Asiana Travel Mate Profile

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  • 8/8/2019 Asiana Travel Mate Profile


  • 8/8/2019 Asiana Travel Mate Profile


    Mission Statement

    To care for our travelers in a professional, yet personally sensitive manner, pro-viding the highest quality of services and best values possible always deliver-ing our promises and acting responsibly for the integrity of the natural environment

    and local communities.

    Welcome to Indochina

    This publication tells the story of Asiana Travel Mate; our humble beginnings,surprising growth, modest achievements and vision for the future. It is as mucha personal story as it is a corporate account, for we are a close knit community

    dedicated to our work, bonded by a common vision and shared values.

    Since we founded the company in 2006, we have been building on the ethical foun-

    dation of Responsible Travel and Sharing which now permeates our organizationfrom the grassroots and extends to our network of strategic partners.

    We believe in taking personal and corporate responsibility for the delivery of

    services as promised and in addressing any problems experienced by our travel-

    ers besides being sensitive to the natural and social environment. We endeavor to

    benefit local communities, especially where we have a presence, and have initiated

    ongoing community outreach programs and special events to do so.

    It is important that our corporate entity has a human face and heart and we are

    committed to provide our travelers with the best possible experiences in a profes-

    sional, yet personally sensitive manner. It is deeply fulfilling that we have been

    able to serve our travelers with integrity and competence, raise a new generation

    of dedicated professionals and share the benefits of the tourism industry with local

    communities. At the heart of our endeavors, is the love for our beautiful, peaceful

    homeland that we genuinely desire to share with our travelers.


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  • 8/8/2019 Asiana Travel Mate Profile


    The Mekong River dominates the grandvista of the lands of Indochina. Sereneand mysterious in the misty dawn, reflec-tive and romantic at twilight or brooding,turbulent and daunting in its flood, theMekong symbolizes the ebb and flow of

    the empires of the region; the glory of theKhmers that built Angkor, the elephant

    borne armies of ancient Laos that repelledthe Mongols, the era of French coloni-zation that gave the region its name andin the chapter of its historical narrativewithin living memory, the Vietnam War,the genocidal regime of the Khmer Rougethat followed and the quest of nationalismfrom which the contemporary nations ofVietnam, Laos and Cambodia have since


    The Mekong is the longest river in SouthEast Asia, flowing over four and a halfthousand kilometers through the north-south axis of Indochina. Springing fromthe glacial heights of the Tibetan Himala-yans, the Mekong plummets through theforested northern heights of Laos border-ing Burma, tumbles downward in a seriesof waterfalls and surging rapids to demar-cate the western extent of Laotian terri-tory south of its capital Vientiane with thenation of Thailand.

    Swelled by the tributaries from the Car-damon, Elephant and Dangrek mountainranges of Cambodia and the

    Annamese Cordillera parallel to the coastof Vietnam, the Mekong then surgesthrough the central Khmer lands. At its

    peak water levels during the rainy season,the Mekong creates the annual reverseflow of the Tonle Sap river into the great

    lake of its name where the ancient monu-ments of Angkor lie to its north.

    Entering Vietnam south of the Cambo-dian capital of Phnom Penh, the Mekongdeposits the fertile sediments of its long

    passage into the Mekong Delta and finallyemerges in the South China Sea. Mirror-ing this southern delta, the Red River Del-ta dominates northern Vietnam, flowingeastward into the Gulf of Tonkin.

    Indochina is the crossroads of South andEast Asian flora, unmatched in aspects of

    biodiversity throughout the Indo-Pacificwith over 700 species of birds and 183mammal species. Among these, the secre-tive northern mountains shelter the rareand endearing Red Panda, Pygmy Lorisand Tonkin Snub-nosed Monkey besidesthe better known Asian Elephant, Tigerand other endangered species. These high-lands also harbor the remnants of colorfulethnic communities whose origins lie inthe clans that fled the expansion of dynas-tic empires.

    Located between the Equator and theTropic of Cancer, the climate of Indochi-

    na is as varied as its biology. Although theregion has an overall monsoonal climateof wet and dry seasons, conditions rangefrom between tropical and temperatecharacteristics, variously supporting man-grove, montane or evergreen forests. The

    branches of leafless trees at the Tram TonPass in the foothills of Mount Fansipan,the apex of Indochina at over three thou-sand meters, glitter with frozen sheavesof ice while in the hot, humid delta citiesof the south, torrential rains overflow itscanals.

    Although the legacy of wars over the lastcentury lingers in aspects of contempo-rary life throughout Indochina, the strong

    communal bonds, deep rooted traditions,resilience and innovativeness of its peo-

    ple pervade these beautiful and enigmaticlands; The lands of the Mekong that havefascinated explorers, soldiers, adventur-ers, travelers and writers from throughoutits history to this day, etched in the heartsand minds of those, who have in variousways, been part of its perpetual ebb andflow.


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  • 8/8/2019 Asiana Travel Mate Profile


    The wisdom of the combined strength of three cords is a universal themereflected in the folklore of manAy nations and cultures. The three foldbond represents the principles of harmony and balance in a world of duality.In early 2006, Nguyen Dinh An (Andy), Nguyen Ngoc Quyet and Bui VanChi, decided to pool their experiences, skills and

    resources to establish a new and unique travel and tour company; AsianaTravel Mate.

