Aryan Esoterica 5 – In The Beginning This is the fifth and final chapter, where we will be looking at the Hyksos occupation of Egypt, Herman Wirth, the founder of the Ahnenerbe and his research on the earliest Aryan civilisation in the Gobi and how Noah’s flood fits in with Greek, Hindu, Zoroastrian and Hebrew myth. We will also look at some of the related subjects that Serrano neglected to cover in his book and right at the end, I will try to give a summing up of what I believe all our sacred texts are telling us. First though, we are going to look at something which is a big problem for us today, but that has actually been going on for thousands of years. The most common mistake that people make when looking at history and particularly when looking at the Bible, is to confuse ethnicity with geography. The idea that an Indian Sikh can move to Scotland, wear a kilt and then suddenly become a Scot is not something new. We have been calling newcomers to a territory by the name of that land instead of by their ethnicity for millennia. Very often the original name of a country was derived from the first known ethnicity that colonised it, as in the land of Canaan or the land of Britain. But that does not mean the people living there were always descended from them. Britain was named after King Brutus whose descendants were driven into Wales by the Saxons, yet Saxons, Normans, Welsh and Scots today all call themselves British. Admittedly all four nations did originate as one, but they certainly did not view each other as kindred peoples at the time of the invasions. The land of Canaan has had many different peoples in it at different times, of different ethnicities, yet the history books very often just refer to them all as Canaanite. They even refer to the Phoenicians as Canaanite , yet the Canaanites were driven out from that area before the Phoenician empire even started. This bears particular relevance when tracing the heritage of the Israelites in the Bible. We have already discussed their strict racial purity laws and how it forms the core of the Bible, since the covenant made by God was with them and their ethnicity, nobody else. Yet the modern church today still insists on taking the Biblical record at face value and will try telling you that the heritage of Christ himself

Aryan Esoterica 5 – In The Beginning occupation of Egypt, … · 2018. 10. 24. · Aryan Esoterica 5 – In The Beginning This is the fifth and final chapter, where we will be looking

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  • Aryan Esoterica 5 – In The Beginning

    This is the fifth and final chapter, where we will be looking at the Hyksos occupation of Egypt, Herman Wirth, the founder of the Ahnenerbe and his research on the earliest Aryan civilisation in the Gobi and how Noah’s flood fits in with Greek, Hindu, Zoroastrian and Hebrew myth. We will also look atsome of the related subjects that Serrano neglected to cover in his book and right at the end, I will try to give a summing up of what I believe all our sacred texts are telling us.

    First though, we are going to look at something which is a big problem for ustoday, but that has actually been going on for thousands of years.

    The most common mistake that people make when looking at history and particularly when looking at the Bible, is to confuse ethnicity with geography. The idea that an Indian Sikh can move to Scotland, wear a kilt and then suddenly become a Scot is not something new. We have been callingnewcomers to a territory by the name of that land instead of by their ethnicityfor millennia. Very often the original name of a country was derived from the first known ethnicity that colonised it, as in the land of Canaan or the land of Britain. But that does not mean the people living there were always descended from them. Britain was named after King Brutus whose descendants were driven into Wales by the Saxons, yet Saxons, Normans, Welsh and Scots today all call themselves British. Admittedly all four nationsdid originate as one, but they certainly did not view each other as kindred peoples at the time of the invasions. The land of Canaan has had many different peoples in it at different times, of different ethnicities, yet the history books very often just refer to them all as Canaanite. They even refer to the Phoenicians as Canaanite, yet the Canaanites were driven out from thatarea before the Phoenician empire even started. This bears particular relevance when tracing the heritage of the Israelites in the Bible. We have already discussed their strict racial purity laws and how it forms the core of the Bible, since the covenant made by God was with them and their ethnicity,nobody else. Yet the modern church today still insists on taking the Biblical record at face value and will try telling you that the heritage of Christ himself


  • was polluted by various mongrel tribes. But if you carefully investigate the records of the women or peoples concerned in the family tree, you will find itwas impossible for them to be anything other than of the Hebrew ethnicity, which as we have seen was just as White as the original Persians, Assyrians, Egyptians and Phoenicians who were all a part of the same racial family.

    Ruth is identified in the Old Testament as a Moabite living in Moab, yet the land of Moab had been colonised by the Israelites and cleansed of all Moabites for 200 years by the time she is first mentioned. Rahab in Jericho could only have been an Israelite from the tribe of Judah, she was living in the part of Jericho designated for foreigners and the scarlet thread she displayed in the window was a known symbol for the Royal House of Judah. The Samaritans who lived in Samaria were originally the House of Ephraim before the Assyrians removed them, which explains Jesus’ parable of the good Samaritan as being about class and not about race. Moses’ father in law was a Midianite, but the Midianites were descended from Abraham through his later wife Keterah and the ban on breeding with them did not come in until later, after they had started mingling with the racial Moabites. The Phoenician empire was an alliance of the Northern Israelite tribes based in the land of Asher which is why Solomon could build his temple with their help. The Galileans were predominantly made up of the tribe of Benjamin, who lived in that area when they returned from Babylon accompanying the remnant of Judah. Christ’s disciples themselves were all Benjamites living in Galilee of the Goyim or Galilee of the Nations, because goyim back then just meant nations, it never meant non-Jew or ‘animals’ as the Jews now claim. Even Paul of Tarsus was a Benjamite and not a Judean . The only disciple who was not of the tribe of Benjamin is the Jew Iscariot, which incidentally would have been a much better way to translate his name from the Greek than calling him Judaios Iscariot.

    When you look carefully at the passages concerning these subjects, it becomes obvious that they were never meant to be referring to other races or mongrel nations and in the rare cases that it was, it was always explicitly condemned and the posterity blotted out.


  • Once you realise that the central point of the Old Testament is that a promise was made between the creator and one man and his descendants, then it becomes clear that any marriage outside that line would result in the promise no longer applying to the offspring. This is just a matter of logic and should be accepted whether you believe the events described or not, as the people concerned obviously believed it or they would not have recorded it. The law against intermarriage was the most important law of the lot and it was even reflected in the most basic of customs, such as not sowing a field with 2 different types of seed, not wearing clothing with 2 different types of cloth, not storing 2 different types of food together, not tying 2 different types of animal together. A lawful marriage was only a marriage with someone of the same breed.

