Arlington County, Virginia CHAIRMANS CIP MESSAGE CIP 2017 – 2026 To the Citizens of Arlington County: I am pleased to present the County Board’s Adopted FY 2017 – 2026 Capital Improvement Plan. The plan funds County capital projects and infrastructure of $2.8 billion and Arlington Public Schools’ (APS) adopted $510.29 million CIP, for a total of $3.3 billion in planned capital projects and infrastructure investment over the next decade for both County and Schools. This plan provides funding to address the challenges posed by the fact that our community is growing. We will make strategic investments in our schools, transportation, land acquisition and technology. That means APS will have the resources it needs to build new schools and expand existing ones. We will improve bus service across the County and build a premium bus service connecting Columbia Pike and the Pentagon City-Crystal City corridor. At the same time, we will invest more in land acquisition, improve customer service by investing in technology and fund the replacement of the aging Lubber Run community center. Highlights of the Adopted CIP include: Arlington Public Schools: Full support for APS's $510.29 million plan to address growing enrollment, including full funding of its 2016 $138.83 million referenda request which addresses capacity expansion. Metro and Transportation: $1.6 billion in extensive investments to ensure safety, accessibility and efficiency for commuters on bike, foot, car and transit over ten years. These include the County’s continued $30 million commitment to Metro over the next two years. The CIP lays out a plan to fund the recently adopted Transit Development Plan approach for new, modified and expanded bus service over the next decade, including premium bus service that will offer a one-seat ride from the west end of Columbia Pike to Potomac Yard. It also funds the Neighborhood Complete Streets Program and expands the streetlight management plan. The County will also provide a workplan to include schedule, scope of work and additional funding needs for an update of the Bike Element of the Master Transportation Plan. Lubber Run Community Center: Planned funding includes $46.5 million in new bonds for design and construction in the 2016 and 2018 referenda for replacement of the County's aging community center. After the referendum is considered by the voters, the County will undertake a community engagement process on the arrangement of the indoor uses of the facility and the outdoor amenities, to begin before the end of 2016. A - 1

Arlington County, Virginia · (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) and roofing systems. Jennie Dean Park design will begin when the Four Mile Run Valley Initiative is complete

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Page 1: Arlington County, Virginia · (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) and roofing systems. Jennie Dean Park design will begin when the Four Mile Run Valley Initiative is complete

Arlington County, Virginia


2017 – 2026

To the Citizens of Arlington County:

I am pleased to present the County Board’s Adopted FY 2017 – 2026 Capital Improvement Plan. The plan funds County capital projects and infrastructure of $2.8 billion and Arlington Public Schools’ (APS) adopted $510.29 million CIP, for a total of $3.3 billion in planned capital projects and infrastructure investment over the next decade for both County and Schools.

This plan provides funding to address the challenges posed by the fact that our community is growing. We will make strategic investments in our schools, transportation, land acquisition and technology. That means APS will have the resources it needs to build new schools and expand existing ones. We will improve bus service across the County and build a premium bus service connecting Columbia Pike and the Pentagon City-Crystal City corridor. At the same time, we will invest more in land acquisition, improve customer service by investing in technology and fund the replacement of the aging Lubber Run community center.

Highlights of the Adopted CIP include:

• Arlington Public Schools: Full support for APS's $510.29 million plan to address growing enrollment, including full funding of its 2016 $138.83 million referenda request which addresses capacity expansion.

• Metro and Transportation: $1.6 billion in extensive investments to ensure safety, accessibility and efficiency for commuters on bike, foot, car and transit over ten years. These include the County’s continued $30 million commitment to Metro over the next two years. The CIP lays out a plan to fund the recently adopted Transit Development Plan approach for new, modified and expanded bus service over the next decade, including premium bus service that will offer a one-seat ride from the west end of Columbia Pike to Potomac Yard. It also funds the Neighborhood Complete Streets Program and expands the streetlight management plan. The County will also provide a workplan to include schedule, scope of work and additional funding needs for an update of the Bike Element of the Master Transportation Plan.

• Lubber Run Community Center: Planned funding includes $46.5 million in new bonds for design and construction in the 2016 and 2018 referenda for replacement of the County's aging community center. After the referendum is considered by the voters, the County will undertake a community engagement process on the arrangement of the indoor uses of the facility and the outdoor amenities, to begin before the end of 2016.

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• Fire Station 8: $1.12 million is included in the 2016 referendum to support the design and planning efforts to replace Fire Station 8 at its current location on Lee Highway. Construction funding is anticipated to be included in the 2018 referenda request.

• Court Square Sector Plan – geotechnical survey: As part of the Courthouse Square Sector Plan Addendum adopted in 2015, the County will take the first step of performing a geotechnical survey for underground parking under the Square that will inform future project design and Sector Plan implementation. This work is funded with available and eligible developer contributions generated from Courthouse site plan projects such as the Navy League building.

• Technology: Provides for a new on-line payment portal and replacement of the tax assessment and collection system.

• Neighborhood Conservation: Continues to fund this neighborhood-based program that improves neighborhoods, with $12 million per referenda.

• Land acquisition: Increases funding over last CIP to $3 million per referenda.

• Joint County School project: Funding of a parking structure and other improvements at the new elementary school at the Thomas Jefferson site.

• Longer term projects: Funds the acquisition of the Buck property (a six-acre site on North Quincy Street), and possibility of improvements needed at potential future acquisitions through the Virginia Hospital Center. Invests over the medium-to-long term to meet new public safety technology and regional interoperability requirements. Anticipates planning beginning in 2022 for a community facilities study for the Central Library/Quincy Park area to maximize existing land while preserving and maximizing open space.

Maintaining existing infrastructure –funding several areas of basic infrastructure:

• Parks and Facilities: Continues the County's reinvestment in playgrounds, courts, fields and essential components of buildings such as HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) and roofing systems. Jennie Dean Park design will begin when the Four Mile Run Valley Initiative is complete. Includes funding to expand the gymnastics program at the Barcroft Sports & Fitness Center, and funding for a new program which provides $1 million every two years to modernize off-street trails. Existing funds for Long Bridge Park will be used to design and construct a reduced aquatics building program and complete the 10.5 acres of park development and esplanade. Additional funding is included in fiscal years 2023-2024 to plan and design a fourth synthetic field and parking structure at the park. The County will work with the National Park Service, Virginia Department of Transportation and other partners involved in the current planning effort to modernize and expand the Long Bridge so as to include a bridge connection between the Long Bridge Park Esplanade and the Mt. Vernon Trail.

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• Paving – A $5 million increase in paving over the next two years, bringing the total to $24 million over two years.

• Water/sewer system infrastructure – Water delivery, sanitary sewer collection and wastewater treatment to provide high quality services andproducts and stormwater management investments to reduce potential stormwater impacts to public health, safety and property.

• Technology – Continued re-investment in technology to replace and support basic County functions such as PCs, servers, network capabilitiesetc. as well as critical public safety equipment including defibrillators, fire alerting system, mobile and portable radios, mobile data computersand fire vehicle refreshment.

CIP funding comes from a variety of sources, including bonds, pay-as-you go funding, dedicated taxes for transportation & stormwater investments, and water-sewer user fees. A significant portion of the plan comes from general obligation bonds which are authorized by the Arlington County Board and subject to approval by Arlington County voters.

The adopted CIP is within the County’s debt and financial policies, which are critical to maintaining the County’s triple-Aaa bond ratings.

The Board truly appreciates the input from commissions, advisory groups, other members of the public as well as County staff in developing this CIP.

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Arlington County, Virginia


2017 − 2026

The County’s financial and debt management policies guide the County’s capital investments, debt issuance and long-term financial management. The policies are generally based on bond rating agency guidance and criteria for highly rated jurisdictions and best practices in local government finance. The policies were last updated in 2014 as part of the Adopted FY 2015 – FY 2024 CIP. Budgeting, Planning & Reserves:

• Confirms the Operating Reserve funding requirement at five percent of the General Fund budget and adds a timeframe for replenishment in the event the Operating Reserve is utilized.

• Adds a new economic & revenue stabilization contingent with a minimum balance of $3 million to address short-term revenue and economic disruptions. This codifies existing practice of recent years.

Debt Management

• Revises the ratio of net tax-supported debt to full market value of all real property in the County to three percent instead of four percent over the ten-year planning period. This change is based on comparison to other similarly-rated jurisdictions and rating agency criteria.

• Revises the policy regarding variable rate debt to exclude any hedging mechanism (e.g., a swap) in calculation of the maximum amount of variable rate debt the County may issue. The current policy is twenty percent of total debt outstanding; that threshold remains unchanged. This change reflects the County’s current conservative practices in regards to variable rate debt and derivatives; the County’s current variable rate debt (for the Ballston Garage) is less than 1% of the total debt portfolio and the County has no derivatives.

• Adds a policy regarding moral obligation requiring evaluation of risk and financial stress testing before providing moral obligation support to any external entity. Infrequently, the County will provide its “moral obligation” support to debt issued by partners, including regional public safety agencies and affordable housing partners. This change codifies existing practice.

Special Revenue / Enterprise Funds:

• Added policies for Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Funds. The County has two tax increment funds: 1) Crystal City – Potomac Yard – Pentagon City; and 2) Columbia Pike.

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o Combined assessed value of TIFs should not exceed 25% of total County assessed value o Percentage of incremental TIF revenue to be used for TIF purposes should be lesser than or equal to 40% o Prudently balance PAYG vs. leveraging o If TIF is leveraged, minimum debt service coverage of 2.0 times and establishment of appropriate reserves o An operating reserve of 10% of budgeted revenue will be maintained

Budgeting, Planning and Reserves

Balanced Budget: Arlington County will adopt an annual General Fund budget in which the budgeted revenues and expenditures are equal (a balanced budget). Any one-time revenues will be used for one-time, non-recurring expenses such as capital, equipment, special studies, debt reduction, and reserve contributions. Long-Term Financial Planning: The County will annually develop a six year forecast of General Fund revenues, expenditures and will maintain a biennially updated, ten-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). The ten-year forecast will incorporate projected reserve levels and impact of the CIP on the County’s debt ratios. General Fund Operating Reserve: An Operating Reserve will be maintained at no less than five percent of the County’s General Fund budget. The Operating Reserve shall be shown as a designation of total General Fund balance. Appropriations from the Operating Reserve may only be made by a vote of the County Board to meet a critical, unpredictable financial need. Any draw on the operating reserve will be replenished within the subsequent three fiscal years. Self-Insurance Reserve: The County will also maintain a self-insurance reserve equivalent to approximately one to two months’ claim payments based on a five-year rolling average. Economic & Revenue Stabilization Contingent: Consistent with past practice, the County will maintain an economic & revenue stabilization contingent to address revenue declines and local or regional economic stress. Use of contingent monies will only be used at the recommendation of the County Manager and approval by the County Board. The minimum amount of the contingent will be $3 million and will be revisited annually as part of the budget process. Any draw on the economic & revenue stabilization contingent will be replenished within the subsequent two fiscal years. General Fund General Contingent: Each year’s budget will include a General Fund General Contingent appropriation to be used to cover unforeseen expense items or new projects initiated after a fiscal year has begun. Funding may be allocated from this contingent only with County Board approval. Retirement System Funding: The County will use an actuarially accepted method of funding its pension system to maintain a fully-funded position. The County’s contribution to employee retirement costs will be adjusted annually as necessary to maintain full funding. If the County reaches its actuarial-required contribution (defined as County and employee contributions that when expressed as a percent of annual covered payroll are sufficient to accumulate assets to pay benefits when due), the County may reduce its contribution provided that the

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amount reduced from the annual actuarial requirement will only be used for one-time, non-recurring expenses in order to provide the ability to increase contributions as may be required by future market conditions. Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) Funding: The County will use an actuarially accepted method of funding its other post-employment benefits to maintain a fully-funded position. The County’s contribution to other post-employment benefit costs will be adjusted annually as necessary to maintain full funding. If the County reaches its actuarial-required contribution (defined as County and employee contributions that when expressed as a percent of annual covered payroll are sufficient to accumulate assets to pay benefits when due), the County may reduce its contribution provided that the amount reduced from the annual actuarial requirement will only be used for one-time, non-recurring expenses in order to provide the ability to increase contributions as may be required by future market conditions.

Capital Improvement Plan

1. The County Manager will biennially submit a ten year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) to the County Board. The CIP will address

all known facility and infrastructure needs of the County, including the needs of the Arlington County Public Schools. 2. The CIP shall include a detailed description of each capital project, identifying every source of funding, including pay-as-you-go

(PAYG), bond financing, and master lease financing. The source of funding will largely be determined based on the useful life of the project. Bond-funded projects will typically have a useful life at least as long as the period over which the bonds will be repaid (generally twenty years). Master lease-financed projects will generally have useful lives of three to ten years and typically include furniture, equipment, rolling stock and technology purchases. PAYG funds provide greater flexibility and will be appropriated annually from general fund revenues.

3. Each project budget shall identify the financial impact on the operating budget, if any. 4. In general, capital projects estimated to cost $100,000 or more should be included in the CIP, including technology and equipment

purchases. 5. The County will balance the use of debt financing sources against the ability to utilize PAYG funding for capital projects. While

major capital facility projects will generally be funded through bonds, the County will attempt to maintain an appropriate balance of PAYG vs. debt, particularly in light of the County’s debt capacity and analysis of maintenance capital needs. As part of each biennial CIP process, the County will conduct a comprehensive assessment of its maintenance capital needs.

6. The CIP will include an analysis of the impact the CIP has on the County’s debt capacity, debt ratios and long-term financial plan. 7. Voter referenda to authorize general obligation bonds should only be presented to voters when the analysis of the County’s debt

capacity demonstrates the ability of the County to fund the debt service for the bonds based on the County’s “Financial and Debt Service Policies.” Absent a compelling reason to do otherwise, the County should have the capacity to initiate construction projects within the two-year period before the next bond referendum. There should also be a demonstrated capability for the County to complete any project approved by referendum within the 8-year time period mandated under state law for sale of authorized bonds.

