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Are You Struggling with the Chronic Fatigue ?  

Discover 5 Steps to Get Your Energy and Your Life Back~ 


Have you been told that it is all in                 

your head, that you will have to live               

with it as you are given another             

prescription medication? Another     

medication that makes you feel         

worse, that slowly robs you of your             

vitality, your joy, your life… with each             

doctor’s visit that take another piece           

of your hope that there is a light, a                 

path a way???  

If you have struggled, trying to get answers and someone that would                       

listen and help, you have found that person…    

Hi, I’m Dr. Faria, and for over three decades                 

as a natural doctor, I have been helping               

people successfully break free of chronic           

pain and fatigue for good.  

I want you to know that you are not crazy,                   

what is happening in your body is real and                 

it is not your fault. Your pain is a message, your body’s way of trying to                               

both protect and communicate with you that it needs help.   


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There are reasons why your body is doing what it is doing. It is not                             

against you or trying to hurt you, it is responding in a perfect manner to                             

keep you alive, to protect you. Our job now is to get to the root cause of                                 

what is causing an imbalance in your system that it is literally exhausting                         



There is a path to healing. It requires and outside in and inside out                           



In this eBook today, I am going to share with you a few of the common                               

causes of energy imbalances that can lead to chronic fatigue. It is my                         

mission to help provide you with the answers so you can reclaim your                         

health naturally. You deserve to be back in the driver’s seat of your                         

health and wellbeing.  

What is Chronic Fatigue? 

According to the CDC, people with CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) have overwhelming fatigue                         

and a host of other symptoms that are not improved by bed rest and that can get worse after                                     

physical activity or mental exertion. They often function at a substantially lower level of activity                             

than they were capable of before they became ill. 


Besides severe fatigue, other symptoms include muscle pain, impaired memory or mental                       

concentration, insomnia, and post-exertion malaise lasting more than 24 hours. In some cases,                         

CFS can persist for years. 

What Causes Chronic Fatigue? 

● Chronic low to moderate grade stress or sudden onset acute stress from physical,                         

chemical, mental, emotional or environmental overload to the system. 

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● Immune Dysfunction- if you su�er from recurrent infections, colds or sinus problems this                         

can be an underlying cause of your fatigue. ● Abnormally low blood pressure that can cause fainting ● Nutritional De�ciency ● Blood Sugar Dysregulation ● Lack of deep, quality sleep. ● Adrenals and Low or High Cortisol also called “Adrenal Fatigue” ● Food Intolerance ● Hormone Imbalance ● Toxic Burden/ Inability of the body to detox at a cellular level ● GI Dysfunction ● Thyroid Disorder s ● Autoimmune Conditions such as Fibromyalgia, Celiac, Lyme and Hashimoto’s. 


But there is a very simple and obvious question that I am sure you have been asking that                                   

traditional medicine is not… WHY?   


Why is your body getting so tired? 


The body has become over-loaded overtime and depending on the length and severity, it is                             

no longer able to handle the stressors as it once did. This is leaving you with less than                                   

optimal metabolic pathways.   


There are 3 main categories of stress and each will impact the internal physiology of the                               

body, the main systems of the body and ultimately how they respond. The longer the body                               

is under stress, the greater the likelihood of breakdown. As one system breaks down, it then                               

creates a slow domino e�ect system to system of breakdown, imbalance and disease.  


You can get the upperhand, rebalance your metabolic system and heal your body 

when you know what is impacting you and what you can begin to do about it  

so you can help yourself heal. 



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Understanding the Culprits...Stress  Physical: This is any microtrauma ( a little day after day from repetitive stress movements                             

like sitting at a desk with your head forward) and macro trauma- think car accidents, strains                               

and sprains.    Chemical/ Environmental: This form of stress comes in the toxic elements and synthetic                         

chemicals, dyes and ingredients that are in the food we eat, water we drink, clothes we                               

wear, medications we take, products we use, they are in the air we breathe and what is                                 

emitted from the many electronic devices all around us every day. This has a profound                             

impact at the cellular level. Creating an increased toxic burden and decreased energy                         

production.   Mental/ Emotional: Mental and emotional stress is everything from the neverending to-do                       

list to the worry, lack, frustration, fear, shame and blame cycle that many of us feel. To feel is                                     

to be human but it is when you cannot turn o� the negative inner dialogue, tension or                                 

anxiety that things begin to go sideways.    Stress and toxins in all of their forms have very real and devastating e�ects long term on                                 

your body and how it functions. It creates a chronic release of the hormone cortisol which is                                 

highly catabolic, meaning it breaks tissue down. This constant stress, strain, wear and tear                           

literally wears you down, drains your energy, imbalances your hormones, a�ects your mood,                         

and robs you of the joy of your life. But it doesn’t have to...  