    The instructions not to marry strange women are repeated again and again and there are two whole books which make the marrying of strange women a central theme and they show how important it was to disown any racial bastards and to kick any strange women out. We also have the example of Phineas, who was rewarded by God with an eternal priesthood for spearing two race-mixers through with his weapon mid-coitus. When you realise the importance of this commandment, then it is a simple matter to go back and take a second look at instances where it looks like there could have been an unlawful marriage and we find that the land was either already owned by the Hebrews, or the women could only have been Hebrews because it was recognised as a lawful marriage, or in one important case with Judah who didmarry a Canaanite woman, 2 of his 3 sons with her were killed by God and the 3rd that was left alive has no Royal heritage and is only noted once again as still living in a census.

    The Testament of the 12 Patriarchs tells us of the grief and penitence that Judah went through after realising the gravity of this sin. It was the daughter of a Canaanite king that he slept with when he was young. He was enticed byher father’s wealth and prestige, overcome by strong drink and he reminds hislawful descendants never to make the same mistake he did.

    Although the Bible clearly tells us the origins of the Hebrews, Israelites and


  • other primary White nations whose history can all be traced from the tenth chapter of Genesis onwards, Serrano claims that:

    ’It is difficult to know the true origin of this people. In the visit I made to professor Herman Wirth, founder of the Ahnenerbe, the highly specialized organism of investigation of the SS, and one of the most extraordinary students of Nordic pre-antiquity, I asked him about the Jews. He gave me a strange and unexpected answer: "Nomadic people, from slaves, who lived on the periphery of the great civilization of the Gobi…"

    The nomads who made their living from slavery and eventually interbred with them and turned themselves brown, were the Ishmaelites, the offspring of Abraham and Hagar his wife’s White Egyptian servant. Eventually these tribes would all turn brown and be known as Arabs and their land was named after them as Arabia. Interestingly as they miscegenated and turned their part of the White race barren, the land around them turned barren too. Arabia is written about as being lush and verdant as late as in Roman times and the restof the once fertile crescent also turned to desert with the loss of genetic integrity in the Mesopotamian nations.

    The Gobi desert that Professor Wirth mentions contains some of the earliest remains that we have of White people, the mummies of Urumchi are particularly well known, being preserved in salt and the clothing that they wore shows they were highly technologically advanced when compared to the other tribes of the time. They knew how to make cheese by adding fermented bacteria to milk from their domesticated sheep and they even woveimages of their livestock onto their belongings. One of them looks particularly modern and a woman could wear the same clothes out now and people wouldn’t bat an eyelid at her. These remains are estimated to go back 4 to 5000 years and the flood is estimated to have happened around 3500BC. There is a theory that the deluge of the Bible that the church thinks was worldwide, could actually have been localised and in that same part of the Gobi. There was no concept of the whole world back then, the whole world for them was everything that the people relaying this tale personally knew about.It was everything that existed in their territory, they had no concept of what


  • went on outside of it. The actual word used in the book of Genesis that is translated as ‘world’ is actually ‘eretz’ that just means ‘land’. When Cain is kicked out of the land to become a wanderer, the word translated as ‘land’ is ‘eretz’. Cain was not kicked off the planet into space, but was just exiled from the territory that belonged to the Adamites and when the biblical flood covers the whole eretz, it may mean that it just covered that whole land. This is far more believable than water covering the whole earth and it means Noahwould have been able to fit the animals needed that were unique to the area on board his ship.

    There is a part of this desert called the Palmir Plateau, which shows evidence of being a possible early centre of civilisation that was destroyed by a flood. There are also four major rivers there that correspond to the description of therivers that watered Eden in the book of Genesis. The plateau is surrounded bymountains that have a high tide mark on them, with mountains lower than this mark in the middle. It looks like the ground just suddenly dropped away, with the water table bursting through from underneath and demolishing the entire area. If this happened at the same time as celestial upheaval causing meteorite hail and rain, it would fit the Biblical description perfectly and could conceivably have covered every high place that the eye could see. Once the flood had subsided, the Noahidae would have spread out west to Shinar and the fertile crescent and east into India, bringing their superior knowledge of the stars and seasons with them and building their ancient stonecircles and observatories as they went.

    The Hindu and Zoroastrian texts also point to this area as being the source from which mankind spread out, the original Eden located on a plateau on a mountain. The Greeks talk of Mount Olympus, the Aryan Hindus of Mount Meru and the Books of Adam and Eve compiled from early Christian folklorealso tell us that the family of Adam lived on a Holy Mountain. The symbolism here is twofold, there was a genuine mountain that we originally inhabited and the mountain is also symbolic of the race, the same as the tree is. Like the Pagan myths that Serrano references that say we are descended from gods that live on a mountain, the Christian myths tell us the same, only they say that these gods were just the first men.


  • Serrano reminds us that:

    ‘Plato tells us Zeus meets with the other Hyperborean Gods on the summit of the Polar Mountain, to decide the fate of Atlantis. And he adds that the latter is submerged and swallowed by the great wave in a single night, because her inhabitants had mixed the races indiscriminately. The Racial Sin, the mixing of the divine with the daughters of men. Because they had loved them with their bodies, giving life to sons of the flesh, to the semi-divine, the ancient heroes, the vîras, the giants. ‘

    There are too many similarities between these myths for them to be disconnected from one another. They all take place on a holy mountain and we even have Zeus meeting with the gods here just before the land is flooded,similar to how in the book of Genesis the Lord meets with Noah on the night of the storm and shuts the ark behind him.

    I believe the first men would be like gods if we were to see them today, Adam had to have been perfect in every way, with every potentiality of our race held within him, the sum of all our abilities within one man. There would have been no illness, that would come later, similar to how every photocopy that you make gradually deteriorates, each generation would have been slightly less perfect than the last. As the abilities and talents were spreadfurther among the population of men each time, eventually instead of every new birth being a superman, there would just be one genius being born into every family.

    Noah’s birth is spoken of in the Dead Sea Scrolls:

    ‘And his body was white as snow and red as the blooming of a rose, and the hair of his head †and his long locks were white as wool, and his eyes beautiful†. And when he opened his eyes, he lighted up the whole house like the sun, and the whole house was very bright.’

