Science Reveals: 93% of Women Suffer from “Bad Hair” Caused by Capillus Veneficii But – It’s 100% Reversible, If You Act Quickly! “Bad hair” isn’t inevitable… In fact, it can be cured by taking these 5 steps, based on years of scientific research. And the faster you cure your capillus veneficii — or hair poisoning — the faster you’ll recapture the healthy, shimmering hair of your youth… and feel like a radiant goddess once again! Let’s get started now! Step #1 – Self-Diagnosis 1. Chemical Poisoning – No matter how old you are, if your hair is gray or stubbornly short, you may be poisoning your hair without knowing. Have you ever wondered if hair care companies are conspiring against us? Many hair care companies use harsh chemicals in their products, yet claim that they’re “natural”. But in 99% of cases, they’re actually damaging your hair more! (More about how to avoid these in Step #2…) 2. Genetic Poisoning – If your hair is thin because your mother’s hair was thin, then you may have “genetic hair poisoning”. Do you feel like you were doomed to have bad hair? With the information in step #5, you’ll know how to circumvent even your DNA and start to grow long, thick hair… even if you’ve had thin hair your entire life. 3. Environmental Poisoning – Whatever is bad for your skin is bad for your hair. For example, the sun’s UVA/B rays damage your skin… but did you know they also kill the cells that produce your natural hair color? 5 Easy Steps to Cure Hair Poisoning & Grow Long, Gray-Free, Sexy Hair Fast A Special Report From Eva Mentis, Natural Hair Beauty Expert

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Science Reveals: 93% of Women Suffer from “Bad Hair”

Caused by Capillus Veneficii But – It’s 100% Reversible, If You Act Quickly!

 “Bad  hair”  isn’t  inevitable…  

In  fact,  it  can  be  cured  by  taking  these  5  steps,  based  on  years    of  scientific  research.  And  the  faster  you  cure  your  capillus  veneficii  —  or  hair  poisoning  —  the  faster  you’ll  recapture  the  healthy,  shimmering  hair  of  your  youth…  and  feel  like  a  radiant  goddess  once  again!    Let’s  get  started  now!    

Step #1 – Self-Diagnosis 1. Chemical  Poisoning  –  No matter how old you are, if your hair is gray

or stubbornly short, you may be poisoning your hair without knowing.     Have you ever wondered if hair care companies are conspiring against us? Many hair care companies use harsh chemicals in their products, yet claim that they’re “natural”. But in 99% of cases, they’re actually damaging your hair more! (More about how to avoid these in Step #2…) 2. Genetic  Poisoning  –  If your hair is thin because your mother’s hair was

thin, then you may have “genetic hair poisoning”.     Do you feel like you were doomed to have bad hair? With the information in step #5, you’ll know how to circumvent even your DNA and start to grow long, thick hair… even if you’ve had thin hair your entire life. 3. Environmental  Poisoning  – Whatever is bad for your skin is bad for

your hair. For example, the sun’s UVA/B rays damage your skin… but did you know they also kill the cells that produce your natural hair color?    

5 Easy Steps to Cure Hair Poisoning & Grow Long, Gray-Free, Sexy Hair Fast A Special Report From Eva Mentis, Natural Hair Beauty Expert

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That’s just one example. Pollution, toxins, and other environmental poisons get under your hair’s cuticles and make it frizzy and frustrating. In addition to these three types of hair poisoning, there’s another type of poisoning occurring among us women … Confidence  Poisoning  –  I believe this one affects all women…     Capillus veneficii… this terrible condition called hair poisoning… kills your self-confidence with the dreaded “bad hair day.” When you have a bad hair day, you just feel like dirt. You feel ugly, even worthless, and that zaps your confidence. Men don’t always understand how this feels… but trust me, I do. You just don’t feel like yourself, and it ruins your whole day. And when that bad hair day turns into a bad hair week… or a bad hair month… Well… It’s not a stretch to say that bad hair poisons your life. Dove conducted a survey a few years ago where they asked 1,000 women how they felt about their hair. Would you believe that only 7% said they “loved their hair”? … That means 93% of women suffer from confidence poisoning on a daily basis! See? You’re not alone. Now that we’ve diagnosed your condition as capillus veneficii… and how it affects your confidence… it’s time to start healing your hair! Step # 2 – STOP Poisoning Your Hair From the Outside

