Are YOU a Bible BASED Leader? Keith Palmer Associate Pastor, Grace Bible Church, Granbury

Are YOU a Bible BASED Leader? Keith Palmer Associate Pastor, Grace Bible Church, Granbury

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Page 1: Are YOU a Bible BASED Leader? Keith Palmer Associate Pastor, Grace Bible Church, Granbury

Are YOU a Bible BASED Leader?

Keith PalmerAssociate Pastor, Grace Bible Church, Granbury

Page 2: Are YOU a Bible BASED Leader? Keith Palmer Associate Pastor, Grace Bible Church, Granbury


"Bible-BASED" is a new model for training AWANA leaders. The Bible-BASED model was first implemented in book one of the adult Citation curriculum and has now been used to completely redesign all Basic Training and other leadership training materials and programs.

Page 3: Are YOU a Bible BASED Leader? Keith Palmer Associate Pastor, Grace Bible Church, Granbury


BASED Is An BASED Is An Acrostic Acrostic

ible ible truthtruthpplicatipplicationonpecificspecifics


The The foundatifoundati

ononThe The


The The detailsdetails

The The toolstoolsThe The


What does What does Scripture Scripture

say?say?What What

should I should I do?do?

How can I How can I do it?do it?

What do I What do I need to do need to do

it?it?Will you Will you show me show me


for doctrine for doctrine ……

for reproof, for reproof, for for

correction..correction....for for

instruction instruction in in


thoroughly thoroughly equippedequipped

commit to commit to faithful faithful



Page 4: Are YOU a Bible BASED Leader? Keith Palmer Associate Pastor, Grace Bible Church, Granbury

Why it is needed:Why it is needed:

• The old BT materials were baSEd;– No Biblical foundation– Little Biblical application– Strong on “how-to’s”– Tells how to use the tools (Awana program)– No built-in discipleship (except the test)

Page 5: Are YOU a Bible BASED Leader? Keith Palmer Associate Pastor, Grace Bible Church, Granbury

Observations:Observations:• Children’s ministry instruction (including

AWANA) has become largely baSEd• We jump right to the application in an

effort to be relevant…• And we leave out (or hurry) the Bible

Truth and Discipleship• We need to put the foundation back• We need to move from the foundation to

the focus• We can’t forget discipleship

Page 6: Are YOU a Bible BASED Leader? Keith Palmer Associate Pastor, Grace Bible Church, Granbury

BASED is:BASED is:• A ________ that guides the structure of

training• A _____ for evaluating training

materials• A ____ for helping churches raise the

standard of training• A ______________for indicating

excellence• A _______ that puts the Bible where it




seal of approvalconcept

Page 7: Are YOU a Bible BASED Leader? Keith Palmer Associate Pastor, Grace Bible Church, Granbury

First ApplicationsFirst Applications

• Basic Training has been redesigned

• Rorheim Institute materials being produced

• Policy manuals rewritten

• Leader training programs will be built around it

Page 8: Are YOU a Bible BASED Leader? Keith Palmer Associate Pastor, Grace Bible Church, Granbury

Rebuilding the Biblical Rebuilding the Biblical Foundation of Children’s Foundation of Children’s MinistryMinistry


Page 9: Are YOU a Bible BASED Leader? Keith Palmer Associate Pastor, Grace Bible Church, Granbury

Rebuilding the Biblical Rebuilding the Biblical Foundation of Children’s Foundation of Children’s MinistryMinistry

The Glory of God – The ultimate purpose or goal of man (and thus also the church) is to bring glory to God (Eph. 1:4-6, 3:21). God's goal for Himself is to bring Himself glory. It is also God's purpose that people also bring Him glory (Ps. 86:9, Is. 43:7, Col. 1:16, Rev. 4:11). Therefore, the most fundamental and basic question that drives our ministry must be: "Will this glorify God?"