    I believe when it says the sun, it means his eyes were the colour of the


  • daylight, the blue sky, as they would not have been able to look upon the sun,unless it had a different charge back then to how it is today. It may even have been a different sun entirely, it may have been Saturn if the electric universe theory is correct. For listeners who are not aware of the electric universe theory I recommend checking out the Thunderbolts Project. The Jews have messed with the entire direction of science with their fraudulent promotion ofother Jews like Einstein and their refusal to amend their cosmological theories when experiments such as the CERN accelerator tell them they are wrong. Electric Universe theory explains a lot of the occurrences in the Old Testament, as well as the fantastical descriptions of the stars and planets in other religions. Even the sun standing still for Joshuah can be explained by the earth wobbling on its axis like a spinning top, being pulled towards some charged celestial object.

    Regardless of the phase that our sun was in, this description of Noah leaves us in no doubt that he was White and since he was righteous and pure in his generations then his wife and children had to have been White too and sure enough, when we trace the nations listed as being descended from him, we find that they were all Aryan. They may not be any longer though, the Assyrians, Egyptians, Persians, Medes and the rest have now all become Arabs or mongrels, but back then they were White and so were the Hebrews, who were descended from Eber and who may have named Hibernia, Hebrides, Iberia, Avebury and many other places in honour of him.

    If the Noahidae or descendants of Noah did disembark on the edge of the Gobi desert, then far from being slaves living on the periphery of the great civilisation there, they were the originators of it. This would have been a millennia at least before the Hebrews colonised the world, but there was already miscegenation happening again right after the flood, as we read of it in the tale of the tower of Babel. We also read of the areas that the Noahidae colonised being already populated with the lower races when they get there, and this is not just in the Books of Adam and Eve but in the Bible as well, again pointing to the flood being localised and not global. Nimrod started the first multicultural empire with Babylon at Shinar and our languages were confused there in order to stop us from race-mixing and creating a nation likethe ones named for ourselves. Perhaps Professor Herman Wirth who said the


  • Jews were descended from slaves on the periphery of the Gobi desert had also traced the Noahidae lineage to there and believing them to be Jews, he added two and two together to come up with five and assumed they must have been the slaves rather than the masters, based upon his flawed belief that the people of the Bible were mongrels, just like the Jews of his day?

    After telling us the names of the descendants of Noah and the lands they colonised and the nations that were named after them, the next character of distinction we come across in the Bible is Abraham, descended from Terah, Heber and Shem.

    Serrano realises that Abraham and Sarah were important people, she was a tribal chieftain in her own right and they were part brother and sister sharing the same father, something that only occurred in the highest caste of Kings and Pharaohs and before that with the early gods and goddesses, who as we have seen are represented by the families of Adam and Cain in the Bible. Thispoints to a perfect beginning as well, since as time and the generations continued the consanguineous marriage of the highest castes had to stop, as the extra-natural abilities of the offspring gradually turned into genetic diseases. This was probably brought about through the mingling of the castes,something which we know did happen and was foretold in the Bhagavad Gita.

    Serrano thinks that the Jews misappropriated Abraham and Sarah at this time and claimed them as their own ancestors, before being expelled from Egypt to an area in Canaan called Goshen. This is very sloppy of him and is cause to doubt the accuracy of the rest of his work, as Goshen was the area in Egyptthat Joseph and his brothers were given in which to tend their flocks. There isno danger of misunderstanding that, it is quite clear in the text. Perhaps this was a mistake in the English translation of Hitler the Ultimate Avatar, as I aminclined to believe he was a genuine seeker after truth, even if his preconceived opinions did help to obscure it in places.

    Abraham did not pimp his wife out as is commonly suggested, this slur originates in a translation found in The New International Bible and the clue


  • to it’s authors is in the title. After leaving Ur of the Chaldees, he spent much of his time in Padan-Aram, the area where the first phonetic writing originated before settling in the land of Canaan, which would eventually become the seat of the united kingdom of Israel and Judah.

    Serrano tells us that ‘The original people of Canaan are the ancestors of the present-day Syrians, a mix of Semites and Syrians.’

    The original people of Canaan were descended from the man Canaan, who the bible appears to be saying was himself the product of Ham the son of Noah raping Noah’s wife. Hence Noah cursed Canaan and he is listed in Genesis as being both the son of Ham and the brother of Ham. The Jews thenlater introduced the idea that Noah’s curse turned Canaan black and that he became the father of the Negro races, but there is no evidence for this in the Bible, it is just more distraction from the truth on the part of the Rabbis. The Bible makes it clear that the sons of Canaan interbred with the beasts of the land, so the correct term for them would have been ‘Arab’ something which is now synonymous with ‘Semite’. So Serrano is correct here to identify Canaan as the ancestor of the modern day Syrians, the same as he is the ancestor of the modern day Jews as his descendants were Arabs. We must notforget that the other Noahidae were also in the near area though and they are not condemned for being race-mixers. Modern day Syria was originally people by the descendants of Heber, Peleg and Aram and the Greek islands by Javan, who were all originally White and not Arab.

    I believe the parentage of Canaan is why the Canaanites turned out to be so evil. You cannot get good fruit from a rotten tree and a stream that is polluted at it’s source is just a danger to everyone. The Israelites were told to exterminate the Canaanites entirely and once you realise they were a race descended from an incestuous rape and then miscegenation, it makes perfect sense that the creator would make such a demand. Unfortunately the Israelites did not fully carry out the commandment, they obviously had Liberals and Humanitarians among them who were squeamish at executing mongrel infants and this is why we have the Jews with us today. Their originslie in this cursed race since their patriarch Esau Edom married the daughters


  • of Heth, the chief of a Canaanite tribe.

    Just in case you think it unlikely that the execution command was given because of the incestuous origin of the race, there are other incidents of it happening. Abraham’s nephew Lot, who lived in Sodom was raped by his own daughters while he was unconscious. Their excuse was that they did not think there was a White man left alive, after they saw the destruction of Sodom. Each one gave birth, one to the Moabites and one to the Ammonites and both tribes were again later given the death sentence by God after their degenerate behaviour became apparent. Is this just a coincidence? I don’t think so, three nations are all ordered to be wiped off the face of the earth by the creator of the earth and all three were the product of an unlawful marriage. You cannot say Our Lord did not try to put a stop to all the bastardisation, he sent the flood, confused the languages at Babel, he even commanded an execution squad, I really do not see how anyone that actually reads the Bible could see it any other way than being a book about racial purity.

