TUV CERT ISO 9001 aspirating smoke detection Aspirating system TITANUS ® VdS EN54-20

Aspirating system - SISONLINE.COM - Servicio de ... · main components and functional principle WAGNER aspirating smoke detection systems act on a simple functional principle and

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ISO 9001

aspirating smoke detection

Aspirating systemT I TA N U S®


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Page 3: Aspirating system - SISONLINE.COM - Servicio de ... · main components and functional principle WAGNER aspirating smoke detection systems act on a simple functional principle and


aspirating smoke detection systems 2specific performance features 7applications 10project design according to EN 54- 20 14product selection 17


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Aspirating smoke detection systems

High organisational centralisation,consolidated production and storage, largecommodity flows - merely all measureswhich lead to high productivity are linkedwith the concentration of decisive values atcompanies and at the public sector.

With it, the responsibility for fire protectionincreases. The higher the value of the assetis to the business, the more devastating afire can be to Business continuity and itssurvival. The higher the concentration ofpeople, the higher the hazard is to theirsafety.

Aspirating smoke detection systems provideearliest fire protection at a very high levelof immunity to false alarms.

the re l i ab le f i re charac te r is t ic :smoke

Three characteristics make a fire identifiable:smoke, heat and light. Fire statistics clearly showthat the vast majority of the hostile fires areinitiated via extensive smouldering fire phases.In these cases highly-sensitive smoke detectionensures a fast response and minimises fire lossand business disruption.

68.0 %

6.5 %

25.5 %

allocation of fire causesPercentage allocation of the types of firedevelopment (source: Bussenius)

Predominantly smouldering fires

Predominantly open fires

Smouldering fires, open fires, explosions


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main components and funct ional pr inc ip le

WAGNER aspirating smoke detection systems act on a simple functionalprinciple and are constructed on a highly-modular basis. Thus, they canbe designed individually and ideally adapted to environmental conditionsand potential hazardous situations. They consist of two main components:the air sampling pipes in the monitoring area and a smoke detectiondevice which can be separated spatially from the monitoring area.

A ventilator integrated in the smoke detection device produces negativepressure in the air sampling pipes and continuously takes air samplesat defined air sampling points. These are checked for smoke particles inthe measuring chamber. To help eliminate false alarms, intelligent signalprocessing analyses the measured data and compares it against typicalfire characteristic patterns.



heat detectors

conventional smoke detectors

WAGNER aspirating smokedetection systems









Fire detection systems in comparisonWAGNER aspirating smoke detection systems provide a decisive advantage in timecompared to conventional smoke and heat detectors..


The main components of aspirating smokedetection systems:1 Pipes system with air sampling points2 Aspirating smoke detection device



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Highly modular construction:the aspirating smokedetection deviceWith five different basic devices and numerous configurationsand equipment options, the family of TITANUS® aspirating smokedetection devices cover the whole spectrum of applications insmoke detection. Due to its highly-modular design it can be easilyadapted to the required monitoring task.

ventilation unitFor the aspiration of air samples via the pipe system,the ventilator produces a constant negative pressure.


A comprehensive range of accessories also insophisticated areas, in which other solutions fail,provides for a safe detection.

detector module(s)In the detector module the aspirated air is checkedfor its light obscuration. The high-power lightsource (> HPLS) technology used is highlysensitive and is far more advanced thanconventional technologies. The detector modulesare installed and dismantled without tools andeasily configured via DIL switches. Depending onthe application, the equipment with two detectormodules can be used for the monitoring of asecond area or for a dual detector-dependency.

main board/mother boardHere, the measured values delivered by thedetection unit are evaluated continuously. Different,type-dependent routines are installed to preventfalse alarms (> LOGIC•SENS), to monitor the pipesystem for clogging (PIPE•GUARD) and to locatethe smoke source within the monitored area (>ROOM•IDENT). The available alarms can beconnected to a fire control panel via volt-freecontacts or via data bus.

mounting slot

Numerous free mounting slots provide the optionof subsequent upgrading of TITANUS® aspiratingsmoke detection systems with optional circuitboards (e.g. network, isolation or bus interface).

display circuit boardThe operating conditions are displayed by LEDson the front of the housing. Type-dependent, thelevel of the current smoke density is visualisedvia a bar graph. Additionally, operating conditionsand smoke density can be displayed via remotedisplay units.

