•:■ ,'t:ypiSaiKa;.Nu»n^ i. ■ '■ •■ A s Him Qmmes^' . liisSiiSS ideA^Hiftm ^ ' lo«t«l«ct of Oomftny, arrived in V ttendow th^g.jfiicli.IinQd Uie;B ia th 6:iBubnrb» to the Wilh< - .Hiadoabiaig: wa«‘- aiiowercd' wJ tdio^l girlMas bi lett Us Baaaove ' ^ commands,jOeharaJ von Xinhi] ....... : -™ iV :.b lm good, Icclj, whflo Hox fibuorv, d^vmd aa oddrw of ' B ^IN . Mb/ ii.-Two rolcliiban- ■ n o r, men w «n abot fo OoiUU nuil Jl .tito othora' aod a boM proprJotor fl MrJou.ly wotwdod lo lhe Ilm out- T oroak of serlou* •trouble noar Dar- JJo,,oa JJao.'cccjuJm: or tfte irJumphai S!i3iJf---m von uin, f^S°l>MVjtO/.auaa0 tbo proaldancy pf.lho.-,r*p^bllo.-. : .:TbB.«aWBAq«currod .flt oilflrltcFB. iomptjrf,.to.,«p*| nfm„from ao lon. UerllDv.Bttilod: Itielt for tho ibock . POM.lbJ<v claiho».li«tW8oa comraun- ‘•‘f. '" > 1 «.®®0 ' . Poilc4.';-tho,; tarsest'moblllM tloD In • tJjo fl*pJtAl'0, iila tc v . wero-on duly. HundroOii o t ditocUvoa mliistoU wJis-.tlio (lirohsii tbnt turnnl to lho .routo ot llliidOnburt’a arrival. . Alrplaooc carryln* i»otico. . flow bttckVAod.forlJi. o w the dty. ou tbe look^t for’il^turbancu.. - ThoA :^«o;'.'ao : inartlal mualc, no ba««^,w^v*i-: boln*. pormltted. ft«*oa OerKn ■ Ja tho ^ttm r-rnomlD* lu .thouuDdi vpoD: v<tiouMDda Knod the atroou ’ SwrtS' . .-*• IUM.fcpw^«lo ot numorouv ortu F! £ -. Two . hiuidrod;. thoaaand >inaDibcrs da of tho variout mlliUot jirganftaUoo* an went throujfh, mllltAty drUla, bul jia 'Without baoda, bofora. Uklng Uietr oli ; . ptaeoa Along’tho Jlno which Iho pror Inl . cesaloa'WM to follow. '. yoi ■HlaaeBborti tnJB was. duo 'at * Ktoralraajo atation at G p.- tn. 'ami th« haun ti«ror« (fta^ Umo b it cdtnlrora woro lo Jloo. C, Comtnaalau, wbo attompted to call a seooral Itriko-for'today (tna to- . morrow, wore ordorod t r (bo pa]{ca ' to hold BO donoboirfttloo hoxtllo lo the proaldut-oioct, but cbaused tholr placo ot moolinr at tho lut nomoot.' aod procoodod, doaplto po* ' )1co probibtUoo. to hold anU-Hlndoo. jj. w rg dohiooatraUona. ' . a t ' . ' BorJln »a¥a • oror tho ootlro day tbo to the Qpont.. 'Window a«ata aloog «»« tho routo - which this prealdeat-olecl «sj I a n d 'h la . oeoort waa t o ' roIIow->Uia i reirlo followed h/'-tho fbnoer kalaor by whon bo camo to fiorlla la triumph Oa —»oli at a i hiCti;«« IIM oacb. oot Oatoa and ' roatauraota- la manr froi parta of tbo citjr' cloaod to arold iwa- pn alble rloUffc. / . Plft €tr«ot -poddlera aold. red. wb]u aad and btack roioUoa—tho'old imperial thli co1ora->««d poatearda *ahowloic ptc- turea ot Hlndottburs and tho fonaor cou . . . ■ iBtf ' £x-G 'overnor:D kvii, . G o^vpn TriiU for jj;”' : SbHciting BribejiM. TOPEKA. Uar 11-ChareVj}^ wlth'aoUeltliMf.a bribo to ’pardoa a Uie convict, fttnoortiaovomor J. U. Davla ^ waa.achodatod tix'io to Irlal horo to -J"* day. Savto ahd CaiJ^, I>otenoa; for- nor ouu.'taak coulaaloaor. aro all^ t o - ^ ^ c c n a i ^ lo cot $S.> 6Q0 for (ho roloaao ot Waltar Ouady; coanot hukar ef Bttteblaaoa.'Kaa. fP’ Potaraoa wtll h« tried laUr aa wlU RuaaaU Davla. the fom er covoreor’a "<*■ Ma.-wbo.'Ja-«tarcod in eeaoocUoa ' ,-wlib-«eeeto«r:^rdoo.sT»eled by bla 'tathor.-. C ten^asalM t thm t«^o ^ SJ Two A ^a protM^Ir wUl bo r««ulrod ‘to^wrt^^a JniT from thv paaol M 78 < . CoBvfciioa'carTloa with it a eea- ' rtaop V sar-aorr-VMa-flro yaan at *lurd.l&or,la tba ponUoattarr or loi> T'prteasomt oouatr jaJi -of ooi ,, . -iDora (h u .no,'roar aad a ftao ot ,_zf A m r aca JooatUa K.'Oaria, thoal*"^' ;Eoran«r^W Xadaaa,' aa^trod-to tho . tfomo9*w. pmMaaOal' aoattaaUas.L^^ '.bocaoa*^ Ua poattloa.aa loader of .cto«rtinm ,cii»M raooD. ' l .. : 'nxn.'roBD..ani>,. Kkr !p 5 s ^ ;g ? S ? u .'^ «; ;tlo«. aaf^tattOaU a part oT tbofi?? dty. floBilderable vrapefij d a m a g e ^ ; :■ '.If dak Out idenburg to B erlin es8 Inauguration of New P ^ “ ^ •' orsbfll Paul Von Hindenburg. prc#-^ Sserlin today. P^tod by ^ #;Bix-niilo courao from’f-Necratraew j ilb(toBtKk»© paUco. w ith flower* fe whJIo dr^d >ver roridcnco.- % o famoui worid tUngon, Aook HiDdcB^nrg b band, lerr KoaVw, BodaUat prwrtdeat of of farawcil.. ^ ___ , . AIRFMCM : HIUS THH IN ; SAlTMmil; SALT 1.AKK CITY, M ar j i — ol Arirn V’. Nem.m, 80, fonnor h'|- w ni-rintcndent of thn Wwktcra dU. .?l^l«>i uf.lho air nfaU am lcf and ai a world war avlatar, .and tm r bi natiivnKvni. (Jraot'CliriaU-BKeD. JC. di an.1 IIUI1 .HI l»o I.odsc. «•, VHkd >t»i»>tdivy nttfraooa «Uort j c. afw r 1 o’clock wlifln'.lhi* U nji'f- rl •Alrcrnll wmp.ony; ?»«">•. w br NfUon, craaUM nrnr .tli« AVowlwnrd arlalloo t(i TUe iiUwdwd a a playi-. In wblcb j tbf* bora -rfeni ' cannod without ■pj^way. •■ • ' . . uiiu I n ”1 day ordered Conway Tcarlo,‘^lm;atar *| and hla w»o. Ad»o eo riav Alax 'Wetnbore and bia-acvco J'oar Sw for l^rico » inflicted bo Uio boy by a doK four ^ aontwl tbo doK but th. Jury fouoa olucrwwo. ^ Seatlle to Produce : ;; Big Speclade ior j; Knight* Templar rissM "i..h 7 ri^| s apaelacio alnco tho Panama-Pacific “ ™ i".«.u.,.on,.nt w.. u,«l. loJW - SS!!15«’S k S /'iio w Sll "o S M . ’? i « « alll- eraaaoa aupportod from apao wjrca KVSSit iSiu^Mii » ptoni^ » :: S .'.S S 'A S 'u to* K S? eoJotwi boama of.»«ht blah up ft the aky. tcary PbWJor *0*i^ . l» aolt aad rM M tw iS frtaS K i ^''i tea ta tba area of .arid.-' '-. '••• , ' ' T' WOT«SlOX . M W »^«i^ i '• » one.o« 4 ll» « "y ;aS S K r.- - . pleven K nied in ' . ; Auto-Train WredI) BERLIN, M o y n —Rlovon occti- paota of an auiomobllo (ruck were klllcd -and four Injured lodoy, when tho FYankfort>8luttaBrl ox- presa craahcd Into tbo vuhlclo at 2 a antdo croaaln* ut Rothmaliiou. The.accident waa attrlbulcdTo tho TiogllBenco of a croMlnft-, Ruard who waa IJatfnInR to nn orchoatra and fOrKot lo lower tho- gatea.'; After tho erasb, ttao Kuarn •] tied to. a nearby foreat. but wuh ^ cOpturod and a^roated. 'ttliiiitNyES :F O R i i |f BOD IES d ------- d HlMRier VIctlmH Htfro Nol Hern 1 Toikon from Norman .Whtch Hank |n MUdxslppl. ^ MaMPinS.'.Toiio., May 11.—Search . licntlnueJ today , (or traco of twenty boUIea, alllt ■unrvcoVor<Hl from tho wrock of tbo Bovorntiiont ateanior Norlnun., which wont .down In CO feot'of i«iiior In tho* MlasUalppl Hvor Friady with Inna of'23 Ilvon: -Dlvoni mado povoraJ attompU to . roach tbo wrock bul fulled. Tliu currilnt lii an', awirt lit' tho point ) wlioru tho Normon Hoa'Hint the dlv- ora woro* fcwept' ilowil ntroum and «*ero hnuloil- bnck with difficulty. 'A huge anchor wiu brotighl Into play tbIfl morning to' wreck tho cablno of the Nonnan. Moat of tho doml woro bollovoil trapped. Inaldo. Moon- whllo II flenl of siovoniment- boatu aru comblnR tho river banka' In tho bellof tlm t tbo hddlea mny havo drllted far dnwn atruuni, Vnrloua theorlca no to what caiia* cd Ihd tyroek woro dtacuaiicd hy river’men. (>no konernlly aeceDled. wus thnt the oU timkH uf tlio boat; muy havo ca'uaod tlio dlaoator. Oil. t(ioy aald could havo alonhed al»«t; In tho Normnn'a-'nlmoat onipiy tanka In auch a way na to cnuao ll lo Hat nnd'-capalzo. . ' - -Tho death toll of thc wrcok roao to 23 wbon It waa _dotlnltoly;loarn<d bh tho rlvdt- boat..' , Radio. Invention Will WWle 5 :_^,-:^ngme f and found auccoaarui. a P. McDonald. , Jr^.prealddnt of tho Zenith Radio . company,-anoouncod .today. Tho teat , waa made from' an airplane, on tho yrouud..and.a‘moaaaBc woa rucelved by Prof. C. iU Jaaaky of tho Untver- r fllty. ot Minnoaola. who aent a roply. The new lDVonllan;-orrieeni explain- ed, works morely on dry battorlea. They, said thla waa extremely Import- ant aa tho old typo of macbinn coutd act only^when'tlio,nlrp1ano wait li^ flight,anirttae propeller acilntr aa a senorator. ^ GCiniKN iiu W kd Foh nuniiEK CHICAGO, May 11—Tbroo.qbleago fvnmon were hunted today for Iho murder of Frank Cochrano at Crown Point. 'Ind., tho. fourth Indiana mya* tory alaylns In two woeka. Coch- raao'fl akuil bad bcon amkahed wlth- an alto. ___________, ' ii 4 : 4r; : ^R p A y , M A' -iliiG - ^ liiisoF': i ipON "O Hoover Welcomes Foreign ’,1 Delegates; ‘'Advertising . ^aisMlStanclards of Liv- ‘0 ing and Is Integral Part of Gfvilizalion/’ Says Commerce Secretary. “•"J HOUSTON,. Mny n —On bchnlf of * ' lho fcdeml ffovi iiiimiu Sucniiiiry of Commorco Uorburi ilimfc-r. wired it<'l* ('jtotcs ot forelKn romiiHuii iiikI tin* U. rch a. to Ihu 31st nnnunl convuiitinn of lly tbn Aaaoolafcd AdvcrtlHlnK cIuIhi of lho llic World- hoto. « ;ior AanurliiK tho.f.trHun iloloKnti-ii tlmt I. CO tbolr_"Amorlcan lioxix In tliulr tlin' iror comradchhlp nnd li<iaiil(Rll(y will lUim- onatralo In pornon Uiui <oi;illnlliy 'J to which our peoph- f.-«l towanla nil ot il •hu 'tlioao landa from wblrh you conm lo L Iht liur aborca/’.Socritiary Uoovor awuns n Iv- Inlo lho inalD.lhiiiio_nf IiIh udilroan. » „,1 lio di'ctarcrt.’n<lv.Ttln|n>: Iimi bo- « A comc onu bf Ok- vilnl forcifH In tbo it; lav 4nduatrlal and-, i-ouwimriaal nyati'iu: I nn that U waa sn Inii'iiral imrl of civil- It ,„,i :izflilon and'Tfiai ii tiail rnlML-d thu •„ lalandanla ot'ifvhiir. , AHloiHobl1t«.«ru Ibo Kri’nt'H'l "InKl'i 1 , " addition lo. llvlhi: Hinnitiirdrt In k. m- iTattohn nTuS-i'kdv'irtlilnK hnn wuilc .Ibt'ui fOi ncctfrilliiK lo IIoov.t . "mvlll- aallon wouldUinvu ln'cri i‘|nM'd«'<l ui> u fow contijt'IW bnd H.lv.'iili.hii; ni»!i 'Y hpil anytblnR'io do wlih 11." b» imlil, ‘“rh o Rcnorat l>Mowloili:it ’mid rai'ld I* dintrlbullon of nn nrilcht only nccinn- u, pjlthcd throMh arlvovll»‘n« rruotrn |„ larKc^roduUlon und thuii hiwcra Dut. conSaiid .prlcea." Jloovur iloirlnn-il. lel addloK tbat-UioViuii 'o*pnnnton of nu- uonal ttdvorlUlaK' watt rcHpauallilQ for thb ]iiirlodtct(lvi” ‘‘<^o^>"<^ end crowth m l of ioial »ie.wTipa|iiiP ndtfortliiliic. If, ndt-nillo (o'-prpdueo lho Broat Jonrn- }*| aia without thrfald of advertlalnK." iic , aaid, .“Tho i^ o n ihal advfriMni: 1» an-eco09m ic-% to hM.hoen aiuimlon- " ® «*Thq atcatiyJncrcaio tn volume of r e advertlaift* in Ww»j.Bpo» and psr}«^. q IdalH ia onlr on^ proof that It ta aiicn ^ ,ni eeonoihto'-*o»tf of-dlalrlbuiloa,-'for to tf it did not _ Id inercaau." .. < iio Hoover- lold <ho advorilalnK mm. .,i Uiftt in OTdi^r to ftrtaln a iKirinntvooci' > i,„ lh puhltc confidence nnd maintain a -rf poalllon na pan of the economic wa- J" chtnoir of the rouotry. ihuy munt.iioo Oiat tbo doaJre Ihoy croalo Ih aatlaflid ‘ n- by. tho artlclo tlicy preaent. "• ^ Laylntt alrcaa on thi> othlca ot the profcaalbn. Hoover anld: M *ThiB uae of tho aloKBn -Truth In In A'l''em*ln(r.’ and vlgllanco aisonclca U whioh you iiavo aet up lo proioct tiic conaumor arc thomaelvca ibo flncai proof that thl* bualncaa In cvolvlni: *■, , toward highly vlhtcal atandarda. , . AdvorttiiInK Htlll haa lo conti'ad with aome resliluo of unelhlcnl prac- *® Uce* and with accumulated prejudlcca nfhich arlae ^om tho methoda of many « ^*“5li^rouKh the diacutalon and advo- (Continued on, pago 8) cb riM fiS d a il y CARTOO^ oi-- w / w m m LY T [AY 11, 1925. = a s= = 'ara, ' ' s = ^ "- . Djmamite Explosion Kills Three in .Colo. ‘■ ^ K U I /) . Cnlo.. Mny 11.— ^ - -1Ti7u3 men wuru killed and un- oUiur liijiiri'd wbun Ilf.OO iMiiimlH J ilynnmiw uiplwleil lii tho * yanlH nt 'lho Colorailo l''iicl &■ Iron coTiHwiiy. yuitliTdii)' iitlcr* I dheuljt HTiip'iH'il iirouliil tbo J ,1 cUiirrcd binlli-M of tbo m.m » OHiiBht firu whllu tboy wore bo- 1 hiK tiikoir*io tli<- ooiiniy tnorKii-.’ I unil p^rtliilly burned tbo boumo I\ ibiy WITO bohig currli'cl In. , fFRENCyffTO - U . S.JPSSED ,r RvtunilhiR: of (•’ninch. Hobt HIII f lUwUKHcd iiy JHuliui'Hodur* tn iiii ( . ; ,S. und Kniiin*,} 1’rMiMn.lllitu Inmi f rri'iii'b A^k<'d.^ in if \vAainN(3T0N. M ny.n—D«>)l Si KoilnilonH bt’iwoyn ICnitioi-'niitl lbr in It UnlU'd SintoH buvu Intn roiiiimnl. i, l-'ollowliii: Inforitiul dlncnmnlnn ir- uu I- KnrdliiK ri'ninillMK of 'be Kroncli doiil bu y of tl.iXiD.ooD condiii'lrd by AmiIidhiw Idl if dor llorrlcU und rinunco Mlniiitoi' nu o Cuilliiux. tbo fllnti' diipurimcut n - uli g (|uonic<i llorrlck to Infonii I'Vnni'o Ibut loi II will wvlooiM.t any diiflnlti- rofundini; offor. hut lit ill unwllllnK lo Ihili d.-bi ni> 0 BfUhiuurii ivlHi Oorxiun njirwioiiiu- im : llonn nnyiiiontu lo I'ruiiro. il wun ul. - Icurncil hero loduy. < 'l< u ■— ........ , |ib 0 Pola Negri Will ^ J Be Questioned on ro. ' Blackmail Intrigue I, I.O.S,’ A.N'dKI.i-S. C;il., Mny 11-— a Volii Nocrl will l»i nooiill.moil »>> ' , • llii-|Jiilli:.', U wiin flnuniinco.l i<y ,lbo H lullor today. coiicornlnK tbo nlory ' "• of Jum lc- VnlNo. hr-r ‘'doiibli-" wbo ‘‘J '• roiifci<Hud Nliu hnd bocn ilrnwn into • u. blwckiiiulllns piol nKiilimt tbo l‘ol. I' '"*ilM'^**NoKr/"on hnr arrival' boJ'o by : blHckmali rhiB. MIhh Valao la ho* W " lna held 'U> tiv« d. • foliowln* hor voiimlnry aiirrendor yei to police. ' ■ . ; swindler* Will Be S ; Reltaied pniHem .« ' - Bond, C;iiUH-R«puTlo<j 1.03 A.N-cni.i58. mw J,'-™ ™ " , ifonneaay and Uarrr D. Hlbba. allcr- .... cd hunco arllRlH. woro to bo rcloaijod »*' ,, from couniy Jail toiiay imdifr flCO.OOO J honda. .Atiormo-B for tho Do Uix.> ‘ brokera" had ralao.l tbal amount nl 1 noon, and dlalrlet allorucya prcjiarc.l act to releaao Ibo prlaoncra. - fui: U look Hennoaay and Jlliiba aoveral ooo , daya lo-ralao unousb iiali lo act ihpm- niti ! Hclvoa freed, ailhoush they are ar- crn : cuaed of- muIctlnK nearly 1500.000 „cn ', trom aoutlicrn California capllallaui. who "inveHiod " In ihBtr-'nllurlnit ;K0t „,j J rich quick" acbomt. , 1.0ND0N—The condition ot Ixird i - Nfilncr. fornier forclRn aecrclary wbo qu la 111 wlOi aloeplnK alcknoaa. wa* act;- ,,]# . loua loday. Tbat of the BarI.of Yywa (formoriy 1-ord Kronch) wa* tin- qcbangod. _____ lho ^ ^ K i) ' , i V H • aaat \ 5 V B f 0 V U wh< T^W/m:mLP^ m 3.D .* n «f t \\ u liSp/- - “>« B-V- - >»«< S i r \ : -• ■. >' pol l • . nta -Vf dar . >■% ^^99B !V B SSlR iP^ Bxti V. «» IB B |fcM iL U i.J.liM i tbM c^^o..' <.■ - . tB-ti TMES = = = = ^ ^ = a sa .-.!; A llied Po^ R acing h Naval Su, Nations of World Obey Decisic “Holiday” But Build Powei Plan Huge Destroyers .Whicl der Another Name. I---------------------------------- -- Former 0. S. Major , ' Will Be Tried for '■< Insanity; Wife Slain --------- iro|i TIll.N'inAH. I'olo.. .May ll-A lin- u I iicy c-iiiillillii»l.iii. nc-bir.Uili'd lo nit la "f .•'•Ullly oourt ......... uin (iviiT.;(r.'i iiilnc whoibor or not l»r. \v, |nf rr.-miiill. loriiiirr mnjoi- lu tin- lJiilt.-d,i..’ii Siiiion nnny iiii-clionl .•(hjim. ulii fut-,. trial fnr ihy .loiiili of liln «lf.-. .\li». l ’r.-»iiull WUH f.niii.l.lioilll III iin .i.J uuioiiuiliilo la-r.,. lusl July ||,.|- i,uh- !!. build mi.l nmli.irltlurt i.l,,, hu.l boon ’ " lilll.'d wbun Ibo onr ov.tu.iu.'.I, llx- uiiilnniloii Hlinwiil .\|i- h, I’r.'miuiru uliull Io Iiu rruoiiiro.l uml ihiit ib.> nu- loiii.ililli. |„,r.- no iiiarliii or m-ruirtioM. ’f Ur. i-roHoull wun lak.-ri to nizHlm- nimm nriiiy liosjiliul In Doiiv.'r f.ir ox- H"-' ‘"'I' ..... .. 'Hid obHorviilinn <i.mir,li- In'i uti4y nfiiT lho ulli-Ki'd utili>iii.ilill.> ;io- oru. ol.loiil., IIIh iiiiiniul oon.liil.iii buffli-.l luri libyHlolniiH tbu’r.- ii'inl he .u m xoui lo null Johnir iioiiklnii hoi|iiiul lu lliiUiin.ir.-. nhl| viJi.oro « .dollrai.. oi.i.rutliu. >v»» wan tho liort.iriiii'il .III lll-l llli.ill wllb .IIniiiii>-<I m.n roMUltM, .|- B.MIV K.tit.M I\V1:sTK;ATI«N Illl.t COXTIM'KU liy III.ST. ATKUINKV M;\V VOItlC... .Muy ll._.\li.(h.H|ii ulloKoil Id h;»V(> h.-oii unoiI by ,Mrii. , ii«b-nu AUKiiHta .CiiiHrii.V.ilk lo , avdlct Ii'ny' Huxnlol.ui whioh iiiIkIii ■; luijiulr thu ro|iiilulloii of her hifunii' , honiu luTf, wuro InvunUitalnd toduy '" r' by thv cllNtrlgi aliorn.-y'H olfloo. , Mr». n..|,,.Mi- _ \ V ^ ^ ^ of imby liiilmniijtToii iiii.f htO.V ^ |3D.00».‘bondn. .whlhi thu dcuiiin of J"®' 23 ohlhlrun al lior'‘'luiby tnrm" iaat year.ar.j undor Ihvualleallon. • • A , KIIIK I»A.>rA(iK IH ^.Y3(^(^00 f” ' EI.K ctTY. Okia..’ Maf 11.—Flro wliini fiwept' tbe prlndpal URtnvaa block, ot Ulk Clur today, cauaud danl- ngo OHltmated at yitO .OQU . .Origin “^KUoVotr'wiVo^limjliirtd by a lack of fuclliUoa. l]g WINTER WIIK,IT ,\C’ilKA«E IS • LARtJKR THAN l?i lOSI u, --------- llcc; DIOS MOI.SI'S. la.. May 11.—Tho Kiro acruage ot winter wheal aeodud iaat (ICJ fuU in iowu la eatlmnled to'be 4C9.- Ju ooo acroH. bnrvealcd, I.eAllu M. Cari. um aKrlculiuml atatlatlclau of tho fed- loi crul ■Hlalo crop estimating bureau. Fi afniod today. Approxlmaleiy 427.U0U (93; ucreH will bo harvcHied aa compur- 1 vd with 39S.000 uuroa in 1924. It • —! --------------- -' «C); ArTliOR-KillTOR UltS.S 13 { COUUMDIA. Mo,. .May 11—llorlicn Ri Qukk. C(, author hnd editor of Rork- era oley Sprlnga. \V. Va., died of heart rine: dlaunae In a boapltal heru Sundoy. Qi Quick waa airlckcn while allendluB S ( lho annual Joumaiiain weuk proRronl Ti of the aehool of Journailam .of tho the Untvoraliy of Mlaaourl. not KLANPASTOR B FIRES VOIIEYS E FROM PUIPIT-I . .. have Aiiahrim rbriiiilan Taaiar •' Wavca ijJl'*' N«o»r and Ueflea rerw nliira Fmai PnlplU Haa Riark K;e and ltrei*rd Vrol Kam !)al Pn'achea XotrrihelrRa. AHAJiBIM. Cal., itay jl-^ ah fim 'a sa facthinal strife over tbe Ku Klux ig^ Klaa fired aaotber volley today wlih ai]B| thc Rev. I«oB Myora, exalted cyclop, cenlral flpire In a nrw batlie of cp,j, worda. Myera, one eye biackcned and hhi noa face atlll bruited from a flailc .ea* ngao counter Saturday with'tt'llllam.KnoU. ,„ «. and-klanamaa aad retired butcher, ^ atarted tbo verbal flreworka' Sunda)' ,1,1 from hU poiplL . * • . -The Ko Kiox- Klan ia (he oplr bope of America." be deeiared. dr- oouaclag hhi oppoavota. Thm thon- taad mambera of the Flrat ChrlatUa ^ ^ church roae to thtir feet and cheered when (he paator reachM the climax of bla mnarka. Th Myen -altacked tha' local police v»at force, dtantlag it had heM' lax la ea- erfhl rerttpK >« prohlMUoa tawa. ' rat' Sere^l t»ndr«l aaU klaaanea ca- All Ihertd ontalde tho darlax tbe aad : beated two boor' eanaoo aad a doua aa«- potlearaea wera oa baad- fa guard tbw utahurt dloar^. . ' - Umv .K'tjnL£2K:‘'j r ';s ' i ^ ^ I IDAHO ifKATIIKB ’ ' 1^^ I Cloii.ly lonlshl and Tuea-. j duy; urobahly local raina; ^ j Cooler ,wea portion.- ^ OLD YOJy. .\n,r. NO. M. wers Are Madly for jpremacy- ;islono of Washington's Naval werfurAuxiliary Warships; bich Are Really Cruisers Un- rL _ . 1/>.VI)(;\, Miiy Jl.—Mnnklnd lodny Ih IV. ;Hi.tin(; hl-l(iry'» niu.lilvHt rncu 111 iiuvul urinuiiiont. Krtiiii Iho ixiiiuii'il li|aii.ia of thn ‘ I’nolfli.' Ill Ilic R|iolU'ro.l IiiIoIh of Eu* jro|i«, lh.' ourtb Ik IioIuk uwoiil by • ^n ti'VitrlHb tiniil.: I.ir Iho ncqulaltlon llf tiiiirlilm.' iH.wor, -rbo twin apec- ilr.'-t .if Kroi'.l for nilKbi und fuar |uf UKt;r.'K-l(iii uru nlulklliK tbu Huvon The vvorl.l-wlilo iiiunlii colncbloa, iitritiiKi'b' .'iioUKli wllh ib.i end ot tliu tlrHi Ihro.' ynarH In (b« ilecade .loHlcnod Io b.i world'H firm naval "biill.iuy"—cIvlllnutluii'H tlrnt con. cortvil utiuui|ii ul luurliliuu illaarm- niiiont. Tho yuar 1U23 aaw tho llvo Rroat iinvui iKiwuru of lho world cuncludo Illl.-' WuHhliwton arma.' Ilmltallon irrniy. unhuririK In lho "holiday" oru, .lu lho t-ouijiarntlvcly brief In- lurval nImoo tboli. iboao aamo' flvo iiuiloiia ..ulonu iiuvu laid down 34S iihl|iH of wur nnd iiaVo projopted tho ouiiitlriicil<in of . at leaat .200 ■riii-rvjifr liHWy more cruliiora. do- ni iiiynriRnM in/ HUlmiarlnua building nn.t iir.iJootH tor Uia tlvu powera wli.i iilcn. i l . tho irealy—tlifl United Siuiofi. (Iroat ilriluln, Franoe. July, uiul' Ju|iaii,—Ibun woro liulldlng for tb.i Ki'von Kr.^Bi naval powera at tho [lllllo Ibu world wur began. J. .liuvldHon. ' parilnmentarr H.<orctary of Ibo llrltlah admiralty, Ih uiiihurliy tor tbo atatomant that O'tli. uf IboHU' craft hnfe been iald •. down hy thu algnalorloa ainco the them wero crulaora. he aaya, 197 torpedo l>oni deatiwyera, aad 107 - Although Davldion'a alatemooi re- tralnH Irom giving an itemised Hat by natlonailtlea. an earlier official documont aaued hore iat# ta:-Pebra- . ury gave tho atrangtha of Uie chiet naval powora aa.follawa. (tbe,flgtire^ tn • ohi-Mthrilstrr^latliig- to- ymnVt. i. bulldlns or projected): .', nHtatn—QAttldlftlps'^r IB 'lid) bat- tle crulaora. 4rcrula^ra'49 (8); de- alroyora. 189 (8)1 Bubmarlnea «S. (*). Un>vd Sutoa—Dattleahlpa 18: bat* llccrulaera crulaora « (8)r d^ Kiroyera 309 (IS); aubmartoea 118 (ICJ. Jupan—Baltieahipa 8| battl* cmle- ura 4: crulaora 26 (11): deat^yera 101 (23); aubmarlnea CI (28). France-Dattieahipa 9: cmlaors 1# (93: detiroyork 64 (36); subnurtnea 4i (C9). • ' ^ 1 Italy—DalUoahlpa 7; cmUora 18 (C); deatroyenl (3 (S4); aubmarioes > 43 (20). Ruaala—BaKlea^lpi 3 (1); cmU- . era 7 (7): . deairoyert - 80; anbma- rlnea 28. . • . Qurmany-Datlloablpf . 8: cralien v S (1): doatroyera 18 (1). !■ Tbla document called atleaUoo to the fnct, hoWayer. that'work had not yet commenced on aoiBe'jQt (he vcwola.'projected aad ooOaTlbal taV' '■ ^ a number of caaes the mo&er- fo r: . Ibem had yot beea appropriated. . : ; ^ • Yet number ot veaoaia aloa* dcf. not reveal, by far, the freair oC tha race going on. Tho p^ocraau a*. .^.v the five leadlag powera have beea - kept well withio Um_ llnlU ot the ' .Wofblogton troatr. But tba. traatr affected aono of .tha project^ lola excepting dmisecs. . ... - -.t Tbe naval archllecu of tha world . have aiecred tbe poaUWaahiaitoa . ihlpa rlgiit rquod tha reatrieUooa. c^ , Iha troaty, and'their tagaaultr a»>- . .>:* parentiy provldfi.oae pt the aufw r.)J proLloma for any fntara oaatef^ ' ‘ The-8«per.Cratwr.- fi'aper-cruUora have coma M>to.'-*a-" . lag aa a m alt, of Ui» tieetj. ,.A a '' . -V idmlraltre aaasal repert .to parOa- ment ravetied. that .Jap^ .-aav i'. nioa. nriOK a shatt ^waui^tac '»B ' •> )anoda. Ther wUl'prtfbablT’ba aMa ' / '

