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How Much Stuff Is Too Much Stuff? The Art of Downsizing

The article is mainly about the relationship between of the value between happiness and collection of personal materials.

People are increasingly sounding alarm bells over our dependence on material items: gadgets, clothes, and technology and the affect it’s all having on our well being, not to mention the planet.

Author Graham Hill recently talked about his struggle with consumption for the New York Times “Somehow this stuff ended up running my life, or a lot of it; the things I consumed ended up consuming me.” He added, that how simplifying his life have helped him finding his own happiness.

The trend indicates that people are realizing, which is one of the Buddhists’ believes, that material wealth does not lead to satisfaction, but rather suffering -- for ourselves, and the Earth. The Dalai Lama wrote in The Path to Enlightenment, that a materialistic mind is extremely fragile and unstable, since its happiness is based on the physical circumstances, which does not last long.

Page 2: Article review

This article is related with our garbage issue, since garbage is closely related to purchases. If people start to follow the trend of simplifying their lives and decrease their purchase rate, then less garbage will be dumped, which both contributes on the Earth’s and their happiness.

Have an idea about the 5 creative ways of simplifying your life and contributing on your happiness by visiting this place:
