47 UNIT 3 Giving Directions Peerada Jitmanowan

Asking and Giving Directions

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Giving Directions

Peerada Jitmanowan

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8 periods


1. To enable students to appropriately ask for and give directions.

2. To enable students to properly use words and expressions about

directions , and places.

3. To enable students to ask for and give directions politely.

4. To enable students to correctly use the prepositions.


Asking for and giving directions


1. Warm-up activity

2. Study and practice the language patterns used in various situations.

3. Listen to the dialogues provided and answer the questions.

4. Practice speaking in pair

5. Role playing

6. Grammar practice: lecture and exercises

7. Writing dialogs


1. Observing students activities

2. Quizzes

3. Assignments

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Giving Directions


Warm-up activity ( Am. E. American English)

Match the sign with the correct word. (Br. E. British English)


__ 1. Traffic Light


__ 2. No Parking


__ 3. No U-Turn


__ 4. Keep Right


__ 5. No Entry


__ 6. Straight Only


__ 7. No passing (Am.E) No overtaking



__ 8. Roundabout


__ 9. Escalator Down


__ 10. T- Junction


__ 11. Elevator(Am.E) Lift (Br.E)


__ 12. Intersection (Am.E) Crossroads



__ 13. Straight or Left


__ 14. Curve left

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Listening - Speaking Practice

Listening Practice I

1.1 Language Functions and Patterns

Language Functions Patterns

Asking about places or


Excuse me, please. Where’s the


Excuse me, where’s the Lake?

The possible responses

It’s next to the post office.

It’s on Main Street.

It’s between the bakery and the barber


It’s on the corner of Ninth Street and

Pine (Street).

It’s in Davis County, near Kaysville.

It’s on route 1-15, between Farmington

and Kaysville.

It’s ten miles north of Salt Lake City.

Sorry, I don’t know. /I have no idea.

1.2 Listening to the dialogue

Direction: Listen to Mr. Brown and Sirapop talking to each other at Chiangrai bus

terminal downtown.

Mr. Brown: Excuse me, where is the Clock Tower?

Sirapop : It’s only ten minutes walk from here on this road.

Mr. Brown: And where is the Town Hall, please?

Sirapop : It’s on Uttarakit Road, near the post office and

opposite Anubaan Chiangrai School.

Mr. Brown: Thank you very much.

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Sirapop : You’re welcome.

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Language Functions Patterns

Asking for directions (1) Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to

the bank, please?

Excuse me . Could you tell me how to

get to the bus station, please?

Excuse me. Can you give me directions

to (the)……., please?

The possible responses (1) Certainly.

Yes, of course.


Sorry, I don’t know.

Sorry, I have no idea.

Asking for directions (2) Excuse me. Where is (the)……?

(This is also used in asking about


Excuse me. How can I get to (the)…….?

Excuse me. How do I get to (the)…… ?

Excuse me. How do you get to


What’s the best way to get to (the)…….?

Directional words in use

First, go down State Street until you get

to 4th South Street.

Then, turn left.

Then, go down 4th South for three


It’s on the right side of the street next

to Wendy’s.

(First,) go down this street (for……

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Common direction



(Then,) turn left/right at the traffic


(After that,) go straight on ……. Street

until you get to the……….

(When you get to the ………, ) turn

left/right again.

(Then,) stay on ……..Avenue for about


It’s on your left, next to the …….. You

can’t miss it!

Go straight on.

Go straight ahead.

Turn left/right at/on /into………Road.

Go past ……….

Take the first left/right turn.


Take the next turn.

It’s two blocks down/up this street on

your left/right.

Keep walking /driving until you see


Cross the bridge/street.

Go around the corner.

Go through the park.

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Direction: It’s the first trip to Chiangrai for Kathy. Today, she is taking a walk around

the city. Unfortunately, she is lost. Look at the map, listen to her call, and fill in the

missing words and then tell her where she is.

(Bhadungzong, Goson, 2005: 56)

Hi, I’m Kathy. According to this map, I, firstly __________of the Wiang Inn Hotel,

I turned_______, and went past a ___________ at the Thai Airline office. Then I

turned left at the _____________ onto Banpaprakarn Road. When I _____ to the

Clock Tower, I turned right and went ________ Suksathit Road. After that I went

past __________ intersection. There is the Government Savings Bank on the

_________. Could you _________ me what we call the area on my ________?

***It is ________________________________.

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1.3 Listen to the dialogue

Activity 1: Listen to Davis and Curtis talking to each other about asking

and giving directions and fill in the blanks with the words given.

left opposite come where

post office straight please right

Davis: Excuse me, ________ is the post office, _________?

Curtis: Turn ________ at the next corner. Then go ________until you

_______ to the traffic lights. Turn _______ there. The __________ is

____________ the cinema.

Activity 2: Fill in the blanks correctly. (Use the map for directions.)

