arv-t/-» T FT.Tb« modrrn-htûH two-«tory and at T^a. oVEfcl-SO HOL-AB rio «I»*.»!»«» rb« M |M PW«-»aa» _^ M«_ee» ._;.-.»-_»»._ ,1_aa_to_^rí^BpM ^ »- *** *¦*". ?»__ __ 1_5_1^«^!1M_ JXeT Te«-».*«» S»»», early l. r«aea*e,. r* _.*__1^__TU¿ J *' - « " * -.".'. *»oI-»re__M, Cae be Me» *em "> ,).,f rt ir:» -O « <. « P.aeat. n^TPf^VoTY.i-ii«.«*»! and Moral Lotturft IV-IV Ctlaich I«. P-TMtb el bBl-'.» BaMBT BBd VValkTTeu Ti. 11 matt im mat «flBBafl and »_-«od. East low. Pto partir» »r^ii.» »'Q.0B ,,,., w< |<t .,_,_ T»«l5XEf^-«ts*'*'-''-; hTOKIES ..I it,« !ar"»«e build- .ka* Roa «to It »««r « '. t «. «ell .- -1 any caecbMi- t*. SaJlneM Win kive asM «m pov. halrvay a- .- varaaed aTa(__i Itaarr. power «ill Be rappUM oa r*t«eanth!* tena« lu/ajfliubt W)ll be r«Mr April L Apply to CHARLES* jENEIBd.lt* nPi_»»fotM. _ ffwJTLET, aod l'( )KS ENS I- »N IM M F. DIA I h I. V X The three-eee-y f>V4> ELLIN«? N, IU Bnpadvay »-a M* Ctxiario. ; the vho a we:, adtpsto for t p-iv.te ».«.'--g hotte-, at tbe Parlor», vkich »'. a-i-a»- htndM«ae. tad niv« « «a flflflB MMM ITe». to* ttraef »Did ke reatad far ik.w ¦MM flMMME App.'yteL H. PIONOLET. It*. 1!7 Otvm WMb.MWM» Dey st _ TO LET or LEASE.for a term of reart. Broodwiy SMMSSB * and raaal' i». » .. vi> Rreadviy B-ae«« Bread»«y »far« and -a«- <.» H».»...'. 8r«Md««y He »'«a« fWa.r Btorw, K-- a* «a> Lot« a-»" s. ..~...n. (»A'»« «m Berth I »ht» Arta»»*» Stud o. Lawyer** e .--.... »...-,. tor Jeweler» Prista« H«y,i»>ind'.i Ac Apply»« »ROE P tJX.ttn. » I Broadway _ »HPO LEASE.RiJOMS with STEAM-POWER, JL D*ar leal.«. *'<« 7 I II »ad II .«eel at and No*. M, IM Bad 1'ig «',,,. »«all llgbUM.and at ,,«»-«¦»«- nfltori amettiiatt aad «nhoaP 'ban» t«ll Peh I Apply koMr JOHN04UI'!. r.gwe»» Na l»i -V*lk»rot LET..With a «lew of .*o_o*-_trat,_«» bia on tbe »*» U retamarj MM M to* old IomUm fpo No BM Broadway. arbeee le. M .».w «vißaAag -tbe aakdoeiflBed wtU «Mmm at tie LRA8P. aad PIXTURE» o4 the ATOFta M«. «4*7 Bfoahalw.y ooi-eer of Pro..»« «/ wbito piaielci wBi ha *V»»a at ti.aa data or k-.'a». J «J«aeir«d W T. JKNNIN'.H 7 aad « B*eol*y-M., «tad AH Broad».y _)onBC8 anb farms tDantcö. im«*^ warntet to H IRR for thro* or hie y.*r», by t family «-,-, will take proper eara of tbe praml**« addre*«. vleb the na¬ bar aad location of lb* boaae. P A., it -t.. Tribus* «ri*!-. ROOMS WANTED.By a .»nur,* rr,arr.»d Mar. (Nev C»fll*bd»r «Itboel ».inlr'ti»« K" tat. in« Pan try, w_b w«Ut In a bo_eoeeaWatt by tbe owner »r, A-.'p ie*a, Ma/ Hadwra »t preferred Beat aot to ***»*« BiW« Adflrew H., Bog No I* Ir.lm«. OlTir, _ ANTE D.A H O U S E (unfiüíi.ed pre f.irad or «llflible LOTI, i* or aaaer Broaakiya-«anled ¡a. eirhetafl« fiar mh u«i a village reeldeaea Th« bouM oflered it deelMlale »liber for aee-,minooail»n of hoa.dar* at lor one or I»'« f»u'iaaa» li pi.auai '.y *'iii».*d in the amxmmxmta vicinity of two celebrated Water far* **t*i>)l**Bt*at*, »t » ihnnnfl v .»ge o* «¡nna.e'nu- ." »., *ad *lio*i *ight or ni*» hoar* from N*v York by New Haven R.i'road Apply (*xe*pt fron I" loS| M Mo. P7k Biidg.»t »''»on to CHARLEA CARTER. fleal Cstate fot Bale. w AT PRIVATE SALE.The four-story Bai«- *»Mt brovB-itoa» fioBt HOUSE aad LOT N* III VA'Mt J4il. »t on «.»il. «Id», »im of (louM II feet 3 Indi.« by 13 faiol deep, fuá-he« te th. i.eat laaanaei, vllb all IB« modera MgMtMMBM AIm the fi«, ne« foor »tory lu.ti.nl brown »toa» froet IIOUBRBaod L01doo*oeih »id. of Mlk M No« '.I I," «1 A4 »ad to; Mm of BflBflO, «* ky »Mi «eel deep; fioi.bad i. ted BisoBor. wltb ill th* n.'.d.rn improvement«, vltb p'lvtt» Btaitti a.» of Lot*, »* feet * lachee, ¦*. feel eaat of «lb av AIm. tba aav loor »tory brovo dooe front H».«ai«.! KOHSP. Md LOI na the wuth tide of Bad IStb it , No 117, aiaont It«' fe*t *a»t of 2d av lit* ol H .aie '««. « lache« by Päi feet deep, flalihed le tbe bed manner vitb all tbe modera improvement», Lot 7S feet deep. i 1*0, the foar «tory Kroat Bugnint IJOU4B and LOT «It ntted oa tbe nortb ltd« of Slit it betvet* '.' i. tv *nd Broad- way; lire of Lot 2!> by M f»»t 'J ;ul,»i, i'*e of UoM*.«~hy 62 f*ot Map. Aleo, th« two-dory u.d attic BRICK HOUSE and LOT No. 32 Marketed., (It* of llou*. 22 i«*t S lot he« ky !...i «Mp. (aa.-ha* M «u«ed »1,1*; Lot »7 f*.l ll lacbM Por lora«* aad fartb*r pailiculara apply la BAKER A A KE4 Auctioaeer» _ Mo I Pine »t , eoroer of Broadway ATPRIVATK SALE.Th» IliriWtor»lir»T rlut blown doae HOUSE and LOT ol OROU.ND koowa M No. Ill Lexlagton «ut ilda, *od oaxl tbecorntr of Hit it lb* Roue I* three .lory high, and ibie. roooudayep oa the parlai floor, li I.«. ... Cioton water, furaaee. aad all the modem improvement«. The lot 24 lay 10 feet la depth. 74 per Mil of th. pun !.».« money «n remain oa bond and mon¬ iale fa« a term of «ear« For price tod full |.a,i.. nln. ai.t.li te ANTHONY J BLP.P.fKP.B No 7 Rr .id M AT PRIVATE «SALE . .NEW-Bitl'NSWK K, II J -A very .1. ilnbi.- laiae frame HOUSE aud LOT of OBOENDat New Hr*o.»iM. N J., located oae block from Railroad DApaüt The laoi.a. i. leplete wllk every coaveoieaTkce, and the l.ra.» will be liberal Pot fuill.ei particular», apply to ANTHONY i BLKECRRR No 7 Br»ad-It CAT HARI'IN..Tl.i« a Farm of 717 Acr-V, lying on Cat Barafa Blver la 8»uUylv*ola OoBBtt, V* open »blob. It M believed, tber« mnthiold. ... L- «,-.. fnl »peciin.u» hav« laeea luukd; aad It aojedata. for more ibia B mile ot> tbe »oulh »id*, and dlrer.lly in Ike iai,«- of the vela, the celebuled VI 1,1.1.,;, (old mine. Pair«. +a ... CLOVER OBREN -TTila M a Perm ol «.»» Acim, lying three mil»e Mul It .««I of fat liaran I'r , ' »« MOUNT AiliV -Tbi.iaa Perm ol V»A «ere« having »n 01 relleut O liai Mill u|aon il Bad ahoat »In«« mite* »,uth of Clover Otee* »»rice. ', " Dwelling ll'iii». Ar »re opan all Ih»»e ttrmt. Aoy p«r- Kin »riblng to p.i" i-.- at ««.tring more intormaiion, roa, .ddr«M *V B POVA ELL, (lover Oreen, «po»ylr»nl» Co., V»_ FOR BALK CM EAT lorCAMH-A beautiftiliy PURNl.toll H KE-MIEM P '01 00 VOS H- o.e. »o lemalii on moitgig« The Houm and Poioiture roal Imi May, MI3,7fV0 Puiiiliare all a ad. >o (ar.lei, of .oi«-'i>r tiuality aad «ell Minted Inauire at UdIob .«luir« Real E.'ai- Office, «or. dlha. iod I7H, «t. KPVE-A »I'l.H.A-l» FOR SALE.Id Elizabt'thtovro. St)W-Jerae»y, tbe larie md comn.odl.,«. D »V KI.I.I..O BOUSE, the Tito retida ore of Stephan P Brill»«, ,.e. .-«..-.I «ah «baut I «o Acim of valaabla Laud illav hed 7 property in ikoroagh Older with coiauioo'ioia. ti.ia end «thet (luí bul «lii.ee an e, rell.nl Oardea. «all «t». ke» wilk Ibe >...:,..« in.ii tree* It i* eligibly Mleated lo ooe a,I the t-.i pail» ef tbe town arad wltbiaa few alnnte»'walk nt the Riilroad DSpOt. with good «BttrnienU leadiag theaelo Term« -a«y Por prie* ud other panic»!«»«, apply In WILLIAM DEOEOOP, Ms 4 Broadway -,. W P DAY P.iiliheth.ovB.^_ Vi-OR HALE on Madiaon-av.. near Vlîtb at., a M. P1RBT-CI.AB8 KOIR4TORV BR.JW'N ¿TONE HOUSK «A h. CO: Loi ldfli wit- .»«»Haul con».nie.c« Ap ply to BObWT.I.t O I'IFRf E, Pm*«i cora.r of flroadway MACEARLAS »V MEKKHT, REAL ES¬ TATE *nd stock AUCTIONEP.R4. No 3 Nimio .! - 4 RegUlei «111 be kept it their oMre for the ai»pi«_ of R«»l I ttal*. Stock» aad Boud«. ai privai« .«le .i raivaTt ..1 . The following til« rlax** livu«», w.lli *1! 'h* mod'iii irapit.ve- ¦Motai Hoaee Ne 44 Pmi 11 th »t.,¦..-« 01""«» Tbree br««wi. .1..1.- f,.,a>t IIoudm on »Ml .id« pf Leiiiiiloi, «>. het MM «ad MM-«*»_pne.. 14'«"»»eh. Biowi. ii.H«. fiont It.-i.e.. on .Ol it -.'-... u, MdMb.T«.price.. 9 ¡rti Oa* Hobm. (buck No 1?4 Hut lath «t..price.. ..»««' Ruck llouae. No is«. 2a av., with SuMe .price.. 17,«iC Two Prrneb «one »r.pt H niel on Booth tide of 9th-d hetwreo Ath tu«! ' n avi . an ice.. 1(1 OH) each. Hoste on IMth it neu »Hi »v.price., ill «0! Plv* llou*** 00 louth «id« ol I'a.h »t h*tw».en Broadway and 1,1 h iv .price.. (iVteiik Tbree blow«, at»»« tl.-i.iei on »»nth tide of Iota «t.. Opposite SluyveMlil »qtlir«.pi i.e. 11,000 each. Two brick Ho ».a 00 L Md. «.; .. l«*i M av. . .priée.. S .".«leaeh. Pool hik'k liousMOU «SMa >id*2a!d »1 n.ei Lex- ii.glon it. price.. 17 0k. rab Mm I! led I.A K Slajt-et., ueaxr Madieoa-iv. price.. I1.0O0 «aek. No. .A7 F.Mi ¿SO .1 i.eir 4th »v. prie*.. Il,M» VALUABLE COUNTKY_REsrbENCE for SALE Th« 111' leaialeu.« of -'«¡.1 I'. « «le.eai-« «ttaat« .( Uuil.« iliLi.u N J altbiu,,.e h «ur-. rid* ky rail- rvaad trvm N.« \ ,, k «oiiaiioug 14 ioim of ¡and »n » .' n la a (oiumodeaa DVV El 1.1N.. 11)1 -K Ac. Apply, by el'er M_W. M. WOOD Memaievn. N J ft ill Hi kit -EORSAl.E. inSEW-JER. Ef*-I»./?tPt.Pv.Pe BEI be(«e«a -4.« VoikMd Phili- dilphu about t.HO »,-,. ..I riNE PoREST. 1 .v , OliM Maoafacioiy chuter«! by the Stale of Nr« Yer»»y, * Bteac» Kawu.i'.l which cal* S ««*« f*el peí d*y In,in ilfieen to twmty Oweluugi A. limit Mule» i»d il.!.-a, a Store Block aad Pu mea Eighty a»t i" employed oa the prea I*ml »3x1 OhO Mg aaiiuni can he cl.ired ,«t» »tie- ibive Tbi* M a mo»» .deiral.le opponamty for ¦ profit»!,!» iDVMtnteat. The ¡»ad aflorda evety facility (01 earryieg oa the hu*in*w Por partK-iutr» apply 10 B IV KH'll AK1>« No *n Brjadvay. """"Wirilfve Juoiinmion. KTKOTOLITAN ACADEMY Bad aTlAHA- »II M N . ¦. .. »Sliih . liait. 8. J »EOilAVlCK. Projector »ud Pita«!pad. OUST WASH lNi il" »N »LLÈU1ATE 1N- BTIllTE-No 2ll 4-.hit., oa «Vtabing'.OB »qutr», a No. 1MJ Mktdi.gi .1 CLARK A »ANN1NO. Prltcipalt. 1-ilE SCHOOL ol Mr. BLNlïllAM. for BOYS, »ailed th* CLABBICAL oYMNASlUM. Bible Houee, Altar plate enuaiice oa Ad av., bu nov «even, racaocle* a «acb «4 lb* tvo deportment!, the eoiuplemenl being tveoty Tbe Iboroagb, uyMrmattc and e!*g*Bl traiBing aflurded m pe». hau, «rid belieted lo ke aee»ai!e« la l_* coaatry _ db t .BOOK-KEE1TNC, .Ttrtu« Re»duc^ " «0 tJee .A lev more Oentlemrn may leara to teep Book! by Doabl* Ealry. lor 0* by jomia* DOLBE4R S BpMiil Clueei. THIS DAY 01 EVE.VlNO. a! No. *'V Broadvay. col. li0MI0B «t, Theee rliMii bar* «en fotmad tl oa» fourtb Iho ranlau cbarfl*. etprewly lo «kit th* bard tiiuM Remeaiker. Uli day for th» »A claw_ «>d»rt BROADWAY, conier o! Erauklin-it.. . PO«* VVR1TIN0 and BOOK REKTINJ tb»>rtva«»aly kattt t ta t\am or Mpaiale parlor«, at reduced charge* Ma« , 1* o ( 1. OL|vr,t . UOLDIMITH. Danring _Jca5trmicE. A~ W)DWÖTmU» DASCLN0 ACADEMY. . Ran Broad-11 »»ppait* llis-.t .'pan i.-r Ike i«im«Mi«>*) «M- pap.», .b« eau coaaetic» at any um« *»*da«a ate CalUrea ea Vreteeaiert and »alardiyi. at J and 4 P M **&****' °_ we*BMMa, T'ut_ay..»ed every «tori Irtoty. M 7a) r M Pr»çik,M «iaaetubliM ca «atarday evMiafl» »or LtoUa« Ml Oeetlem»« Bnikly miiSn M iniL fi-ralar» (rovtaiairi «toy», bean, aM tariMof in.incaoe) cu ho bad at tte Atatemj ai My tto» or wiu be Mat by poet-_ piano-/onca ano Ansie. M M ILANap-ORTES.New aed aeoeod-kaad. (br «ale (Aeap a*»r «ato. a-o. a Cm a_wrt__at of Piano« M B«MwWbpVaíll*«.ot PurckMMg ""^ " ri**mm ItAlBtii. BROS A ¿CMMINOS, HI Ma»., «m. Iau «*. PUT ASTONISH IM, BEDUCTl N in the pnce» r.f PiA.tOb aai» .VP.LijtJEOSA ram ta« amrm rw «V. fiel. BoreevouBj Oi* 1.1 7V-. La.»»* «I apta u, «I». luraewoe«. ¦ «-! ?. i.-, g/TS Ob* «r.ad Palo B4BB. f** t'i" T.»» . »«pert«' M-.oaaaKvvas i_-b_rr« Patea« «alt« BUT. .««._< »«let P aie» 'roo. OS» OiV.-*»IB| S »lit!-« óf y pat cet lai Loa» ratal prka« «erb i-aetrata-s» i *«f rra-Uai «.' .s a f, ».-. ,--.'¦.«- _ Mo Bllie-fj «ear _.«*¦ oe-et ATTpTSTION it retp.w-tfu.ty invited to our ex- UB»lv« a«Bt,«-B>«or .A »«per.or ¦» A*4Ü-P' J*T* 4 at oar i.m e. »pacio«» vsrr MflBM, Nu 4-1 Br ae»ae-«t 'a few 4»-ire eagg of Bioaew«, watch M ' cee«¡«»n«r»» of «be MaiBaBSl 1- r_a_f »or tar ULr.«»l»g ».'.nai»L_ h»v- ira«»B tl tet -p w-.'.b .pecial resero to lb* 'obveareiK» «if ou s«'*«r -a» fr.«rag» ..ad ¡*l'_2>_LlOHlb «EATOai k B<A ir>LRY4. AORkAT BARGAIN.A ft V»0 7 «»eUve R»>ee- weod PIANO eaa *e bad fer »(it S.p-eor too« aed f.D_k «srrastet partealiaali reep-c nut three seats» «a Bia by good ».aber, v.in all m-ei-rr. ...;,'0»-*»-.'.« Parties bave to leave -M City It eaa re» »*ea Jaa. tl and -I »' NI 74 Veeey et beta tea l««a«d ta'ciort._ AC. FISCHER, PiflBfe-Forta MAnafa^toiy a sad Warrrooan No. 244 W'e*t ism »t near rtaae P'AMOB vitb lb* «Ealua an« all the b»t»t iapreremears felly vs/ratted PIANOS to l»t tuned r-i.».--a sad »itkaagea. Pi. B .The h»r place to r»uT fur etsh F-COND-HaND PIANOS at GREAT BAR- OAIN».»even of««« PIA«03 let r*and eed fuer TtBtad »on»er, vlu »old egtremeiy low, on* Ch'cte'lag on* lie«. H»w» ob* tVotgeiri h Br'wa aid «i »i Bata« loanhi ocUTt (T. Ollben k to |t«s round comers. Piaao» to RENT-- HOIACP W/iTKBS M«. MtBr««dw«y. SUPERLATIVE PIANOS.. k? THE OLDEST ESTABLISHMENT T H HaKRPlÁ No SAS droMway. fttartiinrrrt, #c. IMPORTAN! IMPROVEMENT I N BOTARE PLAMINO TdMil'IVJ ud QBOOVINI MA¬ CHINES, PaTHTiD N», Tl. 11*4 Theee Maeblae« bave beea thnruuibly teerad sad therr e«- pertortty ov«r »:. otb«n proved .-. 1 . í ¦.'»' T-.»y wilal plsne rery auch better and 'v r ie«a «oy oaker auw !a use. Be,er tearing or thr-,»n.g oat .-¦»» « A; p.ia«-. lb for Bighu sad Machine*, or for farther panic«. Iaii tsa let siii u, tie Pit«.'»» JAMES A- trOOOBVBT Wtaicbester. Msa Dec IT. 1AS4 I1EET METAL-WORKERS.SPECIAL NO- S TICE.W'e are prepared to »apply »pplieaat» »t the ihorteit aoilre. with W » BBTER'd (u»t»n«| PR_Mll'M BKNDINO aadTUBINO MACHI «iP-fl. far formier ob P.ncil ( MM Napl uKii«. <h«n P.ri.p »td B-.i'rr Tibee, Preeerre .sd Palm Caaa, M ut..-« Blacking d P I Bol«*, 'ture toi Speaking Pip«. rCondacUiri Ac O.ce Lonrt. » A. M. to 4 I». it. Communication! replied '-- VV KBCT1.K k MILLER No. C7 Niaaiu it BMI lobtet N Y QEWIKO MACHINES..The AVERY SEW- yy INO MACHINE Co call ilt«o-i m to th»lt improved Mi¬ chino, wbicb receive« the fir»t pr»i. ,». a «t lb« Cryltal Palace. The pistent bai been recently purchased by the Pr-neb i »v-.-r. ment to be .Ped In t'.- rn.auf.atu/* uf N.vy «a» Army sni form* KfirtbeuwItAof he«ry goiads Aaci« H«». vt..-,... tir ni Cloth or (u..ii,»"i wb-r« «real «t eogti. of «titeb s re- 3üiied Ibelr f.tid »oikiug Machine . invaluable Ther« no »put« about ibe patent of ill. Machin» Tu a.I woo via!» t gned, cheap and duieb.e M«*h,ne we «*y call at No .51 Broad *«T (CnlltTTj anö aJarbmaTe. HiU-IlWARE, CUTLERY, EDGE TfVOLS, Cat a..d wrought Nail», riherei» Bed «i.ada» Au»II« Vire«, B»'.lo»t P.nglteh «ne Ain V tiun Bosge. CoB aad Trae» Chain» Pump» «ad Water Bam« Hollo» War«, Iron Hteel. Fir»*. ..0 Copper »lb Cora and ( .»See Mill» Oan» «nd Putt,I». B«H* ud Hbatee. IxirJ.. Lslebas. Butt«, Mrevt, Kalve* and Pork», Pea and Pocket net-» H_.,r» Beaeor*. Mbesr, Irorc Bntaonl« t_d_pfftt«ad dpo<*o.. Pile*, bi»»« Plane« Pira Iron* 1 'I ray» A«. *a a*BBta* Haart, u. Oil Pur sal« b, _CHAR 8. LITTLE. Nt»»_á» «ad S4 KaHr_-M- RAILROAD IRON..the subscribers have 1.1t' tun» no» m p r\ of the '.-.! »'.-..., mate snd most SpproTtd Arrrril. ai, ptMrrn »or «a - «' « In« pile« _K a I M AKIN No 24 Broadway. SCOTCH PIG IKt>N .lluuclreai tuns "No. 1 (».rtthrrri«, and tf«' tuts mlgrd numtxri betl P.g |.o ., ,n (tore aad landing for ale by flPOPrOBfi. TILEatTOM k Co., No 31 Broadway. CKATE8. In <m«at varietv. kJ ILBIOH BEIalsl lo..»e'»nd «tr.pped COAL III'Iia Ai). Biffer, V ¦ . PIBE IRONS «ndSt»id« «i.d » |»n»r«i »aortment of Housekeeping lUrdwar» b ... , CIlAS. 8. LITILE, N «1 »ei 34 F . -f tTC-Proof Ôflfce. UALAMANDIR SAFE for SALE.One of I.a Hrrttngi heei Parmi Salamander S»fe« uf mediunxr», with powder pro»»'Luck, which !.». been in >n- hut I !»w i- i.l'.I.i, .»:» .'-a»p Inquire at No '-4 Tnuity Building. önilbing iîtatcrialo. CÖLID WBÖiöÖHT IROS IILAMS for FIKK- IJ PIUilK BUIIsDINOB, VAULT* «T JRr: PHOiTA BOOIrB Ar Tbtr ui.drrricnrd »re now pr»iared to i: «-. «oiid wriBibt Iren rolled B»««i,i i ui tu ap-citi- d !»i|'b». «! a P*tet wl 11L rtablia fir» pr»*f MfleUafll t., be «laila» «t « v»ry 11.»dritte »dtktr» in the to» of »iaaI»Ii ore. rb» pili.ic »r» inilrd t<, 11.il im ta» !.»» I 11 Mil |ttf MeaSM Htr.rr V 1 il, I lifl .! »Iirte thev h «V» been US-d P-T fm h»r I.ÎOIIB- . !.. 1. «: t. m .1-1 11 A .:, VI t .No IT Builiag llip Oll) a_H)0«Jb CL O A K H! CLOAKS SPLLINO OPP TO MAKE SuOM POB SPRING IMPORTATIONS. M BALL. No 68 Cirial it Il now in P.r » 1 .»,i.