93% of women suffer from confidence poisoning caused by “bad hair” on a daily basis. -- Data from Dove’s “Make Friends With Your Hair” Project

Photo of woman frustrated with her damaged hair.

Page 3: Are you poisoning your hair v 2 - Knight-Copywritingknightcopywriting.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Are-you... · 2013-08-13 · I named my “miracle” concoction Mira Herbal Hair

If you knew that your favorite shampoo, conditioner, coloring process, hair spray or mousse was contributing to your damaged, “old” hair… you’d stop using it, right? Studies have shown that the toxins in hair ‘care’ products aren’t just bad for your body… they may be contributing to your hair problems, too. Take a look at the ingredients in the products you use. Can you pronounce any of them? Do they look like they belong in a chemistry lab? If you see any one of the toxins from the sidebar in your products, trash them now. I know you’ve probably paid hundreds of dollars for professional, salon-grade shampoos and conditioners. I did, too. But here’s the thing… if a product is claiming to repair your damaged hair, but uses chemical additives that damage your hair in the first place, how effective is that product really going to be? Not effective at all! Don’t worry about being without shampoo and conditioner, though. Because you’re reading this special report, I want to send you a bottle of super-moisturizing Rare Hibiscus Shampoo and a bottle of all-natural Neem Oil Conditioner — a $100 value — completely free. I Will Replace Your Harsh Hair Care Products

for FREE—With Something Even BETTER. If you have the signs of hair poisoning, then I challenge you to throw out those chemical-laden products and try something that is truly natural. And I’ll send that “something truly natural” to you for free, simply for choosing to read this special report.

Toxins in Commercial Hair Care Products

(Avoid At ALL Cost!)

• Sodium Lauryl/Laureth Sulfate • Parabens • Acrylamide • 1,4-Dioxane • Selenium Sulfide • 2,5-Diamine Toluene Sulfate • PEG-3 Cocamide • Aminomethyl Propanol

A Gift of Beauty…

I want to give you a bottle of Rare Hibiscus Shampoo and Neem Oil Conditioner—two all-natural products—completely FREE, just for reading this report. Keep reading to find out


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But I’ll tell you more about that later, right now we need to get you that sleek, sexy hair, ASAP! Step #3 – Fight DHT Production Hair follicles are extra-sensitive to DHT (dihydrotestosterone) in your blood. When DHT hits your follicles, they react by shrinking, causing your hair to fall out early, leaving you with short, disappointing hair. DHT makes your hair seem like it “refuses to grow”. In just a minute, you’re going to discover how to fight DHT production, open up shrunken follicles, and grow longer hair in greater volumes. Step # 4 – Boost VEGF Production When your scalp is starved of nutrients from poor blood flow, it is impossible for your hair to grow at all—let alone to grow to luxurious lengths like you see on TV commercials. Your body has a special protein that is supposed to nourish your scalp: the vascular endothelial growth factor, or VEGF. VEGF is a “major mediator” of hair growth, according to a study from Harvard Medical School published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation in 2001. It works by increasing blood flow to your hair follicles. The study proved that by increasing VEGF, hairs were 30% thicker. (They also discovered that hair grew 129% faster!) But as you age, your VEGF production drops radically … leaving your hair thin and slow to grow. So how do you boost your VEGF? Keep reading, because I’m going to tell you exactly how in Step #5… right now! Step #5 – Nourish, Nourish, Nourish There are three ways to nourish your hair back to luxurious life: Shampoo, condition, and apply oil. (Don’t worry – it’s not greasy at all!)