As Him ^ liiisoF': M adly for i ipONnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_… · •: ,'t:ypiSaiKa;.Nu»n^ i. ' • As Him Qmmes^'. liis S iiS S id eA

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Page 1: As Him ^ liiisoF': M adly for i ipONnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_… · •: ,'t:ypiSaiKa;.Nu»n^ i. ' • As Him Qmmes^'. liis S iiS S id eA

•:■ ,'t:ypiSaiK a;.N u»n^ i . ■

'■ •■

A s HimQ m m e s ^ '

. l i i s S i i S Si d e A ^ H i f t m

^ ' lo « t« l« c t of Oomftny, arrived in V ttendow th^g.jfiicli.IinQ d Uie;B

ia th 6:iBubnrb» to the Wilh< - .Hiadoabiaig: wa«‘- aiiowercd' wJ tdio l girlM as bi lett Us Baaaove

' ^ commands,jOeharaJ von Xinhi]....... : -™ iV : .b lm good, Icclj, whflo Hox

• f ib u o rv , d ^ v m d aa oddrw of

' B ^ I N . Mb/ i i .-T w o rolcliiban- ■• • n o r , men w «n abot fo OoiUU nuil Jl

.t i to othora' aod a boM proprJotor f l MrJou.ly wotwdod lo lhe I lm out- T oroak of serlou* • trouble noar Dar- JJo,,oa JJao.'cccjuJm: o r tfte irJumphaiS!i3iJf---m von uin,f^S °l> M V jtO /.auaa0 tb o proaldancy pf.lho.-,r*p^bllo.-. : • .:T b B .« a W B A q « cu rro d .f lt oilflrltcFB. •

iomptjrf,.to.,«p*| nfm „from ao lon. UerllDv.Bttilod: I tie lt for tho ibock

. POM.lbJ<v claiho».li«tW8oa comraun- ‘•‘f. '"> 1 «.®®0 '

. Poilc4.';-tho,; ta rs es t'm o b lllM tlo D In • tJjo fl*pJtAl'0, i i l a tc v . wero-on duly.

HundroOii o t ditocUvoa mliistoU wJis-.tlio (lirohsii tbnt turnnl to lho .routo ot llliidOnburt’a arrival. .

Alrplaooc carryln* i»otico. . flow bttckVAod.forlJi. o w the d ty . ou tbe lo o k ^ t fo r ’il^turbancu..- ThoA :^«o;'.'ao : inartlal mualc, no b a « « ^ ,w ^ v * i- : boln*. pormltted.

• •

ft«*oa OerKn ■ Jatho t tm r-rn o m lD * l u .thouuDdi vpoD: v<tiouMDda Knod the atroou

’ SwrtS'. .-*• IUM .fcpw^«lo o t numorouv ortu F!

— £ -. Two . hiuidrod;. thoaaand > inaDibcrs da of tho variout mlliUot jirganftaUoo* an went throujfh, mllltAty drUla, bul jia 'Without baoda, bofora. Uklng Uietr oli

; . ptaeoa Along’tho Jlno which Iho pror Inl . cesaloa'WM to follow. ' . yoi

■HlaaeBborti tnJB was. duo 'a t * Ktoralraajo atation a t G p.- tn. 'ami th« h a u n ti«ror« (fta^ Umo b i t cdtnlrora woro lo Jloo. C,

Comtnaalau, wbo attompted to call a seooral Itriko -fo r'today (tna to- . morrow, wore ordorod t r (bo pa]{ca

' to hold BO donoboirfttloo hoxtllo lo the proaldut-oioct, b u t cbaused tholr placo ot m oolinr a t tho l u t nomoot.' aod procoodod, doaplto po*

' )1co probibtUoo. to hold anU-Hlndoo. j j . w rg dohiooatraUona. ' . at

' . ' BorJln »a¥a • oror tho ootlro day tbo to the Qpont.. 'Window a«ata aloog «»« tho routo - which this prealdeat-olecl «sj

I an d 'h la . oeoort waa t o ' roIIow->Uia i reirlo followed h /'-tho fbnoer kalaor by whon bo camo to fiorlla la triumph Oa —»oli a t a i hiCti;«« IIM oacb. oot

Oatoa and ' roatauraota- la manr froi parta of tbo citjr' cloaod to arold iwa- p n alble rloUffc. / . Plft

€tr«ot -poddlera ao ld . red. wb]u aad and btack roioUoa—tho 'o ld imperial thli co1ora->««d poatearda *ahowloic ptc- turea ot Hlndottburs and tho fonaor cou

■ . . . ■ iBtf' £ x - G ' o v e r n o r : D k v i i , .

G o ^ v p n T r i i U f o r j j ; ” '

: SbHciting BribejiM.TOPEKA. U ar 1 1 -C h a re V j} ^

wlth'aoUeltliMf.a bribo to ’pardoa a Uie convict, fttnoortiaovomor J. U. Davla ^ waa.achodatod tix 'io to Irlal horo to - J " * day. Savto ahd C aiJ^ , I>otenoa; for- n o r o u u . 't a a k co u laa lo ao r. aro a l l ^ t o - ^ ^ c c n a i ^ lo co t $S.>6Q0 for (ho roloaao o t W altar Ouady; coanot h u k a r e f B ttteblaaoa.'Kaa. f P ’

Potaraoa wtll h« tried laU r aa wlU RuaaaU Davla. the fo m e r covoreor’a "<*■ M a.-wbo.'Ja-«tarcod in eeaoocUoa '

,-wlib-«eeeto«r:^rdoo.sT»eled by bla 'tathor.-. C t e n ^ a s a lM t t h m t«^o ^

S JTwo A ^a protM^Ir wUl bo r««ulrod

‘to^w rt^^a JniT from thv paaol M 78

< . CoBvfciioa'carTloa with it a eea- ' r t a o p V sar-aorr-V M a-flro y a a n a t

*lurd .l& or,la tba ponUoattarr or loi> T'prteasomt oouatr jaJi -of ooi , ,

. -iDora ( h u . n o , 'r o a r aad a ftao ot ,_ z f

A m r aca Jooa tU a K.'Oaria, thoal*"^' ;Eoran«r^W Xadaaa,' aa^trod-to tho

. tfom o9*w . pm M aaO al' aoattaaU as.L^^ '.b o cao a* ^ U a poattloa.aa loader of

.c to « r t i n m ,c i i» M raooD. ' l . .: ' n x n . ' r o B D . . a n i > , . K k r

! p 5 s ^ ; g ? S ? u . ' ^ « ;; tlo « . a a f^ ta ttO aU a p a r t oT tb o f i ? ? d ty . floBilderable vrapefij d a m a g e ^; :■ ' . I f

d a k O u t id e n b u r g

to B e r l in

es8 Inauguration o f N ew P ^ “

• 'o rsb fll P a u l V o n H in d e n b u rg . prc#-^ S s e r l i n to d a y . P ^ t o d b y ^#;Bix-niilo courao from’f-Necratraew j ilb(toBtKk»© paUco. w ith f lo w e r* f e w hJIo d r ^ d

>ver roridcnco.- % o famoui worid tU n g o n , A o o k H iD d c B ^ n rg b b a n d , l e r r KoaVw, BodaUat prwrtdeat of of farawcil.. ■ ___ , .


S A lT M m il ;SALT 1.AKK CITY, M ar j i — ol

Arirn V’. Nem.m, 80, fonnor h'|- wni-rintcndent o f th n Wwktcra dU. v»

.?l^l«>i uf.lho a ir nfaU a m l c f and aia w orld w ar av la ta r , .and tm r binatiivnKvni. (Jraot'CliriaU-BKeD. JC. di an.1 IIUI1.HI l»o I.odsc. « • ,VHkd >t»i»>tdivy n t tf ra o o a «Uort j c.a fw r 1 o’clock wlifln'.lhi* U n ji 'f - rl

•A lrc rn ll w m p.ony; ?»«">•. w b r NfUon, craaUM n rn r .tli«AVowlwnrd arlalloo t(iTUe iiUwdwd aa playi-. In wblcb j tbf* bora -rfeni ' cannod without

■pj^way. •■ • ■' . • ■ .

u iiu I n ” 1day ordered Conw ay Tcarlo,‘ lm;atar *|and hla w»o. Ad»o eoriav Alax 'Wetnbore and bia-acvco J'oar Sw for l ^ r i c o »inflicted bo Uio boy by a doK four ^

aontwltbo doK but th . Jury fouoa olucrwwo. ^

Seatlle to Produce : ;;Big Speclade io r j;

Knight* Templar

r i s s M " i . . h 7 r i ^ | sapaelacio alnco tho Panama-Pacific

“ ™ i" .« .u ., .o n , .n t w .. u ,« l. loJW -

SS!!15«’S k

S / ' i i o w S l l "o •

S M . ’? i « «alll- eraaaoa aupportod from apao w jrca

K V S S i t iS iu ^ M ii » p to n i^ »

::S . ' . S S 'A S 'u to* K

S ? eoJotw i boam a o f .» « h t b la h up ft the aky.

tc a ry P b W J o r * 0 * i ^ .

l» aolt a ad r M M t w i S f r t a S K i ^ ''itea ta tb a a rea o f.arid.-' '-. '••• , ' ' T'

WOT«SlOX .M W » ^ « i^ i ' •

» o n e . o « 4 l l » « " y ; a S S K r . -


. p l e v e n K n i e d in ' .; Auto-Train WredI)

BERLIN, M o y n —Rlovon occti- pao ta of a n auiom obllo (ruck were klllcd -and four Injured lodoy, w hen tho FY ankfort>8luttaBrl ox- presa craahcd Into tbo vuhlclo a t

2 a antdo croaaln* u t Rothmaliiou. T he.acc iden t w aa a ttr lb u lcd T o

th o TiogllBenco o f a croMlnft-, Ruard who waa IJatfnInR to nn orchoatra and fOrKot lo low er tho- g a tea .'; A fter tho erasb , ttao Kuarn

• ] tied to. a nearby foreat. bu t wuh ^ cOpturod and a^roated.

't t l i i i i tN y E S:F O R ii |f BODIESd • ■ -------d HlMRier VIctlmH H tfro N ol Hern 1 Toikon from N orm an .W htch Hank

|n M Udxslppl.

^ M aM PinS .'.T o iio ., May 11.—S earch . licntlnueJ today , (o r traco of twenty

boUIea, a lllt ■ unrvcoVor<Hl from tho wrock of tbo Bovorntiiont ateanior Norlnun., w hich w ont .down In CO feo t'o f i«iiior In tho* MlasUalppl Hvor Friady w ith Inna o f '2 3 Ilvon:

-Dlvoni mado povoraJ attom pU to . roach tbo wrock b u l fulled. Tliu

curriln t lii an', aw irt l i t ' tho point

) wlioru tho Normon H oa'H int the dlv- ora woro* fcwept' ilowil ntroum and «*ero hnuloil- bnck w ith difficulty. 'A huge a n ch o r w iu b ro tigh l Into play tbIfl m orning to ' w reck tho cablno of the N onnan. M oat of tho doml woro bollovoil trapped . Inaldo. Moon- w hllo II flenl o f siovoniment- boatu aru comblnR tho riv e r banka' In tho bellof tlm t tbo hddlea mny havo drllted far dnwn atruuni,

V nrloua theorlca no to w hat caiia* cd Ihd tyroek woro dtacuaiicd hy r iv e r ’ men. (>no konernlly aeceDled. wus thn t th e oU timkH uf tlio boat; muy havo ca'uaod tlio dlaoator. Oil. t(ioy aald could havo alonhed a l» « t; In tho Norm nn'a-'nlmoat onipiy tanka In auch a way na to cnuao l l lo Hat nnd '-capa lzo . . ' - -T h o death toll o f th c w rcok roao to

23 w bon It waa _dotlnltoly;loarn<d

bh tho rlvdt- boat..' • , •

Radio. Invention WillWWle

5 :_ ,-: ngme

f and found auccoaarui. a P. McDonald., J r^ .p rea ld d n t o f tho Zenith Radio . com pany,-anoouncod .today. Tho tea t , w aa made from' an a irp lane , on tho ■ y ro u u d ..a n d .a ‘ moaaaBc woa rucelved

by P ro f. C. iU Ja aa k y of th o U ntver- r fllty. o t Minnoaola. w ho aen t a roply.

T he new lDVonllan;-orrieeni explain­ed, w o rk s m orely on d ry battorlea. They, sa id th la waa ex trem ely Import­a n t aa tho old typo o f m acbinn coutd ac t on ly^ w hen 'tlio ,n lrp1ano w ait li^ f lig h t,a n ir tta e p ropeller acilntr aa a senora tor. ^

G CiniKN i i u W k d F o h n u n i iE KCHICAGO, May 11—T b roo .qb leago

fvnm on w ere hunted today for Iho m urder o f F rank Cochrano a t Crown Point. 'Ind ., tho . fou rth Ind iana mya* tory a lay ln s In two woeka. Coch- raao'fl aku il bad bcon amkahed wlth-an alto. ___________,


ii 4:4r;

: ^ R p A y , M A '

-iliiG -

liiisoF':i ipO N"O Hoover Welcomes Foreign ’ , 1 Delegates; ‘'Advertising

. ^aisMlStanclards of Liv- ‘0 ing and Is Integral Part

of Gfvilizalion/’ Says “ Commerce Secretary.“•"J HOUSTON,. Mny n —On bchnlf of *'

lho fcdem l ffovi iiiim iu Sucniiiiry of Commorco U orburi ilimfc-r. wired it<'l* ('jtotcs o t forelKn romiiHuii iiikI tin* U.

rch a . to Ihu 31st nnnunl convuiitinn of l ly tbn Aaaoolafcd AdvcrtlHlnK cIuIhi of lho llic W orld- hoto. «;ior AanurliiK tho.f.trH un iloloKnti-ii tlm t I. CO tbolr_"A m orlcan lioxix In tliulr tlin'

iror comradchhlp nnd li<iaiil(Rll(y will lUim- onatra lo In pornon Uiui <oi;illnlliy 'J

to which ou r peoph- f.-«l tow anla nil ot il •hu 'tlioao landa from w blrh you conm lo L Ih t liu r aborca/’ .Socritiary Uoovor aw uns n Iv- Inlo lho inalD.lhiiiio_nf IiIh udilroan. » „,1 lio di'ctarcrt.’ n<lv.Ttln|n>: Iimi bo- «

A comc onu b f Ok- vilnl forcifH In tbo it; lav 4nduatrlal and-, i-ouwimriaal nyati'iu: I nn th a t U w aa s n Inii'iiral im rl o f civil- It ,„,i :izflilon and 'T fiai ii tiail rnlML-d thu •„ lalandanla ot'ifvhiir. ,

AHloiHobl1t«.«ru Ibo Kri’nt'H'l "InKl'i 1 , " addition lo. llvlhi: Hinnitiirdrt In k. m-

iTattohn nTuS-i'kdv'irtlilnK hnn wuilc .Ibt'ui fOi ncctfrilliiK lo IIoov.t . "mvlll- aallon wouldU invu ln'cri i‘|nM'd«'<l ui> u fow contijt'IW bnd H.lv.'iili.hii; ni»!i

'Y hpil any tb lnR 'io do wlih 11." b» imlil, ‘“rh o Rcnorat l>Mowloili:it ’mid rai'ld I*

dintrlbullon o f nn nrilcht only nccinn- u, p jlthcd th ro M h arlvovll»‘n« rruo trn |„ la rK c^roduU lon und thuii hiwcra Dut. c o n S a iid .p rlcea." Jloovur iloirlnn-il.

le l addloK tbat-UioViuii 'o*pnnnton of nu- u o n a l ttdvorlUlaK' watt rcHpauallilQ for thb ]iiirlodtct(lvi” ‘‘<^o^>"< end crow th

m l o f io ia l »ie.wTipa|iiiP ndtfortliiliic. I f ,

■ nd t-nillo (o'-prpdueo lho Broat Jonrn- }*| a ia w ithou t th rfa ld of advertlalnK." iic ,aaid , .“T ho i ^ o n ih a l adv friM n i: 1» an-eco09m ic - % to hM .hoen aiuimlon- "

® «*Thq a tca tiy Jn c rc a io tn volume ofr e advertlaift* in W w»j.Bpo» and psr}«^. q

IdalH ia o n lr o n ^ proof th a t It ta aiicn ^ ,n i eeonoihto'-*o»tf o f-dlalrlbuiloa,-'for to tf i t did n o t _

Id inercaau." .. <iio Hoover- lold <ho advorilalnK m m .. , i Uiftt in OTdi^r to ftrtaln a iKirinntvooci' > i,„ lh puhltc confidence nnd m aintain a -rf poalllon na p a n of the economic w a- J"

c h tn o ir o f the rouotry . ihuy munt.iioo Oiat tbo doaJre Ihoy croalo Ih aatlaflid ‘

n - by. tho artlclo tlicy preaent. "•^ L aylntt alrcaa on thi> othlca o t the

profcaalbn. H oover anld:M *ThiB uae of tho aloKBn -Truth In In A 'l''em *ln(r.’ and vlgllanco aisonclca U whioh you iiavo aet up lo proioct tiic

conaum or a rc thomaelvca ibo flncai proof th a t thl* bualncaa In cvolvlni: *■,

, tow ard h ighly vlhtcal a tandarda. ,‘ . AdvorttiiInK Htlll haa lo conti'ad

w ith aome resliluo of unelhlcnl prac- *® Uce* and w ith accum ulated prejudlcca

nfhich a rlae ^ o m th o m ethoda of m any «

^*“5li^rouKh the diacutalon and advo-

■ (Continued o n , pago 8) cb

r i M f i S d a i l y C A R T O O ^

o i - - w /

■ w m m

LY T[AY 11, 1925.= a s = = 'ara, ' ' s = ^ "-. Djmamite Explosion

Kills Three in .Colo.‘■ ^ K U I / ) . Cnlo.. Mny 11.—

- -1Ti7u3 men wuru killed and un-oUiur liijiiri'd wbun Ilf.OO iMiiimlH J

ilynnm iw uiplw leil lii th o * yanlH n t 'lho Colorailo l''iicl &■Iron coTiHwiiy. yuitliTdii)' iitlcr*

I ■ dheuljt HTiip'iH'il iirouliil tbo J ,1 cUiirrcd binlli-M of tbo m.m » OHiiBht firu whllu tboy wore bo- 1 hiK tiikoir*io tli<- ooiiniy tnorKii-.’I unil p^rtliilly burned tbo boumo I\

ib iy WITO bohig currli'cl In. ,


U. S.JPSSED,r RvtunilhiR: of (•’ninch. Hobt HIII f lUwUKHcd iiy JHuliui'Hodur* tn ii ii ( .; ,S. und Kniiin*,} 1’rMiMn.lllitu In m i f rri 'iii 'b A^k<'d.^ in

’if \vA ainN (3T0N . M n y .n —D«>)l SiKoilnilonH bt’iwoyn ICnitioi-'niitl lb r in

It UnlU'd SintoH buvu In tn roiiiimnl.i, l-'ollowliii: Inforitiul dlncnmnlnn i r - uuI- KnrdliiK ri'ninillMK of 'b e Kroncli doiil buy of tl.iXiD.ooD condiii'lrd by AmiIidhiw Idlif d o r llorrlcU und rinunco Mlniiitoi' nuo Cuilliiux. tbo fllnti' diipurimcut n - ulig (|uonic<i llo rrlck to Infonii I'Vnni'o Ibut loi

II will wvlooiM.t any diiflnlti- rofundini;offor. hu t lit ill unwllllnK lo Ihili d.-bi ni>

0 BfUhiuurii ivlHi Oorxiun njirw ioiiiu- im: llonn nnyiiiontu lo I'ruiiro. i l wun ul.- Icurncil hero loduy. <'l<u ■— ........ , |ib

0 Pola Negri Will ^J Be Questioned on ro.

' Blackmail IntrigueI, I.O.S,’ A.N'dKI.i-S. C;il., Mny 11-— a Volii N ocrl will l»i nooiill.moil »>>' ,• llii- |Jiilli:.', U wiin flnuniinco.l i<y ,lbo • H lu llo r today. coiicornlnK tbo nlory ' "• of Jum lc- VnlNo. hr-r ‘'doiibli-" wbo ‘‘J '• roiifci<Hud Nliu hnd bocn ilrnwn into• u. blwckiiiulllns p iol nKiilimt tbo l‘ol.

