Asis Relgious Places Security

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  • 7/27/2019 Asis Relgious Places Security


  • 7/27/2019 Asis Relgious Places Security


    Houses of Worship Security Resource Guide

    Copyright 2009 ASIS International

    ISBN 978-1-887056-97-7

    All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to individual users to download this

    document for their own personal use, with acknowledgement of ASIS Internationalas the source. However, this document may not be downloaded for further copying or

    reproduction; nor may it be sold, offered for sale, or otherwise used commercially.

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    ASIS International is the preeminent organization or

    security proessionals. Founded in 1955, ASIS is dedicated

    to increasing the eectiveness and productivity o security

    proessionals by developing educational programs and

    materials that address broad security interests, such as

    the ASIS Annual Seminar and Exhibits, as well as specifcsecurity topics.

    By providing members and the security community with

    access to a ull range o programs and services, and

    by publishing the industrys No. 1 magazineSecurity

    ManagementASIS leads the way or advanced and

    improved security perormance.

  • 7/27/2019 Asis Relgious Places Security


    ASIS Houses of Worship SecurityWorking Group

    Houses of Worship SecurityResource Guide

  • 7/27/2019 Asis Relgious Places Security



    H o u s e s o f W o r s h i p S e c u r i t y W o r k i n g G r o u p C h a r t e r

    Security management, crime prevention and emergency planningare just a ew o the areas that are o growing importance or

    applying proper risk management principles to houses o worship.

    During a security brieng a ormer Secretary o State identied

    aith based organizations as being in the top ve at risk sectors in

    the world.

    This working group is a cross council collaboration involving

    councils where various aspects o houses o worship and aith

    based organizations security are coordinated. The our main goals

    o this working group are:

    Creation of theHouses of Worship Security Resource Guide

    Implementation of a one-day stand-alone or pre-seminar

    houses o worship security educational program

    Recruitment of additional security professionals that work in

    this sector to join that ASIS membership base

    Determination if a stand-alone houses of worship security

    council should be ormed

    TheHouses of Worship Security Resource Guide is designed oruse by full-time security professionals in this industry, full-time

    security proessionals in other industries that may also be serving

    their own house of worship in a part-time or volunteer capacity,

    and other houses o worship sta members that may not have a

    dedicated security professional on staff in a full-time, part-time or

    volunteer capacity. The content o this guide is not the recreation

    o already developed works in this area. This guide is a compila-tion o the various resources that are already available.
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    Don Knox, CPP, Caterpillar

    Crisis Management and Business Continuity Council

    Les Cole, CPP, Leslie Cole Association, Inc.

    Crime and Loss Prevention Council

    James Williams, Williams Association, LLCCrime and Loss Prevention Council

    Scott Gane, CPP, Gane Security Solutions, LLC

    Fire and Life Safety Council

    Scott Watson, CPP, IDEXX Laboratories

    Crisis Management and Business Continuity Council

    Eddie Hall, CPP, Corporate Security Consultants

    Crime and Loss Prevention Council

    Jeff Hawkins, Christian Security Network

    Museum, Library & Cultural Properties Council

    Greg Gilbert, CPP, Gilbert & Associates, LLC

    Crisis Management and Business Continuity Council

    Sandra Sandiford-Carr, PSP, Caribbean Court of Justice

    Fire and Life Safety

    W o r k i n g G r o u p M e m b e r s
  • 7/27/2019 Asis Relgious Places Security


    Houses of Worship Security Resource Guide

    Securing Houses of Worship: A Community Service

    Manual for ASIS Chapters

    This manual describes a serious but oten overlooked problem that poten-

    tially aects all our communities: acts o violence against houses o worship.

    More importantly, this manual provides direction to ASIS chapters interested

    in pursuing community crime prevention projects that can hinder i not stop

    these insidious crimes. By partnering with local colleges to protect houses of

    worship, ASIS chapter members can become resources for community pro-

    tection, share their expertise and proessionalism with community leaders,

    and give guidance to aspiring security students.

    Securing Houses of Worship II

    Securing Houses of Worship II is an ASIS Foundation initiative, which serves

    as a follow-on to the original effort. The objective is to provide basic tools for

    both the security proessional and leaders o religious congregations, helping

    them to better address relevant assets protection needs. It also helps them rec-

    ognize the increasingly broad spectrum o risks acing todays aith based com-

    munity and aims to reinvigorate proessional security assistance to that sector.




    Security Recommendations for Houses of Worship

    Security recommendations for Houses of Worship are intended to assist

    religious organizations in developing awareness and security or incidents

    that may occur during their ocial unctions. The recommendations are not

    regulations or guidelines and should not be construed as such. Hence, they

    are not binding and are designed to assist organizations in providing useuland learned practices. Further, some practices or particular unctions may

    be developed later as situations change in the religious environment.