    ‘Returning to Canaan’, Serrano says, ‘the Israelites mixed with Sirio-Semites. Before then they had already mixed with the Abrahamites, Moabites, Edomites or Idumeans. Bastard is the term used for mixtures of antagonistic elements. During the Babylonian exile they dictated the draconian laws prohibiting mixing even with similar tribes. From this entire undesirable hodgepodge the Jew emerged. This cloaca gentium (human cesspool) was the biological reservoir of all the hybrids of Asia Minor.’

    Part of this is incorrect, there were no new laws dictated during the Babylonian exile, after the exile it was brought to the priest’s attention that some of the remnant of the tribe of Judah that had returned to Jerusalem, had married strange women and sired bastards. The high priest tears his hair out at this and demands that all the strange women be kicked out, along with their bastards in accordance with the law. This was not a new law and it was carried out after the Babylonian captivity, it was simply the following of the law that had been dictated at Sinai to Moses and was even explained by Adam before that in Genesis chapter 2, where lawful marriage can only ever


  • be with 2 people of the same bone structure and flesh colour.

    This example of what to do with bastards and strange women is recorded in the Bible twice, to make it doubly clear that no race mixing and no bastards are to be tolerated, yet just 300 years later, John Hyrcanus would proclaim the Idumeans to be Judeans just like the tribe of Judah were and that they could all interbreed together from now on and everything would be fine. Thisis where the modern Jew traces his heritage from and Serrano’s description ofthis cloaca gentium being the biological reservoir of all the hybrids of Asia Minor is entirely correct. From this time on Jerusalem was full of bastards, with only the sect of the Essenes, the Galilean Benjamites and other isolated individuals who would eventually become Christians refusing to take part in the melting pot. Thankfully this was only 10% of the tribe of Judah and only 1% of the entirety of the nations of Israel that engaged in this, as the rest never returned to Palestine, but what happened to them is outside the scope ofthis series of podcasts and again, I would point people in the direction of Christogenea or AryanIsrael.wordpress.com if they want to know what happened to them.

    It’s funny how Serrano will refer to tribes like the Philistines and the Hittites as Indo-European, but will then deny the same classification to the nations of Israel, when they were all descended from the Noahidae, who had to have all been the same since they were all members of one family with perfect racial purity. He misses so many of the clues that point to the Bible telling the early history of the White race, through his blind belief in the Israelites being mongrels. In one of those instances he points out that we should not use the word ‘Israelite, because it means:

    "he who struggles with God," and that it also equates with an esoteric derivation that, like the Aryan term for it, is from the Nordic-Polar world.’

    So he is saying that we should not call Israel Israel, because Israel is an Aryan term from the Nordic polar world. I wonder if he had realised that GottMitt Uns, the wording on the belt of every National Socialist soldier, meant the same thing? Gott Mitt Uns means God with us, God with man and Israel


  • means man with God or us with God. Since ancient Hebrew could be read either left to right or right to left, Israel means God with Us, the exact same wording as on those German belt buckles. Perhaps that is where he got the idea from that it was an Aryan phrase, but instead of then realising that the original Israelites were Aryans, he thinks they must have stolen the word from the Germanic tribes in Europe.

    ‘The Semite may be a result of crosses between Negroes and Yellows as well as whites’ Serrano states ‘As has been said, the most authentic Semite is the Bedouin emigrated from the deserts of Arabia, from which the Semite keeps his nomadic characteristics. That is why he is called Homo-Arabicus. This is the soul that most perdures in the Jew. Of his many souls it is the most permanent: the cruel nomad, treacherous and cowardly. He is lazy so others must do the work for him.’

    This is very true for the Jew, but it is completely unlike the Israelites, who were agrarians, builders and shepherds, staying in one place and colonising it,not moving from one area to another. This brings us to the use of the word Semite. There are many who say that it is inaccurate to refer to Jews and Arabs as Semites, as they are bastards and therefore cannot be descended from Shem, since bastards cannot lay a lawful claim upon their father’s house. But the word is being used for its linguistic definition. In the biblical lands that once had the Shemidae or the sons of Shem living in them, the latermongrelised inhabitants came to be using Aramaic and later Arabic. Because these later inhabitants now had a different form of language to that of the Indo-Europeans, it became known as Semitic, since originally those lands were held by the sons of Shem. The word Semite does not mean descended from Shem however, it simply means a person who uses a recent language from the geographical area that we know the sons of Shem once lived in. It actually proves they are mongrels, since instead of being named after an ancestor, they have just been named after the language used in that territory. A similar situation has occurred with ‘Latins’. Latins are mongrels who are defined by the language that they use in the absence of a definite parentage, they are clearly not descended from Romans. As a way of contrast, if you look at our European designations, you will see that most of the time we are named after a divine ancestor and not a language. Britannia, Germania,

  • Europa, Helvetia, Columbia, Eire and Rossiya Matushka, for instance.

    Another pointer to the Jews being mongrels is their aversion to the word Yahweh. They are incapable of saying it out loud or even writing it down andthey even managed to get us to remove it from our Christian Bibles, yet the scrolls at Qumran that belonged to the Essenes, the pure race of Judah, used the word throughout. Bastards are not allowed to use their father’s surname, because they have no lawful claim upon it and the Jews are not allowed to use the name of God for the same reason. They are not the children of God, we are. They are the children of Satan, exactly as Christ said they were.

    Serrano continues:

    ‘Another ethnic factor with which Homo-Arabicus mixes is the Hittite, the Homo-Siriacus. The Jewish nose is a Hittite inheritance. (Homo-Arabicus lost the elongated dolichocephalic cranium when the Jew supplanted the Israelite. The Egyptians, who only knew the Jew in the time of Solomon, have reproduced his type in the pictures in their temples, next to other "anti-races" of the epoch.’

    Early Aryan historians like LA Wadell believed the Hittites to be Aryan, but one look at their noses in the sculptures they have left us proves otherwise. He also believed the Phoenicians to be Hittites, because the centre of the Phoenician empire was originally the home of the Hittites, but the empire did not begin and the Phoenicians are not recorded in history, until a century afterthe Hittites were kicked out of the country. The Hittites were the children of Heth, one of the sons of Canaan, making them a predominant Canaanite tribe.Esau Edom the father of the Idumeans and today’s Jews married the daughters of Heth and threw away his Aryan inheritance. The Bible tells us that these wives of Esau were a grief of mind to Abraham and Sarah and almost drove Sarah to suicide, they were not good people. The nose of the modern Jew proves that he is the son of Esau and Heth and is not the son of Jacob Israel and the fact that the Jews trace their lineage through the mother has to go back to here, where Esau married princesses of the Canaanite line. Jeremiah the prophet points out what an unforgivable sin that breeding with


  • the Hittites is and Serrano is probably using that verse to infer that the Israelites had all interbred with them, when what the verse really shows is that anyone who did that was no longer an Israelite. Jeremiah also points out that those who had done this were no longer able to blush, as adulterating the blood means losing that ability.