    Vietnams tourism industry had been growing at an unprecedented rate, fromjust half a million visitors in 1993 to 4.5 million visitors by the year 2008,reflecting Vietnams growing popularity as a destination of choice in the AsiaPacific. However, much of its growth was relatively uncontrolled with manysmall players acting as agents rather than operators which often left a nega-tive gap in customer expectations of the delivery of services promised. In

    this scenario, the founders were determined to build a credible companycommitted to the principles of responsible travel and a culture of sharing.

    Andy says, Responsible travel is about traveling and operating in a way thataddresses our concerns for the environmental, cultural and s

    ocial impacts of tourism: to retain the integrity of sensitive ecosystems, tomaintain the traditions and natural character of communities ourtravelers interact with and generally to preserve the natural and cultural heri-tage for which visitors come to Vietnam, besides our responsibility to leavea positive legacy for future generations.

    Chi adds, We endeavor to benefit both travelers and localcommunities in a sustainable manner which has been our commitment sincethe companys inception.


    A three-fold cord is not quickly broken

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    Today, in the face of global envi-ronmental degradation, social andeconomic upheaval and transi-tions, our commitment is strongerthan ever. We have developed aclear set of criteria and Apracticesfrom the grassroots up to demon-strate our corporate and personal

    ethic of responsible travel and ofsharing the benefits of tourismwith local communities. We ex-

    pect that our travelers will sharethis ethic with us.

    Quyet adds another dimension tothe ethic of responsible travel andsharing; Internally, our responsi-

    bility extends to our relationshipswith our staff, strategic partners,

    suppliers andvendors... to empower them togrow with us with an equitableshare of the rewards, towards acommon vision and ultimately tomutually deliver our promises toour customers consistently.

    In 2006, Asiana Travel Matesfirst office was set up in the bus-tling tourist centre of Ho Chi

    Minh City. In that year, Vietnamrecorded 3.8 million tourist arriv-als and the company quickly be-gan securing a significant marketshare based on the quality of itscustomized services and commit-ment to its travelers. In late 2007

    the company extended its reachwith an office in the capital cityof Hanoi that spurred its growthfurther.

    In 2009, despite the global reces-sion, the travel and tourism indus-try contributed an estimated 13%

    of the GDP to the Vietnameseeconomy. However its impact onthe tourism industry weeded outmany travel and tour operatorswhile Asiana Travel Mate main-tained its revenue levels in-spiteof a drop in the number of travel-ers. Quyet says of the global crisisA time of crisis brightens peopleand companies of true integrity,capabilities and values while it

    exposes & terminates those to thecontrary.

    The company recognized oppor-tunities to consolidate and evenexpand its operations and quicklyadapted its strategies in the faceof the cumulative effects of theglobal recession.Inflation hovered at 30% andincreased fuel prices resulted in

    higher operational costs but ho-tels were promoting reduced ratesthat would benefit independenttravelers; the core of AsianasTravel Mates customer base

    The company also acquired con-

    trol of two premier cruise ships inHalong Bay, the Valentine and theCalypso and formed strategic

    partnerships to improve the qual-ity of its services, logistical andcost efficiencies. An office wasopened in the Hue, Central Viet-nam as well as in Laos and Cam-

    bodia, extending the companyspresence beyond Vietnam.

    Firmly built on the foundationof a commitment to responsibletravel and a culture of sharing,

    besides the leverage of its sub-stantial customer base and solidfinancial standing, the companyhas built its capacity to oper-ate throughout Indochina with

    a diverse range of customizeditineraries, routes and destina-tions. Asiana Travel Mate enjoysthe endorsements of its travel-ers and has handled over 40,000travelers since its inception. WithVietnams travel and tourism sec-tor projected to have the worldssixth-highest growth rate in thenext decade, Asiana Travel Mateis poised to offer its travelers even

    better value for money, quality ofservices and facilities in custom-ized, personalized tours through-out Indochina ... in the spirit ofresponsible travel and the cultureof sharing.

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    Nguyen Dinh An (1972) is the fatherof six children with the distinction ofhaving both twin sons and daughters. He

    lives with his family in the ancient citadel

    city of Hue. Andy, as he is also known, was

    born in the village of Tin in in H Tnh province on the north central coast. The

    village is nestled deep in the literary heart

    of Vietnam, the home of the celebrated

    18th century poet Nguyn Du, author of

    the epic poem, The Tale of Kiu.

    Andy began his career in the tourism in-

    dustry in the mid-nineties. In 1998, he

    guided Martin and Annie Coudeville from

    Oostende, Belgium on their first visit to

    Vietnam. It was the beginning of an on-

    going relationship that changed his life,

    giving him direction and opportunities he

    otherwise might never have had.

    Andys integrity, competence and natural

    qualities of leadership soon brought him

    into the ranks of management in some of

    the industrys leading companies. In 2006,

    tempered by a decade of experience, Andy,

    together with his friends Chi and Quyet,

    founded Asiana Travel Mate, establishingthe fledgling companys first office in Ho

    Chi Minh City that year. Bonded by a

    common vision of a company that would

    deliver on its promises and operate in a

    responsible manner, the trio formulated the

    principle of Responsible Travel and Shar-

    ing, with customized inbound travel and

    personalized services as the cornerstone of

    its operations. Asiana Travel Mates clien-tele base soon began to grow beyond ex-


    Andy is an intrepid photographer and is

    personally committed to the ideals of social

    responsibility, expressed through commu-

    nity outreach initiatives, now embedded

    as part of the companys operations. He is

    gifted with a knack for strategic market-

    ing initiatives and his visionary, egalitar-

    ian style of management has engendered a

    well motivated and competent work force

    that has vitalized the companys growth

    and direction.

