ERNIE: Enhanced Language Representation with Informative Entities Zhengyan Zhang 1,2,3* , Xu Han 1,2,3* , Zhiyuan Liu 1,2,3, Xin Jiang 4 , Maosong Sun 1,2,3 , Qun Liu 4 1 Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China 2 Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China 3 State Key Lab on Intelligent Technology and Systems, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China 4 Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab {zhangzhengyan14,hanxu17}@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn Abstract Neural language representation models such as BERT pre-trained on large-scale corpora can well capture rich semantic patterns from plain text, and be fine-tuned to consistently im- prove the performance of various NLP tasks. However, the existing pre-trained language models rarely consider incorporating knowl- edge graphs (KGs), which can provide rich structured knowledge facts for better language understanding. We argue that informative en- tities in KGs can enhance language represen- tation with external knowledge. In this pa- per, we utilize both large-scale textual cor- pora and KGs to train an enhanced language representation model (ERNIE), which can take full advantage of lexical, syntactic, and knowledge information simultaneously. The experimental results have demonstrated that ERNIE achieves significant improvements on various knowledge-driven tasks, and mean- while is comparable with the state-of-the-art model BERT on other common NLP tasks. The source code and experiment details of this paper can be obtained from https:// github.com/thunlp/ERNIE. 1 Introduction Pre-trained language representation models, in- cluding feature-based (Mikolov et al., 2013; Pen- nington et al., 2014; Peters et al., 2017, 2018) and fine-tuning (Dai and Le, 2015; Howard and Ruder, 2018; Radford et al., 2018; Devlin et al., 2019) approaches, can capture rich language informa- tion from text and then benefit many NLP appli- cations. BERT (Devlin et al., 2019), as one of the most recently proposed models, obtains the state- of-the-art results on various NLP applications by simple fine-tuning, including named entity recog- nition (Sang and De Meulder, 2003), question * indicates equal contribution Corresponding author: Z.Liu([email protected]) is_a is_a Song Book author composer Bob Dylan Chronicles: Volume One Blowin’ in the wind Songwriter Writer is_a is_a Bob Dylan wrote Blowin’ in the Wind in 1962, and wrote Chronicles: Volume One in 2004. Figure 1: An example of incorporating extra knowledge information for language understand- ing. The solid lines present the existing knowl- edge facts. The red dotted lines present the facts extracted from the sentence in red. The green dot- dash lines present the facts extracted from the sen- tence in green. answering (Rajpurkar et al., 2016; Zellers et al., 2018), natural language inference (Bowman et al., 2015), and text classification (Wang et al., 2018). Although pre-trained language representation models have achieved promising results and worked as a routine component in many NLP tasks, they neglect to incorporate knowledge in- formation for language understanding. As shown in Figure 1, without knowing Blowin’ in the Wind and Chronicles: Volume One are song and book respectively, it is difficult to recognize the two oc- cupations of Bob Dylan, i.e., songwriter and writer, on the entity typing task. Furthermore, it is nearly impossible to extract the fine-grained relations, such as composer and author on the relation classification task. For the existing pre-trained language representation models, these two sentences are syntactically ambiguous, like UNK wrote UNK in UNK”. Hence, considering rich knowledge information can lead to better lan- guage understanding and accordingly benefits var- ious knowledge-driven applications, e.g. entity typing and relation classification. For incorporating external knowledge into lan- guage representation models, there are two main arXiv:1905.07129v3 [cs.CL] 4 Jun 2019

arXiv:1905.07129v3 [cs.CL] 4 Jun 2019 - arXiv.org e-Print archive · 2019. 6. 5. · arXiv:1905.07129v3 [cs.CL] 4 Jun 2019. challenges. (1) Structured Knowledge Encod-ing: regarding

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  • ERNIE: Enhanced Language Representation with Informative Entities

    Zhengyan Zhang1,2,3∗, Xu Han1,2,3∗, Zhiyuan Liu1,2,3†, Xin Jiang4, Maosong Sun1,2,3, Qun Liu41Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

    2Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China3State Key Lab on Intelligent Technology and Systems, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

    4Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab{zhangzhengyan14,hanxu17}@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn


    Neural language representation models suchas BERT pre-trained on large-scale corporacan well capture rich semantic patterns fromplain text, and be fine-tuned to consistently im-prove the performance of various NLP tasks.However, the existing pre-trained languagemodels rarely consider incorporating knowl-edge graphs (KGs), which can provide richstructured knowledge facts for better languageunderstanding. We argue that informative en-tities in KGs can enhance language represen-tation with external knowledge. In this pa-per, we utilize both large-scale textual cor-pora and KGs to train an enhanced languagerepresentation model (ERNIE), which cantake full advantage of lexical, syntactic, andknowledge information simultaneously. Theexperimental results have demonstrated thatERNIE achieves significant improvements onvarious knowledge-driven tasks, and mean-while is comparable with the state-of-the-artmodel BERT on other common NLP tasks.The source code and experiment details ofthis paper can be obtained from https://github.com/thunlp/ERNIE.

