I N TOUCH - NOVEMBER 2013 Ask According to His Promises by Ps. Shalom In First Chronicles 17, God gave David the promise that one of his descendants would always be on the throne. He would have a last- ing dynasty. This seemed like a stretch because David wasn't even a king himself. He could have said, "God, I'm just a shepherd boy. I was out tending my father's sheep. I don't have formal training, education or experience." No, David dared to believe God. Even though it looked far out, he didn't dismiss it. David said in verse 23, "God, do as You have promised. Let one of my descendants always be on the throne." Imagine the nerve David had to ask for something so big. Verse 25 gives us the key…. He said, "God, I have been bold enough to pray this prayer because You have spoken it over me." In other words, "God, I'm asking You to do something amaz- ing not because I have all the talent, educa- tion or connections, but because You have promised it." What has God promised you? What is the dream He has placed in your heart? It may look impossible, but if you'll dare to believe Him, just say like David, "God, You promised it, now I'm bold enough to ask You for it." When you do, don't be surprised if thoughts come that say, "It's never going to happen. You don't have the talent. You come from the wrong family. You've made too many mis- takes." The enemy gets stirred up when you start asking God for big things. He'll try his best to discourage you. He'll leave you alone as long as you pray small, ordinary prayers. But when you start praying God-sized prayers, when you start asking God to take you where you've never been before, that's when those thoughts will bombard your mind and say, "Who do you think you are?" Just smile and say, "I'm a child of a Most High God! He began a good work in me, and He will complete it!" Today, dare to believe God. Dare to ask ac- cording to His promises. Trust that He is faithful. Worship Him because He is worthy. Refuse small thinking and small living. Pray God-sized prayers and get ready to embrace the good future He has prepared for you! "But let him ask in faith, with no doubt- ing…" (James 1:6, ESV) Karnataka Congregation, Kuwait

Ask According to His Promises by Ps. Shalom · 02/11/2009  · IN TOUCH - NOVEMBER 2013 Ask According to His Promises by Ps. Shalom In First Chronicles 17, God gave David the promise

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Page 1: Ask According to His Promises by Ps. Shalom · 02/11/2009  · IN TOUCH - NOVEMBER 2013 Ask According to His Promises by Ps. Shalom In First Chronicles 17, God gave David the promise


Ask According to His Promises by Ps. Shalom

In First Chronicles 17, God gave David the promise that one of his descendants would always be on the throne. He would have a last-ing dynasty. This seemed like a stretch because David wasn't even a king himself. He could have said, "God, I'm just a shepherd boy. I was out tending my father's sheep. I don't have formal training, education or experience." No, David dared to believe God. Even though it looked far out, he didn't dismiss it. David said in verse 23, "God, do as You have promised. Let one of my descendants always be on the throne." Imagine the nerve David had to ask for something so big. Verse 25 gives us the key…. He said, "God, I have been bold enough to pray this prayer because You have spoken it over me." In other words, "God, I'm asking You to do something amaz-ing not because I have all the talent, educa-tion or connections, but because You have promised it."

What has God promised you? What is the dream He has placed in your heart? It may look impossible, but if you'll dare to believe Him, just say like David, "God, You promised it, now I'm bold enough to ask You for it." When you do, don't be surprised if thoughts come that say, "It's never going to happen. You don't have the talent. You come from the

wrong family. You've made too many mis-takes." The enemy gets stirred up when you start asking God for big things. He'll try his best to discourage you. He'll leave you alone as long as you pray small, ordinary prayers. But when you start praying God-sized prayers, when you start asking God to take you where you've never been before, that's when those thoughts will bombard your mind and say, "Who do you think you are?" Just smile and say, "I'm a child of a Most High God! He began a good work in me, and He will complete it!" Today, dare to believe God. Dare to ask ac-cording to His promises. Trust that He is faithful. Worship Him because He is worthy. Refuse small thinking and small living. Pray God-sized prayers and get ready to embrace the good future He has prepared for you! "But let him ask in faith, with no doubt-ing…" (James 1:6, ESV)

Karnataka Congregation, Kuwait

Page 2: Ask According to His Promises by Ps. Shalom · 02/11/2009  · IN TOUCH - NOVEMBER 2013 Ask According to His Promises by Ps. Shalom In First Chronicles 17, God gave David the promise