    I believe in making things possible.

    Quote: Nguyen Dinh An


    Nguyen Dinh An (Andy)

    based in Hue, Central Vietnam.

    [email protected]

    Managing Director

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    Nguyen Ngoc Quyet (1977) was bornin the northern countryside of Ha Tay,one of Vietnams cultural repositories to the

    west of Hanoi in the Red River Delta. The

    regions famous sites includes Vietnams

    venerated cave temple, the Perfume Pa-

    goda. Quyet is a graduate of the Columbia

    Southern University, Saigon, with an MBA

    in Hospitality and Tourism Management.

    He now lives with his wife and daughter

    in the southern, commercial hub of Ho Chi

    Minh City.

    Quyet s deep passion for his homeland andhis penchant for travel, led him to join Andy

    and Chi to establish Asiana Travel Mate.

    Analytically inclined, he keeps an objec-

    tive pulse on the companys performance,

    monitoring and guiding the companys de-

    velopment through the use of information

    technology and computerized database sys-


    Quyets consistent and objective approach isbalanced by his warm, friendly personality

    and genuine concern for the welfare of the

    companys employees and its commitment

    to the indirect stakeholders of the tourism

    industry; the local communities.

    Nguyen Ngoc Quyet

    based in Saigon, Southern Vietnam.

    Bui Van Chi (1977) was born in NgheAn, the home province of Ho ChiMinh in the north central coast of Viet-nam. He majored in English and French

    at the University of Foreign Studies and

    in International Business Administration

    at the University of Economics in Hanoi

    where he now lives with his wife and


    Prior to the founding of Asiana Travel

    Mate in 2006, Chi traveled extensively

    throughout the northern territories of

    Vietnam as a tour guide, leading clas-

    sic and adventure tours. These included

    kayaking, cycling and trekking, activities

    and special assignments for film crews as

    well as location surveys. He later extend-

    ed his travel into Laos and Cambodia as a

    tour leader. In the course of his early ca-

    reer, Chi had worked with Andy and their

    common experiences led to a convergentoutlook and shared vision for the found-

    ing of Asiana Travel Mate.

    Chi has a talent for logistics management

    with a pragmatic and candid approach to

    operational concerns, keeping the com-

    panys tour operations on an even keel, in

    close liaison with the marketing team to

    deliver the scope and quality of services

    promised. His even tempered character

    and professionalism is an inspiration to

    staff based in Hanoi where the company

    has realized significant growth since it

    opened its offices in the capital city.

    Bui Van Chi

    based in Hanoi, Northern Vietnam.

  • 8/8/2019 Asiana Travel Mate Profile


    It is our goal to embed the ethic of Responsible

    Travel and Sharing within our corporate culture,

    guiding and permeating every aspect of our opera-

    tions, management, development and interaction

    with travelers and local communities. Our hope is

    that these values will spring from the heart to bedemonstrated by our staff, shared by our travelers

    and appreciated by local communities, wherever

    we may leave the imprint of our presence in the

    unique and beautiful lands of Indochina... for the

    enhancement of our natural and cultural heritage

    and quality of life in perpetuity.

    Extract: Open letter of Asiana Travel Mate founders, 2010.


    Asiana Travel Mate was founded in 2006, againstthe backdrop of unprecedented the growth oftourism in South East Asia with the consequent

    economic, social, cultural and environmental

    impacts, both beneficial and adverse. The last de-cade has also been marked by natural disasters,epidemics and the rise of global concern for

    environmental and social equity issues. In theface of both the opportunities and challenges,Asiana Travel Mate has grown beyond expectations

    within a relatively short period, the outcome of ourendeavors in providing personalized services with

    optimal values, efficiency and integrity.

    As a young company, we invariably project our-

    selves into the future and are deeply concerned

    about our responsibilities towards our travelers,

    local communities, our employees and the social,

    cultural and environmental impact of our

    operations. We believe in sharing the economic

    benefits of tourism towards improving the quality

    of life of local communities and in reaching out to

    the disadvantaged. We are orientated towards posi-tive cross cultural interactions, enhancement of


    culture and the conservation of natural environ-

    ments. Although our initiatives may be humble in

    scope, we are committed to act within our given

    sphere of influence and resources. Responsible

    Travel and Sharing ultimately concerns our

    accountability to future generations as a corporate

    entity and as individuals ... the legacy we will leave

    our children, community, nation and the world.

    Responsibility to travelers

    Asiana Travel Mate assumes responsibility forthe services and facilities it delivers, as com-mitted to travelers in a validated, personalized itin-

    erary. We are committed to delivering what is prom-

    ised in writing and will address any issues arising

    in the course of a tour towards an amicable settle-

    ment. The scope of our responsibility is complete

    and specific to all services and facilities we provide

    directly, over which we have complete control.We extend our responsibility in an intermediary

    role to address grievances in the case of service or

    facility providers over whom we do not have com-

    plete control but whom we have contracted or offi-

    cially endorsed. We are very selective in our choice

    of strategic partners that are an integral part of our

    operational or logistical capabilities and feedback

    from our travelers is appreciated and acted upon.

