ARE YOU RADY TO PASS A SALIVA DRUG TEST IN LESS …drugtest24h.com/salivadetox.pdf · TO PASS A SALIVA DRUG TEST IN LESS THAN 24 HOURS? “Saliva Detox ... lemon juice, it would be

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“Saliva Detox”


Peter O

version: 1.3

Who is the guide for?

Here you will find all necessary information that will allow you to

pass a mouth swab drug test for thc. If you’ve been using drugs other than

marijuana, you can make use of the tricks I present here, but I can’t

guarantee they will work. Remember that marijuana is a soft drug, that’s

why deceiving the saliva test is far easier. In the case of hard drugs, it may

be a much harder task.

What will you find in my report?

If you've already read some opinions, followed chat room discussions

or read articles on how to cheat tests, some of the information which you

are going to find in this guide may come as no surprise to you. Why, then,

is there a charge for it?

I spent hundreds of hours searching for, reading and analyzing

different methods, tricks, and also opinions of users on how to cheat the

mouth swab test. I sieved the information and I put all this which I

consider useful together to offer it all to you here, in this one concise and

readable report. As a result, you get a simple "step by step" guide. The

tips you will find here are confirmed by medical articles. You will find

them in the footnotes. Thanks to this you can be certain that they haven’t

been fabricated.

You’re not going to find here any general information, such as: What

the drug test is. However, I will tell you how the test is carried out by the

companies. If this is your first drug test, surely such information will allow

you to be better prepared - you'll be less keyed-up, so the test will only be

a formality :)

Refund Policy

If you think the guide is of no use to you, remember that any time you

want you can get your money back- you have 60 days to apply for it.

Just get in touch with me. The contact details can be found on the

website and at the end of this book.


This book is designed to provide information on passing a mouth swab drug testonly. This

information is provided and sold with the knowledge that the publisher and author do not

offer any legal or other professional advice. In the case of a need for any such expertise

consult with the appropriate professional. This book does not contain all information

available on the subject. This book has not been created to be specific to any individual’s or

organizations’ situation or needs. Every effort has been made to make this book as

accurate as possible. However, there may be typographical and or content errors.

Therefore, this book should serve only as a general guide and not as the ultimate source of

subject information. This book contains information that might be dated and is intended

only to educate and entertain. The author and publisher shall have no liability or

responsibility to any person or entity regarding any loss or damage incurred, or alleged to

have incurred, directly or indirectly, by the information contained in this book. You hereby

agree to be bound by this disclaimer or you may return this book within the guarantee

time period for a full refund.

No warranties

The medical information on our book is provided without any representations or warranties,

express or implied.

I do not warrant or represent that the medical information on this website:

will be constantly available, or available at all; or

is true, accurate, complete, current or non-misleading.

Medical assistance

You must not rely on the information on our website as an alternative to medical advice

from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you have any specific

questions about any medical matter, you should consult your doctor or other professional

healthcare provider. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you

should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice,

disregard medical advice or discontinue medical treatment because of information on our


Virtually everyone who has a job today, got it because of their skills as

well as their ability to pass a drug test. This may often lead to people

questioning what they can do about an upcoming test.

Can you really eliminate the evidence of what you did the night

before last or are you doomed to failure?

What happens if you are not sure that you will be able to pass

that test?

Can you avoid it or must you go through with it and then figure

out how to handle a bad result?

When looking for a new job or facing a random drug screening, all of

these questions seem to matter just a little bit more. It is very

important that you take the time to learn what the possibilities are if

you fail your drug test. Do not worry. You can overcome it, if you

know all there is to know about protecting yourself.

How much time do you need?

If you know ahead of time that you will be faced with a drug test

in the near future, you may want to lessen the chances that you will

pull a positive test. A lot of companies now choose to use a saliva test

because it is more cost effective and easier to do. With that in mind, as

long as you know a week in advance of when you will be tested, you

should pass without issues. If you have less time to prepare for it, you

can increase your water intake and increase your chances of passing a

saliva test in as little as a day or two.

