Art Center Trip -4th Grade

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  • 8/2/2019 Art Center Trip -4th Grade


    Art Center Trip

    Erin Schiltz4th grade Art

    Class periods: 2 (45 min)

    Objectives: 1. Students will be able to identify shape, color, forms, texture and line in others


    2. Students will be able to speculate the artists intention for the viewer.

    3, Students will be able to create their own title for the art work.

    District Standards:

    1. Elements of Design(Line, Color, Shape, Form, Texture, Value and Space)a. Use line, shape, color and texture for creative self-expression.

    2. Principles of Design (Unity, Rhythm, Pattern, Emphasis, Proportion, Variety,Balance)

    a. Use pattern and rhythm for creative self-expression.3. Communicate Meaning (Subject Matter, Symbols, Ideas)

    a. Expressing meaning in own work of art through symbols and subjectmatter.

    b. Apply grade level academic vocabulary: subject matter, pattern, texture,shape, rhythm and color

    Materials: Pencils Index Cards Paper 8x11

    White board Dry erase marker Crayons

    PowerPoint Art Center Sample Art

    Procedural Steps:

    1. I will ask the students to sit at their desks with their heads down.2. Formative Assesment: I will show the students the Art Center PowerPoint. We will talk


    1.What do you notice? Colors, shapes, figures, lines, textures,

    2. What questions does it raise? I wonder . . .

    Why . . .

    What if . . .

    3. Speculate What kind of story was the artist trying to tell?

  • 8/2/2019 Art Center Trip -4th Grade


    What could the title be?

    What would he artist make next?

    3. I will then have them look at sample art work at their tables in small groups and go overthe questions again. Next they will write down their group answers on the index cards.

    They will have one person write down the answers, afterward one person will read the

    answers out loud and one person will hold the picture in front of the class. I will give the

    students 6 minutes on the timer to answer all the questions.

    4. They will have pencils and index cards at their tables.5. I will walk around the room to monitor the students progress and assist when needed.6. After the timer has signaled I will call on groups to present their art and tell the class

    what they discovered.

    7. When they have this completed they may do free time art.8. The next class we will view the PowerPoint again and discuss a different piece of art with

    the same questions.


    Then the class will break into small groups again to discuss different samples of art workand go over questions. Next they will write down their group answers on the index cards.

    Once they have a few minutes to write their answers on the index cards. I will stop the

    class and have the writer and picture holder stand up at their table. I will ask the pairs at

    each table to switch tables and discuss their findings with the new groups.

    10.I will have the students repeat this a second time with different groups.11.At the end of the second sharing with groups I will discuss with the students the

    expectations for the field trip. We will also go over how to read the labels by the art work

    at the Art center.

    12.Finally I will have the students create their own art work and make a label for it on theback of their paper.

    13.When they have this completed they may do free time art.