ARCC: Asia Gap Semester www.arccgap.com ● [email protected] Asia Gap Semester China | Vietnam | Cambodia | Thailand September 15 – December 13, 2015 Semester Highlights: Teach English in Chinese Villages that Have Never Been Visited by Native English-Speakers Discover Shaxi, a Remote Tibetan Town Nestled in the Foothills of the Himalayas Work with Youth Affected by Agent Orange in Vietnam Impact Lives While Installing Clean Water Filters in Homes in Cambodia Learn Firsthand the Story of Human Trafficking in Cambodia Immerse Yourself in Rural Life during a 10-Day Homestay in a Small Thai Village Care for and Rehabilitate Elephants in Thailand Alongside Local Biologists Become SCUBA Certified on the Thai Island of Koh Tao and Help Restore the Reef Days 1 – 5: Travel & Orientation to Beijing, China We begin our semester in San Francisco and fly together to Beijing, China where we start our orientation to Chinese culture, customs and language. Here we spend time coming together as a traveling community, setting both individual and group goals for the duration of the program. Our preparation includes mapping out our itinerary, introducing our curriculum, identifying projects in conjunction with our five essential themes and brainstorming ideas for our individual capstone projects. While in Beijing we find ourselves in an entirely different world. With 1.3 billion people, China is the most populous country in the world and Beijing is the perfect place to get oriented, as this ancient city offers an intriguing view of ‘old and new’ as skyscrapers blend with classic architecture. We explore the city and journey back in time hundreds of years to the magnificent

Asia Gap Semester - ARCC Programs · preparation includes mapping out our itinerary, introducing our curriculum, identifying projects in ... must-see sights, such as Ho Chi Minh's

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Page 1: Asia Gap Semester - ARCC Programs · preparation includes mapping out our itinerary, introducing our curriculum, identifying projects in ... must-see sights, such as Ho Chi Minh's

ARCC: Asia Gap Semester

www.arccgap.com ● [email protected]

Asia Gap Semester China | Vietnam | Cambodia | Thailand

September 15 – December 13, 2015

Semester Highlights: • Teach English in Chinese Villages that Have Never Been Visited by Native English-Speakers

• Discover Shaxi, a Remote Tibetan Town Nestled in the Foothills of the Himalayas

• Work with Youth Affected by Agent Orange in Vietnam

• Impact Lives While Installing Clean Water Filters in Homes in Cambodia

• Learn Firsthand the Story of Human Trafficking in Cambodia

• Immerse Yourself in Rural Life during a 10-Day Homestay in a Small Thai Village

• Care for and Rehabilitate Elephants in Thailand Alongside Local Biologists

• Become SCUBA Certified on the Thai Island of Koh Tao and Help Restore the Reef

Days 1 – 5: Travel & Orientation to Beijing, China

We begin our semester in San Francisco and fly together to Beijing, China where we start our

orientation to Chinese culture, customs and language. Here we spend time coming together as a

traveling community, setting both individual and group goals for the duration of the program. Our

preparation includes mapping out our itinerary, introducing our curriculum, identifying projects in

conjunction with our five essential themes and brainstorming ideas for our individual capstone

projects. While in Beijing we find ourselves in an entirely different world. With 1.3 billion people,

China is the most populous country in the world and Beijing is the perfect place to get oriented, as

this ancient city offers an intriguing view of ‘old and new’ as skyscrapers blend with classic

architecture. We explore the city and journey back in time hundreds of years to the magnificent

Page 2: Asia Gap Semester - ARCC Programs · preparation includes mapping out our itinerary, introducing our curriculum, identifying projects in ... must-see sights, such as Ho Chi Minh's

ARCC: Asia Gap Semester

www.arccgap.com ● [email protected]

Forbidden City where dynasties once reigned. We visit Tiananmen Square, which was constructed in

1949 as a symbol of the People’s Republic of China. Finally, we witness the achievements of modern

day China as we take in the Olympic Stadium, home of the 2008 Summer Olympics. Throughout this

exploration we take note of both the obvious and more subtle signs of growth and development.

No visit to China would be complete without visiting the iconic Great Wall; dating back to the 5th

century, the wall was built of stone and other earthen materials as a form of protection from various

nomadic groups. We spend a night sleeping on the wall, taking time to learn its rich history and

marvel at its construction.