    We are implementing a system to set the criteria,

    evaluate performance and award a strategic

    partnership status that will carry our branding.Additionally, our travel advisory personnel are

    committed to providing unbiased, accurate and

    timely information, to guide potential travelers in

    deciding on their choices. They are expected to have

    the travelers best interest at heart and refrain from

    any form of sales manipulation or verbal promises

    beyond their scope of ensuring its fulfillment.

    Sharing with local communities

    Local communities are very close to our hearts.Some destinations and their people may havespecial significance, evoking poignant memories,

    challenging or inspiring the soul. Asiana Travel

    Mate acknowledges local communities as the cus-

    todians of their culture and traditional lands and is

    sensitive to the evolution of their way of life. We

    are committed to sharing the economic benefits

    of tourism in their localities, to promote equitable

    access to education, vocational training, career de-

    velopment and healthcare within our ability to do

    so. However, we believe that intervention should

    not be imposed upon any community inspite of

    benevolent intentions, but rather developed in true

    partnership with the community towards improving

    the quality of life.



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    Responsibility for the natural environment

    Operating in sensitive natural environments in-habited by people poses special challenges.Although local communities may traditionally have

    been custodians of their lands, they may often have

    limited control over development or may also inad-

    vertently be responsible for environmental degra-

    dation. Our approach is to totally avoid or minimizeany detrimental impacts of our operations in these

    areas, while promoting an awareness and action for

    the integrity of the ecosystem. Drawing upon the

    intimate knowledge of its people and expert sourc-

    es, we try to be informed about the relational dy-

    namics between the community, their environment

    and external factors, the status of flora and fauna

    and community livelihoods and resources. Our

    criteria for evaluating our impact is ultimately the

    outcome of our presence in contributing towards a

    better quality of life for the community and towards

    maintaining the integrity of the ecosystem.

    In wilderness areas with no permanent settlements,

    we are committed to the best practices of wilder-

    ness travel and living, with the objective of main-

    taining its original nature. These standards prohibit

    the exploitation or damage to flora and fauna, the

    introduction of foreign biological species, threat-

    ening intrusions to breeding, feeding or watering

    sites, disposal of inorganic, non-degradable materi-

    als or substances, fire or chemical hazards and un-natural noises.

    Besides the observation of these guidelines in wil-

    derness areas, Asiana Travel Mate cultivates the

    corporate and individual practice of the 4 Rs:

    Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rethink and is actively

    seeking collaborations with organizations and

    individuals involved in conservation and

    community livelihood initiatives in Indochina.

    Mutual responsibilities in social and

    cultural interactions

    The uniqueness and diversity of the social and

    cultural identity of Indochina are among the primary reasons that people travel to the region.

    Throughout history, travelers have variously

    described the region as being exotic, evocative, etc

    ... peculiar to their individual perception and

    experience. Not all descriptions have been

    complimentary and travelers may be tempted to

    impose the social and cultural values or behavioral

    norms of their home countries, adopt a negative or

    patronizing attitude, while others adapt with an

    unflappable sense of humor and revel in the


    Asiana Travel Mate recognizes the difficulties

    inherent in traveling through the Indochina region

    where social and cultural terms of reference may

    be so different and are committed to mediate and

    ensure the safety, comfort and enjoyment of our

    travelers. We are confident that our travelers will

    share the responsibility of maintaining the social

    and cultural integrity of the country and avoid

    compromising behavior. Besides the universal

    modes of friendly, polite and patient behavior, thereare subtle social and cultural nuances peculiar to

    each country. In accordance with the law, Asiana

    Travel Mate does not condone indulgence in prosti-

    tution, illicit drugs, drunken escapades or violence.

    Ultimately, Asiana Travel Mate assumes respon-

    sibility to promote the positive aspects of social

    and cross cultural interactions while mitigating the

    negative aspects.

    Note: Briefs are provided prior to travel, not as aset of behavioral rules but rather as insights intoissues such as concepts of privacy, intimacy andpersonal space, gestures and body language,

    dressing, rituals, photography, beggars andhustlers, street children and amputees, shopping,bargaining, etc.

    Besides the social and cultural interactions that take

    place in the course of travel, Asiana Travel Mate

    actively seeks collaboration with organizations and

    individuals to promote and enhance the social and

    cultural integrity of Indochina.

    Responsibility to empower employees

    Asiana Travel Mate is committed to provide a

    conducive physical and intellectual workingenvironment for its employees with opportunities

    for training, career development and stake-holding.

    We encourage an emergent leadership based on

    personal and professional integrity, a consistent re-

    cord of competent service, as well as interpersonal

    and communicative skills. We expect that our trav-

    elers will be considerate of their sense of dignity

    and self esteem, and will appreciate their varied

    personalities and special gifts while being patient

    with their limitations. We believe in an egalitarianstyle of management, strong teamwork bonded by a

    common vision and ultimately the empowerment of

    the individual to realize their potentials and achieve


  • 8/8/2019 Asiana Travel Mate Profile


    On the heights of the Tram Ton Pass at the north-westernmost border of Vietnam, the constant,wet winter winds blowing over the pass, adorn the

    trees in frozen sheafs of translucent ice like ethe-

    real leaves glittering in the morning light. Travel-

    ing over the Pass, the weather changes dramaticallyfrom cold and misty to warm and clear, underscor-

    ing the climatic diversity characteristic of Vietnam.