    1 Introduction

    Pre-trained language representation models, in-cluding feature-based (Mikolov et al., 2013; Pen-nington et al., 2014; Peters et al., 2017, 2018) andfine-tuning (Dai and Le, 2015; Howard and Ruder,2018; Radford et al., 2018; Devlin et al., 2019)approaches, can capture rich language informa-tion from text and then benefit many NLP appli-cations. BERT (Devlin et al., 2019), as one of themost recently proposed models, obtains the state-of-the-art results on various NLP applications bysimple fine-tuning, including named entity recog-nition (Sang and De Meulder, 2003), question

    ∗ indicates equal contribution† Corresponding author: Z.Liu([email protected])


    Song Bookauth


    Bob Dylan

    Chronicles:Volume OneBlowin’ in the wind

    Songwriter Writer


    Bob Dylan wrote Blowin’ in the Wind in 1962, and wrote Chronicles: Volume One in 2004.

    Figure 1: An example of incorporating extraknowledge information for language understand-ing. The solid lines present the existing knowl-edge facts. The red dotted lines present the factsextracted from the sentence in red. The green dot-dash lines present the facts extracted from the sen-tence in green.

    answering (Rajpurkar et al., 2016; Zellers et al.,2018), natural language inference (Bowman et al.,2015), and text classification (Wang et al., 2018).

    Although pre-trained language representationmodels have achieved promising results andworked as a routine component in many NLPtasks, they neglect to incorporate knowledge in-formation for language understanding. As shownin Figure 1, without knowing Blowin’ in the Windand Chronicles: Volume One are song and bookrespectively, it is difficult to recognize the two oc-cupations of Bob Dylan, i.e., songwriter andwriter, on the entity typing task. Furthermore,it is nearly impossible to extract the fine-grainedrelations, such as composer and author onthe relation classification task. For the existingpre-trained language representation models, thesetwo sentences are syntactically ambiguous, like“UNK wrote UNK in UNK”. Hence, consideringrich knowledge information can lead to better lan-guage understanding and accordingly benefits var-ious knowledge-driven applications, e.g. entitytyping and relation classification.

    For incorporating external knowledge into lan-guage representation models, there are two main








    ] 4





  • challenges. (1) Structured Knowledge Encod-ing: regarding to the given text, how to effectivelyextract and encode its related informative facts inKGs for language representation models is an im-portant problem; (2) Heterogeneous InformationFusion: the pre-training procedure for languagerepresentation is quite different from the knowl-edge representation procedure, leading to two in-dividual vector spaces. How to design a specialpre-training objective to fuse lexical, syntactic,and knowledge information is another challenge.

    To overcome the challenges mentioned above,we propose Enhanced Language RepresentatioNwith Informative Entities (ERNIE), which pre-trains a language representation model on bothlarge-scale textual corpora and KGs:

    (1) For extracting and encoding knowledge in-formation, we firstly recognize named entity men-tions in text and then align these mentions to theircorresponding entities in KGs. Instead of directlyusing the graph-based facts in KGs, we encode thegraph structure of KGs with knowledge embed-ding algorithms like TransE (Bordes et al., 2013),and then take the informative entity embeddingsas input for ERNIE. Based on the alignments be-tween text and KGs, ERNIE integrates entity rep-resentations in the knowledge module into the un-derlying layers of the semantic module.

    (2) Similar to BERT, we adopt the masked lan-guage model and the next sentence prediction asthe pre-training objectives. Besides, for the bet-ter fusion of textual and knowledge features, wedesign a new pre-training objective by randomlymasking some of the named entity alignments inthe input text and asking the model to select ap-propriate entities from KGs to complete the align-ments. Unlike the existing pre-trained languagerepresentation models only utilizing local contextto predict tokens, our objectives require modelsto aggregate both context and knowledge facts forpredicting both tokens and entities, and lead to aknowledgeable language representation model.

    We conduct experiments on two knowledge-driven NLP tasks, i.e., entity typing and relationclassification. The experimental results show thatERNIE significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art model BERT on these knowledge-driven tasks,by taking full advantage of lexical, syntactic, andknowledge information. We also evaluate ERNIEon other common NLP tasks, and ERNIE stillachieves comparable results.

    2 Related Work

    Many efforts are devoted to pre-training lan-guage representation models for capturing lan-guage information from text and then utilizingthe information for specific NLP tasks. Thesepre-training approaches can be divided into twoclasses, i.e., feature-based approaches and fine-tuning approaches.

    The early work (Collobert and Weston, 2008;Mikolov et al., 2013; Pennington et al., 2014)focuses on adopting feature-based approaches totransform words into distributed representations.As these pre-trained word representations capturesyntactic and semantic information in textual cor-pora, they are often used as input embeddings andinitialization parameters for various NLP mod-els, and offer significant improvements over ran-dom initialization parameters (Turian et al., 2010).Since these word-level models often suffer fromthe word polysemy, Peters et al. (2018) furtheradopt the sequence-level model (ELMo) to capturecomplex word features across different linguisticcontexts and use ELMo to generate context-awareword embeddings.

    Different from the above-mentioned feature-based language approaches only using the pre-trained language representations as input features,Dai and Le (2015) train auto-encoders on unla-beled text, and then use the pre-trained modelarchitecture and parameters as a starting pointfor other specific NLP models. Inspired by Daiand Le (2015), more pre-trained language repre-sentation models for fine-tuning have been pro-posed. Howard and Ruder (2018) present AWD-LSTM (Merity et al., 2018) to build a univer-sal language model (ULMFiT). Radford et al.(2018) propose a generative pre-trained Trans-former (Vaswani et al., 2017) (GPT) to learn lan-guage representations. Devlin et al. (2019) pro-pose a deep bidirectional model with multiple-layer Transformers (BERT), which achieves thestate-of-the-art results for various NLP tasks.

    Though both feature-based and fine-tuning lan-guage representation models have achieved greatsuccess, they ignore the incorporation of knowl-edge information. As demonstrated in recentwork, injecting extra knowledge information cansignificantly enhance original models, such asreading comprehension (Mihaylov and Frank,2018; Zhong et al., 2018), machine transla-tion (Zaremoodi et al., 2018), natural language

  • e(i�1)1 e


    bob dylan wrote

    w(i�1)1 w

    (i�1)2 w

    (i�1)3 ··· w(i�1)n


    Multi-Head Attention Multi-Head Attention

    Information Fusion

    w(i)1 w





    w(i)3 e

    (i)1 e


    ẽ(i)1 ẽ


    w̃(i)1 w̃

    (i)2 w̃

    (i)3 w̃




    Token Input Entity Input

    Token Output Entity Output

    Bob Dylan wrote Blowin’ in the Wind in 1962










    Token Input


    Entity Input


    Token Output Entity Output

    Blowin’ in the Wind


    Bob Dylan




    (a) Model Achitecture (b) Aggregator



    Figure 2: The left part is the architecture of ERNIE. The right part is the aggregator for the mutualintegration of the input of tokens and entities. Information fusion layer takes two kinds of input: one is thetoken embedding, and the other one is the concatenation of the token embedding and entity embedding.After information fusion, it outputs new token embeddings and entity embeddings for the next layer.

    inference (Chen et al., 2018), knowledge ac-quisition (Han et al., 2018a), and dialog sys-tems (Madotto et al., 2018). Hence, we argue thatextra knowledge information can effectively ben-efit existing pre-training models. In fact, somework has attempted to joint representation learn-ing of words and entities for effectively lever-aging external KGs and achieved promising re-sults (Wang et al., 2014; Toutanova et al., 2015;Han et al., 2016; Yamada et al., 2016; Cao et al.,2017, 2018). Sun et al. (2019) propose the knowl-edge masking strategy for masked language modelto enhance language representation by knowl-edge 1. In this paper, we further utilize both cor-pora and KGs to train an enhanced language rep-resentation model based on BERT.

    3 Methodology

    In this section, we present the overall frameworkof ERNIE and its detailed implementation, includ-ing the model architecture in Section 3.2, the novelpre-training task designed for encoding informa-tive entities and fusing heterogeneous informationin Section 3.4, and the details of the fine-tuningprocedure in Section 3.5.

    1It is a coincidence that both Sun et al. (2019) and wechose ERNIE as the model names, which follows the inter-esting naming habits like ELMo and BERT. Sun et al. (2019)released their code on March 16th and submitted their paperto Arxiv on April 19th while we submitted our paper to ACLwhose deadline is March 4th.

    3.1 Notations

    We denote a token sequence as {w1, . . . , wn} 2,where n is the length of the token sequence.Meanwhile, we denote the entity sequence align-ing to the given tokens as {e1, . . . , em}, where mis the length of the entity sequence. Note that mis not equal to n in most cases, as not every to-ken can be aligned to an entity in KGs. Further-more, we denote the whole vocabulary containingall tokens as V , and the entity list containing allentities in KGs as E . If a token w ∈ V has a corre-sponding entity e ∈ E , their alignment is definedas f(w) = e. In this paper, we align an entity tothe first token in its named entity phrase, as shownin Figure 2.

    3.2 Model Architecture

    As shown in Figure 2, the whole model architec-ture of ERNIE consists of two stacked modules:(1) the underlying textual encoder (T-Encoder)responsible to capture basic lexical and syntac-tic information from the input tokens, and (2) theupper knowledgeable encoder (K-Encoder) re-sponsible to integrate extra token-oriented knowl-edge information into textual information from theunderlying layer, so that we can represent hetero-geneous information of tokens and entities into aunited feature space. Besides, we denote the num-ber of T-Encoder layers as N , and the number

    2In this paper, tokens are at the subword level.

  • of K-Encoder layers as M .To be specific, given a token sequence{w1, . . . , wn} and its corresponding entity se-quence {e1, . . . , em}, the textual encoder firstlysums the token embedding, segment embedding,positional embedding for each token to computeits input embedding, and then computes lexicaland syntactic features {w1, . . . ,wn} as follows,

    {w1, . . . ,wn} = T-Encoder({w1, . . . , wn}), (1)

    where T-Encoder(·) is a multi-layer bidirec-tional Transformer encoder. As T-Encoder(·) isidentical to its implementation in BERT and BERTis prevalent, we exclude a comprehensive descrip-tion of this module and refer readers to Devlinet al. (2019) and Vaswani et al. (2017).

    After computing {w1, . . . ,wn}, ERNIE adoptsa knowledgeable encoder K-Encoder to in-ject the knowledge information into languagerepresentation. To be specific, we repre-sent {e1, . . . , em} with their entity embeddings{e1, . . . , em}, which are pre-trained by the effec-tive knowledge embedding model TransE (Bor-des et al., 2013). Then, both {w1, . . . ,wn} and{e1, . . . , em} are fed into K-Encoder for fus-ing heterogeneous information and computing fi-nal output embeddings,

    {wo1, . . . ,won}, {eo1, . . . , eon} = K-Encoder({w1, . . . ,wn}, {e1, . . . , em}).


    {wo1, . . . ,won} and {eo1, . . . , eon} will be used asfeatures for specific tasks. More details of theknowledgeable encoder K-Encoder will be in-troduced in Section 3.3.

    3.3 Knowledgeable Encoder

    As shown in Figure 2, the knowledgeable en-coder K-Encoder consists of stacked aggrega-tors, which are designed for encoding both to-kens and entities as well as fusing their hetero-geneous features. In the i-th aggregator, the in-put token embeddings {w(i−1)1 , . . . ,w

    (i−1)n } and

    entity embeddings {e(i−1)1 , . . . , e(i−1)m } from the

    preceding aggregator are fed into two multi-headself-attentions (MH-ATTs) (Vaswani et al., 2017)respectively,

    {w̃(i)1 , . . . , w̃(i)n } = MH-ATT({w

    (i−1)1 , . . . ,w

    (i−1)n }),

    {ẽ(i)1 , . . . , ẽ(i)m } = MH-ATT({e

    (i−1)1 , . . . , e

    (i−1)m }).


    Then, the i-th aggregator adopts an informationfusion layer for the mutual integration of the tokenand entity sequence, and computes the output em-bedding for each token and entity. For a token wjand its aligned entity ek = f(wj), the informationfusion process is as follows,

    hj = σ(W̃(i)t w̃

    (i)j + W̃

    (i)e ẽ

    (i)k + b̃


    w(i)j = σ(W

    (i)t hj + b

    (i)t ),

    e(i)k = σ(W

    (i)e hj + b

    (i)e ).


    where hj is the inner hidden state integrating theinformation of both the token and the entity. σ(·)is the non-linear activation function, which usu-ally is the GELU function (Hendrycks and Gim-pel, 2016). For the tokens without correspondingentities, the information fusion layer computes theoutput embeddings without integration as follows,

    hj = σ(W̃(i)t w̃

    (i)j + b̃


    w(i)j = σ(W

    (i)t hj + b

    (i)t ).


    For simplicity, the i-th aggregator operation isdenoted as follows,

    {w(i)1 , . . . ,w(i)n }, {e

    (i)1 , . . . , e

    (i)m } = Aggregator(

    {w(i−1)1 , . . . ,w(i−1)n }, {e

    (i−1)1 , . . . , e

    (i−1)m }).


    The output embeddings of both tokens and entitiescomputed by the top aggregator will be used asthe final output embeddings of the knowledgeableencoder K-Encoder.