___________ me, how do I ______ to the


Go_____________. Turn_______ at the corner.

Then take the _________ road on your_______.

___________to the ______ of the road.

_________ left there. The cinema is on your__________, ____________the

castle. _________ you very much. You're________________.

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Map No. 1


Today is your birthday, you invited Sarah, and you are giving her directions to

get to your home. (Look at map No. 1)

You: Hi! Sarah, What are you doing tonight?

Sarah: Nothing, why?

You: Because today is my birthday, and I’m having a party. Would you like to


Sarah: Great. Where do you live?

You: OK, from your house, walk straight ahead on Broadway Street, then turn

right on to First Avenue, walk two blocks, my house is on the corner of First

Avenue and Central Street.

***Where is my house? Mark X on the map in your book.

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Map No. 2


   * You are here.

Activity 3 : Look at map No.2 and decide each sentence is true (T) or false (F).

____1. The jewelry store is behind the Italian restaurant.

____2. The bar is on Second Avenue.

____3. The police station is on the left from Fire Department.

____4. The toy store is across from the Chinese restaurant.

____5. The movie theater is opposite the Book store.

____6. The sporting goods store is behind the Furniture store.

____7. The bar is next to the Chinese restaurant.

Activity 4: Look at map No.2 and choose the correct name of the building.

1. Take the first street on the left. Take the next street on the right. Go straight on and

cross the road. It's on the left. ___________________________

2. Take the first street on the left. Go down the street. Turn on the right. Take the

next street on the right. Go straight on and cross the road. Go straight on.

It's in front of you on the other side of the road. ______________________

3. Take the first street on the left. Take the next street on the right. Take the next

street on the right. Pass the Fire Department. It's on your left. _____________

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Activity 5: According to map No. 2, fill in the missing preposition.

1. The Women's wear is ____________________the Jewelry Store.

2. The Movie Theater is __________________the Book Store.

3. The Women's wear is ___________________the Jewelry Store and the

Sporting Goods.

4. The Toy store is_______________________ of Main Street and Forest Street.

5. The Jewelry Store is ____________________the Italian Restaurant.

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Map No. 3


You are at point X in map No. 3. Follow the directions and write the name of the

place next to each sentence.

1. Walk straight one block, turn left on Apple Street, it’s on the corner of Apple

Street and First Avenue. ______________________

2. Walk straight ahead on Second Avenue, turn left on Main Street, walk one

block, get to the train station and cross the street.___________________

3. Walk straight, turn left on Apple Street, walk for one block, then turn right

and walk one block on First Avenue, then turn right on Main Street, It’s next

to the bank. _______________________

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Grammar Focus

Prepositions of Place

Where is it?

The ball is in the box The ball is on the box. The ball is under the box.

John's house

Jane's house

Bill's house

John's house is beside Jane's


Jane's house is between Bill's

and John's houses.

Bill's house is next to Jane's


The climbers

stood on top of

the mountain.

The man stood

between the two


The enemies

stood opposite

each other.

The gardners

stood behind the


The man stood

next to the

gopher and held

the umbrella over


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In: in a place

“ Where is John?” “ In the bedroom. / In the kitchen / In Paris.” What’s in that bag / in that box / in that cupboard?” Nopporn works in a bank / in a factory / in a hospital.” He wants to swim in the sea / in the river. Chiangrai is in the north of Thailand. My friends live in a town but I live in the country.

In: in a special place, special usage

In bed - “ Where’s Susan? “ She’s in bed.” In hospital / in prison - Her mother’s sick. She’s in hospital. In a street - I live in a small street near the station. In the sky - My son is looking at the stars in the sky. In the world - What’s the highest mountain in the world? In the newspaper / a book - I read about the accident in the newspaper. In a photograph / in a picture - She looks happy in this picture. In a car / in a taxi - Did you come here in a car? In the middle (of…) - There is a big tree in the middle of the garden.

At: at a place

The car is waiting at the traffic lights. There’s somebody at the bus stop. David is working at his desk. Write your name at the top of the page. Sign your name at the bottom of the page. My house is at the end of the street.

At: at a special places, special use (no article)

At home - I’ll be at home around five. At work - “ Where’s Julia?” “ She’s at work.” At university - I’ll meet you at university. At school - My students are at school. At college - Helen is studying at college. At Wanchai’s (house) At my sister’s (house) - Where were you yesterday?

“ At my sister’s”

At the doctor’s At the hairdresser’s etc.

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At the station At the airport

- Do you want to meet me at the airport? At a concert / at a party / at a football match etc.

- There weren’t many people at a party.