In a situation where it is a totally randomized test and you

know that you have partied a little too hard in recent times, you can

still come out okay as long as you know all of your options. This is

also beneficial for people to know who avoid illegal drugs, because

anyone can fail a drug test for any reason.

The mouth swab drug test is one of the easiest tests to fool.

Tetrahydrocannabinol, which is found in marijuana, amphetamines

or cocaine can remain in the body for 24 to 72 hours from taking the

drug. (1) Precise time is difficult to estimate. Detection time generally

depends on two factors, i.e.:

• how frequently the drug is used

• metabolism

If your test won’t take place until after three days, you should

not have any problem passing it. In theory you don’t need to do

anything to get a negative result. But on the internet there are several

comments of people who, despite a 3-day’s period of non-use of the

drug received a positive result anyway. There may be many reasons

behind that and most likely it depends on the individual metabolism.

So, you never know.

Let’s Start

The first thing you should know is what situation you are currently in.

Here, I mean mainly how much time you have and whether you

currently have the means necessary to fool the test. Let me divide

people according to the time that remains before the test is carried


The first group up to24 hrs

The second group from 24 to 72 hrs

The third group over 3 days

My method is aimed at the people who belong to the first group,

namely people whose risk of receiving the positive test result is the

greatest. In the event that you find yourself in the second group, all

you’ve got to do is simply plan how to spread all the steps over these

few days you have. If you belong to the third group, theoretically you

needn’t worry about the test results. However, to be on the safe side, I

recommend using my method in a shortened version.

Regardless of the group you belong to, make sure that

before taking the test you stay off:




energy drinks

poppy seeds

Well, say, you have 12 hours left to trick the test. You're back

from work you’ve smoked a blunt, and all of a sudden you learn from

a workmate that tomorrow you’re going to have the routine drug

tests, or you did know about that earlier but you didn’t give a damn;

either way you have a little time to get rid of THC from your saliva.

There is no need to panic.


If you are still high, first of all make sure that you calm down, wait

some time until it wears off a little. Certainly you feel like having

something to drink now. Prepare yourself the following beverage:

Mix cold water with lemon juice and ice cubes. Add a lot of

lemon juice, it would be best to squeeze half a lemon into a


Lemon stimulates production of saliva, thanks to that you will faster

you get rid of THC from your mouth. Additionally, the cold drink will

cool you down and refresh you. I suggest you can drink two glasses

like this. If you do not have lemon, just have some fruit, preferably an

apple or orange. Do not overuse water. Remember that water rinses

fluids and electrolytes off the body.


Unfortunately, here going out to the shops may be necessary.

What will you need?

• The main article that will help you get rid of THC from

saliva is hydrogen peroxide. Remember it needs to be the

3% concentration.

• Optional - go to the pharmacy and buy a natural remedy

called "artificial saliva". If your mouth still feels dry, apply


• Optional but recommended – in the pharmacy buy a

mouth swab drug test kits. With them you will be able to

check results of your actions, just to make sure.


So, you’ve drunk the cold beverage, you’ve done the shopping;

next it’s time to have something to eat. Yep, you need to intake some

fatty meal. Why should fat do the trick? Because fat dissolves thc.

If cooking is your thing, make yourself something really greasy;

you’ll find loads of recipes on the internet. You can also eat out,

preferably go to a fast food restaurant where certainly you can grab

something rich in calories. If you don’t feel like cooking or going to a

restaurant, choose something from the following products, of course

in reasonable amount:



eggs with becon



After such a heavy meal you need some rest. Sit back

comfortably and relax. Prepare yourself another glass of water and

lemon juice. You still have some time left. Now, treat yourself with a

chewing gum, definitely sugar-free.


It is absolutely crucial that you get your mouth as clean as

possible. Leaving behind any food particles that are

contaminated with the drug substance can really mess up your

chances of passing the test. Start by flossing every inch of your

teeth. Make sure every gap between your teeth is clean and clear

of any particles. This is obviously going to take some time, but

it's necessary.


After you have thoroughly flossed you need to brush

strategically. This means brushing your:



Tongue (above and underneath)


Time brushing: 4 min.