    3.4 Pre-training for Injecting Knowledge

    In order to inject knowledge into language rep-resentation by informative entities, we propose anew pre-training task for ERNIE, which randomlymasks some token-entity alignments and then re-quires the system to predict all corresponding en-tities based on aligned tokens. As our task issimilar to training a denoising auto-encoder (Vin-cent et al., 2008), we refer to this procedure asa denoising entity auto-encoder (dEA). Consider-ing that the size of E is quite large for the soft-max layer, we thus only require the system to pre-dict entities based on the given entity sequence in-stead of all entities in KGs. Given the token se-quence {w1, . . . , wn} and its corresponding entitysequence {e1, . . . , em}, we define the aligned en-tity distribution for the token wi as follows,

    p(ej |wi) =exp(linear(woi ) · ej)∑m

    k=1 exp(linear(woi ) · ek)

    , (7)

  • Mark Twain wrote The Million Pound Bank Note in 1893.Input for Common NLP tasks:

    mark twain wrote the[CLS] million pound bank note in 1893

    Input for Entity Typing:

    wrote the[CLS] million pound bank note in 1893[ENT] mark twain [ENT]

    Input for Relation Classification:

    wrote the[CLS] million pound bank note in 1893[HD] mark twain [HD] [TL] [TL]

    . [SEP]

    . [SEP]

    . [SEP]

    Figure 3: Modifying the input sequence for the specific tasks. To align tokens among different types ofinput, we use dotted rectangles as placeholder. The colorful rectangles present the specific mark tokens.

    where linear(·) is a linear layer. Eq. 7 will beused to compute the cross-entropy loss functionfor dEA.

    Considering that there are some errors in token-entity alignments, we perform the following oper-ations for dEA: (1) In 5% of the time, for a giventoken-entity alignment, we replace the entity withanother random entity, which aims to train ourmodel to correct the errors that the token is alignedwith a wrong entity; (2) In 15% of the time, wemask token-entity alignments, which aims to trainour model to correct the errors that the entity align-ment system does not extract all existing align-ments; (3) In the rest of the time, we keep token-entity alignments unchanged, which aims to en-courage our model to integrate the entity informa-tion into token representations for better languageunderstanding.

    Similar to BERT, ERNIE also adopts themasked language model (MLM) and the next sen-tence prediction (NSP) as pre-training tasks to en-able ERNIE to capture lexical and syntactic infor-mation from tokens in text. More details of thesepre-training tasks can be found from Devlin et al.(2019). The overall pre-training loss is the sum ofthe dEA, MLM and NSP loss.

    3.5 Fine-tuning for Specific Tasks

    As shown in Figure 3, for various common NLPtasks, ERNIE can adopt the fine-tuning proceduresimilar to BERT. We can take the final output em-bedding of the first token, which corresponds tothe special [CLS] token, as the representation ofthe input sequence for specific tasks. For someknowledge-driven tasks (e.g., relation classifica-tion and entity typing), we design special fine-tuning procedure:

    For relation classification, the task requires sys-tems to classify relation labels of given entity pairsbased on context. The most straightforward way

    to fine-tune ERNIE for relation classification isto apply the pooling layer to the final output em-beddings of the given entity mentions, and repre-sent the given entity pair with the concatenationof their mention embeddings for classification. Inthis paper, we design another method, which mod-ifies the input token sequence by adding two marktokens to highlight entity mentions. These extramark tokens play a similar role like position em-beddings in the conventional relation classificationmodels (Zeng et al., 2015). Then, we also take the[CLS] token embedding for classification. Notethat we design different tokens [HD] and [TL] forhead entities and tail entities respectively.

    The specific fine-tuning procedure for entitytyping is a simplified version of relation classifica-tion. As previous typing models make full use ofboth context embeddings and entity mention em-beddings (Shimaoka et al., 2016; Yaghoobzadehand Schütze, 2017; Xin et al., 2018), we arguethat the modified input sequence with the mentionmark token [ENT] can guide ERNIE to combineboth context information and entity mention infor-mation attentively.

    4 Experiments

    In this section, we present the details of pre-training ERNIE and the fine-tuning results onfive NLP datasets, which contain both knowledge-driven tasks and the common NLP tasks.

    4.1 Pre-training Dataset

    The pre-training procedure primarily acts in accor-dance with the existing literature on pre-traininglanguage models. For the large cost of trainingERNIE from scratch, we adopt the parameters ofBERT released by Google3 to initialize the Trans-former blocks for encoding tokens. Since pre-


  • training is a multi-task procedure consisting ofNSP, MLM, and dEA, we use English Wikipediaas our pre-training corpus and align text to Wiki-data. After converting the corpus into the format-ted data for pre-training, the annotated input hasnearly 4, 500M subwords and 140M entities, anddiscards the sentences having less than 3 entities.

