U(D54G1D)y+%!%!&!?!z Like most actors, Bryce Dallas Howard is used to showing up on film sets knowing what lines she’s supposed to say, when she’s sup- posed to say them and, often, not much more. Things are very different on “Jurassic World: Dominion,” one of the first major Hollywood stu- dio films to restart production since the coronavirus pandemic led to a global shutdown in March. Before agreeing to return to Pinewood Studios outside Lon- don, Ms. Howard and other mem- bers of the cast grilled producers and executives from the studio be- hind the movie, Universal, through a series of Zoom calls and emails about what precautions were being taken. Ms. Howard now knows every- thing from how to attach her mi- crophone before filming — she does it herself outside, with help from her dresser, as a boom opera- tor wearing a mask and a shield instructs them — to the person who makes her bed at the luxury hotel Universal has rented out for 20 weeks for the cast and crew. “Until now, actors were not re- ally included in prep,” Ms. Howard said in a phone interview, refer- ring to the moviemaking process as “a need-to-know-business.” “But in order to get any of us on a plane, we had to thoroughly un- derstand the protocols, who was involved and hear second and third opinions. We are the guinea Hollywood Is Restarting Its Blockbuster Machine Far From Home By NICOLE SPERLING and BROOKS BARNES Actors Are Guinea Pigs for Vast Precautions Continued on Page A6 WILMINGTON, Del. — Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Senator Kamala Harris made their debut as run- ning mates in a high school gym- nasium on Wednesday, pledging to lead the country out of the coro- navirus crisis amid an onslaught of attacks from President Trump as the two national tickets went head-to-head for the first time, less than three months before Election Day. The first full day for the new Democratic presidential ticket of- fered a glimpse of how two once- bitter rivals from opposite coasts and different generations will try to unite Americans around their platform. Projecting warmth to- ward each other, they sketched out a vision of recovery from the nation’s crises surrounding public health, the economy and racial in- justice — challenges that, they ar- gued, Mr. Trump has made worse at every turn with an extraordi- narily divisive presidency. “We need more than a victory on Nov. 3,” Ms. Harris said. “We need a mandate that proves that the past few years do not repre- sent who we are or who we aspire to be.” Ms. Harris, a Californian who once served as attorney general of the state, made clear that part of her campaign role would be dem- onstrating her skills as a prosecu- tor to build a case against Mr. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, methodically detailing what she cast as the administra- tion’s failures in combating the co- ronavirus, reopening the econ- omy and creating conditions un- der which schools could reopen safely this fall. “Let me tell you, as somebody who has presented my fair share of arguments in court, the case against Donald Trump and Mike Pence is open and shut,” Ms. Har- ris said. Other contours of Ms. Harris’s role in the campaign also started coming into focus on Wednesday. A Biden adviser described Ms. Harris as well positioned to con- nect with Black and Latino voters across the country as well as with suburban women, saying that the campaign expected her presence on the ticket to drive turnout in Arizona, Florida and Texas in par- BIDEN AND HARRIS VOW TO REVIVE U.S. AS TRUMP ATTACKS First Taste of Clash Between Tickets By KATIE GLUECK and THOMAS KAPLAN Continued on Page A15 WASHINGTON — Opening an ugly new chapter in the 2020 cam- paign, President Trump and allies in the Republican Party and on Fox News have swiftly gone all-in on sexist and personal attacks against Kamala Harris, the Demo- cratic vice-presidential candidate, from Mr. Trump demeaning her as “angry” and “horrible” to com- mentators mocking her first name to comparing her to “payday lend- ers.” Hours after Ms. Harris was an- nounced, Mr. Trump described her as “nasty” or “nastier” four times — terms he often uses for fe- male opponents — and com- plained that her tough question- ing was disrespectful to Brett M. Kavanaugh during Supreme Court confirmation hearings. And on Wednesday, after Joseph R. Bi- den Jr. and Ms. Harris held their first joint appearance, Mr. Trump claimed without evidence that Ms. Harris was furious when she left the Democratic primary race af- ter falling in the polls. “She left angry, she left mad,” he said. “There was nobody more in- sulting to Biden than she was.” One right-wing commentator, Dinesh D’Souza, appeared on Fox News to question whether Ms. Harris, the junior senator from California and a child of immi- grants from Jamaica and India, could truly claim she was Black. And on Tuesday night, Tucker Carlson, the Fox News host, mis- pronounced her first name, even growing angry when corrected. “So what?” he said, when a guest told him it was pronounced “Comma-la.” (Fox News declined to comment on the exchange.) On Twitter, Eric Trump, one of the president’s sons, favorited a tweet, which was later deleted, that referred to Ms. Harris as a “whorendous pick.” Jenna Ellis, a senior legal adviser to the Trump campaign, posted during Ms. Har- ris’s first speech as Mr. Biden’s running mate on Wednesday, “Ka- mala sounds like Marge Simp- son.” Mr. Trump added to the barrage with a racist tweet on Wednesday morning claiming that Mr. Biden would put another Black leader, Senator Cory Booker of New Jer- sey, in charge of low-income hous- G.O.P. Falls Back on Pattern of Insults By ANNIE KARNI and JEREMY W. PETERS Senator Kamala Harris with Joseph R. Biden Jr. on Wednesday in Wilmington, Del. “Her story’s America’s story,” Mr. Biden said. ERIN SCHAFF/THE NEW YORK TIMES DIEGO IBARRA SANCHEZ FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES Children who need chemotherapy have nowhere to turn after hospitals were destroyed. Page A11. Caught in Beirut Fallout CANTON, Ga. — The first letter went out on Aug. 4, one day after students in the Cherokee County School District returned to their classrooms for the first time since the eruption of the coronavirus pandemic. “Dear Parents,” wrote Dr. Ash- ley Kennerly, the principal of Sixes Elementary School. “I am writing this letter in order to com- municate that a student in 2nd grade has tested positive for Covid-19.” By the time the last bell rang on Friday afternoon, principals at 10 other schools had sent similar let- ters to families in Cherokee County, a bucolic and politically conservative stretch of suburbs north of Atlanta. This week, more letters went out. Nearly 1,200 students and staff members in the district have al- ready been ordered to quarantine. On Tuesday, one high school closed its doors until at least Aug. 31. A second high school followed on Wednesday. While many of the nation’s larg- est school systems have opted to start the academic year online, other districts have forged ahead with reopening. In Georgia, Ten- nessee, Mississippi, Indiana and elsewhere, some schools, mainly in suburban and rural areas, have been open for almost two weeks. Their experience reveals the perils of returning to classrooms in places where the coronavirus has hardly been tamed. Students and teachers have immediately Back to School in Georgia: 1,193 Are Quarantined By RICHARD FAUSSET A District’s Reopening Amid Growing Cases Exposes Risks Continued on Page A7 HONG KONG — Li Qianxin, the elder daughter of the Chinese Communist Party’s No. 3 leader, has quietly crafted a life in Hong Kong that traverses the city’s fi- nancial elite and the secretive world of Chinese politics. For years, she has mingled with senior executives of state compa- nies through Hong Kong and mainland professional clubs known for grooming the sons and daughters of officials. She has rep- resented Hong Kong in Chinese provincial political advisory groups. She is the chairwoman of a state-owned investment bank based in Hong Kong that has long done business with the relatives of top Chinese officials. Ms. Li, 38, also has deep finan- cial roots in the city, having bought a $15 million, four-story townhouse perched high above a beach. Her partner owns a now- retired racehorse and spent hun- dreds of millions on a stake in the storied Peninsula Hotel that he later sold. Ms. Li and other members of the Communist nobility are em- bedded in the fabric of Hong Kong’s society and its financial system, binding the former British colony closer to the main- land. By building alliances and putting their money into Hong Kong’s real estate, China’s top leaders have inextricably linked themselves to the fate of the city. As the party now takes a strong- er hand in running Hong Kong, Lavish Homes Tie China Elite To Hong Kong By ALEXANDRA STEVENSON and MICHAEL FORSYTHE Continued on Page A12 Continued on Page A16 Many city residents and workers had been lukewarm on car ownership. Then came the pandemic. Above, Troy Kelley, who commutes in his Mercedes. PAGE D1 THURSDAY STYLES D1-6 New York, Motor City In the Covid era, some theaters stage scenes in parks and fields. Above, actors in a park on the Niagara Gorge. PAGE C1 ARTS C1-8 A Show (and a Walking Tour) Australian descendants of Pacific is- landers are examining their 19th-cen- tury ancestors’ servitude. PAGE A10 INTERNATIONAL A9-12 ‘No Slavery,’ but Close Sumner Redstone, who was 97, was relentless in building a huge media empire that included CBS and Viacom and dominated the screen age. PAGE B1 BUSINESS B1-7 Death of a Media Mogul A sheriff in Florida forbade his deputies to wear masks, with some exceptions, and also barred visitors to sheriff’s offices from wearing them. PAGE A6 TRACKING AN OUTBREAK A4-8 Still Fighting Over Masks The Big 12 announced its football schedule, but TV networks will still reel from the decision by other conferences to postpone their seasons. PAGE B10 SPORTSTHURSDAY B9-12 In Colleges, Confusion Wins Five New Yorkers describe the night they were arrested during Black Lives Matter demonstrations. PAGE A18 NATIONAL A13-21 After Being Detained Tickets have been sold for livestream shows by performers like Renée Flem- ing, Daniil Trifonov and others. PAGE C3 Backing Classical Music Online In an oral history released after his death, Brent Scowcroft reflects on some of the failed decisions on Iraq. PAGE A17 Regrets of a Policy Giant Firearms smuggled into Britain are said to be contributing to a surge in gang-related crime there. PAGE A9 U.S. Guns in the U.K. Gail Collins PAGE A22 EDITORIAL, OP-ED A22-23 The coronavirus is raging through the White Mountain Apache tribe. Spread across a large reservation in eastern Ari- zona, the Apaches have been in- fected at more than 10 times the rate of people in the state as a whole. Yet their death rate from Covid-19 is far lower, just 1.3 per- cent, as compared with 2.1 percent in Arizona. Epidemiologists have a hopeful theory about what led to this startling result: Intensive contact tracing on the reservation likely enabled teams that included doctors to find and treat gravely ill people before it was too late to save them. A crucial tool has been a simple, inexpensive medical device: an oximeter that, clipped to a finger, detected dangerously low blood oxygen levels in people who often didn’t even realize they were seri- ously ill. Contact tracing is generally used to identify and isolate the in- fected, and to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Elsewhere in the United States, the strategy mostly is failing; the virus has spread too widely, and tracers are struggling to keep up. But on the reservation, contact tracers have discovered effective new tactics as they trek from home to faraway home. They may not have been able to stop the vi- rus, but they have managed to prevent it from causing so many deaths. “This is really not about contact tracing cutting down spread,” said Dr. Arnold Monto, a professor of epidemiology and public health at the University of Michigan who was not involved in the project but reviewed the findings. “Do it right, and the mortality will be lower.” “This could help with other hard-to-reach communities,” he added. “If we identify cases sooner, they won’t come in half On Apache Reservation, Clues To Keeping Down Death Toll By GINA KOLATA and TOMÁS KARMELO AMAYA Continued on Page A5 Late Edition VOL. CLXIX .... No. 58,784 © 2020 The New York Times Company NEW YORK, THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 2020 Today, sunshine, showers or thun- derstorms, high 84. Tonight, cloudy, thunderstorms in areas, low 72. To- morrow, showers or thunderstorms, high 83. Weather map, Page B8. $3.00

