AS arsenic

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  • 8/13/2019 AS arsenic


  • 8/13/2019 AS arsenic


    *: .18,,

    Arsenic , As . ""." Orpiment"


  • 8/13/2019 AS arsenic


    Periodic Table of

    the Elements

    As is a Group V element (like N and P)

    Replaces S in minerals and metabolic systems

    replaces P in minerals and ATP energy cycle

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    Sources of arsenicSoi l and Sediment

    Arsenic concentrations in soils depend in part on the parent materials from

    which the soils were derived, although they may be enriched by other

    sources, including anthropogenic sources.

    Typical natural concentration ranges are 0.1 to 40 mg/kg, with an average

    concentration of 5-6 mg/kg (NAS, 1977).

    The level of arsenic in soil derived from basalts tends to be higher than insoils of granitic origin, and concentrations of 20 to 30 mg/kg may be found

    in soils derived from sedimentary rocks (Yan-Chu, 1994). In areas of

    recent volcanism, soils average arsenic concentrations are approximately

    20 mg/kg. Very high natural concentrations of arsenic (up to 8,000 mg/kg)

    may occur in soils that overlay deposits of sulfuric ores (NAS, 1977).Arsenic can be found in soil in the inorganic state bound to cations, and it

    can also be found bound to organic matter. Arsenic may be transferred to

    surface water and ground water through

    erosion and dissolution; plants may also uptake arsenic. Because arsenic

    can be fixed in inorganic and organic compounds in soil, soil may also bea sink for arsenic

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    Geothermal Waters

    Geothermal water can be sources of arsenic insurface water and ground water. Welch et al., (1988)

    identified 14 areas in the Western United States

    where arsenic conditions in water exceed 50 g/L

    because of known or suspected geothermalsources. In these areas, dissolved

    arsenic concentrations ranged from 80 to 15,000

    g/L. Welch et al.,found that mean dissolved arsenic

    concentrations in geothermal ground waters arehigher than mean arsenic concentrations in non-

    thermal ground waters in any of the physiographic

    provinces in the United States.

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    Other Sources

    Natural emissions of arsenic associated with volcanic activity

    and forest and grass fires are recognized to be significant.Indeed, volcanic activity appears to be the largest natural


    of arsenic emissions to the atmosphere (ATSDR, 1998).

    Estimates of natural releases (of which volcanic arsenic

    emissions are the primary source).

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    natural sources, arsenic is released from a variety of

    anthropogenic sources (USEPA, 1998b), including:

    Manufacturing of metals and alloys

    Petroleum refining Pharmaceutical manufacturing

    Pesticide manufacturing and application

    Chemicals manufacturing

    Burning of fossil fuels

    Waste incineration

    These anthropogenic releases of arsenic can elevate

    environmental arsenic concentrations. Human exposure to

    arsenic can result in a variety of chronic and acute effects. Inparticular, there is evidence that associates chronic arsenic

    ingestion at low concentrations with

    increased risk of skin cancer, and that arsenic may cause

    cancers of the lung, liver, bladder, kidney, and colon (ATSDR,1998). Because of the human health risks associated with

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    Mining and Smelt ing

    Arsenic can be obtained from two of its ores, arsenopyrite and

    lollingite, by smelting in the presence of air around 650700 C(Kirk-Othmer, 1992), or arsenic trioxide (As2O3) in flue dust

    from the extraction of lead and copper can be captured

    (Ferguson, 1990). Subsequently, arsenic trioxide can be used

    to produce other arsenic compounds or purified to elemental


    Arsenic trioxide was produced for commercial use in the United

    State at the ASARCO smelter in Tacoma, Washington, until

    1985, at which time the smelter ceased operations (ATSDR,

    1998). The USEPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standardsindicates that

    primary and secondary6 lead smelters, primary copper


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    Arsenic is continually cycled through all environmental

    compartments. Arsenic can be elevated to high levels in water

    and soil because of the underlying geology or geothermal

    activity. In the aquatic environment arsenic concentrations canalso become elevated in some estuaries and in waters near

    heavy industrial or mining and mineral-processing areas. The

    highest concentrations of arsenic in soil tend to be associated

    with mining waste.Mean total arsenic concentrations in air from remote and rural

    areas range from 0.02 to 4 ng/m3. Mean total arsenic

    concentrations in urban areas range from 3 to about 200 ng/m3;

    much higher concentrations (> 1000 ng/m3) have been

    measured in the vicinity of industrial sources.