Days 6 – 12: Liming & Meile Primary Schools

From Beijing we travel to the Yunnan province,

home to many of China’s ethnic minority groups.

Arriving into Liming, a picturesque community set

at the foot of a valley, we take in the sights of

rural China, noticing the vast difference between

the bustle of Beijing and the quiet of the

countryside. Until very recently, these villages

were relatively cut off from the rest of China and

did not receive much assistance. During our time

at the Liming Primary School we alternate

between studying the education system and

lending our skills in music and sport classes.

When our work is done we hike the Thousand Turtle Mountain and join in with the local Lisu minority

people for a bonfire party with lots of local dancing. After a couple days in Liming we venture further

into the countryside to Meile, an even more remote village in the mountains above Liming. Coming

face-to-face with this very impoverished community where the average income is less than

$600/year/person, we will work for two days at the local primary school, rebuilding some stoves

which are used to cook for the 200+ students who board at the school and teaching English.

Days 13 – 15: Tiger Leaping Gorge

Saying goodbye to our new friends in Meile, we drive to Qiaotou, the gateway to the famous Tiger

Leaping Gorge. Leaving our big bags behind, we spend the next two days hiking this world renowned

location. We brave the “28 bends,” a series of switchbacks taking you to the highest point of the Tiger

Leaping Gorge Trail and providing spectacular views of the imposing Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.

With comfortable guesthouses awaiting us every night, our hike in China is one we will never forget.

Days 16 – 21: Shaxi Ancient Town

In Shaxi we learn and participate in a grassroots microfinance project focused around tourism. Shaxi

is a remote town that still holds its customs and traditions very dear. However, in the ever-globalized

world, the villagers are exploring tourism efforts in order to raise the standard of living. We meet

Page 3: Asia Gap Semester - ARCC Programs · preparation includes mapping out our itinerary, introducing our curriculum, identifying projects in ... must-see sights, such as Ho Chi Minh's

ARCC: Asia Gap Semester

www.arccgap.com ● [email protected]

with Teacher Huang to understand the motivations behind the development of local homestays and

how they fit into his plans for tourism development in Shaxi. Over the next four days, we work on

developing the Shaxi homestays for the foreign

tourist market by giving hosts some background

on Western travelers and basic homestay

needs. We develop classes on Western culture,

lessons on meals and cooking and create a

welcome booklet for travelers. We also have

the opportunity to volunteer in the local

Kindergarten, where we teach simple English

songs, games and art to the students.

Days 22 – 29: Exploration in Hanoi, Sailing in

Halong Bay, and Village Stay

After a short journey to Vietnam, we find ourselves stepping into bustling city of Hanoi. Wandering

the back streets of the Old Quarter, we sample Pho, and gorge on delightful cuisine, while visiting

must-see sights, such as Ho Chi Minh's tomb and the One Pillar Pagoda. The next few days we

experience the breathtaking views of Halong Bay from aboard a traditional junk. Basking in the warm

ocean breezes and sleeping on deck for a two night excursion, we kayak to your own private island,

surrounded by the mystifying limestone cliffs of this UNESCO World Heritage Site.

For the next week we live in a community outside of Hanoi working with locals that have been

strongly impacted by the effects of Agent Orange. The aim of the village is to provide children,

veterans and youth volunteers with medical treatment, special education and vocational training

areas, with the goal to reintegrate them into their communities. We teach English lessons, help

around the grounds, and learn about the projects that students are working on (such as embroidery,

beadwork, etc), all the while forming close friendships with the eager Vietnamese students who have

long-anticipated our visit.

Days 29 – 36: Angkor Wat and Orphanage Work

Making our home in Siem Reap, Cambodia, we find

ourselves busy balancing work at the nearby

orphanage and school, with visits to the amazing

sights of this charming city. Experiencing one of the

World Wonders at sunrise, we take in the majesty of

Angkor Wat, wander down tree-lined narrow streets,

and improve on our bartering skills at Siem Reap's

famous night market, all the while observing the

differences in this new country. Having the

opportunity to impact hundreds of Cambodian youth

Page 4: Asia Gap Semester - ARCC Programs · preparation includes mapping out our itinerary, introducing our curriculum, identifying projects in ... must-see sights, such as Ho Chi Minh's

ARCC: Asia Gap Semester

www.arccgap.com ● [email protected]

at the Elma school, we learn about Cambodian education successes and failures, lending our services

as best we can.

Days 37 – 47: Working to Combat Human Trafficking

For the next 10 days we bunk up dormitory style on the grounds of our partner organization in

Kampong Speu. Partnering with a local organization whose mission is to combat human trafficking,

after effects of the Khmer Rouge era, we learn about their efforts to provide education and

employment opportunities to locals. With a focus on women and children, we have the opportunity

to assist in the hospitality school, work on bio-sand water filters and tutor in the local school. Sharing

meals with locals, facilitating computer classes and English lessons, conducting site visits and

constructing clean water filters, we learn about the many successes that have taken place in this

organization which is based in one of the poorest provinces in Cambodia.

Days 48 – 55: Bangkok Orientation and Exploration

Only a short flight from Cambodia, we arrive in Bangkok, Thailand, eager to embrace the friendly

people and culture awaiting us. While in Bangkok, we explore the canals by long boat, sample

incredible Thai delicacies and visit the great sights of Bangkok including the famous Grand Palace and

the Reclining Buddha. These days are busy exploring our new surroundings, as well as participating in

a thorough orientation of our new home country.

Days 56 – 75: Public Health and Education in Lom Sak

Travelling north from Bangkok, we arrive in the

small village of Lom Sak. Lom Sak and the

surrounding villages will be our home for the next

3 weeks, as we live, work and immerse ourselves in

the lives of local families. We truly become a part

of the family, as our gracious hosts invite us into

their lives and show us the hospitality for which

Thailand is famous. The Thai people love to show

guests their country and we benefit from family

tours not only around town, but also weekend trips

to famous temples, Nam Nao National Park and

other adventures.

During our time in the Lom Sak area, we give back to the community by teaching English in local

schools. Our orientation in Bangkok has prepared us with effective teaching tools and we work

alongside local Thai teachers to develop and implement exciting curricula for our eager students. We

also volunteer our time and efforts at Lom Sak Hospital. A testament to “ground-roots” village

improvement, the hospital was built entirely by contributions from the local community. We feel

Page 5: Asia Gap Semester - ARCC Programs · preparation includes mapping out our itinerary, introducing our curriculum, identifying projects in ... must-see sights, such as Ho Chi Minh's

ARCC: Asia Gap Semester

www.arccgap.com ● [email protected]

honored to be of assistance in this worthwhile endeavor and gain practical knowledge and experience

as we shadow health care professionals, helping them during their rounds.

Days 76 – 82: Kanchanaburi Orphanage Work and Elephant Rehabilitation

Having gained a thorough understanding of Thai culture and a basic grasp of the language during our

village homestays, we feel well-prepared to dive into

our next adventure. We travel to the small town of

Kanchanaburi where we will live and work in a local

orphanage. Here we touch on elements of both the

“Public Health” and “Literacy and Education”

components of our curriculum. In addition to joining

in the daily activities of the children and learning

about Thai public health services, we design and

facilitate an “English Camp,” an opportunity to truly

connect with the Thai youth and get to know them

on a more personal level. During our time here, we

take side trips to the historic River Kwai, the nearby floating markets and several local Buddhist


During our stay in Kanchanaburi, we also delve into the “Environment and Conservation” component

of our curriculum as we work with the Thai Elephant Conservation Center. Here we learn the basics

of elephant biology and how to care for these incredible animals. From our dedicated partners at the

conservation center, we learn firsthand the plight of Thailand’s indigenous elephants and what is

being done to help this species. We continue journaling and collecting interview material for use in

our Capstone Project.

Days 83 – 90: Gulf of Thailand Exploration, Koh Tao SCUBA Diving and Reef Clean-Up

We end our time in this wonderful country by relaxing on the Gulf of Thailand’s serene beaches. Off

the island of Koh Tao we explore the incredible array of multi-colored fish and corals populating

Thailand’s extravagant reefs. During the day we complete our PADI dive certification while at night

we enjoy the quiet beauty of Koh Tao. Those new to diving will have the chance to earn their Open

Water Diver certification, while experienced divers can earn their Advanced Diver certificate. As our

semester comes to a close, there is no question our learning and living during these three months will

prepare us for the rest of our lives. As we savor our last week together, we are excited to head home

to share our newly gained knowledge and insights from our firsthand look at the global issues facing

China, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand.

Please note: Itinerary is subject to change