kidneys, and 0.37 for all other tissues [6]. The deposition fraction in the skeleton isincreased for infants and children to 0.6 (three month old infants) and 0.5 (one andfive year old children). The distribution in the remaining tissues is similar to that in


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    adults. The retention is described by a two component exponential function for alltissues and organs, with biological half-times of 6 d (0.5) and 200 d (0.5). In theskeleton 95Nb is assumed to be distributed over bone surfaces. A urinary to faecal

    excretion ratio of 5 : 1 is assumed for niobium that has entered the transfercompartment [7].Committed effective doses from ingested 95Nb are about eight times greater for

    three month old infants than for adults. Because of its low absorption and relativelyshort physical half-life (35 d), the greatest equivalent doses are to the colon fromunabsorbed 95Nb.

    4.2.12. Molybdenum

    Experimental data for animals show a wide variation in the absorption of ingested molybdenum. An f 1 value of 1 is assumed for dietary intakes of molybdenumat all ages [7].

    For absorbed molybdenum, 10% is assumed to be deposited in the skeleton andretained with a half-time of 10 000 d in adults related to the rate of bone remodelling.The remaining 90% of absorbed molybdenum is distributed to the liver (25%),kidneys (5%) and throughout other soft tissues (60%). For molybdenum retained intissues other than the skeleton, fractions of 0.1 and 0.9 are assumed to be retainedwith half-times of 1 and 50 d, respectively. A urinary to faecal excretion ratio of 8 : 1

    is assumed for systemic molybdenum.The greatest equivalent doses to tissues after ingestion of 99Mo (half-life of 

    66 h) are to the kidneys, liver and bone surfaces. The committed effective dose to thethree month old infant is a factor of nine times greater than the adult value.

    4.2.13. Technetium

    Technetium as pertechnetate is readily absorbed from the gut. On the basis of 

    the available animal and human data, an  f 1 value of 0.8 was proposed by theOECD/NEA [46]. Animal experiments show that technetium in food is less readilyabsorbed than pertechnetate, and therefore an f 1 value of 0.5 is considered to be moreappropriate for dietary intakes [7]. For infants in the first year of life, an  f 1 of 1 isadopted.

    The model recommended by the ICRP [7] for the distribution and retention of technetium assumes that 0.04 of technetium reaching the circulation is taken up bythe thyroid gland and retained with a half-time of 0.5 d. Further fractions of 0.1 and0.03 are assumed to be translocated to the stomach wall and liver, respectively, and

    the remaining fraction is assumed to be uniformly distributed in all other tissues.Biological half-times for the retention of technetium in all tissues other than thethyroid are taken to be 1.6, 3.7 and 22 d applying to fractions of 0.75, 0.2 and 0.05,


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    respectively. The biological half-time in blood is assumed to be 0.02 d. A urinary tofaecal excretion ratio of 1:1 is assumed. In the absence of specific information on theeffect of age, this model is applied to children of all ages [7].

    The committed effective dose from ingestion of99

    Tc is dominated by thecontribution from equivalent doses to the stomach wall, colon and thyroid. Thecommitted effective dose to the three month old infant is about 16 times greater thanthat for adults.

    4.2.14. Ruthenium

    An f 1 value of 0.05 is considered to be appropriate for ruthenium in food anddrinking water ingested by adults and children from one year of age. For infants in

    the first year of life, a value of 0.1 is adopted [6].For ruthenium absorbed to body fluids, animal data have shown that the

    subsequent tissue distribution is fairly uniform. Biological half-times of 8 d (35%),35 d (30%) and 1000 d (20%) have been derived from these data for adult animals,with 15% of systemic activity being assumed to be excreted directly with a biologicalhalf-time of 0.3 d. A urinary to faecal excretion ratio of 4 : 1 is assumed for systemicruthenium.

    In the absence of information on the effect of age on tissue distribution andretention, greater committed effective doses for the ingestion of 103Ru or 106Ru by

    younger children are due solely to their lower body mass. The value of the committedeffective dose for the three month old infant also takes into account the increased guttransfer. However, the increase in f 1 from 0.05 to 0.1 results in only a small increasein committed effective dose because 70–80% in each case is due to equivalent dosesto the colon from unabsorbed 103Ru and 106Ru.

    4.2.15. Silver

    The gastrointestinal absorption of silver in adults is taken to be 0.05 on the basisof limited data from monkeys, mice, rats and dogs [7, 56]. An increase by a factor of two to 0.1 is taken to apply to the first year of life.

    Silver accumulates mainly in the liver. On the basis of the available human andanimal data, it is assumed that 0.5 of silver reaching the circulation is taken up by theliver and the other 0.5 is distributed throughout all other tissues and organs, includingthe skeleton. Biological half-times in all tissues are taken to be 3.5, 50 and 500 daysapplying to fractions of 0.1, 0.8 and 0.1, respectively. A urinary to faecal excretionratio of 1 : 20 is assumed for systemic silver.

    The greatest equivalent dose to tissues from ingested 110Agm are for the colonand liver. The committed effective dose for the three month old infant is aboutnine times greater than for the adult.


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    retention times is reduced and the dominant factor determining the age dependenceof doses is the thyroid mass. Doses therefore show a progressive increase withdecreasing age, with about an order of magnitude difference between adults and three

    month old infants.There is a great variation in different regions in the uptake of iodine by thethyroid gland, according to the availability of stable iodine in the diet. However,because reduced intake results in a compensatory increase in the mass of the thyroid,the effect on the concentration of 129I or 131I in the thyroid and the committedequivalent dose to the thyroid is not very large. The uptake of radioactive iodine bythe thyroid can be reduced to a large extent by the administration of stable iodine.

    4.2.18. Tellurium

    The f 1 value for tellurium in food, based on measurements in animals, is takento be 0.3 [7]. An increase by a factor of two to 0.6 is assumed for the first year of life.

    On the basis of animal and human data on the distribution and retention of tellurium, 50% of tellurium reaching the circulation is assumed to be directly excretedwith a half-time of 0.8 d; 25%, 0.2% and 2.3% are taken up by the skeleton, thyroidand kidneys, respectively, and the remainder, 22.5%, is distributed throughout allother tissues [7]. The biological half-times assumed are 10 000 d for retention in theskeleton and 20 d for retention in all other tissues. Tellurium in bone is assumed to be

    deposited on bone surfaces. A urinary to faecal excretion ratio of 4:1 is assumed forsystemic tellurium.

    It is assumed that all iodine produced by the decay of tellurium isotopes in thebody is translocated instantaneously to systemic circulation in organic form and hasthe same biokinetic behaviour as systemic iodine (see Section 4.2.14). Therefore, thecommitted equivalent dose to the thyroid is high for some isotopes of tellurium.

    The greatest equivalent doses to tissues for ingestion of 127Tem are to bonesurfaces. For 132Te, because of its decay to 132I, the equivalent dose to the thyroid is

    greatest, contributing 40–70% of the committed effective dose. The committedeffective dose to the three month old infant for ingestion of 132Te is 12 times greaterthan that for adults.

    4.2.19. Caesium

    Soluble forms of caesium are virtually completely absorbed from the GI tract.There is some evidence from human studies, such as post-Chernobyl studies byHenrichs [58], that absorption from food may not always be complete, but an f 1 value

    of 1 is adopted for all ages [6].Caesium is distributed uniformly throughout all body tissues and retained there

    with biological half-times of 2 d (0.1) and 110 d (0.9), respectively [6, 44]. The


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    biological half-times for females, however, are significantly smaller than those formales (average values of less than 70 d instead of 110 d). There is also evidence thatin some countries the mean biological half-time of caesium in adult males is shorter

    than 110 d [59, 60]. Thus the use of a value of 110 d for the biological half-time inadults will result in conservative estimates of effective dose. There is good evidencethat the rates of loss of caesium from the body are greater in children than adults, andshorter biological half-times have therefore been used for children [61]. A urinary tofaecal excretion ratio of 4:1 is assumed.

    Because of the uniform distribution of caesium in the body, equivalent dosesto all tissues after ingestion of 137Cs are very similar. In general, the shorterbiological half-times at younger ages counteract the effect of lower body mass,resulting in values of dose that are largely independent of age; only doses for the

    three month old infant are increased significantly, by about a factor of two, owingto a longer biological half-time (16 d) compared with that for the one year old child(13 d).

    4.2.20. Barium

    The f 1 value adopted for barium in food is 0.2, as for radium [7]. A value of 0.6is used for infants and 0.4 for 1–15 year old children.

    Barium absorbed to the circulation, like strontium and radium, behaves

    qualitatively in the same way as calcium. The biokinetic model used for strontium[6, 7] (see Section 4.2.9) is applied to the other alkaline earth elements using elementspecific parameters for uptake and retention in bone and other tissues.

    For the long lived isotope 133Ba (half-life 10.7 a), changes in bone remodellingand growth with age result in changes in equivalent doses to bone surfaces and redmarrow such that, as for 90Sr, the committed effective dose is greatest in infants,reduces progressively with age, but shows a peak at age 15 similar to the dose for theone year old child. For the short lived isotope 140Ba (half-life 12.7 d), the committed

    effective dose has a larger contribution from the equivalent dose to the colon and isrelatively insensitive to changes in bone remodelling. For both 133Ba and 140Ba, thecommitted effective dose to the three month old infant is 12–14 times greater thanadult values.

    4.2.21. Cerium

    By analogy with the trivalent actinide elements, an  f 1 value of 5 × 10–4 is

    considered to be appropriate for cerium ingested in food and water by adults and

    children from one year of age [7]. For infants in the first year of life, a value of 5 × 1 0–3 is adopted, taking into account measurements of increased absorption in rats,mice and pigs.


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    On the basis of measurements of the distribution of cerium in rats and dogs, itis assumed that of cerium entering the circulation in adults, fractions of 0.3, 0.5 and0.2 are taken up by the skeleton, liver and other tissues, respectively, and retained in

    each case with a biological half-time of 3500 d. It appears that skeletal uptake isgreater in younger animals. Thus, the initial distribution to the skeleton and liver istaken to be 0.7 and 0.1, respectively, in three month old infants, 0.5 and 0.3,respectively, in one and five year old children and 0.4 in both tissues for 10 and 15 yearold children. A urinary to faecal excretion ratio of 1:9 is assumed for systemic cerium.

    For ingestion of 144Ce, the equivalent doses to the colon are highest for all ages,contributing about 90% or more to the committed effective dose. The committedeffective dose for the three month old infant is about 13 times greater than the adultvalue.

    4.2.22. Lead

    An f 1 value of 0.2 is assumed for intakes of lead in food by adults [7]. Greatervalues are recommended for infants and children on the basis of human and animaldata: 0.6 for a three month old infant and 0.4 for 1–15 year old children.

    To model the biokinetics of lead, a modification of the age dependent alkalineearth model of Leggett [53] has been used. As well as considering uptake andretention in bone, the model is adapted for lead to include red blood cells as a separate

    compartment, to consider excretion via sweat and hair and to include twocompartments for both the liver and kidneys. The model takes account of recognizeddifferences in the time depende