    The Egyptians do have sculptures of these Canaanites with their Hittite noses,but there is nothing that identifies them as being Israelites, especially not at the time of Solomon that Serrano is talking about here. At the time of Solomon there was an alliance with the Egyptian empire and there certainly would not have been images of their allies depicted alongside those of the anti-races.

    As we mentioned in the last episode, the original Hyksos or shepherd kings who went into Egypt before the time of the Egyptian empires, were the builders of the great pyramid there, which incidentally is built using the sameunit of measurement as Stonehenge in Britain. Early traditions tell us that Almodad the son of Joktan, the brother of Peleg was the architect. These people were not descended from Noah’s son Ham like the Egyptians were, but were descended from Shem. The book of Job, said to be the oldest book in the Bible has an intriguing reference in the 38th chapter that appears to be alluding to Job, who was a close relation of Joktan, laying the foundations of the pyramid, stretching the plumb line and laying the corner stone. These Hyksos apparently originated in the area that Joktan first colonised, which later became known as Arabia. After building the pyramid they left, which would place their leaving at about 2600BC, a hundred years before the estimated foundation of Stonehenge. A second invasion of the Hyksos then occurred around 1800 to 1500BC, but they were an entirely different people, who were only called by the same name, as they did the same as the previous Hyksos and invaded the country. These Hyksos were barbaric savages though, they collected body parts from their enemies and left no great architecture like the pyramid, which contains measurements which indicate that the architect knew the circumference of the earth, the distance to the sun,the ratio of pi and many other numbers of cosmic significance.


  • Serrano has this to say about the Hyksos:

    ‘The mysterious Hyskos, the Shepherd Kings, who built the city of Avaris (a Hyperborean name) who adored Seth, God of War and Storms, another name for Wotan, are also Hyperboreans, arriving in 1700 B.C. According to Spanuth, the Philistines were equally so, belonging to a Nordic-Hyperborean tribe. Chamberlain seems not to be in agreement about this. But it was the Amorites, not the Philistines, who terrorized the Jews, who called them "children of Enoch."

    I believe he has the two of them mixed up here, as the first, earlier Hyksos were the builder race responsible for the pyramid and they would have venerated their ancestor Seth, who Serrano claims was also Wotan. Perhaps Seth did embody the Wotan archetype, the first White men would have all been archetypes by definition. The Philistines though were descended from Ham, the brother of Shem, so if he admits the Philistines were White then he has to admit that Shem would also have been White. Both Ham and Shem were the children of Enoch, as he was their grandfather. I do not think Serrano can have done much research in this area as so much of what he says contradicts itself. The Amorites are not listed as being descended from Noah in the Bible, but they are living in the land which the Canaanite tribes took and their king Og is identified in the Bible as a giant, one of the bastards created by the sons of God mating with the daughters of men that Serrano alternates between praising and condemning. How he missed this I do not know, his whole thesis is about these mongrel races and he has confirmation here that this is one of them, yet because they were the enemies of Israel he pronounces them Hyperboreans. They were even opposed to Enoch, one of the few pre-flood Adamites that remained pure. The Amorites are described as being blonde haired but hook nosed in our history books so no prizes for guessing where the hooked nose comes from, but because David is described as White in the Bible the same as the rest of the main characters, Serrano assumes that he must be an Amorite, when David’s heritage is clearly listed as being pure.

    ‘They fought the Jews when the latter entered surreptitiously into Palestine.


  • Goliath is an Amorite, assassinated without risk, stoned when they challengedhim to knightly combat. The Amorites were valiant and loyal. David, who was three-quarters or more of Amorite origin, assumed the throne with the help of the Philistines and as a vassal of them. He favoured mixing with Amorites; his women were Philistines and Amorites. According to the description of him in the Bible, David was light-skinned, blond and blue-eyed. His mother would have been an Amorite.’

    Goliath was a giant, he was one of the bastards and David treated him just like he would any other predatory beast and he took him out with a sling. TheBible says that the penalty for a beast taking the life of a man, is the life of a beast. But there is no penalty at all for if a man takes the life of a beast. This instruction is given straight after the flood to the Noahidae, telling them that the lives of the aborigines and bastards are not equal to their own. This was not ‘knightly combat’ as Serrano puts it, this was a mongrel dressed up in the garb of an Aryan and expecting the Aryan to degrade and debase himself by treating him like one of their own.

    I dont know where Serrano gets the idea that David preferred hook-nosed Amorite women from, perhaps he got taken in by the geographical designation once again, thinking it was an ethnic one. A verse in 1 Kings chapter 9 makes it clear that not all geographical Amorites were Amorites andthat Israelites were often named after the territory they had won in battle: “All the people who were left of the Amorites . . . who were not of the peopleof Israel—their descendants who were left after them in the land, whom the people of Israel were unable to devote to destruction—these Solomon draftedto be slaves”.

    Serrano appears to have had a bit of a fantasy about these Amorites, believingthat because David was not like any of the Jews from his time, that he must have been an Amorite. He says:

    ‘David is different from any Jew whomsoever; he was a shepherd who servedwith gusto in the Philistine Armies. The mother of Solomon was also not Jewish. The mentality of both kings was Amorite, not Jewish. The Amorite is


  • generous, adventurous, martial. He is the builder of great fortifications, todaydisappeared. They have also completely disappeared from the historic and racial scene.’

    Funny how the Amorites great fortifications have all disappeared, but the stone circles and barrows that the Israelites erected are still there. Palestine is full of these stone markers and there are over a dozen verses in the Old Testament commanding the Hebrews to erect them wherever they went and not just around the near east.

    King David was a particular hero to our Saxon forbears. Alfred the Great himself who traces his own lineage back to Shem through Wotan translated the Psalms that David authored from Latin into English. He wrote introductions to every one, many of them highlighting the difference betweenthe tribe of Judah in the Old Testament and the Jews in the New. He obviously saw the Psalms as being the most important part of the Bible as he made certain there were copies of them sent to every settlement for instruction and education of his people.