“VEGF is a major mediator of hair follicle growth… It increases hair follicle and hair size... by more than 30%.” - Kiichiro Yano in a 2001 Harvard Medical School study

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These don’t include your typical drugstore shampoos… or even fancy salon conditioners. They have to be natural. Otherwise you’re going to start the hair poisoning cycle all over again… and you already know how that feels! Shampoo   A natural shampoo will not include the nasty ingredients that we talked about in Step #2. The whole point of shampooing your hair is to clean and nourish it… not damage it! I could not find a single shampoo that was free of harsh chemicals, smelled good, and did everything I needed it to – like repair my hair, enhance blood circulation, fight free radical damage, nourish with vitamins and balance the pH of my hair. So I made my own. First, I exhausted my global network of botanists and locals to seek out the purest ingredients for my shampoo. The prime ingredient is a rare red hibiscus leaf extract that I found in Singapore. A 2003 study published in the prestigious Journal of Ethnopharmacology showed red hibiscus leaf extract helped grow hair faster by 309%. (And the concentration in my shampoo is 3 times what the researchers used in their study!) I also included plenty of keratin proteins, antioxidants to fight sun damage, and vitamins A, D, and E for super strong, shiny locks.

I want to send you a bottle of my natural Rare Hibiscus Shampoo ($39.95 value)—FREE!

I normally sell my Rare Hibiscus Shampoo for $39.99 – but you can get it for free as a reader of this special report. Keep reading to find out how to get yours! Conditioner   For conditioner, you need a moisturizer that can penetrate the cuticles of your hair (most can’t), repair the proteins, and then seal the cuticle off from toxins and pollution.

Rare Red Hibiscus Shampoo ($39.95 value): ü Red hibiscus extract

grows hair 309% faster

ü Keratin protein ü Vitamins A, D, and E

for super strong, super shiny locks

… Yours FREE as a reader of this special report! Keep reading to find out how to get yours!

Picture of shampoo or a red hibiscus plant

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And like the shampoo, I couldn’t find a single all-natural conditioner like that… So I designed my own conditioner, too. The main ingredient I wanted was a special tree extract called Neem Oil. Neem is a type of evergreen tree native to India, and its oils have been used in India for centuries to condition the scalp, nourish the hair, and keep it clean between washes. When I started using this conditioner, the result was healthy, clean, and gorgeous hair. (I usually get an itchy scalp in the winter, so this conditioner was such a relief!) I Also Want To Send You A Bottle Of My Neem Oil

Conditioner Completely Free! Even the fanciest salon care product can’t compare with something your hair is dying to drink up. Give your hair the luxury it’s asking for… on me! I’ll tell you how to get your free gifts in just a minute… Hair  Oil   The first question that comes to mind here is probably this: Isn’t the point of washing your hair to get the oil out? Why do you want to put it back in? We naturally produce oil to protect and lubricate our hair – it’s called sebum. When hair is stripped of sebum, it grows dry and brittle, and is prone to breakage—which means you’ll never have the thick and luscious hair you’ve always wanted. And if you guessed that I had to create my own hair oil too… you’re absolutely right! Even the “natural” oil products have silicon bases, unnatural colors, and other synthetic additives. These kinds of additives are used to save money, improve shelf life, make the oil look prettier, and so on… which is fine and good for the company. But I don’t want any of those things on my hair, and neither should you! So, I sent my team out to find 17 of the highest quality, virgin herbal extracts that I knew would bring my hair back to life. The result was a light, non-greasy, revolutionary hair oil.

Picture of Neem Oil Conditioner, or a neem tree, whichever is prettier

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With just a dime-sized drop massaged deep into my scalp 3-4 times per week… I finally started seeing the hair I always knew existed. I named my “miracle” concoction Mira Herbal Hair Oil.

But Let the Science Speak for Itself! Hundreds of recent studies have been performed proving that natural herbal extracts alone will make your hair grow faster, shinier, and in the color of your youth. There are 17 powerful herb and plant extracts in Mira Herbal Hair Oil… and they perform 7 essential functions for long, beautifully colored, thick, and healthy hair. The proof of the power in these 17 herbs is overwhelming. Let me show you exactly what they can do for you…

ü Banish Gray Hairs For Good No matter how old you are, or how long you’ve had gray hair, your hair can once again be the shimmering color of your youth. Mira Hair Oil reverses your old gray hair with these 3 powerful extracts: (1) Henna extract treats gray hair naturally by combining your hair’s proteins with its reddish-tinted molecules. It leaves behind a deep, rich color—gray free and sexy! (2) Amla fruit extract. According to a study from the University of Bradford in London, cells called melanocytes are responsible for hair color. Hair poisoning kills your melanocytes, leaving your hair dull and you feeling unattractive. Amla fruit extract contains 30x as much vitamin C as an orange, which fights free radical damage on your melanocytes, allowing them to thrive colorfully in the roots of your hair. This is even better than dyeing away your grays… it brings your color back to life at the root of the problem! (Literally!) (3) Rare red hibiscus extract, the same powerful stuff that’s in the all-natural shampoo you’ll be getting as a free gift by the end of this report.

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Not only does the hibiscus leaf extract promote hair growth, it also fights grays at the root… so it grows fast and gray-free. The effect of this sassy red flower will not only restore your confidence, you’ll never want to stop touching your hair… and I suspect, neither will your significant other! The best part of these extracts is they’ll work no matter how old you are, or how long your grays have been keeping you down. I know it sounds too good to be true, but the studies that have been done — not to mention the multiple testimonials I’ve gotten (like Ramona’s on the right) — all speak for themselves!

ü Protect Your Hair With These Natural Superheroes Damaged proteins cause your hair to fall out early, before they have a chance to get long. Protected, moisturized proteins grow long and stay shiny, even at the ends. (4) Coconut Oil. According to one 2003 study from the Journal of Cosmetology, Coconut Oil is one of the only oils able to penetrate the hair cuticle. Others like mineral oil or sunflower oil “do not help at all”. The researchers concluded, “Coconut oil was the only oil found to reduce the protein loss remarkably.” Coconut oil is the base oil of Mira Herbal Hair Oil for its light, non-greasy feel, subtle scent, and of course, its superhero hair protection. (5) Red Cedar Extract, from the most revered tree in the Pacific Northwest. This extract is antimicrobial, antiseptic, and antibacterial—and all three qualities protect your hair from external damage. (6) Fenugreek Seed Extract contains bioflavonoids that fight off stubborn free radicals and reverse free radical damage. (7) Wild Basil Leaf Extract boosts hair growth and opens up new hair follicles, so you can grow longer hair in greater numbers. What’s most amazing though is how it protects your hair – or the hair of those you love – from poisonous chemotherapy. I had seen the studies about this unbelievable leaf… but I didn’t believe it until I got this letter from Michelle S. in Saint Petersburg, Florida:

“My Indian grandmother passed away with a full head of natural jet black hair because she used coconut oil.” -- Shalini Vedhera (on Dr. Oz) Author, Passport to Beauty

“Mira Hair Oil put a dead stop to my hair loss. My hair has gotten darker and the graying seems to have stopped. I feel good about my hair now!”

Ramona P., 50 Hiland Park, MI

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ü Fight DHT Production (Step #3) Remember from Step #3 that the overproduction of DHT in your blood chokes your follicles, leaving your hair short and thin? Meet Cuscuta reflexa! (8) Cuscuta Reflexa Extract. According to three separate studies published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology and Ethnopharmocology, the stems of the Cuscuta reflexa shrub increase “follicular density” and inhibits the conversion of testosterone to DHT. So not only will you see your hair growing thicker and faster, you’ll have more follicles come back to life, giving you a fuller head of hair—oh, yes!