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Easy to insta l l :the p ipe systemWAGNER focuses on the quickest possible andsimplest instrument for the projecting of pipesystems, the so-called “pre-engineered piping”.The pipe system is easy to design and install, witha range of pre-fabricated fittings and software toassist the design. All pipe components are availablein PVC as well as in non halogen versions.

schematic installation diagrams for the useof detector modules (examples)1 Installation of I-pipes2 Installation of U-pipes3 Installation of M-pipes4 Installation of double U-pipes

schematic diagrams of installation forthe implementation of a dual-detectordependency (examples)1 Room protection with detector boxes2 Room protection3 Equipment and small rooms monitoring

air sampling pointsA balanced distribution of the detection over allaspirating points is ensured and annoying whistlingis avoided by means of graduated aspiration filmsheets (illustration at scale 1:1).

accessories (selection)- aspiration clip for deep freeze areas- manual and automatic blow-through Systems against icing and dust deposit- in-line detonation flame arrester for explosion hazardous areas- filter, special filter for extremely dusty areas- steam trap

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Insta l led dynamics:the response behaviour

When a specified smoke density value orsmoke density rise is exceeded, conventional,point-type smoke detectors trigger an alarm.No alarm is given below these limits, even ifseveral single detectors are applied with smoke.

Aspirating smoke detection systems, however,possess the so-called collective effect. Thiseffect occurs if several air sampling points arein a room and at the same time are exposedto smoke from the fire. For this reason theresponse sensitivity of an aspirating systemhas many advantages.

The power of the collective effect is relative tothe size of the monitoring area and the heightof a room. In rooms with high ceilings a collectiveeffect of up to 50 % can be assumed. Thatmeans that at least half of all air sampling pointsare typically exposed to smoke.

Even without this collective effect, aspiratingsmoke detection devices, however, alreadyconstitute an abundantly equal alternative topoint-type smoke detectors. Highly developeddetection units thereby permit an up to 5,000times higher sensitivity than point-type detectors.

Response sensitivity withoutcollective effect

Response sensitivity withcollective effect

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Beyond the system-related benefits of aspirating smoke

detection systems, WAGNER offers unique performance

features for highest operational reliability and variability as

well as easy handling during installation and in operation.

>> plug & play

The plug & play function permits easy and quick commissioning of theTITANUS® aspirating smoke detection systems. Depending on the typeof device, all standard functions are preprogrammed or preadjusted viaDIL switches. Neither software nor a programming tool are necessary.

>> Extreme high sensitivity by HPLS

By means of the high-power light source (HPLS), the sensitivity of thedetector modules is up to 5,000 times higher than conventional smokedetectors and ensures homogeneous response behaviour at differenttypes of fire. As compared to conventional aspirating smoke detectionsystems, the main air flow is not just lead over a point-type detector butthrough a measuring chamber which is specially developed against thedeposit of dust particles.




high-power light source

1 controlled air flow against deposits2 light source (emitter/transmitter)3 photodiode (receiver)

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>> Fire identificationwith ROOM • IDENT

ROOM·IDENT makes sure that fires not only can be detected at anearly stage but also their location identified. With only one detectionunit up to five rooms can be monitored. In four phases ROOM·IDENTidentifies where the seat of the fire is located. The system can be dividedinto zones, much like a conventional addressable system, with frontpanel LEDs indicating in which zone the fire is located.

Phase 1 (normal operation)

During normal operation air samples are taken from the pipe system reachinginto different rooms, and checked.

Phase 2 (very early smoke detection)

Developing smoke is taken in and detected. Alarm takes place and thus allowsearly intervention.

Phase 3 (blow-through)

Once the alarm has been activated, the air sampling ventilator turns off and asecond ventilator turns on to push the smoke particles out of the pipe system.

Phase 4 (identification)

After the pipe system has been blown through, the flow direction is reversedagain. By measuring the time delay for the smoke to reach the detector module,the fire can be allocated to a specific monitoring point.

Alternatively, ROOM·IDENT can be adjusted in such a way that the identificationalready starts at the activation of a pre-alarm. Independent from the main alarmthreshold, the pre-alarm threshold is adjustable.

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>> prevent ion aga ins t fa lse a la rmby LOGIC·SENS

The intelligent signal processing LOGIC·SENS checks the incomingsignals against established algorithms which are based on numerousfire tests and decades of experience. False alarm factors, such as dust,exhaust gases and humidity are even suppressed in extreme areas toa large extent by comparison with typical fire characteristic patterns.

>> Check of the pipesystem by PIPE•GUARD

Our air flow monitoring system PIPE•GUARDis permanently checking the pipe system forfracture or clogging. The sensitivity is adjustableup to monitoring a single hole. The air flowmonitoring is temperature-compensated andcan be adjusted dependent on the air pressure.

Air flow normal Air flow too weak:clogging

Air flow too strong:pipe fracture



al of


air fl

ow s




example for the signal path of the air flow sensor at failures

WAGNER aspirating smoke detection system

> Very early smoke detection by high sensitivity

> High immunity to false alarms, even under difficult ambient conditions

> Easy system design and installation

> Easily accessible for maintenance and service

> Accurate detection of single blocked air sampling points possible to indicate sabotage of the pipe system

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W A G N E R a s p i r a t i n g s m o k ed e t e c t i o n s y s t e m s : A p p l i c a t i o n s

F o r t h e v e r y e a r l ys m o k e d e t e c t i o n

- for example in EDP and telecommunicationsareas, semiconductor industry

Minimisation of business interruption by earliestpossible smoke detection; up to 5,000 times assensitive as compared to conventional, point-type smoke detectors.

A t p o o r a c c e s s i b i l i t y

- for example in high-rack storage areas,inside courtyards and high rooms

Quick and easy inspection of the fire detectiontechnology by installation of the detection unit atan accessible height.

I n a d - j o i n i n g r o o m s

- for example in hotel rooms, ship cabins,compartments, prison cells

Inexpensive monitoring of up to five adjoiningrooms with fire localisation.

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I n d u s t y e n v i r o n m e n t s

- for example in recycling facilities, tunnelsand in the paper industry

Reliable protection against false alarms by thecombination of a robust technology withapplication-compatible accessories such asspecial filters and a blow-through system.

I n a e s t h e t i c a l l y p l e a s i n gb u i l d i n g s

- for example in libraries, modern andhistorical architecture

Virtually invisible fire detection technology byhidden installation of air sampling pipes and airsampling points.

I n s a f e t y a r e a s

- for example in prison cells, vaults, armouries

Safety-relevant areas do not have to be enteredfor inspections and servicing.

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U n d e r i c ya n d f r o s t y c o n d i t i o n s

- for example in deep freeze storage areasand unheated storage areas

Very early smoke detection at as low as -40°C by innovative high-power light source (HPLS)technology as well as special deep freezedevices and accessories.

W h e n t e c h n o l o g y m u s ta l w a y s b e a v a i l a b l e

- for example in control cabinets, productionfacilities and server rooms

Best possible guarantee of the availability ofneuralgic production and Communicationsfacilities by very early smoke detection andautomatic power shut-off.

I n c o n s t r i c t e d a r e a s

- for example in cable ducts, voids andfalse floors

Optimum fire protection in areas which provideinsufficient space for the installation ofconventional fire detection technology.

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I n s t a n d - a l o n e a p p l i c a t i o n s

- for example in wind power plants andaccessible transformer units

Inexpensive monitoring of small rooms with theoption of remote diagnostics, in particular fordecentralised installations located far away.

I n t h e a r e a o f s t r o n ge l e c t r o m a g n e t i c f i e l d s

- for example in high-voltage switchgearsand transformer units

Fire detection without being influenced byelectromagnetic fields or nuclear radiation bythe installation of the detection unit outsider ofthe monitoring area.

A t h i g h c o n d e n s i n g h u m i d i t ya r e a s

- for example in saunas, cold storage rooms,unheated storage areas

Insensitivity against condensing humidity by theuse of a steam trap before the detection unit.

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Project design accordingto EN 54-20:What has changed?E N 5 4 - 2 0 – a r e q u i r e m e n t f o r t h e C E m a r k

The product standard EN 54-20 for air sampling smoke detection systems (ASD) was introduced in 2007. Since July

2009, the transition period of this harmonised EU standard has expired. National standards and guidelines which

were in conflict with EN 54-20 had to be withdrawn until this point of time. As air sampling smoke detection systems

and other fire detectors are subjected to the Building Products Guideline, the compliance with EN 54-20 is precondition

for the CE marking. This means: Anybody bringing an ASD on the market after June 2009 that is not approved

according to EN 54-20 (including the project design), will loose the permission to bear the CE mark.

For the first time transparencyin the matter of sensitivity

Anybody specifying a protection goal for anapplication area needs a fire detector with adefined sensitivity. That was the problem upto now, because reliable information concerningsensitivity were missing.

In the past, the manufacturer could define thenominal sensitivity of his device arbitrarily (acomparability of this information was not given).With EN 54-20, a classification for smokedetectors concerning their suitability for veryearly fire detection has been introduced forthe first time.

Via downscaling the test fires for point-typesmoke detectors by up to factor 40, firescenarios for three different kinds of classeshave been generated (see table 1).

Legal certainty for the use ofaccessories

As from now, accessories have to be tested byan accredited testing body. Furthermore, theyhave to be listed in the certificate of approval(e.g. VdS), unless it can be estimated via asimple inspection that the used accessory doesnot have any influence on the sensitivity of thesystem and/or its aspiration.