    In some parts of the book, Serrano does appear to get it almost right about thechildren of Israel and the Jews, such as here:

    ‘as we have seen, the Israelite of those times was not a Jew. This comes to constitute something like a biological insult. Mixture is not the word, since that signifies a union of sympathetic similar elements. Bastard is the term. Conjunction, association of opposed bloods, of the Semite with the Hittite and with the Amorite. In Aryan India all this is perfectly codified in the "Laws of Manu." No one gains from a mixing of castes (called varna, which means colour) or of inferior with superior. Both lose and the karma of all is damaged. This is the current situation of things. The present Jew becomes a continuum within an abysmal bastardization. And it is this continuum in which the entire mystery of the Jewish Problem is centered.’

    Fantastic wording there to describe the multi-generational evil which is bastardisation and the figurehead of it all, the Jew. However it is not that the


  • Semite mixed with Hittite and Amorite, the DNA markers for Semite are a mixture of Hittite and Amorite. When the Jew DNA testers say ‘Semitic’ or ‘Arab’ or ‘Middle Eastern’ what they are really identifying is an indeterminate mix of mongrelised human that has stabilised over time into a quantifiable DNA marker associated with that geographical area.

    Manu was the Hindu Aryan Noah and the Laws of Manu that Serrano mentions prescribe the separation of the castes which is not something that was unique to Aryan India. The Druids kept their castes separate too and you had to be able to trace your heritage back ten generations before you could beeducated in the ways of a priest. The Levitical priesthood and Israelite Monarchies were also dependant upon pure pedigree and all three systems provided for the care of their priests by tithes from the other castes. This is not something you will ever see in a mongrel race. The use of the word varna in India for caste is interesting, as varna means colour, yet dark skin and flat noses were prohibited entirely by Indra, the father God of the Hindu Aryans, he told his people to exterminate them. The dark races were outside the cast system entirely, they are referred to as ‘our two-legged creatures’ in the Vedasso the colour referred to cannot have been the colour of the skin. It may have been the eyes or the hair, or even the clothing that the castes wore. But since the Indian scriptures have been in brown hands for a millennia now, I do not think we will ever know for certain as it would not be in their interests to have the truth come out.

    Serrano has this to say about the Indian caste system:

    ‘The wisest organization that has existed on earth since the disappearance of Hyperborea is that of the Indo-Aryans, divided into castes. Their description can be found in the "Law Code of Manu" that Nietzsche admired. The word caste, invention of some Portuguese sailor, is actually varna, meaning colour in Sanskrit. Which is to say Aryans, who conquered India after the catastrophic destruction of the civilization of the Gobi, in order not to mix with aboriginal coloured peoples of the Indian subcontinent, with "daughters of the earth," they created the varna system in which colour was the most important, the preservation of blue-white Hyperborean colour, Aryan, the


  • "twice born." It was about keeping the blood pure, the "memory of the blood," through which contact with the divine Hyperborean polar ancestors was preserved.’

    As we have seen, the catastrophic destruction of the civilisation of the Gobi was the Biblical flood and the Aryan incursion into India took place straight after by the Noahidae. The timing of this was over 5,000 years ago and the Indians today will tell you that the scriptures which they care-take for us go right back to that time. It is interesting that Serrano uses the same phrase that Christ does to describe the Aryan, ‘the twice born’. Of course today the modern church try to make that into an imaginary thing, where you imagine you have been born again. What it really means is to be born of both the earthand the heavens. The White man, the Aryan, is not just made of earth-bound matter but of the divine spirit too.

    Finally, Serrano finishes his section on the Jews with a very accurate current biological breakdown of what a Jew is:

    ‘Today the Jew can be defined as the following: a 5 percent of his mix comes from Homo-Siriacus, with a round skull, brachycephalic, "Jewish" nose, short stocky body; another five percent from Homo-Arabicus, dolicocephalic,elongated skull, slim, tall; another ten percent from Homo-Europeaus. Eightypercent remains composed of an indefinite hodgepodge with contrasting traitsand qualities.’

    We can break that down into 5% comes from the Hittites, 5% from the Arabs,10% from the White man and 80% indeterminate. The only thing I would addto this is that the Hittite and the Arab were both mongrel races right from the start too, rather than pure races, as we have seen. The Hittites were a Canaanite tribe who had interbred with their Negro slaves and the word ‘Arab’ was originally a derogatory Hebrew term for a mongrel. If we want to trace the history of the Jew we have to go back to the Canaanites and their parentage, rather than looking at the origins of the Hebrews.

    We have now looked at just about all the subjects and ideas that Serrano

  • covered in his book ‘Adolf Hitler – The Ultimate Avatar’ but there are still some unanswered questions that naturally follow on from the topics we have been discussing, so we are going to talk about some of these now and what my ideas on them are.

    One subject that Serrano does not look at it, is the creation of the world. Evenif you believe in evolution, there has to be something that started everything off. However I do not think the theory of evolution is credible, I believe the kinds were created in their kinds and are intended to stay within their kinds. This is not to say that there isn’t incremental adaptation, all things adapt to their surroundings but they do not change from one kind into another unless it was already built into them, like the caterpillar that changes into the butterfly. The theory of evolution relies upon theoretical random mutations happening, that gradually build one mutation onto another until a novel new form or ability develops that eventually leads to the development of an entirely new kind. This is a flawed theory for a number of reasons:

    1. Mutations are never beneficial, quite the opposite in fact. Cancer is a random mutation and it can be deadly.

    2. Random mutations are by their very nature random, so if you happened by chance to get the right first step needed to grow gills for instance, the next random mutation would be more likely to be for a trunk or feathers, than it would be for gills. The chances of getting ‘random’ mutations in exactly the right order and of exactly the right type are billions to one.

    3. All kinds have the seed within them to reproduce in their own likeness but this requires breeding with the same kind. Any kind that does not look the same as the rest will be rejected and any mutated missing link would have nobody to breed with.

    4. The body may be made up of individual parts, but each part relies upon theother parts and cannot exist upon it’s own. Within those individual parts it is the same, the eye for instance, relies upon so many other components within itself, that if one part had started developing by random mutation on it’s own,

  • it would be rejected by the body as not being beneficial as there would be no corresponding part for it to work. This is known as irreducible complexity, when things are too complex to be reduced into individual working components.