-.g »i,. . for tb« »miag «eaaoa, and In mrke 'eou. 1er ih'ii.. hs« msde s furtber réduction in the price, of lo» i»», sing au., t .a»i a». Irom. -;¦*.' kt. i- a .... n in. Mi to ¿i AI«o. a few mort of lb* Velvet Cloik» at... IV each ALd Cloth » loabe from. S to IS An rally tun rri|uertrd from puiclisser». wg sir aot irpls. in| any of thete Closks INDIA RUBBER GOOD* which WILL NOT PbloMt. M it hi in AM Ll v.Aia. lne legged tu« Wit «ax.iln.rnt that cm ta I uno in i.'iw u'anjoihei Bikikat. M pilar» »Li h will con.n.and tb» trad* Among our suirtuiti.t c*_ br found Ov»t CfpaM wt.,t». drat, and llafl Iff »»llhii « .¦!.;> «b«iui»l»l.t elm »l. Capei Pnor-io» "t. 1». - Lagginga ( «p« Olovr.. llof»» Cf.ter». »v ., ¦_ fta» »ll, Pisto CiVeti, Nurter, Cloth B.ltiLg Parting^ hu*a 'A «oil« Pant». Boot«, a.,. Shoe». »Jaa, '¦» t for Cuugraa Bet* l'.r»rt», Ac and ttOT» other kjr-c.e la the line, «I «holetsle end rrlsll Kt], itrri %sr iavited to examina oui .lock l.rfor* purcbkiing »l*e«here »- thry will J tbera mor* luitable lor etpoii Iban an» one' n.ii.ufaciurer_ ROO) Be A vv YCKOPP, -¦. ".«.-.... Il U Day.I N»«. Ai I nuriland »4-, Maeutactufe;» an« dialer« 1b carry a. .: 0/ ",...¦. -.» (f lotlnng. A BEAl"I I IT '. ASSORTMENT ..f DRESSES of lb* iiteet Pai.-lsn ttyl«« lur Ball« snd P.Tenin« Ptr tie. err oflrrad for «Bi» st half it., mat ot iui|»»-rt»ti »«. by IBMiELL. PIP.KSON A LAKE. No. 471 Hruadwtysl POR a FEW DAYS MORE..The entire Stock M. it Mo far BtaaOwao. rt.uipriiini (HERCoarn. taL- MAA 111 SIM ».« 1 t'A I.« Ac will h* .la-.-, price«, tilt» M trmovAl IM aid lticatioa, N». -11 Bio*»Jw«y. on iba itefPobraaty WM TJKNNINOS. VV bolraale sad B»ia_ Baalaa ltd quality. _ rt»d» «nade ij'.Bia«. REAT BAR(7ÂTns^-s CHRMBEB8, aue- asasatM Bikdbnot.No an Brokdwsy. ha«» portion of Winter Stock, coni-tlt.« ti LsdirB' M_*»«' and ft»,y»'Osr ¦aflSa, Ladle»' Cap» Ilrad Draw»««. Rote» Chimbar. Ac »II mid« uf tbr te»t mittrts.1 aad will be »old very lo«, to ¦Like rooni for Spring goocia Waaird. four Diea Cap M«k*i» vToiiattnivohip Xotur». Copartnership ÑiVfVci:..vv« "hereby I ir Nctice thai JOHN vvaLTP.i» MOO0. «4»Maw- Yogk, Iti tbli .'.»» been sdm.ttrd 1 Partner of lui» Hutu*, ltd el AlsRX PENNISTOL'N A C.» l_t-t|.. DENNISTOl M VV noil fe Co N*w York. A A J DENNISTOl'.N A 1 n New ibrlesna DCNNIPTOIN. BHOTUEKS.A Co .M- «.urne Victoria Otaggo», Jet I.JUS J k A DE-aNlsTorN NOTICE.The Coj-artncnhip of OSBORN. Tl'BNBl'Ll. k Co teaataSte» a_MBta| It ibisdty. by «lutnsl cotftibt. cissa»:vrd A B Coll r-tir.ng from »»id cm- cam SIMEON OSBORN Jr. ADa.M VV Tl'RNBL'LL. Jr.. »ud THUBAi MAI DONALD an »lone «atburuad c',»e Ab* b,_lBr*» and [«trail,, i.l «*'.d |A'lUtri!i p MV.r .a Otrtiia». Ja., AtlAN vv TI'BNBl'LL, Ja., , t .Hi» M ai o-.» ai... ALO.NÜ-l B COLT N«« York Jatusry 17, lk*j. NOTICE -The «ahecrike», bare f»rtn-d a CoparrTBereh'.p aaíer the firm ofCTBBOBN II'BNhl LI. A MAI K11NALÔ. ta PKODl'CE COMMISSION BI »INt*S. sad wul csnusu« ibe ram« at No. t Bridge »l SIMEON 0"!B'»B«tr.. JL| ADAM »¦ IL'BSBl'LL Jk-, THOMAS MAC DONALD. H«w York, Jsauary 17. li.-_ ^HE late« FIRM of RlSlllVlN. CLARK 4 to »iti»day d__t*tv*d hi the d»»-..- .- V!- Bl'*.lT»».*4 tat« iu o»B l.tB.lalioB All claiaa for agua« -h« à:a «ill tat .,'i.ti by Ife« i_rviv.ni . .. OEoBOt. i LARK k VVM HRORMAM P«r«oe« bariog » MEM» p.aaee pieeeni,tbe_i i«a»fll»n.y N.-T.iA Jan I,MM _ Tbe iatefiras of BISHTON CLARK fe 0». taeing BtaateM ey fM drctfc of Mr Bash'ub lb* »uivivang pirtaer, h». aa»r> eWird »iiblbem Me«»r< a - a.» H i LaAK BAY à «i>- PRBBCH.kS «ad ItENBY KINU . 'he -:..-*. . .- conUBBrd arde, the bran ot HEOEM »M. L ABB k Co. it »111 be IM bub art ambtlioB of r*.- b meuiker of o»r Ana to .er.e oar rasioraor» promptly aad faithfully, tag wiib a .arge uKi'src: cf all aruclee appertaiB.ag to -..».. b_«a«a. we «-» tot.drat we eaa do 'eo hi their _ta.r-u» aad «stitft-Qoa The preacriptive d*part*se«t wiil M aad»i IM iaa.dan .-harte of ote of tbr bra. si each «tore «ad bob« bat tb* «u« «otapeteat and espeiaaacM pareoae allewM lo di*pea*a uaM- ii»e* Ltd«! »ay iiic.riai-.M H.. C k Cai New Tork Jsa 1.1a-*. P S .Ost BBBaaflB-B with üae mort Ht AaMt Horn. u «ixoetiaaed ffOB tb» date: ate. far tb« s»nv»ni*«c* of o-_ «wioiirr». ibe rareecriptioa bataata oi No Astor Hoaee bar «be pai: 11 yean will Mteaadsi oar Mate. No FS BroMwiy, «oner Cha-tMre tx. HEAVY rREIGHT for C-LftEI«E£tTON.-ft beadiM tea* Hsaavy BteaBM Mr ta* ahawa part aaay ** ^ t\rO¡TWyiÍm\tmií lOa HaB Braasaatea« Salta o*. IrVa.iioii. AUCTION t'ÈREMFTiJBY aa 1 ¡»DAY.. T! Blfl M asBELL «let« «e.r ».,, ,. TIH MoRNlMi 1*1 »'.'I. k. «I»*« «a» (»tiieh M »a« r»»«y I ». Na P4 *«.*«».«, wn-" «' Iliu»« ik- Ma. at . »»reí»»»' T»»»'»«-*»»«» ' .Va- !«.»: U *-*at il tr«-a, .i --v. flaa» .. « I »'i»: i»w ' Mara « p T.*««*, 12 ird Tt»«e« N O'UMM. *y*T r'-e-a-P'o« ¡--.a-x -. «c« »tad ai*o Reevood. Blaek v»'aat an« ««a g»«y Pa arare. ke sa_e*t".»'d »it* »rxiteie tad »ltr-1-ci. Boaeeo-d tlLry Pi" . I a « ' « » V atofl Table« The M "..* iah m »a« flMB T .». _ ... a » BO*»'«» «rid a >-..'. M -«J Ei.a .a«» aad Mir: an, M I n pr rted f ifir» A C-_ B i >)J ||«j|B | e\ » ;t«4 imaPrnt Y BAN «««¦«. BhfPrilEBA- Co..Trad« Rieim* He II TerKtrm._ BY WAlEEHLHY A DlEK..THIH DAY. T***d*v J»». B »t 'heir .»«re No li Aroad »t « ._**- Bif <_-i-t ir .v e' P.NOLIsH 01 »MlS'O Je VVELBY «Mil« WAÎI H PS E»*ry »rrirl* *r|l| be «o d »"««Ml My nwaiii'i T». . . « »i «v>T.«_enr» pr»<_»iy»i a, »cot». aa« vi.i aitiiia ti.. »»»»y B«M « oa to* -»taloga» «Mid. IMPORTAST ««ALL of ELE« LAST house- KOLO fUBllTfBr PIAN J-PuRrE. TaPEaTBY, CaRPET* MI»Rra««-> BILVP.aWaKE A-.- H. MILBOM »actaoeaeer AAEDNESOaV Jtn B4,aM I'« o' «i SaMBBBM a |. h'"i.e In P-at-H*»» eeiveee Braad»iv »ad Cbtrebd, ro»_»Mr:ia« in part of Haul AA« van. >p««ad«d Ttp«rry Carprtt t.t 'he «.'. Parior Pu-auup. doobi« «i» il f Id loaevood frame« MMSBd ia neo rrt'yi ta n aaM* to .. «Ai*«; Mi-rer». Center »nd «id* T«»¡«* rvaoma-rt PiitoPor»« of on ¡iMt'ooe «nd fi««h -dm» sj -.-.« -. »i-k ear»'« ¡e.« "at »Ve 'a iy varpuiet. "idly R- « . . «Ld Late* A4 lt«»V (I-«--» B* - « -a «t'*afl«, ty oifl mxttaxtt tutor of vh.-a ir« »«ry *xp«»«i»». itaB ' Ml V sass ltd cher m it lie Or- irr»t'« I -t« r..*i R-oto ai ta i* n «_o*iLy. PfLiien Oí»»« Tib e. IS f»»» '¡a'«. Dinir ana Tea r»«ti. '-u: .> .uwvire Silvervtr*. ip.i t. fork« won. Ac Alar »ire. . B«d.-oói_ PaiL.tara eorapnting riMVjod ltd «Lll't« .-. Be a'.'l«!» Hu e. .a a.-.,« VV u-.a'aall sixk Bed» Mi lire ., H a I MM t.-- «. > I il - .LI» :_o_i«i aid meal* Castas On f loiti Bu'tur.: flarakor». Ac TM whole aa« beet bat llttl« a»«d. and Bflrial M « IB.tata M M y mu«!* tasto 11 M . MBJ Every ai..ele »ill be «old WB- BM ti« i'**-» riuerviuon. D'twii* re,uired from *_ tut- citar it_ EÍbbTBT Lnh», Auctioneer. By M H uitDiki i ON TUESDAY, «Ian. '¿li. at 101 .,',:.»k. at th« .tti* MlMraviir. at- « .: *-.No U NaMaaart- Li g«iie*( CABINET tad o'.htr PURNIIX'RE. eo_»r_i«g the moat sBtBBSMs aMortmett «ver ..fje.-ed t>y »4í'¡ III «V .tore, »ter* il tu bee* re_oied for euuveaiecee of Ml» »U: M h r.«»u«4 Siete,, cT.r,.: i lit-, a:-..e ,f «ar. a l-TI*., d, naiil.i, raky cirv«_ Arn, Pa.-L.r aad El_cy Ck.rs: do BMeolic, «.. I.«l»' ««er. .ri«., M«. Slaod. lad C«4»»*. liBM »Ith aa' r. ».-a E .«- . But-'« a. 1 ind CentW Ti tlM Side do Eiieatioa Di.iat routn Tab**, io wiouayle«, P, .I,,»«, We- t.'«'«« lia -.«. .a 0*1 DM ,| 1. Hi « kl.H, «'»aie* il Upeetry Md moioeco; rihavio« 0 «¦¦«, Ptuiea ,«, ( al Leu tat haii I bait«. BateflBri) M Ovan» 4«NM, OieMiag do., »ltk minlu»; anao«ir «-*'«v-» fancy ¦'.,«.. a ax. te»er» »¦.. ( t"«r» >u::e» in »oam»i»d ¦.-d flgaaM vari- ('«.«i^ie« ». d a l.rg» »«»0'tm.nt of other furo ta-* »Il »' ».:-* w.ract'* t tb» Se«t rtn«ii«y A »o «»«ni r yal VV'Uxoo, V »Iyer »id BrniM.. (appela, to !». «eod w-tti-atjt r.»ei»» Il r.»»» H Lsttai, Aaa«iaD«»«r. Hy H H. laBBM * «Jo ON WEDNESDAY, Jaa. mi, at U o'clock, ike mi.-,«.14, So . BaMBM «I -By order of C-.roeliM VV Liwnr.c« tud John B l»-.a|,i.n. aamtatart et Jotto f. 0«iipi..r,e E»a| .decetaed. hMeo'ir. rite»«4 *'i»i Brandt*», M.d-lia», « laiei« Ac The .»rnplM wi «ih'iit.d at oar More oa the n,onn:.g of »al«, aod BM VA'ioa» «eivere« fr.ai i.ae vine lrf» of the «eee*»ed No «Aine« ad«ni"»d »x-»pt thoM acialiy belor.ring 'o th« e»t»te. coeavtttig of ¿v» bittley Mtrcx k Bpiuol 1 Midei.-i vintage lit», do o d Seath S'de «!. delta, black leal; .'Pi oo do, ted teal, H Mtinam» E. Pell'i Piirdy tbaao: tortj yen« c, d. «veiled vi«h ibi ntm«, He« very lopenor Brandy, v.nufle I bo»; l ctM St Ja.iea Caret »inUae 1H44. lTie above vi.l Bold la lot« to it.: pi.- Btoassa A!»o, immediately alter the a'.ov». f.r account of wa-nn t n.ty concern, «¡"'caavi Pre»«.». PrsMl i««:«'..ng of (rn«niM, P.»th<i »u| i.arna,. P'iri 4<: i. ,,»rt i.id '..,*««. .,-. i,»rn,.tiril!) in ed. idipled for faio I, um. witkoat SSMS«»» H»k< H. Lttn». Auctioneer-«t 11. H. LSBM Co. ON WEDNESDAY .Ian. Jt. at loj .iVI.»«*k, at lie- «i.e.r,«an. No lu NtMiu «t. AI» MI a 1S r a A TiJ ft BALE By orner of Solomon h»y«er. ed.aiLUtr.l ,r of ti. K»y* ler.d.c.aaed li« cot re «toek at ttkmwm I.«airy. eoMidiog f «,l.d IP lira: ««id do K.egei i.uti. E»r ri.gi, 8i-m: p t«, »'. .1 i! ».ti nnit Biiuel.e. ;, . a' ¦. -i,, gold P-l.-'I r-..« Chaielame«. Siud« Moat Kir ring« lud Blvast-fto*» Witeb key. ind .Seal. I«||«U «f Tll«M M«** .i.-ti i-«,n, lielj of other Je».|ry; .!»<> tw. lail- loot SifM. fu'nubed vltb driven iniuble for JbviIbii Long Ttbl«. D**t«, Ac ll,e atole lu he »»'1 »libio)' r«-«e:».. A¡»", »n iavoice of valuable gold Chronometer« Lever VA ate lie«, Lei.iLe do entine«.d <io. e.t in «lia-non-i«, and BAtot really »efry lennoved for Mriririri at teat, h-ag th» btltnre it itaoaf« remtlning una id A. n ti« oiati.i. Dritt. Tib.ei **o'i. (»n eioiti«. »nd «ith»r -arfi-e Eurnuar». A » r let' LI o' »torn " ay rotcrrn, Jiifloterj r-1 «o Pencil CMP«. c, it StdC..M, .«¦ _ CEWnfOMAx HIÑE l/oTEL BÁ00A0E and O OB(»l EBIEa-rills liai ¦ . «,.!N., ',: IJ-,. .t com-r »lleeL» ieh, V Tim«», Bate» »ed « i»»'«, 'ag, «» fiat I... .«-.-.. .- .;,:. tt ir ¦ Pii"n»i M»i» ,. mag Mulir.e «¦ tabh, towvB By f«.t or bind, eot »7i, together With * loi ol Sa oa n Pu- ir.«. 'ir « -ne. A - ßrofcooicmal Xoticrs. ABTTF1CIAL I* ils. Tbi« Daj r.-.*eiv«»d. t!,.- >'M!«ni it »I b-ni ui cdI .etton'ot AHTISICIAL 1 IK- . ver iii,;on.d i: t IMiakli th- o«-ort. ey- ex BMly to colniin« expr-wii-n. »ml will ovettl ¦! p-eci-ely like it tea ciu be in»» r(e« »no rtnov.d »I pleMure «naou*. .'. >. gbSeM p«_u or «pertliou Th- 11'eia.teim» JAvlPH >V I'Ovfci.L, O' ull-t mrl | r_ ., Bfl BlMdMBf. DM ( I«. ¡5RÎ8WOLD, So. ni« Wbito-st, will *»i« a, ,.' » M and IraaiTto 10 .rooriSOfl '«> 'i. ¦ ¡.int« «Jftie* »re»cT:ptioo». ia ail oa*M. IMPKOVED ARTIFICIAL TEETH.-Dr. J 1 ALLEN, late Prolee^r M BM O-i .- f llnataa Surgery InTlte» .l|eLi;i,r, |«j ',,« i_pro*a»d Oa»n!h.«l .f c-.iaaatract la» AhTiriCML DENTURES. wWMmmBMmM» fnlloviM adv»ia!igr«: '*! Tl.e#re ttt au »earn» or BBBVMS* lor tat IMfl«MMri "f fo«d »O Vlllll« Ik« aalill or Iklecl 111«: !.re»lk. M »VI «»«« abe lilflh» .Mt moie'ur» e»n get »««'».-« m. le-tk «a«f ulira to An Aitifni») (»am MM i. . Irin ainij nad»«ir*ci»kle m »he u-eta» l* iNVmmI »( » hieb '«-at b.t««en «_.« uoand the« Bsm »I 'en oi.it.. il.m tar.ttly to «aa-h »tii-r anil to lie pale »poo »hieb they «we ».' Th" »nai «mpa»n» to ta» »«e'b tb«l peealiar e»pree«ion and li'»-i'»eia,p.ara_e«i»hie»e»_j-aa-'er_a« the nuarai «an« Sd. Gtrit »treogto "(owned b> thai «mtinfl te» T-*tn lion, ar«« pme ir,d no ordinary fore« la -najücaiiLg :m brvto IBem flom their .-. «to. a ce.i and MBM «-u-uia.i,.'. .1 ririri iM-u.tra. _ U'|«otlL- l.lna- » «tfi clci» b tlavli.i fie :r...d« .f _> ' ei; «_d gun. of i BMBIril >4_ ! th_ fern. Mri -an.ua eeaally idi| ted Th.» p.rfeci aakaptvioo of th« Baae.I leuture pteien*« the bianrlng oa .aiolflej .,,»..-.« :l «f.-ak..« a .'.t..,, uii-i, <rf_-rv-d ia »ereou. ».mag «J-toieial i.otb eh 7*b< na»U!la 'orrt ind etpieaMo«. of utt axaoutb aun «nu !.. reu Ted IL CaM.« «tier, the, l,«V» bee.aua» . ,l.e T: ;i M dune b) me«a* of iddoioLi! at a. t«.i,'DU IB tb« fra«a» V»rl lOppoftkB« the uretri Tile.« »tlactil-eul» ar» *u foirnaM M let brin« ou; the «.¡i.l.n pttrnt ¦ »iad ««aeiair then p't.|»l |KailiOb They Bit -a.lereai »It» lb* »leave Qainee fou r II. Jaoai d «ind »well.» coualNaeeet ,aara« of tbe «»U!«4/e axad «ben tightly formato cannot '.» d«(«c;ed by tbe eloeaat ok i»r-«i IBM Met aod of re«'on«| (»>-eb«.«e t«> »Bair engisa full».««» «aa al«o 'he tain«, nain «_.«! -tpr-«_i-.c ofxh« noatt Md |». hi« bee. ».!' '.»led ».a»ieg s..,,, rotate l«T~C'i' lei'ore u tr.e inth<ttt i-*c»v- r-.r«»»»er«l year» paat. A T».-:.ti A th logiipsie *n« Uigaerreorype 'i|.BBVMri »Hieb bar« heeL '.let, of l*T« CI wttbou! 'hll imp"i»«;.i»lal a__ alato «Ith tt r to .»en it hii Tice »ho«io< in« »r-at -bin«* la «ppnau BBM * h.ch ia priadur.ed In 'he eolkteniLC «a' ll.dl»ld_ll 01» «e«ux« Aentoie» eo«i««iicied upon tbi» p.-aclple «h. k pibli. ate ItTited to callare tmxwxxmt. :.«»«-J)ei *M alau (peclmeuof hie Improved dyl* *l wort, ant roouir.og be it. v. i.tarbnient* hlk Tb* pille« u'ui «y (MftofM for tot« «urk ate pidlaa lb* purity of «hick pieveni«-»ei. ia» MM..« iaml»b ota* pi«Man! t|*te in lie oinuti. In .h'-r' tL» ,j«»o, e.braa» toinv new ind MSB« taat fealur»* «hi P a/» »»«dtly «AMsaM wed by ibo** weirir« attificiaxl d.ntnM. apu» ti.i» «J -, A4 Ith refarene* to tb. ultOty of th« a,.-Bad njrne-oa* i»*ti moBial* dix s'vea froai »min.nt li.ot.w in tb* «»rto« ¦;"r» : -i» Ibi. and aartuem »earing (ha ¦« -t in thi* a_l «Xhareltiea J ALL«."' *.'¦ A" Bnad «t. N Y ti. B .A nail Btmpbi. (»o»X-x»«id Î on apt'licaiioo N. B .A »nail a*Ripbi*t. Miuicin* fa Mfl Barticiiltr*. moi lici SY. B. CÖÖPEB Attoraej and Counselor a Alakom, ( iiu«« t o it ¦« New York. iir.titii t J.C Derk». PuhlaLei N. IIIBsBBSBStj P O. Cl»rt, At ta rrrv »ud f. ooMlor. No. 22» Broadway; Blatchford, Be vtrd A(atu)»r!d A'-.ori e,«. No lila:..«er« ítliercllancons. A M S »I B r C K I N <i II A M~S, No 11 sou-.het. Ne« York, saa «I1AHAM A hfi KISOHAMS. Ile« Orlfaxn* La COMMISSION« MERCHANTR. Aie (¡.pue« ta mal« liberal edvanrxe oa aoangouk.au of » l.itin. Provwtuu. ami *lh*I ptladllC*. »llBel *dd.*M, tt tbutm _ t j. ID LEaE «ud DENTÍ.ST8' (iOED FOIL, Vi »I tbe veiy i< «Mt e*«k pnce* «_o_ Poil «¿a pat m., at tbe Paetory. "»¦ lllKrMkli» »t_J L 'VAUOrt. Orrttt ok TMi <)<j»taioai or tb* alwi Ho.it a Niwïitk Jaa. Il 1436 ( PB0P0BAL8 f.ir BLAT-BO..>«»al.-d pr»»po- M . a ai ke ree'i«.d ht m- ioiero.«'» of tn« k__t rioaae, a- theu iffic«. Reun-a. Park. uo-ii JocIki P M of tbe .Va mt lut lining with had quality of fjiencan Sate ind Nal » tbe Be« «'«I »bop at tn« W'trk Ho«** on B.aea- 4- . la.tL«. AiaM luiag th* elaiter* VltB »ed MltCtald T-C. . iota »: . L Tin tn* l»yu* vtLev i*aing» »u* .»Mhitg* ef bed «beat Lead, ti«- pv'aa«* to aKjiarefoot, aad T :. diim«t«y for furtbir partica . .ail i .: :-.«ir of_ee. vber* «p»4-_catiuM can be wi and the Lo»«!! .'» lei.rve ihe t-.flbi of re-v':;g « p.-op-aari Bol 4"n by ihtm adva*t««eou» lo t.. De*ar*. n**t_ I' H" E HOPE MI L L 8. 4 ' I .:«.«.3ea in I8_i TUE OEI'JINAL PHARM EUT1' AL YEAST POWDEE THE BEST IM UaE DfltvfM Wo». 71 P«,to« 71 HeelaiM.«1 IBS Proat da. WO PKINl EPS »nd NEWSPAPER PROPRI- 1 ETuR>-H hMITH No «tog B7t».«'. Srooalya. MMo'.ca.-.r ,t S...a i HRa-s BULE cat m I ta pic» cae «'rien ef each fr.m 1 aocpv-:! .». *»', «ach «'ace «temped to th* tuet« ! m rot. we flht. lo ptnind*.» _k mar e.aad. CMB. Doit«« it* Wave* Bel» Ol -** Mr paand I.-ad» and BraM < »el«* O«« Co.am» Hi.« repaimd eqaai u acv. Y^EA-arTPl)»'.DER.. B. T. BÄBbrn u MM awtfiaal ttym at lb* CHEMlCaL Vtt«T POWDEB . Back » pr.«re« aad amid ky am m *i.» as «a» a* BPflfltoM «»«t. «ev Y ark mmtrame T*-ii kii sbu'im« Ami .Bet too* «at '.»»« »-»» th« «ka*. ee.o am Bcmosals. REMOVAL..Th« PHENIX FIRE IN3U- xXAMCl COMPANY ef lratl.it kav* tem_v*d Utot N.» Yoit Branch Oflw* to No «4 W¿üot ****** UM« PH1LANDEE »HAVV. I.yilajj iTJalchcs, Jt-orlrri, tTz. HOLIDAY PRESENTS.- RID4", -<"¦ » /.- WaTCHPa : UMOMlkl »MO 'P.W-p'LBT The satiiair.r > .. ., ,.; « -a r iitina» of tka foU-iertag s.