Note: 1. It is possible to use in or at for buildings ( hotels, restaurants etc.) : We stay in a hotel. Or We stay at a hotel.

2. arrive in + a country or town

: They arrived in England. We arrived in Paris

3. arrive at + other places ( arrive at the station / arrive at work )

: What time did you arrive at the hotel?

4. arrive home : I was tired when I arrived home.


On a shelf on a plate on a balcony On the floor on a wall on a door On a ceiling

- There are some books on the shelf and some pictures on the wall. - There are a lot of apples on those trees. - Don’t sit on the grass. It’s wet. - There is a stamp on the envelope. - Who is that man on the horse? - I’m on a bicycle. - Look at the woman on the motor-bike.

on a bus on a train on a plane on a ship - Did you come here on a bus?

on the ground floor on the first floor - The office is on the first floor.

on the way to … on the way home

- I met Jane on the way to work. / on the way home. next to (or beside) / between / in front of / behind/in the middle of

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on the left/right


P1 V P2 T



S P3

C = Chanchai P1 = Prai V = Visarn

P2= Ponlawat S = Sathit P3 = Punyawee

N= Nitinart W= Waraporn T= Teera

Activity 6: Complete the exercise according to the picture, using the language you

have learned from the chapter.

1. Chanchai is standing ____________ left.

2. Waraporn is sitting _________ Nitinart.

3. Teera is sitting __________ right.

4. Nitinart is sitting _____________ Waraporn.

5. Punyawee is sitting ____________ Sathit and Nitinart.

6. Ponlawat is standing __________ Waraporn and Teera.

7. Visarn is standing ________________ middle.

8. Prai is standing _____________ Chanchai.

9. Sathit is sitting ____________ Teera.

10. Ponlawat is standing ___________ left of Visarn.

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opposite / in front of


B A C       

A is sitting in front of B.

A is sitting opposite C.

C is sitting opposite A


Our house is by the sea. (=beside the sea) Who is that man by the window? ‘Is there a public phone here?’ ‘Yes, by the door.’

under The cat is under the bicycle. The girl is standing under a tree. I’m wearing a jacket under my coat.

Activity 7: Complete the exercise according to the picture.

1. _______ In

the picture, I can see a woman.

2. The woman is sitting _____ at

a table.

3. She is sitting ________on

a chair.

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4. There is another chair _________________opposite

the woman.

5. Her feet are _____________under

the table

6. The woman is holding a cup _________in

her hands.

7. __________On

the table are a laptop, a paper, a calculator, an appointment

calendar, two pens and a muffin.

8. The woman is looking __________at

her laptop.

9. The woman's bag is _____________under

the table.

Prepositions of Movement

Prepositions of movement are prepositions that indicate how one thing is moving in

relation to another. This can be contrasted to prepositions of place, which indicate

how one thing is situated in relation of another.

Some common prepositions of movement are:

onto, into, through, across, past, off of, away from, toward, under, over, along, and


across Those boys always swim across the canal.

She is walking across the street.

into She went into the shop.

from Tom comes from school.

through I drove through the tunnel.

up Move up.

down Move down.

My mother is walking down the stairs.

away from The students are running away from the


toward Mary is running toward the bus.

past The athlete are running past the finish line.

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off of He is driving off of a cliff.

Activity 8: Fill in the blank with the most suitable preposition.

1. Emily always studies ____________ her room. 2. Kevin’s pen is ____________ the desk. 3. ____________Wednesday, I have to clean my house. 4. I’m going to China ____________ May. 5. I have to be at work ____________ 8.00. 6. Ken’s and Brian’s apartment is ____________ this street. 7. I found a ring in the park ____________ my way home. 8. I saw a bear yesterday when I was walking ____________ this road. 9. ____________ winter, we go to Australia to visit my aunt. 10. I get many phone calls ____________ home. 11. He came ____________ school at 9:00. 12. This letter came ____________ England. 13. Studying English is fun ____________ me. 14. My girlfriend bought the tickets ____________ me. 15. I can’t go shopping ____________ you today. 16. It’s important ____________ us all to study. 17. After you go ____________ tunnel, take a right. 18. We often go to the beach ____________ vacation. 19. Jane is ________ the phone. 20. She studies _______a university.

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Giving direction expressions. (2010) Retrieved April 20, 2010. from : http://www.eslgold.com

Preposition exercises. (2010) Retrieved April 20, 2010. from : http://www.esl-lab.com/dir1/dir1.htm

Photo of ThaiTV3 news reporters. (2010) Retrieved April 21,2010. from : http://entertain.teenee.com/thaistarphoto/1562.html  

Maps.(2010) Retrieved April 21,2010. from: http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/viewgame.asp?id=1434

Thanandorn, Chamroen. (2009). English 1. Thailand, Chiangrai Rajabhat University.

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