    Before pre-training ERNIE, we adopt theknowledge embeddings trained on Wikidata4 byTransE as the input embeddings for entities. Tobe specific, we sample part of Wikidata whichcontains 5, 040, 986 entities and 24, 267, 796 facttriples. The entity embeddings are fixed duringtraining and the parameters of the entity encodingmodules are all initialized randomly.

    4.2 Parameter Settings and Training Details

    In this work, we denote the hidden dimension oftoken embeddings and entity embeddings as Hw,He respectively, and the number of self-attentionheads as Aw, Ae respectively. In detail, we havethe following model size: N = 6,M = 6, Hw =768, He = 100, Aw = 12, Ae = 4. The totalparameters are about 114M.

    The total amount of parameters of BERTBASEis about 110M, which means the knowledgeablemodule of ERNIE is much smaller than the lan-guage module and has little impact on the run-timeperformance. And, we only pre-train ERNIE onthe annotated corpus for one epoch. To acceleratethe training process, we reduce the max sequencelength from 512 to 256 as the computation of self-attention is a quadratic function of the length. Tokeep the number of tokens in a batch as same asBERT, we double the batch size to 512. Exceptfor setting the learning rate as 5e−5, we largelyfollow the pre-training hyper-parameters used inBERT. For fine-tuning, most hyper-parameters arethe same as pre-training, except batch size, learn-ing rate, and number of training epochs. We findthe following ranges of possible values work wellon the training datasets with gold annotations, i.e.,batch size: 32, learning rate (Adam): 5e−5, 3e−5,2e−5, number of epochs ranging from 3 to 10.

    We also evaluate ERNIE on the distantly super-vised dataset, i.e., FIGER (Ling et al., 2015). Asthe powerful expression ability of deeply stackedTransformer blocks, we found small batch sizewould lead the model to overfit the training data.Hence, we use a larger batch size and less train-


    Dataset Train Develop Test Type

    FIGER 2,000,000 10,000 563 113Open Entity 2,000 2,000 2,000 6

    Table 1: The statistics of the entity typing datasetsFIGER and Open Entity.

    Model Acc. Macro Micro

    NFGEC (Attentive) 54.53 74.76 71.58NFGEC (LSTM) 55.60 75.15 71.73BERT 52.04 75.16 71.63

    ERNIE 57.19 76.51 73.39

    Table 2: Results of various models on FIGER (%).

    ing epochs to avoid overfitting, and keep the rangeof learning rate unchanged, i.e., batch size: 2048,number of epochs: 2, 3.

    As most datasets do not have entity annotations,we use TAGME (Ferragina and Scaiella, 2010) toextract the entity mentions in the sentences andlink them to their corresponding entities in KGs.

    4.3 Entity TypingGiven an entity mention and its context, entity typ-ing requires systems to label the entity mentionwith its respective semantic types. To evaluateperformance on this task, we fine-tune ERNIE ontwo well-established datasets FIGER (Ling et al.,2015) and Open Entity (Choi et al., 2018). Thetraining set of FIGER is labeled with distant su-pervision, and its test set is annotated by human.Open Entity is a completely manually-annotateddataset. The statistics of these two datasets areshown in Table 1. We compare our model withthe following baseline models for entity typing:

    NFGEC. NFGEC is a hybrid model proposedby Shimaoka et al. (2016). NFGEC combines therepresentations of entity mention, context and ex-tra hand-craft features as input, and is the state-of-the-art model on FIGER. As this paper focuseson comparing the general language representationabilities of various neural models, we thus do notuse the hand-craft features in this work.

    UFET. For Open Entity, we add a new hybridmodel UFET (Choi et al., 2018) for comparison.UFET is proposed with the Open Entity dataset,which uses a Bi-LSTM for context representationinstead of two Bi-LSTMs separated by entity men-tions in NFGEC.

    Besides NFGEC and UFET, we also report theresult of fine-tuning BERT with the same inputformat introduced in Section 3.5 for fair com-

  • Model P R F1

    NFGEC (LSTM) 68.80 53.30 60.10UFET 77.40 60.60 68.00BERT 76.37 70.96 73.56

    ERNIE 78.42 72.90 75.56

    Table 3: Results of various models on Open Entity (%).

    Dataset Train Develop Test Relation

    FewRel 8,000 16,000 16,000 80TACRED 68,124 22,631 15,509 42

    Table 4: The statistics of the relation classificationdatasets FewRel and TACRED.

    parison. Following the same evaluation criteriaused in the previous work, we compare NFGEC,BERT, ERNIE on FIGER, and adopt strict accu-racy, loose macro, loose micro scores for evalua-tion. We compare NFGEC, BERT, UFET, ERNIEon Open Entity, and adopt precision, recall, micro-F1 scores for evaluation.

    The results on FIGER are shown in Table 2.From the results, we observe that: (1) BERTachieves comparable results with NFGEC on themacro and micro metrics. However, BERT haslower accuracy than the best NFGEC model. Asstrict accuracy is the ratio of instances whose pre-dictions are identical to human annotations, it il-lustrates some wrong labels from distant super-vision are learned by BERT due to its powerfulfitting ability. (2) Compared with BERT, ERNIEsignificantly improves the strict accuracy, indicat-ing the external knowledge regularizes ERNIE toavoid fitting the noisy labels and accordingly ben-efits entity typing.

    The results on Open Entity are shown in Ta-ble 3. From the table, we observe that: (1) BERTand ERNIE achieve much higher recall scores thanthe previous entity typing models, which meanspre-training language models make full use ofboth the unsupervised pre-training and manually-annotated training data for better entity typing. (2)Compared to BERT, ERNIE improves the preci-sion by 2% and the recall by 2%, which means theinformative entities help ERNIE predict the labelsmore precisely.

    In summary, ERNIE effectively reduces thenoisy label challenge in FIGER, which is awidely-used distantly supervised entity typingdataset, by injecting the information from KGs.Besides, ERNIE also outperforms the baselines onOpen Entity which has gold annotations.

    Model FewRel TACREDP R F1 P R F1

    CNN 69.51 69.64 69.35 70.30 54.20 61.20PA-LSTM - - - 65.70 64.50 65.10C-GCN - - - 69.90 63.30 66.40BERT 85.05 85.11 84.89 67.23 64.81 66.00

    ERNIE 88.49 88.44 88.32 69.97 66.08 67.97

    Table 5: Results of various models on FewRel and TA-CRED (%).

    4.4 Relation Classification

    Relation classification aims to determine the cor-rect relation between two entities in a given sen-tence, which is an important knowledge-drivenNLP task. To evaluate performance on thistask, we fine-tune ERNIE on two well-establisheddatasets FewRel (Han et al., 2018c) and TA-CRED (Zhang et al., 2017). The statistics of thesetwo datasets are shown in Table 4. As the orig-inal experimental setting of FewRel is few-shotlearning, we rearrange the FewRel dataset for thecommon relation classification setting. Specifi-cally, we sample 100 instances from each class forthe training set, and sample 200 instances for thedevelopment and test respectively. There are 80classes in FewRel, and there are 42 classes (in-cluding a special relation “no relation”) in TA-CRED. We compare our model with the followingbaseline models for relation classification:

    CNN. With a convolution layer, a max-poolinglayer, and a non-linear activation layer, CNN getsthe output sentence embedding, and then feeds itinto a relation classifier. To better capture the posi-tion of head and tail entities, position embeddingsare introduced into CNN (Zeng et al., 2015; Linet al., 2016; Wu et al., 2017; Han et al., 2018b).

    PA-LSTM. Zhang et al. (2017) propose PA-LSTM introducing a position-aware attentionmechanism over an LSTM network, which eval-uates the relative contribution of each word in thesequence for the final sentence representation.

    C-GCN. Zhang et al. (2018) adopt the graphconvolution operations to model dependency treesfor relation classification. To encode the wordorder and reduce the side effect of errors in de-pendency parsing, Contextualized GCN (C-GCN)firstly uses Bi-LSTM to generate contextualizedrepresentations as input for GCN models.

    In addition to these three baselines, we also fine-tune BERT with the same input format introducedin Section 3.5 for fair comparison.

  • Model MNLI-(m/mm) QQP QNLI SST-2392k 363k 104k 67k

    BERTBASE 84.6/83.4 71.2 - 93.5

    ERNIE 84.0/83.2 71.2 91.3 93.5

    Model CoLA STS-B MRPC RTE8.5k 5.7k 3.5k 2.5k

    BERTBASE 52.1 85.8 88.9 66.4

    ERNIE 52.3 83.2 88.2 68.8

    Table 6: Results of BERT and ERNIE on different tasksof GLUE (%).

    As FewRel does not have any null instancewhere there is not any relation between entities,we adopt macro averaged metrics to present themodel performances. Since FewRel is built bychecking whether the sentences contain facts inWikidata, we drop the related facts in KGs be-fore pre-training for fair comparison. From Ta-ble 5, we have two observations: (1) As the train-ing data does not have enough instances to trainthe CNN encoder from scratch, CNN just achievesan F1 score of 69.35%. However, the pre-trainingmodels including BERT and ERNIE increase theF1 score by at least 15%. (2) ERNIE achieves anabsolute F1 increase of 3.4% over BERT, whichmeans fusing external knowledge is very effective.