    Here in this region, the hill tribes have largely pre-

    served their rich and distinctive ethnic cultures in

    the ruggedly beautiful landscape of forested hills

    and valleys, waterfalls and streams. Tram Ton or

    Heavens Gate is Vietnams highest pass that lies

    along the route to Mt Fansipan (Phan Xi Phan) In-

    dochinas highest mountain at 3,143 meters. Clad

    in misty bamboo groves and montane forest, themountain, is the apex of the grand sweep of Viet-

    nams landscape that stretches 1,650km from the

    temperate north to the tropical south.

    The country encompasses a coastline of 3,260 km

    along the South China Sea (Bin ng East Sea)with the Annamite Mountain Range (Dy TrngSn) running parallel to the Vietnamese coast. Thefertile deltas of the Red River (Sng Hng) in thenorth and the Mekong in the south are the countrys

    major agricultural hubs. The Mekong, one of theworlds 12 great rivers, flows 4,220 kilometers from

    its sacred source in the Tibetan plateau, delineating

    the boundaries between Vietnam, Laos and Cam-

    bodia before the emptying into the South China Sea

    through 9 river mouths known as the Nine Dragons

    Cuu Long. With over 86 million people, of which

    53 ethnic groups comprise 10% of its population,

    Vietnam is the 13th most populous country in the

    world. Two thirds of Vietnams population lives in

    the Red River and Mekong River Deltas.

    Vietnam is one of the worlds twelve original cul-

    tivar centers in agricultural genetic diversity and

    among twenty five countries on the biodiversity

    index, ranked 16th in biological diversity, having

    16% of the worlds species with about a hundred

    endemic species of birds and mammals. The gov-

    ernment has established 28 national parks and in

    recent years, there has been several significant dis-

    coveries of new species.

    Embedded in the history of Vietnam is the long

    struggle of its people for independence, first from

    a thousand years of Chinese domination and in

    the last two centuries, the wars fought with France

    and America. Emerging from the devastation of

    prolonged war, North and South Vietnam was uni-

    fied in 1976 and ten years later in 1986, instituted

    economic and political reforms towards becoming

    part of the global community. By 2000, Vietnam

    had established diplomatic relations with most na-

    tions and in the past decade its economic growthhas been the second highest in the world.

    Traveling throughout or across any part of the length

    and breath of Vietnam, from the capital Hanoi to

    the northern highlands, through the central historic

    cities of Hue or Hoi An in the central region, or to

    the southern metropolis of Saigon, the traveler may

    discover Vietnams power to evoke the heart and

    stir the imagination... an enduring enigma beyond

    the diversity of its landscape and climate, the charm

    of its traditions or poignancy of its turbulent historymay at first seem to promise.

    V I E T N A MBrief overview of the country and its people.

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    Asiana Travel Mate focusses on individual, inbound travel into Vietnam, ex-tending to Cambodia and Laos. Our tours differ from most other operatorsin the Indochina region with our services geared towards customization for the

    individual, families and small groups although we also offer regular, scheduled

    tours. From the very first contact via the internet, or face to face over the counter,

    our consultants assist you in planning and budgeting your travel, paying specialattention to your personal needs and preferences.

    Considering the possible routes and modes of travel options between Vietnam,

    Laos and Cambodia, as well as available flights, overland terminal points, border

    crossings and comparative costs, Asiana Travel Mate makes it easier to under-

    stand the logistics of traveling through Indochina, to plan and customize your

    tour, saving time, money and redundant backtracking. The basic options are or-

    ganized into several modules to cover the northern, central and southern zones

    of Indochina, allowing for combinations and detailed customization according to

    the timeframe, budget, activities and destinations preferred.

    A unique feature of our operations is our commitment to the ethic of operating

    and traveling in a responsible manner and of sharing the benefits with the com-

    munities living in the destinations we visit. We are sensitive to the impacts of

    tourism on the natural and social environment and expect that our travelers will

    share our concerns.

    Our priority is always to deliver our services as promised and we endeavor to

    exceed expectations in terms of the quality of facilities, the competence of our

    guides, attention to details of your personal needs and every aspect of your itin-

    erary... that you may have a fulfilling experience with the best values available

    within your budget. The range of our travel products include the following and

    does not exclude other possibilities within our versatile capacity to customize

    and personalize your tour. Visit our website for de-

    tails on each of the following tour categories and specific itineraries.


    Responsible Travel and Sharing

    Soft and hard adventure tours are gearedtowards a safe experience of Vietnamsnatural and wilderness regions, with trained

    and experienced specialist guides possess-

    ing a good knowledge of the terrain, climaticconditions, customs and traditions of local


    Adventure travel takes you to the rare and

    beautiful frontiers of Indochina; trekking in

    the mountainous, forested regions of the Hill

    Tribes, cycling and boating along the river-

    ine labyrinths of the Mekong Delta, kayak-

    ing in the serene waters or rock climbing the

    spectacular limestone massif of Halong Bay,paddling through the rapids of the Nam Lik

    River in Laos, diving off Con Dao, Phu Quoc

    and Cham islands or exploring the National


    We use certified safety equipment and the

    best of local facilities available in remote re-

    gions and ensure that we have contingency

    and medical emergency measures in place.