    You can extend the last one of those statements to the world around us. Everything is interconnected and requires other forms of life in order to survive. The humble earth worm for instance requires dead trees and foliage in order to live. The earthworm processes this foliage and creates the soil with it. So it could not survive without the dead plants and trees, but they require the soil that the earthworm creates first in order to live. So which was here first, the tree, the earthworm or the soil? Neither life form could survive without the other and the chances of both evolving at the same time are astronomical.

    This is what is known as the chicken or the egg question. So which came first, the chicken or the egg? The answer can only be that both appeared at the same time. The chicken appeared, wondered what these round stones were for, all around her and upon waking the following morning, solved the mystery of where they came from and also discovered how comfortable and warm they felt to sit on.

    This is the only way the world could have been created and it is the way we are told it was created in the book of Genesis, all at once. We can tell this from the fact that Adam was created as a fully grown man, implying that it was also a fully grown world that he was placed into. He was not created as ababy that needed mothering, he was created as an adult and he would have had a belly button so he could see what to do when his own children were born. The world around him would by necessity look like it had always been there, just like a dream does, as things like trees require millennia of geological processes and cycles to create the right environment for them to flourish in. Just as you can look into space and keep looking for as far as the eye or telescope could see, you could look back in time as far as it was possible to as well, there would even be fossils of the animals and trees of thepast created as part of the landscape. Adam was created as a fully grown

  • adult and the world was created as a fully grown world too.

    The world itself is an imaginary concept, it exists in our minds and things that we are not yet aware of, do not yet exist to us. In the perfect world that was first created, there was no death. It would have been the perfect world of Forms that Plato described, the world of the pure unsullied archetypes of everything, existing in eternity. Trees were there in the garden of Eden, but these were trees that did not require the cycle of life and death to sustain them. Once death had entered our world though, the concept of time necessarily did too and the processes and cycles needed for the self sustainingearth would have become apparent to the observer. You do not know what is in a dream until you become aware of it, until that point it does not exist, but the potential for it to exist is always there and once the content has been noticed, it is as if it has always been there.

    The fractal theory plays into this as well, the more you magnify something the more complex it gets, the more adept we get at telling how old the earth isthe older it looks and the better we get at looking into space the larger the universe looks. It looks like it has no beginning or end in space or time and we will never find one, so the Judaised scientists try to invent one, with their black hole theories that can never be tested, to discredit the record passed down to us by our Aryan ancestors.

    This is why our estimates of how old the world looks do not correspond with the Biblical record. The Biblical record is not telling us how old the world is, all it is concerned with is the history of the Adam, the man who the world was created for. Man was created in the imagining of God and in the image ofGod. There can be only one true God and there can be only one true image, any biped that is not Adam is not in the imagining of God. It is the imagining of something else and it can only exist here in the mortal world, because of that. We are in many worlds all at once as our souls are eternal, but it is only here in the world of action that we can initiate a cause and see the effect of it. Outside of time this would be impossible as all things are known and all things are happening at once.

  • The first Adam would be like a god if we could see him now, the practically limitless potential of our race throughout it’s entire existence all bound up within one being, the first of his kind. If you imagine our race outside of time, we are all still connected to that first Adam. He is like our root and fromhim comes the trunk which then diverges into the many branches of our race, each one a unique nation with the people of our time being the growing tips and flowers.

    When you imagine our race outside of time like this, it becomes easier to understand how our intuition works. How newly discovered inventions quickly become adapted to by us as if they have always been here. Outside oftime they always have been. I believe this is how things like fire, writing, music and alcohol were discovered. They were just waiting there in the bloodcrying out for someone to first make use of them. The first men to discover these things went on to become the deities associated with them, Prometheus or Agni would have discovered fire, Odin writing and so on, and their names would have evolved over time as the languages of the nations developed in separate directions. Some would maybe have discovered more than one thing,so you have some gods associated with music as well as different types of alcohol for instance.

    In the first age when angels walked the earth and we conversed with them, it is not hard to believe that some may have encouraged these discoveries before the time was ripe and the book of Enoch alleges that this happened. If a part of them were originally outside of time as Serrano appears to suggest then this is plausible, especially if they had a certain degree of freewill. We are told in Apocryphal books that this is what happened and some of the angels taught weapons of war to the Aryans before entering spiritual unions with them and encouraging them to miscegenate, causing much wickedness in the earth. This would correspond with the time of the Mahabharata and the great war between two races, just before the time of the flood.

    We know the war happened just before the flood, but we have no forensic evidence for it, or for any of the great civilisations that are spoken of in the ancient Hindu texts. We are unable to even properly locate the places

  • described in it or the exact area described in the book of Genesis, but we do have evidence of a localised flood in the Gobi desert area that is where the Zoroastrian and Hindu texts say the ark came to rest.

    Could it be that the world was destroyed and then recreated again, in the same way that we just described? Did the heavens and the earth revert to theiroriginal deva-morphic or godly forms, with Noah’s family safe in a separate place and did the heavens and the earth then recombine into the world again, with all traces of what went before gone?

    The memories of a flood at different times were left in the legends of all the new types of humanoid to remind us of the catastrophe and there were traces of a flood left in various places at different times, including the area in the Gobi that may have corresponded to the original inhabited land of the previous epoch.

    If you peel the blue tack from some posters, roll it up and then use it again, you get traces of what it was stuck to before, appearing in the rolled up ball and something similar may have happened after the flood. Traces of the previous civilisation can be found in our world, the legends of Atlantis, the Vedas, the Puranas, the Palmir Plataeu flood, even traces of civilisations but with vastly different humanoid remains to our own have been found. Of course instead of seeing them as just props on the stage of creation in the world of illusion, our matter based scientists tell us these monkey brutes wereour ancestors and somehow in complete defiance of all that we know about inheritability, they magically increased their IQ and brain size and became Aryans.

    Some of the images associated with Mithras doing his bull-slaying appear to be describing something happening outside of the heavens and the earth. The sun and the moon are depicted in their deva-morphic state while figures pointing up and down are shown, as if Mithras is suspended in the middle slaying the bull. He looks like he really does not want to be doing this and glowers angrily at the material sun while he does so. The Bull has ears of corn growing from it’s tail and seems symbolic to me of the flesh upon the

  • earth being slain, but plant life symbolised by the corn being fine. Interestingly Mithras name means ‘covenant, contract and agreement’ and thenew age is the age of the covenant, the promise never to destroy the earth again, the promise to Abraham that he would be the father of many nations, the promise of salvation through Christ and the promise to Jacob Israel that the nations descended from him would be preserved until after the day of vengeance. Mithras is also shown with a lion’s head, a reversal of the usual Sphinx and maybe symbolising his fearsome destructive side, as well as a link with the lion of Judah, the Israelite tribe from which the royal houses are descended.