I' '"*ilM'^**NoKr/"on hnr arriva l' boJ'o by

: blHckmali rhiB. MIhh Valao la ho* W" ln a held 'U> tiv« d .• foliow ln* hor voiim lnry aiirrendor yei

to police. ' ■ .

; swindler* Will Be S ; Reltaied p n iH em .« ' - Bond, C;iiUH-R«puTlo<j

1.03 A.N-cni.i58. m w J , ' - ™ ™ ", ifonneaay and U a r r r D. Hlbba. a llc r - ....

cd hunco arllRlH. woro to bo rcloaijod »*' ,, from couniy Jail toiiay imdifr flCO.OOO J honda. .A tiorm o-B for tho Do Uix.>‘ brokera" had ralao.l tb a l am ount n l 1

noon, and dlalrlet allorucya prcjiarc.l actto releaao Ibo prlaoncra. - fui:

U look Hennoaay and Jlliiba aoveral ooo, daya lo-ralao unousb iiali lo act ihpm- niti! Hclvoa freed, a ilhoush they a re a r - crn: cuaed of- muIctlnK nearly 1500.000 „cn ', tro m aoutlicrn California capllallaui.

w ho "inveHiod " In ihBtr-'nllurlnit ;K0t „,j J r ich quick" acbomt.

, 1.0ND0N—T he condition o t Ixird i- Nfilncr. fornier forclRn aecrclary wbo qu

la 111 wlOi aloeplnK alcknoaa. wa* act;- ,,]#. loua loday. T bat of the BarI.of Yywa■ (form oriy 1-ord Kronch) wa* tin- q „

cbangod. _____ lho

^ ^ K

i) ' ,

iV H • aaat

\5 V B f 0 V ■ U wh<T ^ W /m :m L P ^ m 3 . D . * n « f t

\ \ u

l iS p / - - “>« B -V - - >»«<S i r \ : -• ■. > ■ • ' pol l

• . n ta

-Vf d a r. >■%

^ ^ 9 9 B ! V B S S l R i P ^ Bxti V. «»I B B | f c M i L U i . J . l i M i tbM

c^^o..' <.■ - . tB-ti

TMES= = = = ^ ^ = a s a .-.!; ■

A l l i e d P o^ R a c i n g h N a v a l Su,Nations of W orld Obey Decisic

“ Holiday” But Build Powei Plan Huge Destroyers .Whicl der A nother Name.I---------------------------------- --

Former 0. S. Major , ' Will Be Tried for '■< Insanity; Wife Slain

--------- iro|iTIll.N 'inAH. I'olo.. .May l l - A lin - u I

iicy c-iiiillillii»l.iii. nc-bir.Uili'd lo nit la "f.•'•Ullly oourt ......... u in (iv iiT .; (r.'iiiilnc whoibor or not l»r. \v, |nfrr.-miiill. loriiiirr mnjoi- lu tin- lJiilt.-d,i..’ii Siiiion nnny iiii-clionl .•(hjim. u lii fut-,. tr ia l fnr ihy .loiiili of liln «lf.-.

.\li». l ’r.-»iiull WUH f.niii.l.lioilll III iin .i.J uuioiiuiliilo la-r.,. lusl July ||,.|- i,uh- ! ! . build mi.l nmli.irltlurt i.l,,, hu.l boon ’ " lilll.'d wbun Ibo onr ov .tu .iu .'.I , llx- uiiilnniloii Hlinwiil .\|i-h, I’r.'m iuiru uliull Io Iiu rruoiiiro.l uml ihiit ib.> nu- loiii.ililli. |„,r.- no iiiarliii o r m-ruirtioM. ’f

Ur. i-roHoull wun lak.-ri to nizHlm- nimm nriiiy liosjiliul In Doiiv.'r f.ir ox- H"-'■‘" 'I '..... .. 'Hid obHorviilinn <i.mir,li- In'iuti4y nfiiT lho ulli-Ki'd utili>iii.ilill.> ;io- oru. o l.loiil., IIIh iiiiiniul oon.liil.iii buffli-.l luri libyHlolniiH tbu’r.- ii'inl he .u m xoui lo null Johnir iioiiklnii ho i|iiiul lu lliiUiin.ir.-. nhl| viJi.oro « .dollrai.. oi.i.rutliu. >v»» wan tho liort.iriiii'il .III lll-l llli.ill w llb .IIniiiii>-<I m.n roMUltM, .|-


M ;\V VOItlC... .Muy ll._.\li.(h.H |ii ulloKoil Id h;»V(> h.-oii unoiI by ,Mrii. , ii«b-nu AUKiiHta .CiiiHrii.V.ilk lo , avdlct Ii'ny' Huxnlol.ui whioh iiiIkIii ■; luijiulr thu ro|iiilulloii of her h ifu n ii' , honiu luTf, wuro InvunUitalnd toduy '" r ' by thv cllNtrlgi aliorn.-y'H olfloo. ,

Mr». n..|,,.Mi- _ \V ^ ^ ^of imby liiilmniijtToii iiii.f htO.V ^ |3D.00».‘bondn. .w hlhi thu dcuiiin of J"®' 23 ohlhlrun a l l io r '‘'luiby tnrm " iaat y e a r .a r .j undor Ihvualleallon.

• • A, KIIIK I»A.>rA(iK IH .Y3( (^00 f” '

EI.K c tT Y . O kia ..’ Maf 11.—Flro w liini fiw ept' tbe p r ln d p a l URtnvaa block, ot U lk Clur today, cauaud danl- ngo OHltmated a t yitO.OQU. .Origin •“^KUoV otr'w iV o^lim jliirtd by a lack o f fuclliUoa. l]g


--------- llcc;DIOS MOI.SI'S. la .. May 11.—Tho Kiro

acruage o t w inter w heal aeodud iaa t (ICJfuU in iowu la eatlmnled to 'b e 4C9.- Juooo acroH. bnrvealcd, I.eAllu M. Cari. umaKrlculium l atatlatlclau of tho fed- loicrul ■ Hlalo crop estim ating bureau. Fiafniod today. A pproxlmaleiy 427.U0U (93;ucreH will bo harvcHied aa com pur- 1vd w ith 39S.000 uuroa in 1924. I t

• —!--------------- -— ' «C);A rT liO R -K illT O R UltS.S 13 {

COUUMDIA. Mo,. .May 11—llo r licn RiQ ukk. C(, au tho r hnd editor of Rork- eraoley Sprlnga. \V. Va., died of h eart rine:dlaunae In a boapltal heru Sundoy. QiQuick waa a irlckcn w hile allendluB S (lho annual Joumaiiain weuk proRronl Tiof th e aehool o f Journailam .of tho theUntvoraliy of Mlaaourl. not


FROM PUIPIT-I. .. have

Aiiahrim rbriiiilan T aa ia r • ' W avca ijJl'*' N«o»r and Ueflea r e r w n l i i r a Fm ai PnlplU Haa R iark K ;e and ltre i* rd Vrol K a m !)a l P n 'achea X otrrihelrRa.

AHAJiBIM. Cal., i ta y j l - ^ a h f i m 'a s a facthinal s tr ife over tbe K u Klux ig^ K laa fired aao tbe r volley today w lih ai]B | thc Rev. I«oB Myora, exalted cyclop, cen lra l f lp ir e In a n rw ba tlie of cp ,j, worda.

Myera, one eye biackcned and hh i n o a face a tlll b ru ited from a flailc .ea* ngao coun ter Saturday w ith 'tt'llllam .K noU . ,„ «. and-k lanam aa aad retired butcher, ^ a tarted tbo verbal flrew orka' Sunda)' , 1,1 from hU poiplL . * • .

-T h e Ko Kiox- K lan ia (he o p lr bope of America." be deeiared. d r- oouaclag hhi oppoavota. T h m thon- ta ad mambera of th e F lra t C hrlatU a ^ ^ church roae to t h t i r feet and cheered when (he paato r reachM th e clim ax of bla m n a rk a . Th

M yen -altacked th a ' local police v»at force, d ta n tla g i t had heM ' lax la e a - erfhl r e r t tp K > « prohlMUoa tawa. ' r a t '

S e r e ^ l t» n d r « l aaU k la a a n e a c a - All Ihertd ontalde tho d a rla x tb e aad :beated two boor' eanaoo aad a d o u a aa«- potlearaea w era o a baad - fa gu a rd t b w u tahurt d l o a r ^ . . ' - U mv

.K 'tjnL£2K:‘' j r ' ; s ' i ^

^ I IDAHO ifK A T IIK B ’ ’ '1 ^ ^ I Cloii.ly lon lsh l and Tuea-.

j duy; u robahly local raina;^ j Cooler ,wea portion.- ^

OLD YOJy. . \n ,r . NO. M.

w e r s A r e M a d ly f o r j p r e m a c y -;islono of W ashington 's Naval w erfu rA u x ilia ry W arships; bich A re Really C ruisers Un-

r L _ .

1/>.VI)(;\, Miiy J l.—Mnnklnd lodny Ih IV. ;Hi.tin(; hl-l(iry'» niu.lilvHt rncu 111 iiuvul urinuiiiont.

Krtiiii Iho ixiiiuii'il li|a ii.ia of thn ‘ I’nolfli.' Ill Ilic R|iolU'ro.l IiiIoIh of Eu* jro|i«, lh .' ourtb Ik IioIuk uwoiil by •^n ti'VitrlHb tiniil.: I.ir Iho ncqulaltlon llf tiiiirlilm.' iH.wor, -rbo tw in apec-

ilr.'-t .if Kroi'.l for nilKbi und fuar |u f UKt;r.'K-l(iii uru nlulklliK tbu Huvon

T he vvorl.l-wlilo iiiunlii colncbloa, iitritiiKi'b' .'iioUKli wllh ib.i end o t tliu tlrHi Ihro.' ynarH In (b« ilecade .loHlcnod Io b.i world'H firm naval "biill.iuy"—cIvlllnutluii'H tlrnt con. cortvil u tiuui|ii u l luurliliuu illaarm- niiiont.

Tho yuar 1U23 aaw tho llvo Rroat iinvui iKiwuru of lho w orld cuncludo Illl.-' WuHhliwton a rm a .' Ilm ltallon irrn iy . unhuririK In lho "holiday" oru, .lu lho t-ouijiarntlvcly brief In- lurval nImoo tboli. iboao aam o' flvo iiuiloiia ..ulonu iiuvu laid down 34S iihl|iH of w ur nnd iiaVo projopted tho ouiiitlriicil<in of . a t leaat .200

■riii-rvjifr liHWy m ore cruliiora. do­ni iiiynriR nM in/ HUlmiarlnua building nn.t iir.iJootH to r Uia tlvu powera wli.i iilcn. i l . tho irea ly —tlifl United Siuiofi. (Iroat ilrilu ln , F ranoe. Ju ly , uiul' Ju |ia ii,—Ibun woro liulldlng for tb.i Ki'von Kr.^Bi naval powera a t tho

[lllllo Ibu world w ur began.J. .liuvldHon. ' parilnm en tarr

H.<orctary of Ibo llrltlah adm iralty ,Ih u iiihurliy to r tbo a tatom ant th a t O'tli. uf IboHU' c ra ft hnfe been iald •. down hy thu a lgnalorloa ainco the

them wero crulaora. h e aaya, 197 torpedo l>oni deatiwyera, a ad 107 -

A lthough D avldion'a alatem ooi re- tralnH Irom giving an item ised Hat by natlonailtlea. an e a r lie r official documont aaued ho re ia t# ta :-Pebra- . ury gave tho a trangtha of Uie chiet naval powora aa.fo llaw a. (tbe,flg tire^ tn • oh i-M th rils trr^ la tl i ig - t o - y m n V t . i. b u lld lns o r p ro jec ted): . ' ,

nH ta tn—QAttldlftlps'^r I B 'l id ) ba t­tle crulaora. 4 r c r u la ^ r a '4 9 (8 ); de­alroyora. 189 (8)1 Bubmarlnea «S.(*).

Un>vd S u to a —D attleahlpa 18: bat* llccrulaera crulaora « ( 8 ) r d ^Kiroyera 309 ( IS ); aubm artoea 118 (ICJ.

Jupan—Baltieahipa 8 | b a ttl* cm le- ura 4 : crulaora 26 (11 ): d e a t^ y e ra 101 (23); aubm arlnea CI (28).

F ra n ce -D a ttie ah ip a 9 : cm laors 1#(93: de tiroyork 64 (36 ); subnu rtnea 4i (C9). • • ' ^ 1

I ta ly —DalUoahlpa 7 ; cm U ora 18 (C); deatroyenl (3 (S4); aubm arioes >43 (20).

Ruaala—B aK lea^lpi 3 (1 ); cm U - . era 7 (7 ): . d eairoyert - 80; anbma- rlnea 28. . • .

Q u rm any-D atlloab lpf . 8 : c r a l ie n v S (1 ): doatroyera 18 (1). !■

T bla docum ent called atleaU oo to the fnct, hoWayer. t h a t 'w o r k had not ye t commenced on aoiBe'jQt (he vcw ola.'projected aad oo O aT lb a l ta V ' '■ a num ber of caaes th e mo&er- f o r : . Ibem had yo t beea app ropria ted . . : ; • Yet num ber o t veaoaia a loa* dcf. not reveal, by far, th e f r e a i r oC th a race going on. T ho p ^ o c raa u a*. .^ .v the five lead lag powera have beea - kept well w ithio Um_ l ln lU o t th e ' .Wofblogton tro a tr . But t b a . t r a a t r affected aono of .th a p r o je c t^ lola excepting dm isecs. . . . . - -.t

T be naval a rc h lle c u o f th a w orld . have a iecred tbe poaU W aahia itoa . ihlpa rlg iit rquod th a reatrieU ooa. c^ , Iha troaty , a n d 't h e i r ta g a a u ltr a»>- . .> :* parentiy p r o v ld f i.o a e p t th e a u f w • r .) J proLloma fo r a n y fn ta ra oaatef^ '

‘ T h e -8 « p e r .C ra tw r .- fi'aper-cruU ora have com a M>to.'-*a-" .

lag aa a m a l t , o f Ui» t i e e t j . , .A a ' ' . - V id m lra ltr e a a a s a l r e p e r t . to parO a- ■ ment rav e tie d . th a t . J a p ^ . - a a v i'.

n ioa . nriOK a sh a tt ^ w au i^ tac '» B ' •>)anoda. T h er w U l'p rtfbab lT ’b a aM a ' / '

Page 2: As Him ^ liiisoF': M adly for i ipONnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_… · •: ,'t:ypiSaiKa;.Nu»n^ i. ' • As Him Qmmes^'. liis S iiS S id eA

O i l l M w . k E . D l

! P y t h iu S litrr* —TliB PyUilan S l n > ^ I te ra m et Frlduy fvcoinR In iti<? J. O. "

V,. . 'O . p i ha ll. M r*.-T errill T nylor wm I ' la lils tw i. M n . Jl'. A. Johnnon nmi ^

’ ’ M n . C arl Andonion w vro In cimrfft). o r tb e eD(orUilnmcnL and on vach had

' h o d a birthday du rlnx (he wcok, tbo m tb rta lnm en t waa in th o n o tu ro ,o t a blrlhday party . Gamim and ntorica k w ore enjoyod and rotroahinonta aerv*«d from a tablo ho td lav tw o iovoly blrtbday cakvi.

; . Jlonorlnir t l o b JftrabPT*—Satun lay MUenooi) .Ihi) T .S . 8 . ciui> ontertainvd w ltb a channioR ono o’oiocic lu n c i ic o o f a t (bo bome o( M n . 'J . S. S tow art ou Rioventb avonuo e aa i hono ring Mra. m rty .A le x a n d o r sn d Mm. I t 8 . Loou>. tw o of th e ir m em bon. w ha aro icav* inx 'T w in FallB aoon. ..Tbo livlnKroom w a a .d o e o ra t^ w ith ' baakcU of tullpa Id . a v a rlo lr o t colora. T bo RUUita w dre toatiKl. a t OQO. larxo and tWo .

- amall tables centored wltb bowia of ' purpie illoes u d bridal wreath. TIio .>> place' carda were alio in iipring floW'* h

. cr d#al»M,, The rcmalndor o t tho a t to i^ d w )^ 'b p o a t Bociaily and the gueaUfOt boaor-.wore preaonted ;wlt1i ■ datatyV fti «rom Ute ciub. There were ” founeeq cueala prctonu ' ■ ' th

].'l*v*'i* ' CO\ € a n p Flrov flirio— Mra. llaw ioy 'n Di n roup o f Camp Frrp K(rra-m ct S a tu r - tj,

. day aA em ooR ,.M ay i>, a t 2:30 a t Uio ro . - h o « > ;b fV M a and W ilm a W ard .-A tter ■ wl

i»rMi I ,1 'a' , ij[ IIOrrU K E K 1VKKK8‘* 'C 0X IK 0 ‘yi

TO BCURBN t;.V(;HAXGKI> ' ______ . ro

. " 'T b rc o Weoka’ Ir eom tnc to ilio Du acroen oxactiy u I w rote J t." T b n t Ih nr' tb e a tatem ont m ad o .b y K llnor Glyn, cr<

;',VorJ<l*f«nouo au tiio n a a 4n Mow. Y ork itn 0. on h o r . n t u m to London from tbe U> (• Goidwyn. altidiofl in Loa. AnRolea, r w hore ahe aaalated A lan C ro ilan ii In

U ie ;n im ln r o f .b e r m oat tam oua nov- „. , ■ e l, >tbe:fllm y e n lo n o t w hich la com*

/•V ;^ ;ta * ;to .U io .O rp b e u m ,th e a tre .,; , , '**!

f fc / ) ' S - .w ta o '^ . dM pl^ and slncoroly. in love ^

% |,w i(h .% )ree-0W eekt,r to aoo J l w hen it COToa-.to th e acrec ii..’ F lappo ra and

■ V v .'i f llr ta m a y a tay aw ay, to r th ia a to ry la 5 '( m lr ,f o r- th p a o w b o .u n d en U D a,'W l)e ' <

.^‘V rS farj^^ roady 'ta 'tbake aacrlficea fo r tb o lr bo

i~ .l§ -p is rO I « rH A H I» r - T A T .R — ----- — awNUCCK8S ON SCnKKX wh

. ; pill • - 2 • Of U«> D’Urhorvilic*." M ar- ‘1“

. . ” aball N eilan'a production fo r Mutro*" Ooidwyp. o t Tbomaa lla rd y 'a fam oua •)<>' I- noTOl,, opflDod a t Ujo. Idaho th e a lre 35.i

• tbUi aflom oou for a tw o daya’ ru n . the A T h ia atory. o f an c n d u r ln r lovo waa ton• playod by. a coat tb n t waa beaded by } a B lanche Sw eet in th e Utlo roio. €on> cat

n d N a n i appeared aa A ^ roI Clnro. the. 2 tho likable bero, wboao rom anco wUh Fri

I Uio lltUe d f lry m aid ended in irasody thaS to r bo th . ' but

5 ‘ HANSEN M S ' I‘ • _____ abl

' f '■■ M rR Jlin iioh o f T w in PaJia waaVlalting frienda in tow n T uesday . yi,,

. ( ' .'Mra; H ow ani haa Itoon forced to rIvo .ly,• • up b e r w ork a t tb o 're iila u ran t on ac-

i cflont o f Ul health . T h a w ork w ill l>o• .*■ Uken over by Mra. Patton and Klaio

. - ^ e r r u p '; ,I .M r. Howard and family will move cm ' to th^ boute roconlly vacated by Fred - q |/ -Scbem>p. • o,l

. Mildred Foatfr camo over from Uai'> our »'■ elton tho flrat of tbo wotk for n fi-w nv,• daya’ vla lt wlUi bc r jrrandm olh.T , M n . ha,

lllltegaa .. i A num ber o f e lderly Ind lw apcnl ncu

’ W edaw day afternoon a t Iho hom o n t I• Mra. Dryum' o n . th e occaalon o f h e r o l., b irthday . A carpet 'r a g avwing cnn- oC'; tea t took up tnoat o f th o tim e. T he -rui

ladlea a ll a p p ts re d In nnc le^ t co«- piai tum ea a n d re p o r t a w r y enjoyable c

■ aftem ooa . li—• H aro ld K oenig and W alle r Tonn a l- f —

, tended tb o track m cot n t I’ocatrllo . 8 a t«rday .

A n um ber from th la T iclnliy a t- oi tended the open oeaalon o f tho g range i : Friday evening. I :

J . R . H aii re tu rned T oeaday from m T ork . N ebnako , when? h e wa* ca ll- a l e d -o n a e e o a s t o f lh o dcn lh o t h ia ol aU tor.

■ ^ . B M e H i o u g M A ' M a U ZT U M ONTfi TU tN O I I>0.—Forget- »

~ e B f th M a th laga w h ie l a re betilnd.oad reach in* ta f th nn«o tbuoe tblng*

; wblctt are befior*. I p ra u tow ard the V V Bailc for \h f prtc* o f tb e hlgft calling.

' ' a t Ood ta Cbrtat JefW|.—PhlU 3:13.14.

U aree llln g by a p tirfn im en t. P hon r' • ' __________________ '■


lOC :See Back P a ^ j


M C IBoist, Pbone 933._ It

^ — I

Husband “"i Wife j


' . y /Jl■' M y ' hnaban^ ia a lw ays trylna: to i


> .1

the buBlDoas a eu lo n tho g lrla made p caraaU ona to wfl^r on ".Mothor’o Day." ;e Delicloua nfrexhm on la w ere nerved tn s< tlio eleven m em bcra preaen t and ^he ui rem ainder o f tho aftornoon woa apen t d

■with gamea. . o;

a l l i e d POWERS ARE \(ConilnuMl from pago 1) '

lenda to atuUify lho unw ritten T o t l i i rt of HtrenKih which tho agreom oin f> Hotisht to oniablUh In noo-u ip ltiil 0 lypcM. o

C oniiiaornblo.’liu ah ”, ”hu«bl" a u r- <■* 1‘oundH th o bullOlnff o t auhniiirlnoa . ihroughoui th e w orid. yo l focla tho t oro com m only know n Indicate thu creation o t und erw ater e m it no gl- gnntlo aa to .m ako tbo w artim e U 'bouio /look like pigmlen.