Page 10: Are YOU a Bible BASED Leader? Keith Palmer Associate Pastor, Grace Bible Church, Granbury

Rebuilding the Biblical Rebuilding the Biblical Foundation of Children’s Foundation of Children’s MinistryMinistry

The Supremacy and Sufficiency of the Scriptures - The Bible is the inerrant and infallible Word of God and as such is absolutely and finally authoritative (2 Tim. 3:16, 1 Thes. 2:13, 1 Cor. 2:13). The authority of God's Word should guide every aspect of ministry. The Bible is also sufficient for all things pertaining to ministry, life, and Christian practice (Matt. 5:18, 24:35, John 10:35, 16:12-13, 17:17, 1 Cor. 2:13, 2 Tim. 3:15-17, Heb. 4:12, 2 Peter 1:20-21). So not only is the Bible authoritative in ministry, it is also sufficient for all matters and aspects of ministry. The Bible then, and the Bible alone, dictates how we live and how we run our ministry.

Page 11: Are YOU a Bible BASED Leader? Keith Palmer Associate Pastor, Grace Bible Church, Granbury

Rebuilding the Biblical Rebuilding the Biblical Foundation of Children’s Foundation of Children’s MinistryMinistry

The Sovereignty of God – Recognizing the sovereignty (ultimate power and authoritative control) of God over all things, including the church, is absolutely essential in ministry (John 6:37-40, 44, Acts 13:48, James 4:8). This is particularly essential in the area of salvation. We as a church must rest in the power of God for salvation (Rom. 1:16), not the wisdom of man.

Page 12: Are YOU a Bible BASED Leader? Keith Palmer Associate Pastor, Grace Bible Church, Granbury

Rebuilding the Biblical Rebuilding the Biblical Foundation of Children’s Foundation of Children’s MinistryMinistry

The Heart of Conversion – The Scripture clearly teaches that man is sinful and totally unable to save himself from his helpless condition (Eph. 1:4-7, Titus 3:4-7, 1 Peter 1:2, 2 Thes. 2:13, 2 Tim. 2:10). As such, sinful man would never come to saving faith apart from the intervention of God changing his heart. We must resist the temptation to depend on our own abilities to bring unbelievers to Christ. We cannot. Only God can. Our job as is to be faithful to pray and present the gospel clearly to all (Rom. 10:13-15).

Page 13: Are YOU a Bible BASED Leader? Keith Palmer Associate Pastor, Grace Bible Church, Granbury

Rebuilding the Biblical Rebuilding the Biblical Foundation of Children’s Foundation of Children’s MinistryMinistry

The Nature of Man - The Bible does not teach that man is a "blank slate," a product of his environment, the victim of his genes or upbringing, naturally good, or improving through evolution. Instead, the Bible teaches that man is God's creation, created to joyfully worship Him in obedience and holiness. Because of sin, all people are God's enemies by nature, separated from God and hopeless to change their condition (Is. 59:2, Ps. 51:5, Rom. 3:10-18, Eph. 2:1-10). Only the intervention of Christ can change a man's course from eternal judgment and destruction to forgiveness, a restored relationship with God, and eternal life (Rom. 5:10, 6:23, John 6:43-4, 2 Cor. 5:17-21, etc.).

Page 14: Are YOU a Bible BASED Leader? Keith Palmer Associate Pastor, Grace Bible Church, Granbury

Rebuilding the Biblical Rebuilding the Biblical Foundation of Children’s Foundation of Children’s MinistryMinistry

The Gospel of Grace – The Bible teaches that people are saved from their sin and credited with the perfect righteousness of Christ totally by grace alone and solely by faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ (Rom. 3:21ff, Eph. 2:8-10). A person receives this gift of salvation by turning from his sin to God and placing his trust in Jesus Christ.

Page 15: Are YOU a Bible BASED Leader? Keith Palmer Associate Pastor, Grace Bible Church, Granbury

Rebuilding the Biblical Rebuilding the Biblical Foundation of Children’s Foundation of Children’s MinistryMinistry

The Heart of Discipleship - Scripture teaches that a person's heart or mind (synonyms in Scripture) is the "Mission Control Center" of the person. In other words, a person’s heart directs his behavior and actions. The Bible also teaches that it is a man's heart/mind that is naturally corrupt and sinful (Gen. 6:5, Prov. 20:5, Jer. 6:14, 17:9). No man can do good or please God while in his sinful condition (Rom. 3:10-18). And no manner of "changing the outside" will do any good toward honoring God (cf. Matt. 23:27-28). The "inner man," a person's heart/mind is what must be changed. Specifically…

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Rebuilding the Biblical Rebuilding the Biblical Foundation of Children’s Foundation of Children’s MinistryMinistry