There IS Hope...There ARE Answers! 

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It is Time for You to Take Back Control of Your Health.  The reality is that there are many stressors impacting your Neuro-Hormonal systems. Your 

GI/Gut system and Metabolic/Detox pathways all at cellular level which is causing havoc on 

your overall health and life. While you may not be able to eliminate stress, you can gain the 

upper hand so you can take back control of your health and wellbeing.   Research shows True Cellular Detox and Functional Medicine to be a pathway to restore                           

health and wellbeing. As a Functional medicine doctor, my role is to help you uncover what                               

is stressing your system so that we can work together to help you heal.   


Think of it like reverse engineering your health.  

My role is to look at what is happening inside your body as a result of your stressors then                                     

support you with reducing and removing the causes as we work together to help your cells                               

detox and function at an optimal level. Then we can help you regain your energy and                               

reduce your pain for good.  When you can be aware of where the stress is coming from, you can be in the position to 

reduce and remove the elements that may be triggering your system overload, weakening it 

and making you sick. You get to take back control and make choices that will help to put 

you on the path to healing, health and wellness.    

What is Triggering YOU? Here are some examples of common toxic stressors, which ones are impacting you the most?  Lifestyle Toxins are found in: 

● Nicotine ● Alcohol ● Ca�eine ● Recreational drugs ● Prescription drugs ● Over-the-counter drugs ● Chemically polluted air and water ● Mold, Fungi, Parasites ( old homes, farms, well water) ● Pesticides ● Air pollution ● Electronic Magnetic Radiation (emitted from many electronic devices high levels can lead to 

cellular damage.) 

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● Arti�cial food additives, colorings and preservatives ( diet soda, �avored waters, fat free, sugar free products) 

● Meats that contain hormones and antibiotics ● Re�ned foods and sugars ● Blood Sugar Imbalance ● Dietary choices (fast foods, fried foods)… Did you know that we ingest over 30-50 tons of food 

in a lif etime? Now that is a toxic load! ● GMO foods 

 Internal Toxins 

● Bacterial, yeast, fungal overgrowth ( Fed by Sugar and Arti�cial Sweeteners)  ● Undigested food ● Food Sensitivities ( Gluten, Dairy, Corn, Soy) ● Inability to sleep  ● Heavy Metals ● By-products of metabolic reactions typically producing in�ammatory responses (such as 

carbon dioxide, ammonia, hormones) ● Unresolved trauma or abuse (experienced as a child or as an adult) ● Unhappy relationships (with a relative, a spouse, a “signi�cant other,” a boss, a coworker, a 

neighbor, etc.) ● Feelings of unworthiness, anxiousness, fear. 

 Now that you have some examples of sources of stress from the outside and how it may be 

impacting you on the inside let’s take time to give you 5 actions steps that will put you back 

in control of lowering your stress burden and in�ammatory response so you can begin 

breaking free from Chronic Fatigue today!  

5 Steps to Reduce Your Stress Burden & Reclaim Your Health.  

Step 1 : Make a list of Your Stressors as you know them from reading this report. Don’t worry 

if you don’t know them all, just pick the most obvious ones that are troubling you. . Step 2 : Next, quantify these stressors, what is impacting you every day vs. the ones that are 

impacting you only once in awhile?   Step 3 : Pick your top stressors and consider how 

or in what ways you can reduce your exposure? 

See examples in the section below. Step 4: Take one small action a day that supports 

the reduction of your stressors. Step 5 : Notice how taking a small action has 

impacted you by charting everyday what went 

well in your body/ health.  


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Your Road to Recovery… Putting the steps into action with real examples... 