ü Boost VEGF Production (Step #4) (9) Asia Sari Radix is the VEGF boosting herb that we need to grow 30% thicker hair, faster. Scientists at the University of South Korea proved that not only did Asia Sari Radix safely double the VEGF rate, it was the most potent herb out of 45 different herbs tested. Unfortunately, Asia Sari Radix is very rare. It is only found in hard-to-reach areas in South Korea and Japan. So, I was completely ecstatic that my team found enough to put in Mira Herbal Hair Oil.

ü Grow Hair FAST (10) Colocynth fruit extract is proven to speed up your hair growth—and I made sure Mira Hair Oil has it in spades! A study from the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology showed that colocynth helps you grow more, thicker hair in one third of the time!

Mira Hair Oil Protects Hair During Chemo “I was told that during chemo I would lose a lot of my hair. I searched for something that could help… and found Mira. I not only did not lose one bit of hair but it became thicker over the months. Nobody including my oncologist could believe it!” - Michelle S. Saint Petersburg, FL

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(11) Ku Shen Root Extract or sophora flavescens was described in the Journal of Dermatological Science as having outstanding hair growth effects. It works by putting growth proteins in your scalp into overdrive and inhibits DHT to open up blood vessels in your scalp. (12) Coat Button Leaf Extract. The leaves from these sweet little flowers promote hair growth, so you can get from the “awkward” hair length you’re at to long and sexy, fast! Mira Herbal Hair Oil also…

ü Increases blood circulation to the scalp … (13) Ginkgo Biloba—the “wonder herb” of Japanese medicinal wisdom—allows the blood vessels to widen and increase healthy hair growth.

ü Stimulate closed hair follicles … (14) Rosemary has been used as a folk hair tonic for centuries for its stimulation of hair follicles—the number one reason I made sure this special ingredient was in Mira Hair Oil.

ü Nourish hair with vitamins …

(15) Grape Seed Oil is one of the richest sources of vitamin E—the essential vitamin for shiny, healthy, happy hair.

And there’s so much more I don’t have room to tell you here… Mira Hair Oil also…

ü (16) Treats dry, itchy scalp and dandruff ü Balances the pH of the scalp ü Inhibits type II 5a reductase enzyme. ü (17) Prevents premature hair loss ü Gets hair to shine like diamonds ü Conditions and moisturizes hair, leaving it like liquid silk

Just imagine what having the shining, gray-free hair you’ve been longing for would do for you… No more hiding behind hats and hoods… no more settling for ponytails and buns…

“After one single application, my frizzy, dry poofy hair has gone. I never believed I had great hair until I started using Mira Herbal Hair Oil. A truly amazing hair treatment that I will never do without.”

Jenny Mends Houston, Texas

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It even works wonders on African-American women’s notoriously stubborn hair! Listen to what Karen had to say… “I am an African-American female who had mid-back length relaxed and dyed hair. I noticed that my hair was shedding excessively and began to break off. Because of the price and ingredients, I was very skeptical that it would be a “miracle product”. My skepticism was so much that I didn’t even use the oil when it came. But after a few more weeks of non-stop thinning and breakage, I used the Mira Oil. My hair instantly stopped shedding!! I am not lying or exaggerating! My hair went from shedding literally handfuls of hair a day to 5 to 6 strands a day… I would recommend this oil to anyone.” Sincerely, Karen M. A Very Satisfied Mira Oil Customer

What is a Guaranteed GREAT Hair Day Worth to You?