    In TACRED, there are nearly 80% nullinstances so that we follow the previouswork (Zhang et al., 2017) to adopt microaveraged metrics to represent the model per-formances instead of the macro. The results ofCNN, PA-LSTM, and C-GCN come from thepaper by Zhang et al. (2018), which are the bestresults of CNN, RNN, and GCN respectively.From Table 5, we observe that: (1) The C-GCNmodel outperforms the strong BERT model byan F1 increase of 0.4%, as C-GCN utilizes thedependency trees and the entity mask strategy.The entity mask strategy refers to replacing eachsubject (and object similarly) entity with a specialNER token, which is similar to our proposedpre-training task dEA. (2) ERNIE achieves thebest recall and F1 scores, and increases the F1of BERT by nearly 2.0%, which proves theeffectiveness of the knowledgeable module forrelation classification.

    In conclusion, we find that the pre-trained lan-guage models can provide more information forrelation classification than the vanilla encoderCNN and RNN. And ERNIE outperforms BERTon both of the relation classification datasets, es-pecially on the FewRel which has a much smaller

    Model P R F1

    BERT 85.05 85.11 84.89

    ERNIE 88.49 88.44 88.32w/o entities 85.89 85.89 85.79w/o dEA 85.85 85.75 85.62

    Table 7: Ablation study on FewRel (%).

    training set. It demonstrates extra knowledgehelps the model make full use of small trainingdata, which is important for most NLP tasks aslarge-scale annotated data is unavailable.

    4.5 GLUE

    The General Language Understanding Evaluation(GLUE) benchmark (Wang et al., 2018) is a col-lection of diverse natural language understandingtasks (Warstadt et al., 2018; Socher et al., 2013;Dolan and Brockett, 2005; Agirre et al., 2007;Williams et al., 2018; Rajpurkar et al., 2016; Da-gan et al., 2006; Levesque et al., 2011), which isthe main benchmark used in Devlin et al. (2019).To explore whether our knowledgeable moduledegenerates the performance on common NLPtasks, we evaluate ERNIE on 8 datasets of GLUEand compare it with BERT.

    In Table 6, we report the results of our eval-uation submissions and those of BERT from theleaderboard. We notice that ERNIE is consistentwith BERTBASE on big datasets like MNLI, QQP,QNLI, and SST-2. The results become more unsta-ble on small datasets, that is, ERNIE is better onCoLA and RTE, but worse on STS-B and MRPC.

    In short, ERNIE achieves comparable resultswith BERTBASE on GLUE. On the one hand, itmeans GLUE does not require external knowledgefor language representation. On the other hand, itillustrates ERNIE does not lose the textual infor-mation after heterogeneous information fusion.

    4.6 Ablation Study

    In this subsection, we explore the effects of theinformative entities and the knowledgeable pre-training task (dEA) for ERNIE using FewReldataset. w/o entities and w/o dEA refer to fine-tuning ERNIE without entity sequence input andthe pre-training task dEA respectively. As shownin Table 7, we have the following observations:(1) Without entity sequence input, dEA still in-jects knowledge information into language repre-sentation during pre-training, which increases theF1 score of BERT by 0.9%. (2) Although the in-formative entities bring much knowledge informa-

  • tion which intuitively benefits relation classifica-tion, ERNIE without dEA takes little advantage ofthis, leading to the F1 increase of 0.7%.

    5 Conclusion

    In this paper, we propose ERNIE to incorporateknowledge information into language representa-tion models. Accordingly, we propose the knowl-edgeable aggregator and the pre-training task dEAfor better fusion of heterogeneous informationfrom both text and KGs. The experimental re-sults demonstrate that ERNIE has better abilitiesof both denoising distantly supervised data andfine-tuning on limited data than BERT. There arethree important directions remain for future re-search: (1) inject knowledge into feature-basedpre-training models such as ELMo (Peters et al.,2018); (2) introduce diverse structured knowledgeinto language representation models such as Con-ceptNet (Speer and Havasi, 2012) which is differ-ent from the world knowledge database Wikidata;(3) annotate more real-world corpora heuristicallyfor building larger pre-training data. These direc-tions may lead to more general and effective lan-guage understanding.


    This work is funded by the Natural Science Foun-dation of China (NSFC) and the German Re-search Foundation (DFG) in Project CrossmodalLearning, NSFC 61621136008 / DFG TRR-169,the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC No. 61572273) and China Association forScience and Technology (2016QNRC001).

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