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The term “County” in this specific policy includes the Arlington County Government and any entity that receives bond funding from the County (such as the Arlington County Public Schools and the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority).

Debt Management

The County will prudently use debt instruments, including general obligation bonds, revenue bonds, industrial development authority (IDA) revenue bonds, and master lease financing in order to provide re-investment in public infrastructure and to meet other public purposes, including inter-generational tax equity in capital investment. The County will adhere to the following debt affordability criteria (excluding overlapping and self-supporting debt). 1. The ratio of net tax-supported debt service to general expenditures should not exceed ten percent, within the ten-year projection. 2. The ratio of net tax-supported debt to full market value should not exceed three percent, within the ten-year projection. 3. The ratio of net tax-supported debt to income should not exceed six percent, within the ten-year projection. 4. Growth in debt service should be sustainable and consistent with the projected growth of revenues. Debt service growth over the

ten year projection should not exceed the average ten year historical revenue growth. 5. The term and amortization structure of County debt will be based on an analysis of the useful life of the asset(s) being financed and

the variability of the supporting revenue stream. The County will attempt to maximize the rapidity of principal repayment where possible. In no case will debt maturity exceed the useful life of the project.

6. The County will refund debt when it is in the best financial interest of the County to do so. When a refunding is undertaken to

generate interest rate cost savings, the minimum aggregate present value savings will be three percent of the refunded bond principal amount.

Variable Rate Debt 1. Variable rate debt exposure should not exceed twenty percent of total outstanding debt. 2. Debt service on variable rate bonds will be budgeted at a conservative rate. 3. Before issuing variable rate bonds, the County will determine how potential spikes in the debt service will be funded. 4. Before issuing any variable rate bonds, the County will determine the impact of the bonds on the County’s total debt capacity under

various interest rate scenarios; evaluate the risk inherent in the County’s capital structure, giving consideration to both the County’s assets and its liabilities; and develop a method for budgeting for debt service.

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Moral Obligation Debt or Support On an infrequent basis, the County provides its “moral obligation” support for partners, including regional public safety agencies and affordable housing partners, among others. A moral obligation exists when the County Board has made a commitment to support the debt of another entity to prevent a potential default. The County’s moral obligation will only be authorized after an evaluation of the risk to the County’s balance sheet and stress testing of the financial assumptions underlying the proposed project.

Derivatives Interest rate swaps and options (Swaps or Derivatives) are appropriate management tools that can help the County meet important financial objectives. Properly used, these instruments can help the County increase its financial flexibility, provide opportunities for interest rate savings or enhanced investment yields, and help the County reduce its interest rate risk through better matching of assets and liabilities. The County must determine if the use of any Swap is appropriate and warranted given the potential benefit, risks, and objectives of the County. 1. The County may consider the use of a derivative product if it achieves one or more of the following objectives:

Provides a specific benefit not otherwise available; Produces greater than expected interest rate savings or incremental yield over other market alternatives; Results in an improved capital structure or better asset/liability matching.

2. The County will not use derivative products that are speculative or create extraordinary leverage or risk; lack adequate liquidity;

provide insufficient price transparency; or are used as investments. 3. The County will only do business with highly rated counterparties or counterparties whose obligations are supported by highly rated

parties. 4. Before utilizing a Swap, the County, its financial advisor and legal counsel shall review the proposed Swap and outline any associated

considerations. Such review shall be provided to the Board and include analysis of potential savings and stress testing of the proposed transaction; fixed versus variable rate and swap exposure before and after the proposed transaction; maximum net termination exposure; and legal constraints.

5. Financial transactions using Swaps or other derivative products used in lieu of a fixed rate debt issue should generate greater projected

savings than the typical structure used by the County for fixed rate debt. 6. The County will limit the total notional amount of derivatives to an amount not to exceed twenty percent of total outstanding debt. 7. All derivatives transactions will require County Board approval.

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Special Revenue / Enterprise Funds

It is the general policy of the County to avoid designation of discretionary funds in order to maintain maximum financial flexibility. The County may, however, create dedicated funding sources when there are compelling reasons based on state law or policy objectives, as described below. The Utilities Fund was created as a self-sustaining, fee-based enterprise fund under state code to support and maintain development of the County’s water and sewer infrastructure. The Transportation Capital Fund was adopted pursuant to state legislation for new transportation funding. The Stormwater Management Fund was adopted in lieu of a self-supporting, user fee-based enterprise fund. The CPHD Development Fund was created as a self-sustaining, fee-based enterprise fund. Tax Increment Funds were established to support redevelopment and preservation objectives associated with the County’s adoption of master plans, (e.g., the Crystal City Sector Plan adopted in 2010 and the Columbia Pike Neighborhoods Plan adopted in 2013).

Utilities Fund 1. The County will annually develop a six year forecast of projected water consumption, revenue, operating expenditures, reserve

requirements and capital needs for the Utilities Fund. The six year forecast will show projected water-sewer rate increases over the planning period.

2. The County will implement water-sewer rate increases in a gradual manner, avoiding spike increases whenever possible. 3. The County will meet or exceed all requirements of any financing agreements or trust indentures. 4. The Utilities Fund will maintain a reserve equivalent to three months’ operations & maintenance expenses. The reserve may be used

to address emergencies and unexpected declines in revenue. If utilized, the reserve will be replenished over a three year period to the minimum reserve level. This reserve is in addition to any financing agreement-required debt service reserve funds.

5. The Utilities Fund will maintain debt service coverage of at least 1.25 times on all debt service obligations. 6. The Utilities Fund will be self-supporting.

Transportation Capital Fund 1. New revenue shall not be used to supplant existing transportation funding commitments, and capital investments shall be compliant

with state law restrictions on non-supplanting and maintenance of effort requirements. 2. Operating program enhancements (outside base program) that clearly document transportation benefits may be eligible for support

from the Transportation Capital Fund. A - 9

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3. No more than three to five percent of annual funding should be used for project administration, indirect & overhead costs to support

capital projects. 4. A reserve equivalent to ten to twenty percent of annual budgeted revenue will be established. 5. A five to ten year financial plan and model will be developed that integrates project cashflow forecasts, revenue projections, and

financial / debt management policies and will factor in other non-County funding sources, including federal, state, regional, and private funding.

6. The County will prudently balance the use of new transportation funding sources between pay-as-you-go funding and leveraging

through new bond issuance. Use of leveraging will be dependent on project size, cash flow, and timing projections. 7. If the County chooses to issue debt supported by dedicated transportation funding sources, such debt will be structured to be self-

supporting and will not count against the County’s general tax supported obligation debt ratios or capacity. Debt service coverage on such debt will range from 1.10 to 1.50 times, depending on the type of debt issued. The term on such bonds will not exceed the average useful life of the assets financed, and amortization will be structured to match the supporting revenue stream.

8. The Transportation Capital Fund will be self-supporting.

Tax Increment Funds 1. The intended use of TIF monies will be specified at the time of TIF creation; changes or additional uses will be determined as part

of the annual budget process. 2. The combined assessed value of TIF areas will not exceed 25 percent of the County’s total assessed valuation. As of January 1, 2014,

existing TIF assessed valuation totaled 22 percent of County-wide assessed valuation. 3. The percent of TIF revenue available for the intended uses within a TIF area will be established at the creation of the TIF and will

be less than or equal to 40 percent. This percent will be evaluated annually as part of the budget process. 4. The County will prudently balance the use of PAYG funding and leveraging through TIF bond issuances. Use of leveraging will be

dependent on project type, size, cashflow and timing projections. Leveraging will only be used for capital projects that meet useful life and other requirements for bond issuance.

5. If the County leverages TIF revenue on its own behalf, it will target a minimum debt service coverage ratio of 2.0 times and establish

an appropriate level of debt service reserves and / or other contingencies.

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6. The County will establish additional policies pertaining to the leverage of TIF revenue by a private development entity prior to any such issuance.

7. A reserve equivalent to ten percent of annual budgeted revenue will be established.

Stormwater Fund 1. The County will annually develop a six year projection of stormwater operating and capital expenses. 2. The County will prudently balance the use of new stormwater funding sources between pay-as-you-go funding and leveraging through

new bond issuance. Use of leveraging will be dependent on project size, cashflow, and timing projections. If debt is issued for stormwater projects, it will generally follow the debt issuance guidelines contained in this policy.

3. The Stormwater Fund will maintain a reserve equivalent to three months’ expenses. 4. Stormwater financial policies will be reviewed as part of the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit renewal cycle

(every five years). 5. The Stormwater Fund will be self-supporting.

CPHD Development Fund

1. A contingent reserve will be established equivalent to thirty percent of the Fund’s total operating budget based on the fiscal year. This amount is equivalent to three to four months of annual operating expenditures. The reserve may be used to address emergencies and unexpected declines in revenue only after authorization from the County Board.

2. The CPHD Development Fund will be self-supporting.

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County Manager: #####

County Attorney: ***** Staff: Loan Hoang, DMF


County Board Agenda Item Meeting of July 19, 2016

DATE: July 15, 2016 SUBJECT: Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 - 2026 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Adoption C. M. RECOMMENDATION:

Adopt the Fiscal Year 2017 – 2026 Capital Improvement Plan as amended by County Board direction included in Attachment A and B.

ISSUES: This is a request for County Board consideration of how much capital investment can the County afford during the next 10 year planning period and how should that capacity be allocated among community priorities. SUMMARY: The proposed CIP, as revised by County Board direction, provides a 10 year plan for investment in County and School infrastructure and assets, totaling $3.3 billion. Funding sources for the CIP include federal and state grants, bonds, pay-as-you-go (PAYG) funding, and dedicated funding sources such as water-sewer revenues and dedicate transportation taxes. BACKGROUND: The Capital Improvement Plan is one of the most significant planning processes for Arlington County and Arlington Public Schools. This plan identifies the immediate as well as longer-term capital needs of the community. The current CIP covers a ten year period from FY 2017 – FY 2026, and is primarily a planning document, and includes both County government and Schools project plans. As such, the CIP is subject to amendment and updating as the needs of the community change and become better known, and the proposed projects move closer to funding and final approval. Staff monitors changes in the community to be able to take advantage of opportunities that arise in scheduling and funding capital improvements in conjunction with private sector development and redevelopment. As priorities change and opportunities arise, staff reassesses the County's capital improvement plan and proposes changes that will affect the timing and funding of projects. Prior to the development of the County Manager’s Proposed FY 2017 – FY 2026 CIP, staff held three CIP public forums as well as posted an online forum via the County’s Open Arlington, to solicit and discuss CIP priorities for the ten year CIP. Since the release of the proposed CIP in


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May 2016, there have been five County Board work sessions, including a joint County and Schools CIP worksession, multiple commission briefings, a CIP public hearing, and extensive community input. DISCUSSION: The County Board held its final wrap-up worksession on July 12. The County Board provided preliminary direction on several topics including:

• Scope for the Lubber Run Community Center project, which is proposed to be included on the November 2016 bond referenda

• Scope for the Long Bridge Aquatics & Fitness Facility and ten acre park addition, which will be funded with previously approved allocations

• Addition of planning funds in 2023-2024 for the fourth synthetic field and related improvements at Long Bridge Park

The County Board will provide final written direction on follow-up CIP actions to the County Manager as part of CIP adoption on July 19. This will also include direction on the permanent location of the new Fire Station 8. The County Board revised the proposed CIP as shown in the following table which summarizes the changes by category.

FY 2017 – FY 2026 Adopted CIP

(in $000)

Parks and Recreation program changes from the Proposed CIP include an increase of $2.5

Proposed CIP

Adopted CIP $ Change

Parks and Recreation 205,851 208,351 2,500 Transportation 1,283,649 1,285,299 1,650 Metro 280,200 280,200 - Public/Government Facilities 282,050 282,050 - Information Technology & Public Safety 146,364 146,364 - Regional Partnerships & Contingencies 19,142 19,142 - Joint County & Schools 23,500 23,500 - Community Conservation & Economic Development

97,050 97,050 -

Subtotal County Capital 2,337,806 2,341,956 4,150 Water and Sewer Infrastructure 420,504 420,504 - Stormwater Management 53,693 53,693 - Total County Capital 2,812,003 2,816,153 4,150 Schools Capital 492,300 510,290 17,990 Total CIP Program 3,304,303 3,326,443 22,140

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million over two years in FY 2023 – FY 2024 to facilitate advance planning & design of the fourth synthetic field and parking structure at Long Bridge Park (Attachment A). Construction funding will be considered as part of future CIPs. Transportation Program revisions from the Proposed CIP reflect changes in program costs and funding sources (Attachment B) as a result of various actions since the CIP was proposed. These actions are as follows.

1. Shortly after the May 2016 release of the Proposed CIP, the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) met in June 2016 and approved the state funding of Smart Scale (formerly called HB 2) for projects that would provide roadway improvements, transit capacity expansion and transportation demand management (TDM). The projects that were approved for Arlington include $10 million for Ballston metrorail station west entrance, $4.5 million for ART Service restructuring and expansion, specifically Metrobus 22 to ART 81 and $0.5 million for Arlington TDM strategies serving I-66, specifically the Mobile Commuter Store. The new Smart Scale funding will secure the resources needed for these projects, thus reduce the need to apply for NVTA regional funds as well as state funds that were planned to be requested in the proposed CIP as well as freeing up future PAYG and HB2313 local funds for other projects. The Smart Scale funds of $0.5M for the commuter store program is more than the $0.35M planned in the proposed CIP, resulting in a net increase of $0.15 million for this program.