    We do not operate any adventure travel unless

    we have a mutual understanding and agree-ment with you, of what constitutes the ac-

    ceptable risk factors to your health, safety or

    enjoyment and have all the necessary skilled

    personnel, equipment, facilities, safety, con-

    ADVENTURETrekking, cycling, kayaking, rockclimbing, diving, explorations & more.

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    The ubiquitous Vietnamese bicycle is a legendinscribed in the military annals of Vietnam,synonymous with the Ho Chi Minh Trail of the Viet-

    nam war. The historic trail was an intricate network

    of foot and bicycle paths, truck and riverine routes,meandering through rugged mountains and jungles,

    across countless streams and rivers, spreading into

    Laotian and Cambodian territories as the vital north

    to south military supply route. During the course

    of the war, the North Vietnamese army had trans-ported battalions of men and tons of supplies with

    trucks, boats and reinforced, tubeless bicycles over

    these daunting trails into the south. In an effort to

    staunch the flow, the American military deployed

    massive aerial bombardments, dropped movement

    sensors and even attempted cloud seeding and mud

    making chemical concoctions to make the trails


    Today, the bicycle remains a fundamental mode ofpersonal transport, often bearing heavy, oversized

    loads recalling the bicycle transportation battalions

    of the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Although without the

    hazards of rugged terrain or raining ordnance,

    negotiating the city streets of Vietnam may be abewildering experience. Traffic pours from

    thousands of alleys and side-streets into roadways,

    flowing like a ceaseless river current. However,

    bicycles enjoy a privileged right-of-way, vying

    with every sort of wheeled contraption for their

    indisputable share of the road... perhaps the saf-

    est self-drive option. Generally, the onus is on the

    faster motorized vehicular hordes to watch out for,

    and never to sideline the cyclist but to give berth

    and pass on.

    Cycling over extended distances uniquely enhances

    the senses of sight, sound and smell. Whether you

    choose a proven route or decide on pioneering one,

    it is a singularly, spontaneous and personal experi-

    ence with an incomparable sense of freedom; the

    exhilaration of viewing spectacular landscapes off

    the beaten track, cresting over hills and freewheel-

    ing down with the wind in your face, the quiet

    rhythm of life as you ramble along river banks and

    country tracks or explore the surprises of narrow

    city alleys. Breaks from cycling may find you in a

    boat in the labyrinths of the Mekong delta or river

    hollowed caves of Phong Nha, sipping rice wine or

    hot coffee in the misty, chilly heights of the Tram

    Ton Pass and villages of the hill tribes, resting by a

    waterfall or in a spontaneous encounter with

    delightful, curious children.



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    PREMIER TOURSLuxury travel orientated towards culture, history

    and special interest

    Our premier tours are custom designed for trav-elers who expect the highest levels of comfortand personal care, offering unique experiences and

    insights into the culture and history of Vietnam

    besides the best of its traditional cuisine.Led by expert guides who add to the depth and

    scope of your experience, these luxury tours may

    also be orientated towards the special interests of

    the the avid photographer, discerning gourmet,

    architectural connoisseur or intrepid global wan-

    derer ... or any other among the diverse range of

    special interests.

    Prior to your arrival, our consultants plan and

    provide for your personal preferences and special

    needs including health and dietary concerns. Of

    course, travel orientated towards culture, history

    and special interests can also be enjoyed by

    travelers on a modest budget without the luxury


    CORPORATE TRAVELMeetings, incentives, conferences and events (MICE)

    Our dedicated corporate travel team pays careful attention to every detail of the corporate travelersexacting requirements; from fully facilitatedcorporate events in the conference room or onboard a cruise ship, team building outdoor activities,

    exclusive gala dinners, banquets or cocktail

    receptions. Business travelers on exploratory trips may also tap into our resources for networking in

    the region.

    COUNTRY WIDE & REGIONAL TOURSIndochina - Vietnam, Cambodia & Laos.

    Asiana Travel Mate is especially adept athandling extended tours covering majordestinations throughout Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. Travel is carefully paced for a relaxed and ful-filling journey to gain an overview of the regions geography, history, culture, traditional rural and

    contemporary urban life.

    These extended tours often provide opportunities for closer interaction and deeper insights into the

    character and traits of its people. Some travelers find particular places especially appealing or

    develop friendships, deepened and enriched over subsequent return visits.

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    The trees are rooted deeply at Ta Prohm, amongstthe temples of Angkor, forever intertwined withthe ancient stones, towering above the highest pin-

    nacles. Roots and buttresses pry and wedge

    between the clefts of chiseled rock, lifting, heaving,

    shouldering aside the masonry so meticulously laid

    by the artisans of the once magnificent and power-

    ful kingdom of the God Kings. The botanic giants

    straddle the walled fortifications or grow placidly

    atop the roofs of stone, here where the

    enclosing forest has been left largely untouched. It

    is as if, these inexorable stewards of nature are

    signifying the transience of mans pomp and


    That evening, I had lingered till the quiet oftwilight. An old, solitary woman kindled a little fire

    within a tumbled corridor, the smoke rising into

    slanted shafts of light probing through the fissured

    rock. A wave of birds flocked among the treetops,

    a Shamas melody echoed through the stone cham-

    bers. Then, in the dappled light, draped upon the

    bas-relief carvings of the pitted stone walls, the As-

    para dancers seemed to come alive. For a fleeting

    moment, I was raptured in the splendid, sensuous

    glory that once was Angkor.

    From the travel journal of John Wong(tropixblue) 2008.