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    ASIS International

    Securing Houses of Worship After 9/11: A Community

    Service Project of ASIS Florida West Coast Chapter

    The Florida West Coast Chapter of ASIS recognizes the need for all Houses

    o Worship to be secure. Working with national, state and local law enorce-

    ment agencies ASIS offers its own extensive resources to help make Houses

    o Worship more secure. This document was designed to provide a conduit o

    site-security help and knowledge to the religious community free of charge.

    Our world has changed and with that, the importance that all citizens under-

    stand that they need to be prepared and prudent in their daily lives. ASIS is

    not highlighting or encouraging panic, we are presenting sound security prac-

    tice & principles that everyone should and can be implementing as a habit.

    Crime Prevention For Houses of Worship

    Criminals are increasingly targeting Worship centers. They prey in parking

    lots and in the worship acilities. Worshipers are intent on prayer and worship

    and are less ocused to the crime risks contemporary to our time. Crime

    Prevention for Houses of Worship is designed to help clergy, church laity,

    and crime prevention specialists implement positive and arming security

    approaches in worship centers. Properly administered crime prevention

    approaches can enhance the worship experience, rather than detract rom it.

    Church Mutual Insurance Safety Resources CenterThe Church Mutual Safety Resources Center offers an array of free safety, secu-

    rity, re and emergency management videos, booklets, posters and newsletters.

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    Houses of Worship Security Resource Guide

    GuideOne Insurance Center for Risk Management

    The GuideOne Center offers you a wealth of information, tools, services,

    and resources to help minimize risks and prevent losses. Training programs,seminars, workbooks, videos, checklists, act sheets, newsletters, an online

    bookstore and more are available through the Center. Anyone can use these

    resources, which are either ree or very aordable.


    GuideOne Insurance and Group Publishing have teamed together for the

    creation of SafeChurch. SafeChurch provides access to safety and security

    resources, training modules, and a risk assessment tool to help protect church

    members, buildings and

    Brotherhood Mutual Insurance SafetyCentral

    SafetyCentral is Brotherhood Mutuals online library of safety, security and

    risk management materials created especially or churches and related min-

    istries. SafetyCentral provides a variety of resources to help minimize risks

    and protect people. Brotherhood Mutual is committed to safe ministry and

    encouranges you to take advantage o all o their ree saety resources.



    Brotherhood Mutual Insurance and Christianity Today Magazine have joined

    orces to bring together a wealth o expert advice and risk management

    inormation on a broad range o saety, security and emergency topics.

    ChurchSafety is dedicated to bringing churches valuable information and

    tools to help operate saely including ree articles and saety assessments as

    well as aordable premium
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    ASIS International

    National Church Arson Task Force

    The National Church Arson Task Force (NCATF) was formed as a result ofthe sharp increase in church arsons. President Clinton formed the NCATF in

    an eort to coordinate ederal, state and local law enorcement in the battle

    against church arson. The NCATF is composed of the FBI, FEMA, the Bureau

    of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), U.S. Department of

    Housing and Urban Development (HUD), U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ),

    and DOJs Community Relations Service (CRS).

    ATF applies its expertise in arson and bombing investigations and its

    jurisdiction in ederal arson statutes to investigating and apprehending thosewho attack houses of worship. The FBI brings its expertise in Civil Rights

    and Hate Crimes, applying these statutes when applicable. DOJ adds to the

    eort by providing attorneys to prosecute individuals burning houses o wor-

    ship, applying the most appropriate statutes. Recognizing that cooperation

    between the public and law enorcement is essential in the fght against these

    crimes, the CRS assists by fostering positive relationships between commu-

    nities and law enforcement. FEMA manages arson prevention and training

    programs. HUD brings its expertise in coordinating rebuilding programs tothe task orce.


    Christian Security Network

    The Christian Security Network is a national organization dedicated to

    the advancement of security, safety, and emergency planning for Christian

    churches, schools, ministries, and missionaries. CSN offers training through

    seminars, webinars, and training articles, oers a weekly newsletter and a

    host o other resources or churches and ministries.


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    Houses of Worship Security Resource Guide


    Introduction to Security & Emergency Planning for

    Faith Based Organizations

    This book was written as a simple, easy to understand handbook or allfaith based organizations. Contents include chapters on Emergency Plans,Background Checks, Safety in the Field, Electronic, Physical and ProceduralSecurity. There are sample orms to assist in conducting your own riskassessment, handle bomb threats, and to develop emergency policies.


    NFPA 909: Code for the Protection of Cultural Resources

    Properties - Museums, Libraries, and Places of Worship

    This code shall apply to culturally signicant structures and to their contents.

    Such structures include, but are not limited to, buildings that store or dis-play museum or library collections, historic buildings, and places o worship.

    These structures also include spaces within other buildings used or such cul-

    turally signicant purposes.

    1.1.1 New Cultural Property Occupancies. The requirements o this code

    shall apply to the following: (1) New buildings or portions thereof used as a

    cultural property occupancy; (2) Additions made to a cultural property occu-

    pancy; (3) Alterations, modernizations, or renovations of existing occupan-

    cies; and (4) Existing buildings or portions thereof upon change of occupancyto a cultural property occupancy.

    1.1.2 Existing Cultural Property Occupancies. The requirements o this

    code shall apply to existing buildings or portions thereo currently occupied

    as cultural property occupancies. Exception: An existing building housing

    a cultural property occupancy established prior to the eective date o this

    code shall be permitted to be approved or continued use i it conorms to

    or is made to conorm to the provisions o this code to the extent that, in the

    opinion o the authority having jurisdiction, reasonable lie saety against thehazards o re, explosion, and panic is provided and maintained.
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    ASIS International

    Security for Houses of Worship, the Complete Guide

    With escalating acts o violence against acilities and leaders, Security or

    Houses of Worship, the Complete Guide provides security information for

    churches, synagogues, temples, and all personnel dealing with security issues

    in the religious environment.


    House of Worship Security Network

    The goal of the House of Worship Security Network is to help churches fulll

    their mission saely and securely. The sta has rsthand knowledge about

    how churches operate and what the blessings and challenges o working in a

    church environment can be. Combined with experience and expertise in secu-

    rity and saety, they help you understand how to make your house o worship

    a saer, more secure place.

    Church Security Alliance

    The church security alliance is an online community o pastors and laymenand women who have a shared concern or the saety and well being o their

    congregation. Membership gives access to training videos podcasts, articles,

    newsfeeds, forums, etc. Church Security Alliance helps regular folks to

    develop church security and saety plans to protect their churches and to stay

    inormed about security incidents in churches around the world.
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    Houses of Worship Security Resource Guide

    Church Safety and Security: A Practical Guide

    The church has always been regarded as a safe haven - a spiritual sanctuary

    where people can come to worship God ree rom worries about violence or

    unethical behavior by those involved in church ministry. But our culture is

    changing, and church leaders can no longer assume that it wont happen in

    my church. Like the rest o society, churches need to ensure the saety and

    security o their acility, sta, and worshipers.This book provides a wealth o

    practical inormation on preparing or and responding to the challenges o a

    dangerous world. The book draws on more than two decades o law enorce-

    ment and investigative experience and outlines a how-to approach full ofspecic proactive steps churches can take to protect themselves and reduce

    the risk and costly lawsuits.

    Keeping Your Church Safe

    When church leaders fail to provide for the well-being and protection of ev-

    eryone involved in congregational programs, they are derelict in their duty to

    shepherd and protect the fock. A conscientious and well run saety program

    gives a sense o security and comort to those who attend and helps provide

    an atmosphere where worship, ellowship, edication, and service can takeplace without incident. Keeping Your Church Safe is a practical blueprint or

    churches covering all aspects o church security and saety or sta, prem-

    ises, and members. Its a well-outlined, easy-to-follow guide in establishing

    an eective security program or congregations o all sizes.

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    ASIS International


    Church Security Solutions

    The mission of Church Security Solutions is to develop a strategic foundationo security solutions against known and unknown threats or churches and

    pastors who seek a peace o mind by providing the highest level o discreet

    protection for their congregations, students and employees. CSS is commit-

    ted to the highest standards o Godly ethics, proessionalism, and legal be-

    havior, and operates as a coordinated body o collective wisdom and experi-

    ence in partnership with the pastors and their teams. The goal is to discover

    and implement manageable cohesive strategic solutions to security breaches,

    security threats, and security enhancing possibilities by using the most quali-ed individuals, methods, and state o the art technologies and processes.

    Secure Community Network: Houses of Worship

    The Secure Community Network serves as the central address for the Jewish

    community concerning matters of communal safety, security, and all-hazards

    preparedness and response. SCN has established a coordinated approach for

    community wide notications, crisis management, and security measures

    emphasizing security awareness, preparedness, and disaster recovery and re-


    The synagogue is the most prevalent and arguably the most important

    institution in American Jewish lie. The synagogue is classically depicted as

    the site or prayer, study and communal gathering. As a house o worship, the

    synagogue also serves as a place o companionship, communal identication,

    childrens education and inormation exchange. Synagogues are potential tar-

    gets or terrorist attacks because o the ability to infict casualties, instill ear

    and cause political impacts.
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    ASIS International

    1625 Prince Street

    Alexandria, VA 22314 USA


    fax +1.703.519.6299