There's a story about two lumberjacks. They were out chopping down trees. One said, "I'm going to take a break and go sharpen my axe." The other said, "I don't have time to do that. I've got too much work to do." He kept chop-ping and chopping. The first man went and sharpened his axe. He came back three hours later and chopped down twice as many trees as the man with the dull axe, and he did it in half the time. Beloved children of God, sometimes you need to take a break and "sharpen your axe," so to speak. In other words, take time to sharpen your skills, increase your ability, and invest in developing your gifts and talents. If you'll sharpen your skills,

you'll get more done in less time. If you'll sharpen your skills, you may not have to work so hard. Whether you're a teacher, a mechanic, a banker or a doctor, don't settle where you are and just coast off of what you've already learned. Stir up what God has placed within you and get better at it. This is a call to action! There are amazing things in your future. God has shifted things in your favor. Now, He is looking for people who are prepared, people who are taking steps to grow, people who are serious about fulfill-ing their destiny. This is what scripture shows that David did. He was out in the shepherd's fields taking care of his father's sheep. In today's terms, he had a minimum-wage job. It was boring, no friends, no opportunity for growth or ad-vancement. His brothers got the good jobs.

They were in the army. They were prestig-ious. David could have slacked off, been sloppy, unmotivated and thought, "No rea-son to develop my skills. I'm stuck out here with these sheep." No, while he was out there all alone, instead of being lazy and kill-ing time, he got his slingshot out and started practicing day after day, month after month. I can see him setting up that target, slinging that stone again and again, practicing, learn-ing, making adjustments, getting better, sharpening his skills. When a coyote or wild animal tried to attack one of his sheep, it was no problem. David took that sling and that stone and nailed it. David was a sharp-shooter, a marksman, so skilled, so precise. He could hit a bull's eye a hundred meters away. When God needed someone to slay a giant, someone to lead His chosen people, He did-n't just choose anybody. He chose a man of excellence—a man after His own heart. In the same way, when God is looking for people to promote today, He doesn't just close His eyes and randomly say, "Well, I'll pick you. You won the lottery. It's your lucky day." No, God looks for people who will be faithful with what He has given them. Make sure that's you. Take time to develop what's in your heart. Let God lead you every step of the way. Sharpen your skills, be faithful, and watch what God will do in your life. "Do you see someone skilled in their work? They will serve before kings; they will not serve before officials of low rank." (Proverbs 22:29, NIV)

Are You Living Life With a Dull Axe? By Joel Osteen

Page 3: Ask According to His Promises by Ps. Shalom · 02/11/2009  · IN TOUCH - NOVEMBER 2013 Ask According to His Promises by Ps. Shalom In First Chronicles 17, God gave David the promise

The Power of Your Thoughts by Paulawhite

It is vital to understand that the mind – your

mind -- is the seat of all spiritual and carnal con-

flict. It is within your mind that your victory -- or

defeat -- begins and ends. It is your mind that

determines whether the outcome of your ac-

tions will culminate in success…or failure. It is

absolutely critical to understand that the flesh –

our flesh -- and the spirit – our spirit…are in

constant conflict – whether we want them to be

or not. Romans 7: 14 – 19, when Paul ex-

plains: it very clearly.

Paul is exposing a vital truth that we must all



“Control” means to exercise authoritative or

dominating influence over; to direct. As awful as

it is to accept, it is a very real truth that satanic

forces try to control your thinking through your

flesh -- which is connected to the five senses.

You experience your physical reality as you

“perceive” and “receive” through your five

senses: sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing.

God created us with perfectly-orchestrated

physical mechanisms for our earthly life -- finely

and accurately attuned -- and designed to keep

us alive, functioning physically, and able to per-

ceive, receive, react and respond within our

physical, natural, material world. But what is a

perfect vessel for our natural life, can also

cause a lot of problems for our spiritual life. If

we are unable to constantly bring our physical

senses under submission – constantly control

our response to outside input and stimuli – we

will lose the battle!

The answer to this dilemma is: in order to

change your way of living – you must change

your way of thinking!

The word “mind” in the verses from Romans

means “the intellect; divine or human in

thought, feeling, or will.” Throughout the Word,

you most often find “mind” written as “nephesh”

in Hebrew – which really means, “life, person,

soul, creature, appetite.” In other words, we are

being told that our “mind” is:

our life

our soul

our appetite

our person

Basically, your mind is YOU!

It is also important to note that the Hebrew

root of “nephesh,” or mind, means “to breathe

or refresh one’s self.” Genesis 2:7 shows us

this relationship to breath, life, and soul that

begins with God’s creating man: “And the

Lord God formed man of the dust of the

ground, and breathed into his nostrils the

breath of life, and man became a living soul.”

So there is a relationship between breath,

wind, divine inspiration, intellect, and soul.