It is possible to break free from the pain and fatigue of Fibromyalgia. Consider this the �rst                                 

step on the path. Be gentle with yourself, as you move through the 5 steps, it is not always                                     

obvious of when, where or how stress is showing up in your life, if you knew that you might                                     

not be reading this now in search of answers, I get it. So to help make it easier to understand                                       

what may be some of the factors causing your pain, consider a few of the following                               

examples of various ways stress may show up in your day to day life.   ● Do you have a computer, Ipad or TV on in your bedroom? If so know that the light emitted can                                       

disrupt proper hormonal release preventing you from entering a deep full REM sleep so you                             

toss and turn waking up tired each morning. 

● Do you eat a lot of processed, fast food or drink diet or regular soda often? 

● Do you worry all of the time? 

● Are you a gardener or do landscaping and are subject to pesticides? 

● Do you know or suspect that you have mercury �llings in your mouth? 

● Do you take 3 or more prescription medications? 

● Have you taken antibiotics more than 2 times? 

● Maybe you live with a smoker or in a house that has mold.   

● Are you in an unhealthy relationship? 

● Do you say yes to everyone else’s wants and needs when you really want to say no and �nd                                     

yourself with no healthy boundaries? 

● Are you eating conventional foods vs organic, grass fed meats etc.? 

 These are a few examples that many of my patients experience on a regular basis. Now as                                 

you look back over your answers, you can begin to discover what is out of balance. Once                                 

you know your stressors and how often you are up against them, you can now begin to                                 

come up with ideas in step 3 to reduce and remove your exposure to them.  If you answered yes to some of the questions above, here are examples of ways in which                                 

you may choose to take action. You can turn o� any bedroom lights such as the TV or think                                     

about moving the computer out of the bedroom. How about a plan to cut back and begin                                 

eliminating fast food and soda’s. You can switch to natural products that don’t contain                           

harmful chemicals. Consider a simple stress reduction technique like deep breathing, add                       

more plants to your home to purify the air or have your �llings replaced with a non mercury                                   

�ller. Please don’t have any amalgam/silver �llings removed unless by a certi�ed Biological                         

Dentist and your body has been prepped such as through our True Cellular Detox protocols.  

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Once you have solid action steps, the next thing on your list is to choose which items you                                   

can begin to do immediately and focus to do a little a day every day. Week 1 you may focus                                       

on reducing your soda intake and turning the lights o� in the room. Week 2 you may build                                   

on this and each day make a personal commitment to take a deep breath anytime you begin                                 

to feel pain, worry frustration or tension strike. This will let you gain more control of your                                 

stress so that it is no longer controlling you.  You truly CAN do this, I believe in YOU! Just start, 1 step at a time and with each day, it will                                           

be easier and easier to end the day with step 5...noticing what went well as a result of taking                                     

your new Fibro/stress reduction actions. You will notice the pain lessen, your mood lift,                           

possibilities present because when you reduce and remove the stressors even little ones                         

from your life, you create more ease and �ow both in your body and in your life.  Don’t worry, I do not expect you to know how to �gure it all out or even to know for sure 

where to start and what may be triggering your system. But the important thing to know is 

there are reasons your body is signaling you with pain. Your body is talking, now it is your 

turn to listen and know that there are solutions to bring your system back into balance.  

But What About the Inside Out Stress?  As I mentioned earlier, stress does take its toll on how your body functions. All of this stress, 

as I said earlier can have a damaging impact on not only your gut but each core system of 

your body. If you have been impacted by Chronic Fatigue or suspect you have it and need 

answers on how to not only reduce your stress but heal your system from its long term 

e�ects, my team and I are here to help.  

Here is what I know… I know that you                 

may be in a scary place, a place of                 

overwhelm of desiring a change but           

being fearful of where or how to take the                 

�rst step. This eBook was designed to             

be a starting point for you to just               

consider where, how or in what ways             

things may be out of balance.  

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Along the way, if and as you need the help and support that you deserve, I invite you to                                     

accept my invitation to request a FREE 15 minute consultation. This is my gift to you, no                                  

obligation. Your health is my mission. If you have questions and want to know more about                               

the options available to fully reclaim your health then request your complimentary phone                         

consult today by clicking the link in the box below. 

Yes, I Want a Complimentary Consult 


The path to health is a journey taken one step at a time, one right action after another that                                     

will allow you to restore balance, health and wellbeing to your body, mind and life.   

Yours in Health, 

Dr. Faria 407.862.2287 