This innovation applies for every Project designand installation of air sampling smoke detectionsystems in the EU.

The use of an untested filter e. g. automaticallymeans the loss of CE conformity. Therefore, incase of doubt, the project design should includefrom the beginning the possibility of upgradingor retrofitting the ASD with appropriateaccessories (e.g. filters).

Sensitivity Application Area

Earliest possible fire detection, above all for areas with a high levelof air dilution and air-condition

Very early fire detection for the majority of areas, where goods ofhigh value and/or processes shall be saved

Fire detection for areas, where point-type detectors (e.g. formaintenance or aesthetics) are not sufficient

Very high



Class A

Class B

Class C

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V D E 0 8 3 3 - 2 : A t l e a s t c l a s s B f o r h i g h - c e i l i n g s

With VDE-0833-2 German regulation started to consider the sensitivity classes A to C according to EN 54-20.

Depending on the ceiling height appropriate sensitivity classes have to be fulfilled (see table 2). Similar considerations

of taking into account the dilutive effect within high rooms are ongoing in several member states of the EU.

Immunity to false alarms and maintainingthe protection goal

In areas where various interfering factors haveto be expected, there are two basic meansthat have been established to avoid falsealarms by smoke detectors (beside the useof physical filters):

Suppression of fault scenarios via smokepattern recognitionThe sensitivity / the protection goal keepson being maintained

Decrease of sensitivity by means ofparameterization or self-learningalgorithms:The sensitivity / the protection goal isdecreased

With the EN 54-20 and its classification,stringent rules apply for the decrease of thesensitivity now: below a determined limit, adetector automatically complies only with alower class and, therefore, it misses thepredetermined protection goal.

In consequence even the loss of CE conformityis possible. As the legal consequences ofelevated desensitizing are dramatically in caseof fire, the EN 54-20 serves for a high degreeof customer protection. Actually, the requireddetection quality now must be maintained alsoduring operation.

Height up to 12 m

Height from 12 m up to 16 m

Height from 16 m up to 20 m

Class A, B or C

Class A or B

Class A (if the efficiency of thedetection is proven)

VDE 0833-2, as per 06/09

Limits in project design instead of transporttime limits

EN 54-20 takes into consideration the projectdesign of air sampling smoke detection systems:Special test fires have to be detected within acertain period of time in order to comply withthe standard and its classif ications.

This goal can be achieved via high sensitivityand comparably long (smoke) transport timeas well as via less sensitivity and comparablyshort transport time. For this reason, theinfluence of the transport time can no longerbe separated from the sensitivity of an airsampl ing smoke detect ion system.Consequently, the transport time limits as duringthe validity of the guideline CEA 4022 do notexist any more. Instead of this, testing bodiesnow specify limits for project design. Theselimits are derived from the design of the testset-up which has been proved to detect thestandardized test fires.

The resulting design limits are given in thetechnical manual and/or in the project designsoftware of an ASD (depending on themanufacturer).

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What is important forproject design?

cost reduction

monitoring capability

Not the classification of the detector but theclassification of the project design is essential.

If an ASD device is labelled class A or B this does not necessarilymean that also the ASD project design complies with these classes.The labelling only shows that at least a minimum project designwith one aspiration hole complies with the standard.

For this reason it is important to check if the planned project designmeets the requirements of the desired sensitivity class in each andevery point (no. of aspiration holes, pipe length, shape of pipe,accessories) (see figure 1).

Monitoring capability

The monitoring capability of an ASD isdetermined by the number of point-type smokedetectors which it is able to replace. This is thedecisive factor for the cost effectiveness of anyair sampling smoke detection system. Themonitoring capability can easily be derived bythe number of aspiration holes which can berealised at a realistic distance to each other(usually about 8 m).

A high number of aspiration holes or a long pipework taken separately does not mean anyconsiderable advantage on the market.


Air sampl ingsmoke detector

Class C

Class B

Class A

Pipe work with aspiration holes

The maximum project design of an ASDdepends on the sensitivity class which shall befulfilled according to EN 54-20.

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p r o d u c t s e l e c t i o nThe TITANUS® family from WAGNER typically offersa more cost-effective solution than other aspiratingsmoke detection systems. The customer onlypurchases as much technology as he actually needs.This applies both for the sensitivity of the systemsand for further performance features.

The easy selection of a WAGNER aspirating smokedetection system is described in the following foursteps.

1. Assorting of the requirements

Number of smoke aspirating points and pipe length

The required number of air aspirating points can be definedvia the size of the monitored area as well as in compliancewith the corresponding national standards and guide - linesfor the planning of smoke detectors. The monitoring areacorresponds to that of a conventional optical detector.