AS TRUMP ATTACKS VOW TO REVIVE U.S. BIDEN …...22 hours ago  · gued, Mr. Trump has made worse at every turn with an extraordi-narily divisive presidency. We need more than a victory

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Page 1: AS TRUMP ATTACKS VOW TO REVIVE U.S. BIDEN …...22 hours ago  · gued, Mr. Trump has made worse at every turn with an extraordi-narily divisive presidency. We need more than a victory

C M Y K Nxxx,2020-08-13,A,001,Bs-4C,E1


Like most actors, Bryce DallasHoward is used to showing up onfilm sets knowing what lines she’ssupposed to say, when she’s sup-posed to say them and, often, notmuch more.

Things are very different on“Jurassic World: Dominion,” oneof the first major Hollywood stu-dio films to restart production

since the coronavirus pandemicled to a global shutdown in March.Before agreeing to return toPinewood Studios outside Lon-don, Ms. Howard and other mem-bers of the cast grilled producersand executives from the studio be-hind the movie, Universal,through a series of Zoom calls andemails about what precautionswere being taken.

Ms. Howard now knows every-thing from how to attach her mi-

crophone before filming — shedoes it herself outside, with helpfrom her dresser, as a boom opera-tor wearing a mask and a shieldinstructs them — to the personwho makes her bed at the luxury

hotel Universal has rented out for20 weeks for the cast and crew.

“Until now, actors were not re-ally included in prep,” Ms. Howardsaid in a phone interview, refer-ring to the moviemaking processas “a need-to-know-business.”“But in order to get any of us on aplane, we had to thoroughly un-derstand the protocols, who wasinvolved and hear second andthird opinions. We are the guinea

Hollywood Is Restarting Its Blockbuster Machine Far From HomeBy NICOLE SPERLINGand BROOKS BARNES

Actors Are Guinea Pigsfor Vast Precautions

Continued on Page A6

WILMINGTON, Del. — JosephR. Biden Jr. and Senator KamalaHarris made their debut as run-ning mates in a high school gym-nasium on Wednesday, pledgingto lead the country out of the coro-navirus crisis amid an onslaughtof attacks from President Trumpas the two national tickets wenthead-to-head for the first time,less than three months beforeElection Day.

The first full day for the newDemocratic presidential ticket of-fered a glimpse of how two once-bitter rivals from opposite coastsand different generations will tryto unite Americans around theirplatform. Projecting warmth to-ward each other, they sketchedout a vision of recovery from thenation’s crises surrounding publichealth, the economy and racial in-justice — challenges that, they ar-gued, Mr. Trump has made worseat every turn with an extraordi-narily divisive presidency.

“We need more than a victoryon Nov. 3,” Ms. Harris said. “Weneed a mandate that proves thatthe past few years do not repre-sent who we are or who we aspireto be.”

Ms. Harris, a Californian whoonce served as attorney general ofthe state, made clear that part ofher campaign role would be dem-onstrating her skills as a prosecu-tor to build a case against Mr.Trump and Vice President MikePence, methodically detailingwhat she cast as the administra-tion’s failures in combating the co-ronavirus, reopening the econ-omy and creating conditions un-der which schools could reopensafely this fall.

“Let me tell you, as somebodywho has presented my fair shareof arguments in court, the caseagainst Donald Trump and MikePence is open and shut,” Ms. Har-ris said.

Other contours of Ms. Harris’srole in the campaign also startedcoming into focus on Wednesday.A Biden adviser described Ms.Harris as well positioned to con-nect with Black and Latino votersacross the country as well as withsuburban women, saying that thecampaign expected her presenceon the ticket to drive turnout inArizona, Florida and Texas in par-


AS TRUMP ATTACKSFirst Taste of Clash

Between Tickets


Continued on Page A15

WASHINGTON — Opening anugly new chapter in the 2020 cam-paign, President Trump and alliesin the Republican Party and onFox News have swiftly gone all-inon sexist and personal attacksagainst Kamala Harris, the Demo-cratic vice-presidential candidate,from Mr. Trump demeaning her as“angry” and “horrible” to com-mentators mocking her first nameto comparing her to “payday lend-ers.”