OUTER MAN (what can be observed)

INNER MAN (what cannot be observed) Mind/


Mission Control Center

Words, Actions, Behavior

Proverbs 4:23, 23:7

Mark 7:20-23, Matt. 12:34

Page 17: Are YOU a Bible BASED Leader? Keith Palmer Associate Pastor, Grace Bible Church, Granbury

Rebuilding the Biblical Rebuilding the Biblical Foundation of Children’s Foundation of Children’s MinistryMinistry

The Heart of Discipleship -

• Man's heart/mind needs to be changed through salvation – When a person is saved, God regenerates his heart, gives him a new disposition toward righteousness, and send His Holy Spirit to work in him (Titus 3:5, 2 Cor. 5:17ff, Rom. 6:1ff, 8:9)

• Man's heart/mind needs to be changed through sanctification – While salvation brings about the means and the tools for righteous living, the process must be continued through sanctification. Sanctification involves a person renewing their mind/heart by the Holy Spirit through the Scriptures. This involves the renewal of conscience, motives, intentions, will, affections, and thoughts (Eph. 4:23, Rom. 12:1-2, Heb. 4:12, 2 Cor. 10:5, etc). When a man's heart/mind is changed, his behavior will change.

Page 18: Are YOU a Bible BASED Leader? Keith Palmer Associate Pastor, Grace Bible Church, Granbury

Rebuilding the Biblical Rebuilding the Biblical Foundation of Children’s Foundation of Children’s MinistryMinistry

The Preeminence of Christ – Colossians 1:18 tells us that Christ is to have "first place" in everything. He is the head, leader, and focus of the church (Eph. 1:22, 5:23). Therefore Jesus Christ alone is to be followed, imitated, obeyed, and exalted in life and ministry.

Page 19: Are YOU a Bible BASED Leader? Keith Palmer Associate Pastor, Grace Bible Church, Granbury

Rebuilding the Biblical Rebuilding the Biblical Foundation of Children’s Foundation of Children’s MinistryMinistry

The Transforming Work of the Spirit – The Holy Spirit empowers and motivates believers to be like Christ. He and He alone produces godliness in the life of a believer (Eph. 2:22, 1:13, Rom. 8:9, 2 Cor. 3:6). Ministry in any context should emphasize a believer's need to walk with the Spirit, live by the Spirit, be filled with the Spirit, and rely on the Spirit's empowerment, illumination, and enabling (Rom. 6, Gal. 5, Eph. 3:16, 5:18, 1 Cor. 2:14-15).

Page 20: Are YOU a Bible BASED Leader? Keith Palmer Associate Pastor, Grace Bible Church, Granbury

Rebuilding the Biblical Rebuilding the Biblical Foundation of Children’s Foundation of Children’s MinistryMinistry

The Priority and Purpose of the Church – In this age, God has ordained the church to be His primary vehicle to accomplish His work and bring Him glory (Eph. 3:9-10). All believers should identify with a local church, function in a local church, and joyfully follow the leadership of a local church. The church and the God-given authority she has must take priority over other institutions, such as para-church organizations and mission agencies.

Page 21: Are YOU a Bible BASED Leader? Keith Palmer Associate Pastor, Grace Bible Church, Granbury

Rebuilding the Biblical Rebuilding the Biblical Foundation of Children’s Foundation of Children’s MinistryMinistry

The church has three primary purposes: To worship and glorify God (Eph. 1:4-6, 3:21), to equip and edify believers (1 Cor. 12:7, 1 Peter 4:7, Col. 1:24-29, Eph. 4:7-16, Matt. 28:18-20, Acts 20:17-35), and to evangelize the lost (Matt. 28:18-20, Acts 5:42, 8:5, 13:1)

Page 22: Are YOU a Bible BASED Leader? Keith Palmer Associate Pastor, Grace Bible Church, Granbury

Rebuilding the Biblical Rebuilding the Biblical Foundation of Children’s Foundation of Children’s MinistryMinistry

The Priority of Parents in Discipling Children – The Bible teaches that the primary responsibility for the spiritual shepherding of children rests of the shoulders of parents (Deut. 6:7, Eph. 6:4). They are the primary spiritual influence in a child's life. The church's primary responsibility is to come along side parents and equip them to be able to fulfill their ministry at home to their children (Eph. 4:11-13). The church's second responsibility is to encourage, support, affirm, and supplement parental teaching of spiritual truth to children (Col. 1:28-29). While unbelieving parents are not exempt from their God-given responsibility to raise their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord, the church should realize in these cases that they (by default) do function as the primary influence of spiritual truth to those children.