-W « «. M recall -r--1- n.11 tn din in« « ill f;7 Jt/LE« JCR.iEVSEN WATCHES *> arrests« p«*4»«-i n«j»e.|.»r.»»i frata.01» 013». ri.» i»»i»!*i rire*« COoPP.t WATCH I.4. tap «I «a« L-rr««, »-«»«t,.S-S--»OT»A 1¡a'MPENi.E»T SECOND. As« Uaarer a>kt_-l ¦* . * 'if'i»ii«itt«t.»;_a)|Pd i'MR, ,s.i«PTEB«T. B-:eM « Bl d P -cket Chmaomeie-a perf*«-*. tune keeper*. .S tau S**» El «»HT DAT WAT*, itfl. w h_B re« tigs: ¿a-. . . -i .eiW-OI-»- EnaMEL VA.ATi.HtS. Pot 'Mua. accea bss*_a« esse«.OU te Oit*. DIAMOND WATCHES. Par ladles. MM ». - «.Wwl*. MAGIC WATCHES. tui ska*«* tsto are- ».'«rest wstcBee.S » *."." W ATCHPS WHICH WIRB -P. «Atetara la» baad* wttUat a k«,.B. to 014» ««VA ano« or «iTcatt «T to» raicat. pine good .'.priNP. watches. 4 Mia.a» PIKE GOLD DETACHED LEVP.RB. SS GOLD ENAMELED »iTidfS tor iM U_wa. S Gi.LD ENGLISH PATENT LBVERS. SS GOLD EN.,Lir.;i PATPNT LP.Vr.Kd aaaiiag catvaa.. M »ILvr» PaTPNT LRTRRRa»U»a* . IS -¡.'.»S DETACHED LEV ESS .* raw *e. Id Las.«*' Go.« Se« lar lap Pia« «ad 8r*ae*!*_. .«IS«*.*-«'» M Ear Binge «I 10 4>. -. 01 ta 0»; t-ar»».. I*» «t Gold Lotte«. «e*. rw. «cd 'oar SjBSBBB. I «» M « *}< IS r.aartl hue». 1* H M «S «-»i-4 ("»gtg.aitt Cbsins. M «a ta II* BJ gvrtfbtuai. » M te iva* O On".'.'..._. « . -..i r- «. full «"-l_:it.|i. S M 7*4 Oca Otard Key». 1 »» S M 0r.d Pel Keyi. î S M ill! Lu. 5 .*» to It OS ¦; ¦!*.¦«.:'.. S M to 3 08 f»Vt..dPe_l_. 1 S3 to 7 0S O.Sd Prn* and P«ac«_l. S M M ISM «o Ring». 7 on to îAo oe Diamond Ear Riaa». ¡7" 00 to 100 M I. ..... Pia*. 13 00 lo J*» Gr.dCTsse«. I SO to It IB . í r ... r. ,g. -.. : « u. is Or..d0'»e»aBun..BS. prr mm.. Í 30 te It ft» Goid Sitad* per «et... ta». 1M la 10 M ¦. « S;»'t«y e, .- r«ir. 3 lo t Ceijl« Pje-irltase«. 173 SOS Si. v.r franca* p«r **t.-.. * *> IM . «.- T. - ..- «« :-- «».. U «M la il'» se ».i Ta- « .«.«. ..»..-.. il M BM « »».- -.;« "r '.-». »»»t« I»»» Silver N'etka Birri» eeeb. 1 Vi u Sa» G g Arni.'r-i for ghCdrea.per psjr.... t M to IM Pig-Gold Blag». 73 M ITS Ckised Gold Km. :¦.¦._ St» 81.ver ThJa'.es. «Iver lop*. 9? IruJ Scarf P-ts. 1 ".> te 7 0S GEORGE C ALLEM. Importar. Who!*«*-* aad Retail No 11 WallaL, Id loor, aesr BroMway. M. T. JtTBnraiu* .iTmi>uni«*B. ÍfORTH AMERICAN FIRE K3UR_Sci_ I COMPANY i.'I. » No I Wall sL. op*t«flU New *t CASH CAPITAL ? JTO.OOa, »lib « large »orpin» afkl» Coapaa, liiaree «g«i«el ¦. «r dam««« by *r» ... B«tai¬ ta«! MirrbiBdi** Skip* <t port »sd tbeir Carpa«*. Hoawhoid Kirs«are »M p»r*t>nai property g«ssiV:y, >t th« *MSglÉSBSÍ rates JAMES W OTIS. Pr*aU**t R W. Biircitl. Seereesry THE PEOPLE'* FIRE INSI'RAN-CE COM« PANT Ol THE CITY OP NEW YOBK. CASH CAPITAL....SI30,0041, w.tfj ainrpliut OlfKtt.Not '.T'n.'kr.a «t tfiiti ?Vilar« M, Ptoperty laterally Ibtured aga.ntt sod duuage Pur«. RI HARD VARICK. Pre-:, .i. VV P. r»ti««HiLL. Brrr*tsry._ PpHt MERCANTILE FIHK LNSCRANCE Co., ft No 114 Brnsdwsy. coraer Joha-et Catfc Capital O'dOO.OOO, i-cu-ly larested. Thl» Company Insur»« again«! Loa» and Dimage by Fir» oa all d»»rrltiii.tg of pinpertT. oa (»vorsb.e terms Jon» Basta IlinftJ, VV'M A. TiiOMSO*. Presk Zoal. COAL ami WOOD INDER C0VER.-HA- ZELTON LElU'.ll. -A »apply of tb» raperisr COAL, fur facloiii« and dnsiMtie -ir. ¦.«-« of all »is««, for »a . by RICHARD MARTIN No. 744 W'eai rid «., a*ar lnth-e,.. and No. 4M Washington-*», C'iOAL..I have now rctiiioii the price of my J r»..t [aal -y ft SI D ASH to th» low price of 04 74 pel tun. deliverW. dry ird wen .crren-d to «ay an1 -r«ry perabe, I a.r. w.'int w«tT«c-ed, nnd»r ;»«»'iy of forfettu-* of M kl tr-itri my yardi. comer of King sad Ore«nwtcn tes or Mo. Ill Dome «t and Î3ib_«t »nd !*th e»_ PETER CLINT MR CvoaLS..I'.ach On-hard, R.-.l or White A__ J g.Ai-r-e a,.... ,... . tsder eoaer Mut. 0«: » ». « «I or f "i»ar «7 JO .»s» fram boa's JAI OB W'BP.RS. ha» ill «.,».*. and HI ¦«-- . »A iTJatt. luit. ÍÍF.l'l t TION oTTerm« will be ma.lt», for the srtl f.ui >i oirtii» fot pat« of me Roam* al !he VV'ATKR I I'f.P South un. wbrre ihe houee warmed "o "i.'.o'it, « . xi t. ».ou u .ii.ia.f. O H. WELLINGTON. _iiLi7" llvbtt ¦¦tev-Torh. DR. SHEW, t |.U(.i! of l'ri'iainitz, nti.l oariioot ArrinictB lutttor »nd pit» titionerm Water Car*.) and Dr 1 A VLOB rrrrlte tah»ot» «t th« ¡srgs «nd -um.u ,1:.>u »»tat il*«uuat aar»«» of uita.*».axel ribth «t fra* l*«iur**ou tl*a.is «vary Saturday e»»i .l« ftleouat. i Cl RE fur RUH MATISM. WM. DAWKS, No 6m etb »,., NY IIAtiNETIC 8ALV«, iTAc a b«t ( urei all Bheum«t:c Ptln». »»»id wbolewale «nd ratait Mr Divri'i »lire la veil lecnmineeded. i* blind, sod big fiu.il, in vant. It will bcacbariuble set to buy uf him. Kd Trtb |_ COSTAR'» RAT, COCKROACH, Ac, EX- TP.RMIN'ATOB DEPOT has rer-.o-ve.) to N». 3AH Broad, wey N Y h*«in| b**s barned «rat by the lire at hie old «tand, No 44» »..»ay A ne» Happy Pamliy on tb« 3d of »¡.'» »'A OIL GOUBAU-f ITALIAN MEDICATED aOAP, core, TAN, PIMPLES. PRECKLE4 P.RL'P- TloNS PALLOW'NESB, CHAPS, CIAPES, kc OOL'R AMD'S roLDBEfJl'BriLE up-0otg hair from low fliiliigj u;ta- ;. «... pi.'t o! It.« b.ady. GOL'RAL'D'4 ROL'.JE, t.. f.r :ia> sud cheek«. GOl'RAl'D'S I14IR DYP.. LILT WHITE, HAIR REJTORATIVE LUBIN S 1 ¡XTRACTd, . r.drhfii« Perfumeries, st the o¡d «etsbiished Depot, No. 87 VV ALKP.R ST first Blur* from Bro«dw»y _Ml» HAYS. Bro.klya LL( Hi::s..-.i 1.1 KM BWBOI8H LEECHES, . irrivrd in prme ord»r. for i»le by J. P I.KW a. Co , Ni. 9>. Maiden lane. Ml.'.-. W. H. MAX\VELL*Orlif.-. for the ex- «Jarato« trr«.n.e,t .f , In aK. ASP.S of V K M ALES, at No 34 Lupeeerd »I Betnediee for f«ui«l» der«ng»m«nts Advtcegrai» Co*»uitat,oi« «nd letter, confidential Country l»trer». coniaininp »i" «»tit wi-Ji »dvir» «nd menirlne by r*- lui« et m»ii H»nrf gu«ranteed in ill cases Patient« pru Ttdid with lajaid ltd our» ri _M-« W M MAXWELL. Midwife tad PhytidM. f THE GREATEST ftlEDICAL DISCOVERY of th* AGE Mi KENNEDY of B «' ..-» ka* dl**oT*rt»d ra oaa of oa, .. a.»» pssisr« weeds a reaady tkal cut»« EVERT KINO »f U ("MOB from ¡A, «evr.l .«.-.'.'_» «Vat« le i ««-*»». ftm^ir rl« ka* tried il ta *»*r «le.«« haadr«d «tsses sad .«,er faiiM Bt-ept la two Saaflfl both thaader baraer He «a» eow ia ki* i »»a ,a e»er twe buedrM eertiScaiae of - », a, all »taie ,. » mile» «r Eso . «'.»»-. wan.«ted to sa re e »i-»-»» tar« aoatb Ob« is--« ko't». »ill ««re tM worst titri of ptarpie* o* t*e 'see Two er tbre« bottle« vtli tirar (be ryttam of -.>« Tv« a-.-¦ a » wsrrsatM lo «.-'-. tM »till mill la tM aoatk lad I'm- «%, Three u .-» . Mttlee an »arrt-ted to etuT ike want ».at of .ryiipsli«. ''». or tvi bait-ea ira varranMd to »are ill .»taor ia tM 8MB Tw» baMMfl ir« «UTsalM le tur« rnmii. g of lba ear, «ad » »u « tM bau- Keur w atg bellies i. « «srraiitad to «are «errnpt aad raanlag airers Ose bottle «fil i. . m», t «rsptlons ef tbe »kia. Tve er tbree bvliiee ai« war rar. led «are tlie w -a «as* cd rlnjwor» I«, or thrtA, boitl*« »a» vamaated io «tu* ta« meet deeper »'» e*«e ef rheamaiuwa Tbree fuur boitiee are warrantM «are aait rhavra. » ve 'o » « rtattiee w«ll ear» the vorn *«.» of .»- -*-i a. A bearti« a alvtyt »tperieneed rrea tbe tint tottle. kadga perfect cur» a ¦»«'.-:- war« th« ah««« i«gatity « tase« V-'.t 11 !«.«ost to in.pr.ksbl« te tbeee who bare ia ra.» triad ail Le» »Lderfail mrd-c.a»» of tb« d«, as tost « common vead growtag ob Ike pastsrr« aad along *;d «toa« wall«, «boald «ara »t»ry turrar to tb»»T»tem, yet u I* « 9ltd fact If y*u bars . baater, B -uiitur. Tbrsaar« bo ifs soi «sels bea« aor tafl ftbe.t .1 «a.'.lag BLOae cas*, bat not y ,ura I peddlM *,«r s vi 'rasad b»rtl»* of it is tM v.ciat.y of BtttAoa I ksew t«e . fa. a »v-rv t*** It teg al ready BBM «mn« of aM BgatrMM e«rri «rer » .- _._*-...»:. Ig«»« it . «...j-.a b .,»t o d a oit profit a i-j I Mr* eeee ate» posy, ¦ » » , a ¦ -r. .«..¦ ». at- r««n «k» wft *«d Issky, ra « »r« t«. s peif-ct eta,a ,f hea.t- by une eoctta To «. vbo «.-« «- - tu ¦ . -i leMsrbe ess Mttle arfH . -... .«.« It i-'ii-m: a " n tt a-ru ui ,,u it« vu.« »-. live tabea tt k*v* beee «oe::,e for year» a.« aare regaisted by It W bere tue rjody » »,«». j it vert» «s-i* a*sy. Mt wkare there ti any d*rsst»aiSBt of tas faacuo.« off oa-.-» t »n. «i «» ,»ry iiti'.'ar Steiiag, but j-n au aai tui'i tbey al wivt «.-.ppear rram tout dsysto a »aM Thar» ig .«irr « brad r»«».*t rrea it tM coatrary »ku llu f*al» »« is i yoa » - feel yoarsslf ilks s saw paraua. I kaard ..ta« of :t« a~a: aaf-irigsat saccialaau sf .i r__l svar «_a« ¦ateMaite kai'atci by DONALD KEMXEDT Na UB War., « Batkary Msss P »8 WhoieaJ* Ag*su for New York: C T CLICKENE* k Co Ho M t». .».« i HABLE* II RING Ha 111 duad»*»« A B bl) SANDS No :»l VV'.. Mir.-«t a»! ' r «,. ,| laul ta »i B»»p».i»kJ» rj'«gi'.-s «rru««botil tM I'na (ÙCtXm SUtaaBtTTB, *9t. NEW-VORKiDd CALIFORNIA STEAMSIP LINE, ra Nicaraga« tM Acaaao.» Traaat Coap«_iy, k tarft«-« Bn-prr.'.-r, Th« ».«adld d .T««l' «Cgia« «g««ft,«Bip NOBTHEBN LIGHT, 2.4»0 rV_a birdea Cap«. E. L. Ttati*- ...gc» lea,, - re Piar No 1 Hearth River, at I e-elcloM Y M prsjA-aa-y. for Paste Areas*, oa SATUBOAT, Ja«. ÍT, lAai. ccsacct.g »tth the favorita «teeraahip SIERRA NEVA DA. llitui bardaa. ov«r tM Nxsrigras TnartU route ha» gag bat IS aatlea ef -aad aaasportaUaa by trtt-c_w carrlag«. Tb«se »tea_.ers ara jflBBBBBBTal ia tbeu vec-laB«a aad MBBBB t Pee tatana..as or paaaasa «pay only te CHAS MOBUaV.«4 Agaot ÑV < B<,»¡i«g gr_k_ hag» aate ap at BBS 88aa- Laturi ¡B teau per k_f FOR CHAKLFSTON and FL< ÏRIDA-^E-I- MMBEJ-i I « MAIL LI IP. -Th« a»v and fa« « »« a»e»a_e-p ».xR:"*« »» «ar 'aaaiMii « .«»« »¦.« Ne. 4 N B at VAfDNPSOkT l«ri ->» »« » «"' -ek P M ppvewely. Pw trennt apry M aoard. v-»rri ail ktiM jf ad a» will k* atamat ted Mr iia.ag» :»e oMî* to .POIFOB1 IlLt-rtJ« a Co Nj !»Bre"»d»»y Tbro_tbr.. «'-_--. rU'dlriMI**!: JicU-ivUI*.*»; ._ Pi iki »ta Tfc. SO'TtiBENEB «.. «»:<:*»* aad ..».ve an SATURDAY. Jaa T. Oi } AN -1 E.AM NAYICATI'-S -MPASY- P«w BREMEN »la B4»I T»4 A «4 »T«»S -Tb« -d «MM'M V»:l-t'i*«* P HEBMaN*» T «.¦»,»».. »oia-iodep will «i. »cr BREMEN tooehmg it ¦»"! TH , ripn».'-. !»*d th* mai- «IS paawesttn *-r t.ng «a« to« f-ttra »a SAria¡- DiV .'_. r at He oet M f*»e» Pwt **. .- *a»-.k River, pan P. Of Passa JE Pr-m Ne« York to Scetb.Bptoa et Br-rr-« E .rd Celta. Mala 9_.«B.»Ito Is Em Cabi«. Lo»e« >^oori.? raieeoad Cabin. M Aa tpei.eaeed targe«« i* alt.che« to »ach M. .kpeci» de ivrad la Havre or Loadoaa. A -r« nut p»m throash tb* Ptot Ofic*. p.r £r»:»tt or ;«_.»««. »PP-J Id C. H. 84ND Agent. No So»tb W..::_« «_ TV* »reamer WASHINGTON .*_ eacaoad tb* U«ta_i, ea¿ M Keb. M /inanriol. C BY BIMI O S DRAPER- Offie« N«> Pia»«., ,-oraer to V4";;;i,a__-rT7ESDAT. B «ui;«) »cloak. M toe March**.» Ex*k*axfl*. f-r etcvual » »ay evno»ra: A Dividend Sertp of one and a half »hire» Mrfh./ee C«Mtral Raiifite flt««fc. in« ihare» i'unwiti »ad f MbbM Rai'rnad B'»' Mih. ..-«. r. . -.-a- -«.»-. » t- tt.nt- 1 per cent lit rrorrtata Ban«!* ef Ik* Bátalo, Car« in« and Ne» York Baiiraad C«. da* Ito. liter»-! payakl* May ',.«¦¦ No» Id. BMM »S.i *C:tyof M*«xrhi» I percent. Bosd«, Its* lto*». Bl.**» »ach. fl'-MC.' par ceat. Coupoa Bond« of tb« But* of P*__yl- vtnla tat ,-rr. Ictered payable Ke. ruary lot u 1 Aaflad »M f (Ceacb. l.*C ibarM L'nica Oold M.nlBg Co »5 each. X< thetee BuidMll Oold and e opt»*' Co. 01 each. »3 f«0 IllisoM fMirai Bai. road 7 p-1 cent. Beoda, do* If). g 1 k»3C eeetk._ MBCB_aCe AS» T*ADS»t' Stellst ISSTITl-TIOI, 1 Dap* HI ISA«. I DIVIDEND.. The Mfchaui.-s' »nd Trad«»ra' Saviasi Infíitunai h*»edec.ar*d iselr ataal SEMI AN- M'AI. DIV II'END o al: Jipo«** «atiiled there:) at the rite .' SIX ill PER I'ENT :-: a**tun. on i «am» of 0 Mfl and «a der. and PlVEli) PER CENT on ell «um» av*.- tht: u,«l payable oa in.-. alter lb* Sd da» of Jmiuuv atxt Dividas.«* not »*..«* foi «ill aira» inteiMt th. Mote m Mtaeipal. ALFRED T CONKLIN. P.- .aa.. JiMti P HiiOHT. Beeret*.._ MARKET FIB aUNWlill'l COMPAST DIV IDEND.-Th* Board of Direet-r» have tbu day d* e.a.-: a Se:.. A-s.t. Dividend of POUR PER Ct*4» jo -.he CiLaUifltock of tb* Conipway. pivahl* on tad a'tei atHh u_C By «der A»H-E TAILORJS«trda.-v Ne» foik. Ja*naiy 9. It»_ ornes or ths St:o»«t> ** Railbo»o Co.j Nsw-Yo««. Jin 15 rfaS. I THE ANNUAL ELECTION lor DIRECTORS of tbia f ov.pMT O. ¡>* held oa MONDAY, (febniry 51 next, it lb« obV« of the Ccmpaay, No. 3* Bowery, from II o'clock til! 1 Tb* Tran*fer Bo. wi.l ha tiutai Croat . Kb lad. until after -.be eleclioa. By order. P. C. BOUEBfl, fleavtary. Aactic Fibs lasaBatei Coarui», i Office No 1* WeM et. ( THE BOARD of DIRECTORS ,.f tin. Cm- pui hare ihi* dtp declired t tetul tnntttl iridas-id of »ii per cent.. payable to IB* «toethotder» on tad líber SAT BRUAY. th» 13t_ _*x.-Niw Yor«. Jaa 10. 14VJ RICHARD A. OARLEY. .S^retary. Orn«-* or R*»t»Lic Pit* laietti * C0..1 No. 71 V4allot.. Jin il. IS«. «. THE TRUSTEES tt tl,i« Company ha*p» I'll IS DAY de .are«. :n conformity »ith 'her Chirtir, t dirt deed of POUR AND THREE QUARTERS PER vENT OB tbeir Cipittl Stock, paytblt, oa dimaad. ti the «Bar« boldei» in cub and »cup. Aci i->» * forth«! dividend of TWENTY PER CENT. lie in «crip to the iMcred oa all premium« on the PolicM _«0"i by th « ( ,u,|ti« «Li I- have t*rmin*l*d w.u.». ih* :'. « > . ' Mdinfl 3!it D*c»niber ... F fi»«v See. ROBKBT S HONE President The ( ker'er of tbi* f ui*»uy proitdM ihd. after p*yiu( in- t.r.tt te it« .' irebo'.der» »J the r»te of »in i'»r cent |a»« »i aem. the r.meieinfl btoSi* it* to Be touuillydivided batveea tk»m aad ih» nolle» nrld.. in aerip hearing inu-ra»« wtii.-k .»rip i* not r0 be pa d at until th« eel pr».nt* t,»a*iher wit« the Batatal «ta<k ihtil exceed QBe million cf d<M!»rt_ urrit* or th» On »xi i»o CHit'*u«ïT*»io« R it I C'Wpi.» Ihieate Jaeaary 10. IAV> I N'OTkCE OP DIVIDEND..Sotire horeby Itvea te ite STft« K HOLDER 4 ..I 'he OALENA »ad CBICAOO I Nl.iN RAILR04D KlMPANY. ihm DIVI¬ DEND of FIVE PER CENT, upon'he etpiial «'«<k of the Company, for theil» mouihieBdir.fl Kehraary I45.A hiiri>i deedtrtd. payable on the t»nth «it of K.nr'iary a.tt. la "t- tifictt** h»*ri-fl d»t* F-bin*iy 1 I'M, to tMU-d the Sec rotary, which certiticttM vil' be redeemabl. in ceih on the but diy oi Kehruiry. 1«"«. wna inrereit *t the rate of ten per cent. oar mnaiu. order of th« Bo»-d of l)tr«etor« _ IV M LABBABEE. MoMtsry._ ÑBv. Vosa, January B, 1MB K 01 ICE..A special ni.»etiiifl of thtv »Sto«-dhol<|. ertot '.h- ALBION MININO fOMPANY «ill ho h«ld on the Sid «*., »t I o'clock,« lb* otic, ol lb* «Compiny, No. M Merchant»» Etching* «... w | Bt'TTERWORTH, B«M-r*t»j7 .Örric« or th* Ii LixottTfraniL RiilioiO f «impía», i Nt-a- Y'.t Juni; IE 1MB ! THE ILLINOIS (UNIKAL RAILKOAD < «IMPANY pr.,!«»* to .-I! THREE MILLION* OF DOLLARS HE THUB Kk ' L4NI» >Ni»a. «eeored by .- .«' '.lietr I.irii ai'ual.d wt'hln lie State ol I. in .«. Tie«* lud» lie eu bo'h .'le. of the ( h a|» Hranch «at the . Ltril Bulrttd, tnd er« raised it 01.'»J>».'"«». Th«M Bond» «Me the tint and only lies upoa Mid ¡mm. Th. Bond« ir« for *o* IhouMud dolltri eieh. tnd be»r la terrd it th« tete of 7 per te: t.. par anauin. payable ««ml ai'Loaaiiy on ihr hr« ,:«, of Mircti *nd September in th« Oli.y of .'«.«York Tb* piii.cipal i* pajakle on th« flrd of S*pt-, HiaO. IBMidcty. The bund» »11! received t* cath tt par in paym.int f ,r tb*M taiada, it the punhaaei t., *l*at at lb* Uui* of making taa purekaM Th. land» »ill be a»U foilhvilh, and th. pioeeto < f the Miel depuelted In «ouie i»l« ni,iii'i-ii iiialtliKi in by (be 'I .,..'».. and «| piled to th« purehM« «f th. II. od« a! the wal¬ ks! ra'e« »a long m il.« can kought at per or molar The Company farther «ader to the «ohaeririer» to tht» .»an the option to »nbectibe for twenty-one thooMnd ihiree of lb« »lock, on or before the fad diy of lioaaery l»>» by payios 'ho m»-mii 'tt« which »bill hive team levied upon tbedoek of'he t ompeny priar to tb*t dite. The dock t> '.« iMi-d m »a« proportion ol fete* «hire» to itch bond of on* tho'iiaxnd J «i Tt» mtereit on tbe Bond» to be tiljait'd it the dtp of pay n en» of the leipeetlve initillexent*. Aoy obtigttion of the Company mafirfng wi hin to day* cf th« |eriod«at which tbe indallment» become due, »111 be ro¬ te.sed on «ecoant thereof, deducting interMt tbereoa at the rate of 7 per cot. pet i_l urn Tbe foupany having tlready received «ubocriptioM for tUti.fOti of ibeM Bond« tt MTenty percent., and iMervod »i i... if. for their 8tw k and Bondholde«* in Barupe, »ill ro- ceiie «utwripiiona M the Mm« rarixper cent f«r tb* bilaae*. at their OBic No *- Wail d uulB the ¿Ath day of J.oaaiy. Trie paymeaii for labecrlplior. »ill bo received ia iu»t_>l- V -I -.* ae » per teat on the 77th lad 10 per cent on th» th ./rbratry neat. 30 percent on th« l"th Miren n«tt. 10 per cent, on th« l»tb April next. 1* per cent, on the lt»b A-.gm» a«xt. 3») per c»nt. on the I'ah Saptember next. lu jer cent, oa th« loth Oetoaar a*xt. 10 per cent, on th« 10th November next. 8nb*cr1h*n may ex any time previo to the tadarity of tba final Indallment«. pay lb* vhole or any portion of the inttali- fxent* dae, and lec.ive Bond« for tbe iiaxao. Five per cent of th. amount labccrltwd will ia« rattinod iu- Ml the lammt of tb* lut lniu.lu.'ut. A ful, report of lb* proapeet* *nd fiaineM of th« Couipa.y bu JUII '»en ¡.',,.«iied for wbieb and further oiforo.ali.i ra- .pectl.g the pr, pa«ed i*m, application nay he mad* at ill« office of the fotnpeny. J N PERKINS Tieaaurer Olllt» Or THt iLLIIa!« (tiltil. RalLIOlIa Ni* V .«a Jinoaiv üi IIM ( THE EXECUTIVE COMUITTEE of tbi» COMPANY attftott the attention of the pe-aiea iat*r*d*d to tb* following preamble aad 'e*olu'.i..n BaMto thi«d«y: It St.ni. The«. .IUU ,.11 lb« ok» Ihel lllüol* C*oi4-»l B*il- ro*d llouipaav 1.349 iharM of th* dock of «»ad Coapaoy. apoa vhicb * only hat be.« pud «naing la »ar». from light« Uiaab. .erih« vhieh termiuued oa Id Juaary up.u wheb ngha on'v »5 err «hue ba.n an»eMad Ele il he..l»-d Hit in SMeMment of 01" per «bare ha levied of on »be dock, on »hieb obit ? i per «bare bu beea BMiwid, ptyirle it tba Oif.c« «fthi« Company on or prurto !d Peb- rcarv.iun «nd that the bolder* of »II deli«q»*»t ibarM bo hereby aotixied to ctmp.y vitb the aaMMmcoU Uv.ed «pin their dock._. Orrit* or ths D»liv«bb, Lackivisa ho > WriTlia Railboao Co No Walla«.. \ Nev York. Ju I«, -.. ) OAS of 1900,0Ä.Tie B«iard of Mixa^fr* of thli Company in paraaance of toe ttnannaoua «xetioa of th« Stockho den d their Id« annual maetlnfl. kav .-«¦.. to kerne tb« SEVEN PEE CENT CONVERTIBLE MuRP OAOE BOND! of the Company to 'he amount of 01"" Mt -a n.n_ of 01 Oe* tut riicej each. h«vmg t »enty year» to no -the rrivilcge ot converting ;a'o dock being limited to Aflflfl I. W«'.vitb ia ample »inking fond provided for t*t« »«?.-¦ '. Mid Buad* at tbeir luitur ty Tla-i» Bond« ar-. now otftred to ti- --'«:.» der» in proportion Ua th« i,i.,e of »Kick U4 by them rMpacuydy oa th« ,«ld«y ot luiiui :u: upon term« «ii.n will be made known at the office A tbe Compcuy p«.. «t,o 'i.', reaioing ia the City of New York »re re |uMt«.l to «laset, to'ale thrr pro rat«, oner before aaxaxaamf th« 20»b m«-., by notice to the indiingnM and ti.atn reanding nl»o- »Lvrewil. b* »peeled to elatct. by letter, unai»«i.»i».y .p».« Ote receipt of Bo'ice The fint indii.iL.Lt f 4*'per e«r* »ill bo r.«)«nr.d on the Id *ty of Dehruary MOB, tad tbe balance in montniy inittil- men!» tharaatter. of In per e*nt M:h. Sack of the Bond* u ma) not taken by the Stockholder* v.tn.n tbe t_u« above aamed. «nil be ajuprved »if under tbe di¬ rection of tb* Finance «Uoinmitxee it n»t Imb _tn tbe prtc» otigmal.y i ; for tbe Mino By order. . WM E W-ARREN, Ti-euwrM. VORTH CAROLINA COPPER COM PAN Y- It A meeting of tbe Btoctholden of the NORTH aR »LI NA COPPER COMPANY will oe bcl«»B it No. Pe«rid , .o WEDNESDAY seat, at: P M Mr BLOAN.ihe TTM*»*e. «ill b* prtteat and r.ady to a_iver any il-j-i..--.». :e*p«. : ag tb* property of the Comf-uiy. A ¦.aarai itunattnce la ra-iaaat- ed. Bignod,_N K ANTHONY Pr*dd*«t. I" RMSO 8AVIS0.S ISST1TUTIOS, So. % WarrcB-tt one door from frrraov-.to..«Jpaa daily from 10 A. M. to 1 and 4 to 7 P ML lotered at lb* rate of I per casL *llow«->d '.n til niu fro« ai temió» The fand« f-h_ toMBBM.i are »aiear-ly tcve«'.ed in So_i« aad Montage« in tb* City to New York, wortb diubi* tria BMoaat _»»aatd, i_« in Boarii ef tb_ City. CALEB E WOODUULL PnvldeaU ._M. D VAM PELT. Vic* Prorid.nl. CM. CLAY i CO. . BANKER». CitnciM.Ci.4T. . N*. to Bad TblrtOa. Dario 8 Oooolo», > Belov W_a«t WiLAUM H Baa»Q- |_ËË_Ë___f__ FIRST MORTGAGE« oo CITY IMPROVED PBOPEBTT. bav_g Mt a ittorl ttrno to rxta, w.'te Bar. c-BMd by ROtWELL O PIEECE. eatmet at Pt_aw_ *_d Bivadway, Bsdat tte M«tT»fle_taa S«__ L VEW YORK CPNTRAL RVILR>vn COM- i.^ PANV TBEkafaERa npr. r. »,..., ,,£ '. lKk»_r». ,.e*a, bar« ««¦!.- «g . rt-"_a .N .' *P»S *T ,.- «.a.,, _a.\s!l»sw C»ll .1 f«e t-l^ra-Bgaanetk. ., -, .,,1». _»,.,,k _. ;7_""_ r'.li« tas« p»a,a»**.«».....oK-»iat.d kg»a..v«f _»*e«»e per eeai a»»»-- ...e »p-a «_,w. »« i», , ay pa?»»"»»» »M «-. r_ta« a«*rT >' . a. k_»_ lo'er» «,'tor-rrO c»*t *a tr« irat «lend being a-te lor re Bart ci »l'easc»» e-a*li,|j»» «««.rr-g ArtgAad o' «eaa s*ar A.guet ..a aa«t t. rJa. «,...,_) BtouZ made ^ th., ««.»sa, th.TTaaliJ tic« PS CSf tkl IC«. U*l ek-S to».a »i t. g_, _,. . *\»e pan y s mm» a. tk«y cea be »eg pj aot ,m ,g_, p r-a- t i .a. .. tptalard to paa the ««_ ,»., girttaasj, ^.a!,-Ü a. «ay u*t be ,<i<al»te, ,. ifc, -ti . i L. . . _*? s - "-»I.»».« »b*a*»»i ia.g. a. « .a.a-wat fcr ibw »¦_».¦». cl lue park*** «o»e», aad tea» i»o.> w»Y. «a. m%. »eile l\*ir ai,v*»a«V, 'or th* pa-pa.e of making ap fall «-,«!.. Tb* C*»p»«a KM« ref.fr»« te ar» «*' lb« a«« -i. .a...«, at Oí.«* aad ».***.; Ml for tb» roav.eameA» «f «rlt ,- , p.,, »a 'i-' »»a» wall k. ma», -a QlM |««,Ttlkbl «.«,«,,. .».!,, ei»B'»*arr vth *»'.-»*. ravkMe »ear «arma* y *c pe «ea'ei »a »Ir«»«* be-rtrStA«»« Icf-Mtl i-ap»<ve-*» '-«-|. ¦¦ritV OB M'recder » itfhcttf o»roter ter ttet *»-*.«.». A.I tr» Becd»» ¦.. «A»«r ttt»ratet al eea«r« pvrceet per HflMMI ft««! th» lit o' Pebrntrr a«tt. payable eettf are i«.«y «a ik* I3tk diy ot Jbb* *rd D«eaaa«a» « aaab year Tva tat*r*st .* tb« A,gut divtalend t.. in aoaUkito 1«( Erkrasry sag: «tri M paid ib cash BoBda for rateckkoldrr, who aav prefer par»B«*t*i ta*a m abc*» k'tlaoD^ w.i: be r»*dy tor d«Mr*rv »si th- «el«.'«« aa tbAM. A,««at d.vaata*4 » :i », ^tm », ta_ ,,_,.. t ,. ,_ _, M «htcfe : ..ii atovb :. re«»'.«sal. ea tb* 1st '«« f P.briary aril oiMSuaia UarttJUi « lb« and«.! .«.«.! So*_ cea b. p »i-«i-»g i' ljI It»» ;0.pleted «htck ear y a oA»!*«iB M gl«e«. Traaefoi Bo»k« >f Bat OBbSBBR w.ll ,.«. ., ia* «1 era »I baafoia« ot tM »tb .axl aad ,.|.a .«« la* a ll.v «a» Ike »on p.etio* .( tie <iv«i*** !l*<* «aad B.>«. ae « .-.- -, tasaeal By erdet of lb* Bea-d _JOHNV L KBITNTAraaearer. PARTIES htildins HILLS or DRAFTS draw* b, DREXKL SATHRB ft CHÜBC i.iaii .__, Cal, payabl* «a lije Or.as B*ak of 1.ia Cllv. ar» |.,inl M pieaaat th* .«_- for ,.,-,. _ J. T VAN VrLRlg*' a BEAD, Me. at Watt««. CTOCKS BOUGHT ami souv ttoteûs si kj* ccnD.lf.nia. by A W. OREBNLBAP >* I a .' ... $«>¦_ i M |4|- To LOAN in sl'MSt.» «ail «as>*Ft\flrTP tpf f.'r'i. on Lcprved ttt» frBtTMBM or Brat «lea M»»rtga»re» pra*a_BT»rl Add.-ea* parpad I R M.t Mettvpo.'tta Pos' Oft.-». BiM»- H cm*. No k'oker s-ed apply. ii Crg-i XcMur« Is th« ra-.fttter of th« SALE of th« Kk'.AL E»T*TE ot WIL. LIAM IRWIN decae«*«, tor th» pavui .1 ot r a». * EXECUTORS' SALE. . In purvmauo« of »a order of ihr *>u*Togab» of tM Couu., «( Naw Y».|. dated th« ttBlk d«g of Jaauagy It!» «M uu.'.uaot ¡o »tat« « tr* MArriiEVV MLLE.N aud PA7R CE rBA'Y P.a.i.i.r.«, tks MM will «ad t.*itu-*.i of WILLIAM IRWIN at. o'lk« Ca« i f N. » Y k de. ».«-« w, *»il »t pub I,- aacil i ftiiaa M*t «aru Eaebaag* ia lb. lit, of N-w Y it. M ts* it» ds» ol March neu. al It oV«««:k at i,a« hi» lowi.g d*- .ci'bvd Lsn.-.**»ii Bailo d««. aitaated la the Tw»atelb {tale Mat*«, ih. W*«d ol tb* . liy of N.w-Y-.ik. aan-iy All ir-.t c-rt»io lot, piece or r»l of lead, wiirt iba Si g i»r» tbrrete «ito»I». lyiag «r* ateieg in te« Twrati-ik Ian« «ut»««t>i VV»at| of th» t ». N-w York, »oowo aai deti« guebee on e rertata map prate nabar i-cris-i {til tut Aotjridfd ». loll»», to wtt rlegani*» ei . point an tb» tastgat v «rde of the Tetta avrnae -utitl fnr'v Bit-'»«I |v» iBcke» north»riy fri rr. tbr Lorth-rly .id» M Thirty «igiii «g , ta**c« r*_tri!| eiitetif psrtll«! to Thirty rlihtk «t on« hii.drei f»*t, th.LC» rjcrttrr:» pitkJlel to tb* T*BIB tveeu«, IVtat. fun Met «Lght iBcbe», thtace w*»;r/(T pars.'»: Tltirly ».gtiife. .treet oae bUBalr, Jfr.1 to kr -a»t«r¡v »l.leof ihaTegik »»-*«*, tforiesid std ibsncs *,u'b«»ily k, ti lb« ««.In y « d* of ik« T»a ;!. kteaue, iwri.iy f,,ur fe«i »ad ei.hl Ib««m« t.i tae » ece et hegii i. >.g Tbe m pruveuteni* *a »aid Ra*i E«ia'* o»a»*a*t of two Praaae Dw»:in,«. aad Otaaaa, «ad «r* rgaMaafl io « a.rp gag* of .ev.n hnnitiat» d. !!.¦. T»iin* r*ih liaieai Jeeaery ö ll.v» MATTHEW al.i.b.N , M ..wtwTa PaTBICK IB«' v 1 * f" IN ITiRSLANCE ot ao order of tbe8umiKat« ef tb* CcrBBty of B*w York, notic« IS b«reby give« tj all por a.n* hating claáinaasairuii JOH.N C. KOBKHr*ON I.I« of «Jka Cil) »f New York decetsed. to rreaen« th« «»a, with «««efe. .S« th. i .a.f. to tM «olKiibei. si bi» office, No. 10 Blrlugi.« «A la tb« City of New York, ot oi Mfur* tb* twenty sulk day ,,f Julv ,-n ,. j New-York the tw* it. e-c niJ 1«. 4 Jamar, \VA JOHN H ROBRRftON jail lawduiTu* _AdiulBl-Aaata^ IN IT RSl'ANCE ol an or.l.-r .if th» Sijrriisfata of th* i «tuory nf New Y rk ttott» . » hereky gtvea to all perton« having claims assitiM M LIAM M r»r- H V'4, IM« of the -.«y of Nr» V t ---hfii, 4*reaeed. to pre***g th« »an » »lib voucher, fherr t t.. tbr luWnMri. At tb« iBo» ot Jahn V*n Arada.». No. 11 Maiden Use. la lb« DM) M *<iw- York ot nr before the Uth dsv <f Jalp B.tL D«:*d N«» Yuik. the nth day oi !«¦. m.'a I'»' JOHN V Ai AR*0ALP. P.»»eak»r jsi.9 IswfimTa LAI KA A PELLO WS, BstxetrM IN IT'RSl'ANCE of an onlcr ..! tho Stirrtbiata of Uie Cueaty nf New b .»rk N»n. - hen by giv.a 'o a P -.,..-.»., ,a»:i . a«a»»«i I" \Nlb il SANOS .'» "k* bty «I Nrw-T'iik. Ir. *««.'d, te pree»'ii tb» Mat« wn'i ttmtf *r* th*r«e( to tbe lurarr.ber, at hw oSi.e Me IT iirbo «greet, m the I ity ut New Y..W. on or befoT» the iw-nty a»v»otk 4*f »sit b seal Dated New Tork the g*Kh d«r ' *»; '«mkarr 1&V4. MELANCTHON L SElMoCB b.t- .cor t.» itw*reT»i I N FÜB8UANCE ol au order ol th.» SiirretTSte ,f the County el N»w Yolk un!«« i, her»1!« glr*A l* «| perioei* havii« ¦'.n« .' HENRY M P'lAHb Y at* ei tb» City N«w-Y.«'l, deceased t.,«««nl ih* s...a »ufe ». nchrr, ib«re<f lo fete »oba-t«»»r *t In* reaideoc*. III ( Union.ptftc» in lb* Cut of N»w Y.k ..n .»r h»f.ir* th* tttfe da, »1 ksbrusry s»«t.-P«ted N»w Y-a ".«Mi lav of Vigest, I»* CHARLES Mb .an« Ï Pi- it.«- «a« laaremTa _ KOTICE of APPLICATION f«.r the atttohaajl of an li.sioteiii f. .n, hi. .let.i« punuani lu tk* piovwin» oi tie third attli I*, of the flr.t ill», of th* til h r-i«pi»i, .fib* .e.oad part, ,.f th. ll««i*ad Statut»« -Cil ABLE« MOURI», ol the Cl.y of New Tick Ratea» h »¦ pit» atbad n»c..o'»»i II, IHM. Cfaditors t.. .i|«»*r k*fiiie th» Hoi. VV»I, na* B S**ke, City jAiigeof tb* I ny and Couiiiy of New York «I OBBM» b«r»ln the ( ify llsli In lb* CUT of New-V'lH. oo ts* Ibird d«y oi M*rcb. ISA*, at I.- . A M A B DYKTT Attorney f.,r IaatSMM :.* «- «.I. Ra ryan row. N«» Terfc. CVjPBEME COURT..In the matter. A.:.,ef kjl the Konketh. cktr Bank. Ac.N.,fn « i. heaby gi«»a, p .iniii.t to the itkt.it»a m tuch cl«* mal» «nd p. ivilad. ka, in puiUBBCr of tu oidei ol th.i Reg I J .*«»»': . JM lice f .«.! Cm t dulv n.ade In fui mailer thai all Rbîiil TOBM (lb Tl'b: KNICKP."BOt KP.B HANK ,f ¦¦-t t «f New Yolk, «re I.en -i, r*t|*lr«d lo »tbiblt and snii'sbiut .1. naioi. helot« Ihe I nited MUteM Tru»f »inpti.y »' «i.« Yoit K»'.it«r "f .«id Buk. .1 ..Id C.iiiitaaiiy'. ..IB'- ft VV, .' in the City of New York wWbli.i 'hi, y day. folffi iM date of this notice. D«n«d New Y .«. »«¦.i» IS fab* I »«b.l'll I. VI» H." A, K PreMdent of lb» I' B. 1'iast Co of New York Jc«» A. Sti»««t, Sectelary._ja« ted Sl'PRF.MK COI RI..In tin» ii.attr.r ol nia, .«- plica.uu of .i* Mayoi. Aid a. men »lad CaaoaoBaltt of ta» City of N«« Yolk, aelatlT» to tb« OPENING OK ONE UL'N DKED AND THIRTY TUIRDBf from ._, 411» «, mh ttb-s«. Ibe aaderilgnad ConiuilMtonert of Eartlinsia ».id aaae aient la lb« «boa« rati-ed ..,« ter besreii, give aotlea ». ÜM ,»,,.! or ¦¦»..»,» occepsot ol ,- a -tnU ol «If «otieat» «ad »aats, a/>d uvipto,*« »ot Buioiproved land* »ff»ct«d tn»«t«ht «ad W sll oiber» whom It may ooaeern, «a :.-»». Ui wit: Piral.That » - b*t« cuo.pteiad otar E*tiut»ie «ad A » mm and ihat «it per*»*, »v u..«r-«t* a/« «*. »«d ttaeisi.y «a» «no may he opf>o*'d lo -'. «agne «lo pr.»»!,i tti»»a iaj»-.j,ara, tnwrllt«», duly t-T.-d to JOHN 6 HOLMES "¦», ea : l.s.rir a., at the »ft, » ol th« Commis.«oner. No *d (Tka» >-r» «t «».i.« «tory. V.n« ...oí-i la tki» city, oa or »Mai U.» fourtb dit of liniAiry, I'V, Heeoad- Tbat any perton or p.«» m va« aay «saaMl tt »-.'. «riv»« ftggro v-.i by tard K..!la»«ie and A«*e«,faa«a(, wSI bt beard la oppoeltloe to tbe ta.ie, befar* at, it «a« «a« pleee M ». rio- k P M. ot th» lit* dar of Jenaar». I*- Third That tk« abarra I of lb« «Bad Kit! ia'» «a« Aaa* * eut un. lier with our i..ifcB ««id »'«-. «t tb» «rhd«riM. »s» asu* snd oiler duatanaaats whlcfe «aare need by ta uni«« ¦»'j'report h»ve keen il.po.lt.d tbe rltgeat C'.«iinia«.i«a'l «)«Tre .!,« ritt »od. r..,MU,y of N«v Yogk. tbU« to rauaal» «I l'Ail day of Pablo»!» ISAft Kavurib -Thai ill« .toiit» enibiaced ray lb« A**»«sui*a ttSP a--a* ... b.w. All ko** i,.»-*» uf lead, «kaaied à» .aid oily, floating no both sid.a of Oa« II .-« -u »og niitr third BE hetwrea the weaterby «ide of th« P lartk av «aid bat a».- . -.'.!. J «r« ni.I K'i.|» P.iBdg* Riad «ad «guMiag W .Je «1'ir't »r-y »r.d * utnerly »i«»« ..I i», a ¡I».., Ired «aad Pblf/tr third »t m 'he middle of the blocks qa eitbaw aid* Ibateef, Plftb-That our report be/*,a ««sll ke praaaatatd to Ik» »reme Cowrt ot tbe Btato of Nev Totk. «t a »pecisi tea« thereof, to be held «. the City 11 a is tb« .i* city, «a »API'» DAY.U-r I'th d.y of Kebroaq. A D iitVb at lb« u) IM« tb* Cour- oa that dar, «a tbat than and then, or »s eue« »M» after iseouBeel can be beard, a «Bo.ua trill M aadel.I.S r.BOrt 1> «n_lrB»-d. JOHN B. HOLMES, i jAMEe A. BALDWin. liiai, MIÜHAEL RTAM. « g»MM_________k__B______» SUPREME COCRT.-Ia the taatter ef .. ¡7 Apt 11,»«iirti uf ti.« Maw» a i»nue-, mrt J«>»»iraia»r»__ tb* Clay of Nev York refou.e to Da OPENI Nib aod LATRM OI'Tof »PIBLIC SQIIAIP. kno«ra ae BIeOOMIBGI_MW . ,..! A-r. in tM N.r.e.«.,.»'», Vaed «field etty -Wtm rr tr ao er« of Pa .n.al» and ftnatl»«nt la tk» .*.«*.*» Sti«d ststtat. hereby gt~« aodee to the ow«ar or ov-ar». W :ap»_t or oceapaul*, »f all house« «tad '.uM and tmpr«»v«d*» Tctmproved >sl it sfe«t«<t tb«r*by. sad to sll iiban **»*¦ » «BBS eoccer« foil»»«, to w.t: ft ait TMl we Mve eot» u.ted o«r Eaiimat» «M ***** _eut and iha: a'l pr.rtoù» »tiuee tal.rests a.» »dsjciM a**»» i, tut wbo may be a p .ad to the «auue. do paw.*at *****f; foctr-n» Is writs« ddly »«i.tied. to MOrlES MAYNaUJ *b Eaai. «aor Ci.sirmas, st ,h* »Be« uf tk* Ontgmai*a»r»i ' -S DAVIES. No 71 W»ll-at.la ttieeitf.oa or bolnrttmmW it] of DaceeiaMr W64 ^^ Iscokli TMl tcj pel*»« |»»r*f>_. wtao lusy ^oomOftim eeire* »ggÁr«»d by said P.etit««U «od Aaea.rraeai, ¦*_» " bear« » » !.i»»iiii» to tb« ai.a Mfor« os, «1 IM 4PBB__ JOHN A »«VEERS.No M SPal at. ia «Aid arty. at I *»«»»» P H.,atMiibMjolJ»«iiaiA.I«* __ . Tuteo Tb»_iue Abetraet of tb« «*»» Esxlraa» aadAM» ei-«i toge-îfeer »tth ou» m»p* «ad «is» all tM sBTaWeBag mate* aa« otker «ocameaU »hiea »e»«i 'i*M by . re«>of»,ga«, g«., drtaraltM ta tb. Sir««« ___B_g «!-. 0*c« «it tb« Cltf aad Cayv-tj of Ne» York. ****». ¦.» I Of P»b «M .«« «_.»» «- -_¿jg tM »aeterly .'Iba « mi» of the «_ «M «« .**_*__! a_»fla*B»«J il.a or «Uaof Utfea, Aai.aba. a" ^TlSt mtrtotm hAM.mroto tad aarsal* of laM 0 trail«« «.-._. *_*_ .kdacaf lb. «th ealeen «gatk «t »yittkt. kmt .TZLm iheH'/t. froalia« ike »«.*.«!, .-»* of lia y ¦**__, 4íih «ad etth-«AS pAbBMBB m t_d «rat ta um mm mot m Coamamn_.a KirT«. Thaï «au rapairi Serete «al-

chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · arv-t/-»T^a. ToVEfcl-SOFT.Tb«modrrn-htûH two-«tory and at HOL-AB rio «I»*.»!»«»rb«,1_aa_to_^rí^BpMM |M PW«-»aa» _^M«_ee» ._;.-.»-_»»._

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · arv-t/-»T^a. ToVEfcl-SOFT.Tb«modrrn-htûH two-«tory and at HOL-AB rio «I»*.»!»«»rb«,1_aa_to_^rí^BpMM |M PW«-»aa» _^M«_ee» ._;.-.»-_»»._

arv-t/-» T FT.Tb« modrrn-htûH two-«tory and at

T^a. oVEfcl-SO HOL-AB rio «I»*.»!»«» rb«M |M PW«-»aa» _^ M«_ee» ._;.-.»-_»»._ l«

,1_aa_to_^rí^BpM^ »- *** *¦*". ?»__ __1_5_1^«^!1M_ JXeT Te«-».*«» S»»», early l. r«aea*e,.r* _.*__1^__TU¿ J *' - « " * -.".'. *»oI-»re__M,Cae be Me» *em .» ">

,).,fr t ir:» -O « <. « P.aeat.

n^TPf^VoTY.i-ii«.«*»! and Moral LotturftIV-IV Ctlaich I«. P-TMtb el bBl-'.» BaMBT BBd

VValkTTeu Ti. 11 matt im mat «flBBafl and »_-«od. East

low. Pto partir» »r^ii.» »'Q.0B ,,,., w< |<t .,_,_

T»«l5XEf^-«ts*'*'-''-; hTOKIES ..I it,« !ar"»«e build-.ka* Roa 4» «to It »««r « '. t «. «ell .- -1 any caecbMi-

t*. SaJlneM Win kive asM «m pov. halrvay a- .- varaaedaTa(__i Itaarr. power «ill Be rappUM oa r*t«eanth!* tena«

lu/ajfliubt W)ll be r«Mr April L Apply to CHARLES*jENEIBd.lt* nPi_»»fotM.


ffwJTLET, aod l'( )KS ENS I- »N IM M F. DIA I h I. VX The three-eee-y f>V4> ELLIN«? N, IU Bnpadvay »-a

M* Ctxiario. A« ; the vho a we:, adtpsto for t p-iv.te ».«.'--ghotte-, at tbe Parlor», vkich »'. a-i-a»- htndM«ae. tad niv« «

«a flflflBMMM ITe». to* ttraef »Did ke reatad far ik.w¦MM flMMME App.'yteL H. PIONOLET. It*. 1!7 OtvmWMb.MWM» Dey st


TO LET or LEASE.for a term of reart.Broodwiy SMMSSB * and raaal' i». » .. vi> Rreadviy

B-ae«« Bread»«y »far« and -a«- <.» H».»...'. 8r«Md««y He»'«a« fWa.r Btorw, K-- a* «a> Lot« a-»" s. ..~...n. (»A'»« «mBerth I »ht» Arta»»*» Stud o. Lawyer** e .--.... »...-,.

tor Jeweler» Prista« H«y,i»>ind'.i Ac Apply»« Oí »ROEP tJX.ttn. » I Broadway


»HPO LEASE.RiJOMS with STEAM-POWER,JL D*ar leal.«. *'<« 7 I II »ad II .«eel at and No*.M, IM Bad 1'ig V» «',,,. »«all llgbUM.and at ,,«»-«¦»«-

nfltori amettiiatt aad «nhoaP 'ban» t«ll Peh I ApplykoMr JOHN04UI'!. r.gwe»» Na l»i -V*lk»rot

LET..With a «lew of .*o_o*-_trat,_«» biaon tbe »*» U retamarj MM M to* old IomUmfpo

No BM Broadway. arbeee le. M .».w «vißaAag -tbe aakdoeiflBedwtU «Mmm at tie LRA8P. aad PIXTURE» o4 the ATOFtaM«. «4*7 Bfoahalw.y ooi-eer of Pro..»« «/ wbito piaielciwBi ha *V»»a at ti.aa data or k-.'a». J «J«aeir«dW T. JKNNIN'.H 7 aad « B*eol*y-M., «tad AH Broad».y

_)onBC8 anb farms tDantcö.im«*^warntet to H IRR for thro* or hie y.*r», by t family «-,-,

will take proper eara of tbe praml**« addre*«. vleb the na¬bar aad location of lb* boaae. P A., it -t.. Tribus* «ri*!-.

ROOMS WANTED.By a .»nur,* rr,arr.»d Mar.(Nev C»fll*bd»r «Itboel ».inlr'ti»« K" tat. in« Pan

try, w_b w«Ut In a bo_eoeeaWatt by tbe owner »r, A-.'pie*a, Ma/ Hadwra »t preferred Beat aot to ***»*« BiW«Adflrew H., Bog No I* Ir.lm«. OlTir,


ANTE D.A H O U S E (unfiüíi.ed pref.irad or «llflible LOTI, i* or aaaer Broaakiya-«anled

¡a. eirhetafl« fiar mh u«i a village reeldeaea Th« bouM ofleredit deelMlale »liber for aee-,minooail»n of hoa.dar* at lor one or

I»'« f»u'iaaa» li pi.auai '.y *'iii».*d in the amxmmxmta vicinityof two celebrated Water far* **t*i>)l**Bt*at*, »t » ihnnnflv .»ge o* «¡nna.e'nu- ." »., *ad *lio*i *ight or ni*» hoar*from N*v York by New Haven R.i'road Apply (*xe*pt fronI" loS| M Mo. P7k Biidg.»t »''»on to


fleal Cstate fot Bale.


AT PRIVATE SALE.The four-story Bai«-*»Mt brovB-itoa» fioBt HOUSE aad LOT N* III

VA'Mt J4il. »t on «.»il. «Id», »im of (louM II feet 3 Indi.« by13 faiol deep, fuá-he« te th. i.eat laaanaei, vllb all IB« modera

MgMtMMBMAIm the fi«, ne« foor »tory lu.ti.nl brown »toa» froetIIOUBRBaod L01doo*oeih »id. of Mlk M No« '.I I," «1A4 »ad to; Mm of BflBflO, «* ky »Mi «eel deep; fioi.bad i. tedBisoBor. wltb ill th* n.'.d.rn improvement«, vltb p'lvtt»Btaitti a.» of Lot*, »* feet * lachee, ¦*. feel eaat of «lb av

AIm. tba aav loor »tory brovo dooe front H».«ai«.!KOHSP. Md LOI na the wuth tide of Bad IStb it , No 117,aiaont It«' fe*t *a»t of 2d av lit* ol H .aie .« '««. « lache« byPäi feet deep, flalihed le tbe bed manner vitb all tbe moderaimprovement», Lot 7S feet deep.i 1*0, the foar «tory Kroat Bugnint IJOU4B and LOT «It

ntted oa tbe nortb ltd« of Slit it betvet* '.' i. tv *nd Broad-way; lire of Lot 2!> by M f»»t 'J ;ul,»i, i'*e of UoM*.«~hy62 f*ot Map.

Aleo, th« two-dory u.d attic BRICK HOUSE and LOT No.32 Marketed., (It* of llou*. 22 i«*t S lot he« ky 4« !...i «Mp.(aa.-ha* M «u«ed »1,1*; Lot »7 f*.l ll lacbMPor lora«* aad fartb*r pailiculara apply la

BAKER A A KE4 Auctioaeer»_

Mo I Pine »t , eoroer of Broadway

ATPRIVATK SALE.Th» IliriWtor»lir»Trlut blown doae HOUSE and LOT ol OROU.ND koowa

M No. Ill Lexlagton a« «ut ilda, *od oaxl tbecorntr of Hitit lb* Roue I* three .lory high, and ibie. roooudayep oa theparlai floor, li I.«. ... Cioton water, furaaee. aad all themodem improvement«. The lot I« 24 lay 10 feet la depth. 74per Mil of th. pun !.».« money «n remain oa bond and mon¬iale fa« a term of «ear«

For price tod full |.a,i.. nln. ai.t.li teANTHONY J BLP.P.fKP.B No 7 Rr .id M

AT PRIVATE «SALE. .NEW-Bitl'NSWK K,II J -A very .1. ilnbi.- laiae frame HOUSE aud LOT of

OBOENDat New Hr*o.»iM. N J., located oae block fromRailroad DApaüt The laoi.a. i. leplete wllk every coaveoieaTkce,and the l.ra.» will be liberalPot fuill.ei particular», apply to


CAT HARI'IN..Tl.i« i« a Farm of 717 Acr-V,lying on Cat Barafa Blver la 8»uUylv*ola OoBBtt, V*

open »blob. It M believed, tber« l» mnthiold. i» .» ... L- «,-..

fnl »peciin.u» hav« laeea luukd; aad It aojedata. for more ibiaB mile ot> tbe »oulh »id*, and dlrer.lly in Ike iai,«- of the vela,the celebuled VI 1,1.1.,;, (old mine. Pair«. +a ...

CLOVER OBREN -TTila M a Perm ol «.»» Acim, lyingthree mil»e Mul It .««I of fat liaran I'r , ' »«MOUNT AiliV -Tbi.iaa Perm ol V»A «ere« having »n 01

relleut O liai Mill u|aon il Bad ahoat »In«« mite* »,uth ofClover Otee* »»rice. +¦ ', "

Dwelling ll'iii». Ar »re opan all Ih»»e ttrmt. Aoy p«r-Kin »riblng to p.i" i-.- at ««.tring more intormaiion, roa,.ddr«M *V B POVA ELL, (lover Oreen, «po»ylr»nl» Co., V»_

FOR BALK CM EAT lorCAMH-A beautiftiliyPURNl.toll H KE-MIEM P '01 00 VOS H- o.e. »o

lemalii on moitgig« The Houm and Poioiture roal Imi May,MI3,7fV0 Puiiiliare all a ad. >o (ar.lei, of .oi«-'i>r tiuality aad«ell Minted Inauire at UdIob .«luir« Real E.'ai- Office,«or. dlha. iod I7H, «t. KPVE-A »I'l.H.A-l»

FOR SALE.Id Elizabt'thtovro. St)W-Jerae»y,tbe larie md comn.odl.,«. D »V KI.I.I..O BOUSE, the Tito

retida ore of Stephan P Brill»«, ,.e. .-«..-.I «ah «baut I «o

Acim of valaabla Laud illav hed 7 h» property I« in ikoroaghOlder with coiauioo'ioia. ti.ia end «thet (luí bul «lii.ee an e,

rell.nl Oardea. «all «t». ke» wilk Ibe >...:,..« in.ii tree* Iti* eligibly Mleated lo ooe a,I the t-.i pail» ef tbe town aradwltbiaa few alnnte»'walk nt the Riilroad DSpOt. with good«BttrnienU leadiag theaelo Term« -a«y Por prie* ud other

panic»!«»«, apply InWILLIAM DEOEOOP, Ms 4 Broadway

-,. t« W P DAY P.iiliheth.ovB.^_Vi-OR HALE on Madiaon-av.. near Vlîtb at., aM. P1RBT-CI.AB8 KOIR4TORV BR.JW'N ¿TONEHOUSK «A h. CO: Loi ldfli wit- .»«»Haul con».nie.c« Apply to BObWT.I.t O I'IFRf E, Pm*«i cora.r of flroadway


4 RegUlei «111 be kept it their oMre for the ai»pi«_ of R«»lI ttal*. Stock» aad Boud«. ai privai« .«le

.i raivaTt ..1 .

The following til« rlax** livu«», w.lli *1! 'h* mod'iii irapit.ve-¦MotaiHoaee Ne 44 Pmi 11 th »t.,¦..-« 01""«»Tbree br««wi. .1..1.- f,.,a>t IIoudm on »Ml .id« pf

Leiiiiiloi, «>. het MM «ad MM-«*»_pne.. 14'«"»»eh.Biowi. ii.H«. fiont It.-i.e.. on .Ol it -.'-... u,

MdMb.T«.price.. 9 ¡rtiOa* Hobm. (buck No 1?4 Hut lath «t..price.. ..»««'Ruck llouae. No is«. 2a av., with SuMe .price.. 17,«iCTwo Prrneb «one »r.pt H niel on Booth tide of9th-d hetwreo Ath tu«! ' n avi. an ice.. 1(1 OH) each.

Hoste on IMth it neu »Hi »v.price., ill «0!Plv* llou*** 00 louth «id« ol I'a.h »t h*tw».enBroadway and 1,1 h iv .price.. (iVteiik

Tbree blow«, at»»« tl.-i.iei on »»nth tide of Iota«t.. Opposite SluyveMlil »qtlir«.pi i.e. 11,000 each.

Two brick Ho ».a 00 L Md. «.; .. l«*i

M av. . .priée.. S .".«leaeh.Pool hik'k liousMOU «SMa >id*2a!d »1 n.ei Lex-ii.glon it. price.. 17 0k. rab

Mm I! led I.A K Slajt-et., ueaxr Madieoa-iv. price.. I1.0O0 «aek.No. .A7 F.Mi ¿SO .1 i.eir 4th »v. prie*.. Il,M»

VALUABLE COUNTKY_REsrbENCE forSALE Th« 111' leaialeu.« of -'«¡.1 I'. « a« «le.eai-«

«ttaat« .( Uuil.« iliLi.u N J altbiu,,.e h «ur-. rid* ky rail-rvaad trvm N.« \ ,, k «oiiaiioug 14 ioim of ¡and »n » .' n laa (oiumodeaa DVV El 1.1N.. 11)1 -K Ac. Apply, by el'er

M_W. M. WOOD Memaievn. N J

ft ill Hi kit -EORSAl.E. inSEW-JER.Ef*-I»./?tPt.Pv.Pe BEI be(«e«a -4.« VoikMd Phili-dilphu about t.HO »,-,. ..I riNE PoREST. 1 .v , .»

OliM Maoafacioiy chuter«! by the Stale of Nr« Yer»»y, *Bteac» Kawu.i'.l which cal* S ««*« f*el peí d*y In,in ilfieen totwmty Oweluugi A. limit Mule» i»d il.!.-a, a StoreBlock aad Pu mea Eighty a»t i" employed oa the preaI*ml »3x1 OhO Mg aaiiuni can he cl.ired ,«t» »tie- ibive Tbi* Ma mo»» .deiral.le opponamty for ¦ profit»!,!» iDVMtnteat. The¡»ad aflorda evety facility (01 earryieg oa the hu*in*w PorpartK-iutr» apply 10 B IV KH'll AK1>« No *n Brjadvay.


Juoiinmion.KTKOTOLITAN ACADEMY Bad aTlAHA-»II M N . ¦. .. »Sliih .« . liait.

8. J »EOilAVlCK. Projector »ud Pita«!pad.OUST WASH lNi il" »N C« »LLÈU1ATE 1N-BTIllTE-No 2ll 4-.hit., oa «Vtabing'.OB »qutr»,a No. 1MJ Mktdi.gi .1

CLARK A »ANN1NO. Prltcipalt.

1-ilE SCHOOL ol Mr. BLNlïllAM. for BOYS,»ailed th* CLABBICAL oYMNASlUM. Bible Houee,

Altar plate enuaiice oa Ad av., bu nov «even, racaocle* a

«acb «4 lb* tvo deportment!, the eoiuplemenl being tveotyTbe Iboroagb, uyMrmattc and e!*g*Bl traiBing aflurded m pe».hau, «rid belieted lo ke aee»ai!e« la l_* coaatry


db t .BOOK-KEE1TNC, .Ttrtu« Re»duc^ "

«0 tJee .A lev more Oentlemrn may leara to teep Book!by Doabl* Ealry. lor 0* by jomia* DOLBE4R S BpMiilClueei. THIS DAY 01 EVE.VlNO. a! No. *'V Broadvay. col.

li0MI0B «t, Theee rliMii bar* «en fotmad tl oa» fourtb Ihoranlau cbarfl*. etprewly lo «kit th* bard tiiuM Remeaiker.Uli day for th» »A claw_«>d»rt BROADWAY, conier o! Erauklin-it...PO«* VVR1TIN0 and BOOK REKTINJ tb»>rtva«»alykattt t ta t\am or Mpaiale parlor«, at reduced charge*Ma« , 1* i» o ( 1. OL|vr,t . UOLDIMITH.

Danring _Jca5trmicE.

A~ W)DWÖTmU» DASCLN0 ACADEMY.. Ran Broad-11 »»ppait* llis-.t 1» M» .'pan i.-r Ike

i«im«Mi«>*) «M- pap.», .b« eau coaaetic» at any um« *»*da«aate CalUrea ea Vreteeaiert and »alardiyi. at J and 4 P M**&****' °_ we*BMMa, T'ut_ay..»ed every «tori Irtoty.M 7a) r M Pr»çik,M «iaaetubliM ca «atarday evMiafl» »orLtoUa« Ml Oeetlem»« Bnikly miiSn M iniL fi-ralar»(rovtaiairi «toy», bean, aM tariMof in.incaoe) cu ho badat tte Atatemj ai My tto» or wiu be Mat by poet-_

piano-/onca ano Ansie.


ILANap-ORTES.New aed aeoeod-kaad. (br«ale (Aeap a*»r «ato. a-o. a Cm a_wrt__at of Piano« M

B«MwWbpVaíll*«.ot PurckMMg ""^ " ri**mm

ItAlBtii. BROS A ¿CMMINOS, HI Ma»., «m. Iau «*.


ASTONISH IM, BEDUCTl N in the pnce» r.fPiA.tOb aai» .VP.LijtJEOSA ram ta« amrm rw «V.

fiel. BoreevouBj Oi* 1.1 7V-. La.»»* «I apta u, «I».luraewoe«.

¦ «-! ?. i.-, g/TS Ob* «r.ad Palo B4BB.f** t'i" T.»» . »«pert«' M-.oaaaKvvas i_-b_rr« Patea« «alt«BUT. .««._< »«let P aie» 'roo. OS» I« OiV.-*»IB| S »lit!-«óf y pat cet lai Loa» ratal prka« «erb i-aetrata-s» '« i *«f

rra-Uai «.' .s a f, ».-. ,--.'¦.«-

_Mo Bllie-fj «ear _.«*¦ oe-et

ATTpTSTION it retp.w-tfu.ty invited to our ex-UB»lv« a«Bt,«-B>«or .A »«per.or ¦» A*4Ü-P'J*T* 4 at oar

i.m e. »pacio«» vsrr MflBM, Nu 4-1 Br ae»ae-«t 'a few 4»-ireeagg of Bioaew«, watch M ' cee«¡«»n«r»» of «be MaiBaBSl 1-r_a_f »or tar ULr.«»l»g ».'.nai»L_ h»v- ira«»B tl tet -p w-.'.b.pecial resero to lb* 'obveareiK» «if ou s«'*«r -a» fr.«rag» ..ad

¡*l'_2>_LlOHlb «EATOai k B<A ir>LRY4.

AORkAT BARGAIN.A ft V»0 7 «»eUve R»>ee-weod PIANO eaa *e bad fer »(it S.p-eor too« aed

f.D_k «srrastet partealiaali reep-c nut three seats» «a

Bia by good ».aber, v.in all m-ei-rr. ...;,'0»-*»-.'.« Partiesbave to leave -M City It eaa re» »*ea Jaa. tl and -I »' NI 74

Veeey et betatea l««a«d ta'ciort._AC. FISCHER, PiflBfe-Forta MAnafa^toiy

a sad Warrrooan No. 244 W'e*t ism »t near rtaae

P'AMOB vitb lb* «Ealua an« all the b»t»t iapreremears fellyvs/ratted PIANOS to l»t tuned r-i.».--a sad »itkaagea.Pi. B .The h»r place to r»uT fur etsh

F-COND-HaND PIANOS at GREAT BAR-OAIN».»even of««« PIA«03 let r*and eed fuer

TtBtad »on»er, vlu b» »old egtremeiy low, on* Ch'cte'lag on*

lie«. H»w» ob* tVotgeiri h Br'wa aid m» «i »i Bata«loanhi ocUTt (T. Ollben k to |t«s round comers. Piaao»to RENT-- HOIACP W/iTKBS M«. MtBr««dw«y.


T H HaKRPlÁNo SAS droMway.

fttartiinrrrt, #c.



PaTHTiD N», Tl. 11*4Theee Maeblae« bave beea thnruuibly teerad sad therr e«-

pertortty ov«r »:. otb«n proved .-. 1 . í ¦.'»' T-.»y wilal

plsne rery auch better and 'v r ie«a «oy oaker auw !a use.

Be,er tearing or thr-,»n.g oat .-¦»» « .»

A; p.ia«-. lb for Bighu sad Machine*, or for farther panic«.Iaii tsa let siii u, tie Pit«.'»»

JAMES A- trOOOBVBTWtaicbester. Msa Dec IT. 1AS4I1EET METAL-WORKERS.SPECIAL NO-S TICE.W'e are prepared to »apply »pplieaat» »t the

ihorteit aoilre. with W » BBTER'd (u»t»n«| PR_Mll'MBKNDINO aadTUBINO MACHI «iP-fl. far formier ob P.ncil( MM Napl uKii«. <h«n P.ri.p »td B-.i'rr Tibee, Preeerre.sd Palm Caaa, M ut..-« Blacking d P I Bol«*, 'ture toiSpeaking Pip«. rCondacUiri Ac O.ce Lonrt. » A. M. to 4 I».it. Communication! replied '--

VV KBCT1.K k MILLER No. C7 Niaaiu it BMI lobtet N Y

QEWIKO MACHINES..The AVERY SEW-yy INO MACHINE Co call ilt«o-i m to th»lt improved Mi¬chino, wbicb receive« the fir»t pr»i. ,». a «t lb« Cryltal Palace.The pistent bai been recently purchased by the Pr-neb i »v-.-r.

ment to be .Ped In t'.- rn.auf.atu/* uf N.vy «a» Army sni

form* KfirtbeuwItAof he«ry goiads a» Aaci« H«». vt..-,...tir ni Cloth or (u..ii,»"i wb-r« «real «t eogti. of «titeb s re-

3üiied Ibelr f.tid »oikiug Machine . invaluable Ther« I« no

»put« about ibe patent of ill. Machin» Tu a.I woo via!» t

gned, cheap and duieb.e M«*h,ne we «*y call at No .51 Broad*«T

(CnlltTTj anö aJarbmaTe.

HiU-IlWARE, CUTLERY, EDGE TfVOLS,Cat a..d wrought Nail», riherei» Bed «i.ada»

Au»II« Vire«, B»'.lo»t P.nglteh «ne Ain V tiun Bosge.CoB aad Trae» Chain» Pump» «ad Water Bam«Hollo» War«, Iron Hteel. Fir»*. ..0 Copper »lbCora and ( .»See Mill» Oan» «nd Putt,I».B«H* ud Hbatee. IxirJ.. Lslebas. Butt«, Mrevt,Kalve* and Pork», Pea and Pocket net-» H_.,r»Beaeor*. Mbesr, Irorc Bntaonl« t_d_pfftt«ad dpo<*o..Pile*, bi»»« Plane« Pira Iron* 1 a» 'I ray» A« A«. *aa*BBta* Haart, u. Oil Pur sal« b,

_CHAR 8. LITTLE. Nt»»_á» «ad S4 KaHr_-M-

RAILROAD IRON..the subscribers have1.1t' tun» no» m p r\ of the '.-.! »'.-..., mate snd most

SpproTtd Arrrril. ai, ptMrrn »or «a - «' « In« pile«_K a I M AKIN No 24 Broadway.

SCOTCH PIG IKt>N .lluuclreai tuns "No. 1(».rtthrrri«, and tf«' tuts mlgrd numtxri betl P.g |.o ., ,n

(tore aad landing for ale byflPOPrOBfi. TILEatTOM k Co., No 31 Broadway.

CKATE8. In <m«at varietv.kJ ILBIOH BEIalsl lo..»e'»nd «tr.pped

COAL III'Iia Ai). Biffer, V ¦ .

PIBE IRONS «ndSt»id« «i.d » |»n»r«i »aortmentof Housekeeping lUrdwar» b ... ,

CIlAS. 8. LITILE, N «1 »ei 34 F .

-ftTC-Proof Ôflfce.UALAMANDIR SAFE for SALE.One ofI.a Hrrttngi heei Parmi Salamander S»fe« uf mediunxr»,with powder pro»»'Luck, which !.». been in >n- hut I !»wi- i.l'.I.i, .»:» .'-a»p Inquire at No '-4 Tnuity Building.

önilbing iîtatcrialo.CÖLID WBÖiöÖHT IROS IILAMS for FIKK-IJ PIUilK BUIIsDINOB, VAULT* «T JRr: PHOiTABOOIrB Ar Tbtr ui.drrricnrd »re now pr»iared to i: «-.

«oiid wriBibt Iren rolled B»««i,i i ui tu ap-citi- d !»i|'b». «! a

P*tet wl 11L rtablia fir» pr»*f MfleUafll t., be «laila» «t « v»ry11.»dritte »dtktr» in the to» of »iaaI»Ii ore. rb» pili.ic »r»

inilrd t<, 11.il im ta» !.»» I 11 Mil |ttf MeaSM Htr.rr V1 r» il, I lifl .! »Iirte thev h «V» been US-d P-T fm h»r I.ÎOIIB-. !.. 1. «: t. m .1-1 11 A .:, VI t .No IT Builiag llip

Oll) a_H)0«Jb



Il now in P.r » 1 .»,i.-.g »i,. . for tb« »miag «eaaoa, andIn mrke 'eou. 1er ih'ii.. hs« msde s furtber réduction in theprice, of lo» i»», sing au., t

.a»i a». Irom. -;¦*.'kt. i- a .... n in. Mi to ¿iAI«o. a few mort of lb* Velvet Cloik» at... IV eachALd Cloth » loabe from. S to IS

An rally tun I» rri|uertrd from puiclisser». a» wg sir aotirpls. in| any of thete Closks

INDIA RUBBER GOOD* which WILL NOTPbloMt. M it hi in AM Ll v.Aia. lne legged

tu« Wit «ax.iln.rnt that cm ta I uno in i.'iw u'anjoiheiBikikat. m» M pilar» »Li h will con.n.and tb» trad* Amongour suirtuiti.t c*_ br found Ov»t CfpaM wt.,t». drat, andllafl Iff »»llhii « .¦!.;> «b«iui»l»l.t elm »l. Capei Pnor-io»"t. 1». - Lagginga ( «p« Olovr.. llof»» Cf.ter». »v ., ¦_ fta»»ll, Pisto CiVeti, Nurter, Cloth B.ltiLg Parting^ hu*a'A «oil« Pant». Boot«, a.,. Shoe». »Jaa, '¦» t for CuugraaBet* l'.r»rt», Ac and ttOT» other kjr-c.e la the line, «I

«holetsle end rrlsll Kt], itrri %sr iavited to examina oui

.lock l.rfor* purcbkiing »l*e«here »- thry will J tberamor* luitable lor etpoii Iban an» one' n.ii.ufaciurer_

ROO) Be A vv YCKOPP,-¦. ".«.-.... Il U Day.I N»«. Ai I nuriland »4-,

Maeutactufe;» an« dialer« 1b carry a. .: 0/ ",...¦. -.»

(f lotlnng.A BEAl"I I IT '. ASSORTMENT ..f DRESSES

of lb* iiteet Pai.-lsn ttyl«« lur Ball« snd P.Tenin« Ptrtie. err oflrrad for «Bi» st half it., mat ot iui|»»-rt»ti »«. by

IBMiELL. PIP.KSON A LAKE. No. 471 Hruadwtysl

POR a FEW DAYS MORE..The entire StockM. it Mo far BtaaOwao. rt.uipriiini (HERCoarn. taL-MAA 111 SIM ».« 1 t'A I.« Ac will h* .la-.-, price«,

tilt» M trmovAl I« IM aid lticatioa, N». -11 Bio*»Jw«y. on ibaitefPobraaty WM TJKNNINOS.

VV bolraale sad B»ia_ Baalaa 1» ltd quality._

rt»d» «nade ij'.Bia«.

REAT BAR(7ÂTns^-s CHRMBEB8, aue-asasatM Bikdbnot.No an Brokdwsy. ha«» portion of

Winter Stock, coni-tlt.« ti LsdirB' M_*»«' and ft»,y»'Osr¦aflSa, Ladle»' Cap» Ilrad Draw»««. Rote» d« Chimbar. Ac»II mid« uf tbr te»t mittrts.1 aad will be »old very lo«, to¦Like rooni for Spring goocia Waaird. four Diea Cap M«k*i»

vToiiattnivohip Xotur».

Copartnership ÑiVfVci:..vv« "herebyI ir Nctice thai JOHN vvaLTP.i» MOO0. «4»Maw-

Yogk, Iti tbli .'.»» been sdm.ttrd 1 Partner of lui» Hutu*, ltdel AlsRX PENNISTOL'N A C.» l_t-t|..

DENNISTOl M VV noil fe Co N*w York.A A J DENNISTOl'.N A 1 n New ibrlesnaDCNNIPTOIN. BHOTUEKS.A Co .M- «.urne Victoria

Otaggo», Jet I.JUS J k A DE-aNlsTorN

NOTICE.The Coj-artncnhip of OSBORN.Tl'BNBl'Ll. k Co teaataSte» a_MBta| It ibisdty. by

«lutnsl cotftibt. cissa»:vrd A B Coll r-tir.ng from »»id cm-

cam SIMEON OSBORN Jr. ADa.M VV Tl'RNBL'LL.Jr.. »ud THUBAi MAI DONALD an »lone «atburuad i«c',»e Ab* b,_lBr*» and [«trail,, i.l «*'.d |A'lUtri!i p

MV.r .a Otrtiia». Ja.,AtlAN vv TI'BNBl'LL, Ja.,, t .Hi» M ai o-.» ai...ALO.NÜ-l B COLT

N«« York Jatusry 17, lk*j.

NOTICE -The «ahecrike», bare f»rtn-d a CoparrTBereh'.paaíer the firm ofCTBBOBN II'BNhl LI. A MAI K11NALÔ.ta PKODl'CE COMMISSION BI »INt*S. sad wul csnusu«ibe ram« at No. t Bridge »l


H«w York, Jsauary 17. li.-_^HE late« FIRM of RlSlllVlN. CLARK 4to »iti»day d__t*tv*d hi the d»»-..- .- V!- Bl'*.lT»».*4

tat« iu o»B l.tB.lalioB All claiaa for oí agua« -h« à:a «illtat .,'i.ti by Ife« i_rviv.ni . ..

OEoBOt. i LARK k VVM HRORMAMP«r«oe« bariog » MEM» p.aaee pieeeni,tbe_i i«a»fll»n.yN.-T.iA Jan I,MM


Tbe iatefiras of BISHTON CLARK fe 0». taeing BtaateMey fM drctfc of Mr Bash'ub lb* »uivivang pirtaer, h». aa»r>

eWird »iiblbem Me«»r< a - a.» H i LaAK BAY à «i>-PRBBCH.kS «ad ItENBY KINU . 'he -:..-*. . .-

conUBBrd arde, the bran ot HEOEM »M. L ABB k Co.it »111 be IM bub art ambtlioB of r*.- b meuiker of o»r Ana to

.er.e oar rasioraor» promptly aad faithfully, tag wiib a .argeuKi'src: cf all aruclee appertaiB.ag to -..».. b_«a«a. we «-»

tot.drat we eaa do 'eo hi their _ta.r-u» aad «stitft-QoaThe preacriptive d*part*se«t wiil M aad»i IM iaa.dan.-harte of ote of tbr bra. si each «tore «ad bob« bat tb* «u««otapeteat and espeiaaacM pareoae allewM lo di*pea*a uaM-ii»e* Ltd«! »ay iiic.riai-.M H.. C k CaiNew Tork Jsa 1.1a-*.P S .Ost BBBaaflB-B with üae mort Ht 1» AaMt Horn. u

«ixoetiaaed ffOB tb» date: ate. far tb« s»nv»ni*«c* of o-_

«wioiirr». ibe rareecriptioa bataata oi No 1» Astor Hoaee bar«be pai: 11 yean will Mteaadsi oar Mate. No FS BroMwiy,«oner Cha-tMre tx.

HEAVY rREIGHT for C-LftEI«E£tTON.-ftM« beadiM tea* Hsaavy BteaBM Mr ta* ahawa part aaay

**^ t\rO¡TWyiÍm\tmií lOa HaB Braasaatea«

Salta o*. IrVa.iioii.

AUCTION t'ÈREMFTiJBY aa 1 ¡»DAY..T! Blfl M asBELL «let« «e.r ».,, ,. TIH

MoRNlMi a« 1*1 »'.'I. k. «I»*« «a» (»tiieh M »a«

r»»«y I ». Na P4 *«.*«».«, wn-" «' Iliu»« ik- Ma. at. »»reí»»»' T»»»'»«-*»»«» ' .Va- !«.»: U *-*at il tr«-a,.i --v. flaa» .. « I »'i»: i»w ' Mara « p T.*««*,12 ird Tt»«e« N O'UMM. *y*T r'-e-a-P'o« ¡--.a-x

-. «c« »tad ai*o Reevood. Blaek v»'aat an« ««a g»«yPa arare. ke sa_e*t".»'d »it* »rxiteie tad »ltr-1-ci.Boaeeo-d tlLry Pi" . I a « '

« »

V atofl Table« The M "..* iah m »a« flMBT.». _

... a » k» BO*»'«» «rida t« >-..'. M -«J Ei.a .a«» aad Mir: an, MI n pr rted f ifir» A C-_

Bi >)J ||«j|B | e\ » ;t«4 imaPrnt

Y BAN «««¦«. BhfPrilEBA- Co..Trad«Rieim* He II TerKtrm._

BY WAlEEHLHY A DlEK..THIH DAY.T***d*v J»». B »t 'heir .»«re No li Aroad »t « ._**-

Bif <_-i-t ir .v e' P.NOLIsH 01 »MlS'O Je VVELBY «Mil«WAÎI H PS E»*ry »rrirl* *r|l| be «o d »"««Ml My

nwaiii'i T». . . « »i «v>T.«_enr» pr»<_»iy»i a, »cot».aa« vi.i aitiiia ti.. »»»»y B«M « oa to* -»taloga» «Mid.


CaRPET* MI»Rra««-> BILVP.aWaKE A-.- H. MILBOM»actaoeaeer AAEDNESOaV Jtn B4,aM I'« o' «i SaMBBBM

a |. h'"i.e In P-at-H*»» eeiveee Braad»iv »adCbtrebd, ro»_»Mr:ia« in part of Haul AA« van. >p««ad«dTtp«rry Carprtt t.t 'he tí «.'. Parior Pu-auup. doobi« «i»

il f Id loaevood frame« MMSBd ia neo rrt'yi ta n aaM* to

.. «Ai*«; Mi-rer». Center »nd «id* T«»¡«* rvaoma-rtPiitoPor»« of on ¡iMt'ooe «nd fi««h -dm» sj -.-.« -.

»i-k ear»'« ¡e.« "at »Ve 'a iy varpuiet. "idly R- « . .

«Ld Late* A4 lt«»V (I-«--» B* - « -a «t'*afl«,ty oifl mxttaxtt tutor of vh.-a ir« »«ry *xp«»«i»». itaB ' MlV sass ltd cher mit lie Or- irr»t'« I -t« i» r..*i R-oto ai ta

i* n «_o*iLy. PfLiien Oí»»« Tib e. IS f»»» '¡a'«. Dinirana Tea r»«ti. '-u: .> .uwvire Silvervtr*. ip.i t. fork« won.

Ac Alar »ire. . B«d.-oói_ PaiL.tara eorapnting riMVjodltd «Lll't« .-. Be a'.'l«!» Hu e. .a a.-.,« VV u-.a'aall t« sixkBed» Mi lire ., H a I M M t.-- «. > I il - .LI» :_o_i«iaid meal* Castas On f loiti Bu'tur.: flarakor». Ac TMwhole aa« beet bat llttl« a»«d. and Bflrial M « IB.tataMM y mu«!* tasto 11 M . MBJ Every ai..ele »ill be «old WB-BM ti« i'**-» riuerviuon. D'twii* re,uired from *_ tut-

citar it_EÍbbTBT Lnh», Auctioneer.By M H uitDiki i

ON TUESDAY, «Ian. '¿li. at 101 .,',:.»k. at th«.tti* MlMraviir. at- « .: *-.No U NaMaaart-

Li g«iie*( CABINET tad o'.htr PURNIIX'RE. eo_»r_i«gthe moat sBtBBSMs aMortmett «ver ..fje.-ed t>y »4í'¡ III «V

.tore, »ter* il tu bee* re_oied for euuveaiecee of Ml» »U:M h r.«»u«4 Siete,, cT.r,.: i lit-, a:-..e ,f «ar. a J« l-TI*.,d, naiil.i, raky cirv«_ Arn, Pa.-L.r aad El_cy Ck.rs:do BMeolic, «.. I.«l»' ««er. .ri«., M«. Slaod. lad C«4»»*.

liBM »Ith aa' r. ».-a E .«- . But-'« a. 1 ind CentW TitlM Side do Eiieatioa Di.iat routn Tab**, io wiouayle«,P, .I,,»«, We- t.'«'«« lia -.«. .a 0*1 DM ,| 1. Hi « kl.H,«'»aie* il Upeetry Md moioeco; rihavio« 0 «¦¦«, Ptuiea ,«,

( al Leu tat haii I bait«. BateflBri) M Ovan» 4«NM,OieMiag do., »ltk minlu»; anao«ir «-*'«v-» fancy ¦'.,«..a ax. te»er» »¦.. ( t"«r» >u::e» in »oam»i»d ¦.-d flgaaM vari-

('«.«i^ie« ». d a l.rg» »«»0'tm.nt of other furo ta-* »Il »' ».:-*

i» w.ract'* t tb» Se«t rtn«ii«y A »o «»«ni r yal VV'Uxoo,V »Iyer »id BrniM.. (appela, to !». «eod w-tti-atjt r.»ei»»

Il r.»»» H Lsttai, Aaa«iaD«»«r. Hy H H. laBBM * «Jo

ON WEDNESDAY, Jaa. mi, at U o'clock,ike mi.-,«.14, So . BaMBM «I -By order of C-.roeliM

VV Liwnr.c« tud John B l»-.a|,i.n. aamtatart et Jotto f.0«iipi..r,e E»a| .decetaed. hMeo'ir. rite»«4 *'i»i Brandt*»,M.d-lia», « laiei« Ac The .»rnplM wi a» «ih'iit.d at oar

More oa the n,onn:.g of »al«, aod BM VA'ioa» «eivere« fr.ai i.ae

vine lrf» of the «eee*»ed No «Aine« ad«ni"»d »x-»pt thoMacialiy belor.ring 'o th« e»t»te. coeavtttig of ¿v» bittley Mtrcxk Bpiuol 1 Midei.-i vintage lit», n« do o d Seath S'de «!.delta, black leal; .'Pi oo do, ted teal, H Mtinam» E. Pell'iPiirdy tbaao: tortj yen« c, d. «veiled vi«h ibi ntm«,

He« very lopenor Brandy, v.nufle I bo»; l ctM St Ja.ieaCaret »inUae 1H44. lTie above vi.l b« Bold la lot« to it.: pi.-BtoassaA!»o, immediately alter the a'.ov». f.r account of wa-nn t

n.ty concern, «¡"'caavi Pre»«.». PrsMl i««:«'..ng of (rn«niM,P.»th<i »u| i.arna,. P'iri 4<: i. ,,»rt i.id '..,*««. .,-.

i,»rn,.tiril!) in ed. idipled for faio I, um. witkoat SSMS«»»H»k< H. Lttn». Auctioneer-«t 11. H. LSBM Co.

ON WEDNESDAY .Ian. Jt. at loj .iVI.»«*k, atlie- «i.e.r,«an. No lu NtMiu «t. AI» MI a 1S r a A TiJ ft

BALE By orner of Solomon h»y«er. ed.aiLUtr.l ,r of ti. K»y*ler.d.c.aaed li« cot re «toek at ttkmwm I.«airy. eoMidiog

f «,l.d IP lira: ««id do K.egei i.uti. E»r ri.gi, 8i-m: p t«,»'. .1 i» i! ».ti nnit Biiuel.e. ;, . a' ¦. -i,, gold P-l.-'Ir-..« Chaielame«. Siud« Moat Kir ring« lud Blvast-fto*»Witeb key. ind .Seal. I«||«U «f Tll«M M«** .i.-ti i-«,n,

lielj of other Je».|ry; .!»<> tw. lail- loot SifM. fu'nubedvltb driven iniuble for JbviIbii Long Ttbl«. D**t«, Acll,e atole lu he »»'1 »libio)' r«-«e:»..

A¡»", »n iavoice of valuable gold Chronometer« LeverVA ate lie«, Lei.iLe do entine«.d <io. e.t in «lia-non-i«, and BAtotreally J« »efry lennoved for Mriririri at teat, h-ag th»btltnre it itaoaf« remtlning una id A. n ti« oiati.i.Dritt. Tib.ei **o'i. (»n eioiti«. »nd «ith»r -arfi-e Eurnuar».

A » r let' LI o' »torn " ay rotcrrn, Jiifloterj r-1 «oPencil CMP«. I» c, it StdC..M, .«¦


CEWnfOMAx HIÑE l/oTEL BÁ00A0E andO OB(»l EBIEa-rills liai ¦ . «,.!N., ',: IJ-,.. t com-r »lleeL» ieh, V Tim«», Bate» »ed « i»»'«, 'ag, «»

fiat I... .«-.-.. .- .;,:. tt ir ¦ Pii"n»i M»i» ,. magMulir.e «¦ tabh, towvB By f«.t or bind, eot »7i, togetherWith * loi ol Sa oa n Pu- ir.«. 'ir « -ne. A -

ßrofcooicmal Xoticrs.

ABTTF1CIAL I* ils. Tbi« Daj r.-.*eiv«»d. t!,.->'M!«ni it »I b-ni ui cdI .etton'ot AHTISICIAL

1 IK- . ver iii,;on.d i: t IMiakli th- o«-ort. ey- ex

BMly to colniin« expr-wii-n. »ml will ovettl ¦! p-eci-elylike it tea ciu be in»» r(e« »no rtnov.d »I pleMure «naou*..'. >. gbSeM p«_u or «pertliou Th-11'eia.teim» JAvlPH >V I'Ovfci.L,

O' ull-t mrl | r_ ., Bfl BlMdMBf.

DM ( I«. ¡5RÎ8WOLD, So. ni« Wbito-st, will*»i« a, ,.' » M and IraaiTto 10

.rooriSOfl '«> 'i. ¦ ¡.int« «Jftie* »re»cT:ptioo». ia ail oa*M.

IMPKOVED ARTIFICIAL TEETH.-Dr. J1 ALLEN, late Prolee^r M BM O-i .- f llnataaSurgery InTlte» .l|eLi;i,r, |«j ',,« i_pro*a»d Oa»n!h.«l .f c-.iaaatractla» AhTiriCML DENTURES. wWMmmBMmM» fnlloviMadv»ia!igr«:

'*! Tl.e#re ttt au »earn» or BBBVMS* lor tat IMfl«MMri "f fo«d»O Vlllll« Ik« aalill or Iklecl 111«: !.re»lk. M »VI «»«« abe lilflh».Mt moie'ur» e»n get »««'».-« m. le-tk «a«f ulira

to An Aitifni») (»am MM i. . Irin ainij nad»«ir*ci»kle m»he u-eta» l* iNVmmI »( » hieb '«-at b.t««en «_.« uoand the«Bsm »I 'en oi.it.. il.m tar.ttly to «aa-h »tii-r anil to lie pale»poo »hieb they «we ».' Th" »nai «mpa»n» to ta» »«e'b tb«l

peealiar e»pree«ion and li'»-i'»eia,p.ara_e«i»hie»e»_j-aa-'er_a«the nuarai «an«

Sd. Gtrit »treogto i» "(owned b> thai «mtinfl te» T-*tnlion, ar«« pme ir,d no ordinary fore« la -najücaiiLg :m brvtoIBem flom their .-.

«to. a ce.i and MBM «-u-uia.i,.'. .1 ririri I» iM-u.tra.

f» _ U'|«otlL- l.lna- » «tfi clci» b tlavli.i fie :r...d« .f _>

' ei; «_d gun. of i BMBIril >4_ ! th_ fern. Mri -an.ua

eeaally idi| ted Th.» p.rfeci aakaptvioo of th« Baae.Ileuture pteien*« the bianrlng oa .aiolflej .,,»..-.« :l «f.-ak..« a

.'.t..,, uii-i, <rf_-rv-d ia »ereou. ».mag «J-toieial i.otbeh 7*b< na»U!la 'orrt ind etpieaMo«. of utt axaoutb aun

«nu !.. reu Ted IL CaM.« «tier, the, l,«V» bee.aua» . ,l.e

T: ;i M dune b) me«a* of iddoioLi! at a. t«.i,'DU IB tb« fra«a»V»rl lOppoftkB« the uretri Tile.« »tlactil-eul» ar» *u foirnaMM let brin« ou; the «.¡i.l.n pttrnt ¦ »iad ««aeiair then

p't.|»l |KailiOb They Bit -a.lereai »It» lb* »leave Qainee

fou r II. Jaoai d «ind »well.» coualNaeeet ,aara« of tbe «»U!«4/eaxad «ben tightly formato cannot '.» d«(«c;ed by tbe eloeaat oki»r-«i IBM Met aod of re«'on«| (»>-eb«.«e t«> »Bair engisafull».««» «aa al«o 'he tain«, nain «_.«! -tpr-«_i-.c ofxh« noattMd |». hi« bee. ».!' '.»led ».a»ieg s..,,, rotate l«T~C'i'lei'ore u tr.e inth<ttt i-*c»v- r-.r«»»»er«l year» paat. A T».-:.tiA th logiipsie *n« Uigaerreorype 'i|.BBVMri »Hieb bar«heeL '.let, of l*T« CI wttbou! 'hll imp"i»«;.i»lal a__ alato «Ith

tt r to .»en it hii Tice »ho«io< in« »r-at -bin«* la «ppnauBBM * h.ch ia priadur.ed In 'he eolkteniLC «a' ll.dl»ld_ll 01»

«e«ux« Aentoie» eo«i««iicied upon tbi» p.-aclple «h. k b«

pibli. ate ItTited to callare tmxwxxmt. :.«»«-J)ei *M alau

(peclmeuof hie Improved dyl* *l wort, ant roouir.og beit. v. i.tarbnient*hlk Tb* pille« u'ui «y (MftofM for tot« «urk ate pidlaa

lb* purity of «hick pieveni«-»ei. ia» MM..« iaml»b ota*

pi«Man! t|*te in lie oinuti. In .h'-r' tL» ,j«»o, e.braa»toinv new ind MSB« taat fealur»* «hi P a/» »»«dtly «AMsaMwed by ibo** weirir« attificiaxl d.ntnM. apu» ti.i» «J -,

A4 Ith refarene* to tb. ultOty of th« a,.-Bad njrne-oa* i»*timoBial* dix h« s'vea froai »min.nt li.ot.w in tb* «»rto«¦;"r» : -i» Ibi. and aartuem »earing (ha ¦« -t in thi* a_l«Xhareltiea J ALL«."' *.'¦ A" Bnad «t. N Y

ti. B .A nail Btmpbi.(»o»X-x»«id Î on apt'licaiiooN. B .A »nail a*Ripbi*t. Miuicin* fa Mfl Barticiiltr*. moi


SY. B. CÖÖPEB Attoraej and Counselora Alakom, ( iiu«« t o it ¦« New York.

iir.titii t

J.C Derk». PuhlaLei N. IIIBsBBSBStj P O. Cl»rt, Atta rrrv »ud f . ooMlor. No. 22» Broadway; Blatchford, Be vtrdA(atu)»r!d A'-.ori e,«. No lila:..«er«

ítliercllancons.T» A M S »I B r C K I N <i II A M~S,

No 11 sou-.het. Ne« York,saa

«I1AHAM A hfi KISOHAMS.Ile« Orlfaxn* La

COMMISSION« MERCHANTR.Aie (¡.pue« ta mal« liberal edvanrxe oa aoangouk.au of» l.itin. Provwtuu. ami *lh*I ptladllC*. t« »llBel *dd.*M,tt tbutm


t j. ID LEaE «ud DENTÍ.ST8' (iOED FOIL,Vi »I tbe veiy i< «Mt e*«k pnce* «_o_ Poil «¿a pat m.,at tbe Paetory. "»¦ lllKrMkli»»t_J L 'VAUOrt.

Orrttt ok TMi <)<j»taioai or tb* alwi Ho.it a

Niwïitk Jaa. Il 1436 (

PB0P0BAL8 f.ir BLAT-BO..>«»al.-d pr»»po-M . a ai ke ree'i«.d ht m- ioiero.«'» of tn« k__t rioaae,

a- theu iffic«. Reun-a. Park. uo-ii JocIki P M of tbe.Va mt lut lining with had quality of fjiencan Sate ind

Nal » tbe Be« «'«I »bop at tn« W'trk Ho«** on B.aea-4- . la.tL«. AiaM luiag th* elaiter* VltB »ed MltCtald T-C.

. iota »: . L Tin tn* l»yu* vtLev i*aing» »u*.»Mhitg* ef bed «beat Lead, ti«- pv'aa«* to aKjiarefoot, aad

T e« :. diim«t«y for furtbir partica. .ail i .: :-.«ir of_ee. vber* «p»4-_catiuM can be wi andthe Lo»«!! .'» lei.rve ihe t-.flbi of re-v':;g « p.-op-aari Bol4"n '« by ihtm adva*t««eou» lo t.. De*ar*. n**t_

I' H" E HOPE MI L L 8.4 ' I .:«.«.3ea in I8_i


DfltvfM Wo». 71 P«,to« 71 HeelaiM.«1 IBS Proat da.

WO PKINl EPS »nd NEWSPAPER PROPRI-1 ETuR>-H hMITH No S« «tog B7t».«'. Srooalya.MMo'.ca.-.r ,t S...a i HRa-s BULE cat m I ta pic» cae«'rien ef each fr.m 1 aocpv-:! .». *»', «ach «'ace «temped toth* tuet« ! m .« rot. we flht. lo ptnind*.» _k mar e.aad.CMB. Doit«« it* Wave* Bel» Ol -** Mr paand I.-ad» andBraM < »el«* O«« Co.am» Hi.« repaimd eqaai u acv.