Hours after Ms. Harris was an-nounced, Mr. Trump describedher as “nasty” or “nastier” fourtimes — terms he often uses for fe-male opponents — and com-plained that her tough question-ing was disrespectful to Brett M.Kavanaugh during SupremeCourt confirmation hearings. Andon Wednesday, after Joseph R. Bi-den Jr. and Ms. Harris held theirfirst joint appearance, Mr. Trumpclaimed without evidence that Ms.Harris was furious when she leftthe Democratic primary race af-ter falling in the polls.

“She left angry, she left mad,” hesaid. “There was nobody more in-sulting to Biden than she was.”

One right-wing commentator,Dinesh D’Souza, appeared on FoxNews to question whether Ms.Harris, the junior senator fromCalifornia and a child of immi-grants from Jamaica and India,could truly claim she was Black.And on Tuesday night, TuckerCarlson, the Fox News host, mis-pronounced her first name, evengrowing angry when corrected.

“So what?” he said, when aguest told him it was pronounced“Comma-la.” (Fox News declinedto comment on the exchange.)

On Twitter, Eric Trump, one ofthe president’s sons, favorited atweet, which was later deleted,that referred to Ms. Harris as a“whorendous pick.” Jenna Ellis, asenior legal adviser to the Trumpcampaign, posted during Ms. Har-ris’s first speech as Mr. Biden’srunning mate on Wednesday, “Ka-mala sounds like Marge Simp-son.”

Mr. Trump added to the barragewith a racist tweet on Wednesdaymorning claiming that Mr. Bidenwould put another Black leader,Senator Cory Booker of New Jer-sey, in charge of low-income hous-

G.O.P. Falls Back onPattern of Insults


Senator Kamala Harris with Joseph R. Biden Jr. on Wednesday in Wilmington, Del. “Her story’s America’s story,” Mr. Biden said.ERIN SCHAFF/THE NEW YORK TIMES


Children who need chemotherapy have nowhere to turn after hospitals were destroyed. Page A11.Caught in Beirut Fallout

CANTON, Ga. — The first letterwent out on Aug. 4, one day afterstudents in the Cherokee CountySchool District returned to theirclassrooms for the first time sincethe eruption of the coronaviruspandemic.

“Dear Parents,” wrote Dr. Ash-ley Kennerly, the principal ofSixes Elementary School. “I amwriting this letter in order to com-municate that a student in 2ndgrade has tested positive forCovid-19.”

By the time the last bell rang onFriday afternoon, principals at 10

other schools had sent similar let-ters to families in CherokeeCounty, a bucolic and politicallyconservative stretch of suburbsnorth of Atlanta. This week, moreletters went out.

Nearly 1,200 students and staffmembers in the district have al-ready been ordered to quarantine.On Tuesday, one high school

closed its doors until at least Aug.31. A second high school followedon Wednesday.

While many of the nation’s larg-est school systems have opted tostart the academic year online,other districts have forged aheadwith reopening. In Georgia, Ten-nessee, Mississippi, Indiana andelsewhere, some schools, mainlyin suburban and rural areas, havebeen open for almost two weeks.

Their experience reveals theperils of returning to classroomsin places where the coronavirushas hardly been tamed. Studentsand teachers have immediately

Back to School in Georgia: 1,193 Are QuarantinedBy RICHARD FAUSSET A District’s Reopening

Amid Growing CasesExposes Risks

Continued on Page A7

HONG KONG — Li Qianxin, theelder daughter of the ChineseCommunist Party’s No. 3 leader,has quietly crafted a life in HongKong that traverses the city’s fi-nancial elite and the secretiveworld of Chinese politics.

For years, she has mingled withsenior executives of state compa-nies through Hong Kong andmainland professional clubsknown for grooming the sons anddaughters of officials. She has rep-resented Hong Kong in Chineseprovincial political advisorygroups. She is the chairwoman ofa state-owned investment bankbased in Hong Kong that has longdone business with the relatives oftop Chinese officials.

Ms. Li, 38, also has deep finan-cial roots in the city, havingbought a $15 million, four-storytownhouse perched high above abeach. Her partner owns a now-retired racehorse and spent hun-dreds of millions on a stake in thestoried Peninsula Hotel that helater sold.

