It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters, in the end. -Ernest Hemingway My Fascinating Journey into the World of ARCHITECTURE1O1 Part I FROM NOTHINGNESS TO PLACE Sonia Roychowdhury www.instagram.com/sonianrc ABADIR Academy Thanks to: Stefano Mirti, Annie-Sophie Gauvin, Petronela Nita Lola, Design1o1 & Architecture1o1 community

Architecture1o1 the booklet

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It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters, in the end. -Ernest Hemingway

My Fascinating Journey into the World of



Sonia Roychowdhurywww.instagram.com/sonianrc

ABADIR AcademyThanks to:

Stefano Mirti, Annie-Sophie Gauvin, Petronela NitaLola, Design1o1 & Architecture1o1 community

PART IWhat I’ve Learned……

Week 1

#EducateYoureye Learned to stare, pry, listen eavesdrop……Taking Pictures






”When I paint it is music to me…….without any sound …”Painting creates music in your mind….and brings rhythm to your brushstrokes….

Week 2It was fun Learning to sketch Upside down,negative spaces, by memory, blindfolded, by feeling

Using different applications





The mind is everything.What you think you become (Buddha)

Week3Learning to make collages ……. this was a new activity for me and had lots of fun using picollage


“ You’ve got to jump off cliffs and build your wings on the way down.” ( Ray Bradbury)

These are collages of the way I am, The way I feel and myself In the place I am at




“ The true delight is in the finding out rather than in the knowing”. ( Issac Asimov)

Week 4I never knew that the Weather could be observed in so many ways……. Looking at the sky using Kaleidoscope, Rendering the Sun, Moon,Rain & a time lapse of the clouds …..





Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. (Buddha)

Lapseit link: http://instagram.com/p/y89LWIKCzE/

Week 5Shaping Diagrams helped me to map my mind and try to understand the chaos in it…..


“Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer.” William S. Burroughs

…..This led to understand the balance between my mind, body and place




“In order to change the world, you have to get your head together first.” Jimi Hendrix

Part 2What I’ve learnt from others…..

Some of the images I liked



A digital collage representing the place I am at ....surrounded by nature, my paintings and spirituality,they make my space into my place. #WhatMakesTheDesert


“ What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well”

(Antoine de St-Exupery’s Little Prince)

MY PLACEThis week I learned to see my place from different views- as a line,, Geometrical shapes, an island, Sea and finally between

the starsWeek 6(Drawing Maps)



“A dot is a line that went for a walk.” (Paul Klee)

Everything starts with a DOT

MY PLACEThis image signifies the place where I live

The red heart signifies my home where my heart is. The symbols in blue are zodiac symbols of my family and friends( living in other buildings within the complex of 8 buildings)and me.