•DwtreycTH L ike C ru lse n . {“ I> u lroyora a re approaching tho i.

ligh t c ru lle r a tandard in dimenslDDi p and n rm am en t I t i i reliab ly re-

f e "'(on l, c a r ry tn s C.&-lnoti ’j p in i . ' Sb> m fore 1B2S. tbo Japaneao .deatroyor . averagod 134S to n i and 'carried 4*7> A Incb plecea. , ; ,

A ll,, o t , th eae e sp an ilo n i do not, ^O w w r.^ ^ ,cp n U ;a re ^ ^ ,th o . ,loUier o t _

moana of iiriiiK .’tip (O 'U ie trea ty al and y e t-a eq u lrln g - tw o-cap itaU aW pa-o i w here one qppnrenU y waa. contem* ar plated In the W aahlngton de llbaro ' ot tlona. U nder th e torm a aUpulalod, m F ra n co - 'la ontlUed In 10!7 to lay — down cap ita l ahlp tonnage up to 36,000 tons Uto trea ty hav ing ' limlte'd tho alxo of the cnp llal a h lp 'to tbls tonnage, c arry ing -IQ-itfch g n n i. '

M oiti peoplo Huppoaod th a t a ll cap ita l ih lp a w ould bo bn iit . up to tho m ajtlm um allow ance, bu t the F re n ch technical advU ora . .propoaji th a t F rance ihou ld la y *down t%o batUo crulnera o f 17,600 to m each, arm ed w ilh IS.fnch guns. O fficial- . ly. auch veoaolo w ould .bo capital ■hlpi and Uiolr conatrucU oa . would M bo allowoblo, bu i O e y w ould be H ablo to ' ••eal up” tbe 10.000-lon K c ru lnor perroltted by Uie trea ty . m

D espite new b ttiid ing and tb e re - U vlaed meUioda of In ternational, naval I r ivalry , a ll five of th e tren iy a lgao- I torli-ft opparepU y have k e p i to jlio I] le tte r o f Uio nRfoemonL I]

New K a«al lUM S. IAnldo from con itructlon of , w ar- 1

c rn ii, there U. prcfienlly underw ay II a n In ternational a c n m b le fo r th e M otl rc*ourc«i of tb o enrUi, to on'* 11 auro tliel auppllei fo r tho re*poc- tlve navlea. Somo n a tio n i a l leaat. have been clulchlnR o u t for new . Bpota on thti lho m ap to len fo na n a v a l ' ba iea . , .

l ir lia io J* p lann ln s anch a baao a l S lneapbro. o l an eaUmatod cont o f ' approxlnjatoly J«5.000.000; I t 1* rum ored ih a t ano lhur la eontem- p la ten a l U arw ln. A untralla.

Q ovom m cnt ottlcla ln have re peaU

ASNOUMCEMENT.1 winh to announce th a l I have_

opened o tflcc i in Tw tn n t l l a a t 138- Shonhone Bt. EaaL H o u n :1:30 to C p. m .. aod by appoin t- m m en t. Balance of tim e w lll be 1 a t F ile r w here I w ill reU In m y I o ffice and residence a a . uaual. |

P B .. A. A. W EW BERllT 1rk y a le la a and 8 Br««0B il

MOM'N PO P - _____/ ( M SlSSUNN L V^A.S•THlNW^

> BB A w fu . N ic e t t» HA\je * K e c T .T&eeTHeR P A m v AT

^ ^ D lN V rre S O M B O P T H E i i V w T b S P e > ;^ tH g 6oeNiN

. . P I »

oUly emphoaUed Uial consU-ncUoa of tlio Slngappn base Is. not a war­like measuro und* la no menace.-16 Japan. PorUmouUi’ l i the 'aam< dlntance from New Yorlc as Slnga* poro. la from Yokaboma, yet Porta- mouth la not a., meinli^ to Kow York, (hoy have explained.

“It Japan und Uio United Statei are. friendly, .who ii hoaUlor aaked cx-Prom'lerfettAmaaj' MacDonald In

■r farHaraont. ' *.' "Can you forecaat'’tbo.atUlude of Japan lon yoara hencer* ntortad CommnndwR Carlyon Bollnlra, a Tory

■ big nnvy advocate.Tllil nuggeitlon of luiplclon li

perhapa typical o( fitollng which i« ' giving Impetui to tbo armament

AltoKcdier. Ihe ’ aiiuaUon looks parailbxlcal to lho mon in Uie itreet —<loiibUciis In ,tho United SUtoa. Franctf. ituly nnd Jnpan. oa woll as here, lie Ih b’eglnnlng to demand

; cJurJfJi.-aiJo»—n» a taxpayer. In ponco llmo and a pronpecUve aol-

. dior o r nallor in Umo 6f war.IVntchlng CoolldRC.

^iflllloiin u t oyes throughout tho world, today oro. tqcunod on Presi­dent Conlldgo.' Washington innug- uratoil tJio first attempt at arrnt- monl limliollon}'Washington Is free from Ihe entangling politics and Joalounlun ot tho old world, bo-it Is •.o •Waalllngton Uio world Is looking for n lend.

I t Is notowflrthy that ovon Brlt- . ..In'a budget In marking tlmo on

naval construcUon fn vlow of the e proipocts o t a' new llmlUllon at- '• ionipt. Tho natal oitimaton ot 00,- n 600,000 pounda atorilng lett neW0 conitrucllon oul ot consideration* for1 tho Umo being. It- was officially

explained Uiat tho now naval pro-‘ 2ram-would bo taken caro ot In

iupplemehtaiT eiUmatoa to be' sub* milted lotor, in Uie' yoar.. ICzperts hero bellevo lho'dlfflciil-

(lei.ln lho.wuy of a now treaty aro fn r ' greater. than . Uioso which- con- froiitol liie conferonco of .1923. Yel ilrltaln han welcomed Proaldent Conlldgo'i-propoial warmly, and In ready to try again.


PURCELL. Okla., May H —Sheriff J. 13. IlaUllft of McCI«n county, and an unldenUfiod man nre believed to 1)0 dying hero this aftemoon follow­ing a gun battle on tbe airoots Purcell sliorUy. .before noon.

lia llitt -was wounded three times I when tll» a t r a n w

lift was alftroptlng.to arrest the non .

ADVERTISING IS BASrS(Contintied trom page 1) '

u c y ot standai^ii- of conduct and otb- les; youf •orgSBlsaUda* ann your sea- slona are taking part ,ln. (he ibullding

aponiiblllty and aelt govemment in our^oconomlc life and ia tho com- merclal unity a t large..” :

I f ;—

W h e n T oI- the margin of safety f

I . ways a major consider

You can broaden thi by bringing your inve; the officers of the TW]

: TRUST COMPANY,, w a t your command theii Jzed experience, and t of authoritative inform position £^ves them acc

TW IN':BA NK & TU nder .S ta te

F e d e r a tR o e r v e J H H f f l B a n k ; O h B B

S a p c rv ia io a .

4^aN6 IT w o u ld ' \ ~ \ f ( X T A LK E^ j g A U T T t.C < , >•AT O iid H o u s e \

f c .

I * i


Iwt ■ (Speciai t ^ t i . T l r a d ) ^ ^ la Ii:DE»<I-”Cia(ler«lla‘;4W aa^pm M ated .

aC Uio Itolco U ie a tn ; K lday / ^ I n g , r , under Uie direcUo^6t.<:‘Uarlri Roberts D

“t W illb im s;;«u ile ''d ln (!fo r In t M Eden i b lgb -schoo l. T he. peraonnel o f tbo «<

ory o p e rtu d Itfo s folioW rf - ' r • ' d Yellow W itch niri McG^o b

l l OucbesB, tbe c ru e l snbmotliO T^^l:^ tli« -------------------- 1 'CaUierlflo‘P u ller

en l Melinda, a atopsisterl-D nroU iy F u lle r r- Fttlry O odm oiber _ _ i.V io la Je ff tr is

ftV. Tom T hum b ....Ooris-.Olion [■“*! C ln d ire l la ____ ,-,'.;L.i;.,.GUMJyii-Bqng *-

P r in c e ___________i.iii:i*ylo •Williams ,Bluebeard — .^ C b e n lo r-C la lb o m e

" , B luebeard’s ■ W lves^A drona S arber. j; ^ ,'i ' F rancis Fu lton ;. . Leona Mobnkon,

'* H arriet LinU. Rnim a U atz.®‘- Llltio G irl wiUi a Curl _ - ;_ J --------,

______:----------------L'^TIiolma D am es KJa ck F ro s t -------;_w_l-iZeff C laiborne 2?

lho S ally W a te n ■------I S : . . . . E d n a McGee [J« | . Q old llockB -------- . . - J i . - Ruby '.McGea JSjg . G iant Foe F l F o Fum -Vlrgll Slaxwolf ?

T bree B o a n - H e le n Bloomqulnt, H ar- old Jenkins, £ lv a Pelion. . '

ind F a th e r T im e _ . .^ ,D r y o a A verilt _ I , Clock and 12 hours. ■ - .. •? S

In* .Moonglpw ..■.'■■L.Oraee Rum sey“* K in g -------------------- siiLL- P au l H en ry “... Queen ............----------Chkrlotto Johnson

Chorus. H uosom alds; l.adl0B. G entle- « mon of tbo Court,-FBlrles.- JA ct 1—K itchen o tfthe castio.

ot* A ct 2—Rose G ardea-ot the c astle. '>0.* -------1 . . .n ^ M lr a t l o n

Ob. Como W ith U s'to .K a iry L and > .for ______ _________________ Chorarlly I Do Not See W h a t Q t i v M l o n ; •r o - ___ .„ _ ._ ..„ _ B e lln ( la and M allndi Viin My Lords and L adlea’l.ook a t Me

Jb- ____________---------------- ; Cbonw .Tlio B lack r ^ t . _ - V v«iiow W itcb .„

■jl. Dream s .... CIndonlla ..tro Up and Down th o Villaiio S lroo t _ : ' ^

/o i Good P e o p le .IJ a te n Carcfully _ _ i._ *--------------^Tom, .TliURib and C hom i ™

,g It I W ore Klog fa.Bmioy Bptln-^ .F l i« in g la " n ^ tfa u i5 S f 'iw --- i - . TJ. ________ L__ i- .P r I i& anil CindorollBIf I /)v o .8 o m e 'D a i5 X .-------Clndorella *N unery^R bym o; P a rty B luebeard U

O lrl wlUi. C u rl. Jack. F ronl.-Sa lly »■I” W atora. aolditocloir'r>“ ,n 'l tbo G aln t’. 'K lllor.-J Haggedy Ann; Ji *® T hree B eafa. or

F iAi Io A ct l - F a th e rT lm o , H oura and Ai Chorus. • •• c

'■« O v e r t u r e ' p r c b e a t n t l o n S

brt„ ■ - ■ — y nifyJ^»'«-n snd C horus w. fS It.Y ou W ouldlT im tjFalryland -

. . . —. . . . . —...-.MoMikIow and C horus ' T oil Mo T ru ly . L ady Moon . _

— ____ L ........_ .::i.'.l.:3W lnte-ariJ'C horus ..i l - H ere 's to the K ln y '■ .■ '. . ; . .C h o n a . » - Ju a t a T iny R ay «<‘tiie b h b M .a w rt^ ng 1 Am-a& K xcepU oi^M otM rtih w—

^ T h o u g h ^S o v ere ^ l(ay Ue U a u g n i/ “

: W iSn i W aa Young and You W e n

O U I n v e s tr for your money is al- j leration. ' ,

that margin materially i- vestment probleips - to •IVm FALLS BANK ., who will gladly plice. eir broad and s p e ^ l - l the complete sources rmation to which thieir ' iccess. ' . ‘



■ ■ •


Falrl«»:-aim,Mahnkea, H arriet Uatx, j ; i'-Blva^Pfiton, ;■■■!■! V «aden ,-^ ;H aroU : . Jetterla. .-^Rutb I .•'V am sa,'V elda^um m ers,''-Em m «u » ;-ClaIborn.e,'/'Or^.,.Otoei»i;,Br^!.• aalboraa..:'. '

Court attendaata—Nora Spencer, P e r-8 i' ey-Smith. . ta

id . ThalirehesM Uon .wiM under tho d l- s l W, rectlon of V .W . Beebbut; vRh'M fs. pi a Ralph.Movbid, sus aenm paaisc to n 0 Mra..Wllilara« Is to bo eangratulat- H lO « d ;0B the eexceilent-worlt.she has u ' done in d i r ^ in s this operetta, this lo

10 being a big undertaking for a school -, the Oise of t t e 'Edea-hlgh 'scboot.;.: „

‘ ■„ . n

S I . ANNOUNCEMENTS ’; I !°» ' The Wioodaiial dull win meet witK « Mrs. F.. F. Warner.'Wednesday,^ May r- X3. for a. j:80 : lunctoonr. •; r

..The Order o 't 'c u te rn S t^ Vlll mobt ^ In regular sessioa' Tuesdiu' evening;* May 12. The Past-Matrons olub w.111 : tumlsh the.cntertalnmenL The meet- I ln» will bOiprMedod -liy.a «V ,9 dinner for wbieh Uio -uBual'fee -will11 be clwged. ' ■ ■■. j,' . , ;

. Tho -Woman’s -PmgrouiVe Uiih will 1 ^ meet WlUl Mro. McClain a t Iha stigari ; taciorr. W ednada^ ■ Ma»V.13.v Roll i

call to b e 'a n s w e ^ r wiW.aotiBUiilii! spproprtato' to " M o » e t ^ ; ^ .»i

' Jap aB e iie ;:Celfe&; . . M o tiiw !i '-^ i4 K ~ a n 4 • •: M ^ d o V W i ^ d i l l g

‘ lIng>anaiwraary.-of ttnperoriYoahl-'- lito;.’oLijapaii^ .-was . ealeb'rated/vWlU)[ I Joinl '#rofTamjby.-abb9t..lMrJapan-

» e - J n .;U ie 'P r^ c e ’: o t.a -an a ilw ro f \ Amerlo« .;TUItbra-<SBhday;attaniooa , a t : the-::ParlBh.*-han."iThe/inooting =

« a , »1)odnto order.; hy??ranlt Arl- , map...ot .'Burley.-: Tom 'of Uils .

JtT . rBad'-iho.messafp, io ,.and deiirered a ta lk :o ti.the .sil'i ver w ad ing and on the-'ohservation

I ot.-M other's' day. Other , ripeaken I were H. Karal ot Kimbe>ly; K

Mayeda .ot BuHey a n f K.- Shosawa r i t Twin' Palla. . :I Folloirlng Uils were a hiimber o t . ; Japanese games In •'the hall, tbe dee.

oraUons d t . which: w ere, appropriate, t American and ..Japanese tU gs’ -were

obnssacuous., tlaay ttom : Barley, Patili;;CaBUefort,': Buhrand-Kimberly .

I w e r e - - p r e s , e n t •

W w •-« * ■ » * » • * ■ • 'V-'.: • '■''f. ;,;i '■•. ■-;’>> ■; \R e a d ’T lm ^ .W a B tA ^ ~ > '• .

. ,1 ■, -'...'ll' . ,V '- . ■•••.; .

. , J Followi

I p T rf I t o L o s A i i

S e a t t ie o r . . J f .fav o rab le

M ' F e itia sd or 8" m . S e a t t l e __ I...:

m ■ Sfo' JraooUco■ Su i FnusdM o,

■ * - Log 'A o g d e i d■ Log A affdes, oi■ F r & n d ic o .

I . T ickcts on

' P g r . rw e

V v jB 'T O ase rtrv jeD w y e THE F

• 1 CDNOCRT ON CT VI-%W‘r . / <

y lllllllll - V ' ' I ' IP

..Y TIMES'^F « w t i S n e l l i i l g W i l l " ? S

: B i g ,

. H M p i t a l f r o m U . S . »

: TOSHINaTON.' . D. . C.; M«jr 11— J'J SalecUon.of tbeTFort Saelllng mill- Ury reservation In Minnesota as Uio slie for. a new j'oteran.s bureau hos- pltal ■ w as. definitely aocldoa upon ,,,, today a t a conference a t the White House between President. Coolldgo and General .F n n k T. Hlnea, direc- yoi tor ot Uie veterans’ bureau.. I ■ Hipes -aHo lold the preildont tfeW cai

engineera ;were now surveying tiio wii Bite a t Portland.. Ore.. donated by loi the cily. upon wblch n. hoipllal was to be oonsuued to xeplaco .the pres, j ent leiBed\hospital\UiCre. / ' • Sh

P rea ih tM , SenJor O lau o f th e Tw ii

AT j l a v e r i n g M a y 1 4 t l

: T IO K B T S-O N S A I i^ X T . 'M

W o m a r i o f F o r i ]

V i c t i m o f.

I M r i . F a n n ie , W h t tp o f |IS i ; B ro o k ly n , N . Y i, w r i te s : |

I ■ ‘^A lm ost e v e r y m o m in g , I ■ f o r t h e l a s t five y e a r s I s u f - |

^e re d .w ith s ic k h e a d a c h e s . I \ I f e l t t h i s W9 S d u e to n e r - 3

• v b u sn e s s , n e v e r d r e a m in g | ' . t h a t f a u l ty in te s t in a l e lirm - w

. 'n a t i o n c a u s e d m y s u f fe r in g , i ■ I f e l t w r e ^ h e d , m y ^ jp p e r |

' . t i te w a s g p n e . I lo s t i i l t e r c s t I I i n . p r e p i a n h g i m / n i » l s , l i f e l l

. ;-;>Va»*JiotVw6rth l iv in g .- ’>,'!AM

..w orkied w b n d e r i- '> T h e y -a re |a f i'r.'Stnaliii^^e^^^^

u y i n g : R o u n d T r i p F . a i ^ f r

S a n F r w c U c o , P o i

o r ,S p o k iB in « b y a . c o m b i n a t

.e r o i i t e s .

• 8p6tauie .......................................;........

w ' d i m t .................... ............ — ......—«o, on«- w ay, v ia PortU od__„________I d i r e c t .................... ...........................--------, one wajr,* v ia P o rtlan d a o d Ban0 ................ .............................................................

on Ralo ilnily, Mny 15 lo Scplcm licr L im il. Octol)Pf 31

ST 0P 0V E B 8

Mervatioiifl o r fur4)icr details, eonxt

D . 0 . B O TB. T icket Affeat Tw in FaU i. Idaho

O r / i TM SO <3lA0 '4<I ( .MJ?&©0NN-WO

I > GUOTO C > Hfcoe A^ZCRyj S JOIN Tne ) V T>iou6HT v o u o V P M W f / c oiyfFtTojeftB*

■ 0 " “ “

■ M M h R

. . 3K

■ * The youui,-waa,-- 'jteaViM^SciM '' l&to Friday .after<^j>ol|eftdw?tiad?Uie

yoiitli was bcneficiary.-lqJthM«,'‘V4)00 innuronce. policies'■whlS’r^blSh^Stber carrlcd. Two, of, thevpolle;Iea .• w #n taken out Just.a wec^;b«rok’« the do«- Ipr’B death.' .

' A.‘ J. .F4stef-:I^ tU ^«elalla t;.' .322 Shoshono.Bt , ..

itM l » j t - ' V ■''V ’- ;'''’ > rw in F a l ta H is h Soliijol . (

' W t T H E A ; ^ :

■th 8:15•‘ MAJESTIO P H A B ^ p tv /■

i y '9 f : ; C 0 |^ K | .

i W p i n g s - a n d l e a i i e - p ^ e i t o B E s ^: aftet.elI'ect ’’'./F6r.'salefai-r'>*i|all;dni'gpstai:'’;-.;

M i lPortland, ■ ,.* lation of m

z r - ' ^ s t T o * \ - ' -.......... - 4 6 6 J 8 . •___ ; . . . ? 5 f 7 0

..... ........$ 7 4 . ^ ■ - ’

ilicr :io. I ’r .

omnilt M . -,

__________ - r - B y T a y l o r '

p ‘ **v ^ ’ *• won see u>6 of«.v .V , . •- -r

iB B o w serrsH o aT J^;^ .

■'-'■Jr •

. -

Page 3: As Him ^ liiisoF': M adly for i ipONnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_… · •: ,'t:ypiSaiKa;.Nu»n^ i. ' • As Him Qmmes^'. liis S iiS S id eA

' ‘■•J:'/'■■-' ■ ' •'• - ••' ’’ •

i-v -Ital

l i i i i f f i

^ ; B rohon^ :dnB >W6rld’s /B eo o rt[ At ,i , I i > r o l M ! D b ^ : o t . Band g fJJ; , ' P o l n t r B r o ^ W o rid E tc o rd In ^

javeHa T&tow;,; Brody; 'Tied Biu ;v Another W orld' JUcord. . At

PoMteJlo --------- 13 , CnwBKQpeit ........... . 11 '

. B a r i e y , :_________19.Saad Point ----- » ’Unlolon- - fl •, cm

. ■ ---------- Broun

onr readers will , noto 'th a t-U ic ie Onl

th e ^ .iS a w ja s ’Wpnbn^^^^ satu r. • daffW filW ^'JttaBoaV .vTlnim was

• 'point* to I ^ C• Uis. orM U-W d^^vord.’p t ,Twin, pano socoM:;?iO}6'l8^:io b l i c ^ t . Demors . . of::8and<ffblnt w as /Ja .this class g * \ . wl(X*8,»Tmbo ot-Ooc^lufflG, Browneof OoUoi,®.'’: • ^ •' ■• • . .“ Bftti

Thfs dlifrJcl won signal honors In |jnBw«Uita m M t'H tbolr (O tar points to* o unutalQd 'm dre than CO. Fory-olBlit gcc<polaU irtf. Aown In' tbo tablo nbovo gcattlfor this' BlsWlct onil-Filer's 3 makes i»ortlo

• a tp tJtfidlfa,’. points.-. Bati' . V m ^ m . Sani Point., lirek^- cm «

tl is i^ e iW a . Intenebotu tle ; . re ^ bln..■.•g®8Sf,ig82§:!feg:;

Tftfc^nrm nry bt tJjo Biirf«foUows;? ; '.Tlntn«i'?:.«hlrd. 'Time- 7 ‘ _ ,-• n .H - .