I want you to think about all of the thousands of dollars you’ve spent on hair care… the fancy salon shampoos and conditioners… the color treatments for your grays… the toxic hair regrowth formulas… Not to mention all of the stress and struggle you experience on a daily basis… I guarantee this is the last treatment you will ever have to buy. No more color jobs, no more relaxers, nothing. And this guaranteed sexy hair day is not going to cost you close the hundreds you’ve already paid. Honestly, considering the thousands of dollars I’ve spent over the past few years, distilling all of this research, not to mention plane tickets around the world … I could ask quite a lot for this revolutionary hair beautifier. But I’m not. In fact… it costs just $1.33 per day to have a guaranteed GREAT hair day! That’s right – I guarantee that you’ll start growing longer, softer, gray-free hair or your money back!

Eva’s 100% Risk Free Money Back Guarantee I am so confident that you will love your stress-free, luscious locks and renewed self-confidence, that if you are not satisfied, I will refund every penny of your $79.99. If you go through your two-

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month supply, using Mira 3-4 times per week, and you’re not in love with your hair, just let me know. I will send your money back 100%. And you can keep the Rare Hibiscus Shampoo and Neem Oil Conditioner too! Just $1.33 per day covers all of the rare, pure ingredients in Mira Hair Oil, and includes shipping. When you order Mira Herbal Hair Oil, you’ll get:

• 4oz of Mira Herbal Hair Oil – a 2+ month supply ($79.99) • 100ml Rare Red Hibiscus Leaf Shampoo (a $39.99 value free!) • 100ml Neem Oil Conditioner (a $49.99 value free!)

4oz may not seem like a lot, but as Gwen explains below, a few drops is all it takes! “My hair is so soft and shiny, it is also MUCH more manageable and healthy looking. All I do is rub one teaspoon of Mira in my hair with my fingers tips. I put it on at night, 3 times a week. Your hair is going to love it, and you are going to love your hair. You really get what you pay for, it is worth every penny.” - Gwen, 36 Just $1.33 for the most beautiful hair of your life… for hair that will make you want to go out just so you can show it off … for hair that will make your husband sit up and notice you again. For hair that will get you stared at… in a good way! And best of all? There’s no catch.

Please Order Soon, I’m Almost Out! Okay… so, there’s one itty-bitty little catch. Remember these powerful herbs are very hard to find in the pure state we need… and there’s no unnatural preservatives. That means I can only make 460 bottles at a time. And the time between batches is a lot longer than I’d like. However, there’s a way to GUARANTEE you never run out of Mira… and that’s to join the Mira Hair Club! It’s easy to join. All you have to do is order Mira Hair Oil today and you’ll automatically be entered into our exclusive autoship program, which

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guarantees you’ll get a new bottle of Mira right when you run out. No extra fees, no hassle! And… there’s no way you’ll miss a single sexy hair day. Whipping your hair back into shape couldn’t be easier… You don’t even have to get online or put a stamp on a card… just pick up the phone and call toll-free 888-123-4567 to place your order between 8am and 12 midnight Eastern Time. And when you do, you’ll receive:

ü A 2+ month supply of Mira Herbal Hair Oil – $79.99 ü 100ml Rare Red Hibiscus Leaf Shampoo – a $39.99 value free! ü 100ml Neem Oil Conditioner – a $49.99 value free! ü Free First Class Shipping – a $10 value free! ü Automatic membership in the Mira Hair Club, guaranteeing you NEVER

miss a sexy hair day!

And It’s All 100% Guaranteed! You have the opportunity to:

ü Halt hair loss in its tracks… ü Grow new, thicker hair faster than ever before… ü Get the shiniest, most luxurious hair you’ve ever had… ü Grow your natural color back—no matter how old you are… ü Treat any kind of hair… even African-American hair—no matter how

stubborn… All with just a few drops of Mira Herbal Hair Oil 3-4 times per week.

There’s absolutely no reason you shouldn’t be calling me right now!

Simply call 1-800-123-4567 right now to get your hair back to beautiful… Call soon, because I don’t expect this batch to last very long. To your beauty! Eva Mentis P.S. There’s completely no risk to you or your checkbook… the only risk is going a day longer with hair you hate. Call 1-800-123-4577 now!