The soul (nephesh) of a man is connected to

the breath (nephesh) of God -- housed in

flesh, and formed from dust.

This tells us that soon as you become a living

soul, your spirit and mind are connected to

God. But because we have power to choose -

- our will -- we find ourselves engaged in daily

battle of deciding between the carnal mind, or

a spiritual mind.

“Carnal” means “having the nature of flesh;”

sensual, or controlled by animal appetites.

Our “carnal mind” is therefore controlled by

the flesh – which will ultimately die.

Spiritual means made of wind or breath that is

spacious -- “air in motion.” The Holy Spirit is

as a current of air from God -- the breath of

Our Lord! “Spirit mind” is connected to and

controlled by Spirit of Christ…it is the eternal

spirit of God that will never die.

Because we have the power to choose, we

find ourselves engaged in a daily battle of de-

ciding between life and death. Romans 8:6 tell

us straight out: “For to be carnally minded is

death, but to be spiritual minded is life and


Page 4: Ask According to His Promises by Ps. Shalom · 02/11/2009  · IN TOUCH - NOVEMBER 2013 Ask According to His Promises by Ps. Shalom In First Chronicles 17, God gave David the promise
Page 5: Ask According to His Promises by Ps. Shalom · 02/11/2009  · IN TOUCH - NOVEMBER 2013 Ask According to His Promises by Ps. Shalom In First Chronicles 17, God gave David the promise

Words to Build a Home by Victoria Osteen

Most of us understand that our words possess the power to build people up or tear them down. Yet too often, we ignore that truth in the most important arena of all: our home. It is vital that hus-bands and wives speak positively to each other, and it’s especially important that parents speak positive words into the lives of their children, even in life’s tough spots.

When our son was a little boy, one day he came home teary-eyed and told me that his friend’s dog had died. The dog was more that 16 years old and like a member of the family. After com-forting Jonathan in his sadness, I knew I had a choice. I could commiserate with him and enter into the mourning. Or, I could help him see the positive side. “Wow!” I said. “That dog lived a good, long life! I’ll bet that dog lived so long because he lived in Josh’s house and was sur-rounded by love.” Jonathan’s eyes widened with astonishment. “I’m going to tell that to Josh!” he said, happy that he had found some words to comfort his friend.

Women especially can set the tone for their households, creating with our words and demeanor either a positive or a negative atmosphere. The Bible says, “A wise woman builds her house, while a foolish woman tears hers down by her own efforts.” 1 The Scripture says to encourage one another daily,”2 and one of the best ways a wife and mom can do that is by speaking posi-tive, encouraging words to her children and her husband. I constantly tell my family the things I appreciate about them. God is a rewarder of our faith; 3 it pleases Him when we also “reward” our family members with praise for their godly behavior, proper use of their talents and good atti-tudes.

My husband and I are excited about our relationship with God, and we love sharing our sense of awe and amazement with our children. We want our kids to know that living for God is not a grueling grind; it’s an exciting adventure! Even when I must discipline our children, I attempt to remain positive. My goal is to train our children – to teach them rather than punish them. I try to emphasize what our children are doing right, rather than focusing on what they have done wrong. Most of all, I reinforce how much I love them.

Praying with our children is another way of building positive principles into their lives. Each day, before I drop our kids off at school, we hold hands and pray for the school, their teachers and friends. I speak words of blessing over them, telling them, “You have the favor of God.” And I encourage them to go out and be a blessing to others. Possibly one of the most important ways a woman can influence her family is by praying with and for her husband. The positive and encouraging words you speak over your mate will have an impact on every aspect of his life – at home and in his career – and will help him to be a spiritual leader.

Keeping your words consistently positive is a key to speaking into your family members’ lives. They may not appreciate what you are saying right now. But the Bible says, “Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” If you will help your family find the good in every situation, in due season, you and your family members will reap the harvest of your positive, encouraging words.

A Sunday school teacher asked her little children, as they were

on the way to church service, “And why is it necessary to be quiet in church?”

One bright little girl replied,

“Because people are sleeping.”

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Mr. Godwin and Sonali Sharath - 13th November

Jason and Deena Kumar 14th- November

Birth News...Glory to Jesus

Mr. Kiran and Mrs. Renita family blessed with “A Baby Girl” on 13th Oct 2013

Wishes & Prayer by KCK Family

Night Prayer on 28th Nov 13

Faheheel @ 9 pm

Salmiya @ 10 pm

Cell Meeting On Monday

Faheheel & Salmiya

On every 3rd Week @ Khitan


Bro. Venkatesh Johnson

Bro. Ravi David Simon

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