Comparison of the UNSCEAR isodose maps for annual external exposure in Fukushima with those obtained based on the airborne monitoring surveys Ryugo Hayano 1 and Makoto Miyazaki 2 1 Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan 2 Department of Radiation Health Management, Fukushima Medical University, Fukushima 960-1295, Japan In 2016, UNSCEAR published an attachment to its Fukushima 2015 White Paper, entitled “Development of isodose maps representing annual external exposure in Japan as a function of time,” in which the committee presented annual additional 1 mSv effective dose ab extra isodose lines for 1, 3, 5, 10, 30, 50 years after the accident, based on the soil deposition data of radionuclides within 100 km from FDNPP. Meanwhile, the median of the ratio, c, between the external effective dose rates and the ambient dose equivalent rates at 1m above the ground obtained by the airborne monitoring has been established to be c 0.15. We here compare the UNSCEAR predictions with respect to estimates based on the airborne monitoring. Although both methods and data used in the two approaches are different, the resultant contours show relatively good agreement. However, to improve the accuracy of long-term annual effective isodose lines, feedback from continuous measurements such as airborne monitoring is important. Keywords: Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident, isodose maps for annual external exposure, UNSCEAR Fukushima 2015 White Paper arXiv:1710.06978v2 [physics.med-ph] 22 Dec 2017

arXiv:1710.06978v2 [physics.med-ph] 22 Dec 2017 external ... · B. Isodose lines based on the airborne monitoring maps On the other hand, the isodose lines based on the airborne monitoring

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Page 1: arXiv:1710.06978v2 [physics.med-ph] 22 Dec 2017 external ... · B. Isodose lines based on the airborne monitoring maps On the other hand, the isodose lines based on the airborne monitoring

Comparison of the UNSCEAR isodose maps for annual external exposure in

Fukushima with those obtained based on the airborne monitoring surveys

Ryugo Hayano1 and Makoto Miyazaki2

1Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan

2Department of Radiation Health Management,

Fukushima Medical University, Fukushima 960-1295, Japan

In 2016, UNSCEAR published an attachment to its Fukushima 2015 White Paper, entitled

“Development of isodose maps representing annual external exposure in Japan as a function

of time,” in which the committee presented annual additional 1 mSv effective dose ab extra

isodose lines for 1, 3, 5, 10, 30, 50 years after the accident, based on the soil deposition

data of radionuclides within 100 km from FDNPP. Meanwhile, the median of the ratio, c,

between the external effective dose rates and the ambient dose equivalent rates at 1 m above

the ground obtained by the airborne monitoring has been established to be c ∼ 0.15. We

here compare the UNSCEAR predictions with respect to estimates based on the airborne

monitoring. Although both methods and data used in the two approaches are different,

the resultant contours show relatively good agreement. However, to improve the accuracy

of long-term annual effective isodose lines, feedback from continuous measurements such as

airborne monitoring is important.

Keywords: Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident, isodose maps for annual

external exposure, UNSCEAR Fukushima 2015 White Paper










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Page 2: arXiv:1710.06978v2 [physics.med-ph] 22 Dec 2017 external ... · B. Isodose lines based on the airborne monitoring maps On the other hand, the isodose lines based on the airborne monitoring



In 2016, in Attachment 2 of UNSCEAR’s Fukushima 2015 White Paper (hereafter referred to

as Att-2) [1], as well as in animation [2], UNSCEAR published maps showing isodose lines for an

annual additional effective dose of 1 mSv from external exposure in years 1, 3, 5, 10, 30 and 50

years after the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident. UNSCEAR estimated

isodose lines based on radionuclide soil deposition data obtained from soil samples collected between

June 6, 2011 and July 8, 2011, within 100 km from FDNPP. The data were released by the Japanese

government in 2011 [3] and were reproduced by UNSCEAR with geospatial information on a 1 km

grid [4]. Att-2 provides a table (Table 2 of [1]) of the conversion coefficients from soil deposition

density of radiocaesium to annual effective dose ab extra (mSv/MBq m−2) for each year from years

1 to 10, then at every 10 years from years 10 to 50, and 100. Using the soil deposition data and

the effective dose conversion coefficients, it is possible to estimate the annual additional effective

dose from external exposure at each grid point around FDNPP.

Meanwhile, Miyazaki and Hayano [5] analyzed data from a large-scale glass-badge individ-

ual dose monitoring (with GIS information of the residents’ addresses) conducted by Date City,

Fukushima Prefecture, together with the airborne monitoring data collected periodically by the

Japanese government, and found that the ratio c of ambient dose equivalent rate to the effective

dose rate from external exposure is nearly constant between 5 and 51 months after the accident,

at c ∼ 0.15 [5]. Using this relationship, it becomes possible to draw annual 1 mSv isodose lines

based on the airborne monitoring data.

In this paper, we compare the 1 mSv annual isodose lines predicted by UNSCEAR, with those

obtained based on the airborne monitoring for 3 and 5 years after the accident, and discuss the



A. Reproduction of the UNSCEAR isodose lines

UNSCEAR’s 1 mSv annual isodose line maps were created by using 1) the 134Cs and 137 Cs soil

deposition density data released by the Japanese government, rebuilt by UNSCEAR on a 1 km

mesh in the unit of MBq m−2, and 2) dose conversion coefficients from soil deposition density to the

annual additional effective dose (Table 2 of Att-2). Since the results are shown only as maps, we

calculated the annual cumulative effective dose at each 1-km grid point, and reconstructed annual

Page 3: arXiv:1710.06978v2 [physics.med-ph] 22 Dec 2017 external ... · B. Isodose lines based on the airborne monitoring maps On the other hand, the isodose lines based on the airborne monitoring


isodose line of 1 mSv, 3 and 5 years after the accident (by using, respectively, the difference of 2nd

and 3rd year cumulative dose coefficients and that of 4th and 5th). The agreement was satisfactory

but not perfect, due to differences in the interpolation algorithms used for each.

B. Isodose lines based on the airborne monitoring maps

On the other hand, the isodose lines based on the airborne monitoring maps were generated as


For the annual additional effective dose 3 (5) years after the accident, we used the 8th (10th)

airborne monitoring data for which the reference date of dose calculation is November 19, 2013

(November 2, 2015), as indicated in Fig. 1. By multiplying the ambient dose equivalent rate H∗(10)

(µSv/h) at each airborne monitoring grid point by the factor c = 0.15 [5], the median value of the

external effective dose rate of the population living in the vicinity of the grid point was obtained.

Since the ambient dose equivalent rate 1 m above the ground H∗(10) gradually decreased over

time, we cannot simply use the dose rate on the reference date of airborne monitoring as a repre-

sentative of the whole year. We therefore fitted, as shown in Fig. 1, the ratios of the ambient dose

rate from the 5th through 11th airborne monitoring at each monitoring grid point to that from the

4th monitoring (AM-5 through AM-11 in Fig. 1), with a model function that considers physical

and environmental attenuation,

f(t) = N{afast2

−t/Tfast + (1 − afast)2−t/Tslow

}· (k × 2−t/T134 + 2−t/T137)

k + 1. (1)

Here, T134 = 2.06 y and T137 = 30.17 y are, respectively, the physical half lives of 134Cs and 137Cs,

Tfast(= 0.43 ± 0.01 y) and Tslow(> 400 y) are the fast and slow half lives of environmental decay,

and afast(= 0.60 ± 0.01) is the fraction of the fast decaying component, and k = 2.95 is the ratio

of air-kerma-rate constant of 134Cs to 137Cs [6]. In the fit, the pre-factor N was chosen to set the

value of the model function to unity at the timing of the 4th monitoring (t = 0.65 y).

For year 3, the function f(t) (Eq. 1) was integrated from t = 2 y to t = 3 y (shaded area A

in Fig. 1) and the result was compared with the value at the reference date of the 8th airborne

monitoring (red dot at y = 2.69). The correction factor for year 3 thus obtained was F = 1.05. For

year 5, the integration was done from t = 4 y to t = 5 y (shaded area B in Fig. 1), which yielded

a factor F = 1.03. This procedure is graphically presented in Fig. 1 by gray rectangles drawn on

top of area A and on B. We used these factors to convert the ambient dose equivalent rate at each

grid point H∗(10) (µSv/h) to the annual additional ambient dose equivalent H∗(10) (mSv), as,

Page 4: arXiv:1710.06978v2 [physics.med-ph] 22 Dec 2017 external ... · B. Isodose lines based on the airborne monitoring maps On the other hand, the isodose lines based on the airborne monitoring


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FIG. 1. The ratio of the ambient dose equivalent from nth (n=5 to 11) airborne monitoring to that from

the 4th for all the airborne monitoring grid points within Fukushima Prefecture are plotted as a function of

elapsed time since the accident. The labels AM4...AM11 denote airborne monitoring 4...11. In order to help

alleviate overlaps of points, the data were horizontally jittered. The red curve is a fit to Eq. (1) through all

the data points.

H∗(10) = F × 24×3651000 × H∗(10). The annual additional effective dose from external exposure maps

created using the factor c = 0.15 were interpolated to draw 1 mSv annual isodose lines.


In Figs 2 Top (Bottom), isodose lines for an annual additional effective dose of 1 mSv for 3 (5)

years after the accident are overlaid on the 8th (10th) airborne monitoring map. The 1 mSv isodose

lines shown in blue are the recalculated UNSCEAR estimate, and the contours in red are the 1

mSv isodose line estimated from the airborne monitoring results, converted to annual effective dose

rates with the factor c = 0.15. Also superimposed are (hatched regions) the isodose bands between

c = 0.10 (25-percentile) and c = 0.22 (75-percentile), reflecting the distribution of the factor c as

presented in Fig. 5 of Ref. [5]. Presumably, uncertainties may be also inherent in the UNSCEAR’s

estimate (blue line), but they are not explicitly discussed in Ref. [1].

In both years, the isodose lines independently calculated with different methods are in fairly

close agreement, but on closer examination, the UNSCEAR predicted isodose line (blue) encloses a

smaller area than the line based on actual measurements derived in this study (red), the difference

Page 5: arXiv:1710.06978v2 [physics.med-ph] 22 Dec 2017 external ... · B. Isodose lines based on the airborne monitoring maps On the other hand, the isodose lines based on the airborne monitoring


FIG. 2. Top: On the 8th airborne monitoring map (reference date: November 19, 2013), annual 1 mSv

isodose line for the third year as estimated by UNSCEAR (blue line) and that calculated by multiplying

airborne monitoring result by c = 0.15 (red) are superimposed. Bottom: On the 10th airborne monitoring

map (reference date: November 2, 2015) annual 1 mSv isodose line (blue) for the fifth year of UNSCEAR

and that calculated by multiplying airborne monitoring result by c = 0.15 (red) are superimposed. In

both panels, the hatched regions indicate the isodose bands between c = 0.10 (25-percentile) and c = 0.22


Page 6: arXiv:1710.06978v2 [physics.med-ph] 22 Dec 2017 external ... · B. Isodose lines based on the airborne monitoring maps On the other hand, the isodose lines based on the airborne monitoring


being slightly greater for the 5th year.


After the FDNPP accident, an airborne monitoring method has been established and carried

out regularly [7], and the ambient dose equivalent rates have been released as maps and numerical

data [8]. Using the data of the large-scale individual dose monitoring conducted by Date City,

Fukushima Prefecture, Miyazaki et al. [5] found that the personal dose equivalent (≈ the effective

dose) monitored by glass-badges, and the ambient dose equivalent of the residential area from

airborne monitoring are closely correlated.

Naito et al. [9] used the airborne monitoring database and individual dosemeters (D-Shuttle)

along with a global positioning system, possessed by approximately 100 voluntary participants,

and obtained a conversion factor of c ∼ 0.2. In a more recent study by Naito et al. [10], targeting

38 voluntary residents of Iitate village, Fukushima Prefecture, the coefficient was c ∼ 0.13 for time

spent at home and c ∼ 0.18 for time spent outdoors.

The results of these well-controlled studies targeting a small number of participants are thus

consistent with the large-scale ‘glass-badge’ result of Ref. [5]. These works have established that

the results of the airborne monitoring can be used to assess the median effective doses of the groups

residing in areas defined by the airborne-survey grid points. In the present study, we used c = 0.15,

the coefficient obtained from the Date-City glass-badge survey data.

UNSCEAR, in Att-2 of their 2015 White Paper [1], predicted the long-term cumulative effective

dose ab extra after the Fukushima accident. In Att-2, estimates of cumulative effective dose up to

100 years after the accident are shown in terms of 137Cs deposition density as of June 14, 2011.

They also published the GIF animation published on the website at the same time, isodose lines

for an annual additional effective dose ab extra in the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 10th, 30th and 50th years after

the accident were presented. Comparison of the isodose line of annual additional effective dose of

1 mSv estimated by UNSCEAR and the isodose line estimated from the data obtained by airborne

monitoring with the factor c = 0.15 [5] shows relatively good agreement, despite the widely differing

methods employed.

However, on a closer examination, a trend in which UNSCEAR’s isodose line encloses a smaller

area than that generated in the present work is evident. The reason for this small but noticeable

difference can be understood by comparing the attenuation of the ambient dose rate deduced

from the airborne monitoring, with that assumed in the UNSCEAR’s prediction. The attenuation

Page 7: arXiv:1710.06978v2 [physics.med-ph] 22 Dec 2017 external ... · B. Isodose lines based on the airborne monitoring maps On the other hand, the isodose lines based on the airborne monitoring



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FIG. 3. The red curve is the time evolution of the median effective dose rate, relative to t = 0.65 y (4th

airborne monitoring), the functional form of which is the same as the curve in Fig. 1. The blue curve is the

time evolution of the effective dose rate calculated by using the UNSCEAR’s assumptions (for details, see


curve obtained by analyzing the airborne monitoring data (in red), already shown in Fig 1, is

reproduced in Fig. 3. In comparison, a curve (in blue) for the attenuation of effective dose rates

of representative population group calculated from the levels of deposition of radionuclides on the

soil is superimposed using the parameters assumed in the UNSCEAR’s prediction, as described

in detail in Ref. [11]. In UNSCEAR’s model, the attenuation g(t) of the effective dose rate is

factorized into three parts,

g(t) = physical(t) × environment(t) × location(t). (2)

Here, physical(t) is the physical decay curve of 134Cs and 137Cs, environment(t) is the environmental

attenuation with a 50-% fast component half life of 1.5 y and a 50-% slow component half life of 50

y, and location(t) is the location factor for typical adults (estimated to spend 0.6 of their time in

wooden one-to-two-storey houses and 0.3 of their time at work in concrete multi-storey buildings),

as described in Ref [11].

The reason for the difference of two attenuation curves can be understood by showing environ-

ment(t) and local(t) of each curve individually (Fig. 4). While Eq. 1 uses smaller Tfast value and

does not have local(t), which makes the curve a relatively rapid asymptote to the physical decay

curve. The UNSCEAR’s g(t) has two, almost the similar magnitude of relatively slow attenuation

functions, which together make greater reduction. The authors deem both deposition density-to-

dose conversion coefficient and local(t) based on the study of Chernobyl accident do not fit the

Page 8: arXiv:1710.06978v2 [physics.med-ph] 22 Dec 2017 external ... · B. Isodose lines based on the airborne monitoring maps On the other hand, the isodose lines based on the airborne monitoring


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FIG. 4. The graphs showing the contributions of environment(t) and location(t) to the time evolution of

the effective dose rate.

Fukushima’s case. Although UNSCEAR’s prediction is useful for policy-makers, it is necessary to

update based on the latest diachronic monitoring data continuously.


In this paper, we compared two different methods to estimate the individual external doses of

the public residing in the Fukushima prefecture caused by radioactive fallout following FDNPP

accident in 2011. One is the method adopted by UNSCEAR, which makes use of the official soil

deposition map. The other makes use of airborne monitoring maps, together with an empirical

factor c = 0.15 obtained by comparing the large-scale ‘glass-badge’ dosemeter measurements and

the airborne surveys. Although the two are independent and are based on different data and

methodologies, the resultant isodose lines for an annual additional dose of 1 mSv 3 and 5 years

after the FDNPP accidents show relatively good agreement. However, to improve the accuracy of

long-term annual effective isodose lines, feedback from continuous measurements such as airborne

monitoring is important.


The authors are grateful to Dr. J. Tada of Radiation Safety Forum for valuable discussions.

This work was partially supported by donations by many individuals to RH through The University

Page 9: arXiv:1710.06978v2 [physics.med-ph] 22 Dec 2017 external ... · B. Isodose lines based on the airborne monitoring maps On the other hand, the isodose lines based on the airborne monitoring


of Tokyo Foundation.

[1] Attachment 2 to the UNSCEAR 2015 white paper. http://www.unscear.org/docs/Fukushima_

WP2015_Att-2.pdf (last accessed Oct 17, 2017).

[2] Animated map of the projected isodose curves for an annual effective dose of 1 mSv from external

exposure, published on the UNSCEAR web site at http://www.unscear.org/images/publications/

Fukushima_WP2015_Att2_Anim.gif (last accessed Oct 17, 2017).

[3] Results of the Nuclide Analysis of Soil Sampling at 2,200 Locations in Fukushima Prefecture and Neigh-

boring Prefectures (Decay correction: June 14, 2011) http://emdb.jaea.go.jp/emdb/en/portals/

b211/ (last accessed Oct 17, 2017).

[4] MEXT survey of Cs-134 and Cs-137 ground deposition [.xls] http://www.unscear.org/unscear/en/

publications/2013_1_Attachments.html (last accessed Oct 17, 2017)

[5] Miyazaki M and Hayano R 2016, Individual external dose monitoring of all citizens of Date City

by passive dosemeter 5 to 51 months after the Fukushima NPP accident (series): 1. Comparison of

individual dose with ambient dose rate monitored by aircraft surveys, J Radiological Protection 37


[6] Miyazaki M and Hayano R 2017, Individual external dose monitoring of all citizens of Date City by

passive dosimeter 5 to 51 months after the Fukushima NPP accident (series): II. Prediction of lifetime

additional effective dose and evaluating the effect of decontamination on individual dose, J Radiological

Protection 37 623-634.

[7] Sanada Y, Sugita T, Nishizawa Y, Kondo A and Torii T 2014, The aerial radiation monitoring in Japan

after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology

4 7680.

[8] Nuclear Regulation Authority, Airborne Monitoring Survey Results http://radioactivity.nsr.go.

jp/en/list/307/list-1.html (last accessed Oct 17, 2017).

[9] Naito W, Uesaka M, Yamada C, Kurosawa T, Yasutaka T, Ishii H 2016, Relationship between Individual

External Doses, Ambient Dose Rates and Individuals Activity-Patterns in Affected Areas in Fukushima

following the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident, PLoS ONE 11: e0158879.

[10] Naito W, Uesaka M, Kurosawa T, Kuroda Y 2017, Measuring and assessing individual external doses

during the rehabilitation phase in Iitate village after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant acci-

dent, J Radiological Protection 37 606-622.

[11] Attachment C-12 of the UNSCEAR 2013 REPORT, Methodology for the assessment of dose from

external exposure and inhalation of radioactive material, available from http://www.unscear.org/

unscear/en/publications/2013_1_Attachments.html (last accessed Oct 17, 2017). We adopted the

environmental attenuation of Eq.(2.5) on page 13, and the location factors described in pages 15-16.