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Rebuilding the Biblical Rebuilding the Biblical Foundation of Children’s Foundation of Children’s MinistryMinistry


Page 24: Are YOU a Bible BASED Leader? Keith Palmer Associate Pastor, Grace Bible Church, Granbury

Rebuilding the Biblical Rebuilding the Biblical Foundation of Children’s Foundation of Children’s MinistryMinistry

• Ministry is about God. Jesus Christ should be the sole focus of ministry (Col. 1:18, 28-29)

• Our ability to minister flows out of our own walk with the Lord (2 Tim. 2:21)

• Theology is relevant and a child's greatest need is for biblical teaching (Heb. 4:12, 2 Tim. 3:16-17)

• Discipleship is reality and should be the priority (Titus 2, Matt. 28:19-20)

Page 25: Are YOU a Bible BASED Leader? Keith Palmer Associate Pastor, Grace Bible Church, Granbury

Rebuilding the Biblical Rebuilding the Biblical Foundation of Children’s Foundation of Children’s MinistryMinistry

• Children are by nature sinners (Rom. 3:23, Ps. 51:5, 58:3)

• Children need the gospel of Jesus Christ (Eph. 2:1ff, Col. 1:28-29)

• The goal of children's ministry is to see each child develop a maturing and growing walk with Jesus Christ (Col. 1:28-29, Eph. 4:13-15)

• Wise discipleship involves addressing heart issues, not just outward behavior (Mark 7:20-23, Matthew 12:34, Proverbs 4:23, 23:7)

Page 26: Are YOU a Bible BASED Leader? Keith Palmer Associate Pastor, Grace Bible Church, Granbury

Rebuilding the Biblical Rebuilding the Biblical Foundation of Children’s Foundation of Children’s MinistryMinistry

• Children's ministry should be committed to equipping and encouraging parents (Eph. 4:11-13)

• Children's ministry should be connected to the overall purpose of the local church (Eph. 3:9-10, Matt. 16:18)

• There is a tension between sovereignty of God and the responsibility of people (John 3:1ff, Eph. 2:1ff & Rom. 10:14-15, 2 Tim. 4:2)

Page 27: Are YOU a Bible BASED Leader? Keith Palmer Associate Pastor, Grace Bible Church, Granbury

Rebuilding the Biblical Rebuilding the Biblical Foundation of Children’s Foundation of Children’s MinistryMinistry

Common Children’s Ministry Tendencies Exposed

Page 28: Are YOU a Bible BASED Leader? Keith Palmer Associate Pastor, Grace Bible Church, Granbury

Rebuilding the Biblical Rebuilding the Biblical Foundation of Children’s Foundation of Children’s MinistryMinistry• Decisionism – the goal becomes getting

a child to make a decision for Christ • Behavior Modification – the goal is to

get kids to behave well • Moralization – the goal is produce "good

kids" • "Bird-bath" teaching – children are only

given watered down, very basic biblical truths

Page 29: Are YOU a Bible BASED Leader? Keith Palmer Associate Pastor, Grace Bible Church, Granbury

Rebuilding the Biblical Rebuilding the Biblical Foundation of Children’s Foundation of Children’s MinistryMinistry

• "Me" orientation – the ministry revolves around children and their perceived needs

• Churchism – the goal is to get them to be in church

• Relevancy – only teaching about so-called "relevant" childhood topics

• Entertainment – the goal and the means become to entertain and have fun

• Postponment – just keep them in the church until they graduate from high school

Page 30: Are YOU a Bible BASED Leader? Keith Palmer Associate Pastor, Grace Bible Church, Granbury

Rebuilding the Biblical Rebuilding the Biblical Foundation of Children’s Foundation of Children’s MinistryMinistry

We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ.For this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power, which mightily works within me. - (Col. 1:28-29)

Page 31: Are YOU a Bible BASED Leader? Keith Palmer Associate Pastor, Grace Bible Church, Granbury

Suggested Resources:Suggested Resources: