Arizona Geology - Summer 1994azgeology.azgs.arizona.edu/archived_issues/azgs.az.gov/...A 1 Address Coffedon ~k~uestedl - - PERhjlT NO. 3088 I , - - - 1 r 1 - - -5 Title Arizona Geology

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Page 1: Arizona Geology - Summer 1994azgeology.azgs.arizona.edu/archived_issues/azgs.az.gov/...A 1 Address Coffedon ~k~uestedl - - PERhjlT NO. 3088 I , - - - 1 r 1 - - -5 Title Arizona Geology
Page 2: Arizona Geology - Summer 1994azgeology.azgs.arizona.edu/archived_issues/azgs.az.gov/...A 1 Address Coffedon ~k~uestedl - - PERhjlT NO. 3088 I , - - - 1 r 1 - - -5 Title Arizona Geology
Page 3: Arizona Geology - Summer 1994azgeology.azgs.arizona.edu/archived_issues/azgs.az.gov/...A 1 Address Coffedon ~k~uestedl - - PERhjlT NO. 3088 I , - - - 1 r 1 - - -5 Title Arizona Geology
Page 4: Arizona Geology - Summer 1994azgeology.azgs.arizona.edu/archived_issues/azgs.az.gov/...A 1 Address Coffedon ~k~uestedl - - PERhjlT NO. 3088 I , - - - 1 r 1 - - -5 Title Arizona Geology

JUST RELEASED, from page 3 Tertiary San ~ k u e l and - This i s one of - ~ n l $ - \ - - - loudb burst fo6ations four eye-witness ac-

@ohgy of tbe Enebm rest on the 1ow:aqgle Star -. counts-of sheet flooding, ~ountain areq -- ~la tdetach~ent fa$ and- , an igportant but poorly _ Greenlee County, -are tilted to the east. - understood process in 7 A~~ZOM-~eological Survey. ..

- - Arizona: E.B. , desert regions sucli as Published quarterly.

L Vol. 24, No. 2 - ' ' Melchiorre, Contribdted CeoZogic map of tbe 'Arizona., The original - - - - ,f '!' C- 1 Map %:A (Pub. number Momfan ~ a k e Quad- paper was published in ,,- . -- Fife Symjngton , - CM 94-A), 1 sheet, scale rang&, Coconino== French in the proceed- - = ,/ -- , Goveynor -.

A 1;10,600.- $2.00 County, ~Arizona> E.F. ings of the 1952 / - - - 'Larry D. Fellows - - - P-mbdan meta- . 'Holm, Contributed Ma@ ' ' International ~eol6~icZl -- . . Director Stale Geologist -

- , I -m6rphilc and igneo&s - 24-C (Pub. Kumber CM Congress. With the , 5~ . - Rose Ellen McDonnell - rocks, P_aleozoic sedi- 94-0, 25 p., 1 sheet, - release of fhis-translation, . . Advine smites OfFcer -

scale 1:24,000. $5.50 - English-speaking - mentary ,rocks, and I

- f

Peter F. Corrao - - b Terttary basalt and -- The map Fea, south: , geologistq can benefit Design and Production -:',

, / rhyolite crop out in the east of Flagstaff, is cover--, from Joly's fascinat- % ,-

' I - _ . maparea north of ed by volcanic rocks of ingobservations~ , - - copy~@@t 8 1994 - Morenci. The rocks - late Cenozoic age,-minly , by the d z o n a Geological -. survey

- have been cut by steeply 'basaltic flows bet%eCn3 ' Z5e Black ~ustacbe c p 2 n G d on n ~ y ~ ~ e d p a p i - -- I

dipping n o d faults. , and 6-pillion yea? OM.- uraniirm-ubnadium - - -- z ' , -

Rock descriptions and mine, Apacbe County, . ,

-- GimZogiC ma& of S t a kajor, trace, agdioine ~ m q and th ' 3,; 'k? .mw A$&&& L

- f i t - Wubw Sprfngs rare-earth-element . daf+ pF$able source -- - of #be '1 5 :' & & - ! I ,


a-q Pinal County, are included. . ore shipments: w.L.' , / '7-- ,

I _ Arizona: W.R. , - -- ~henoweth, ~o*tqibuted ';~ 9, ' ,

~ickifison, Contdb6ted - segeral~loh events o n - Report 94A (Pub. - .. - , , '% I 1

_ Map 94-B (~"b. numEer_,~ tbe margin of tbe ,numbEiCR 94-A), - I

2- *.Gjr & 94-B), f p., _l sheet, AZgdn-Bfomccata -12 p. $2~00- - -t -. , -. ; - scale 1:24,W. $1.50 sub&% _and tbeir - Production'from this

- - - i Prote ozoiFgranife - I s

molpbolog~c~l conse-, @ne was supposedly ; and Te ary sedimentary 1 quences: Fwand Jolc / - from the ~ a l t ~ a s k - .- -

- -8).-;V#;ao paq : -

-- - ancrvolcanic)ocks crop €ra&Iated by @lie - Membef of the > , i- -

out within the map area Woodward, contributed = ori in at ion. The author j

- ' nsrthdest of-Oracle in Report 93-C (Pub. concludes &at q e ore . - southeastem PinaL - number CR33-C), , -

t - came froma - - - - c , --. - Coun+ The mid-\ - -14-p. $2.75 ' different'source. ' . - -. . %- . - i i

d - , - \ I i

- Arizona Geological Stirvey , -

> - *,2;'" - . = 845 N. Park Ave.,Suite 100

' 8 . - , . - /

, j , - Tvcson, A Z 857199816 , - , U.S. POSTAGE -

' I Tel: (602) 882-4795 , PAID - . - , .


- 1.- I ' - -

A 1 Address Cof fedon ~k~uestedl - - PERhjlT NO. 3088

I , - - -

1 r 1 - - -5