2. The transitway extension to Pentagon City was planned in the previous CIP, in conjunction with the streetcar, to be completed in FY 2020. In the current CIP, it is continued as a standalone project with anticipated completion in FY 2022. Based on community feedback, staff recommends acceleration of the schedule for a FY 2021 target completion date. This can be achieved by planning HB2313 regional funds towards the project which were freed up from the new Smart Scale funds. Accelerating the project will reduce project costs by approximately $0.8 million due to the one year of forgone inflation.

3. The Northern Virginia Transportation Authority (NVTA) held a meeting on July 14, 2016 and approved the FY 2017 projects to be funded with NVTA regional funds. The County’s proposed CIP assumed regional funding for the Bus Bay Expansion-East Falls Church Metro Station project and Capital Bikeshare; however, regional funds were not approved. The revisions to the proposed CIP include funding these projects instead with HB2313 local funds.

4. The Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) requires grantees of state transit funding to prepare and officially adopt a major update to the grantee’s Transit Development Plan every six years. At the recent July 16, 2016 board meeting the FY 2017- FY 2026 Transit Development Plan (TDP) was adopted and emphasized increased bus frequencies, more late night and weekend service, better north-south connections within the County, and a new Premium Transit Network connecting Skyline to Crystal City via Columbia Pike. The projects affected are the ART fleet expansion, ART fleet and equipment replacement, ART fleet rehabilitation and major repairs and the Columbia

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Pike transit stations. The combined effect is an increase of $2.1 million over the proposed CIP, supported by increased federal and state funds and HB2313 local funds.

5. After the cancellation of the streetcar, the transportation funds on hand, from FY 2015 and FY 2016, were put on hold and held as fund balance until directed by the board. The revisions to the proposed CIP reflect using the fund balance before applying new sources for the affected projects (see Attachment A).

6. Additional changes to the Proposed CIP are of an administrative nature, such as correcting mathematical and typographical errors and do not affect the overall CIP.

The Arlington Public Schools adopted FY 2017 – FY 2026 CIP totals $510.3 million and will be reflected in the summary tables as part of the County’s adopted FY 2017 – FY 2026 CIP. The $510.3 million includes funding for a new middle school at the Stratford site, a new school at the Wilson site, a new elementary school at the Jefferson site as well as other investments with the greatest priority at the high school level and second greatest priority at the elementary school level. FISCAL IMPACT: The CIP complies with the County Board’s debt policies, resulting in projected debt levels that are consistent with the County’s triple-AAA bond ratings. Summary of Attachments: Attachment A: Parks and Recreation Program Revisions Attachment B: Transportation Program Revisions

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Arlington, Virginia


SUMMARY CIP 2017 − 2026


FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 202610 Year


Maintenance Capital 7,963 9,720 9,080 9,260 9,480 9,630 9,860 9,990 10,420 10,890 96,293

Park Master Plans 3,170 1,800 9,355 12,525 740 10,310 2,900


7,650 1,630 59,18061,680

Parks Land Acquisition and Open Space 3,000 0 3,000 0 3,000 0 3,000 0 3,000 0 15,000

Trail Modernization 700 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 5,650

Synthetic Turf Program 250 4,250 2,137 5,245 3,400 980 3,822 3,670 1,846 4,128 29,728

Total Recommendation 15,083 16,320 24,122 27,580 17,170 21,47020,13222,007


23,466 17,198205,851208,351


FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026

10 Year Total

New Funding Developer Contributions 0 0 625 3,335 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,960New Bond Issue 11,460 7,850 17,780 15,665 12,240 13,930 12,950 16,650 18,200 9,180 135,905

PAYG 1,323 6,551 5,717 7,453 4,530 5,390 6,538

8,4135,2495,874 4,502 6,931 54,184

56,684Other Funding 250 858 0 1,127 0 0 644 1,411 764 1,087 6,141Tax Increment Financing (TIF) 1,800 0 0 0 400 2,150 0 0 0 0 4,350

Subtotal New Funding 14,833 15,259 24,122 27,580 17,170 21,470 20,13222,007

23,31023,935 23,466 17,198 204,540

207,040Previously Approved Funding Other Previously Approved Funds 250 1,061 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,311 Subtotal Previously Approved Funding 250 1,061 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,311

Total Funding Sources 15,083 16,320 24,122 27,580 17,170 21,470



23,466 17,198205,851208,351

Attachment A

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Arlington County, Virginia


2017 − 2026


FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 202610 Year


Arlington Boathouse 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 980 980

Crystal City Parks and Open Space 1,800 0 0 0 400 2,150 0 0 0 0 4,350

Drew Park 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,030 0 1,030

Four Mile Run Near-Stream Improvements 0 0 0 0 0 3,750 0 0 0 0 3,750

Four Urban Parks in Ballston-Virginia Square 0 0 0 0 0 0 600 3,000 0 0 3,600

Glebe and Randolph Park 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 320 650 970

Jennie Dean Park 0 1,800 8,000 4,600 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,400

Long Bridge Park 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


6250 0 0


Mosaic Park - Phases II 0 0 0 0 340 4,410 0 0 0 0 4,750

Quincy Park 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,300 6,100 6,300 0 14,700

Rosslyn Highlands Park + 0 0 1,355 7,925 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,280

Tyrol Hills Park 1,370 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,370

Total Recommendation 3,170 1,800 9,355 12,525 740 10,3102,900 4,775


7,650 1,630 59,18061,680

Attachment A

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FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 FY 2026

10 Year Total

New Funding Developer Contributions 0 0 625 3,335 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,960New Bond Issue 1,370 1,800 8,730 9,115 340 6,880 2,900 9,100 7,650 1,630 49,515

PAYG 0 0 0 0 0 1,280 6,538

8,4135,2495,874 0 0 1,280

3,780Other Funding 0 0 0 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 75Tax Increment Financing (TIF) 1,800 0 0 0 400 2,150 0 0 0 0 4,350

Subtotal New Funding 3,170 1,800 9,355 12,525 740 10,3102,900 4,775

9,1009,725 7,650 1,630 59,180


Previously Approved Funding Authorized but Unissued Bonds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Issued but Unspent Bonds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Other Previously Approved Funds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal Previously Approved Funding 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Funding Sources

3,170 1,800 9,355 12,525 740 10,3102,900 4,775


7,650 1,630 59,18061,680

Attachment A

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Attachment B

Project/Program TCF-C&INVTA Local

NVTA Regional

PAYG / Other Federal State

Smart Scale

Net Change

1. Smart Scale (HB 2) FundingCommuter Stores, pg E-94 - - - (350) - - 500 150Ballston-MU Metro Station West Entrance, pg E-35 - - (10,000) - - - 10,000 -PrTN: ART Fleet Expansion, pg E-56 - (606) (1,920) - - (1,474) 4,000 -Bus Stop Accessibility Improvements, pg E-40 - - - (500) - - 500 -Total Smart Scale Funding - (606) (11,920) (850) - (1,474) 15,000 150

2. Project AccelerationPrtN: Transitway Extension to Pentagon City, pg E-66 - - (800) - - - - (800)Total Project Acceleration - - (800) - - - - (800)

3. NVTA Regional FundingBus Bay Expansion-East Falls Church Metro Station, pg E-38 - 335 (335) - - - - -Capital Bikeshare, pg E-89 - 342 (342) - - - - -Crystal City, Pentagon City, Potomac Yard Streets, pg E-96 - - - - - - - -Total NVTA Regional Funding - 677 (677) - - - - -

4. Transit Development Plan AdoptionPrTN: ART Fleet Expansion, pg E-56 - 78 316 - - 393 - 787ART Fleet & Equipment Replacement, pg E-20 - - - (149) (1,213) (153) - (1,515)ART Fleet Rehabilitation & Major Repairs, pg E-22 - - - (256) 3,133 (918) - 1,959PrTN: Columbia Pike Transit Stations, pg E-58 560 - - - - 289 - 849Total Transit Development Plan Adoption 560 78 316 (405) 1,920 (389) - 2,080

5. Allocation of Streetcar BalancesPrtN: Transitway Extension to Pentagon City, pg E-66 13,279 - - - (13,279) - - -PrTN: Columbia Pike Transit Stations, pg E-58 - - - - - - - -Columbia Pike Streets, pg E-91 - - - - - - - -PrTN: ART Fleet Expansion, pg E-56 - - - - - - - -ART Bus Fareboxes Upgrade, pg E-19 - - - - - - - -Transportation Systems & Traffic Signals, pg E-124 - - - - - - - -Crystal City, Pentagon City, Potomac Yard Streets, pg E-96 - - - - - - - -Total Allocation of Streetcar Balances 13,279 - - - (13,279) - - -

6. Miscellaneous RevisionsStreet Lighting, pg E-120 - - - 300 - - - 300Transportation Systems & Traffic Signals, pg E-124 - - - 200 - - - 200Transportation Systems & Traffic Signals, pg E-124 - - - (280) - - - (280)Total Miscellaneous Revisions - - - 220 - - - 220

Total Transportation Changes from Proposed CIP 13,839 149 (13,081) (1,035) (11,359) (1,863) 15,000 1,650

Transportation Program RevisionsChanges from Proposed to Adopted FY 2017 - FY 2026 CIP

Total 10 Year ($ in 000s)

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County Board Guidance & Notes to Accompany the Adopted FY 2017 – 2026 Capital Improvement Plan

1. Fire Station 8 • The County Board directs the County Manager to begin the design and

planning efforts to rebuild Fire Station 8 as a modern 4-bay fire station at its current location on Lee Highway. Design funding is included in the 2016 bond referenda request, with construction funding anticipated to be included in the 2018 referenda request. Additionally, the Manager is directed to:

- By the end of the calendar year, identify possible locations for a temporary fire station facility with a recommendation for a preferred option. Criteria in making this recommendation should include:

o Not degrading the current response time and service

delivery o Costs for the temporary facility and any use of non-

County owned land o Schedule for securing a temporary site and constructing

the temporary facility

- By the end of the calendar year, identify possible locations to permanently relocate the fueling station currently located at the Lee Highway site with a recommendation for a preferred option. Criteria in making this recommendation should include:

o Service delivery standards – site location in North

Arlington; providing 24x7 availability of gasoline and Diesel fuel, with space to accommodate all fire vehicles and largest County service vehicles. The Manager will evaluate commercial fueling options as well as placing on County-owned land

o Comparative capital and operating costs for relocation to County-owned land vs. use of commercial facilities;

o Schedule for securing a site and constructing the facility, to be available prior to start of reconstruction of FS 8 at the existing site.

- Based on the results of this analysis, funding options for the

temporary fire station & permanent fueling station will be presented in either the FY 2018 operating budget or the next

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CIP. Potential permanent new uses of the larger 26th and Old Dominion parcel shall be considered within a county-wide public facilities siting process to occur in calendar years 2016 and 2017, with master planning of the parcel to follow.

2. Lubber Run Community Center

• The County Board confirms the scope for the Lubber Run Community Center project that was presented at the April 2016 worksession here. This includes the following key items:

- Build up to four stories to enable more green space - Build underground parking to enable more green space - Include a gymnasium - Relocate the Culpepper Garden Senior Center - Continue the DPR preschool program - Consolidate existing DPR staff located at Lubber Run and DPR

staff located at 3700 South Four Mile Run to the new Lubber Run for the Sports and Recreation Unit. Though the number of County staff working at the site will increase, the office use should remain subservient to the community center use in form and function.

• The County Manager will undertake a community engagement process

on the arrangement of the indoor uses of the facility and the outdoor amenities, to begin before the end of 2016 (after the referendum is considered by the voters.)

3. Long Bridge Aquatics & Fitness Facility & Park

• The County Board confirms the scope for the Long Bridge Aquatics & Fitness Facility and Park that was presented at the April 2016 worksession here and is within existing available funding. This includes the following key items in the revised scope:

- Reduce from three major bodies of water to two and adjust the

building size accordingly - Combine teaching pool and family pool into one space - Provide health and fitness space - Support the three core program elements

o One community room o 2 wet-classrooms o Approximately 300 spectator seats or as building design

dictates o Appropriate facility administration & locker facilities

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- Complete the 10.5 acre park

• The County Manager will report back in fall on any partnership or

sponsorship opportunities that could be realized and how such partnerships could impact scope and / or funding plans, including both construction and operating costs. The Long Bridge Park Advisory Committee will also provide its input into any partnership and sponsorship opportunities as part of this process. As part of discussions with potential partners and sponsors, the County Manager will pursue, where feasible, a balance between offsetting operating and / or capital costs associated with the current project scope and adding new amenities.

• The County Manager will undertake a community engagement process

on the design of the facility once the project delivery method (e.g., construction manager at risk or design-build) has been determined and the design team has been selected.

4. Fourth Field at Long Bridge Park and Bridge Connection to the Mt. Vernon


• Additional PAYGO funding of $2.5 million is added in 2023 – 2024 to facilitate advance planning & design of the fourth synthetic field and parking structure at Long Bridge Park. Construction funding will be considered as part of future CIPs.

• Direct the Manager to aggressively work with the National Park Service, VDOT and other partners involved in the current planning effort to modernize and expand the Long Bridge so as to include a bridge connection between the Long Bridge Park Esplanade and the Mt. Vernon Trail.

5. Master Transportation Plan - Bike Element

• Consistent with the direction provided to the County Manager at

adoption of the FY 2017 Operating Budget: in Fall 2016, provide a workplan, schedule and scope of work and details on additional funding needed – and recommendations for sources of those funds – for an update of the Bike Element of the Master Transportation Plan. The Bike Element Update will begin in the second half of FY 2017, provided that the aforementioned funding is made available. Based upon the update of the Bike Element of the MTP, funds may need to be added to the next CIP to move forward on priority projects.