Y^EA-arTPl)»'.DER.. B. T. BÄBbrn u MMawtfiaal ttym at lb* CHEMlCaL Vtt«T POWDEB

.Back » pr.«re« aad amid ky am m *i.» as «a» a* BPflfltoM«»«t. «ev Y ark mmtrame T*-ii kii sbu'im« Ami.Bet too* «at '.»»« »-»» th« «ka*. ee.o am


REMOVAL..Th« PHENIX FIRE IN3U-xXAMCl COMPANY ef lratl.it kav* tem_v*d Utot

N.» Yoit Branch Oflw* to No «4 W¿üot ****** UM«


iTJalchcs, Jt-orlrri, tTz.


WaTCHPa : UMOMlkl »MO 'P.W-p'LBTThe satiiair.r > .. ., ,.; « -a r iitina» of tka foU-iertag s.-W

« «. M recall -r--1- n.11 tn din in« « ill f;7Jt/LE« JCR.iEVSEN WATCHES

*> arrests« p«*4»«-i n«j»e.|.»r.»»i frata.01» u» 013».ri.» i»»i»!*i rire*«COoPP.t WATCH I.4.

tap «I «a« L-rr««, »-«»«t,.S-S--»OT»A1¡a'MPENi.E»T SECOND.

As« Uaarer a>kt_-l ¦* . ~» * 'if'i»ii«itt«t.»;_a)|Pdi'MR, ,s.i«PTEB«T.

B-:eM « Bl d P -cket Chmaomeie-a perf*«-*.tune keeper*. .S tau S**»

El «»HT DAT WAT*, itfl.w h_B re« tigs: ¿a-. . a« . -i .eiW-OI-»-

EnaMEL VA.ATi.HtS.Pot 'Mua. accea bss*_a« esse«.OU te Oit*.

DIAMOND WATCHES.Par ladles. MM ». - «.Wwl*.

MAGIC WATCHES.tui ska*«* tsto are- ».'«rest wstcBee.S » I« *."."

W ATCHPS WHICH WIRB -P.«Atetara la» baad* wttUat ak«,.B. to 014»

««VA ano« or «iTcatt «T to» raicat.pine good .'.priNP. watches. 4Mia.a»PIKE GOLD DETACHED LEVP.RB. SSGOLD ENAMELED »iTidfS tor iM U_wa. SGi.LD ENGLISH PATENT LBVERS. SSGOLD EN.,Lir.;i PATPNT LP.Vr.Kd aaaiiag catvaa.. M»ILvr» PaTPNT LRTRRRa»U»a* . IS-¡.'.»S DETACHED LEV ESS .* raw *e. IdLas.«*' Go.« Se« lar lap Pia« «ad8r*ae*!*_. .«IS«*.*-«'» M

Ear Binge «I 10 4>. -. 01 ta 0»;t-ar»».. I*» M» «t

Gold Lotte«. «e*. rw. «cd 'oar SjBSBBB. I «» t» M «

*}< IS r.aartl hue». 1* *» H M «S«-»i-4 ("»gtg.aitt Cbsins. M «a ta II* BJ'» gvrtfbtuai. » M te iva*

OOn".'.'..._. « . -..i r- «.

full «"-l_:it.|i. S M I» 7*4Oca Otard Key». 1 »» l» S M0r.d Pel Keyi. î *» t« S Mill! Lu. 5 .*» to It OS

¦; ¦!*.¦«.:'.. S M to 3 08f»Vt..dPe_l_. 1 S3 to 7 0SO.Sd Prn* and P«ac«_l. S M M ISM

«o Ring». 7 on to îAo oeDiamond Ear Riaa». ¡7" 00 to 100 MI. ..... Pia*. 13 00 lo J*» t»Gr.dCTsse«. I SO to It IB

. í r ... r. ,g. -.. : « u. is o»Or..d0'»e»aBun..BS. prr mm.. Í 30 te It ft»Goid Sitad* per «et... ta». 1 M la 10 M¦. « S;»'t«y e, .- r«ir. 3 0« lo t .«Ceijl« Pje-irltase«. 173 t» SOSSi. v.r franca* p«r**t.-.. * *> t» IM. «.- T. - ..- «« :-- «».. U «M la il'»se ».i Ta- « .«.«. ..»..-.. il 0» M BM« »».- -.;« "r '.-». »»»t« I»»»Silver N'etka Birri» eeeb. 1 Vi u Sa»G g Arni.'r-i for ghCdrea.per psjr.... t M to IMPig-Gold Blag». 73 M ITSCkised Gold Km. :¦.¦._ St»81.ver ThJa'.es. «Iver lop*. 9?IruJ Scarf P-ts. 1 ".> te 7 0S

GEORGE C ALLEM. Importar.Who!*«*-* aad Retail No 11 WallaL,

Id loor, aesr BroMway. M. T.

JtTBnraiu* .iTmi>uni«*B.


i.'I. » No I Wall sL. op*t«flU New *tCASH CAPITAL ? JTO.OOa,

»lib « large »orpin»afkl» Coapaa, liiaree «g«i«el ¦. «r dam««« by *r» ... B«tai¬

ta«! MirrbiBdi** Skip* <t port »sd tbeir Carpa«*. HoawhoidKirs«are »M p»r*t>nai property g«ssiV:y, >t th« *MSglÉSBSÍ

ratesJAMES W OTIS. Pr*aU**tR W. Biircitl. Seereesry


OlfKtt.Not '.T'n.'kr.a «t tfiiti ?Vilar« M,Ptoperty laterally Ibtured aga.ntt .« sod duuage b« Pur«.

RI HARD VARICK. Pre-:, .i.

VV P. r»ti««HiLL. Brrr*tsry._PpHt MERCANTILE FIHK LNSCRANCE Co.,ft No 114 Brnsdwsy. coraer Joha-et

Catfc Capital O'dOO.OOO, i-cu-ly larested.Thl» Company Insur»« again«! Loa» and Dimage by Fir» oa

all d»»rrltiii.tg of pinpertT. oa (»vorsb.e termsJon» Basta IlinftJ, VV'M A. TiiOMSO*. Presk


COAL ami WOOD INDER C0VER.-HA-ZELTON LElU'.ll. -A »apply of tb» raperisr COAL,

fur facloiii« and dnsiMtie -ir. ¦.«-« of all »is««, for »a . byRICHARD MARTIN No. 744 W'eai rid «.,

a*ar lnth-e,.. and No. 4M Washington-*»,

C'iOAL..I have now rctiiioii the price of myJ r»..t [aal -y ft SI D ASH to th» low price of 04 74 pel

tun. deliverW. dry ird wen .crren-d to «ay an1 -r«ry perabe,I a.r. w.'int w«tT«c-ed, nnd»r ;»«»'iy of forfettu-* ofM kl tr-itri my yardi. comer of King sad Ore«nwtcn tes or Mo.Ill Dome «t and Î3ib_«t »nd !*th e»_ PETER CLINT MR

CvoaLS..I'.ach On-hard, R.-.l or White A__J g.Ai-r-e a,.... ,... . tsder eoaer Mut. 0«: » ».

« «I or f "i»ar «7 JO .»s» fram boa'sJAI OB W'BP.RS. ha» ill «.,».*. and HI ¦«-- . »A

iTJatt. luit.ÍÍF.l'l t TION oTTerm« will be ma.lt», for thesrtl f.ui >i oirtii» fot pat« of me Roam* al !he VV'ATKR

I I'f.P South un. wbrre ihe houee i» warmed "o "i.'.o'it,« . xi t. ».ou u .ii.ia.f. O H. WELLINGTON.

_iiLi7" llvbtt ¦¦tev-Torh.

DR. SHEW, t |.U(.i! of l'ri'iainitz, nti.l oariiootArrinictB lutttor »nd pit» titionerm Water Car*.) and Dr

1 A VLOB rrrrlte tah»ot» «t th« ¡srgs «nd -um.u ,1:.>u »»tatil*«uuat aar»«» of uita.*».axel ribth «t fra* l*«iur**ou tl*a.is«vary Saturday e»»i .l«



Cl RE fur RUH MATISM.WM. DAWKS,No 6m etb »,., NY IIAtiNETIC 8ALV«, iTAc a

b«t ( urei all Bheum«t:c Ptln». »»»id wbolewale «nd rataitMr Divri'i »lire la veil lecnmineeded. H« i* blind, sod

big fiu.il, in vant. It will bcacbariuble set to buy uf him.Kd Trtb |_

COSTAR'» RAT, COCKROACH, Ac, EX-TP.RMIN'ATOB DEPOT has rer-.o-ve.) to N». 3AH Broad,

wey N Y h*«in| b**s barned «rat by the lire at hie old «tand,No 44» »..»ay A ne» Happy Pamliy on tb« 3d of»¡.'» »'A


TloNS PALLOW'NESB, CHAPS, CIAPES, kc OOL'RAMD'S roLDBEfJl'BriLE up-0otg hair from low fliiliigju;ta- ;. «... pi.'t o! It.« b.ady. GOL'RAL'D'4 ROL'.JE,t.. f.r :ia> sud cheek«. GOl'RAl'D'S I14IR DYP.. LILTWHITE, HAIR REJTORATIVE LUBIN S 1¡XTRACTd,. r.drhfii« Perfumeries, st the o¡d «etsbiished Depot, No. 87VV ALKP.R ST first Blur* from Bro«dw»y

_Ml» HAYS. Bro.klyaLL( Hi::s..-.i 1.1 KM BWBOI8H LEECHES,

. irrivrd in prme ord»r. for i»le byJ. P I.KW a. Co , Ni. 9>. Maiden lane.

Ml.'.-. W. H. MAX\VELL*Orlif.-. for the ex-«Jarato« trr«.n.e,t .f , In aK. ASP.S of V K M ALES, i»

at No 34 Lupeeerd »I Betnediee for f«ui«l» der«ng»m«ntsAdvtcegrai» Co*»uitat,oi« «nd letter, confidential Countryl»trer». coniaininp »i" «»tit wi-Ji »dvir» «nd menirlne by r*-

lui« et m»ii H»nrf gu«ranteed in ill cases Patient« pruTtdid with lajaid ltd our» ri

_M-« W M MAXWELL. Midwife tad PhytidM. f


Mi KENNEDY of B «' ..-» ka* dl**oT*rt»d ra oaa of oa,.. a.»» pssisr« weeds a reaady tkal cut»« EVERT KINO

»f U ("MOB from ¡A, «evr.l .«.-.'.'_» «Vat« le i ««-*»». ftm^irrl« ka* tried il ta *»*r «le.«« haadr«d «tsses sad .«,er faiiMBt-ept la two Saaflfl both thaader baraer He «a» eow ia ki*i »»a ,a e»er twe buedrM eertiScaiae of - », a, all »taie

,. » mile» «r Eso. «'.»»-. wan.«ted to sa re e »i-»-»» tar« aoatb

Ob« t« is--« ko't». »ill ««re tM worst titri of ptarpie* o*

t*e 'seeTwo er tbre« bottle« vtli tirar (be ryttam of -.>«

Tv« a-.-¦ .« a » wsrrsatM lo «.-'-. tM »till mill la tMaoatk lad I'm-«%,Three u .-» . Mttlee an »arrt-ted to etuT ike want ».at of

.ryiipsli«.''». or tvi bait-ea ira varranMd to »are ill .»taor ia tM

8MBTw» baMMfl ir« «UTsalM le tur« rnmii. g of lba ear, «ad

» a» »u « tM bau-Keur w atg bellies i. « «srraiitad to «are «errnpt aad raanlag

airersOse bottle «fil i. . m», t «rsptlons ef tbe »kia.Tve er tbree bvliiee ai« war rar. led t« «are tlie w -a «as* cd

rlnjwor»I«, or thrtA, boitl*« »a» vamaated io «tu* ta« meet deeper»'» e*«e ef rheamaiuwaTbree t» fuur boitiee are warrantM t« «are aait rhavra.» ve 'o » « rtattiee w«ll ear» the vorn *«.» of .»- -*-i a.

A bearti« a alvtyt »tperieneed rrea tbe tint tottle. kadgaperfect cur» a ¦»«'.-:- war« th« ah««« i«gatity « tase«

V-'.t 11 !«.«ost to in.pr.ksbl« te tbeee who bare ia ra.» triadail Le» »Lderfail mrd-c.a»» of tb« d«, as tost « common veadgrowtag ob Ike pastsrr« aad along *;d «toa« wall«, «boald «ara»t»ry turrar to tb»»T»tem, yet u I* « 9ltd fact If y*u bars. baater, B -uiitur. Tbrsaar« bo ifs soi «sels bea« aor taflftbe.t .1 «a.'.lag BLOae cas*, bat not y ,ura I peddlM *,«r svi 'rasad b»rtl»* of it is tM v.ciat.y of BtttAoa I ksew t«e.fa. a »v-rv t*** It teg al ready BBM «mn« of aMBgatrMM e«rri «rer » .- .« _._*-...»:. Ig«»« it . «...j-.ab .,»t o d a oit profit a i-j I Mr* eeee ate» posy,¦ » » .» , a ¦ -r. .«..¦ ». at- r««n «k» wft *«d Issky, ra« »r« t«. s peif-ct eta,a ,f hea.t- by une eocttaTo '» «. vbo «.-« «- - tu ¦ . -i leMsrbe ess Mttle arfH

. -... .«.« It i-'ii-m: a " n tt a-ru ui ,,u it«

vu.« »-. live tabea tt k*v* beee «oe::,e for year» a.« aare.¦ regaisted by It W bere tue rjody » »,«». j it vert» «s-i*

a*sy. Mt wkare there ti any d*rsst»aiSBt of tas faacuo.« offoa-.-» t »n. «i «» ,»ry iiti'.'ar Steiiag, but j-n au aai k«tui'i tbey al wivt «.-.ppear rram tout dsysto a»aM Thar»ig .«irr « brad r»«».*t rrea it e« tM coatrary »ku llu f*al»»« is i a« yoa » - feel yoarsslf ilks s saw paraua. I kaard..ta« of :t« a~a: aaf-irigsat saccialaau sf .i r__l svar «_a«¦ateMaitekai'atci by DONALD KEMXEDT Na UB War.,

« Batkary Msss P »8WhoieaJ* Ag*su for New York: C T CLICKENE* k Co

Ho M t». .».« i HABLE* II RING Ha 111 duad»*»«A B bl) SANDS No :»l VV'.. Mir.-«t a»! ' r «,. ,| laulta »i B»»p».i»kJ» rj'«gi'.-s «rru««botil tM I'na

(ÙCtXm SUtaaBtTTB, *9t.

NEW-VORKiDd CALIFORNIA STEAMSIPLINE, ra Nicaraga« tM Acaaao.» Traaat Coap«_iy, *»

k tarft«-« Bn-prr.'.-r, Th« ».«adld d .T««l' «Cgia« «g««ft,«BipNOBTHEBN LIGHT, 2.4»0 rV_a birdea Cap«. E. L. Ttati*-...gc» lea,, - re Piar No 1 Hearth River, at I e-elcloMY M prsjA-aa-y. for Paste Areas*, oa SATUBOAT, Ja«. ÍT,lAai. ccsacct.g »tth the favorita «teeraahip SIERRA NEVADA. llitui bardaa. ov«r tM Nxsrigras TnartU route ha»gag bat IS aatlea ef -aad aaasportaUaa by trtt-c_w carrlag«.Tb«se »tea_.ers ara jflBBBBBBTal ia tbeu vec-laB«a aad MBBBB

t Pee tatana..as or paaaasa «pay only teCHAS MOBUaV.«4 Agaot ÑV < B<,»¡i«g gr_k_

hag» aate ap at BBS 88aa- Laturi ¡B teau per k_f

FOR CHAKLFSTON and FL<ÏRIDA-^E-I-MMBEJ-i I « MAIL LI IP. -Th« a»v and fa« « »«

a»e»a_e-p ».xR:"*« »» «ar 'aaaiMii « .«»« »¦.«

Ne. 4 N B at VAfDNPSOkT l«ri ->» »« » «"' -ek P Mppvewely. Pw trennt apry M aoard. v-»rri ail ktiM jf ad a»will k* atamat ted Mr iia.ag» *» :»e oMî* to

.POIFOB1 IlLt-rtJ« a Co Nj !»Bre"»d»»yTbro_tbr.. «'-_--. rU'dlriMI**!: .» JicU-ivUI*.*»;

._ Pi iki »ta Tfc. SO'TtiBENEB «.. «»:<:*»* aad

..».ve an SATURDAY. Jaa T.

Oi } AN -1 E.AM NAYICATI'-S C« -MPASY-P«w BREMEN »la B4»I T»4 A «4 »T«»S -Tb« -d

«MM'M V»:l-t'i*«* P HEBMaN*» T «.¦»,»».. »oia-iodepwill «i. »cr BREMEN tooehmg it ¦»"! TH , ripn».'-. !»*dth* mai- «IS paawesttn *-r t.ng «a« to« f-ttra »a SAria¡-DiV .'_. r at He oet M f*»e» Pwt **. .- *a»-.k River,

pan P. Of Passa JEPr-m Ne« York to Scetb.Bptoa et Br-rr-«

!¦ E .rd Celta. Mala 9_.«B.»ItoIs Em Cabi«. Lo»e« >^oori.?raieeoad Cabin. M

Aa tpei.eaeed targe«« i* alt.che« to »achM..kpeci» de ivrad la Havre or Loadoaa.A -r« nut p»m throash tb* Ptot Ofic*.p.r £r»:»tt or ;«_.»««. »PP-J Id

C. H. 84ND Agent. No So»tb W..::_« «_

TV* »reamer WASHINGTON .*_ eacaoad tb* U«ta_i,ea¿ M Keb. M



BY BIMI O S DRAPER-Offie« N«> 4« Pia»«., ,-oraer to V4";;;i,a__-rT7ESDAT.

J« B «ui;«) »cloak. M toe March**.» Ex*k*axfl*. f-r etcvual» »ay evno»ra:A Dividend Sertp of one and a half »hire» Mrfh./ee C«Mtral

Raiifite flt««fc.in« ihare» i'unwiti »ad fMbbM Rai'rnad B'»' Mih...-«. r. . -.-a- -«.»-. » t-

tt.nt- 1 per cent lit rrorrtata Ban«!* ef Ik* Bátalo, Car«in« and Ne» York Baiiraad C«. da* Ito. liter»-! payakl*May ',.«¦¦ No» Id. BMM

»S.i *C:tyof M*«xrhi» I percent. Bosd«, Its* lto*». Bl.**»»ach.

fl'-MC.' par ceat. Coupoa Bond« of tb« But* of P*__yl-vtnla tat ,-rr. Ictered payable Ke. ruary lot u 1 Aaflad »Mf (Ceacb.l.*C ibarM L'nica Oold M.nlBg Co »5 each.X< thetee BuidMll Oold and e opt»*' Co. 01 each.

»3 f«0 IllisoM fMirai Bai. road 7 p-1 cent. Beoda, do* If).g 1 k»3C eeetk._

MBCB_aCe AS» T*ADS»t' Stellst ISSTITl-TIOI, 1Dap* HI ISA«. I

DIVIDEND..The Mfchaui.-s' »nd Trad«»ra'Saviasi Infíitunai h*»edec.ar*d iselr ataal SEMI AN-

M'AI. DIV II'END o al: Jipo«** «atiiled there:) at the rite

.' SIX ill PER I'ENT :-: a**tun. on i «am» of 0 Mfl and «a

der. and PlVEli) PER CENT on ell «um» av*.- tht: u,«lpayable oa in.-. alter lb* Sd da» of Jmiuuv atxt Dividas.«*not »*..«* foi «ill aira» inteiMt th. Mote m Mtaeipal.


JiMti P HiiOHT. Beeret*.._MARKET FIB aUNWlill'l COMPAST

DIV IDEND.-Th* Board of Direet-r» have tbu day d*e.a.-: a Se:.. A-s.t. Dividend of POUR PER Ct*4» jo -.heCiLaUifltock of tb* Conipway. pivahl* on tad a'tei atHh u_C

By «der A»H-E TAILORJS«trda.-vNe» foik. Ja*naiy 9. It»_

ornes or ths St:o»«t> ** Railbo»o Co.jNsw-Yo««. Jin 15 rfaS. I

THE ANNUAL ELECTION lor DIRECTORSof tbia fov.pMT O. ¡>* held oa MONDAY, (febniry 51

next, it lb« obV« of the Ccmpaay, No. 3* Bowery, from IIo'clock til! 1 Tb* Tran*fer Bo. t« wi.l ha tiutai Croat . Kblad. until after -.be eleclioa. By order.

P. C. BOUEBfl, fleavtary.Aactic Fibs lasaBatei Coarui», i

Office No 1* WeM et. (

THE BOARD of DIRECTORS ,.f tin. Cm-pui hare ihi* dtp declired t tetul tnntttl iridas-id of

»ii per cent.. payable to IB* «toethotder» on tad líber SATBRUAY. th» 13t_ _*x.-Niw Yor«. Jaa 10. 14VJ

RICHARD A. OARLEY. .S^retary.Orn«-* or R*»t»Lic Pit* laietti * C0..1

No. 71 V4allot.. Jin il. IS«. «.

THE TRUSTEES tt tl,i« Company ha*p» I'll ISDAY de .are«. :n conformity »ith 'her Chirtir, t dirt

deed of POUR AND THREE QUARTERS PER vENTOB tbeir Cipittl Stock, paytblt, oa dimaad. ti the «Bar«boldei» in cub and »cup.Aci i->» * forth«! dividend of TWENTY PER CENT.

lie in «crip to the iMcred oa all premium« on the PolicM_«0"i by th « ( ,u,|ti« «Li I- have t*rmin*l*d w.u.». ih*:'. « > . ' Mdinfl 3!it D*c»niber ...

I» F fi»«v See. ROBKBT S HONE PresidentThe ( ker'er of tbi* f ui*»uy proitdM ihd. after p*yiu( in-

t.r.tt te it« .' irebo'.der» »J the r»te of »in i'»r cent |a»« »i

aem. the r.meieinfl btoSi* it* to Be touuillydivided batveeatk»m aad ih» nolle» nrld.. in aerip hearing inu-ra»« wtii.-k.»rip i* not r0 be pa d at until th« eel pr».nt* t,»a*iher wit«

the Batatal «ta<k ihtil exceed QBe million cf d<M!»rt_urrit* or th» On »xi i»o CHit'*u«ïT*»io« R it I

C'Wpi.» Ihieate Jaeaary 10. IAV> I

N'OTkCE OP DIVIDEND..Sotire i« horebyItvea te ite STft« K HOLDER 4 ..I 'he OALENA »ad

CBICAOO I Nl.iN RAILR04D KlMPANY. ihm DIVI¬DEND of FIVE PER CENT, upon'he etpiial «'«<k of theCompany, for theil» mouihieBdir.fl Kehraary I45.A hiiri>ideedtrtd. payable on the t»nth «it of K.nr'iary a.tt. la "t-

tifictt** h»*ri-fl d»t* F-bin*iy 1 I'M, to k« tMU-d b» the Secrotary, which certiticttM vil' be redeemabl. in ceih on thebut diy oi Kehruiry. 1«"«. wna inrereit *t the rate of ten percent. oar mnaiu. B» order of th« Bo»-d of l)tr«etor«


IV M LABBABEE. MoMtsry._ÑBv. Vosa, January B, 1MB

K 01 ICE..A special ni.»etiiifl of thtv »Sto«-dhol<|.ertot '.h- ALBION MININO fOMPANY «ill ho h«ld

on the Sid «*., »t I o'clock,« lb* otic, ol lb* «Compiny,No. M Merchant»» Etching*«...

w | Bt'TTERWORTH, B«M-r*t»j7.Örric« or th* Ii LixottTfraniL RiilioiO f «impía», i

Nt-a- Y'.t Juni; IE 1MB !


DOLLARS HE THUB Kk ' L4NI» H« >Ni»a. «eeored by.- .«' '.lietr I.irii ai'ual.d wt'hln lie State ol I. in .«.

Tie«* lud» lie eu bo'h .'le. of the ( h a|» Hranch «at the. Ltril Bulrttd, tnd er« raised it 01.'»J>».'"«». Th«M

Bond» «Me the tint and only lies upoa Mid ¡mm.Th. Bond« ir« for *o* IhouMud dolltri eieh. tnd be»r la

terrd it th« tete of 7 per te: t.. par anauin. payable ««mlai'Loaaiiy on ihr hr« ,:«, of Mircti *nd September in th« Oli.yof .'«.«York Tb* piii.cipal i* pajakle on th« flrd of S*pt-,HiaO. IBMidcty.The bund» »11! b« received t* cath tt par in paym.int f ,r

tb*M taiada, it the punhaaei t., *l*at at lb* Uui* of making taa

purekaM Th. land» »ill be a»U foilhvilh, and th. pioeeto< f the Miel depuelted In «ouie i»l« ni,iii'i-ii iiialtliKi in by (be'I .,..'».. and «| piled to th« purehM« «f th. II. od« a! the wal¬ks! ra'e« »a long m il.« can b» kought at per or molarThe Company farther «ader to the «ohaeririer» to tht» .»an the

option to »nbectibe for twenty-one thooMnd ihiree of lb«»lock, on or before the fad diy of lioaaery l»>» by payios 'hom»-mii 'tt« which »bill hive team levied upon tbedoek of'het ompeny priar to tb*t dite. The dock t> '.« iMi-d m »a«

proportion ol fete* «hire» to itch bond of on* tho'iiaxnd J «i

Tt» mtereit on tbe Bond» to be tiljait'd it the dtp of payn en» of the leipeetlve initillexent*.Aoy obtigttion of the Company mafirfng wi hin to day* cf

th« |eriod«at which tbe indallment» become due, »111 be ro¬

te.sed on «ecoant thereof, deducting interMt tbereoa at therate of 7 per cot. pet i_l urn

Tbe foupany having tlready received «ubocriptioM fortUti.fOti of ibeM Bond« tt MTenty percent., and iMervod»i i... if. for their 8tw k and Bondholde«* in Barupe, »ill ro-

ceiie «utwripiiona M the Mm« rarixper cent f«r tb* bilaae*.at their OBic No *- Wail d uulB the ¿Ath day of J.oaaiy.