    I think the non-White races that are all tainted by mongrelisation may have appeared at the time of the recreation of the world after the flood. Apocryphalbooks tell us that the angels who left their heavenly estate and broke with their orders, were restrained in the earth. Looking at this phrase today, we think that it means literally within the earth, but to be living on the earth was originally described as being in the earth, just as God is in Heaven and not onHeaven. In the book of Jubilees, we are told that a tenth part of the angels remain in the earth as subjects to Satan, for the purpose of corrupting us and leading us astray. The epistle of Jude tells us that these angels are restrained in ‘chains of everlasting darkness’ and that these ‘wandering stars who are spots in our feasts of charity’ will ‘be in the blackness of darkness for ever’. Are the non-White races the form that these demons are trapped in until the consummation?

    Could they have appeared along with the rest of the world when they were first discovered by the descendants of Noah? If they did, they would appear as if they had always been here, which they do. It is only the White man who suddenly appears out of nowhere, fully civilised. Fossilised remains of humanoid brutes that have similar biology to us are not proof that we must have evolved from them.

    The non-White races must have come from somewhere and there is no reference to them being created by the God of Adam. They only exist in the world of illusion, they do not exist in eternity like the White man does, they


  • cannot, as they are not living souls like we are. Their spirit goes back into theearth when they pass away and they take the spirit of our descendants with them if they have succeeded in breeding with one of us.

    If the world was recreated like this and the earth contained the angels and their offspring, then the line of Cain would still be walking the earth, living on in the form of the non-white races and the book of Enoch does make it clear that the descendants of Cain are still upon the earth, as Abel’s soul cries out for vengeance against them until ‘his seed is destroyed from the face of the earth, and his seed is annihilated from amongst the seed of men.' Either they survived the flood because it was only a localised flood, which does not explain why there are tales of a deluge in every country on earth, or they survived as the miscegenated offspring of Angels, bound in chains of darkness forever.

    Nine tenths of these angels are in the earth but immobilised, but one tenth of them are still subject to Satan and with us today. For how else could they corrupt us or lead us astray, unless they were able to interact with us? Jews, Non-Whites and Negroes, all of them are bound in chains of everlasting melanin and the Jews heritage can even be traced back to the pre-deluge races from the pages of the Bible.

    There are a race of people called Kenites in the book of Genesis that are identified as living in the land of Canaan after the flood. They are not descended from Noah, they are just there in the land. The word ‘Kenite’ means ‘artificer or metalworker’ and it also means ‘from Cain’. We are told that the sons of Canaan, the Canaanites (which means ‘Merchants’) interbred with the aborigines in the land of Canaan. This means that they interbred withthe Kenites. The daughters of one of these unions would then go on to marry Esau Edom, the brother of Jacob Israel and their descendants were the Idumeans, the same Idumeans that would later go on to be known as Judeans and would then finally become known as the Jews.

    It is the Jews who corrupt us and lead us astray and they always will, becausethey are not capable of doing anything else. The only reason they are here is


  • to do this and they will continue to do it until the consummation of the age where they will finally be punished for that original sin of mixing up the kinds way back in the last era, on the first earth. This is the origin of that diabolical streak that means they retain their Jewishness no matter what race they interbreed with. This is why they are still here, after thousands of years of living among host communities and never losing their sense of identity. They are here for us to resist them and to prove our virtue, that we might show we are worthy of the grace of our Lord and they are also here that we might watch and give praise, when they and their father the devil finally meetwith their appointed end and we are able to return to the real earth and the eternal universe of perfect forms, lit by the light of the Black Sun, where it will be as if the Jews and their master of lies had never been.

    We have now covered all the main subjects brought up by Miguel Serrano in Hitler – The Ultimate Avatar in evidence for his theories including the esoteric interpretations of our ancient sacred texts, as well as the physical evidence for the events in them and we have also added further proofs from Christian and Apocryphal literature to expand on his ideas. I think we can simplify the Esoteric Hitlerist worldview into the idea that the White man is the race closest to God, that he has gifts that the other races do not have and that the other races are the products of miscegenation. The Jews marshall these other races to use them against us and have been doing so for as far back as written history goes. He finds the evidence for all this in all the traditional Aryan myths and what I hope I have shown, is that this same worldview can also be found expressed in the Bible. He was obviously not aware of this, or I am sure he would have included it, as it confirms the veracity of this worldview.

    We have also shown where he was in error, mainly in thinking Lucifer was Christ and that the Christian God was the demiurge. He was also confused onsome aspects of the Old Testament, he knew that it was written by Whites, but he could not reconcile that with who he thought were it’s authors, today’s modern Jews.

    It is important that we hold fast to the truth and seek it everywhere and in

  • everything, no matter how unpalatable that truth may at first be. We are livingin the tail end of the Kali Yuga, when lies and immorality reign supreme. Thetruth about race, about the cosmic harm that is done through miscegenation may seem shocking and wicked, but it should be remembered that this is not God’s doing, it is the work of man. The animals do not mix their kinds, they instinctively know the divine law, but man is susceptible to being misled by the power of evil and he has been. Instead of doubting the harm that is causedthrough it and thinking that God will make it all better, we should be hating with a perfect hatred the evil that has done this to us and has stolen our children. Every one of the former White civilisations is gone and only ours is left. We are guaranteed that we will win, but we should not be complacent. Every possible action should be taken to advance our cause, whether that be politically, through outreach, content creation for awakened Whites or simplythrough ensuring your own children are given a proper education in who theyare.

    One thing in common that we have with all our White ancestors is that we have a religious tradition and it is through these traditions that the answers to the questions posed in this series were found. I would hope that it inspires others to do their own research into these subjects and to bring more revelations to us about the war between the pure and the impure races. The scriptures have more to offer than just the history of good and evil however, having faith in the truths told within is a huge help in this struggle, as it gives access to a reservoir of courage grounded deep in the certainty that we will win. National Socialism is the closest we have ever come in modern times to a political system based on the laws of the natural order and the author of those laws, is who we were created to serve. By adhering to National Socialist principles we continue doing the Lord’s work on earth and what work could be more important to him, than preserving the existence of his people and a future for white children.

    Thankyou for reading and God be with ye.