W 'u l^w iJnaS ^ooa " o w d ln “ 'Td

. c . l l V r r . a » ; - S ' - ifc‘iT«lii F»1UI tW ra,;yottot.;L .»W on. dm i

3 i . ’

maeond Tlm « ' - ^ l a iRlllS. OrlBo. s r kS i. K ^ tu r j ,:

IM I I H ' “ ‘• ‘v ' J , ■ . Wu Wj

a S S F S S ^ StrUI tbro*)nc the.dlstias.* dUtxnce

• g S i . . W . a P < " « ' ■ ■If-.5 S -2 K s i

j M ^ J I r s t . - Tlnmi." PitubuFW U : s io o n ^ - fa io k tr P * ” " - ' •Brown, »0»i«. ' W g ^ c # « ! « t « * p — ■

‘“m ' w H . - ' D o t " ' / *( B ^ StewD.‘S U k w e ) l : ^ ^ ^ a ) :

, 4 i w * _ .4u h : . Bn>wn, B t iw or, I w

’: U-'"^ -T M .. n

; " N=w'■) nwBf'rti u i(rt.i.:a a i« iit- .8 <M i. e p ic a - n; , Sis?,

> ii> iiir tin > ii 'r " .* iii» t ir ii« m - n m sn 'iidedSfed 4eClBlt«ljp>i«t%te. i l r a /B » gjiisaUli

™ wri^

'• • -.'. <••, .. L ^ '. . ', ' : . .^ 1 '•■ •

■:■■■■ > r : i . ■


- : A M ^ CAlf L^A flU E

A t 8 t lo u to —Bnd 3rd. ' ■ ■ ' tC /JW Y ork .... 310—1. I ^ u ls ;_ r .V ......................... 403—7 ThS a tte r lo s : Fersu son and O 'N olll; cntel tD ft)rth .'and.Sevcrold. thirdM ousel-h it hom or. r irs t l o t , . . wlah P ip p 'b i t hom er.H rst o t Is l. • . Plnnt P iu ch a l h t t hbm or f ir s t o r 4th. Ula

-. — ^ • whlclA l DotfoR—E nd 8lh. * ' fc. (lonnw ion ----------- ------- 410 QlO 01—7 (Illsjtro lt ..'------- -................. OOO .«01: n —3 RratlB a(terlos: Q uinn, G lnrd and Pic- oo t Ich; Colo,’ Johnson and B asslcr. , sclio(■ ' ■ . ------- . . ' ■ ThA t C leveland: R .H .E . cooclliladolphla ---------------- ------- 2 8 2 and 'e v c la n d ----------------------------1 7 0B atte ries: H arris and . C ocltranc; . F inuto and M yatt. ' YBiucso hU bom or f lrs t o f 9 ( h .. u

At Clilcago: • R .H .'i:. 'RBshlnRtoa --------------------- 0 13 0 , Iilcaeo ------------------------------ 0 G 2 • ••'5U atterlcs: . Joh n ao n ' and . K ucl: } J ank'eiisblp. Man'gum and SlschoJI. JUSD. , ,:l

KATIOA'L LK.1UUK • JCliIcoKO a t Boston, no gam e, w et ,.<l ounds. .1P ittsburgh a t Pliiladolphla, rain , nu : : ' l

Only p in ics scheduled today. /■. ■ . I ' l

^odst League | |M Portland—F i r s t gnmo: R .H .C .Mtlo — -------------------------- 12 16 1 • i lrtlBDil 1______ 7 14 4 ■ ■Satlorics: M lljus and O aly ; H ot- I sw orth. Racbac, W inlors, O rtmon. ’ ' I n is and Tobin. , Iiecond ttam s: I t l l . E . .i t t l o ____________________ 7 11 5 . 1r t la n d _____________ -------- 10 1 7 - ;1 '■la ttM lcs: vD uniovlcli, Mooru, Lu- '■ I and K. B aldw in; Mocker nnd To- - ' ■>■

Ii t V e ra o n -P lrs t sa tpe: n .II.13 . I 1 F rancisco mt.n— a— —„ 1 ’ 6 .1

J a t t i r i t t : ! A earyl ' i w l c e t t a n i Ab-

1 ,F ranalsco ------------------- 1 8 1 and im oh -------1 - ___L_ 4 12 0 vamola ttc rlea : M. OMtria and RItchib: than- rfoot and H annah . In

: --------- . • , feateditinsW T bii • •ftigv ■am y tt it fi*

; I.' .,-.;V4.-!.?;^4 Ui^ -i

U lttarios:. C randall. llam sey and .Twi a ls ; K rause ond McBonkld. . hali i lecond in n ip : ... R .H .K . log o

l i i i l l t "(a tte r le a :. Payoo.-. M l l s ( ^ .. and oBMn Idbers: B oeblor and 'M cD ouatd; ig'tica;

y ^ " z a - = - 6 ll I “ 7'iftttarliai; O’Neill. P e rry and Cook: { " J ? ', itln ifTind K ocliler .- Jtem o o tt 'ean io :* .0 I t l L B . "

■' ....5la tte rles: * Ponder. U uU cy and Po- o' i : Shellcnback. Thompson, and i**®, •*

low the Ciubs Stand HAA31EUIUAX LKAPUK i .......................... W. . I* P e t • •

s ; e r = i 5 ' I .roland ___________ 12 7 .633 HAfcaso •—„— ............ 14 ; 0 .C32 basebsl 3 u is ......... 10 14 .417 Youa*r Y o rk '„ > B ............ 7 13 J6 8 school■ton ................... |6 14 JOO diamolr o l t _____________6 ' 1C J3 3 mado

--------- • th e ir I• . KATIOXAL LKAOUB • when

W . U Pet. a t F irr Y ork .u:------------- 18 0 .674 soon«di ln n a t l ........... .......... 10 0 .620 (h rec (Mxo -------: -10-^ 9 J 26 cata s toU yn ■■:....... ............ . 11 10 .5:4 foarthiM lo lphla________ 10 11 .476 Y o im r(oa ' - 9 11 .460 KwneLooU ■ 8 11 .431 lo scoisburgh ,____ - .7 11 .389 ro u r t^

— ' ■ .'i I . . I . . *B T T 'V o i U ^ a e k ^OotrM.' te s» -

cc»dx « t- ;> V d h a m nnlrsrmKy . t a m s r jw a a g s r o f s e w a l . r a l a - Harti

i r s s s a -sssi . ^ « a a ^ - J a c k H eadr lo la a n - .-a io ra

-•. ----------- ' ’ " W r tf lBW T O R K - F u to N n m i. c b a n - Blyiti •nmafcr K t b t w w ld . w ho w as Kelly

9 tf*ar 'cU rff«-.D C istortlOB Sot- ■ - ST'br t t s .A. JL. c ; w tU 'caU f»r .J L 'K t t i - 'o B i J U f * * .- -H a . * a y - n m Sbeabbi la in b a t t- mO# - * i l a l l s a - r a c e * i« d e td t o a t b o . B a r ^ ^ - W t _- “ ..

l , t « ‘liaT* ib id f i t t e d t h a t ho*- n t n n b - t U « cew yiT , to .a>ak< j

V' il -5«w

---- : -—^ - r n - ' ' r -.>T •'

SPORT VIi ( pwsp' IT ho stato truck' moot held a t 'P o .

a te lio domoniirutod *galu for tlid h lrd o r fourUi tlmo. ju s l a s you rish (0 pu t il, ttm t. C!ou«li FoUz . ‘liisUno .Is tt g rea t , conolv.' T ills Is lie fou r(l)- branch or allilotlcs, In ^>« rhlch * hts boys - harn mndo excop* < Ional records this scliool .ycnr nnd t Ills community owes him n ilebt of t ja tllu ilo which Is-seldom w nrranled I <n tho p a rt o l a coach in hlfih chooi AtlileUcs. <;

T hose who ha ro followed- tho wm oacb > slDCO- lie eanie. hero Inst fulJ non n d 'to o k up his labor wltb u s ^ w l i r i .n i

■ • ' , " • ~ • tra<



r WlU

’ ' ' 111 I

' .1': le t t



■ Cl: . ' .*' .'

call tb a r i h foo’tiia ri'w o woro ru n . sled irs-up for Uio s ta te obainplonship o r < Id n s a -m auer o f fac t lo s t (hu day imo w ith Nam pa on n .fluke raU ier *10,i a n . on r e a r dow nrleb t football. » In baikotbikll o u r , team w as de- my;, ated a t.BulU ' by one pohit, o ther- * 1',' ]se .:ah K ta C » W ,w p u ld h a v e - b o ^ 'O ) ^ 19 -runners-up In th is branch

Tw iil F i l l s ’ Is doing woH In bate- »Bo >ll and>C6ach-'P lostJno Is.devolop . tt m uch ,now m a te r ia l and yoi a t P “ e.sa^np Ume Is. giving Uie ta n s .a f I t .game.. trhenoTur. wo m eet any iponents 'Ia ' thlS; ^bronch o t ntb*

^kes -sebMlarsblp .the basis o t p a r- .^Yi :lpa tln s .'ln " ;titlilo tlcs ra th e r Uia;i |1V))I ik ln s /v ic to rs -Ih b moln Issue.. Many thoj tlm o .A .|n m e in lx h t have been won l^ a l ‘S o m ^ U UiOffBtudoats wbo w erp t t r ) t^ u p . 'tn (holr Jrork--S*ero allowed play, b u t 'lh ls w as no t Uio suind-

tl of . ou r new cOMb bnd Uiei^eforo B s tn d e n u w as benched o rn s k e d to )Ike up b is s ^ l w ork f i r s t add a n ' U t e r part?, lH' th e aUiletie!


-rV FILER NINE ®HANSENi-Tho' M e r ‘ high s c h is t 'r j i ! leball -V>am. crossod b a u wlU) tb d u a g T ige rs o f lbe> H ansen . hl«h; lo o l 'la s t T u i* a ay :o a Uie, HansSn im ond.• ' in tbo f l a t inning F l ie r ^ S l ­id e 'tw o 'sco i« s . the.-sam e aa. waa Ilr record on Uielr>. own* dlam pnd; W len theTYonns T ige rs played U iita l i B F iler:*A prU '17. .Hans^a-B T igers , b i

ired. tw ic e 'th e f irs t - inning and gap i e r Umes in Uio 'seeoad. T ho Wild-' A h : a a b u t ou l tho Younx T lgem In th e d t u irth and six th inntoff. And (hs w ' . m ur T igers ' m ade t t an .inierestlng' ;( ne by not aliow lnc Uie W lldcaU .‘/-N l sco re during U iffV secoB^ th ird , freiei irth. llfUi a s d s ls tb In n ln n . a lw was rlnc th e e lsh th '.aad n inth. 8 ow:at d o s o of UlO i t o t h a lf.o f th e nlBtta p l i ^I BODre stood-10 to 7 In favor p f h lm ^ Y ouoc T igers. T hU acere waa n ^ 1 g rea t a s tb e acore a t F i le r ..w b iA >,21) to 11 In (a ro r o f tb e - Y oonx ^ 5 « n b u t was a good game.

• BOXR R U 5 LEADKBS ' ' W f i lartoett. Cnbb-«. .. . .. - -

5r5S5£S-^' .......— .'‘Sllo n n b r . Carda-6. . . . n i i _ . Nfnrrtght. P li» te» -« ... lyatt.- •lBdlsM~6i •* . i

O la B ta ^ ‘

■« g - t

=#W s==iEi-SS


: . . . ■ ECWIN Fi

i K ^ l ir t l f f i r =l i i i i i Gl i l i l i Mis

• .1 •• sm ui

W est H igh ScJioitl ^ m c k Team Will wim” ' t'o n to st wllh T u in F a lls on l.ln . ,Ho<l s coin Field. 31ay :!S{ Lnnt thniioc DuWIt to Seo Tlniiu und Alvord lu .tc . llun. ■:■ Trni

• — — trackqoacb Follx riH stlno rccolvcd

wortl from Cn.icb ilom er Chrlmwi- “ O son (If Uiu W est High school of iiult } I jik e C lly twliiy conrirm lng .thu .cun . ' trac t to obmi' licro fo r n iluui mcot ' □R .May 22. ThlK will be yoar liiHi . , , , iipponunlty .Ui nuo Timm and Alvord Uiu s ln r trncU na-n of lh o IV I.i , Falls h igh ,schi..)l In action, 'rtioy bolh g raduate thin yc.ir and this , will bo tho lftiii.moct ilioy-iwlll p a r. llclpnto' In hero. •

T he. en tries from S a lt Lako City - y,,,, «-ho nro- o*pc*:U'cl to win tbo stiilo f,j , , , :haroplan«Uip of Uiuli nex t .Friday Ijlj,,,!" ill a Hluto miTi nru ns followN: ncclitv

CO-ynrd daHb^N'oit. W inn, lliti>r. n„\v ii ino .yan l dn.ili—NoU. W inn.' Ulter. (i„cto>l .SSO-yard • ilunh—NoU. Ulainflclil. o’cloil

440*yard rac e —A therlcy and Mil. Coi-t lalt. - chuinii.8 8 0 .y a rd - ‘ raco—M lllctt. Howells f o r i bllill Sm ith. • ' which

2»0.ynnl hiirilluii—U llcr, Uruukcr Salmi);md Spofford. for i^.

; --------------------------- ------ II, aft


10110,000::». ' • hrIilKO

' . , --------- . , • • Iho mC liA niX )1T R arKICDWAY. CHAR-

iledily, consisten t drlvlnir. l-:arl Coop. ur to d a y won', tho SCO mllo Memorial la y ractj.. w inn ing-tho f lrs l prixo of

'* n « r ’y l l a r t i was second and Tom- ny-Mllton. winnur o t la s t year’s rdee; , 'P : wiio led today 's f ield ,fo r th e ;jlr» t SOD

.wo m tnules n a d 66 scconds. a ^ aver- ico.o^ ncn r ly . i ^ m i r e s o n .bour, ^

' fore 1

.... W a^fim ^ theII ho UIK

trn 1‘u‘i njY eslerday 'ii hero—Johnny Moatli.VJilje Sox ..u lflrldcr, h it a homor In h o « 2lh InntO K^IOr ono on base and ^ a l 'U io ScuptArs 10 t o 8., , ' p _

IS^ch T aylor’s pinch d oub le In thc ¥> ^ In n ln s drove J n two runs and javb tho Brooklyn RoUlna Ihclr Oilrd ^ I g b t v ictory over (be CJnlbinatl i J i . W . . . . r o ^ t o 8.

‘iliom om 'by .'M cusel, P lpp nnd Pas- «>l aui l iJ i helped-lho Yankees s lap lho SL Burloy i>gis B rd»na '13 to 1. G eorge SUIer specllo Ijtisafply^ In 1 ^ 36th gam e. ‘j

llk assed hits scored four runs In tcady iv o In n lO gasnd th o 'a ia n is U-lmm^d avoragbo Cards, 8 ( o ^ .- BenUcy w ent Ibc ago tin U ^ C tf T o r Now Y ork. ^

jT he TlBeni. m auled five Red Sox oo.U ic h ch ers and w on 13 lo 6. Stoner • „

»*■-- ■ ••• • • ‘ ■■ Pssfl

i a r B i b l e T l K > u g M / t r ^ aBBJOICK -JN- m iB O C A n O N .'— ' Rons

h u te n la c .o t tb o A lnrig lity -Jeb 0A 7. <, V*-,-,'>: ,i'bav i

^JE V - YORK...iTomntf .'Q rUfllh. 1™ “ , e ieran Brooklya, in ttS sldo r, who u a s traded S a t n t t i ^ jolnbd Ule d b l- i ^ C « b t , ? ^ , J H « o n - ; l M a y . - S

ITT tn t i t t i i ' i i i i 'iM s i i • i i i iM /( in n b i i l l j .~ 'V


— dent. 1Canal Ilonni Tumiln]'—T h r Twin lalnti iialia (Taiial company honn) (if illri.c- th f no-irs will hotil a iniii^lInK lamurruw. dhlnn.

. - . — . . ■ . thit lioinauuh lfp In Ilom —A uuuslitiT wan M.-iIkkIjrn May in. a l tho T« ln I’nlln w.iiu- llov. W^general hoHiillal lo Mr. nnd .Mrx. J . lu Pi-hl . Flynn of lianscn.

------------------------ IiO<»llTIckelB nn «ulc—TIckctH fur Iho d a mnnvr Woitiioaduy ..tivcnliiK fur Uiu Minn wilit ' Luke Clly nffjiir a rc <m snlc roumlin. th e ' chnmhcr o l coniinoruy. • _ iioro li

Imnll Infant n .‘X—All hifunt ilnui:li. mni Onr o fJ tlr . .Illd .Mrs. r n d NiiiiiiuUy. ^cir,hu was hni'ii tialiinliiy iili;Iii umt ijoHi0(1 .Siindny will l>u hurled fioiii tho in;;. uWltl chnpel a t .|:30 tbis'aCuTnuon.

T rack Train (Jiien Through — Tliu tinth.u"' ack layiiiK train went throiiKli thin ornlng on ils wny to lay ntn-1 uualii

IlOKcmon. I t w as-ri'poriod itim ,,,,J ,!»i-e ycMerilay hut did nol Urrlvc nn- __ L. early lo<hiy. ll lu undvrnlfitul ll lli bvKin work a l oncc.

M llle Clrl IMi-h—Thu riiiU'inl or inlino. Itii’t u’lin rllr<I S/illlril:iy • ' cnlUR Ul Iho UKI' nf IU iniinthii wnr.:ld IhlK aflornoDii nt U:nu fm m lliu uo «:lin|iot. •The lllllo c lrl wmi itio iHKhlw- of M. Leo.

Vnnoml iii lil T<nla>^Tho f.in .^ ilUnncy lIuncocH. who wn« f;ilnlly ^

jui'vd. l,’'rlday rvnilni: in an uiiiu j Sclduiil iiuar Jc.ronic; wui; hclil n l Uiu a n>\VIII cbnpcl IhlH nlli'niooii uml con. I B fictcd hy llcv-. 11. U, lliiniiilirvy u t WB-•lock. ____________ ___ ' ■ ~

lioi-H io tViiHhluKloii—IIny .M. Ili'nil* ai|i|), who hau lived In Iho L-oniity n r Ihc pnnC 17 ycurH, diirhiK pnrt of ML lich Umu hv wi}H nocruiury of lhe J U lmi)ii Itlvur Kutllcni' nimoL-lniloii Icn r i^cH Molnrii to'iuy for a nliori vin*

afiiir which ho kovh id WiiKliInK- II, D. lo take n ponlllon wllh Ihc icrAtnio commcrco conimiunlon.

Good liim of W nler—The canain an? nnluK 3150 Hiicond fic t for ihu Twin •lln Iracl. ll wun Matod loduy hy maKor llnrtun Sm ith of Hit) .Twin lllu Cannl rnnii’uny, nml thu hnnliH ; c ndJUMllnK Ihtniiii-lvcs .iik-i'iy. , Thi: n will 1)0 liiorcnncii hy about CUU L'oiid foot lall)!-.

Iteady fa r lho (.'onfcrt—Thu Hnln* _ idso nrchi-Hlrn cu.«pomtlnK wlili I t II mnslcal c lass of Mlun ' M arcarcl _ lelps. Is rea rly '/o r tho flrio concert Jo which a ll a rc Invited a t the high

M . TII" .il. ». . . . . . l t e , ---------- P J ,

ISto Mere, llpyit—Carl Kilwards 1s I^oilJic r o t tt iioy bom thla m orning win

th e Twin R ills county general /— ip lta l. Lee Andrew Butx arrived

the home of IL BuU Saturday ,! ■ilghlng nli}o pountiB on the stand- ■ll scokw. according lo h is dud. ■

I* re lln lnar{-Iff O n~T he prollmlii- Ilenod 's taiu tory crime . Is on be- ••e p robate J u d g o . J . t* Hodginm r n n rniwn.. Chief Andy Wilson _ _lUfled th a t ho arresled Adkins ell ii Rlrl. A lberta \Yorley. s a l d t o |

uiidiir IS yonm of age, In a room J l Uuhl. Adkins asi6rted th a t ho

d no l hu rt tIA) Klrl. Mr. W ilson - f l Hd. Proaeculor J . W. T aylor rep- nluiils the -s tale and A ttorney B. V. B lrson Ihu defense. V n

logerson'Shoflhone j nBasin Gruinsr Ahead

■of Paftt S easo n s^URI.i:v. Itlahff—8. T. B lew art. for- ‘

rloyrii^BOusl rotum cd*froin an In-.jcllon of lhe range In lho’'R o g er- - f c J 'J. Rock Creek and Shoshone B a- . 1 4. . llo rrportii th a t tho rango ' U ;■ iidy for pasture* two w eeks ahead of m r >>rage season (h is year. T he nvor- 1 ^ 1s Ume for oponlng Iho. rsn g o Is on I ^ . Jy 15 bu t I t has been open now for r f iT i e ra l weeks and sloek Is being fod Uio low r u g e s . .

m T E R M Y y l i o M K nUKB ^ Celly.'Giasts. 1—6.*aschal. Yankees, 1—3. _ _leusel. Yankees. 1 - 3 .iosUI, AVbile Box, l->2..imlUi, nods, 1—3. . .tbnsh. Reds; .1—1. ^ ^ 1

./ -> -kojICB bavo moved m y 'rva l eslalodfffeoom ,110 id. N. known as ■«. . C ^Dliert's om ce. to m r old s tand a t -Co»3 M. E ., 1 bavo som e'vefT jcood- youiittags, and ao lieit a p a rt o f .y o ttr n i . td r o a w ) / ^ ^ y J J ;

l.v CNi.vKSi: .\it-My w i :m .i:\V Y O niC -T hrce Chlnoiio Slu* Miawi-y tk in tho Pi-klii;; Theological Scni- “ - ry, o f which Ur. f a r l .A . Kelt, foi^ ' ly o f MadinoH. N. J., In ibo-pri'Hl" .,rovInc< I. hnvo been appointed na chap* „ fnmini in lu Ihn arm y of Rem 'rnl Kcni.'. „ iinnilf rio-callod ChrlHtlan (icncral of j,, |„ jn ^

nn. accordlnu Id word rocrlvvd hy Hoard nf I 'o n iKii .Mlnnlons of Iho , ,IkhHhI i:pln(?iii>iiI.i'tiiiiTh. frnm lho . W nlter \V. U n% , a iiilMlunniy .’ckiiiK. ^ ' I n i r r

»ii.N(i i io r .s i : n n T T i l i i x s t w o I " 2 ”.:|-oxn«. .Miiy 11- Tw o por- j ,

ll W(‘i-<- ili'iid iiMhiy UK n itm iIi o f n | nlm: lioiu-.u nhooiln;: aixl niiii'ldo . ..) Iiiht ulnhl. Allii.rl Havln, JO . I'DU ily Nhol Mrn. VlrKlnlii Ikivln, 19 " 'I . dlnfi

Uion lurni'd ilio kuii iii>tiii hlin- “” ‘1

oU i.d lid nhorlly a f ir r Uie idmot. »yt'»uu <________ ^ _____ WANT

OCA.S'ADA. lm n u - I )iv I'lmlti. UioInu nlnniin. cn inu lu fi'oiii ....... .. .......Vunii'ulla :in<l Jnimii. u rrlvn i horo ly. I'di-umiiia I'l in .Miidrnx on thi; nimnlil

Ilf IIi'liKnt. ' r;i:il.

P r a c t i c e E c o r i n t h e K i tc h e n -


B A M S M G MIt Lasts Xx>nger—Goci

Makes jBctter BiS A I £ S * V s T I M E S T H O S E O F M

Tomorrow Night Is “FAJ Joe-K Says:

Tlir.. rl.mnnlnn nnjlS 'U t •FuIIk, 1 w on'l mention his nam o hnt I Doilge cars. H e sa id ; " Jo e , I ticllovo th w lnter.kllied." O.o.o*h, and they shoot

lO SiO H T A iip TOMI



^ co;N /

' 'N e v[ A l R ^ R I ^ P ^ J Id a li

W E S H ^ p A 7 -^ IC B DA

■‘The CoveredN O T E -^ B y pA]>iiIar n x i u a t «*c

Jove rc il W agon*’ fo r. 'o iio d n y on ly .' 1 'au r.-loH t c h an c o o f 's c c in f f U iis biR p i l in t i t w ill b c m U iiI ra w n f ro i a scrvici: ' c a r s , ....................... . . ....... .

■V»"A liray i t h t f w

JTHEFB-V :;4■_-------------- -- ,i:i.LlNOTON. N. Z .,- P r e m ie r ' noy nf Now ;ccaland, la d ead .ho ro ' , • ■ r B. llURcrlni; U ln n s ., . ,

IKN'TSIN, China—Paren la In lho . V , 'inco of Kwlchow. vrhoro Ihero Is. mine, a re so lllng 'the lr children fo r '■ nndful nr nialzn nnd 'can n llia lisn i' i>ini; ronnrioii to n e a r Koln Sun;

pad TIm rs W ant Ads.

A S M APvaristMBiisR M M tM L iU fw O M dariliM «

)i{ SAI,r:—M nhotany l»od room illnrni: room (tirniluK ', chnlra. cnr- imtl riiKH. Complvie fu m tlu re fo r S room houne. Call a l liC Fourili

lUu oanl.' lifter 6 p. m.

A NTi:i)—T o ’oonlrncl seed com oiitH for fall delivery. D arrow

I. Seed & Supply Co.

W l'—Kant of Curry, b row n 'w ntor Illl doK. .NoUfy 13IC 8 lh .avenuo

o n o m y :H—U s e - ■ .

f f l s roes Fai^lier— ' Biscuits ■ * a n t OTHZR j i i u u r a


- r f lth a t UlO •dando lionB -w aro j

>ot men llko L incoln

p j u C B S i ' IM a U n e e .._ - l-_ 10c . a n d -W o ; ■KTcnIng-../__.^ lO o a n d . SOe •:

ViSO, .? and

[)MpEEOW : ,

. ' ■■■•» .. LWJCHESWm')

• ■ JT H O M A S H A R D Y S *

UailtrfU'tt.' i - f ■ r;;' I I E G R E A T I S T LOf'F. STO R Y OF *MODERN TJJitES

Dirtfltdt, ^MASSHAU. N SnA M

■ Sr»s«f«s4y ,V>DOROTHY FA R N O M "'v « - • •


6WS:'::C^n^ ^ t ^ e J i b ; O r d | i ) ^ i i n ^

I :1n^o a re . r c t t ^ t l s f ^ y E b i i i l t S S f f l ; T h i t w iU ; p ro d tle U o n vic ti . t w ' k

Page 4: As Him ^ liiisoF': M adly for i ipONnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_… · •: ,'t:ypiSaiKa;.Nu»n^ i. ' • As Him Qmmes^'. liis S iiS S id eA


' TIio SHntM |u f more readers i , . . . pgbUca

• . .n b U ib M S tmt XvuHos b n p t 8 . Company, Twla

' i a KABTTOa ’.............. ..

'J k u n i at (b« Tyiia S^lit PMtoOfa ; ;Oall7 PnbUoaUoB.

■ : • SUBSCWPTIODally, cna j e a r _____________Daily, alx inontba.------------------l)a!ijr» bae' month ............. ........