Already at this point, the required length of the air samplingpipe should be determined as this presents a limiting factorfor the selection of air sampling smoke detection systems.

Specific requirements of the application

For the later selection of any accessories, any specificrequirements need to be noted: dust exposure, condensinghumidity, network compatibility, alarm organisation, visualisationof the data, etc.

Definition of the sensitivity

Three sensitivity classes for aspirating smoke detectionsystems have been defined within the scope of EN 54-20.

The classes A, B and C are suitable for the objectiveclassification of sensitivity requirements and can be taken foralmost all application areas.

Excepted from this are special areas such as clean roomsand IT sectors with high air change rate, where a sensitivitystill higher as required in class A is should be taken.

Please find an overview of the sensitivity classes A, B and Cincluding their application areas in chapter “Project designaccording to EN 54-20”.

2 . S e l e c t i o n o f t h e a s p i r a t i n g s m o k ed e t e c t i o n d e v i c e

For the construction of a fire detection system with WAGNERaspirating smoke detection systems using the TITANUSPRO·SENS® and/or TITANUS TOP·SENS®, the standardmodule with 0.5 % light obscuration/m is sufficient. Dependenton the protection objectives, for example for the implementationof a very early smoke detection, however, a higher sensitivitycan be reasonable.

3. Select ion of accessories

After establishing any specific requirements the appropriateaccessories can be selected (e.g. filter(s) in the event of dustyenvironments, steam trap(s) in the event of condensinghumidity).

4 . Se lec t ion o f p ipe and p ipe accessorycomponents

Planning of the pipe system

The required pipe components (air sampling pipe, arcs, endcaps, ...) and the special accessories (aspiration-reducing filmsheets, air filters,...) are to be determined. Due to the low flowresistance, bends are to be preferred to elbows.

Selecting the pipe material

The air sampling pipe can be made both of PVC and ABS. Forthe use at low temperatures and/or when a non-halogen airsampling pipe is required, the ABS material must be selected.

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S y s t e m o v e r v i e wall systems

The following tabular data can be used to select thecorrect system to protect the facilities and for smallrooms monitoring.

device-typical applications

- electrical and electronic facilities- small to medium areas- up to five areas with fire localisation

- EDP and telecommunications- saunas- air-conditioned rooms with high air change rates- storage areas, high-rack storage areas, deep freeze storage areas- production facilities- recycling depots

- clean rooms- semiconductor fabrication- EDP and telecommunications- air-conditioned rooms with high air change rates

- EDP, server and telecommunication facilities- control cabinets and emergency power facilities- low and mean voltage distribution devices

T I T A N U S M I C R O · S E N S ®

The inexpensive aspirating smokedetection device for the protection offacilities and for the monitoring of smallrooms.

T I T A N U S PRO · S E N S ®

T I T A N U S TOP · S E N S ®


T I T A N U S RACK · S E N S ®

The universally applicable TITANUSPRO·SENS® is the most frequently usedTITANUS® aspirating smoke detectiondevice world-wide. By utilising two detectormodules, the area to be monitored can bedoubled cost-effectively.

The advanced, universally applicable airsampling smoke detection device withsmoke level indication and staged alarm (3alarm thresholds). Can be equipped with 2detector units.

The highly-sensitive device for specialapplications.

Recommended aspirating system for the19-inch racks protection

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Display sensitivities of thedifferent detector types

Number of detector modules

Alarm threshold per module

Bar graph

Temperature range (ºC)

Temperature range deep freeze version (°C)

Dual-detector dependency

Network compatible

Max. length of pipe system (m)

Max. number of aspirating points

Classes according to EN 54-20

0,01 0,02 0,05 0,1 0,2

Light obscuration (% / m)

1 1-2 opt-20a



+40pos.* opt 50 8 A-C


AETM-10xx** 0,01 ... 2,0

0,05 ... 2,0

AETPx-01 0,015 ... 0,12

0,1 ... 0,8AETPx-10xx

AETPx-50xx 0,5 ... 1,0

1-2 1-3 no-20a



+60pos. opt 2x280 2x32 A-C

0,0015 ... 0,12 AETT-01xx

0,01 ... 0,8 AETT-10xx 1-2 3 si-20a



+60pos. opt 2x280 2x32 A-C

0,05 ... 1,0 AETT-50xx

0,0025 ... 0,2 AETSxx 1 3 si-20a


_ no pos*. 200 24 A-C



0,01 ... 2,0

0,05 ... 2,0



0,4 0,8 1,6 6,4 *) with bar graph**) using a detector box

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Edición 01/10



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