Are we slaves of new technology? ( based on I. Asimovs works ) МБОУ СОШ №1 г.о. Климовск Выполнили учащиеся 11класса: Данцев А.Т

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Are we slaves of new technology? ( based on I. Asimovs works ) 1 .. 11: .. . . . . : . . Are we slaves of new technology? based on I. Asimovs works * He was going to become a doctor, but was afraid of blood *Robert Heinlein(a novelist), L. Sprague de Camp, and Isaac Asimov(worked as a chemist), Philadelphia Navy Yard, 1944 John Wood Campbell who was the first to highly appreciate "Marooned Off Vesta" and print it in the Amazing Stories magazine in 1939. *No one stirred the imagination of science fiction readers quite like Asimov and helped us define our visions of the future The Los Angeles Times *His interests covered various fields of science * The Robots creator * His robots acquired humans qualities * Here it is, 2014, and I still dont have my flying car. When I was younger I was certain that the 21st century would live up to its bookshelf hype and that I would be visiting domed cities on the mountains of Mars or, at the very least, ordering around my robot servants. No such luck. The Los Angeles Times * He never used a computer to write his books, but only a typewriter They enjoyed writing for children together *A great man and a great writer...You can take his book as sci-fi or as philosophical, or action... you can always find new things in his work... He is the father of a way of thinking that will never grow old... A true new Jules Verne *Here is Isaac, laying down all the "global warming" evidence that scientists are finally realizing. Perhaps if we got over selfish tendencies we could heed his warning and become "One Earth under Mind" instead of many dead nations under gods. Asimov defined his intellectual position as a Humanist and rationalist. He embraced environmental issues, and supported feminism He is credited for introducing the words "positronic", "psychohistory", and "robotics" into the English language. He penned such classics as "I, Robot" and the "Foundation" series, which are the most impressive of his writings. Resources: 1. I. Asimov Foundation/ - .: ,2003. 256. 2. I. Asimov Science fiction stories/ .: , 80. 3.Isaak Asimov Biography. /bio 4. I. Asimov The Bicentennial Man/ . :Doubleday science fiction, The Los Angeles Times 6.Arthur C. Clarke Science fiction writer.