Trie paymeaii for labecrlplior. »ill bo received ia iu»t_>l-V -I -.* ae »

I» per teat on the 77th lad10 per cent on th» I« th ./rbratry neat.30 percent on th« l"th Miren n«tt.10 per cent, on th« l»tb April next.1* per cent, on the lt»b A-.gm» a«xt.3») per c»nt. on the I'ah Saptember next.lu jer cent, oa th« loth Oetoaar a*xt.10 per cent, on th« 10th November next.

8nb*cr1h*n may ex any time previo .» to the tadarity of tbafinal Indallment«. pay lb* vhole or any portion of the inttali-fxent* dae, and lec.ive Bond« for tbe iiaxao.Five per cent of th. amount labccrltwd will ia« rattinod iu-

Ml the lammt of tb* lut lniu.lu.'ut.A ful, report of lb* proapeet* *nd fiaineM of th« Couipa.y

bu JUII '»en ¡.',,.«iied for wbieb and further oiforo.ali.i ra-

.pectl.g the pr, pa«ed i*m, application nay he mad* at ill«office of the fotnpeny. J N PERKINS Tieaaurer

Olllt» Or THt iLLIIa!« (tiltil. RalLIOlIaNi* V .«a Jinoaiv üi IIM (

THE EXECUTIVE COMUITTEE of tbi»COMPANY attftott the attention of the pe-aiea iat*r*d*d

to tb* following preamble aad 'e*olu'.i..n BaMto thi«d«y:It St.ni. The«. .IUU ,.11 lb« b« ok» oí Ihel lllüol* C*oi4-»l B*il-

ro*d llouipaav 1.349 iharM of th* dock of «»ad Coapaoy. apoavhicb * only hat be.« pud «naing la »ar». from light« Uiaab..erih« vhieh termiuued oa Id Juaary up.u wheb nghaon'v »5 err «hue h« ba.n an»eMad

Ele il he..l»-d Hit in SMeMment of 01" per «bare ha leviedofon »be dock, on »hieb obit ? i per «bare bu beea BMiwid,ptyirle it tba Oif.c« «fthi« Company on or prurto !d Peb-rcarv.iun «nd that the bolder* of »II deli«q»*»t ibarM bo

hereby aotixied to ctmp.y vitb the aaMMmcoU Uv.ed «pintheir dock._.

Orrit* or ths D»liv«bb, Lackivisa ho >WriTlia Railboao Co No 4» Walla«.. \

Nev York. Ju I«, -.. )OAS of 1900,0Ä.Tie B«iard of Mixa^fr* of

thli Company in paraaance of toe ttnannaoua «xetioa ofth« Stockho den d their Id« annual maetlnfl. kav .-«¦.. to

kerne tb« SEVEN PEE CENT CONVERTIBLE MuRPOAOE BOND! of the Company to 'he amount of 01"" Mt -a

n.n_ of 01 Oe* tut riicej each. h«vmg t »enty year» to no -the

rrivilcge ot converting ;a'o dock being limited to Aflflfl I.W«'.vitb ia ample »inking fond provided for t*t« »«?.-¦ '.

Mid Buad* at tbeir luitur ty Tla-i» Bond« ar-. now otftred toti- --'«:.» der» in proportion Ua th« i,i.,e of »Kick U4 bythem rMpacuydy oa th« ,«ld«y ot luiiui :u: upon term««ii.n will be made known at the office A tbe Compcuy

p«.. «t,o 'i.', reaioing ia the City of New York »re re |uMt«.lto «laset, to'ale thrr pro rat«, oner before aaxaxaamf th« 20»bm«-., by notice to the indiingnM and ti.atn reanding nl»o-»Lvrewil. b* »peeled to elatct. by letter, unai»«i.»i».y .p».«Ote receipt of Bo'iceThe fint indii.iL.Lt f 4*'per e«r* »ill bo r.«)«nr.d on the

Id *ty of Dehruary MOB, tad tbe balance in montniy inittil-men!» tharaatter. of In per e*nt M:h.Sack of the Bond* u ma) not b« taken by the Stockholder*

v.tn.n tbe t_u« above aamed. «nil be ajuprved »if under tbe di¬rection of tb* Finance «Uoinmitxee it n»t Imb _tn tbe prtc»otigmal.y i ; for tbe Mino By order.

. WM E W-ARREN, Ti-euwrM.VORTH CAROLINA COPPER COM PANY-It A meeting of tbe Btoctholden of the NORTH aR »LINA COPPER COMPANY will oe bcl«»B it No. 1» Pe«rid ,

.o WEDNESDAY seat, at: P M Mr BLOAN.ihe TTM*»*e.«ill b* prtteat and r.ady to a_iver any il-j-i..--.». :e*p«. : agtb* property of the Comf-uiy. A ¦.aarai itunattnce la ra-iaaat-ed. Bignod,_N K ANTHONY Pr*dd*«t.

I"RMSO 8AVIS0.S ISST1TUTIOS, So. %WarrcB-tt one door from frrraov-.to..«Jpaa daily from

10 A. M. to 1 and 4 to 7 P MLlotered at lb* rate of I per casL *llow«->d '.n til niu fro«

ai temió»The fand« f-h_ toMBBM.i are »aiear-ly tcve«'.ed in So_i«

aad Montage« in tb* City to New York, wortb diubi* triaBMoaat _»»aatd, i_« in Boarii ef tb_ City.

CALEB E WOODUULL PnvldeaU._M. D VAM PELT. Vic* Prorid.nl.

CM. CLAY i CO.. BANKER».CitnciM.Ci.4T. . N*. to Bad TblrtOa.Dario 8 Oooolo», > Belov W_a«tWiLAUM H Baa»Q- |_ËË_Ë___f__

FIRST MORTGAGE« oo CITY IMPROVEDPBOPEBTT. bav_g Mt a ittorl ttrno to rxta, w.'te Bar.

c-BMd by ROtWELL O PIEECE. eatmet at Pt_aw_ *_dBivadway, Bsdat tte M«tT»fle_taa S«__


VEW YORK CPNTRAL RVILR>vn COM-i.^ PANV TBEkafaERa npr. r. »,..., ,,£ '.lKk»_r». ,.e*a, bar« ««¦!.- «g . rt-"_a.N .' *P»S *T e» ,.- «.a.,, _a.\s!l»sw

C»ll .1 f«e t-l^ra-Bgaanetk. ., -, .,,1». _»,.,,k _. ;7_""_o» r'.li« tas« p»a,a»**.«».....oK-»iat.d kg»a..v«f_»*e«»e per eeai a»»»-- ...e »p-a «_,w. »« i», ,

ay pa?»»"»»» »M «-. r_ta« a«*rT >' .¦ . a. k_»_lo'er» «,'tor-rrOc»*t *a tr« irat o«

«lend being a-te lorre Bart ci »l'easc»»

e-a*li,|j»» «««.rr-g ArtgAad o' «eaa s*arA.guet ..a aa«t t. rJa. «,...,_) BtouZmade^ th., ««.»sa, t« th.TTaaliJ

tic« PS CSf tkl IC«. U*l ek-S to».a »i t. g_, _,. .

*\»e pan y s mm» a. tk«y cea be »eg pj aot ,m ,g_, pr-a- t i .a... b» tptalard to paa the ««_ ,»., girttaasj, ^.a!,-Üa. «ay u*t be ,<i<al»te, ,. ifc, -ti . i L. . . _*?

s - "-»I.»».« »b*a*»»i ia.g. a. «.a.a-wat fcr ibw »¦_».¦».

cl lue park*** «o»e», aad tea» a« i»o.> .« w»Y. «a. m%.»eile l\*ir ai,v*»a«V, 'or th* pa-pa.e of making ap fall «-,«!..Tb* C*»p»«a KM« ref.fr»« te ar» «*' lb« a«« -i. .a...«, atOí.«* aad ».***.; Ml for tb» roav.eameA» «f «rlt ,- , p.,,»a 'i-' »»a» wall k. ma», -a QlM |««,Ttlkbl «.«,«,,. .».!,,ei»B'»*arr vth *»'.-»*. ravkMe »ear «arma* y *c pe «ea'ei »a»Ir«»«* be-rtrStA«»« Icf-Mtl i-ap»<ve-*» '-«-|. ¦¦ritVOB M'recder oí » itfhcttf o»roter ter ttet *»-*.«.».

A.I tr» Becd»» ¦.. «A»«r ttt»ratet al eea«r« pvrceet per HflMMIft««! th» lit o' Pebrntrr a«tt. payable eettf are i«.«y «a ik*I3tk diy ot Jbb* *rd D«eaaa«a» « aaab year Tva tat*r*st .*tb« A,gut divtalend t.. in aoaUkito 1«( Erkrasry sag: «triM paid ib cashBoBda for rateckkoldrr, who aav prefer par»B«*t*i ta*a m

abc*» k'tlaoD^ w.i: be r»*dy tor d«Mr*rv »si th- «el«.'««aa tbAM. A,««at d.vaata*4 » :i », ^tm », ta_ ,,_,.. t ,. ,_ _,M «htcfe : ..ii atovb :. re«»'.«sal. ea tb* 1st '«« f P.briaryaril oiMSuaia UarttJUi « lb« and«.! .«.«.! So*_ ceab. p »i-«i-»g i' ljI It»» ;0.pleted a» L» «htck ear y a oA»!*«iBM gl«e«.?» Traaefoi Bo»k« >f Bat OBbSBBR w.ll ,.«. ., ia* «1 era

»I baafoia« ot tM »tb .axl aad ,.|.a .«« la* .» a ll.v «a»

Ike »on p.etio* .( tie <iv«i*** !l*<* «aad B.>«. ae « .-.- -,tasaeal By erdet of lb* Bea-d


PARTIES htildins HILLS or DRAFTS draw*b, DREXKL SATHRB ft CHÜBC i.iaii .__,

Cal, payabl* «a lije Or.as B*ak of 1.ia Cllv. ar» |.,inl Mpieaaat th* .«_- for ,.,-,. :«

_J. T VAN VrLRlg*' a BEAD, Me. at Watt««.

CTOCKS BOUGHT ami souv ttoteûs sikj* ccnD.lf.nia. by A W. OREBNLBAP >* I a .' ...

$«>¦_ i M |4|- To LOAN in sl'MSt.» «ail«as>*Ft\flrTP tpf f.'r'i. on Lcprved ttt» frBtTMBM

or Brat «lea M»»rtga»re» pra*a_BT»rl Add.-ea* parpad I R M.tMettvpo.'tta Pos' Oft.-». BiM»- H cm*. No k'oker s-ed apply.


Crg-i XcMur«Is th« ra-.fttter of th« SALE of th« Kk'.AL E»T*TE ot WIL.

LIAM IRWIN decae«*«, tor th» pavui .1 ot v« r a». *

EXECUTORS' SALE.. In purvmauo« of »aorder of ihr *>u*Togab» of tM Couu., «( Naw Y».|. dated

th« ttBlk d«g of Jaauagy It!» «M uu.'.uaot ¡o »tat« « tr*MArriiEVV MLLE.N aud PA7R CE rBA'Y P.a.i.i.r.«,tks MM will «ad t.*itu-*.i of WILLIAM IRWIN at. o'lk«Ca« i f N. » Y k de. ».«-« w, *»il »t pub I,- aacil i ftiiaaM*t «aru Eaebaag* ia lb. lit, of N-w Y it. M ts* it»ds» ol March neu. al It oV«««:k at i,a« hi» f» lowi.g d*-.ci'bvd Lsn.-.**»ii Bailo d««. aitaated la the Tw»atelb {taleMat*«, ih. W*«d ol tb* . liy of N.w-Y-.ik. aan-iy

All ir-.t c-rt»io lot, piece or p« r»l of lead, wiirt iba Si gi»r» tbrrete «ito»I». lyiag «r* ateieg in te« Twrati-ik Ian««ut»««t>i VV»at| of th» t i» ». N-w York, »oowo aai deti«guebee on e rertata map prate nabar i-cris-i {til tutAotjridfd ». loll»», to wtt rlegani*» ei . point an tb» tastgatv «rde of the Tetta avrnae -utitl fnr'v Bit-'»«I |v» iBcke»north»riy fri rr. tbr Lorth-rly .id» M Thirty «igiii «g , ta**c«r*_tri!| eiitetif psrtll«! to Thirty rlihtk «t on« hii.drei f»*t,th.LC» rjcrttrr:» pitkJlel to tb* T*BIB tveeu«, IVtat. funMet «Lght iBcbe», thtace w*»;r/(T pars.'»: t» Tltirly ».gtiife..treet oae bUBalr, Jfr.1 to kr -a»t«r¡v »l.leof ihaTegik »»-*«*,tforiesid std ibsncs *,u'b«»ily k, ti lb« ««.In y « d* of ik«T»a ;!. kteaue, iwri.iy f,,ur fe«i »ad ei.hl Ib««m« t.i tae » ece

et hegii i. >.g Tbe m pruveuteni* *a »aid Ra*i E«ia'* o»a»*a*tof two Praaae Dw»:in,«. aad Otaaaa, «ad «r* rgaMaafl io « a.rp

gag* of .ev.n hnnitiat» d. !!.¦. T»iin* r*ih liaieai Jeeaeryöll.v» MATTHEW al.i.b.N ,

M ..wtwTa PaTBICK IB«' v 1 * f"

IN ITiRSLANCE otao order of tbe8umiKat« eftb* CcrBBty of B*w York, notic« IS b«reby give« tj all por

a.n* hating claáinaasairuii JOH.N C. KOBKHr*ON I.I« of «JkaCil) »f New York decetsed. to rreaen« th« «»a, with «««efe..S« th. i .a.f. to tM «olKiibei. si bi» office, No. 10 Blrlugi.« «A

la tb« City of New York, ot oi Mfur* tb* twenty sulk day,,f Julv ,-n ,. j New-York the tw* it. e-c niJ 1«. 4Jamar, \VA JOHN H ROBRRftONjail lawduiTu* _AdiulBl-Aaata^IN IT RSl'ANCE ol an or.l.-r .if th» Sijrriisfata

of th* i «tuory nf New Y rk ttott» . » hereky gtvea to all

perton« having claims assitiM M LIAM M r»r- H V'4,IM« of the -.«y of Nr» V t ---hfii, 4*reaeed. to pre***gth« »an » »lib voucher, fherr t t.. tbr luWnMri. At tb« iBo»ot Jahn V*n Arada.». No. 11 Maiden Use. la lb« DM) M *<iw-York ot nr before the Uth dsv <f Jalp B.tL D«:*d N«»Yuik. the nth day oi !«¦. m.'a I'»'

JOHN V Ai AR*0ALP. P.»»eak»rjsi.9 IswfimTa LAI KA A PELLOWS, BstxetrM

IN IT'RSl'ANCE of an onlcr ..! tho Stirrtbiataof Uie Cueaty nf New b .»rk N»n. - a» hen by giv.a 'o a

P -.,..-.»., ,a»:i . a«a»»«i I" \Nlb il SANOS .'» "k*

bty «I Nrw-T'iik. Ir. *««.'d, te pree»'ii tb» Mat« wn'i ttmtf*r* th*r«e( to tbe lurarr.ber, at hw oSi.e Me IT iirbo «greet,m the I ity ut New Y..W. on or befoT» the iw-nty a»v»otk 4*fo« »sit b seal Dated New Tork the g*Kh d«r ' *»; '«mkarr1&V4. MELANCTHON L SElMoCB b.t- .cor

t.» itw*reT»iI N FÜB8UANCE ol au order ol th.» SiirretTSte

,f the County el N»w Yolk un!«« i, her»1!« glr*A l* «|perioei* havii« ¦'.n« .' HENRY M P'lAHb Y at*

ei tb» City u» N«w-Y.«'l, deceased t» t.,«««nl ih* s...a »ufe». nchrr, ib«re<f lo fete »oba-t«»»r *t In* reaideoc*. N« III( Union.ptftc» in lb* Cut of N»w Y.k ..n .»r h»f.ir* th* tttfeda, »1 ksbrusry s»«t.-P«ted N»w Y-a ".«Mi lav of Vigest,

I»* CHARLES Mb .an« Ï Pi- it.«-

«a« laaremTa_

KOTICE of APPLICATION f«.r the atttohaajlof an li.sioteiii f. .n, hi. .let.i« punuani lu tk* piovwin»

oi tie third attli I*, of the flr.t ill», of th* til h r-i«pi»i, .fib*.e.oad part, ,.f th. ll««i*ad Statut»« -Cil ABLE« MOURI»,ol the Cl.y of New Tick Ratea» h »¦ pit» atbad n»c..o'»»i II,IHM. Cfaditors t.. .i|«»*r k*fiiie th» Hoi. VV»I, na* B S**ke,City jAiigeof tb* I ny and Couiiiy of New York «I k« OBBM»b«r»ln the ( ify llsli In lb* CUT of New-V'lH. oo ts* Ibirdd«y oi M*rcb. ISA*, at I.- . A M

A B DYKTT Attorney f.,r IaatSMM:.* «- «.I. Ra ryan row. N«» Terfc.

CVjPBEME COURT..In the matter. A.:.,efkjl the Konketh. cktr Bank. Ac.N.,fn « i. heaby gi«»a,p .iniii.t to the itkt.it»a m tuch cl«* mal» «nd p. ivilad. ka,in puiUBBCr of tu oidei ol th.i Reg I J K« .*«»»': . JMlice f .«.! Cm t dulv n.ade In fui mailer thai all RbîiilTOBM (lb Tl'b: KNICKP."BOt KP.B HANK ,f ¦¦-t t «fNew Yolk, «re I.en -i, r*t|*lr«d lo »tbiblt and snii'sbiut.1. naioi. helot« Ihe I nited MUteM Tru»f »inpti.y »' «i.«Yoit K»'.it«r "f .«id Buk. .1 ..Id C.iiiitaaiiy'. ..IB'- N« ftVV, .' in the City of New York wWbli.i 'hi, y day. folffi iMdate of this notice. D«n«d New Y .«. »«¦.i» IS fab*

I »«b.l'll I. VI» H." A, KPreMdent of lb» I' B. 1'iast Co of New York

Jc«» A. Sti»««t, Sectelary._ja« ted

Sl'PRF.MK COI RI..In tin» ii.attr.r ol nia, .«-

plica.uu of .i* Mayoi. Aid a.men »lad CaaoaoBaltt of ta»

City of N«« Yolk, aelatlT» to tb« OPENING OK ONE UL'NDKED AND THIRTY TUIRDBf from ._, 411» «, mhttb-s«.W» Ibe aaderilgnad ConiuilMtonert of Eartlinsia ».id aaae

aient la lb« «boa« rati-ed ..,« ter besreii, give aotlea ». ÜM,»,,.! or ¦¦»..»,» occepsot ol ,- a -tnU ol «If «otieat» «ad »aats,a/>d uvipto,*« »ot Buioiproved land* »ff»ct«d tn»«t«ht «ad Wsll oiber» whom It may ooaeern, «a :.-»». Ui wit:Piral.That » - b*t« cuo.pteiad otar E*tiut»ie «ad A » mm

and ihat «it per*»*, »v .» u..«r-«t* a/« «*. »«d ttaeisi.y «a»«no may he opf>o*'d lo -'. «agne «lo pr.»»!,i tti»»a iaj»-.j,ara,tnwrllt«», duly t-T.-d to JOHN 6 HOLMES "¦», ea

: l.s.rir a., at the »ft, » ol th« Commis.«oner. No *d (Tka»>-r» «t «».i.« «tory. V.n« ...oí-i la tki» city, oa or »MaiU.» fourtb dit of liniAiry, I'V,Heeoad- Tbat any perton or p.«» m va« aay «saaMl

tt »-.'. «riv»« ftggro v-.i by tard K..!la»«ie and A«*e«,faa«a(, wSI bt

beard la oppoeltloe to tbe ta.ie, befar* at, it «a« «a« pleee M». rio- k P M. ot th» lit* dar of Jenaar». I*-Third That tk« abarra I of lb« «Bad Kit! ia'» «a« Aaa*

* eut un. lier with our i..ifcB ««id »'«-. «t tb» «rhd«riM. »s»asu* snd oiler duatanaaats whlcfe «aare need by e« ta uni««

¦»'j'report h»ve keen il.po.lt.d I« tbe rltgeat C'.«iinia«.i«a'l«)«Tre .!,« ritt »od. r..,MU,y of N«v Yogk. tbU« to rauaal» B»«I l'Ail day of Pablo»!» ISAft

Kavurib -Thai ill« .toiit» enibiaced ray lb« A**»«sui*a ttSPe« .¦ a--a* ... b.w. All ko** i,.»-*» uf lead, «kaaied I» à».aid oily, floating no both sid.a of Oa« II .-« -u »og niitrthird BE hetwrea the weaterby «ide of th« P lartk av «aid bat

a».- . -.'.!. J «r« ni.I K'i.|» P.iBdg* Riad «ad «guMiag W.Je «1'ir't »r-y »r.d * utnerly »i«»« ..I i», a ¡I».., Ired «aad Pblf/trthird »t m 'he middle of the blocks qa eitbaw aid* Ibateef, .«

Plftb-That our report be/*,a ««sll ke praaaatatd to Ik» I»»reme Cowrt ot tbe Btato of Nev Totk. «t a »pecisi tea«

thereof, to be held «. the City 11 a is tb« .i* city, «a »API'»DAY.U-r I'th d.y of Kebroaq. A D iitVb at lb« u) IM«tb* Cour- oa that dar, «a tbat than and then, or »s eue« »M»after iseouBeel can be beard, a «Bo.ua trill M aadel.I.Sr.BOrt 1> «n_lrB»-d.



g»MM_________k__B______»SUPREME COCRT.-Ia the taatter ef ..¡7 Apt 11,»«iirti uf ti.« Maw» a i»nue-, mrt J«>»»iraia»r»__tb* Clay of Nev York refou.e to Da OPENI Nib aod LATRMOI'Tof »PIBLIC SQIIAIP. kno«ra ae BIeOOMIBGI_MW .

,..! A-r. in tM N.r.e.«.,.»'», Vaed «field etty -Wtmrr tr ao er« of Pa .n.al» and ftnatl»«nt la tk» .*.«*.*»

Sti«d ststtat. hereby gt~« aodee to the ow«ar or ov-ar».W

:ap»_t or oceapaul*, »f all house« «tad '.uM and tmpr«»v«d*»Tctmproved >sl it sfe«t«<t tb«r*by. sad to sll iiban **»*¦ »

«BBS eoccer« .» foil»»«, to w.t:ft ait TMl we Mve eot» u.ted o«r Eaiimat» «M *****

_eut and iha: a'l pr.rtoù» »tiuee tal.rests a.» »dsjciM a**»»

i, tut wbo may be a p .ad to the «auue. do paw.*at *****f;foctr-n» Is writs« ddly »«i.tied. to MOrlES MAYNaUJ *bEaai. «aor Ci.sirmas, st ,h* »Be« uf tk* Ontgmai*a»r»i ' -SDAVIES. No 71 W»ll-at.la ttieeitf.oa or bolnrttmmWit] of DaceeiaMr W64 ^^

Iscokli TMl tcj pel*»« .« |»»r*f>_. wtao lusy ^oomOftimeeire* »ggÁr«»d by said P.etit««U «od Aaea.rraeai, ¦*_» "

bear« » » !.i»»iiii» to tb« ai.a Mfor« os, «1 IM 4PBB__JOHN A »«VEERS.No M SPal at. ia «Aid arty. at I *»«»»»

P H.,atMiibMjolJ»«iiaiA.I«* __.

Tuteo Tb»_iue Abetraet of tb« «*»» Esxlraa» aadAM»ei-«i toge-îfeer »tth ou» m»p* «ad «is» all tM sBTaWeBagmate* aa« otker «ocameaU »hiea »e»«i 'i*M by a« .

n» re«>of»,ga«, g«., drtaraltM ta tb. Sir««« ___B_g«!-. 0*c« «it tb« Cltf aad Cayv-tj of Ne» York. ****». ¦.»

I Of P»b

«M .«« «_.»» «- -_¿jgk» tM »aeterly .'Iba « mi» of the «_ s« «M «« .**_*__!a_»fla*B»«J il.a or «Uaof Utfea, Aai.aba. a" ^TlStmtrtotm hAM.mroto tad aarsal* of laM 0 trail«« «.-._. *_*_.kdacaf lb. «th .» ealeen «gatk «t »yittkt. kmt .TZLmiheH'/t. froalia« o» ike »«.*.«!, .-»* of _» liay ¦**__,4íih «ad etth-«AS pAbBMBB m t_d «rat ta um mm mot m

Coamamn_.aKirT«. Thaï «au rapairi Serete «al- b«