You have no idea which part of your mouth is going to be used

and your tongue is one of the biggest danger areas. In terms of

keeping your gums clean, brush at an upward angle where the

teeth and gums meet.

Clean the outer surfaces of your upper teeth, then your

lower teeth

Clean the inner surfaces of your upper teeth, then your

lower teeth

Clean the chewing surfaces

For fresher breath, be sure to brush your tongue, too

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is going to become your best friend right up

until the point you take the test. An over-the-counter product will

do the trick, but only if it has a 3% solution, because you want to

keep it in your mouth for at least a minute every time you rinse.

When you rinse then do it as if your life depends on it and never



If you really want to make sure your mouth is clean then you can top

the cleaning process off with mouthwash. However, it has to be a non-

alcoholic brand, seeing as alcohol can quite possibly react with the

chemicals of the swab and render the results inconclusive. This is not

the desired situation, because it might buy you some time until the

next test, but you don't really want to subject yourself to all the stress

that goes with it.

As a side-note, don't use a mouthwash that contains

Benzocaine. Even though it's used with many popular brands

there have been cases where this chemical has caused a false

positive for cocaine. Once again, you want to avoid any

scenario where you have to re-take the test or simply be

punished for a drug you are not even using.

Rinse and Repeat

If it happens that your test is delayed in some way or another,

take the time to swish some more hydrogen peroxide. It's not

recommended to eat anything in between, but if you have to get

something into your stomach remember to floss, brush and

swish as methodically as possible directly afterwards.


It’s time to check the results of our actions with the mouth swab drug

test kit. If it is positive, there are no reasons for concern yet, you still

have a few hours left. Go back to Step 5.


About 30 minutes before you take the test utilize another dose

of hydrogen peroxide and rinse thoroughly. If you do it an hour

before the test then it's not going to be as effective. This is also a

powerful tool if you have to take a test unexpectedly within short

notice, but you have a much better chance of passing if you do all

of the above.

Summary 1. 2 glasses of water with lemon 2. shopping (if needed) 3. fat intake 4. rest + water with lemon 5. rinsing the mouth 6. check yourself 7. use hydrogen peroxide before test

If you have a few days to trick the test, simply every morning,

afternoon and evening rinse your mouth, as described in step 5. This

should do the trick.

What else can I do?

While a test is being administered:

-Don’t completely “follow instructions”, avoiding swabbing between

your teeth and on your gum line where drug chemicals typically

reside because of crevices in the teeth

-Even Altoids mints or cinnamon candy can help you hide anything

that might be in your saliva

-If your doctor prescribes you any medication, tell the administrator

to maximize your excuse options if the tests come back positive.

What Can You Do If You Fail to Pass a Drug


If you fail and you feel that it is a false positive, immediately ask

for a retest or some other type of test to be done instead of the saliva

test. Due to the fact that saliva is relatively new, most employers will

not mind giving you another chance to pass.

However, you should only consider this option if you are sure

that you can be clean within a day or two and then ask for your retest

to happen then. Avoid a retest immediately, even if you are absolutely

certain that you should have come up clean on the first test.

Be prepared to tell your story. If you are asking for a retest, you

should have a good excuse on hand for why you possibly failed. You

can point out that you have had a cold or needed help to sleep.

You can say that you had a bagel for breakfast. Know what

medications you are on so that you can point out that you take this

prescription medication that could cause you to fail a drug test.

There are many reasons that you can fail to pass a drug test, even if

you have never done drugs at all.

On the other hand, if you failed it because of using illegal drugs

or drinking the night before, you can still perhaps avoid trouble. Most

employers understand if you are a good worker, but you have to be

upfront with them. Explain that it was a one-time thing and they can

retest you in a week or so and you will be clean. Then be prepared to

be clean for the retest.

If you are unable to stay clean because of a drinking problem or

using illegal drugs frequently, you should also be honest with your

employer. If they have not noticed your work is suffering because of

it, they may let you slide by on the drug testing or they may offer to

help you get help, if you want it.