Ms. Li and other members ofthe Communist nobility are em-bedded in the fabric of HongKong’s society and its financialsystem, binding the formerBritish colony closer to the main-land. By building alliances andputting their money into HongKong’s real estate, China’s topleaders have inextricably linkedthemselves to the fate of the city.

As the party now takes a strong-er hand in running Hong Kong,

Lavish HomesTie China EliteTo Hong KongBy ALEXANDRA STEVENSON


Continued on Page A12

Continued on Page A16

Many city residents and workers hadbeen lukewarm on car ownership. Thencame the pandemic. Above, Troy Kelley,who commutes in his Mercedes. PAGE D1


New York, Motor CityIn the Covid era, some theaters stagescenes in parks and fields. Above, actorsin a park on the Niagara Gorge. PAGE C1


A Show (and a Walking Tour)Australian descendants of Pacific is-landers are examining their 19th-cen-tury ancestors’ servitude. PAGE A10


‘No Slavery,’ but Close

Sumner Redstone, who was 97, wasrelentless in building a huge mediaempire that included CBS and Viacomand dominated the screen age. PAGE B1


Death of a Media MogulA sheriff in Florida forbade his deputiesto wear masks, with some exceptions,and also barred visitors to sheriff’soffices from wearing them. PAGE A6


Still Fighting Over Masks

The Big 12 announced its footballschedule, but TV networks will still reelfrom the decision by other conferencesto postpone their seasons. PAGE B10


In Colleges, Confusion WinsFive New Yorkers describe the nightthey were arrested during Black LivesMatter demonstrations. PAGE A18


After Being Detained

Tickets have been sold for livestreamshows by performers like Renée Flem-ing, Daniil Trifonov and others. PAGE C3

Backing Classical Music OnlineIn an oral history released after hisdeath, Brent Scowcroft reflects on someof the failed decisions on Iraq. PAGE A17

Regrets of a Policy GiantFirearms smuggled into Britain aresaid to be contributing to a surge ingang-related crime there. PAGE A9

U.S. Guns in the U.K.

Gail Collins PAGE A22


The coronavirus is ragingthrough the White MountainApache tribe. Spread across alarge reservation in eastern Ari-zona, the Apaches have been in-fected at more than 10 times therate of people in the state as awhole.

Yet their death rate fromCovid-19 is far lower, just 1.3 per-cent, as compared with 2.1 percentin Arizona. Epidemiologists havea hopeful theory about what led tothis startling result: Intensivecontact tracing on the reservationlikely enabled teams that includeddoctors to find and treat gravely illpeople before it was too late tosave them.

A crucial tool has been a simple,inexpensive medical device: anoximeter that, clipped to a finger,detected dangerously low bloodoxygen levels in people who oftendidn’t even realize they were seri-ously ill.

Contact tracing is generallyused to identify and isolate the in-

fected, and to slow the spread ofthe coronavirus. Elsewhere in theUnited States, the strategy mostlyis failing; the virus has spread toowidely, and tracers are strugglingto keep up.

But on the reservation, contacttracers have discovered effectivenew tactics as they trek fromhome to faraway home. They maynot have been able to stop the vi-rus, but they have managed toprevent it from causing so manydeaths.

“This is really not about contacttracing cutting down spread,” saidDr. Arnold Monto, a professor ofepidemiology and public health atthe University of Michigan whowas not involved in the project butreviewed the findings. “Do itright, and the mortality will belower.”

“This could help with otherhard-to-reach communities,” headded. “If we identify casessooner, they won’t come in half

On Apache Reservation, CluesTo Keeping Down Death Toll


Continued on Page A5

Late Edition

VOL. CLXIX . . . . No. 58,784 © 2020 The New York Times Company NEW YORK, THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 2020

Today, sunshine, showers or thun-derstorms, high 84. Tonight, cloudy,thunderstorms in areas, low 72. To-morrow, showers or thunderstorms,high 83. Weather map, Page B8.