T h e d e a t h o f a l i t t l e c h i l m i n d s u s t h a t , w e c a n b e c a r e f i c i d e n t s o f s a d n a t u r e . A :

. i o u s t o l i v e ^ p i t Q . t h e t r a f f i c r e g t h e n a c / c i d ^ t s '» ^ 1 /O c c u r w h l c a h u n i a n l i f e . ”

T o m o r r o w , i s f i o s p i t a l D a ; t i n s / t h a t . . 8 6 m e r e c o g n i t i o n s h o

. i n T w i n , F a l l s c o u n t y . . F e w c o i• ^ s u c h a ' s p l e n 'd i d h o s p i t a l a s t h e ' : a n d v W O - f i h p u l d . c e l e b r a t e N a t i c

,V i m ' a n d ^ g o r w h i c h s h o w s w e• a b l e i n s t i t u t i o n ;

T h e W a V 'M o U i e r e o f T w i : < . - a n d e v e n - t i i e : c h i l d r e n r e c a l l V f a s h i o n r S a l n r d a y . .T h e y s o l d ; • y o u i " r a i o t h e r w M l i v i n g a n d a w

j o i n e d t h a t i n n u m e r a b l e t h r o n g _ _ ^ - « S g d f o r a w o r t h y o b j e c t a h d >

. e v e r y , e n c o u r a g e m e n t i n t h e i r \

; S w i f t m u s t b e l i e v e i n T w i n ■ o r t h e y w o u l d n o t s p e n d s u c h ;V t h e y - a r e , p l a n n i n g t o d a y . W e

' ^ i f J ^ ^ ^ i M s o n t o . j b w i e v e . t n a t w e v t f f b , i f ^

; i P i . v o & E ^ f ^ e ^ c a ^ . S ei ' J s ’a f e t B r a n g , t e s t e d b y t h e c i t y e h i

t h e y w i | l t i n s w e

• “ - V ' V •"'■'•‘' r ' r . ' I t n i o B t ’b e m d m i t t G d t h a t w c " T o l i x 'P l a s t i n o : . ‘. T w i n F a l l s w a s

" - a n d f l g l d m f to t h ^?ld i n P o c a t o lIc s c h o o l a t h l e t e s c a r r i e d o f f tw e i

^ o m e m o r e s t a t e r e c o r d s . T h i s ■ ■ ^ d f o r t h e i r < ? o a c h : T w i n F a l l s

. ' o v e r t h e i r n ^ a ^ t r i v a l a n d d i d a l l h a d e x p e c t e d t h e ^ w o u l d .

; . p o s s i b i l i t y o r d o p i n g ' t h i n g s o u t i

• . T h e T w i n F a l l s c o u n j y f a i r / t h t f n e v b r t h i & y e a i ^ a c c o r d i n g t( • m a k i n g e x t e n s i v e p l a n s f o r t h e f , d e p a r t m e n t w i l l b e e n l a r g e d , M > - m o n e y \ ^ 1 b e d e v o t e d t o t h i s c ^ t i o n h a s b e e n m a d e t h a t a n e x h i i

. b e , m a d e t h i s y e a r a n d a h a n d s o ? - d i s p l a y . C o m m u n i t i e s o f f e r i n g

. . l u m o f . f i f t y d o l l a r s i f t h e y a r e r a

'A m e r i c a n L e ^ o n d i i v o f c o n s i d e r a t i o n o n t h e p:

V o f id s t h o u g h t t h a t - w h e n t h e w m ,, b u t ' w e h a v e r e a l i z e d a l r e a d y t h

•> g e s U o n a n d n o w s e n s e m o r e k c c . a g r e a t m a n y m o v e m e n t s m u s t . . m u n i t y r a t h e r t h a n b y t a x a t i o n . .

' . v i c a n L e g i o n d r i v e f o r f i v e m i l l i o i s u m i s . T h e - m o n e y i s - t o b e u s e

’. v e t e r a n s a n d o n e c a n h a r d l y i m a f • I f y o u k n o w o f a n y r e a l g o o d r e a ;

. n o t b e s t a g e d a t t h i s t i m e t h e c i D a i l y T i m e s W Q U ld l i k e f o r y o u to h i m a b i t - *

fS I ShMkeae St. 8«. 1----

j:; : J f Interested in

G r e k tN o

I b e a :^ f o r f u t u r e d e l i y e r y ,

I Who!

. ■■ ■---------- ^ ' 1


« in thif altj, than far, o tlm ieatlop. ^

t Snadar b r tli« T taaa PabUahlof la *rkUs,.ld«tio. ^

^ ■

tOlct' M S«coa4 O lua K atUr aa a IB. A pril U . 1118.



h i l d i n J e r o i n e l a s t . w e e k r e - e f u l a n d y e t m e e t u p w i tH a c i- A u t o m o b i l e d r i v e r s a r c a n x - ' e g u l a t i o n s a s a r u l e , b u t e v e n - l i c h m a y i n j u r e o r - e v e n t a k e

) a y a n d i t i s p r o p e r a n d f i t - h b u l d . b e g i v e n t o ' t h i s e v e n t c o u n t i e s o r c i t i e s e i t h e r h a v e l e ' ^ i n F a l l s c o y n t y h o s p i t a l . t i o n a l H o s p i t a l . D a y w i t h a w e a r e i ) r o u d o f o u r , r e m a r k - -

w i n F ^ l l s m a d e t h e c i t i z e n s “ M o t h e r ” i n a m o s t s t r i k i n g d y o u a p m k c a r n a t i o n i f w h i t e o n e i f s h e h a s a l r e a d y .

n g . T h e p r o c e e d s a r e t o b e1 w e , w i s h t h e W a r M o t h e r ar w o r k o T i n e r c y . - cp,


' i n ’F a l l s a n d S o u t h e m I d a h o Jm h a l a r g e s u m o f m o n e y a s ^ e j j n d e r s t a n d t h a t t h e r e is , rki B w i l l b e a b l e t o g e t a w o o l e n 7 ,^' ■ w a t e y w i i h ' f l 'p r o p e r f l e g r e c TmS e v e r a l l a r a e w a t e r - s u p p l i e s ; h 6 m i s t o f T w i n F a l l s t o o s - Sr ,v e r t h i s t e s t . • , . «»n'i_______________ • o a r

chiw c 'h 'a v e ’f iO T m t r t r a c k - c o a c h 'I n ^ IS h o n o r e d * t t h e s t a t e t r a c k i ] l & - S a t u r d a y ~ w h o n - o u r - h i f f h i ^ e n t y - o n e p o i n t s a n d b r o k e l i s s p e a k s w e l l f o r t h e b o y s wh« I ls h a d a l e a d o f e i g h t p o i n t s ” 2' i d n o t w i n i n t h e r e l a y r a c e ^ I . T h i s a g a i n s h o w s t h e im - «n(i i t i n a d v a n c e . ,----------------------- *. 192^

j i r w i l l b e l a r g e r a n d b e t te i * lu d : t o t h e f a i r b o a r d , w h o ar».*2 f a i r t h i s f a l l . T h e w o m e n ’s j„ ";

Nve i m d e r e t a n d , a n d m o i - e > n .?' d e p a r t m e n t T h e s u g g e s - h i b i t o f h a n d p a i n t e d c h i n a m(fl I s o m e i> r iz e o f f e r e d f o r t h i s Ig e x h i o i t s m a y ' b e t ' a p r e m - 2oo( r a t e d o n e h u n d r e d p e r c e n t

d -v e w h i c h s t a r t s t o d a y i s .: p a r t o f e v e r y c i t i z e n . S o m t> c t-n r c l o s e d a l l d r i v e s c l o s e d , t h e f o o l i s h n e s s o f t h i s s u g - « .n e e n l y t h a n e v e r b e f o r e t l u i t }? * s t f o s t e r e d b y ' t h e c o m - I .. T n i s i s t r u e o f t h e A m e r - lo i i d n d o l l a r s o r w h a t e v e r t h e i s e d f o r t l i e c a r e o f i n j u r e d l a g i n e a m o r e w o c t h y - c a u s c . e a s o n w h y t h i s d r i v e s h o u l d

e d i t o r o f t h e T w i n F a l l s t o s t e p d o \s* n a n d e n l i g h t e n

c n i

]{cail T lm rs W ant Ads.' f ri«


l O c fcb u n

See Back Page ^-------------------------------------------------, JJJ

I Contracting, 'Z□ r t h e m - ^ 'i

' .Jy, Ulk with


> l e s a l e X o . ithN>«D era

'E V E R E T T TRUE I U A sC C ,^ f i O t / , C l S -CO f.

< sy® «» .eB X -T

H S T »t4 hC5.;W X'

> ' _ V y ^ M> ■ j ■

1 - Lt------------ s ^ s F a h if e - :2 , f (o H JiN H » KN.OKi

B U N E W SnURbBY . Idalio.—W orier D. Ryn-

onrnon; aeod 8S, pnwwl away Krl­day B t 6 u . III. Irom old uro and cpmplicatlDUs n t tlio tiomo o( Ills i nun A rtio O. ItynoamoQ In Uurloy. I Mr. IlyDcarBon .wau bom In Oblo, Ja n u ary S l, 1840, Intor movlnx to t Mlchljjan and la 1878 to Knnimt I w bor«:ho roaldod* un lll (lovornl year* 1 ago wh«D ho moved to Kmmett, i Idaho nnd finally lovon years ago (hn mnrmi fn-niirInn,,irhMa.JiD-haa irofltded .flVoR alnce. Ut» wife pro . ■ coded blm In tIoaUi on -Fobruory 17 • o f Ulll. year,. ■ Two aonif, A rllo a « of Durloy nnd O rp h u C. of Kansns *' nml on\i daUKlitor, MIm Ila llla Ityn- earaon of. O urley • and two gniiid- ch lld ren . tu rv ivo him.. oX u« t»^ .A eR !a«e .IU A uted . la .X ears . h

P re lim inary eatlinatoa of tho 1 cropB ptnnlod nnd J'ol to be plaiiiod “ tlilB, iiaaann-: n iu .thn_aoutlu ldn-Jd ln l-, doka -proicct shnw llia t (he Inrxcsl o Increase In acroaee fo r Hits year is ,i w hent and (h itt a total tncreaso of ,, 9000 a c r c i h as been noled ih u ycor ^ o»er lost. • I,

A comparl.Bon of the . years 1U2B h and 1024 show s lho (otiow lhs nrro- o m o o t crops ou .lU ls p roject; AKalla, 10.C08 ncres -In IbUC and 1B.QD8 In 1934; clover. 2041 tn 192S nnd S0C3 In 1924: sURar beols..3I)3S In 192.*i nud GOGl In 1024; peas, 72 In 103& - nad 744 ,in 1024: iwlatoes. 3738 Iti lo s s aod 3430 to 1024: be.tiis, 422 In 102C and 233 In 1924; onls. 1007 M In I02C And 70S In 1024; wlienl. T 8Kfi: In I02S and 4720 jo 1924; la r - « ley. 2854 In l o s t and 2229 lu 1924: 0 mlflcellnneuiis, IncludlnR corn . |u s - tu res , orcbn'rds a n d m rd c n . OfiSl In 192S und CCni in 1924: tdle land C: 2000 a cres Jn 192C and 4788 In 1924 " Totnl. 40.200 In 1926 and 43,404 In


IV aUr Inside Crystal SlOliver l-'arrlnRtnn, curator pf ih»

Field iriiiKMim In Clilcaco. bm uebl from South Amcrlcn n piece of.cr]ritnt qiinris conlalnlns a small a m o u n ro r ptirfm - (y ly cIcnr w s ir r which can be seen plnln at ly Inxlde the crystal. Accordlne tn D Rcolodsts, tb ls w s lr r mnjr h n rr Ix-cn P) Is tills crystnl fnr, 10,000.000 w 100;. fll 000.000 )i>«rs. TliB CTysisI hclonts |o ,»• th e A rclienn 'sifo which existed bui> dreds o f m llll;a s of years se<w

------------------------ prth

A F am ily Tract A woman enRscnl n nmr mslrt. with [i"

whose appearance and m sooer she w m ^ CTfatiy pless«d. Wben tbe term s had been asn>ed npoo the m lsircss sa td : b» "Now. ray la st msld w ss raurb too friendly with th e policemen. I hope I pr csn tru s t y o u r v\\

“I n d ^ d JOO can. msdsm.** ahe re- piled. “I c s n t b c s r policemen. , l wss *(' brought up to h a ts tbe w itj s lsh t of them. Vou see, my (a ther w ss s bu n ln r .“ - g ,

voTirV: o r K iiK uir^ 's s ,i i ,k ok SJ IlKAI, KSTATK I XDRR DKfRKr. „n»- pouk (-(«.s i ;rk a m > oh i>ku „o r .S.ILK. ctl

:A nslnc Stoul. i'la ln llff. cu

ilobert 11. aad C rrclia Pay- 36a rr ( buslisnd and wife: Mary Hick- Hi Icr. a widow; F irs t .Natlooal Bonk twof Poeatrllo . Idaho, a corporation; be Twin* F alla Daok and T ru s t Com- co pany o f Tw in r t l l s , Jdaho, a c«*rpor- api a tlon : I 'l ^V. Porter. Commissioner tbi o f n n a n c e o f the Slate o f Idaho, do:and H ibern ia CommercUI A 8av- vUI n u Bank, a m rporatloo and T . F. '

'^ '■ T iM r, A g rn t for Com missioner o f atuPlnaitee o t th e S late of Idabo. D»>- sbifelHlants. UsI'n tfer and (>y v irtue of ,a » O rder of |

iale knd Decree o( F o re cm u re !■- coiued o u l e f Ihe .D istric t Court of the mh3eventhg iK ilcla l D U trlet of the SU te c il>f. Idaho. In and fo r the- f o u n tr of am'w in .Palls, d a ted the M R3ay s f M v . of»tS . w herelB ,tbe r ia ln tlf f abev(> men- tb ilooed ob tained a decree axalnst ib r «^i>eronda'nts he iv in on the Sth day of (!i(

TWINFAlXB’-Dffl= = ^ ^ s = = = = ± = s = s : ^

........ ... ...... —ByGondoO N * - ^ O . ' " 1t T " T R U ®

viX '- .t - l f t fe T o ^ . s i i f e , a : .m a n -

v S T / A N P - U P ’ ^ - ^

^ P ^ 3 5 5 ^ f < K W i A / S , t H 6 'S ' .

---------------r .

to 3 H e /S WRoN <3.|I C i t e s TO « s < s h im

T /< 4 K e A N O T H SP .” f J ® p 7 , - A T T l T u P e . i l i

May. 102C,', which anid drcreo wnn on tho said 6th dny o ( .May, l!i2S, rccord- od In Judcm en t Uook Tun a t pa);o 4G1 nf aald D lstrlc l Coiiri; I nm com-

>- innudcd tn a e ll ..a ll th a t certain lol,I- plcco o r panw l.of,Innd cllualed In lho d Counly of T w in F ^ lh . Kinlc of Idaho,Is and hounded und doMTlliud ao followa. r. to -w lt: ' ■ V'>. L ots num bered SevcnlecD and KiKh-0 toon (17 nnd 18 );' lllock i numbered s nfty-clB l.1 .(C8), o< thu Townalie of s Tw in I'u lla, nocortllOK lo tho flnat-andL, otnisided p la t^ tb m n f , which p la t Is . - D fl)od and o r reeo rd In th o o ff lco u f the

^ !i iS ! “ a i -1 lho l^ncm enU ; heredltnments and ap- I. purtonanocfl and-lm provomeala there- J un to^boldaglnr or^iii anywlio nppor*. talnlPB., ' • —- rm .llc t< 6 liw irvbtf; J i i a t

OD Uio 2nd day oC June. 19U, a t Iho . hou r of,3iC0 o'olOcK'P. M,. UtounUlp., TInfo) of anid dny, fkt the & jl t front I door o f (bo C oun 1 1 ^ 0 of.tbe Co'uo.' ty o r T w In .F ails , ^ t o of .Idaho. 1

•wtll,-1nTDl>eflIrtice (S*aald "O rder o f , '. Sale and Decrco of .Foruclosuro, soil ' tho nlioTo.descrllM 'iLproporiy'to sa t­isfy P la ln l lf rs D ccree. w ith Interest iheroon, toKolher H lib a ll costa that have accrued o r mafnaccnift, to lho h ichest bidder for raab , lawful money of tho United Hintes. -

Dnicd th is !itli doy^of .May. 192S.■ M. i:. FINCH, Sheriff.

Dy ii. P . PllATEH,________ • • Deputy.

KOTI.t’i: XO COKTIUCTOlW Notice Is hereby ^ v e a th a t tho

Mayor nnd CounrH'..Dl tho Clly nf Twin m ils . Idaho; *wtll reeelvo and consider scaled hlds and proposals on Uio IU li dny of M ay.4026. n t the hour of 8 o’clock I’. .M. o f ^ d ! d a y , a t Ihe Council Chomliers 1d"41io otrico o t Iho CKy Clerk of oald cUy, l a W ater­w orks nulIdltiR, Dt t n com er o f soc­ond Avenue N orth and 8e<hnd Street Norlh in said c ity . rclOIolos w erk and fum lshlni; tho n m trrU l fo r ImprovlnR c c ru ln ptinji-af s tro o u wllhln thelcliy o f Tw in ro lls , Idaho,.by gravellns tho sam e, which c en a lm a tre e la so to hn ' Improvcil a ro spuctfleaily described ant) so t forth In O rdlaances No. 396 and 397, which ordinances rospocllvo. ly d iacritic and sc l fo rth Ihe boond- arlcA and Ilmlis o f I^caT Improveivent Dinlrlct No. •44. o t th e Clly of Twin Falls. Idabo. Sold ordinances a re on . fllo In U»c offico of the City C o rk of said e lly a t . tb o location abovo de­scribed, a l which place access to the u m e can liii o tila ln ^ .. .

P lans and ‘‘epecirigm ona for said proposed Improvements are filed In thn office of Ihe City Clerk o f said Clly nnd can bc referred lo In the of- f lro of the C lly C lo r r o f said elty. a t tho c o m er o f Second Avonuo North nnd Second S treet .Vohto In sald’cliy, and m ay bo referred to and examined by any bidder o r blddera.

T he Rcncral c h arac ter of said Im­provem ents sha ll be s ra d tn s and itrav- c llnc (he roadw ay of 'a ald s ir r e t and In the m anner a s se t o u l In tho spec­ifications a n d - i n n a t e o f (h e . Clly Knelnecr. to -w |t, sp i^neaU ona and estlm ste of R ra v e lln r Fourth Avenue Nortb from T h lttl S tre e t North lo SU lh S tre e t N ortb. T be sradlni; and p repa rln s of (ho base ahall be done by the c ity .and a t tts expense. Tlie eon trae to r sha ll furnlah and haul and sprvad th e c ra re t a a 'd irec ted by the city. T he to ta l am ount of Rrarel re- qulred will ha ap tm » lm ale ly 930 cubic yards, w hleh Is te be spread to a dep th o t • tnebes, o re r a' width of 36 feel and ienftth a t approxim ately 1400 feel. No RuU erlal'wblcb wll^ not pass throuRb a cm e-lB ^ acreeti will be perrnltted. T h e to ta l esUmaled cost Of fu ra isb ln c ,'1- bao llns and spread ln j; the x ra re i alw ll not exceed ,Ute sum of I18W.00. T b e werii to be -------doi^e u n der the dlr««tieo' and auper- u m • v u ton o f tb e s tr e e t cQCBintssloner. „

W o rk ' upoa aald tmprovemenl* ^ ” sU II be commenced a ad Ut* 'aam s bidde sh a ll be fInU bnl a t stteb tim es aa the city. Mayor a ad C om eil ahall dealRnate. , bldde

t:aeh bid sBd propoaal o u s t be ac- u e U coropaaled by eertlf led 'ch eck npoa *ad t some re llsb le bank , payable to tb e T hi Clly of T w in .P a lls o r order. I s a a t«ini« am ount equal to 10% of the am oont Uoa of tb s e n tire con tract, tn tb e .e re n l reqnii tb a t th e sncceM ful bidder doea oo t befon e n te r In to a e o a tra e t vrttb Ihe aaid e«mtr CJty of Tw in F a lls fo r. lbe m aklnc of bond

c!" V' '((XobCM i jT 'tM M '^ I '■■ r . ,J< M O N 0 A T , '^ 1 (

■ S i

•'. :• ICbaisOa'W'lfftll^' riiiiSi 0:|

: TUESDAT. MAY 11 ll!:

' TDesday’s Iket Feataree S;i

. n a g y ■ I(Gaalan .D ayll^ t SaWac T lae) iSit

. , i . r . 'S 2 i , ’2 r V i S r t « » » ;

I j

SIS ? I ' ‘10.-00 r. ft Or—

Ud ImproTcmetttik the said chtck wlU paay, s' retained by tbe cliy aad the said the e Idder aball forfeit A e aesM to lbe price. Ity. Tbe checks of tbe onncceetful forma Iddera w l l l ^ ivtnrned to t t e a - a l oo«tn >e time of t ^ rejection of (Lelr blda ad. ai ad pTOponla. , taltbfiThe.pexvoo. firttt. or.corvoratloa ob. prorJi Oalag Uie coatraci for Um coaatrae- ^ I<b OQ of aald tm prom senu wlll be Tided, rqaired ta famish ibr-saltf 'd ty .'ansr ~ n r rfore'\be Une of 'tbe d e llm y of tha be au JOtract, with a n o d A d aaflW eat will I w d In aome reliable Surety Com- to Ute


m i6 Pt

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(Ensim.-.Slandard 'and. C eatnl eiw: -, IWyilsfct a ^ r ln rU m e ) " I " ,

s U j S S S ? : ' ® |


K , !. i » r , V A £ S y t e a * ; i . i - !i!-M

(c™ir.i :sii«j.i4 .n,ini) . ' J!J8 {. 5 ® I

^ • T a

c a o t o - r t ^

' o p i

e:M m f t - a r — w i-H w - i l !S ?:

(Eastern Staadaid snd Central u.oo r, D ayU xb l^e la i'1 lB e> ' .

Jli is;K PM&. . g.QO f,

aoo w Sw r^E llo . 7rt» I*.l

m.i f

J i l

' L I , , i i :I ' A ft'- i m S l

*1. #•« e _ ^ I «a%o. 1' «n- .« (W all.rmr w »lur »

tay. la aa aneim t e^oal.to 60fb of lac it « eaiAv-XBSiniat of the contraet UierM ice, coadltloeed for the taltbft^per- ceotn rtaaaca. of all of - tb* tonaa & Uie by tb< «tract by btm o r ll to be perfona- abaU 1 . aad coodlUoaed nrt& er. .for tb* *baU Itbfnl perfomane* e f tha terms and tends. oTtstoas o t U e Statute* of tbe State th e 's i Idaho la iQcb caaea made aad pio< .Tbe

led. rejectPajiuuula MiHh* aald caattact wni .

Bttde as follows: Tb* said d lyII Isaue local tmproreaMM ftgoitiLLAUeat: Ute anceesi^l cg^ractor raastm et- ~

( M e a i i 't ^ \^ U a ^ ^ ',n M )

j ,(PaidOe'OHUrt' S l i ^ r d ilm e) J

■. . /

t\»ipHDATTi,Baitirr’W T I O ! « ' ' ..

".Isisrajiia-Bs) , ■


S Oe- ,0 ^ ^ - i S w ^ ' S k k ^ 0«h«ti»

CSIm b UIb , U c n 4 « d Q « * > *

. ,.<5a„KT^sa. ;P id fc C ^ ^ S t t a d ^ a i w a -

S S' ® B 3 t '

.......... ... • . .--------

TCTwaArJ a n jw T -a fA tm t - •a s a ^ ; i s a

' V -

* tbe tmproeeBwU to paymeal lerMf apea-Oia eoapleUoB at i>«■Btnct aad aeeaptaaea, oT tba work ' tba Ctt7 Xastaaer. Sack bead . laU a to tba a o a e f . H0040 aad «U alt na ta ra , to os* jv a r ; said ods t0 draw.T per caa t tataraat to . e 's a ta r l t r tbereoC ' - v , - -n e Ooaaea raaem a tba i l tb t t« ^ iect a a r aad ali t»ida. • •


Page 5: As Him ^ liiisoF': M adly for i ipONnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_… · •: ,'t:ypiSaiKa;.Nu»n^ i. ' • As Him Qmmes^'. liis S iiS S id eA


P O m m ^^W rrB iO f,' L M ^'ra . O n~C lM 3B0<*:.at< ir> .\;-'-v .-^ ' -V-^ :

jrufM':<&>BeUviii:-l^'.4biT IChtpmii

. ' 8 « i i& t iE r r : t t - < ''> 8 l r a ^ ^• y t f « t . ; w u o a a ; . ^ ^ ^

. B0YAXi;;v,Ki6«:‘.<.«BPiaBiN a...::

_ ■■ '■ ■

■ ■ B a o y n i ^ l T n i a t s s B ^ R l u o

. OROZIBB'THANSITOV^^• ; PhdM?<ijl/f^K>ri»» aad i c r ^ r H ^CBQ LB^TIU N SFBR ^4^870!