    Reported concentrations of arsenic in surface waters are

    summarized in Fig. 6. Concentrations of arsenic in open ocean

    seawater are typically 12 g/litre. Arsenic is widely distributed

    in surface freshwaters, and background concentrations in rivers

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    Mean arsenic concentrations of 500 g/litre and a

    maximum of 25 mg/litre have been reported for geothermalwaters. Enhanced arsenic levels of < 10 mg/litre have

    been reported near anthropogenic sources such as mining

    and agrochemical manufacture. Mean sediment arsenic

    concentrations range from 5 to 3000 mg/kg, with the

    higher levels occurring in areas of contamination.Reported concentrations of arsenic in soils are

    summarized in Fig. 7. Background concentrations in soil

    tend to range from 1 to 40 mg/kg, with a mean value of 5

    mg/kg. Naturally elevated levels of arsenic in soils may beassociated with geological substrata such as sulfide ores.

    Anthropogenically contaminated soils can have

    concentrations of arsenic up to several percent

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    Terrestrial plants

    Arsenic species can enter into edible tissues of food crops

    through absorption (i.e. not just surface contamination)(Woolson, 1973; Helgesen & Larsen, 1998). Helgesen & Larsen

    (1998) demonstrated that bioavailability of arsenic pentoxide to

    carrots in soil from a wood preservative treatment plant (soil was

    contaminated with CCA) was 0.47 0.06% of total soil arsenic

    burden. This study showed that arsenite, arsenate, MMA and

    DMA were present in carrot tissue, where only arsenite and

    arsenate were present in soil. In soils dosed with arsenate (0

    500 g/g) at the concentrations which inhibited growth of

    vegetable crops (green bean, lima bean, spinach, cabbage,tomato and radish), high levels of accumulation when found in

    the edible parts of radish (76 g/g) spinach (10 g/g) and green

    bean (4.2 g/g). Arsenic accumulation in Lima bean, cabbage

    and tomato ranged from 0.71.5 g/g. The studies of Woolson1973 and Hel esen & Larsen 1998 hi hli ht the otential of

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    Environmental levels

    Arsenic is a natural component of the earths crust, and found

    in all environmental media. Concentrations in air in remote

    locations range from < 1 to 3 ng/m3, but concentrations in

    cities may range up to 100 ng/m3. Concentrations in water

    are usually < 10 g/litre, although higher concentrations can

    occur near natural mineral deposits or anthropogenicsources. Natural levels in soils usually range from 1 to 40

    mg/kg, but pesticide application or waste disposal can

    produce much higher values

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    Levels of arsenic in ambient air are summarized in Examples

    are given of mean total arsenic concentrations in remote and

    rural areas ranging from 0.02 to 4 ng/m3. Levels of arsenic in

    outdoor air near to urban and industrial sources are

    summarized in . Examples are given of mean total arsenicconcentrations in urban areas ranging from 3 to 200 ng/m3;

    much higher concentrations (> 1000 ng/m3) have been

    measured in the vicinity of industrial sources. Arsenic in

    ambient air is usually a mixture of arsenite and arsenate, withorganic species being of negligible importance except in areas

    of substantial methylated arsenic pesticide application or biotic

    activity. Schroeder et al. (1987) reviewed worldwide arsenic

    concentrations associated with particulate matter.

    1 -Air

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    They identified arsenic levels ranging from 0.007 to 1.9

    ng/m3for remote areas, 1 to 28 ng/m3for rural areas and 2 to

    2320 ng/m3

    in urban areas. The highest arsenic levelsdetected in the atmosphere were near non-ferrous-metal


    Typical background levels for arsenic are now 0.21.5 ng/m3

    for rural areas, 0.53 ng/m3for urban areas and < 50 ng/m3

    for industrial sites (DG Environment, 2000).

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    Environmental effects of arsenic

    The arsenic cycle has broadened as a consequence of human

    interference and due to this, large amounts of arsenic end up inthe environment and in living organisms. Arsenic is mainly emitted

    by the copper producing industries, but also during lead and zinc

    production and in agriculture. It cannot be destroyed once it has

    entered the environment, so that the amounts that we add can

    spread and cause health effects to humans and animals on many

    locations on earth.

    Plants absorb arsenic fairly easily, so that high-ranking

    concentrations may be present in food. The concentrations of thedangerous inorganic arsenics that are currently present in surface

    waters enhance the chances of alteration of genetic materials of

    fish. This is mainly caused by accumulation of arsenic in the

    bodies of plant-eating freshwater organisms. Birds eat the fish thatalread contain eminent amounts of arsenic and will die as a

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    Risk evaluation

    Conventional, generic risk assessment would apply uncertainty factors to

    the lowest reported chronic effects concentration. For arsenic in freshwaters,

    this would be 5 g/litre for growth in algae. This concentration is similar to

    the upper limit of the natural range of arsenic concentrations in most surface

    freshwaters. It is almost four orders of magnitude lower than the highest

    natural concentrations of arsenic in geothermal regions. Since communities

    of organisms occur in surface waters across the whole natural range (0.05

    25 000 g/litre), a single protective concentration target for arsenic isinappropriate. Although there is no direct evidence that populations of

    organisms living at the higher end of the range for most surface waters

    (around 2 g/litre) are less sensitive to arsenic than those at the bottom end

    of the range (0.05 g/litre), this might be inferred from laboratory and field

    evidence. There is clear laboratory and field evidence that populations livingat much higher concentrations have adapted to high inorganic arsenic

    levels. may mitigate arsenic toxicity in the environment. Realistically, risk

    assessment for inorganic arsenic can only be done on a site-by-site basis

    taking into account background arsenic concentrations, local population

    tolerance and other local mitigating factors

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    For populations of organisms living in low inorganic arsenic

    environments with little possible mitigation (e.g. low

    phosphate levels), a concentration of around 5 g/litre would

    be protective of all but the most sensitive algae. Adapted

    populations at high natural inorganic arsenic concentrations

    will be specialized communities, possibly of lower biodiversity

    but probably of high conservation interest. Areas polluted by

    anthropogenic activity, therefore, present the risk managerwith different options based on both practicability and

    desirability of remediation; if adapted communities have

    developed over time, these might be destroyed by

    remediation. Clearly the contamination of pristine areas witharsenic to levels which cause adaptation and decreased

    biodiversity is unacceptable.

    What are the Potential Health Effects?

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    What are the Potential Health Effects?

    The primary health concern with

    exposure to arsenic is cancer. Exposure

    to arsenic over many years can increaseyour chances of getting certain types of

    cancer, or other health effects, such as

    diarrhea, poor blood production, and

    abnormal heart beat. The healthoutcomes depend on the length of time

    that you are exposed to arsenic from

    any source, the amount of arsenic in

    your water, the amount of water that youdrink, and your current level of health.

    The risk of developing health effects are

    the same for everyone, including

    children re nant women and other

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    Effects on human health

    Cancer Melanosis


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    Summary of Method

    The ICPMS methods have been described previously in Faires

    (1993) and Garbarino and Taylor (1994). The following sections

    only provide additional information specific to the elements thatare

    being added to the method.

    Former methods and ICPMS method detection limits and

    calibration limits for new elements determined in filtered,acidified natural water

    [All concentrations are in micrograms per liter; MRL, minimum

    reporting level; MDL, method detection limit; CC, catalyzed

    colorimetry; DCPAES, direct current plasmaatomic emissionspectrometry; FAAS, flameatomic absorption

    spectrophotometry; GFAAS, stabilized temperature graphite

    furnaceatomic absorption

    spectrophotometry; HGAAS, hydride generationatomic

    absorption spectrophotometry; ICPAES, inductively coupled

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    Accuracy of inductively coupled plasmamass

    spectrometric arsenic determinations in the presenceof bromide using different correction equations. The

    error bars correspond to one standard deviation based

    on three instrumental measurements.

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    Sample Preparation

    Filtered, acidified natural-water samples analyzed by ICP

    MS for dissolve arsenic, boron, lithium, selenium,

    strontium, thallium, and zinc and other elements do not

    require additionalprocessing.


    Analytical Procedure

    Refer to Perkin-Elmer (1997a, 1997b) and NWQL

    Standard Operating Procedure IM0011.1 (T.M. Struzeski,

    U.S. Geological

    Survey, written commun., 1998) for details of

    the analytical procedure. In addition, the accuracy of

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    Statistical analysis of long-term ICPMS

    results for U.S. Geological Survey Standard

    Reference Water Sample T145 [ICPMS,inductively coupled plasmamass

    spectrometry; elemental results are in

    micrograms per liter; MPV, the most probablevalue; , the plus or minus symbol precedes

    the F-pseudosigma in the MPV

    column and the standard deviation in the

    experimental mean column; n, number ofreplicates used to calculate the experimental

    mean; p-value, level of significance;

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    Short-term analytical variability as a function of elemental

    concentration for ICPMS [ICPMS, inductively coupled

    plasmamass spectrometry, the percent relative standarddeviations are based on three sequential determinations in

    a 0.4-percent solution of concentrated nitric acid in

    deionized water; g/L, micrograms per liter;

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    Average percent spike recoveries in reagent-

    water, surface-water and ground-water matrices

    by inductively coupled plasmamassspectrometry [mg/L, micrograms per liter; number

    following the plus or minus symbol () is the

    standard deviation on the basis of sevendeterminations accrued on separate days; high

    spike, 75 mg/L for all elements; na, not applicable

    because the difference between the spike

    concentration and ambient concentration wasgreater than a factor of 10;

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