Are criminals freer than other people? It has been proven now, by a survey, crime doesn’t pay. 85% of the People have made clear the reason why Criminals don’t pay for what they do. Some of them, even plan their escapes and the way they do everything cautiously so, no one catches them, these clever minds are capable of dumb things as well. The Director of the magazine “Crimes”, described in one review how People voted that crime doesn’t pay, “Criminals are a lot, but they are not as half as many as the police”. These states that people believe that Criminals do pay, but when they get out of jail, they will just do it again. I believe there are a lot of closed cases about these clever minds Criminals, that could be solved, I mean, it is no too hard to get a Criminal to pay, I believe that the police don’t know how these people create strategies to rob a house or a bank, I also think they should reestablish the order for punishing DOES CRIME REALLY PAY?

Are Criminals Freer Than Other People

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Are criminals freer than other people?

It has been proven now, by a survey, crime doesn’t pay. 85% of the People have made clear the reason why Criminals don’t pay for what they do. Some of them, even plan their escapes and the way they do everything cautiously so, no one catches them, these clever minds are capable of dumb things as well.

The Director of the magazine “Crimes”, described in one review how People voted that crime doesn’t pay, “Criminals are a lot, but they are not as half as many as the police”. These states that people believe that Criminals do pay, but when they get out of jail, they will just do it again.

I believe there are a lot of closed cases about these clever minds Criminals, that could be solved, I mean, it is no too hard to get a Criminal to pay, I believe that the police don’t know how these people create strategies to rob a house or a bank, I also think they should reestablish the order for punishing criminals with an electric chair, but People don’t agree with me.

In conclusion, people say Criminals are freer than People because they believe that working can get you tired, while robbing or stealing can be an easier job; of course, why not taking everything you want without effort? So much easier, no? , People agreed that Criminals don’t pay as much as they should for the crimes they commit.