S AOD' 00a9'wl>a<»"'fa*al*4 ’ dal:■ •' " ; '


* ^ i T r M W ? ^ J M q ^ i ^ ^ SoBt

C K i r o l i r a ^

■. _ .■•'.'tDho-ftj,.ar'.WIULT«^

u r itd .A T^ * ^ e ? ”'w t t e i ' - P ^ 4<


'- .' ^ fc ifflltoB S .'iB D P F lIB S

•■ *n«i»-a>op»V-' • ^ ; •■ • ■...;. :MEi<:ellaiteoua»• r-8A»DLBtH0E8B8

. n r a i . d k u uddl« bones «t JSersMr'Homo'^ ta rn . Snd' .srenue

• ; . ’«oMUt;v‘.^ p n o 48gJ.-:.'-.‘ ,.• ■■ i

. .T i h ? « : 'B ^ L a i f l T ^ b W ‘w k . ■ ^noian,-^.W9; Next'door toi iooldt

9ABUSB8' WASHlNOi' So jwr poun

u d » biUee>9ric*.^Pttif(o*0-U

OTBASLEY -* OGODMAM—Sa’ Fsr ' I*uraiture rep&lrtnR and upholate

inf.' Pboqo 697R. W« call tor at deliver in cJty. ..• ' ;-

FOR . BIUSIAHD8-iTr7 •ItaoaoliT'


Uala-Sentfa.. Twia vFalla. Fboni 1648 iud;l074.' Bee tti betor* sal to» c reaa rp o n ltir:o r-« » l« . 'Y« ‘wa'eom e o ^ ’ atter 'TOW ponltr Opea Saturdar .. algbU nntil : o»cloefc ■Chaa.,Undinrood. '

■ P ic m o T u n i n g■ k o . H n L L T .

' , ' 10 Tears' W a r ta n c * . ' Phoae IITJ . ' P . 0;.B0K t n .

' : . . . . ____

Wff .Sfllr ^% l, Plz

n«.'3liia'Jlc>.N ;:Tw tovFtila.;

F o r ; : S a l e - 1 t » g £ S n t e e « u

. . J 2 5 ; 2 f f i 5 S k £ ^r*amab1*--p(«eea.^«faaa^;(hir la«

B C T < < A tin tin n B -G a o w is iJ i

'■v ta ta C ’bCattlocM If f n a : Klnaberl N n r a a r t^ » a i» l« , ja a lw .-

: FOR“f lA I« -iN ttm rr ateelLOf »

TOR* attiW ' whM


- . . I g ^ S S f E i S S ® - ^

. : :i?i[ S5SrwJSSSSiS■ t ; . *

] ' BRINGING5 m ' ' s ^ ^ i a - I r.‘i CA>

• W ' V :]•— ' . r j A j : ‘ O O Cmuial ..> g g l B M ^ m

K .

1 _ L ’ •-•-**• ■ Tinn I :■aat. • | r T ^

™ ' ' , - - - 3 ^ ' r | S

■ ■■

roR^ ,to iir ■ y* ; "■?—:—;—3 o i \ - - T .—rrload

g - T l t B l i i1 F o r S a l & - M i s c e i l a n e o v1 ................

,. FOR SA LB-Bhctrle Tacnum cloa «Blfc or, ''0hlo,".»lT.60. Excellent coat ------ Uon. Pbone i m . '

— PRBST-O-LITB better bnttofy. b< . . tar prlco. •

I iV t HAY. «12.60 par. lon il takon 1------ 20th betoro w ater is. in neld. 1.‘ .. B radler.'ia mllos iouth of Twin Fal K ' FOR. SALE}—Well rooted toma M(kJ plants. Ett;Ilana..aiobe, Btone. Jol— Baer. Pondoroaa, Earlr Jowol. Dwa

- Champion.'Bonnor Boat. BocrsteaLarge Yollow. Small Yollow (preset inir.) Also esriy csbbaKe snd cau flower'plants. Any tlmo oxcopt Su

plies, dajrs. Falrviow Ranch, csuhiiah'PUta July 100<. J. M. Spackman.______

PLANTS AND BULBS—Ed Van<Publlo Market • ____ _ '

■ FOiT 8A L B -^m plo te Case I r a “ i throahor.’ 8team 'out« t Will coasi

er trade ot cood auto or truck, s t mllo north,' K mile east ot JVashln

oue ton'schMl after 6 p. m. AufuatWe:■ '.-■». ner. - -•■■ •■•• - • ■ •. ' •■ '

■'■ FOR -S A L B ^u to hnmer. .almc .-I*. H^ 'Spawy, 3«8 4th St. E ^ '

V' ' tO R 8ALB-i*U0 « n > Old-. Tma Inouhator and No. 4 Shsrpleaa <crei

w>nd| separator. Phone -617J11. ;

S - ~ ^ i ~ F p r - - E e n t - - - - -

: l l l . TO R EN T-Sm air furn lah^ houi Park. 3 or 4 rooms, eloae In. Addreas Isler- R.;. care. Times. . ... .' FOR RBNT—Room and saraxe. I

per month.’ 844 Sth ayenue north. ' FOR' RENT—Water hi Twla Fal

4l«(r CanaL H. & Beals. .FOR RENT^Two sections of | 0i

T7n4 sheep ranco. plenty of ahade and w lOBM ter. Enqnlre a t BaVbcr-Shoe Co. . . ^ * FOR RENT—C room'modem hou ,^H r Tumlshed, tarago and chltkiutrr> rnn. Call a t 277 Harrlaon or phoiI 10 4<SW:; .■ ^ . _______,------ ORCHARD FOR RENT—Five ac

. hearlDf orchard for either two-thir crop lo renter o r on Terr amall cai rentaL Standard Prlntlns Co.. Tw FalU, Idaho. ., .

^__ :■ VOR. B E tfT-aiH Pinc rooms. XBih araane

3 “ ' FOR HENT-1 '.room fumlahi S i r i *«»•■'' <Bl.«rd .’aTenne weaL SB • FOR RENT^Modem 4 room bune

• low. -Phone HOTW. .___________

» o * / FOR. RBNl^FBmlahed-boiUtftee

S d w S s r ^ ^ ^ B ? ^ 5 S 'a***^* , FOR'BENTrOumKa. Call 4X9 ^

» T « n » in i f ..•iL c , .,• , ■ - . » -----------

tinnailfoaptnir apart' A W t t , O ^ ^ ^ V « M l l a l B A n


^ . V O k y B n fr — t tCMM-.<«nlalu ««B TaMooaUa. Bsacalo

A s ti .^ M '^ a tra a t.^ . Oibo^ . a riin

IB. u « ' low n ta ^ - -1 j |y * w aA .ar. M t f ^ H m OsfBrd, ii

^ — T p a ^ e —

• -ft* :T O : :xSAD&^reaBc ymnlaa . wi - Bar atedc or''caalLr Ci

- n m w x U » . B .W .- U H m a a ^ r t M M mr t? * ■-,v> v r - . .:■■o m • T0TBADB-<:ar for « o ^ 8 : e B

l i r e ^ c k ; f a n a f E p d t r

^:agjgiSiaaa B ^

GQPFA1UERC ^ > ^ WANO'THI^J-; - I I ' I P ‘ «U K O lCTA H 'T C O N C E R '1 C.OHM^ M t rtV • ^ 'ocTO t? , f o I—a ' HE W O K T . • Krill

^ w i A piO U S L i T e s t o e k a n d P o u l t

Clean* ' FOR SALES—Some m e aheep eoadU Pnpa cheap. John Rodman. Re

mllo S.. % aouth Twla Falla. Rou

'• bet. . • Miscellaneousj r r ; CRABTREB-a d ia plcklois a t I I A inK hotela. reataurantai meat mar

and grocerlea, o r phone 61BJ3.' Car ahlpmont to Salt Lako Wed

jAhn dar—will-dlvlde. apace. Elliott.o iW , Washlnmon Bsro. __________'s te i^ Bolts, nuto imd waahera. 12Hc bauTT Diamond Hardware Co.Sun- 12.00 biTosted a year a<o rotui

liahod 11,200. Tbia opporiunlly la youn day. Write na. Dot Vomon Co.. N. 18th a t , . Philadelphia. Pa. .

— For Sal^R eal Estaoaald. FOR SA tE-N lco flvo rooqi h . )4 Rood garage, cloao in,'nico ahade ihlng* lawn. ’ Price |1260. Part tormii. W eill me ahow you this. - K B. John

"■•. ■• Phone,.8B7.. ■ , • ■ ■ . Umoat ^ ^ R ' s A l i ^ 'room hoiiae plai E ^C . ed; S1ota.'all feneed; g in g o and o

outhulldlnga,‘aoide herrlea, lawn ahado.walar,ln. house, lights. '

eieara cheap if taken a t once. .Addrw ■ ' ' C.-S., care Timea. w.L®” ?;- 3*60 aerea for sole In a body

*“ T of land, no trading, w ’ H. Oral --------Cu«ro,-Texas.- ------------ ; ___ ___houaT SALE—3 room houao, gai

cloae in. nice lawn and nowers. a* • . “ llttJo Honoy, Hotne. WOO.OO. H..ii^— Johnson, Phon'e 3SI.. I havo aome. 112 the boat boya in town. Call andrth. . me. ‘ V ■ ■. . • ■.Falla FOR. SALE O - RRENT-6 r

' housa and garage on 7th avenue i------ ; Enquire a t 268 6th avenuo ea s t 1

good sheneberger.. F0K8ALB-Tw«iv«iamsanda<r ----- to rtr mltes aorfhweat oe BIIUh o ^ . Mnntana. aear S m d v lev . Fart

,CM ' FOR S 4LB-^0 acre t tsn r f irm thlrda 40 aera o nhard laad.'; Pbooa S17B

t o n BALE OR TKADB-IM a . ta -aou thauum ,K ansas la :< ^ i

------- trlet. with 10 room.boosa and^i223 harM aad aheda. Land'la not lei

for gas and 611. WDl trade f a n Idaho, fam . Addreaa XTZ, can

ilaheid T tm aa.-■■,. •■- . . . . . ' ..•

— ‘Wanted-Miscellanet____ .WANTED-Hotsea to paatnre, J•Raai* par month, alao eow to mlSk tor 1Itlt.. S-4 mil* eaat foundry on XImbC - — read.. E. N. Orofla. ■i/SM^ WANTED TO BUY—A team

horaea and h a n i ^ weigbt 1600 or bolter. Price must be Hewn t

9 MT for cash. Sea EUioU a t Waahlnj • . Bam in the-aaxt few days. •

.WANTED—For .cash or tr wri* ttmaahold fnmltnre,'ranges, mga, A » : Etebaaf*;D*pL; A. % .V lao«it

807.8heaheB* Sonth. • Pbone 406. r r ^ 'li'WANTKD-To.baar from a im :

t m - e r oafanprovad laad for sala S S g> A d w la . Wls., V .\ ^ - C tf iiN COTTON B A 0 8 WAN! — T. M-Tha Tteca oaUft-No.ovvaUi ■gg*: aoeha: •: V ‘<ftni . :W AmBI>-8aat.«alUa. J . JL F t ••' A Phoaa-7SIW>i' • • , y ,

i n w

j g S 5 S S K S 5 5 g ^ 5 ! g . - .a

■ , V j '

TOW F A I X 5 : ^ x i A u . y imTO

. T . ■ ■ ! ' ■ 'V

' I WACt ON Tirilt) . \ T 1•ET MOCH LONC,B»‘WlA I __.L P 0 « CilT HOW- /:O HANDUe A -J iiF g w ’Bott^;> | p > ^ j c s i t


N T S P Siltiy Situation "Wantedep dog WANTBD-^Woman wllh two larg Rca. 1 chlldrenwlahoa place aa houickocpu

Addresa A. C^ Tlmca. _______

WANTED-Job'on ra«oh by marric___ ^ man for aeasoa. It. 0 . Evan*. 6Sit jcad- SnJ avenuo north.nuk'eU WANTED-Work of nny kind i:_____ Twla Falla or ranch. Call at 15ITcdnca* Van Buren St.’ . ■

w XNTED—Work on ranch by ma ■ and wite. Wm. Wolf. 403 Zad norll

He por . wj^jjTOD-rColorod. woman want *■ bundle washinga io toko home. Cui Btumed tains atretched, apoclalty. Pliont 126:

WANTBD-Sltuation by youag ma: outdoor work preferred, no fan

_____ work'dealred. Call C28 flecond avo. Iitate WANTED—Work by tha hour. Ca ______ 742W. ________

For,. Sale-Automobileohnaon. - j^B.-BAZA-^Xnto wudahlelds, do<

iV.i H i t i n , hMrtiffht,rlBM,aim,wlaito p l a a u ^ 'i i i t i . .Mooa'a Palat Shop, id otber ------

“ v i S H e l J ) W a n t e d -\ r w J . ______ :-------- ------------- ----------:------------

-. WANTED—Lady lo . do heuaewoi ; ' . . . and take care':of baby in return f<

ody a t boma aad aalito. Write M. H. C.,eai e u l t l . v a - •

Iraham, . hCEN WANlteD tor Zmootlve i m:__ __ Sicpetleaea.atuieeeaaary.— W ille_:• Qaaop, fOnner.Qdvt Detective 82iw ijg j a t Lonla. > !b .. '_________ ■’h . D. ' warJgf lMaw— epport tn tome of Ity. • BnsUera'i- aaralnga bt*. Wril iQd jm U e O o ^ C ^ a a d a r Factory. Waal

a e 'S S t Lost and FouhdL P . L. -------- ------------------------------ ---------

. LOST O! STOt£N-8potted whll and black female L<!wcnyn Bette Notify H. R. Bwoct, 730 3rd avcnu weat- Phene 020Jj ;

r . 'B d - ^ = = = 3 B M K = S = A

ra?*! 'R; U0 aerea | j-<«BSSS5SB

SJ1S % ?Keve;giH^«?J ^ “I ' j i

- =— n- j j r . J .

O U T -O l« W A Y —SK r T T T T -- 3n < a . :

'A - A


lijeja __________ ____ __________________

WELL ■ DOCTOR - 1■MOW ARe V wa.lk;»h t e n m i

-<O0 \ OA.N ORUSKPEEU«n C? I tbO TTue

OiaiS rr iHT-t: ^CATVK SCMWICCClf l Brittift itthu


SUBor, cano —_______ U--J7.71------ Sugar, beet ».;— ----------------- .-17.61irrled Cream cheeae - - ' - - »*«

627 Ceierr ------------------------------ 16® 20cLattuce. Califomla ________ 2 for 35c

-------New cabbage, Ib_________________ :7(I in Carrota, new, —-’ ..........- g for 26ct 178 Beeta, n ew ___________:___ 2 for 25c

Tumlpa. n e w .....- — ..'._i—..8 for 26c----- - Radlahes, 2 bnnchea _ . — Tfa

■ — arants Torkays. drawa ------------------Cur- Bam. sliced 46CW<1265. P ort Baaaag*--^------ u;------— i—

' T-boaa ateak „,.,irii..ii.|. i30<maa. Sirloin a to ak ___ .V____ i—. •.'..28<farm Round itcak ^ . m«

vo. B. Lamb chopa ^ is.....- - —

____ Bacoa ........: , . ..... ‘ . ...80'------ Bacon, alicad ................... 40<J lo o Ham ------------------------------------- 80«u e a B u i n i a . p r ic e s

»■««_ _ _ Helfors ■ I L j ____________ :.4McOll------- Cowa ________ ___________4c<W

- asr -7 ~ rz Muttin - - • ----- ' • ' -----a*»wprk Lamba in.

CBICKEK8 AKD FOWLS. Heavy ........................ n , . I t

iJSriL hSibam---------- :------- ul« _ J . BroUnni .(Uglmmi) - ,——.......... 2««

828. Broilera <colored) ........................-8)tiS U g a -----------------------UJ--------- -t*

—— Capona' : ,„ • ..........,— .-..-...19021i"ftnn- Dueks t n.y rlU ’ Turkeyi _____________ ,18<» u l - PEODOra____ Baltflrfat, at factory _ _ _ —i_ _ 3 7 (

Butler, ranch .86(Egga ------------------------------------- 25<

___ Egga, eaah ...........................-J3<

Si? HAY QUOTATIONSronuo DENVER. Coio^ Uareh 14.—Ha]

------ ----No. 1 Sonth Park. '814016.^ No. I GunnUon, 114016.

1 No. 1 P n lrie , 118013.n I No. 1 Alfalfa, 118014.'J I No. 1 Nortb P s r^ 13^14.

[ P M I^ iN K i lI I ■ < £ \ h M M , m » c ^ y* . . - tfiQ U ^iouiiho .cp tB iiiy .

, E y t i y b ^ y : ; l n - to w n ^ :;iiM iy.;lthibw, y o u > but* d o n 't krioUr w h t t* ' _



Mtt_c*» *. /'w *,uK i F iv e r^^K.rH r / 0 * « ^ N O O B.„UK I .Vo—\

s n f e T -


Grain Advanced on ^2oc Early Market and 31 .Took Heavy Slump25C ; _:-------

01|iCAGO, Mny l l . - a R t i n futurea f 2' uaderw uut a co m pu te , rovoranl of

V Pentng ^orm aad <JloieU lower, valuea belnk prcaaud down by luto

■7 ! ? llquW otlon.. W tieat advanced ateadliy up to

' 1^ m id d a y oti ruiw rtn of export aaloa •H. and unfavorobto crop adviuva,

i.osq U vurpool (InlHtioil lower. Export '«!{,. aalea wuru cutiflntnl lo a fow ncat- I 5e torod lola.

_ ]$ ( H eavy profit tak ing cauneil lOHaoa ^80e fo r Uto day la c ( ^ Tliu ^loio, J 0« howovor, waa fractloanlly above 40e S a turday . On the ' lop large holdura

_t0e aought to reduce Il&ua. Caab eaaed up. .

Oata hold w llh ln a narrow trad ing 010 _ii.j cOO - . Open* H ig h .. Low. Cloae.

lOflH icoA' 1GB»*J 60 J u ly ___161 16314-148 148^_ « e S e p i ___ ,.I42H | . 146K 140\& -140^

May ___ _ 112»i 114 l i l » 1 %U f c Ju ly 114% 110% .114% 114% J 80 S ep t ___11S« 114% m S . « 2 *

^ e 4GU 46% 44% . 46%-8«c J u ly ____ 44% 46% 43% 44%- 7 t S e p t ___ 44% 45% 44% 46%92 i( l a u d —-lOc May ___ N om inal 1666

-j7p May**.___ Nominal 1730

M ?y * ^ .. . . 124 126% 117% 118% J u l j X14 1 1 0 ^ 111%


No. 4 whlto, 41044%c; ataadarda,

^ * S » ra ^ e . 3 yellow, »L16% 0UB S NoY^J yellow , 81.1201.17; No. 4 yel-

----- low,- 81 .09% 01.i0 : No. 6 yellow^,- - I 81.07%«1.09%; W e ” 0

I iM%* N fr i mixed, 8L10, N a 3 I mtoed. 8L 13H : No. 4 mixed, 8LlO%:

N a 6 m U edr81.08: No. 4 mixed, |1 :

''U .jS o lS '- .

_ R « » IP 1 .. lOW l “ “ V f ■ S J Jbetter: aieers. *ood grsd*. in- m*dlnm. 8809.60; commoa, .87 0 8 - u d ra tts ra ... 8607:bWars..good, 8S08:S6: «aedlnm and commoa. 86.6008;97,7608.605 “ •««“»1607.76; caaaers and c n U a ^ ^ 0 6 ^ bulla, eaaaara and »»1® 5^ S ib 0 4 .7 6 : , g 2 S190 pooBda down. 880U : 190.W

pouada ap,

5! R ~ « p t»


™ S i | ^1LI_ • QNL.V ■■ ■?:■'/ e M iL tV A J —> ORJNK JUt>T -- - \iO T T L E OP N. -



0 1 3 : ligh t llghta, common cholea,■ 112012.96: packing hogi, amootb, .

111.40011.80; packing hoga, rough,’ 811.10011.40; alaughter ' plga, me* - n p dium cholco. 811.76018-60; '

Cattle—Stuera, 1100 pouada- up. ' J . . . choice anJ prlmo, 810.26OtS;-good.

of 19.60911: medium, - 88.76010.26: wor. ateera,' chalco and prime, ’8H018: luio «<»<». 110.26011; modlum, • 88.860

10,36; commoo, . 8708.86: heltars. . to good and cholco, 88.66011.86; eom*

aioH mon modlum, 16,2608.66; 'cowa, good nnd cliolcu. 8709; common and me*

port dium, 14.7607; uinnora and cuUers L , . I3.1B04.7S: calvua. o<iU cholea, 8S

O il : medium cholco 8407.76: feod- MoR ur .and aiockeracattle 8S.90O9. iDid Slaughter abeep and.lamba^ 812.26 jovo OJ4.10: lamba, medium prime, 84' dura ^u n d a down. 89.60O12J6; cull com* :atb nion, all welghu.. 8608.60: cannera

and culla. »IJW 06.. , iling . - —--------- ^ , .'-. V ^, ..


^5^ U fu t p l « a « a s L ; , ; -...

1,30 p g ^ l ^ v S U / T t h K ^ ' -

11^ ' ^ ^ T T ^ S l . ' b o n a ^ - ,.

«>*• aaaV b ttad •

Rortc .'eaka^-Tska- OBa' 'isnp(tf'«C .', .g . floely chopped poH^ oo*.--«apOM,-o<.> y „ : boUlac water penradJOTarJt; afM/oM •tow cnpful o(.sofar,;thraa «gsif,«ok.'|Hk>'y»MA ^ooatBl otooda. tv o o C o 3 n 'tf .la » > ^ ': ' ^ 3 tar, 'eM .;oC :,e laaam ee< ;artiw til1*4;»%: tw jp o o 8 M ra a c h - r t? d « i« 3 n u a j '^ v ?81: oeg; M ih flOBr.-to BMk«‘a‘miM#;;tUidt^^

battar.' la to 'tw e 'e e W i 'T ^ w t i iW l .ypot two .ctvfnll.’j ^ . V j l w m i ^ '^ aoaked dried a p p l ^ ^ S i S i ^ K a p ^ fDl of ralalaa; a « d ' t b « a a e i ^ ^ ^ f . ^ mer tb rea^M m 've il^^M ^^^ atov*. For th * . 'ta Q u « 'f ln tif iM i9 r^ ^

480 copfal Map, » a T ^ * p 3 p M ® H M g


aifMW W MM M

Page 6: As Him ^ liiisoF': M adly for i ipONnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_… · •: ,'t:ypiSaiKa;.Nu»n^ i. ' • As Him Qmmes^'. liis S iiS S id eA

— ' BIX’ ’ ' ■ t

j i i f i i i R r i u m E i ;IAND HEARIW i

• - ■ ■ J.I• .r ■ ni

1 Meeting' Sonday Defers An- .;;aonnc«m ent of Policy Untl j i 'l

A fter Jtme Hearings | Prefer- ence Is Voiced for Forestry 1 A dynlstratlon Service Zf tbo i Board of Appeals Should Be

■ . Created. , ' _ • ^ ' i ' ,

— nuT oilv liio ry board tn d board of . t j ' d ircc lom of tUe M aho Wool (Jrowcrn m e i yvsiorday in tlio ir ila l« officen In m UlO Uanlc and T run i butlrilnR.’ io din- CUSI oad deefdo upon tlic public land policy' tb a t tbey w ould nndono b«> tiou fora tbo P rctfdeoC a a g r le u llu n t con* fer«Qcq and-*lha Bonato public londu .cvnm ittee , bo th o f wblcb on* (o bold o„i hw rlnOT in tha^w w it Hoon. The m eut. fana in s waa presided ovor by ihu prvHl- (yp,, donl, T . C. fiacon. Inrci

C a re tu llr-p rep a rc d brlofa woro rend ip a „ covorl&R sovoral of tliu /o u r dlfTorciii conic po tsib lo n o tb o d s o t bandlinit lho pub. Hhoi>

. iic d o m a in - tb a t of W; j l iia rbur o f ini; I itu p e r t. axaina t'tum lnK RsOvtT lo (ii«r ((,„ j foroati7 bureau of thu d»j|nr<jii(‘nt of i aisricuitUTu, ■ bolnp hy ta r H it mont jjp

* vxbftusUvo.’ ^ C O M. , .fieandricld K cprcionied. rd ii

S ena to r IL N. Stanfieid of Orriiotiy old 1 >hfllrn"«" of tho aenato piihlhic ianda num t committoo. had a rcpreit-m aiivu a t tho brcni

. .■.in#«iD«, w bo aaid tbU commllloo aboui w ould hold h e a r ln w In ScplcmbiT In oven* Boise and Pocataijo and liiat tu fiir Uo; ho favored hav latt 'tboau iambi band , lowiu

' led by the dopartm unt o f tliu in iurlor ftUiiip ; aad loaaed a l a .cbarK o nol lo f x c iv l ibuy ' to U o p e r aero. urowi

Senatipr Slanfleid nakod Ihnt tiio land, pubitilc landa commllloo o t tiiv Jdohu Joh wool grow ora mcot w ith bim In ibu iboxu

. n e a r fu tu re a l WelxDr. wblcb ihvy i-x- ibo e p e c t to d a ovrnii' T bo boat^ decided no t to adopt a the ii dU in ilo policy until n ftor tbo hvarlnKS day r

.. w h ic h ‘a re to be huld o ro r tbo Hlaiu wouii • ' ' t f Ju n o , w ero compioted. hu t ncomcd 13.

to a lm oat • unanim ously profor. b«>. Iliank cauao of- l u g rod ler eoonomy. ibo luncb

- a lelhod of bavinff tbo public )an<U nil- . '

', 'sii ' a A a v ^■•BlmHtir lo i th o in to n ta ta eommuulon .% a t« c r ^ d - b y tODSreas which would

' . riikva th e p o w er tv decide on appoalH . ; f ^ ; i ^ l a * a ,pf .the fo rester, and-com-

. :>p)ftaU ;or,BW ckm on; aocond. prov id . gu,, 'w V ltba l oonsreaa ahouid ao t the fowl to be c h a r je il ort both foreat and pui>- . „ - t j llo ldonialn at. aomewhore noa r the coat o f adm inistdatlon and provided, th ln l- (,,o ,i iy.^ ^ a t^ th e^fy w l a y ice pu ^

Stock men a ll th ro u sh ita pemwinfiTl I t waa pointed out In tblH conni-pilou . S'*'

' th a t Idaho aulia about forty mllilun » doilara w orth of lumber, and forty miiilon do llars w orlh of iiy«-*iocl< .u year. l ^ t . i t waa aaid. in tho f(i<oiit «•' servleo. the whole poraonnei Is if f^ o up of lecbnlcally tr a in e d , (moally In and e a s t tm schools) fo restry men, anil w ater

■ th a t amonRRt tbeae. men who bad tho "nmu while aay about th e runn ln s bf Idu- wani* ho’a fou r m illion head gf llvcMock Inn ho nh Industry fully aa la m e a» tlw luwvbvr and indua iry In thla a u te ) . AnionK ihu Swulii aum m er m ontha tbure wjji nut on«- a ra d u a tc of a n anim ni buHliandry Cun eourae' of a n aerlcu itu ra i ncbuol, li “Gold w aa atatvU. . rucflv

>■ W orka ^ t l u O l b e r t VlncoiT he 'rt'ool O row oia aanoclation In .

w o rk in c-to g e th er in tho ciomint hnr- , ^ m o o r w ith th e Idaho CatUe and Horhi' aaaociaUon, ao th a t 'w b e n a policy In n e o t.Xinally adopted i t U b o p ^ It wlil r .p - --------

• iteatft th o alm ont unanim ous lionir.n of Ibe livestock Interenia of th o a ta if . .Mmmi

T h e bearlnini to be held by the piih- i>ayin lie landa com m lttrps of lliost' two Ida- jnndn do aaaoclaU oni are aa folluwn:

Hearinica lo llo Held. HHkh-Ju n e 4, Sboahonu. . GrovniJu n e 2—Dubol*. |„ :Ju n e 3—Mackay—Ali in chnrRii nt „ |,i ,\f,

Bd Qoodintr. o f lUcJuno 10. So<la Sp rlnea; June 11. ---------

, Idaho P a lis—In cbarRo of 11. c.'^nich. j i Jn n e IS. U liic lt^ ; Juno ic and 17. va-

Lc^vlstop. Ju n u 20. I'a yu ito—In rburxo i , of M. 1 - llounobotdur.

Ju n e 82. HolBe; Ju n e 23. Moimlnin Home— In cbareo of K. S. Otiliify.

Ju n e 26, Tw in i-’niln o r KosffKnn:Ju n e s e . O akiry—lo charKu of U. T.

■. M cNamara. -K o M U ra rz t-so n t

Thoao preaen l wen* Ilo«coe n irh .P u riey ; Kd Ooodlnir. Shotliono; It. T.

Popular Quality F(Plala Step 0

lO c ea-------- A L S . a

American -Hamm' ( T b e B e s t U

: 3 0 c "f

■ Stepken (the Reuonable)ment Parts '

■ ^ ' . PhooB 337W

Commencement .Talk H . Subject for U

• 21 Is Announced“ I.oMon» from Life from tho

Ilnok n( Kx]ier>en\K-" w ill' b'o Ibe nuJbiect o f ib e comntMicement a iU rtrxt In W dM lim -d a l the ].nvrrintr ih e a lre Thur<nlay»eti*. iilnif. 3 lnr S t. by Dr. jiulin

' Cnrvcr. |)n*>ior <■( ibo Klmt Vro><liyterhjn rliun-b of (iirdeii. llej i i trnn nnnuunroil liHlny a t th e ( blKli «rhoi>i. Tbo ro>t «f ihe j p rrn n iin bnn nut iieon iireinired n and will hri c h e n « iit la lcr .------------- <,



____ onl• Tho T w in F a ils Klwanin club wna n torlalned today hy the Sm lib JJron.I lho Itoyal bakery w ltb n nplnndid iincbcon. Jo h n Sm ith savo a talk, i-*- ‘ l“>. la ln ln s lho dutaiiK o f th e bakery und PO” o» Ibc w ork wnn m ostly accumplinb-II i.y autom atic mncbinory. llo aUit^ note d IJvai 12.0<W loaves couW Ivo tu rn c J .«»« u t In 24 houra by runnintr to fu ll th o . aitacily. lln alno nt|Id thnl thin sam e iiuni! irpo o r m achinery wan imi-d In iliu Kun irse c ity liakorlrn and ibu iioyti who biml <arnr<l to opornlu .ib ln machinL-ry cm-a Quid laku a ponilioa In a larnu city Mi Hop a t ft, bandnome iinlnry nfi«-r w ork- hiid IK liorc. Hu slnt«-il thnt more ibnn rcKn -n younc m en had ivarnod ililii.hok. but IR huslnenB w ith tbom. , wnul Mr. Hmllb m ated th a t tho ncw -pro- chlul

inn nf broad m aking wna accnmpilHb- 'I in niw ul Ib rro iioura. wliilo tho d p roceas took aeveral limi-a that im ber o f houra. lie ninloil thn t Ibe a . -end waa sw uoior and wns baked lu ^ loul tw cniy.fivo minuli'S in liielr ■■ena.Koyal hroail In ah lrped In nhout :!S >1-], wnn {n Idabo. Tbu furtbcnl dlMlnncu ^g,|( lipped in lo Hiilluy, J io ntaleil Hint io„ |„ oy ulio bard w heat f lo u r-w h lrh l« j>ro« own n e a r Am orican l- 'nUiT on dry tm lii Ild. a rrn iJoiin W. Ornhnm announced ihiti ]0X0 who worn Intunilliii: lo <:<■ m unn 0 com m uniiy hnixjuut uoxt Monday Aiihi onInK m ust m uko ibe fact know n in iniro e iioiino commltluo iieforo W nlncii- w in y noon aa the num hor of p la lrn giuxd iuid be ilmllod. * comr13. J . O ntrander mov<'d a vole .o f j., ai anks to lho Sm ith Uroiiiora for Ibc miislc nch and thu vU li ip tbe lr pliiui. ^

u i t : i o r . J V « f a » - _____—

Brought by Mani- -'Ti^pm th$‘Salmon

•—- r - ' MrSull fo r w ator which Iio a lleces c ity duo h im on accounl of thb con- ruprc

ictloB o f . lho Satm on tr a c t Itaa u f » on filed by Ilustou J . Swnim in Hutfv } d in trlct cou rL j S im ila r aulta in- Know Ivlng - tbo name . limuu waro nm t liuBiit Dy olirorn. r : ~ HuronSwiUm nnd a , nu m b tr of oibonfII pnld up nnd rocolvod Ullu ho- ],|nbc -e tho Mctlloment of tbe w ntvr f t , , Mtlon. Tiione who hnd -iiol prov- ,,n„y

up- Innldo tho losroRntlon pnld y<„,r5 ru to uiljunt w ith those outalde ^onco d bnd proportloonte abnren -of tc r nnnlKned. Swalm w ants tbo mu aim m nt nn Iho othorn hut nl* th e c iiu rt tn nlvcldo bow much nhuU pny. ' llnyn, Mur(ln. Cumor

ll Uuyn. cC -Iloine. rcproHcnl ■ulm. . rleb.

— , 1)01 'onKntoiim riiKn and ynnl coodn. jioHh old Sonl” brnnil. Ni w pnin-m n Junt :clvcd. r r lc r ti r«-atiiinn1jle. A. II. <t Ch w ont Co., 207-209 Sbonbonu Boiith. jg,

k new apaper n i to e n te r your bom r n.ii a fUUne place t o ' ro u r adw U ao^ «pbol nt.---------------------------------------------------- Uepn; ---------------------------------------------- ;------ JO!) S

Nam nm. tlocornnn; 1'. S. Gcdney. • >n,i iiminin ii.m m : 11. U lliniupboidrr. ^ s a y rlte . a ll momlH'r* of tho luihllc idi> coiinnlltoi'. O lbi'm prenent woi'o I t Uarln r. lli(|iort: Jnmen F a m e r . _

R»; A. 11. lirallnford. llnjserninn: jvnr .Vowmnn. Jiiroiiii': I). K.8w«*ol.I-. noiiKbK'Un and John Noh.. Don- : M rl>an . Tw in FaHii. H enry i.ano ^ Hlfhtl.-lil, Ilrn Darrnh o t Shonhone. . J

X O TK T, P ilT .S Ifl.tX • 3l(»VE.S 1 winb In annouiii-e liiat 1 hnve

loVfd niy nfricc fm m tbo Hmith- > jp Iio l l l d c . l« ofricen In tho Mc.ll- \ t DIiIk. nvur- i!kaKK'a G rocery Ilore. Shonhonc St. l-Ianl. Office -honn 404. Ui-iildcnco D iooe 126. *

IHL >;m k »rhy« lelan and Kurffeoa

Piston Rings iOat)

ach 5‘ «]0 — B

mered Rings * tb e M a rk e t )

Ba ch ■ ’ •

e) .Motor Replace* I 8 Co. "-w



Ilend o f roactk Forccs of tlio Cily f«n tilileri tiffera In .Slnilinr IVork' i:i«enM ere r Siicoeosur Ix L’tum* nnunc^l.

_Clllct I’.. l l. ' Ilorrlm an o t tiio Twin Fulla .police forco announcod toilny ■ Ibnt w llh n view of connldurinK o lh u r ponlllon wblcb ho hiid bcun i tundored. bu woutd placo -hln renlR-*! I nation In thn banda o t Mayor KdRor J L. A shton lit tliu rogulnr meoiInK of tho Tw in >*nll» e lty cominlntlon lon lsh t. J iu made no fu rth e r an* nouncemont rvRurdInK h is futuru pliina.

Chief Ilo rrim an Jiaa mndo n rec. ord of tiiiiiuuni m erit In roRnrd lo Uie biiniInK down of Uilevoit and H( donpurniu chaructora nnd In trnclnis L: nulon Ihnt have bcun slolen. l>urln(;|fl (hu pnnt your a ll uf Ibo cnra ri'- |i>i ported to tho po.llco ns stolon b n v o 'w l)oirn run down nnd cuplured . Aiiiotii: fr noteil orlm iiints who cnnio In -(m tu fo :U« iiulsUlc and wuro laken poriiup* o, tho.m iisc famous was O liver Jones, th iiund of the l«nd of hun tla m and nr (un liken who rohbud the Enelu „„ tonk niM wbo madu n Hpoclneulnr i :m-.ipo' f r tm the Adn couniy Jnll. *

Mnyor Anhton nnhi today thn l lie ^ ind no onnounconiunt to maho in roKnrd to tbe auccoHHor of tbu clilof,Imt indlcnicd Ibnt ilutlnilu acliou vnuid bo tuhcn 'U iiu -ovvnlnK on Iho rhlufn rvnlRnntlon.

Reception Committee {' on Excursion Meeting «p

Called This Evfening no

Tlio recciillon. commllloo for Ihn lull i.ake Cfiy uxinir/iion will moi't onlitlil 10 pu l Ibn ,final toiicii on i.bo nil iroKrom for Ibc rucciilinii w ben th e n r rnlii pulln In Wednenilny. Tbiii wnii oCi .rrnni:i-<l Saturday niKhl. ihnl Dr. l>. ;

.A loxandor nhuH' honil lim reecp- inn coiiiniitteo; tlint .Mayor K, I.. In kiihion nhall wi'lcoiiiu tbo vliiltora and iilrodueo.JndKO IC. A. W ailiTn, wbo 1 .-III di'iivor nn addrena. Presldonl roi ;luwl U lloilKlti of tho 'cUamhor of Vli onimercu will alno npcnk. Mrn. 1). •“ .. A lexander w llM iavo choree of Ibc luslcal p rogram .

iVest 'Coast Life : . insurance ^

Locates in" ^wmMr. R.‘ H Saviiio o f B ail Lako

Ity ban lucatud in T w in Fnlla aa upresontaUvo of lho W eal Coaal 4 f* -In su ran ce company, v l lo i n - a utfvu of S a il Liiku City nnd is well nown nmoiik ihu buninean men of int I'lly, H e .l ia s -b e e n —in - U io - in . - - - ironcu buslncnn for H uveral'yonm id ilken thu loiikn o t 'nouthurn Inbo.Tho W ent Coanl Innurnnco com-

in y hnn bcon operutlnR nhout 24 :>nrs nnd la nno ot ibo nuhiitatillai mcornfl o t the w ent Mr^ SnvlMo han movoil hln fnmlly • BRO nnd in located a t S19 Second -unuc nortb.

IIAII.V TllAX.Sl’I t l l TD « rt~ T . V. Cwiniy to 11. C,. Iilot-

leb. >10. I. 9.. in . 11 II noUlntiT. D ood-Snm o to name. »G. I. i 11 HI

olliHior.l-nronionl—It. Jonra lo Sninmn Ulv-

; Cunal Co.. *50. ovor SW NK !)-ll-

n .iiiy cnrrlftKi'n. roflnlnhcd and ro- [tholntored. /lln rsa in ii. Kxrhnp;:" epartm ent. A. II. V incent Co.. ::t>7- i‘J SboHliono Rotiili.

Tho Tlmen Is unequalcd for oows , S outhern Idaho.________________ ^


T u e s . , M a y 1 2 -

N EW BLUEBIBD DAMSAITT D tr r A lton ! A M ott S tore

BLU SB IR D 0 R 0H E 8T B A X E r.S ALL ( ;o

F a u lty ' €litnisuitioii

— t h e c a u s e o f m o s t m t . T o h f t n g n l a r a s c l o d L w o r k , e a c h , d a y s o m e w a y c n | e y . ROMAN MEAl.—a

• g t i p e r l y b i M n c e d

■ -V N

K n o ^ Over' , T .Ifelephbne^ Poles in I

^ i*eavey DistrictA nlndniorm ,. wbleh look on

the cha rac lc r -o f a I)sb7 (n itle r , p knocked d o n n half a u ile of. ..

. telejiUonft \y9\x* » » r t b t b te t dump nidlnir b«7«nd V w f lanl o ienlnir ond a - s l n i l la r lo n ^ h m n r Iho FraDfc-/BDf(inKlon place

y n mllo w est o t -DubL In nomo T t ' Inilnuccs treo -Uranehcs wero Rcu . hri.ken off b y '( b o fure« o t Ihe whh

siorm . I 'ho W es^ ru Union ood , tho thn Iilnho Pow er com pan; su f. od.

, frn<il no dam age. It was nialed to r J . nl ib e lr re jp W lT e nflieakt — T~ .—^ >'*' '■ ni

: FRESHMAN WIN 3 ; : C L ^ M T S

Forly-olRht freshmen defeoted 41 _ Hoplinmorcn in llio dflnn fiRht a l gfoo Lincoln field Uils mnrnlni? a fte r a I^org

Ifiorro 'BtruKBie. It * *nn nialed by Ru 'P ro t. K IJ. A ustin. Ibln aftam oon. ors. !w hon tho w histle hirw lo- end tho An frny, Ibu ft'niib crowd bnd. Rolien 20 Bpea fopn acron# (iio line, “'hllo Che sopJi- QW«' omocen Imd cnplure.l ouly IB of a thoir opponents. •'Til-' luc of w ar ohan and other nctlvltlos w ito caileii off T hot on uccouni of ralm •'•PP

I -_________ , -withI All Are Invited'

to Hospital on . Tuesday, Afternoon

A pnnerni Invitatton to a ll In vlnll ]tlio hoHpital.tomorro^v. hoiwei'n lhoIiours of 1 and « p. m. wlion Ihero InoHm ho,1. 0, w n . Ju o .d W MU. W .K f ' " ”torn, lho auporlnlojulcni, thl" ofler* “noon. Ten nnd wafer* will ho served • »cihelwoon Uio bourn of i nnd 4 anil bo- lusro.iiwecn lho hours of 0 and 8 p. m. othoi

T he ilruii fitoroa of ilu- clly. n t ibo i n g jniinROHilon of the Sllnlv.HTini Allinnrn a • fla rc flxlnu up Ih c lr vlndown for Ibe lalunoecngion. hnvo

« ■' ---- 11 10Tbo Tlmoa la tmogimtfld fbr news

In Southern Id a h a ore |

Uned IcnU and camp fum lturo fnr ron t o r nale. - Kxcham;i' nopt.. A. Jl. V incent Co.. 207-200 Slionhono south.

- - - — J

j . s V ? ^ & e a

f ,

1 I

' J ^ I

Tm \


. . ^ ■ . • I M E S


I S W P U B i iT ho’ In tlncrary of ibo * Pocalolio ‘ - B

Rent Isolate hoard for lho day 'on ■ which tboy a rrlvo n t T w in 'P alls>nnd tho . dny foilowin*. hns boen rocciv. - ; ! ■ ed., Tbe followlne is tho program ; Ifo r Ihu two 4lays: ‘ . __' ; - . iH

Mondoy, May is :U ubl—D roaktsst, 8 a. m . Spoak. ' - I

ers. H. lu ForrlB. John Brady. BJorom o—Lunclieon. 12:30 p. m . ;•

Speaker*. W. H . Snydor, Goorge h waRonsuller.

Tw in Falla—U anquot. 8:80 p^ m. ? Jpoakors. Mayor C. Den R oss.. Uen yf

Tuesday, l^ny 10. 1Burloy—Breakfast, C:30 a. m i l ' ??

Jpoakors. W. P. W hitnkor, Myron '! ’orRos. _ &

R upert—Luncheon, 13 m . Spoak- ^ rs, J . Rohb Brady. C. Bon IU)sa. ,Amorican y F f tlls-D ln n e r, 7 p. m.

Ipenkera, Hnrvoy Jlolnios, Theodore ' t <] iWho. 2 '* '

a J .' FJaldsled, seeroU ry t l lho ham ber o t commorco. and J . W. Chomets. couniy • nK rlcuiturlsL will uppiem ont on speaklny proRraii) P q . flth brlof talk*. .

' ■ h. Sea Cucumber a FtMh .

TJio *ea cucumhcr 1s really a living trealuro aad nol a vegetable. Itn other lamua aro Uio irupans or iioloihurlnii.Hio body o t this stmnifo dweller In lho ‘“y «ii la composed o t ii musculiir llsauu , . . . «T cn ^ with wnrts or'splnes. nnd^ h lch lenemliy resombio in shaiw tlielr veffo* >hucci-i ablo namesake, says tbo Boston Glpbo. u fad ,

Seo cocnmbur is consldurud n s re a l aorVIc uxury among the Clitncse. M alays und Union ithor B a s le ^ pooplos. and its Kniher- llo fe r ng and proparallon for tho ninrkul Is Barbo I • flourlshlns Industry, nmonif tiio her t stands of Uio Pnclflc. W hltu men wim pusos iftvo enten noafucum ber aoup docliire hito I to bo deiicluun. T he Irepan is, which I'n" " irow from ten to lltteen Inches ionic, “ ire Bnibrrod from cuml roofs. T bej iro tiien hollod. dried In tbu aun niid P " " lunc over n lire, wlik-h sIves'U icm u J * ”;-

. wluT

• -A o d p D P l i ^ J

m i c a / 'y t h D u s a n d i^cause- thei) m ake d re ssimple. I f a J f y o u r djiis;

1 m a rl-a b le newm o d is te , dir(f.:t3 y o u , s li

;.th e ij in c lu d e t &aA¥ew)brh%\

silhouette is qviickly no • Jciim al Pattern' for you

save y o u i ijo tir p a tte rn .

yards of cach widUi to b least m aterial...............-

tfieij te ll y o u the colors

of a f:lmdus i^ Q s te tc right material* and the

n o o th e r p a tte nNo Olher pattern has N ERV A GUIDE. No SO easy to ase.

, ma


. Lake

. oro t^ ..c ity .


I-'Oll*four a ^best a

• * f U o d < >1 lionsJ five 1

f " v X 'f I sL V A ‘®

I catedIBIW I .. - 1 - Jjj j„I ls father elecled president, o f Q v - fore Jnany .O ip ta in Von.IIIndenhurtr. son ‘P tbiit Ihe field marahal. Is expected lo tho caistiro prominently in aiTalrs o t (ho as^ - •^ ''.B tw w p ttb U c . W ln i

'ormer Editor of Shoshone Paper in

City for' Magazine for’^ul" ' ioninn

Bcl llnrlier. one of tlio p ioneer odi- Rev. (Vi o f tho atnto of Idaho and Ions churcl:iltoi* o f . tb e Shoshono Jou rnal. Is boen .

tbiu city in iho Interonl o f, Man* ■ncturur nnd Indunirlal , Review, UneiCCfSNo l» tho Pucifle Coast Man- daveniacturor, which now • oxlends ils Prlcearvico Into ovory sinio .of tho partimlion. I t Is conducted by C o l .'B . Sbosbc )fer. tnrm orly of. Snioin, Oro. Mr..irbor Ih layinR lioforo Uio chnm . A. Jr o f commcrco a plnii fo r tour ^o n b cson of ndvorlislnR. which w il l , r o i ■ " ■10 Mio mnsnxine w hirh bo says (itin a n c lrcnlatidu of 13,000 copies and In tliun coiidennfd fnr Iho review

onln which go to 14.000 now spa. Tu rs ho stuion.Nfr. lin rher nayn th a t ho roor only Mon

Tw in Fnlla, UoIho and PocalelioU> h ts plan.______________ —

W T R A D E .

; s o f w o m e > t u r n i n g 1

issmakin^ surprisixssmakjnff 'is done before you sta ft- M INERVA GUIDE, written 1 stitch by stitch, eveiy Step of tbe

t i le sm arte s t ^ stqles.-noted aud cifibodled in a new L

ou to use.

im o n e ijin la ip i^Ladies'Hom e ^oum ^Pat<cm s economical beciuse they tell yo

3 buy and'how to.lay out vour nati

le prettiest materY^ith cach Ladin* Hom e Jotnv xial Pattern comc the sugecstions.; to guide you in selecting he prettiest cci'ors. ‘ v .

m i s s o ; completeIS the famous MI" >No'other pattern is

lO N D A T , M A T . l J , ' j9 2 i; . ■ ■

B E R S O N A L S ja w . L over, ( ra asu rs r o f tb e 'lh -

e iinounlaln. E ieetrlovcom pany, arrlv - d he re today from Salt* U k e City onUSlDCSS..,. _ . ■Ed K inney ro tiin iod 'today 'from Sail

a k e City. - ..Mrs. L. T . W right and son, Biillo,

back from a v ls ll in S alt U k o

[^ash Priz^4 i^ e .; , .

Offered Riders for Weed Es«ys

A bonus o{ 126 baa boon offered by [anaaer B urton Sm ith o f th e ’ T w in • alls Canal cojppany, /o r each ' of Uio iu r division -of the couniy to r tbo Dst ond m ost cohiprebenslve deaerip- OD o f tho five nozloua w o«d-cond|. ons In th e ir respective d istric ts. Tbo ye w teds a ro m orning glory, J^an- dlan tb islio . < iuack««raas, boary rest and knapw eed..Weed C6mmIssloooe S d L anied haa

m t ou t le tte rs to a il calling a tteollon> w hore tbo weeds nro principally io- ttcd o a -ih s t r a d . T be oasays muate In Uio hands o t M anager Sm ith bo- ' / iro Juno IS, and will be tu rned ovor> tbe weed ddpartm ent aa. p a rl o t 10 cam naisn of Uio commissioner and Is aaalnfaiUa-and the. canal company salnat Ihoao grawtUe.

i e r v i c e s r a t M u o a

T u e s d a y E v e n i n g

Ti-cro Will bo relig ious:, services r lho Christian church a t S laroa* ’ mnrrow evening, isqnduclod by IV. o. D. H arris o f lho C hristian lurcii. A ;g e n e r a l Inv lu tlon haa en extended to a ll lo a ttend.

Used heils. springs, chairs^ tablea. ivenporla, e tc , reflnlsbed, A -l'^hapo.-Icea vory roaaonable. Citohango Do-irtment. A. I f . V incont C^., 207.209 ____losbono nouth. . . .

A. J . Poster—Fool Spociallst. 223 ioiibo;>e;8l. So. ,


T uesday f re n h itr , May IMh In 1. 0 . 0 . F . llaH

Members nnd F riends InvlU d Oood Music

/ ■ J ' ^

\ ■' V ' t e nt o ­

t o

i s i i ^ i j■startI T he re­in by a famous Lhe way. . ..

Varisianmming feature,.in style line or - Ladies* Home ^

t i ^ o u tnu-are the most 1 you how ma|iy Dattem with the

i n l and i^ '

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