6. Court Square Sector Plan- geotechnical survey

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As discussed in the Implementation Guidance in the Courthouse Square Sector Plan Addendum adopted in 2015: As a first step, undertake a geotechnical survey for underground parking under the Square that will inform future project design and Sector Plan implementation. The Manager will also report back on the proposed scope and timeline for future parking analysis to be informed by updated estimates of future development and site plan submissions. This work shall be funded with available and eligible developer contributions generated from Courthouse site plan projects (in particular the Navy League building)

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County Manager: #####

County Attorney: ***** Staff: Jason Friess, DMF


County Board Agenda Item Meeting of July 16, 2016

DATE: July 15, 2016 SUBJECT: Resolutions and Questions to be included in the 2016 Bond Referenda C. M. RECOMMENDATION:

1. Adopt the resolutions in Attachment A, as summarized below, and the explanation of the referendum questions to appear in publications, at voter registration sites, and polling places as detailed in Attachment B, in order to initiate and facilitate the November 8, 2016, bond referenda.

a. Metro and Transportation $ 58,785,000 b. Local Parks and Recreation 19,310,000 c. Community Infrastructure 98,850,000 d. Arlington Public Schools 138,830,000 TOTAL $315,775,000

2. Request that the Electoral Board list the referenda on the ballot in the order detailed in

this report as shown in the Ballot Layout section on page 2.

3. Direct the County Manager to take all the steps necessary to ensure that the information provided to voters by the County is printed in both English and Spanish.

ISSUE: This is a request for approval for the placement of capital projects, consistent with the County and Schools’ Adopted Capital Improvement Programs (CIP), on the November 2016 ballot for consideration by the voters for general obligation bond funding. SUMMARY: The County Board will approve the Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 - 2026 CIP on July 19, 2016, which includes the Schools’ Adopted CIP, adopted by the School Board on June 16. The County’s Adopted CIP includes various projects to be considered for a November 2016 County government referenda of $176.945 million and a School referendum of $138.830 million. The referenda amounts and language recommended for adoption in this report are based on the County Manager’s Adopted FY 2017 – FY 2016 CIP with revised language from comments


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received during the County Board’s final review of the bond referenda at the CIP wrap-up work session on Tuesday, July 12. DISCUSSION: The adopted CIP, which sets the parameters for the County’s bond referenda requests, reflects a balance of strategic investments and maintaining our existing infrastructure. The proposed referenda requests, which are summarized below, are consistent with the County’s debt policies. REFERENDA QUESTION PRIMARY PROJECTS / PROGRAMS AMOUNT Metro and Transportation

Metro Capital Improvements, Transportation Systems & Traffic Signals, Curb & Gutter Missing Links, East Falls Church Streets, Safe Routes to Schools, Bridge Renovation, WalkArlington, BikeArlington, Paving, Street Lights


Local Parks & Recreation Parks Maintenance Capital, Land Acquisition & Open Space, Jennie Dean Park, Tyrol Hills Park, Trail Modernization


Community Infrastructure Lubber Run Community Center, Neighborhood Conservation, Thomas Jefferson Parking Deck, Facilities maintenance Capital, Court House Complex Renovations & Infrastructure, Nauck Town Square & Infrastructure Fund, Barcroft Gymnastics Expansion, County Childcare, Critical Systems Infrastructure, Fire Station 8 Design


Arlington Public Schools Design – Construction of New Schools at Stratford and Wilson, Addition and Renovation of the Career Center / Arlington Tech, Additional Secondary Seats TBD, and Various School Maintenance Capital Projects


TOTAL $315,775,000 Extensive information on the details of each of these projects can be found in the CIP documents on the County’s and Schools’ websites. The summary of County projects included in the proposed 2016 referenda can be found on pages B-5 & B-6 with additional details in the remainder of the County’s CIP document. Attachment B includes the proposed bond questions and explanations as they would appear in informational publications distributed by the County at polling places, other County facilities, and on the County’s website. Consistent with state law, the actual ballot will reflect only the proposed bond question. BALLOT LAYOUT It is recommended that the following four bond referenda questions be on one or more rows or windows on the voting machines in the following order:

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a. Metro and Transportation b. Local Parks & Recreation c. Community Infrastructure d. Arlington Public Schools

BACKGROUND: The County Government’s proposed bond totals are derived from a compilation of individual projects contained in the adopted CIP. These projects are classified into separate categories. If the bond referenda questions are approved by the voters, the County is legally prohibited from reallocating funding from one referenda category to another. Within the referenda categories, however, the County Board may make changes to specific projects; this flexibility is necessary because of potential rapid changes in construction pricing or other uncontrollable factors. The County Board also has the option of issuing a lesser amount of bonds than that approved by the voters or revising the specific projects, within the proposed authorizing language, to be funded with bond proceeds. Attachment B is a draft of the bond questions and explanations that would appear in informational publications. This information is also provided at voter registration sites, posted at each individual polling place and the County’s website. The bond referenda language was prepared in consultation with bond counsel. During the CIP process, a significant amount of community input was sought. During the CIP development and consideration process, staff held three CIP Public Forums on April 4, 7, and 13, met with Board-appointed Commissions and Committees, and provided information at four County Board work sessions and a joint County-Schools work session. Additionally, a CIP Public Hearing was held on June 22, 2016. The adopted CIP will be published in hard copy and will be available on the County website later this summer. FISCAL IMPACT: The estimated impact on the County’s General Fund from the proposed bond financing plan included in the adopted CIP and the proposed referenda for the next two fiscal years is shown below. It should be noted that the amount of debt service to be budgeted in FY 2018 and FY 2019 will be determined after future project cash flow needs (and thus actual bond issue amounts) are completed. The table below also includes all outstanding and future subject-to-appropriation debt supported by the General Fund. In addition to debt service costs, certain new projects in the CIP and referenda will result in increased operating costs. Additional information on these costs can be found in the CIP document on the County’s website.


FY 2017 Adopted Budget and FY 2018 – 2019 Estimates (In Millions of $)




FY 2019 County 62.9 63.1 67.9 Schools 46.7 51.1 58.5 TOTAL $109.6 $114.2 $126.4

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DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHMENTS Attachment A - 2016 Bond Resolutions Attachment B - 2016 Bond Questions and Explanation (as they will appear in publications)

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WHEREAS, the County Board of Arlington County, Virginia, has determined that it is

advisable to support construction, acquisition, and rehabilitation of facilities by the Washington

Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA/Metro) and other transportation projects as

described below at an estimated cost of $58,785,000; and

WHEREAS, it appears that such improvements cannot be financed from current revenues;


1. It is hereby determined that it is advisable for Arlington County to contract a debt

and issue its general obligation capital improvement bonds in the maximum principal amount of

$58,785,000 pursuant to the Public Finance Act of 1991, as amended, to finance, together with other

available funds, the cost of construction, acquisition, and rehabilitation of WMATA/Metro facilities

by the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, and to pay the costs of other transit,

transportation, paving, road and pedestrian enhancement projects across the County (the “Projects”).

2. The Circuit Court of Arlington County is hereby requested to order an election to be

held on November 8, 2016, provided that such date is at least 81 days after the date on which the

Court enters its order upon the question of contracting such debt and issuing bonds for such

purposes. The question on the ballot shall be in substantially the form shown in Attachment B.

3. The Clerk of this Board is hereby authorized and directed to cause a certified copy of

this resolution to be presented to the Circuit Court of Arlington County.

4. The County Board adopts this declaration of official intent under the Treasury

Regulations Section 15.150-2. The County Board reasonably expects to reimburse advances made

or to be made by the County to pay the costs of the Projects from the proceeds of its bonds.

5. This resolution shall take effect immediately.

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WHEREAS, the County Board of Arlington County, Virginia, has determined that it is

advisable to undertake local parks & recreation projects as described below at an estimated cost of

$19,310,000; and

WHEREAS, it appears that such improvements cannot be financed from current revenues;


1. It is hereby determined that it is advisable for Arlington County to contract a debt

and issue its general obligation capital improvement bonds in the maximum principal amount of

$19,310,000 pursuant to the Public Finance Act of 1991, as amended, to finance, together with other

available funds, the cost of public improvements for Arlington County local parks & recreation,

open space and land acquisition projects (the “Projects”).

2. The Circuit Court of Arlington County is hereby requested to order an election to be held

on November 8, 2016, provided that such date is at least 81 days after the date on which the Court

enters its order upon the question of contracting such debt and issuing bonds for such purposes. The

question on the ballot shall be in substantially the form shown in Attachment B.

3. The Clerk of this Board is hereby authorized and directed to cause a certified copy

of this resolution to be presented to the Circuit Court of Arlington County.

4. The County Board adopts this declaration of official intent under the Treasury

Regulations Section 15.150-2. The County Board reasonably expects to reimburse advances made

or to be made by the County to pay the costs of the Projects from the proceeds of its bonds.

5. This resolution shall take effect immediately.

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WHEREAS, the County Board of Arlington County, Virginia, has determined that it is

advisable to undertake neighborhood conservation projects, public facility improvements and

infrastructure improvements, as described below, at an estimated cost of $98,850,000; and

WHEREAS, it appears that such improvements cannot be financed from current revenues;


1. It is hereby determined that it is advisable for Arlington County to contract a debt

and issue its general obligation capital improvement bonds in the maximum principal amount of

$98,850,000 pursuant to the Public Finance Act of 1991, as amended, to finance, together with other

available funds, the cost of public improvements for Arlington County, including neighborhood

conservation projects, information technology and public safety projects, land acquisition and

County facilities needs including infrastructure and facilities maintenance capital (the “Projects”).

2. The Circuit Court of Arlington County is hereby requested to order an election to be

held on November 8, 2016, provided that such date is at least 81 days after the date on which the

Court enters its order upon the question of contracting such debt and issuing bonds for such

purposes. The question on the ballot shall be in substantially the form shown in Attachment B.

3. The Clerk of this Board is hereby authorized and directed to cause a certified copy of

this resolution to be presented to the Circuit Court of Arlington County.

4. The County Board adopts this declaration of official intent under the Treasury

Regulations Section 15.150-2. The County Board reasonably expects to reimburse advances made

or to be made by the County to pay the costs of the Projects from the proceeds of its bonds.

This resolution shall take effect immediately.

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WHEREAS, the County Board of Arlington County, Virginia, has determined that it is

advisable to undertake certain capital projects for Arlington Public Schools, as described below; and

WHEREAS, it appears that $138,830,000 of such improvements cannot be financed from

current revenues; and

WHEREAS, the Arlington County School Board has requested by resolution adopted July

1, 2016, that the County Board request the Circuit Court of Arlington County to order an election on

the question of the proposed issuance of bonds to finance such projects;


1. It is hereby determined that it is advisable for Arlington County to contract a debt

and issue its general obligation bonds in the maximum principal amount of $138,830,000 pursuant

to the Public Finance Act of 1991, as amended, to finance, together with other available funds, the

design and construction costs for new schools, school facility additions and renovations, and various

capital projects for Arlington Public Schools (the “Projects”).

2. The Circuit Court of Arlington County is hereby requested to order an election to be

held on November 8, 2016, provided that such date is at least 81 days after the date on which the

Court enters its order, upon the question of contracting such debt and issuing bonds for such

purposes. The question on the ballot shall be in substantially the form shown in Attachment B.

3. The Clerk of this Board is hereby authorized and directed to cause a certified copy of

this resolution to be presented to the Circuit Court of Arlington County.

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4. The County Board adopts this declaration of official intent under the Treasury

Regulations Section 15.150-2. The County Board reasonably expects to reimburse advances made

or to be made by the County to pay the costs of the Projects from the proceeds of its bonds.

5 This resolution shall take effect immediately.

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2016 Bond Referenda

1. Metro and Transportation

QUESTION: Shall Arlington County contract a debt and issue its general obligation

bonds in the maximum principal amount of $58,785,000 to finance, together with other

available funds, the cost of various capital projects for the Washington Metropolitan

Area Transit Authority and other transit, pedestrian, road or transportation projects?


This proposal will fund a variety of transportation, road, pedestrian enhancement and transit projects

across the County. The largest components of this proposal are $30 million for Arlington County’s

share of WMATA / Metro’s capital improvement program, and $24 million to fund a portion of the

costs for paving local streets and roadways. Proceeds of this proposal will also fund bridge

renovation, street lights, transportation systems & traffic signals, as well as the WALKArlington,

BikeArlington, Safe Routes to Schools, and Curb & Gutter Missing Links programs. The County

Board may reallocate bond funds among the various projects to the extent necessary or desirable.

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2016 Bond Referenda

2. Local Parks and Recreation

QUESTION: Shall Arlington County contract a debt and issue its general obligation

bonds in the maximum principal amount of $19,310,000 to finance, together with other

available funds, the cost of various capital projects for local parks & recreation, and

land acquisition for parks and open space?


This proposal will fund various parks improvements and enhancements, as well as $3 million for the

Land Acquisition and Open Space Program for strategic park acquisitions. This proposal would

also fund the Trail Modernization program, design and planning at Jennie Dean Park and

construction at Tyrol Hills Park, and maintenance capital improvements such as playground, courts

and other parks infrastructure improvements. The County Board may reallocate bond funds among

the various projects to the extent necessary or desirable.

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2016 Bond Referenda

3. Community Infrastructure

QUESTION: Shall Arlington County contract a debt and issue its general obligation

bonds in the maximum principal amount of $98,850,000 to finance, together with other

available funds, the cost of various capital projects for County facilities, joint County –

Schools projects, information technology, and other County infrastructure?