Employers are not perfect either. Many of them have gone

through the same things as you, done the same things as you, or know

someone who has.

How do companies do a saliva drug test?

Employment drug tests have become almost normal for most

workplaces. Often the reason for the drug testing determines the

nature and type of testing at the workplace. Safety is the biggest

consideration when administering drug tests, and therefore always

has the most stringent conditions.

These often happen in workplaces where the employees have to

operate large machinery or operate in environments where they are

likely to endanger others, like driving. Many of these drug tests are

often random. Another reason for drug testing could be the rules and

regulations. Tests done to follow rules and regulations are often

scheduled and happen at a fixed time of the year or at certain


Reasons for drug tests

Many employers would not like drug users working for them,

and this could be the reason for using tests to prevent them from

being hired. On the other hand, drug tests can simply be a public

relations move on the part of the company to improve its reputation.

Companies might encourage their employees to go for testing and

screening by providing them with benefits like group benefit

discounts and other compensation plans. Many organizations

consider many of these aspects important, a fact which increases the

likelihood of one experiencing a drug test. One of the most common is

the saliva drug test. It is therefore important for one to understand

the process.

How it works?

The law in many sectors allows private companies to test their

employees. The most common type is the pre-employment testing,

but post-employment tests are also common. Regardless of the

leeway given by the law, every company must have its rules and

regulations in place to govern the process and steps to follow in

case one receives positive results. Examples of post-employment

testing are random safety related tests, individualized suspicion

testing, often done on an individual if their superiors notice suspect

behavior, and therefore warrant a test after an accident.

Another important element of testing is the location.

Traditional saliva drug tests often happen at a local lab. These labs

have experience when it comes to testing common street drugs, and

are preferred for their objectivity and independence. The results are

typically always sent to the employer within the day, but can take

longer especially if the results are positive.

For random drug tests, though, the preference is for them to be done

on site. On site testing is often simple and cheaper, and raises the

morale of the employee and their belief in the safety of their


Understanding the procedure

The saliva drug test can be conducted on the premises and does

not require elaborate equipment. Employers prefer it because of its

ability to detect the most recent drugs in the system, compared to

other testing techniques. The individual conducting the test will

normally have the employee undergoing the test open their mouth for

the collection of the sample of saliva.

The sample is collected by the use of a swab. The swab is simply

a plastic stick that has padding at the end. The individual conducting

the test will pass the swab in a certain part of the mouth for a while,

and then collect it, often in a plastic bag for testing.

The accuracy and detection times of the saliva testing method

can also influence its use. It has been lauded for its accuracy, and can

reportedly confirm the use of drugs used up to 72 hours before the

day of the testing. This makes it ideal for individualized suspicion

based testing. However, the downside is that it almost always only

provides results for drugs used within that window.

After the collection of the sample, employers have them taken

to the lab, where they are tested, mostly for the five common street

drugs like marijuana, PCP, cocaine, amphetamines and opiates like

codeine and morphine. Advanced tests can test for the use of

prescription drugs that are not necessarily illegal to use, but which

might affect performance.

Employers use the ELISA method to analyze saliva samples. It

is a trusted testing technique, thought to be up to 60 per cent more

accurate than other testing methods. Many saliva tests, however,

make sure to screen any positive results twice to confirm the results

and avoid wrongful consequences.


Before your learn about my method, it is important to take note

of the fact that it does not come with any guarantee. There are so

many people that I know who have used my technique to pass the test


However, remember the fact that people have different bodies.

To increase the chances of passing the test, you should buy a home

drug test kit for the purpose of practice.

A lot of money is wasted by people every year buying bogus

detox products. The biggest rip-off of them all are the saliva test

detoxification products. Do not allow yourself to be misled by fancy

ads of herbal remedies and useless mouth washes. 3% Hydrogen

peroxide solution is the most effective product that you can use to

pass the saliva drug test.

Why would you want to pay $30 or more for something that you

are not sure about? A 16 oz. bottle of 3% Hydrogen peroxide costs $5


Good Luck!