    (My photographs may be used with credits)



    Asiana Travel Mate constantly explores new routes anddestinations and the possibilities for innovative approaches, concepts and activities that add uniquedimensions to theintrepid travelers experience. These pioneering toursaddress the overused theme of being same, same but different to genuinely provide a difference; totake the traveler off the beaten track, both in geographical and experiential terms.

    The itineraries include secrets that are unlikely to be found, written in any depth, in travel guidebooks or logisticallyfacilitated by mainstream operators. Pioneering tours may be mutually planned and developed or cus-tomized to focus on the travelers personal interest or professional orientation. We are always open tosuggestions or recommendations from travelers who wish to go beyond the common tour offerings.

    PIONEERING TOURSNew routes and destinations,innovative travel concepts andactivity orientations.

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    Iam afloat in a wobbly basket off the Con Dao Archipelago, isolated mottled specks inthe South China Sea, some 180 km east from the Vietnamese coast. Otherwise calleda coracle, it is a round, woven bamboo boat, the underside covered in pitch. Rowingfrom our boat over the reef to land at Bay Canh island, I see the colonial era lighthouse

    perched 212 meters atop its highest peak. I huff up the concrete pathway stopping tomarvel at the rock-face, vegetation and vantage views of this awesome oceanic outpost.At the top, a French colonial building complemented the lighthouse tower, with thickwalls, huge arched doors and windows opening out to a long, wide corridor all around.Inside, a spacious aisle, between rooms on both sides, led to the spiral staircase andup into the beacon tower. There, I looked at the French engineering inscriptions andtrademarks of 1887, embossed onto the rotation machinery, although a modern rotating

    beacon is now in operation.

    It was stormy that night, the wind howled, bending the supple branches of Frangipanitrees beyond the huge, arched windows. The lighthouse beacon swept the night sky atrotation intervals of 10 seconds, its 3 beams apparently visible from 31 nautical milesaway, surely a boon to wave tossed, lonely seafarers on nights such as this. I had been



    offered the privilege of staying the night although only rudimentarybedding was available since the lighthouse had yet to be prepared toaccommodate overnight visitors.

    It dawned a pastel blue with the horizon stretching forever and thebreeze faintly scented with the sweetness of Frangipani flowers. A fewfishing boats like miniatures in the bay far below huddled together,seemingly a little tattered in the aftermath of the storm. Then, at ebbtide in the late morning, I went down to wade in the reef flat, startlinglittle crabs and fish. I have never seen as many Giant Clams all in onelittle bay. Embedded in the reef with opened lids, their brilliant azuremantles swayed gently in the shallows. Strange looking Starfish andSea Cucumbers vacuumed microscopic organic detritus in the scattered

    pools of the receding tide.

    From the travel journal of John Wong (tropixblue) 2008 (My pics maybe used with credits).

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    To serve our travelers and potential customersbetter, we have established a total of 06 officesin the principle cities of north, central and southVietnam, besides Cambodia and Laos. OurVietnam offices are located in the major touristdistricts of Hanoi, Hue and Ho Chi Minh City(Saigon) for greater visibility and access, as well asin the Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh andVientiane in Laos.

    SUPPORTING SERVICESAdditional services & special needs.

    Asiana Travel Mate provides a range of support-ing services to make your holiday memorableand free of inconveniences or problems. These in-clude online visa applications, airline reservations,car, motorbike or bicycle rentals and on special re-quest, health caretakers, chaperons or child-mind-

    ers. Travelers who require other services that wemay not undertake are redirected to the best alterna-tive providers within our extensive network, in anunbiased and responsible manner.


    Voluntary community service with special interesttravel and activities.

    Asiana Travel Mate is committed to communityoutreach as part of its ethic of responsible traveland sharing. Some of these initiatives are designedfor our travelers participation with revenuedirected to the cause of the program that

    benefit whole communities or deservingindividuals.

    These altruistic programs address issues of

    sustainable livelihoods, equal access to academic orvocational opportunities, preservation of the naturaland cultural heritage of custodian communities oremergency relief. Ultimately, our outlook is toengender self sustaining programs operatedlargely by communal stakeholders in partnershipwith Asiana Travel Mate and our concernedtravelers.

    MARKETING & SALESMarketing & Sales Policies

    Asiana Travel Mates fundamentalapproach to marketing and sales is built on theprinciples of integrity, providing accurate informa-tion, continual

    product development and optimal values. Our pri-ority is to deliver our marketing promises, address

    and rectify any grievances andcontinually anticipate ourtravelers needs andorientations. We believe in

    building a trustworthy brand and in growing indi-vidual,corporate and communal relationships for thelonger term, rather than mere marketing rhetoric,gimmicks or short term gains. These ethics guideour sales team and are embedded in every aspectof our operations as part of our corporate culture ofResponsible Travel and Sharing.

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    Extended Service FeaturesThese modern and comfortable sales offices are staffed by our travel consultants for extended hours, (from 08:30 hrs to 21:00 hrs local time), and for the con-venience of travelers, cash dispensers (ATM) and currency exchange counters are located in several of our premises. As an added convenience, high qualitymountain bicycles with safety headgear are available at all our offices.

    Internet Sales & Consultancy ServicesExtending our information, planning, and customization and reservation services globally, Asiana Travel Mate maintains an interactive presence on the Internetto provide free, spontaneous consultancy across differing time and geographical zones. Travelers may spontaneously communicate with our consultants throughthe free, downloadable text and voice messaging software SKYPE. In matters of extreme urgency, crisis or emergencies, telephone hotlines connect our travelersdirectly to management or the companys directors.