This proposal will fund a variety of County infrastructure projects. The largest component of this

proposal is $46.46 million for the Lubber Run Community Center project. Also included is $12

million of funding for Neighborhood Conservation projects, as well as funding for the Nauck

Town Square, planning & design of the Fire Station 8 replacement, renovations & improvements

to government facilities in the Court House Complex, renovation of the Barcroft Sports &

Fitness Center for additional gymnastics, and a County childcare facility. The Neighborhood

Conservation Program provides funding for a variety of neighborhood-identified capital

improvement projects including street improvements (sidewalk, curb and gutter, drainage,

paving), traffic management and pedestrian enhancements, park improvements, street lighting,

recreational facilities, landscaping, and beautification.

It also includes funding of a joint County & Schools parking deck and other improvements at the

Thomas Jefferson middle school site due to the construction of a new elementary school, critical

systems infrastructure upgrades to 24x7 hour facilities; and facilities maintenance capital

improvements, including design and construction of projects including but not limited to roofs,

electrical and heating / cooling systems and other facilities infrastructure. The County Board may

reallocate bond funds among the various projects to the extent necessary or desirable.

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2016 Bond Referenda

4. Arlington Public Schools

QUESTION: Shall Arlington County contract a debt and issue its general obligation

bonds in the maximum principal amount of $138,830,000 to finance, together with

other available funds, the costs of various capital projects for Arlington Public


EXPLANATION: This proposal will make funds available for the Arlington Public Schools' capital improvement program. The proposed bonds will fund the following projects:

• the new middle school at the Stratford site ($26,030,000) • the new school at the Wilson site ($78,400,000) • addition and renovation at the Career Center/Arlington Tech ($12,000,000) • planning for secondary seats at location(s) to be determined ($10,000,000), and • infrastructure capital projects such as HVAC, roofing, etc. ($12,400,000)

The School Board may reallocate bond funds among the various projects to the extent necessary

or desirable.

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Page 1

April 17, 1951 Schools $4,875,000 6,208 2,569 3,693 70.7 Total $4,875,000 November 6, 1951 Courts Building $ 505,000 4,086 7,475 3,389 64.7 Parking Lots 740,000 4,992 7,139 2,147 58.9 Parks and Playgrounds 882,000 6,334 5,595 739 53.1 Streets and Highways 1,318,000 7,465 4,651 2,814 61.6 Storm Drainage $1,382,000 7,330 4,790 2,540 60.5 Total $4,827,000 May 27, 1952 Schools $8,280,000 4,854 3,190 1,664 60.3 Total $8,280,000 November 3, 1953 Streets and Highways $1,720,000 7,035 4,588 2,447 60.5 Water 1,327,000 7,779 3,862 3,917 66.8 Storm Drainage 1,000,000 6,719 4,668 2,051 59.0 Total $4,047,000 November 2, 1954 Water $1,700,000 16,207 4,922 11,285 76.7 Incinerator 980,000 11,910 8,386 3,524 58.7 Fire Stations 470,000 13,138 7,271 5,867 64.4 Storm Drainage 200,000 13,196 7,524 5,672 63.7 County Building Sites 600,000 6,776 13,251 6,475 66.2 Swimming Pools 600,000 9,064 11,964 2,900 56.9 Total $4,550,000 November 8, 1955 Sanitary Sewers $1,000,000 7,203 7,014 189 50.7 Streets and Highways 1,330,000 5,930 8,067 2,137 57.6 Storm Drainage 1,200,000 5,783 8,144 2,361 58.5 Total $3,530,000 February 2, 1956 Schools $9,430,000 5,720 6,658 938 53.8 Total $9,430,000 June 5, 1956 Court House $2,200,000 5,933 795 5,138 88.2 Schools 4,492,000 6,167 4,928 1,239 55.6 Total $6,692,000

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May 13, 1958 Libraries $ 560,000 7,137 4,982 2,155 58.9 Streets and Highways 1,790,000 7,320 4,869 2,451 60.1 Sidewalks 330,000 6,907 5,145 1,762 57.3 County Building Sites 50,000 6,358 5,299 1,059 54.5 Parks and Playgrounds 293,000 6,701 5,313 1,388 55.8 Sanitary Sewer 770,000 7,762 4,318 3,444 64.3 Storm Drainage 673,000 7,399 4,649 2,750 61.4 Schools 3,500,000 7,391 4,807 2,584 60.6 Total $7,966,000 May 17, 1960 Storm Drainage $1,040,000 6,105 7,112 1,007 53.8 Regional Parks 130,000 5,593 7,642 2,049 57.7 Parks and Recreation Facilities 800,000 5,679 7,379 1,700 56.5 Libraries 250,000 6,275 6,918 643 52.4 Health Clinics 100,000 5,795 7,373 1,578 56.0 Sidewalks 450,000 5,757 7,420 1,663 56.3 Schools 1,750,000 5,650 7,258 1,608 56.2 Streets and Highways 2,660,000 5,853 7,297 1,444 55.5 Fire Stations 400,000 6,493 6,654 161 50.6 Total $7,580,000 November 8, 1960 Water $2,172,000 20,535 11,733 8,802 63.6 Sanitary Sewers 675,000 21,434 11,972 9,462 64.2 Total $2,847,000 November 7, 1961 County Land Acquisition $ 500,000 8,493 8,589 96 50.3 Storm Water Drainage 900,000 10,007 7,419 2,588 57.4 Streets and Highways 2,500,000 9,874 7,614 2,260 56.5 Sidewalk 475,000 9,149 8,215 934 52.7 Recreation Facilities 225,000 9,029 8,189 840 52.4 Library 495,000 9,209 8,002 1,207 53.5 Firefighting Facilities 475,000 11,519 5,919 5,600 66.1 Schools 950,000 9,246 7,902 1,344 53.9 Total $6,520,000 November 5, 1963 Storm Water Drainage $1,000,000 12,523 7,494 5,029 62.6 Sewer 5,560,000 12,692 6,957 5,735 64.6 County Land Acquisition 1,000,000 10,409 8,914 1,495 53.9 Library 440,000 9,800 9,425 375 51.0 Schools 1,950,000 10,453 8,648 1,805 54.7 Total $9,950,000

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November 2, 1965 Storm Water Drainage $ 1,250,000 14,223 8,067 6,156 63.8 Streets and Highways 4,350,000 13,340 8,209 5,131 61.9 County Land Acquisition 1,000,000 12,814 9,321 3,493 57.9 Sidewalk 550,000 12,953 8,352 4,601 60.8 Schools 4,795,000 11,449 9,582 1,867 54.4 Schools, New Junior H.S. 4,250,000 8,413 13,153 4,740 61.0 Total $16,195,000 November 8, 1966 No. Virginia Higher Education $3,000,000 21,100 10,401 10,699 67.0 Total $3,000,000 November 7, 1967 Streets and Sidewalk $7,100,000 15,047 8,031 7,016 65.2 Storm Water Drainage 1,100,000 14,813 7,173 7,640 67.4 Sewer 1,000,000 15,108 6,936 8,172 68.5 Total $9,200,000 June 11, 1968 Schools and Recreation $16,800,000 7,895 9,476 1,581 54.6 Total $16,800,000 November 5, 1968 Transit Facilities $54,000,000 42,721 11,659 31,062 78.6 Schools (W-L Library) 225,000 34,331 19,715 14,616 63.5 Schools (Elementary) 6,900,000 35,993 17,696 18,297 67.0 Schools (New Junior H.S.) 4,150,000 34,485 19,163 15,322 64.3 Recreation Facilities 2,500,000 32,832 19,979 12,853 62.2 Total $67,775,000 November 4, 1969 Paving $ 500,000 19,392 9,380 10,012 67.4 Police Headqtrs.-Jail 2,500,000 20,618 9,562 11,056 68.3 Public Library 550,000 17,866 11,071 6,795 61.7 Swimming Pool 900,000 14,862 13,975 887 51.5 Storm Drainage 1,000,000 21,192 7,947 13,245 72.7 Water System 5,500,000 20,526 8,344 12,182 71.1 Neighborhood Conservation 800,000 16,793 11,611 5,182 59.1 Park Authority 2,160,000 1,654 11,247 9,593 87.2 Total $13,910,000

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November 2, 1971 Sanitary Sewers $ 6,700,000 11,961 4,176 7,785 74.1 Waste Water Treatment 6,000,000 12,670 3,490 9,180 78.4 Recreation Facilities 3,000,000 9,873 5,999 3,874 62.2 Storm Water Drainage 2,500,000 12,215 4,114 8,101 74.8 Streets and Highways 1,000,000 16,675 10,211 6,464 62.0 Human Resources Center 850,000 15,347 11,520 3,827 57.1 Neighborhood Conservation 800,000 15,365 11,554 3,811 57.1 Technical Education Center 4,600,000 16,182 11,000 5,182 59.5 Schools 2,600,000 15,097 11,929 3,168 55.9 Library 470,000 14,742 11,98 2,758 55.2 Total $28,520,000 November 7, 1972 Ad. Waste Water Treatment $15,000,000 38,705 11,829 26,876 76.6 Schools 6,275,000 31,390 18,917 12,473 62.4 Total $21,275,000 *Referendum amended language of 1971 and 1972 referenda to expand how the $21.0 million could be used at the wastewater treatment plant. November 6, 1973 Local and Regional Parks $ 5,000,000 11,186 5,736 5,450 66.1 Sanitary Sewerage 4,500,000 13,613 5,744 7,869 70.3 Streets and Highways 3,000,000 10,903 7,276 3,627 60.0 Public Schools 2,350,000 14,647 15,843 1,196 52.0 Storm Water Drainage 1,500,000 20,034 10,286 9,748 66.1 Human Resources Center 1,000,000 17,462 12,660 4,802 58.0 County Property Yard 700,000 13,860 16,081 2,221 53.7 Nursing Home Sites 500,000 20,281 10,607 9,674 65.7 Fire Stations 300,000 20,867 9,925 10,942 67.8 Total $18,850,000 November 4, 1975 Wastewater Treatment* $21,000,000 11,020 8,600 2,420 56.2 Transit Facilities 25,000,000 7,543 11,880 4,337 61.2 County Maintenance and Service Facilities 1,500,000 5,003 13,968 8,965 73.6 Sidewalks, Curbs and Gutters, Streets and Highways 3,000,000 7,923 20,553 12,630 72.2 Joint Community Theatre and Schools Auditorium 1,300,000 5,169 23,612 18,443 82.0 Buildings and Building Sites 1,000,000 5,097 22,881 17,784 81.8 Park and Recreation Acquisition and Development 6,000,000 9,036 20,140 11,104 69.0 Community Conservation 2,500,000 8,075 20,128 12,053 71.4 Total $61,300,000

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November 8, 1977 Water Storage $ 6,200,000 21,464 11,959 9,505 64.2 Storm Drainage 1,000,000 20,433 13,300 7,133 60.6 Streets and Highways 3,000,000 19,942 13,973 5,969 58.8 Neighborhood Conservation 2,500,000 19,193 14,777 4,416 56.5 Local and Regional Parks 2,500,000 18,849 14,868 3,981 55.9 Total $15,200,000 *Referendum amended language of 1977 water bond to change from storage to distribution improvements as permitted use. November 6, 1979 Sanitary Sewerage $ 1,985,000 16,761 9,222 7,539 64.5 Streets and Highways 4,665,000 15,617 10,530 5,087 59.7 Local Parks 4,000,000 9,465 16,577 7,112 63.6 Regional Parks 1,705,000 9,780 16,200 6,420 62.4 Total $12,355,000 November 4, 1980 Water Distribution* $6,000,000 41,328 8,756 32,572 82.5 Total $6,000,000 November 3, 1981 Streets and Highways $ 3,000,000 23,751 12,583 11,168 65.4 Storm Drainage 1,800,000 22,652 13,420 9,232 62.8 Jail Expansion 2,100,000 25,485 11,251 14,234 69.4 Local and Regional Parks 3,000,000 22,886 13,465 9,421 63.0 Community Conservation 1,000,000 21,743 13,520 8,223 61.7 Total $10,900,000

November 8, 1983 Metrorail $13,000,000 21,221 6,615 14,606 76.2 Streets and Highways 3,100,000 20,756 6,922 13,834 75.0 Community Conservation 1,950,000 19,624 7,840 11,784 71.5 Water Distribution 3,100,000 20,048 7,159 12,889 73.7 Total $21,150,000 Average 74.1% November 6, 1984 Local and Regional Parks $ 4,035,000 38,785 21,771 17,014 64.1 Streets and Highways 6,140,000 39,644 20,630 19,014 65.8 Community Conservation 6,800,000 37,935 21,906 16,029 63.4 Metrorail 13,000,000 40,111 20,924 19,187 65.7 Total $29,975,000 Average 64.8%

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November 4, 1986 Local and Regional Parks $ 4,895,000 25,899 8,539 17,360 75.2 Streets and Highways 4,315,000 27,382 6,452 20,930 80.9 Community Conservation 10,835,000 25,626 8,741 16,885 74.6 Central Library Expansion 4,025,000 26,974 7,909 19,065 77.3 Total $24,070,000 Average 77.0% November 8, 1988 Local and Regional Parks $ 3,900,000 50,367 14,344 36,023 77.8 Streets and Highways 2,400,000 49,077 12,688 36,389 79.5 Community Conservation 2,900,000 49,295 14,928 34,367 76.8 Public Schools 12,800,000 49,905 12,251 37,654 80.3 Jail 35,000,000 40,731 22,662 18,069 64.3 Wastewater Treatment 12,000,000 52,216 8,970 43,246 85.3 Total $69,000,000 Average 77.3% November 6, 1990 Courts/Police Facility $53,850,000 25,061 17,381 7,680 59.0 Public Schools 23,000,000 31,367 11,833 19,534 72.6 Streets, Highways, and Community Conservation 10,930,000 28,357 11,980 16,377 70.3 Local and Regional Parks and Recreation 4,220,000 27,857 12,544 15,313 69.0 Fire Station #3 2,500,000 28,642 11,319 17,323 71.7 Total $94,500,000 Average 68.5% November 3, 1992 Metrorail $ 17,800,000 58,898 16,057 42,841 78.6 Public Schools 24,425,000 56,903 17,647 39,256 76.3 Higher Education 3,125,000 51,355 23,199 28,156 68.9 Local and Regional Parks and Recreation 11,870,000 51,504 23,176 28,328 69.0 Streets, Highways and Community Conservation 13,415,000 55,185 19,551 35,634 73.8 Wastewater Treatment Plant 36,000,000 61,741 13,243 48,498 82.3 Total $106,635,000 Average 74.8% November 8, 1994 Metrorail $ 7,000,000 45,783 16,166 29,617 73.9 Public School 36,100,000 46,444 15,349 31,095 75.2 Fire Station #3 2,760,000 44,184 16,857 27,327 72.4 Local and Regional Parks and Recreation 13,865,000 43,210 18,278 24,932 70.3 Streets, Highways and Community Conservation 17,690,000 47,062 14,288 32,774 76.7

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Water Distribution and Wastewater Treatment 12,200,000 50,049 10,885 39,164 82.1 Total $89,615,000 Average 75.1% November 5, 1996 Metrorail $ 9,560,000 52,289 15,733 36,556 76.9 Public School 29,120,000 53,783 14,510 39,273 78.6 Local and Regional Parks and Recreation 12,920,000 45,336 23,539 21,797 65.8 Streets, Highways and Community Conservation 21,305,000 53,260 14,372 38,888 78.7 Total $72,905,000 Average 75.0% November 3, 1998 Public Schools $50,705,000 35,552 9,721 25,831 78.5 Westover and Shirlington 8,000,000 34,298 10,760 23,538 76.1 Branch Libraries Local and Regional Parks 17,055,000 34,438 10,651 23,787 76.4 And Recreation Street, Highways, and Community Conservation 24,055,000 35,448 9,500 25,948 78.9 Total $99,815,000 Average 77.5% November 7, 2000 Public Schools $ 42,612,500 61,252 14,564 46,688 80.8 Local and Regional Parks 25,875,000 58,973 16,104 42,869 78.6 And Recreation Street, Highways and 34,291,000 63,797 12,583 51,214 83.5 Community Conservation Government Fac.& Higher Ed. 7,210,000 53,571 22,023 31,548 70.9 Utilities 12,070,000 65,109 11,202 53,907 85.3 Total $122,058,500 Average 79.8% November 5, 2002 Public Schools $ 78,996,000 43,877 12,258 31,619 78.2 Community Projects: Community Conservation, Parks, Public Safety, Pedestrian Systems, Streets, Highways, Transit, Metro, Storm Drainage 67,428,500 44,592 11,320 33,272 79.8 Utilities 12,342,000 46,078 9,796 36,282 82.5 Total $158,766,500 Average 80.2%

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November 2, 2004 Public Schools $ 78,128,000 71,594 17,615 53,979 80.3 Local Parks and Recreation 78,395,000 67,588 21,450 46,138 75.9 Transportation & Community Infrastructure 35,944,000 71,697 17,171 54,526 80.7 Metro 18,536,000 73,248 16,151 57,097 81.9 Total $208,003,000 Average 79.7% November 7, 2006 Public Schools $ 33,712,000 54,130 16,609 37,521 76.5 Local Parks and Recreation 35,550,000 52,257 18,238 34,019 74.1 Community infrastructure 27,300,000 49,905 20,233 29,672 71.2 Metro and Transportation 31,500,000 58,058 11,709 46,349 82.0 Utilities 79,000,000 59,797 10,878 48,919 84.6 Total $207,062,000 Average 77.7% November 4, 2008 Public Schools $ 99,425,000 76,325 25,360 50,965 75.1 Community infrastructure 10,800,000 68,967 31,321 37,646 68.8 Metro 10,000,000 79,178 22,713 56,465 77.7 Utilities 50,000,000 80,873 20,052 60,821 80.1 Total $170,225,000 Average 77.3% November 2, 2010 Public Schools $ 102,888,000 46,869 14,350 32,519 76.6 Local Parks and Recreation 5,975,000 41,745 19,427 22,318 68.2 Community Infrastructure 18,065,000 37,943 22,807 15,136 62.5 Metro 34,100,000 44,896 16,334 28,562 73.3 Total $161,028,000 Average 70.2% November 6, 2012 Public Schools $ 42,620,000 90,232 21,383 69,849 80.8 Local Parks and Recreation 50,553,000 70,920 40,039 30,881 63.9 Community Infrastructure 28,306,000 80,155 29,607 50,548 73.0 Metro and Transportation 31,946,000 89,000 22,101 66,899 80.1 Total $153,425,000 Average 74.5% November 4, 2014 Public Schools $ 105,780,000 49,439 16,899 32,540 72.7 Local Parks and Recreation 13,070,000 46,703 19,501 27,202 71.0 Community Infrastructure 39,900,000 44,858 21,073 23,785 71.2 Metro and Transportation 60,240,000 46,807 19,344 27,463 71.0 Total $218,990,000 Average 71.0%

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ParksLand Acquisition - Long Bridge Aquatics & Fitness Facility & Park 30,500,000 Maintenance Capital 3,258,000


Metro 39,000,000

Community Conservation 14,600,000

Facilities Infrastructure/Land AcquisitionART House - Heavy Maintenance Facility 2,030,000 Facilities Maintenance Capital 1,895,000 North Side Salt Facility 2,406,000 Non-Parks Land Acquisition 1,330,000

7,661,000 Transportation

Improvements Outside Major Travel Corridors 225,000 WalkArlington 270,000 Paving 6,400,000 BikeArlington 301,000 Neighborhood Complete Streets 300,000 Bridge Renovation 1,300,000


Total Authorized but Unissued - County 103,815,000

Total Authorized but Unissued - Utilities 4,150,000

New Elementary School at Thomas Jefferson 35,680,000 Addition/Renovation at Abingdon 7,551,000

Total Authorized but Unissued - Schools 43,231,000

*Amounts based on remaining authorized unissued bonds after 2016 GO bond sale in April 2016

Arlington County, Virginia





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County Projects40 Energy Efficiency / AIRE Projects completed, $12.3 M168 Neighborhood Conservation Projects completed, $37.5 M81 Neighborhood Traffic Calming Projects completed, $8.47 M160 Complete Streets Projects completed1 Green Streets Project (Patrick Henry Dr) completed2 Stormwater capital projects (Little Pimmit Run culvert replacement & channel rehabilitation) completed2 Stream Restoration Projects completed8 Stormwater Retrofit Projects completed3 Stormwater Capital Projects completed3 Major Stormwater Maintenance Projects completed27 Justice Center Facility Maintenance Capital projects completed24 Fire Alarm/ Security System Upgrades/ Replacements completed25 HVAC Repairs/ Replacements completed

14 Roof Repairs/ Replacements completed18.71 Acres of new park land acquired5 New Parks created15 Synthetic fields created or replaced16 Playgrounds created or replaced12 Athletic fields replaced5 Athletic field lighting replaced8 Athletic courts replaced5 Picnic shelters renovated/replaced


School ProjectsElementary Schools — 1 new school, 7 expanded/renovated/reconstructed (out of total 23)Middle Schools — 3 expanded/renovated/reconstructed (out of total 6)High Schools — 3 expanded/renovated/reconstructed (out of total 4)Other School Sites — 2 renovated/reconstructed (out of total 6)

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Government Facilities & Libraries Public SafetyNew / RefreshedAssessment and Collection System (ACE)Human Services Financial SystemFinancial SystemNetwork / Telephone SystemPC RefreshmentServers, , Video ConferencingPrimary Network Operating Center HVAC Upgrades – 20092nd Network Operating Center – 2010Board Reporting Agenda Support System (BRASS)Human Resources Performance Appraisal AutomationCourthouse Audio Visual Technology ModernizationDPR Online Camp FormsJury Summons SystemPublic Safety Network RefreshmentReal Estate Assessment System RefreshmentConnectArlingtonePlan Review for DESPublic Safety Inbuilding WirelessPublic Website Refreshment and MigrationMobile Device ManagementMobile Service Request System


New / ReplacedEmergency Communications Center (ECC) –2008Detention Facility security system - 2011Mobile Data Computers - , 2003/2004, 2009/2010, 2012/2013Fire pumpers (2002, 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2011) and rescue vehicles ( 2006 and 2007)Firefighter Breathing Apparatus – 2009Fire Station # 5 – 2008Fire Station # 3 - 2011Portable (hand-held) Radios-2012Mobile (vehicle-installed) Radios 2011ECC/ Alternative ECC (NICE) Recorders –2011Computer-Aided-Dispatch (CAD) Equipment-2012Public Safety Network-2012Detention Center Washer-Dryer Replacements – 2010Fire Training Academy Additions - 2012Fire Station #4 HVAC Replacement –2012Radio System Upgrade - 2016

RenovatedAlternate ECC –2008Justice Center Garage (Doors) –2008Justice Center (Police Patrol Area) –2014

New / ReplacedHomeless Services Center – 2015DHS Consolidation to Sequoia Plaza –2015Equipment Bureau Refresh– 2015Human Services Operating Center at Sequoia Plaza – 2010Artisphere Cultural Center - 2010Westover Library - 2009Inspection Services/ Zoning Service Center – 2009Shirlington Library - 2007Kettler Ice Plex - 2007Parks Operations Building andTrades Center Facilities – 2006

RenovatedBallston Garage Lighting Upgrade - 2015Courthouse Plaza Board Room & CPHD Reception – 2015Dawson Bailey House & Rec. Center HVAC - 2015Central Library HVAC Upgrades – 2014Courts/Police Fire Alarm Upgrades – 2014Fairlington Community Center Exterior Refresh – 2014Fire Station #1 Fire Alarm Upgrade, Bay Door/Flooring Replacement, exterior upgrades - 2016Fire Station #4 Fire Alarm Upgrade and FF&E - 2014Woodmont Community Center Site - 2009Courthouse Plaza & power upgrade –2009Fenwick Center - 2006George Mason Center - 2006

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WPCB MP01 Upgrade and Expansion Project -Demolition – 2007

NewMajor Construction efforts began 9/2006North Odor Control – 2009Equalization Tanks 2 and 3 (11.7M gal) –2009Aeration Tanks 5 & 6 – 2009Secondary Clarifiers 7 & 8 – 2009Blowers 3, 4, and 5 – 2009Electrical System – 2010Chemical Systems – 2009Denitrification System – 2010Secondary Clarifier 9 - 2010Blower 1&2 - 2010Foam Collection System – 2010Process Control System – 2010Wet Weather Filtration Facility – 2014Standby Generator Facility – 2012Maintenance Building addition – 201260” Activated Sludge Effluent Pipeline replacement – 2012

RenovatedPrimary and Secondary Clarifiers (4, 5 and 6) –2010Aeration Tanks 1, 2, 3, & 4 – 2010Wastewater Lift Stations upgrade – 2011New Maintenance Building - 2012

Water Pollution Control PlantCrystal City Potomac Yard Transitway construction completed and opened April 2016Rosslyn Metro station bus bay improvements and real time information displays - completed in 2015Rosslyn Metro station new elevator entrance from Ft. Myer Drive opened 2014Rosslyn Metro Station second entrance opened Oct. 2013Shirlington Station bus transfer facility opened June 2008; 2 additional bus bays added in Oct. 2014Metrorail station escalator canopies installed at Clarendon, Crystal City and Pentagon City - Oct. 2006; Pedestrian walkway canopy at Crystal City Metro station opened Nov. 2006Ballston-MU Metro Station entrance improvements - three street level elevators opened April 2006Columbia Pike Transit Station prototype completed and opened 201365 new ART (Arlington Transit) busesNew ART bus stops - 17 installed in 2014, 9 installed in 2013, and 5 installed in 201262 bus stop ADA accessibility improvementsImprovements to 35 bus stops51 new bus shelters

ART Operations and Administrative Office opened in 2013 ART House bus storage and maintenance facility land acquired and interim office renovated and occupied - 2010Transit Technology Needs Assessment and Master Plan for FY2016-FY2025 completed July 2015Real time information displays installed at 29 high activity bus stops / transit stations; assisted listening devices in 28 bus stop locationsReal time BusFinder displays at 84 ART bus stopsInteractive voice response system for ART infor call number installed July 2013Transit operations wall display installed August 2012Bus queue jump at southbound N. Glebe Road and N. Henderson Road installed 2011Real time webpage deployed March 2010Transit operations computer station installed in County’s Traffic Management Center April 200865 SmarTrip fareboxes purchased and installed on ART buses, in addition to vault, computer, and software84 Capital Bikeshare Stations Installed

Transit Projects

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New / ReplacedWater Projects:Minor Hill Yard Piping – OngoingOld Dominion Dr./Lorcom Ln - 2015Fort Barnard Supply Main – 2015S Glebe Rd/ Long Branch - 2014N Glebe Rd and Williamsburg Blvd 36inch water mains –2013AMR – 2013Four Mile Run 20inch water main - 2012Gravity III 20inch Water Main – 2010Minor Hill Special pump station and pressure zone - 2009Commercial Automated Meters – 2009Chain Bridge Water Mains - 2006Water Main replacement program - Annual ongoing programSewer Projects:Potomac Interceptor Phase I – 2015Potomac Interceptor Phase III – 2014John Marshall Drive at Lee Highway Sanitary Sewer 2013Riverwood sanitary sewer force main - 2012Fairlington Sanitary Sewer - 2011Four Mile Run Relief Sewer - 2008Developer related water and sewer improvements - Annual ongoing program

RenovatedWater Projects:Lee Ground Storage Tank Rehab - 2005Lee Water Pump Station Improvements – 20115 Miles/year Cleaning and Cement Lining Pre-1960 Water Mains.Sewer Projects:Four Mile Run Gravity Line from the I-395 to South Lang Street-2013Four Mile Run Gravity Line from the Water Pollution Control Plant to South Lang Street-2011Four Mile Run Gravity Line from Columbia Pike to Long Branch – 20117 Miles/year Sanitary Sewer Rehab

UtilitiesEnvironmental Quality ProjectsDonaldson Run Tributary A stream restoration- 2006Donaldson Run Headwaters stream restoration - 2007Patrick Henry Drive bioretention - 2011N Albemarle St bioretention - 2011Trades Center retrofits - 2011Gulf Branch Nature Center stormwater planters & pervious parking area - 2014Pentagon City bioretention & curbside rain gardens – 20148th Street South curbside bioretention - 2015

Stormwater Infrastructure ProjectsMilitary Road at Donaldson Run culvert replacement - 200626th St S storm sewer replacement - 2007Lubber Run retaining wall rehabilitation - 2007Little Pimmit Run culvert replacement & channel rehabilitation Phase I – 2008Little Pimmit Run culvert replacement & channel rehabilitation Phase II – 2011John Marshall Drive at Lee Highway system upgrade - 2013

Stormwater Management Projects

New/ReplacedArlington Mill Community Center - 2013RenovatedAurora Hills Community CenterCommunity CenterFairlington Community Center – 2008Lubber Run Amphitheater - 2011Dawson Terrace – 2016Carlin Hall - 2014

Parks & Recreation Facilities

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2017 − 2026

The County has many large projects that are in near-term implementation phases. Although not a comprehensive list of the broad programs and projects, a brief discussion of some of the larger projects underway is included below.

Public Government Facilities

Trade Center Parking Structure 3rd

Level - Expected Completion: Winter 2017 - 3

rd level is to be added to create an additional 140 parking spaces to meet increased parking needs and freeing up valuable space at the Trades

Center. Funding Sources: GO bond

MWAA Firing Range at Dulles Airport

- Expected completion: Fall 2016 - Joint project with Metropolitan Airports Authority to construct two indoor pistol ranges and rifle range with training and ammunition storage

buildings - County Police and Sheriff ’s Office will have access for recruit training and ongoing qualifications

Funding Source: FY 2011 and FY 2012 closeout funds

Central Library Phase I - Expected Completion: Summer 2017 - First Floor: Modernize and upgrade; lounge, main and south lobby, program rooms, bookstore area - Second floor: Provide makers lab and tech-central, update DVD/audio collections

Funding Sources: PAYG, Rosemarie Bowie Fund

ADA Assessments Shirlington Library and Cultural Affairs - Expected Completion: Summer 2016 - Phase I: Consultant assessment of facilities was completed in 2013 - Phase II: Design/construction at Cultural Affairs

Funding Sources: PAYG

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Justice Center

- Expected Completion: Winter 2017 - Repair main sewer line to prevent failure

Funding Sources: PAYG

Westover Branch Library - Expected completion: Winter 2017 - Repair water leaks from exterior wall systems and windows at various locations - Library to remain open during construction

Funding Source: PAYG Residential Program Center (RPC)

- Expected Completion: Fall 2017 - Complete refresh of 7 bathrooms: Replace bathroom partitions, fixtures, showers, sinks - New epoxy flooring - Structural repairs on the floor framing

Funding Sources: PAYG

Arlington Children’s Center - Expected Completion: Fall 2016 - Replace timber retaining wall with concrete.

Funding Sources: PAYG

Courthouse Metro Tunnel Elevator - Expected Completion: Winter 2017 - Modernize elevators - Replace wall heaters and exhaust fans - Replace roll-up doors; minor concrete work

Funding Sources: GO bond; PAYG

Fort C.F. Smith - Expected Completion: Summer 2016 - Exterior repair, scrape and paint wood and metal roof - Replace sewage ejection system

Funding Sources: GO bond

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2020 14

th Street North – Phase II

- Expected Completion: Winter 2017 - Repair of deteriorated concrete in garage - Elevator Modernization - First floor build-out for support services - HVAC replacement; upgrade to current code

Funding Sources: GO bond

Aurora Hills Refreshment - Expected Completion: Spring 2017 - Renovate restrooms to ADA compliance - Construct new library circulation and recreation reception desks - Add new office, storage, millwork, upgrade kitchen, paint and flooring in the community & senior center

Funding Sources: GO bond Energy Efficiency Energy Management Information System (EMIS)

- Expected Completion: Fall 2017 - Integration of multiple sources of facility and energy data into a centralized warehouse, where business intelligence and analytics can help manage

resource use for financial savings, user comfort, and operational improvements - Includes installation of submeters where appropriate, use of newly available metered data on the Internet from our utility sources, and proper

software application interfaces - End product is a dashboard available to technical users as well as a public-facing version.

Funding Sources: PAYG Community Conservation

Street Light projects – Expected Completion: 2016 - 12th St S – S. Monroe St to S. Quincy St - 12th St N – 11th Rd N to N. Roosevelt St

Funding Sources: GO Bonds, PAYG

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Street Improvement projects: Expected Completion: 2016

- Williamsburg Boulevard - N. George Mason Drive to N. Kensington Street - PH I - Patrick Henry Drive and Intersections with N Inglewood/Illinois, N Illinois/20th, and 18th Street N

- 20th Street N – N. Kenmore Street to N. Monroe Street - S. Fern St – 22nd St S to 19th St S - S. Lang St – Arlington Ridge Rd to 28th St S - 19th Rd N – N. Woodstock St to N. Upton St - N. Illinois St – 22nd St N to Lee Hwy - 24th St N – N. Illinois St to N. Kensington St

Park projects – Expected Completion: 2016

- Rocky Run Park – Phase II - Butler Holmes Park – Phase II - Tyrol Hills Park – Phase IV - Woodlawn Park

Funding Sources: GO Bonds, PAYG

Stormwater, Water, and Sewer Infrastructure

West Little Pimmit Run Phases I and II + John Marshall Drive/N Kensington Street watershed retrofit - Expected Construction: 2016/17 - Design of this stormwater includes approximately 1350 linear feet of 60-inch storm sewer related appurtenances, and restoration. Two major

bioretention projects will also be constructed. This project is necessary to reduce the risk of flooding to multiple homes which were flooded in the storm of June, 2006. In addition, the project will redesign a portion of the large median within John Marshall Drive as a bioretention system and the addition of two new bioretention areas along N. Kensington St. with engineered soils and specialized plantings to store and filter stormwater runoff from nearby streets and homes.

Funding Source: Sanitary District Tax

24th Street N at N Sycamore Street - Expected Construction: 2016/17 - Design of this storm sewer project includes approximately 800 linear feet of 60-inch storm sewer, related appurtenances, and restoration. This

project is necessary to reduce the risk of flooding to multiple homes which were flooded in the storm of June, 2006. Funding Source: Sanitary District Tax

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th Road N between N Liberty Street and N Livingston Street

- Expected Construction: 2016/17 - Design of this storm sewer project includes approximately 1038 linear feet of 30-inch storm sewer, related appurtenances, and restoration. This

project is necessary to reduce the risk of flooding to multiple homes which were flooded in the storm of June, 2006. Funding Source: Sanitary District Tax Donaldson Run outfall/channel repair 24

th Rd N

- Expected Construction: 2017 - Repair of this outfall provides channel stability and reduces the risk of undermining retaining walls.

Funding Source: Sanitary District Tax Woodmont Swale

- Expected Construction: 2017 - Design of this storm sewer project and swale reduces erosion, stabilizes an existing channel and reduces the risk of flooding of downstream

properties. Funding Source: Sanitary District Tax Ballston Pond Watershed Retrofit Project

- Expected construction: 2017/18 - Provides wetland restoration and enhanced water quality treatment for over 300 acres that drain to Lubber Run, as well as improved aesthetics,

interpretation, and wildlife habitat. Funding Sources: Sanitary District Tax, DEQ stormwater grant

Windy Run Stream Restoration Project

- Expected Construction: 2016/17 - Restoration of approximately 450 linear feet of Windy Run to protect a sanitary sewer lift station, re-alignment of an exposed sanitary sewer,

repair of a failed storm sewer outfall, and repair of a failed slope and trail damaged during the June 2006 storm. Funding Sources: Sanitary District Tax, Utilities Fund Donaldson Run Tributary B Stream Restoration Project

- Expected Construction: 2017/18 - Comprehensive restoration of 1,800 linear feet of degraded stream channel to control severe erosion, improve habitat, and protect threatened

sanitary sewer and trail infrastructure. Funding Sources: Sanitary District Tax, Neighborhood Conservation Program

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Williamsburg Blvd Median Watershed Retrofit Project

- Expected Construction: 2016/17 - Creation of bioretention systems within two medians using engineered soils and specialized plantings to store and filter stormwater runoff from

nearby streets and homes. Funding Source: Sanitary District Tax

Four Mile Run Tidal Corridor Restoration Project - Expected Construction: 2016/17 - Addition of wetlands, stream bank bioengineering, and improved recreational access in tidal portion of Four Mile Run envisioned in Four Mile

Run Restoration Master Plan. Funding Sources: Sanitary District Tax, State and Tribal Assistance Grants (STAG) Transportation

Columbia Pike – Four Mile Run to S Jefferson Street - Expected Construction Completion: late Summer 2019 - Construction of the utility undergrounding duct system. Dominion Virginia Power (DVP), Verizon and Comcast will continue the process of

transferring the overhead lines to underground. Once all transfers are complete, existing power poles along Columbia Pike will be removed. - Much of the street improvement work, which includes enhanced pedestrian access, wider sidewalks, upgraded transit stops, street lights and street

trees. Funding Sources: Transportation Capital Fund Crystal City Street Improvements – Art House Streetscape Improvements

- Expected Construction Implementation Fall 2016 - The Project will construct new sidewalks, street lighting, and landscaping on South Eads Street and US 1 around the ART House facility. - The project will add protected bicycle lanes on South Eads Street.

Funding Source: Transportation Capital Funds Crystal City Street Improvements – Clark/Bell Street – 12th Street South to 18th Street South - Deconstruction

- Expected Construction Implementation Spring 2018 - The Project will remove the elevated portion of South Clark Street and 12th Street South and 18th Street South.. - The project will allow for future development to front on and engage US 1 as detailed in the Crystal City Sector Plan.

Funding Source: Transportation Investment Fund Washington Boulevard Trail – Phase 2

- Expected Construction Completion: Summer 2017 - Completes bicycle and pedestrian paved trail that links Arlington Boulevard Trail to Columbia Pike

Funding Source: Local GO bonds, State Revenue Sharing A - 55

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N. Carlin Springs Road Bridge

- Expected construction Completion: Late Fall 2017 - Removes current bridge that is in poor structural condition and constructs a new bridge, - New bridge to have wider sidewalks and bike lanes, joint-less deck and raised elevation over N. George Mason Drive.

Funding Sources: Local Go bonds, State Revenue Sharing, HB2213 Local Funds

ART Facilities - Facility improvements are underway for Arlington’s local transit system’s (ART) new light maintenance facility and bus parking area. - The Light Maintenance Facility is slated to be operational in early Spring 2017. - Purchase of additional land to house a major heavy maintenance facility is targeted for CY 2017 with design in CY 2017 – CY2018 and

construction between CY2019 – CY2020 Funding Sources: Transportation Capital Fund, GO bonds, state capital grants, HB2313 Local Funding Crystal City Multimodal

- This project will construct four new sawtooth bus bays on 18th Street South under the US 1 bridge, as well as shuttle and commuter bus pickup sites for buses displaced from the Transitway corridor on Crystal Drive.

- Project is currently under construction and scheduled to be substantially complete in June 2016. Funding Sources: Tax Increment Financing (TIF), state capital grant, HB2313 Regional, Development Contribution Ballston Multimodal

- Project includes expansion and update of transit bays, bus shelters, pedestrian circulation, and bicycle parking at the surface level around the Ballston Metrorail station.

- Design is currently at 90% and is scheduled for completion by June 2016. - Construction to begin in late 2016.

Funding Sources: State capital grants, Transportation Capital Funds (C&I), VDOT grant, Federal grant, GO Bond Bus Stop Accessibility Improvements

- Project will design and construct bus stop accessibility improvements at 40 - 60 bus stops throughout the County that currently do not meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements.

- Bus stop improvements provided under this project include: ADA-compliant bus boarding areas, pedestrian facilities that connect passengers to bus stops (sidewalks, crosswalks, ramps) and provision of waiting areas for wheelchair users inside bus shelters.

- Expected construction completion: Fall 2017. Funding Sources: PAYG, State grants, Transportation Capital Funds (C&I and HB2313 Local), developer contributions

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Pentagon City Metro Station Second Elevator

– This project provides a second elevator on west side of S. Hayes Street to improve access to the Metro, improve ADA access and provide elevator redundancy. The project will also upgrade the exterior of the existing elevator.

– Construction to begin in the summer 2017 with completion expected in 2019 Funding Sources: FTA grants, state capital grants Ballston – MU Metro Station West Elevator

- This project will improve emergency egress and reduce congestion at the Metro station’s main entrance by constructing a new full entrance at N. Fairfax & N. Vermont

- The project will include new escalators and elevators from street to tunnel and from mezzanine to platform and a new mezzanine over train platform

- 100% design to be delivered late 2018 - Construction to begin summer 2019 - Anticipated construction completion summer 2022

Funding Sources: Transportation Capital Funds (HB2313 Local), State capital grants, Developer contributions, HB2313 Regional Courthouse Metro Station Second Elevator

- This project will design and construct two high-speed, ADA accessible elevators from the street level at 2200 Clarendon Blvd to the mezzanine level and ensures compliance with WMATA’s elevator redundancy plan.

- Design anticipated to be completed in the fall of 2017. - Construction anticipated winter 2018 with completion in FY2020.

Funding Sources: Transportation Capital Funds (C&I & HB2313 Local), State capital grants, developer contributions (construction phase not fully funded) Columbia Pike Transit Stations

- This project involves the design and construction of high quality Transit Stations along Columbia Pike. It will provide safer access to transit, improved shelters, increased seating and real time information.

- Design and construction will be completed in phases: o Phase 2 anticipated completion: Spring 2019 o Phases 3-5 anticipated completion: Spring 2020 o Phase 6 anticipated completion: Spring 2021

Funding Sources: Transportation Capital Funds (C&I), FTA grants, State capital grants, GO bonds

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Parks and Recreation Facilities

Public Spaces Master Plan - Work is currently underway on an update of the County’s Public Spaces Master Plan. Upon its completion in 2017, the updated plan will provide

strategies for the future for the full breadth of public spaces and a clear framework for policy direction. The major elements of the plan will include an inventory update, needs assessment, policy review, gap analysis and implementation/action plan.

- Anticipated completion is spring 2017. Funding Source: PAYG Closeout

Long Bridge Park Phase 3A - Phase 3A includes new play elements at the S. 6th Street entry area adjacent to Fields #3 and #4. The equipment fits with the aesthetic for the

park of clean, simple contemporary design. Play features include sculpted play forms, a tunnel, bridges, cooling “fog” system, shade structure, site furnishings, accessible paths and fencing.

- Anticipated completion is summer 2016. Funding Source: PAYG Closeout Greenbrier Park

- This Parks Maintenance Capital project includes replacement of the synthetic turf stadium field, repairs to the sub base and the addition of an underlayment pad. APS is sharing in the cost of the replacement.

- Anticipated completion is summer 2016. Funding Source: PAYG

Trail Modernization - Three sections of the Four Mile Run Trail will be milled and repaved. The design of a new template for modernizing/replacing multi-purpose

trails will be designed for upper Four Mile Run Trail to coincide with the Benjamin Banneker renovation. - Anticipated completion of the milling and repaving is summer 2016.

Funding Source: GO Bond

Tuckahoe Park - This Parks Maintenance Capital project includes replacement of the two athletic fields, irrigation, bleachers, dugouts, batting cages, scoreboard,

site furnishings, fencing, walkways, site drainage and landscaping. - Anticipated completion is fall 2016.

Funding Source: PAYG, Field Fund, Bishop O’ Connell Highview Park

- This Parks Maintenance Capital project includes replacement of the athletic field, irrigation, lighting, picnic shelter, restroom, stage, site furnishings, fencing, walkways, site drainage and landscaping.

- Anticipated completion is summer 2017. Funding Source: GO bonds

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Quincy Park

- This Parks Maintenance Capital project includes replacement of the playground with a playground that uses the principles of universal design to create the County’s first fully accessible playground. The playground focuses on an inclusive play environment for children of all abilities featuring accessible play features, safety surfacing, picnic shelter, ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant pedestrian circulation, site furnishings, fencing, pedestrian gates, signage, a drinking fountain/bottle filler, landscaping, and supporting infrastructure. The existing sand volleyball court will also be reconstructed.

- Anticipated completion is late calendar year 2016. Funding source: GO bonds Bluemont Park

- This Parks Maintenance Capital project includes replacement of athletic field #3, irrigation, bleachers, dugouts, site furnishings, fencing, walkways, site drainage and landscaping.

- Anticipated completion is spring 2017 Funding source: PAYG

Mosaic Park Phase I - The County Board approved the Mosaic Park Master Plan in September 2009. This new urban park will include an interactive water feature,

children’s play area, open play space, flexible use lawn area, large flexible urban plaza, centrally located casual plaza, rain garden, walkways and sidewalks, site furnishings and landscaping. The park design will have a focus on sustainable practices and features.

- Anticipated construction start fall 2016. Funding Source: Transfer of Development Rights (Founders’ Square Site Plan) Gunston

- This Parks Maintenance Capital project includes replacement of the athletic field, irrigation, lighting, fencing, bleachers, dugouts, walkways, site drainage and landscaping.

- Anticipated completion of construction drawings is late calendar year 2016. Funding Source: PAYG Stratford Park

- This Parks Maintenance Capital project includes replacement of the athletic field, tennis courts, basketball court, fencing, walkways, site furnishings, site drainage and landscaping.

- Anticipated completion of construction drawings is late calendar year 2016. Funding Source: PAYG and GO bonds

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Information Technology and Equipment

ConnectArlington Engineering and FY17 Project Planning - Substantial Completion – Stage 3 – Fall 2017 - Since the extension of the franchise agreement that provides the current fiber network for the County and APS expires soon, the County is

working with APS to build a new network called ConnectArlington. This is a continuation of FY16 funds for project completion such as last mile connectivity to APS.

Funding Source: PAYG and GO bonds Enterprise Wireless

- Substantial Completion: December 2019 - Consistent wireless coverage throughout all County owned and staff occupied facilities is critical to achieving the County’s mobility goal. Refresh

of WiFi networks based on existing installation/locations for data. Include upgrading to new 802.11AC standard for WAPs and Controllers. Refresh approximately 50 and add 300 WAPs with power inverters. Current access points are reaching end of life. Additional access points needed at Sequoia, CHP, Trades and Libraries and other public spaces to extend County's wireless footprint to support worker mobility and public access.

Funding Sources: Master Lease

Network Core Refreshment - Substantial Completion: December 2017 - Network core supports the entire enterprise and includes routers and switches that are the base for the County’s voice, video, and data systems.

Without refreshment, the voice and data network runs the risk of failure as network equipment reaches end of life and/or becomes obsolete. Current refreshment project will replace 8 end of life core large switches, increased network core capacity from 10G to 100G bandwidth.

Funding Sources: Master Lease Backup System and Data Storage Refreshment

- Substantial Completion: June 2017 - The existing data tape backup system and data storage units are outdated, nearing the end of its 5 years of useful life and will be replaced. The

system is used to back up all County data from our application servers and network drives on to backup storage drives. Replacement of data storage units will also allow for projected growth in local storage needs which include application as well as departmental data.

Funding Sources: Master Lease

Public Safety Ring Core Equipment Remediation - Expected Completion: April 2018 - The Public Safety Radio Ring includes all of the fiber that has been strategically laid throughout the County in order to provide diverse route fiber

optic connectivity to key County locations plus many other County facilities. Replacement of existing radio equipment that supports the public safety radio ring network is critical to assure continued operations. This equipment will no longer be supported by the manufacturer after June 2018.

Funding Sources: Master Lease A - 60

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Capital Project Management/Tracking System – DES

- This project tracking system manages the cost, schedule and scope of each capital project as it moves through the different phases. The system is modular, easy to use, and is engineered for low risk deployment (phased approach). Intended as an integrated system, the divisions within the Department of Environmental Services (DES) will share the use and costs of this system. This cloud-based project was initiated in FY 2014, and has advanced to the production stage. The majority of the immediate DES users have been trained on the system.

Funding Sources: Facilities Operations, Transportation Capital Fund, Utilities Fund, Stormwater Management Fund

Replacement of 9-1-1 Phone System - This project will replace the current 9-1-1 telephone equipment and wiring with voice over internet protocol (VoIP) capable technologies. This

replacement will enable the Emergency Communications Center to stay current with the leading technologies in the field while also maintaining critical and redundant communications for the public. This project will replace the equipment and supporting peripheral devices necessary for the system

- Expected Completion: May 2017 Funding Sources: Master Lease

Utilities Water and Sewer Infrastructure: Utilities Information Billing System

- Expected bid award: FY2017 - Replacement of Utilities Information Billing System which bills for water, sewer, and refuse.

Funding Source: Utilities PAYG SCADA Upgrades

- Expected completion: FY 2018 - To upgrade the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system for the water distribution system

Funding Source: Utilities PAYG Ballston Pond Water Main Relocation

- Preliminary engineering - Relocation of water main from Ballston Pond - Collaborative project with Stormwater

Funding Source: Utilities PAYG

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Sanitary Sewer: Potomac Interceptor Phase II

- Preliminary engineering - Construction of a parallel sanitary sewer to the 54-inch Potomac Interceptor located in S. Joyce St and Army Navy Drive.

Funding Source: Water-Sewer Developer Contributions North Sycamore Street from Route 66 to Lee Highway

- Flow analysis complete; on hold for storm project - Upsizing existing sanitary sewer.

Funding Source: Water-Sewer Developer Contributions North Abingdon Street from Wilson Blvd to Carlin Springs Road

- Expected Construction FY 2017 - Upsizing existing sanitary sewer - Collaborative project with Transportation

Funding Source: Water-Sewer Developer Contributions Water Distribution: Gravity Transmission Mains B1

- Preliminary engineering - Provides water mains to back up existing transmission capacity through the County’s Gravity One pressure zone B1.

Funding Source: Utilities PAYG Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP): Operations Control Building (OCB) HVAC

- Expected Construction – FY2017 - 2018 - Replacement of the HVAC system at the Operations Control Building at the Water Pollution Control Plant.

Funding Source: Utilities PAYG

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Arlington County, Virginia


2017 − 2026

The FY 2017 – 2026 CIP recognizes that capital projects, particularly the opening of new capital facilities, impact future years’ budgets. Each project page includes a section on anticipated operating cost impact as appropriate for the specific circumstances of the project. The following list summarizes the operating cost impacts of major projects underway and those that are included in the out years of the proposed CIP. It should be noted that this list is not intended to be comprehensive (it does not reflect operating costs associated with smaller projects) and that, especially for projects that are not yet underway but are planned for out years, operating cost estimates are very preliminary. The table below the list lays out costs for major projects that are already underway and are expected to begin to impact operating budgets prior to FY 2019.

Projects Scheduled to Begin Operations Prior to FY 2019

Nauck Town Square – The Nauck Town Square is anticipated to be completed in mid to late FY2018. Operating costs in the range of $20,000 to $100,000 will be begin in FY18 and will be based on the final design.

Other Parks Projects – Operating costs for new park projects and programs coming on line in FY 2018 (Crystal City Parks & Open Space, Tyrol Hills Park, Park Land Acquisition, Synthetic Turf and, Trail Modernization) are projected to add $273,000 annually in staffing, cleaning, maintenance repair, landscape, and utilities. Although maintenance capital projects have minimal operating impact, parks undergoing major renovations can see increased operating costs due to new features coming online.

ART Fueling and Bus Wash Facility – The facility located at 2900 Jefferson Davis Highway will serve as a light duty maintenance facility for ART bus services and fleet and will include a bus wash and fueling station. The project is forecast to be completed in late February or early March 2017. This facility will require additional ongoing utility and maintenance costs.

Other Transportation Projects – Operating costs are projected for FY 2018 for other transportation projects such as street lighting, parking technologies, parking meter conversion, BikeArlington, bus stop and shelters and transit intelligent transportation systems. These operating costs will cover staffing to manage and execute the programs as well as program specific costs such as operating costs for a new bus arrival realtime system, service agreement for parking meters and operating costs for a parking management system

FY 2019 and Beyond Long Bridge Aquatics and Fitness Center – The Long Bridge Aquatics and Fitness Center will be constructed using the existing balances for the project.

It is anticipated that starting in FY2020, a net tax support in the range of $1.3 million to $1.7 million will be needed to operate the facility and the outdoor spaces. The lower end of the range is in the out years due to a projected stabilization of the program in year FY 2024.

Lubber Run Community Center and Fire Station #8 – The renovation and/or repurposing of these two large facilities will impact the operating budgets through changes in programming, staffing, utilities, maintenance repair, and other costs. Estimates of operating impacts are preliminary prior to facility planning and design, and staff will continue to refine them as the projects proceed through master planning and design.

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Other Parks Projects – Operating costs for new parks and synthetic turf fields coming online in FY20 or beyond are estimated to add between $40,000 and approximately $400,000 annually depending on the size of the park and the features it contains.

Ballston Multimodal Improvements – This project will see improvements along the Ballston Metrorail station area to modify bus bays, bus shelters, pedestrian amenities, bicycle parking, street and sidewalk improvements as well as installation of real time information displays. The construction is projected to be completed during Winter 2017 and result in operating costs such as electricity, routine shelter maintenance and repair, information system data and software updates, landscape upkeep and stormwater infrastructure maintenance.

Impact of Major Capital Projects To Be Completed Before FY 2019 on Future General Fund Budgets ($ in 000s)

Projects FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024 FY2025 FY2026 Crystal City Parks & Open Space 100 103 106 109 113 116 119 123 127 Tyrol Hills Park 10 21 21 22 23 23 24 25 25

Parks Land Acquisition 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Trail Modernization 114 118 121 125 129 132 137 133 137 Synthetic Turf 44 45 46 96 99 153 158 163 168 Nauck Town Square 25 115 119 122 126 130 134 138 142 ART Fueling & Bus Wash Facility 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 Ballston Multimodal 10 10 10 15 15 15 20 20 Bus Stop & Shelter 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 Transit ITS & Security Program 25 33 33 236 236 236 236 236 236 Bike Arlington 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Parking Meters 76 76 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 Parking Technology 70 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 145 Street Lighting 110 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372

ANNUAL TOTAL 790 1,254 1,217 1,481 1,503 1,567 1,585 1,600 1,617

INCREMENTAL TOTAL 790 464 -37 264 22 64 18 15 17 Notes: All costs are inflated at 3%. FY 2018 costs are incremental to the FY 2017 budget. Projects starting in FY 2017 are not included because they were included in the base budget

Projects included in the table have costs that will begin impacting the general fund in FY 2018 and FY 2019

Some of the costs included in FY 2018 are more conservative to reflect realistic execution of project construction start and completion schedules

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