    The Truly Halong Center, Hanoi.www.trulyhalong.comIn Vietnams capital Hanoi, besides our sales offices, our staff are also based in the Truly Halong Center, primarily set up to promote Halong Bay as a destination

    besides providing a centralized point of sale for the services of passenger cruisers plying the waters of this Unesco world heritage site. The center has the highestrate of repeat customers in the business, testimony to the uniquely spectacular seascape and serene, ethereal experiences that our staff facilitate. Asiana TravelMate also manages the luxury passenger cruisers the Valentine and Calypso operating in the bay.

    The Tourism Information Center. Travel Mate is the exclusive, partner of choice for tour and travel services of the Tourist Information Center (TIC), Vietnams first multi-service travel and

    leisure information provider. Our role is to provide and ensure the quality of travel and tour operations offered at the center. Located in the main tourist districtsof Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, the plush centers provide a restful and comfortable environment where an average of over 500 daily visitors at each center freelyreceive assistance on destinations, activities and facilities available throughout the Indochina region.

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    Travel & tour advisory services

    Light & transfer reservations

    Overland travel arrangements

    Visa arrangements

    Hotels, spas, restaurants & golf course reservations

    Culinary classes, special activity arrangements

    Free city guidebooks and maps

    Free Internet access

    Free English language newspapers & magazines

    Travel books & postcards for sale

    Currency exchange

    24 hours ATM cash dispensers

    Premium handicraft display & sales

    Gloria Jeans Coffees

    Sushi Express

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    Asiana Travel Mate provides free and conve-nient access to accurate, updated, printedinformation on the range of destinations, routes, ac-tivities, meals and accommodation

    options available within its wide scope of opera-tions. These materials are available at all the com-panys offices, other selected venues and may also be delivered to international travel agents. Muchof the information has been gleaned from years ofexperience in the field and relationships with lo-cal communities, providing practical insights and

    privileged access not otherwise easily gained. Wealso value feedback from travelers to ensure the co-gency of ourcontent. Asiana Travel Mates policy is also to pro-mote the natural and cultural heritage ofVietnam through the printed media.

    Itineraries & Customization GuidelinesPrinted itineraries that outline regular, scheduled or

    packaged tours may be adapted forpersonalized, individual or small group travelwhile supplementary materials detail aspects of

    particular localities to enhance your experience orguide your choices in customizing your travel.

    City, country & regional mapsOur publications include maps, brochures and leaf-lets available free to travelers. City maps in particu-lar are often ground surveyed, to ensure it reflectsthe ever changing landscape ofVietnams fast developing cities and incorporatesnew or special points of interests. Countrywide andregional maps also incorporate these features.

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    Company FactsheetName

    Asiana Mate Travel Co. Ltd.

    Vietnamese Company NameCty Tnhh Du Lich Ban Duong Chau A

    International License

    0604/2006/tcdl-gp Lhqt

    Tax Code0304308170

    Head-office239 Pham Ngu Lao Str.Dist. 1, Hcmc, Vietnam

    Managing DirectorMr Nguyen Dinh An

    Fixed Phone Lines(84-8) 3838 6678 & 3508 7981

    Fax: (84-8) 3838 6676

    [email protected]

    Branch OfficesSales Outlets

    (Regional / Country Representatives?)Associated Companies


    Anz Bank11 Me Linh Square

    Dist. 1, Hcmc, VietnamTel: + 84 - 8 - 829 9319

    Fax No: + 84 - 8 - 829 9316

    Swift: Anzbvnvx472

    COUNTRY WIDE & REGIONAL TOURSIndochina - Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos

    Travelogue ~ Siem Reap ~ The Temple Trees of Angkor

    PIONEERING TOURSNew routes and destinations, innovative travel concepts and

    activity orientationsTravelogue ~ Con Dao Archipelago ~ A lonely outpost

    SUPPORTING SERVICESAdditional services and special needs.

    COMMUNITY OUTREACH PROGRAMSVoluntary community service with special interest travel and


    MARKETING & SALESGuiding principles and policies.

    Extended service features.Internet sales and consultancy services.

    The Truly Halong Center, Hanoi.The Tourism Information Center.

    Asiana Travel Mate / TIC provides.

    TOURISM PUBLICATIONSItineraries and customization guideline.

    City, country and regional maps.

    HISTORY OF ASIANA TRAVEL MATEA three-fold cord is not quickly broken.

    THE FOUNDERSNguyen Dinh An (Andy), based in Hue, Central Vietnam.Nguyen Ngoc Quyet, based in Saigon, Southern Vietnam.

    Bui Van Chi, based in Hanoi, Northern Vietnam.

    RESPONSIBLE TRAVEL AND SHARINGTravelers, community, environment, society & culture,


    V I E T N A MAn overview of the country and its people

    TRAVEL & TOUR OPERATIONSResponsible Travel and Sharing

    ADVENTURETrekking, cycling, kayaking, rock climbing, diving, explora-

    tions and more.Adventure highlights - the bicycle in Vietnam

    PREMIER TOURSLuxury travel orientated towards culture, history and special


    CORPORATE TRAVELMeetings, incentives, conferences and events (MICE).

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    Mission Statement

    Welcome to Indochina.